#(I mean technically not yet but y'all get my point)
maya-tl · 3 months
Hm?... maybe something about Medic trying to find the right time to propose to Spy but ended finding Spy was also planning the perfect proposal moment. Cuz that might be a good fanfic?
(sorry to bother you, it's also my first time to ask someone with sheer confidence— )
They had talked of marriage before.
They had talked, oh yes, but they had been new and fragile then, a bloom waiting for either the right rains to make it blossom or the right drought to make it wither. The topic of marriage had been a simple conversation starter, something to keep them awake through the night when sleep didn’t matter.
Medic had been married before. An arranged thing, something his parents had agreed to in his stead—she had been too tame, too traditional for him, and he too wild, too sharp, too different, too much for her. It had been a bitter and miserable affair, a laughable attempt at normalcy, and in the end the only thing they had ever agreed on was that they weren’t for each other.
Spy’s story was a different one. He had loved her, certainly—the proof was right in front of their eyes, loud and brash with a side of Bostonian fire—but they had never been in love, and she had never asked him for more than he could give despite everything it would have meant for her.
“I would’ve stayed,” Spy had told him in the quiet of the night, looking more vulnerable than Medic had ever seen him, “I would’ve given it all up and settled, spent all my remaining days in that house with her if she only said the word. I would’ve been comfortable.”
Medic had simply turned to face him and whispered, “But would you have been happy?”
Spy had fallen silent. Looking at his tortured profile in the moonlight slipping through the window, Medic knew it was as close to a confession as he would ever get. They hadn’t spoken about marriage since, even as the months turned into years and they learned everything there was to know about each other, even after they swore their teammates to secrecy and stopped hiding themselves behind closed doors and false pretences.
Medic had looked at him one New Year’s celebration, just as the clock hit midnight and their team erupted into cheers in the background, had watched Pyro’s fireworks dance off his eyes and highlight the curve of his soft smile and decided that he was the one. He was his only choice, his forever after, his today and all of his tomorrows.
The engagement ring came a month and a half later—he’d had it custom-made, of course, and spent a fortune on the design and a little under a fortune on the jeweller’s silence. Spy had told him once that he wasn’t too fond of golden accessories and found that silver tones better complimented his complexion, and so Medic had kept that in mind and gone in the opposite direction of tradition. He’d chosen a split-band, beautifully carved platinum ring inlaid with white moissante and topped with a one-of-a-kind, trillion-cut blue diamond.
When he first held it up to the light it shone like a rainbow in the water, so brilliant it left him blinking spots from his vision. It was perfect. He set it within a thin, royal blue velvet ring box, also custom-made so he could easily conceal it, and then went about trying to do the actual proposal.
Trying being the key word. He didn’t debate much over the words he would say—a simple ‘marry me’ would be more than enough for Spy, who would appreciate the gesture far more than the words themselves—or even the place—ideally somewhere private enough that they were unlikely to be interrupted. No, that was all fine. It wasn’t even that he was nervous.
It was the timing.
He couldn’t do it on the battlefield. The tides of a battle could turn at any moment and there were too many things to focus on, such as crushing the enemy and not dying. Medic himself had to keep an eye on all his teammates and Spy had to keep an eye on all their assailants, and even if they somehow got a moment to themselves in the middle of the carnage the atmosphere simply wasn’t right.
He couldn’t do it during dinner. Besides not being private in the slightest, the team ate all of their meals together and one of them was bound to do something inappropriate the moment Medic pulled out the ring box and ruin the whole thing. Spy would immediately catch on if he made a big deal out of them dining alone too, so that option went out the window early on.
He couldn’t do it in public, much as he’d like to treat Spy to a fancy meal at a fine restaurant and a walk in the park at sunset. The world, sadly, just wasn’t ready for that.
He couldn’t do it in the bedroom. No one would interrupt them, sure, and it was as intimate as it got, but Medic was more than familiar with Spy’s complicated history of setting apart the pleasures of the body from the feelings of the heart. They’d gone down that road before, and the last thing Medic wanted to do was to blur that line again now.
The time of day mattered too. Medic didn’t want to do it in plain daylight or in the middle of the night, even if proposing under the stars was tempting. Spy struggled with insomnia, and preferred sunsets over sunrises besides, so an early morning proposal didn’t feel quite right.
It was maddening.
It also didn’t help that their schedules had begun to conflict lately. Medic knew the reason for his own odd behaviour, late nights spent agonising over the right moment disguised as research projects, and had initially assumed that Spy was going through one of his distance phases. Medic tended to be very hands-on in every aspect of his life, and while Spy welcomed and often even encouraged that, he’d made it very clear that sometimes he simply needed his space. So Medic hadn’t questioned it much, willing to wait it out for a few days—it gave him more time to think and plan.
By the time a week had rolled by, he began to suspect that something else was up. Spy wasn’t exactly avoiding him, they spent roughly the same amount of time together, but there were—quirks in his behaviour that hadn’t been there previously. Medic, who was well-versed in his moods, picked up on them easily, but it was significantly more difficult for him to figure out Spy’s train of thought than it was for Spy to figure out his, no matter how close they were. Only one of them had been trained in espionage all their life.
When he returned to his room from another late afternoon spent in the lab—actually researching this time, more to take his mind off things than to achieve any scientific breakthrough—and found Spy’s suit jacket folded over the desk chair, but no actual sign of Spy, he decided that he’d waited long enough. If the right moment never came, so be it. Neither of them were getting any younger, despite his best efforts and the effects of the respawn system.
He took off his gloves and his coat and hung them in their proper place in the closet, stuffed the ring box in the folds of the front pocket of his pants and set off. It was almost dinnertime and it was Engineer’s turn to cook, so most of his teammates would be swarming the kitchen, which gave him the opportunity to search the base at his leisure.
Spy wasn’t in his own bedroom or his smoking room, or in the firing range, and Medic knew he wouldn’t be hanging around in the living room when he could be fashionably late to dinner. That left only one place that Medic knew he frequented.
The sky was alive with the colours of sunset, soft pinks and warm oranges and fiery reds. A light breeze was cruising over the desert, making the few scattered trees growing near their base shiver and the tumbleweeds dance on the nearest horizon, and the tors and mesas burned like a mirage under the light of the lowering sun.
Spy was leaning against the railing of the balcony, his back turned to the door, and he didn’t acknowledge Medic beyond the miniscule tensing and then relaxing of his shoulders. His tie was loose and the top button of his undershirt undone, which Medic found out when he snaked his arms around his waist and leaned down to press his mouth to his skin.
“Something on your mind, mein schatz?” he murmured, and Spy hummed. He turned his head, allowing them to touch foreheads.
“Many things, lately,” Spy said, too casual to be genuine, “Have you had any success?”
“With your experiments,” Spy said, and Medic caught a knowing glint in his half-lidded eyes, “The reason you have been spending most nights in the laboratory, non?”
Medic huffed out a laugh. His heart felt full. “No,” he said, unable to stop himself from smiling, “Not quite.”
Pop, came a noise, and Spy looked down. Medic held up the box to the light, and the platinum ring glimmered giddily under the rays of sunset, casting shimmering reflections over its soft velvet cushion. The blue diamond shone like a miniature star set into the band—the same colour as Spy’s eyes.
Spy’s head snapped back up, and there was shock there as he searched Medic’s expression for any trace of deceit. Medic knew he wouldn’t find any even if he tried to make it up, as he sometimes did in his more paranoid moments—and indeed Spy seemed to realise this was not some overly complicated prank, because a sheen came over his eyes, and he seemed torn on whether to cry or laugh.
Medic gave his waist a reassuring squeeze. “Marry me,” he said, two words that for them meant a thousand things.
Spy choked out a little laugh and then shook his head as if in disbelief, and for a split moment Medic thought—
But then it was his turn to look on in shock as Spy reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box, revealing an exquisite rose gold ring set with swirling gemstones of a dark and rich red sitting prettily on a white silk cushion.
“There was a manufacturing issue, so it only arrived last week,” Spy said, voice choked up with emotion. Medic thought of how tired and stressed Spy had looked up until the previous week. “I was debating on a time and place, but I—I didn’t think—”
Medic surged forward and pulled him into a deep kiss, and their respective boxes dug into their ribcages as their bodies met in the middle.
“Hey guys, Engie says—what the fuck—”
They broke apart with a gasp, and Scout yelped as Spy shoved him back into the hallway and slammed the door in his face with enough force to make the building shudder. “I’m being proposed to!” he yelled indignantly, and Medic felt his cheeks begin to hurt from all the smiling he was doing.
Spy swivelled back around, ring box still in his hand, and pulled Medic in by the collar of his shirt. “Ask me again,” he whispered against his lips. Medic could do nothing but laugh, and he kissed him one more time just to feel him smile.
“Marry me,” he said.
“Yes,” came the answer, and the sky bled colour behind them as the sun sunk beneath the line of the horizon, signalling the end of today and the dawn of another, brighter tomorrow.
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sysig · 2 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix (blood warning)
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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wifeyoozi · 11 days
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mingyu & wonwoo : Still stuffed, one shot, double kill
w.c : 3.1 k ┊ synopsis : boyfriends mingyu and wonwoo give their bestfriend more than you could have bargained for, but you are not complaining┊ content warning : smut , best friends to lovers sorta, bisexual threesome (m/m/f) , oral sex (f + m rec) , edging , hard dom (top) wonu + sub (bottom) gyu + sub reader , slight size kink , (idrk what its called but ig sandwich sex?) , anal (m rec) a/n : note that depiction of mingyu and wonwoo as bisexual is just for the entertainment of this fic and I do not intend to impose any sexuality on them irl. also I was absolutely wasted drunk when I wrote this so I don't even know just nasty threesome.
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it was just another video game night with wonwoo and mingyu. it was at your house, like always, because you had a gaming system installed in your bedroom instead of the living room unlike wonwoo and mingyu's shared apartment. and all three of you agreed that the bed was more comfortable to spread out and sit on while gaming.
you yelped from the right side of the bed, having won yet another round (well, technically you came second, but at least you won against mingyu). the screen in front showed the game over slide once again. you sighed and got of the bed to stretch your libs a little.
"i'm getting more beer," you announced seeing all three of your cans empty already, "y'all need anything else?"
"some snacks would be great!" mingyu called out. you took the empty cans to dispose off and left the bedroom.
you, mingyu and wonwoo have been best friends forever. you and mingyu had been childhood friends since you were neighbours. you met wonwoo in highschool and decided immediately to make him part of your little gang. the friendship remained as solid as it could throughout school and college.
wonwoo and mingyu had started dating around last year after pinning over each other for almost 2 years until mingyu asked wonwoo out for a date finally and wonwoo agreed shyly. you knew both boys were in some part of the bisexual spectrum and them dating didn't change a thing in your friendship. you were happy for them and rooted for them all the time, but you'd lie if you were to say you weren't a little jealous. you just wished you had someone to take care of you the way they did of each other. of course, they took care of you almost as well as a boyfriend would, but its been so long since your last relationship that you need more than just care.
meanwhile, mingyu and wonwoo had started making out on your bed in your absence, kissing nastily with wet noises enveloping the room. "mingyu, stop, y/n is gonna come soon," wonwoo whisper yells when he felt mingyu's hand get frisky over his sweatpants.
"i can't help it baby. you're so hot, winning every round like that. you deserve some reward," mingyu argues and wonwoo can't the sound that escapes his throat when mingyu latches his mouth on his neck, "besides, its been so long, i can barely keep away from you."
wonwoo chuckle, "we fucked last night."
"my point, its so long already," mingyu said sucking a hickey on wonwoo's neck. they were too lost in their own world to notice the door opening.
"uhm, guys?" you didn't mean to interrupt them, but you were also not exactly sure what you were supposed to do seeing them make out like animals in heat on your bed. it was hot to see them frisky like that, you had never before seen them get like this, but you had to remind yourself that it was not appropriate to think of your two best friends like that.
"o-oh! y/n! we're so sorry-" wonwoo stumbled to say, pulling away from mingyu and adjusting his glasses back up.
you didn't exactly know how to react. for one, it was difficult to unsee the growing bulges in both boys' pants. it wont be very easy to continue the game again after having that image in your mind. the beer you have had has made you a little horny - its an effect alcohol seems to have on you always - and your hot gay bestfriends weren't making it easier for you.
"whatchu thinking 'bout?" mingyu asks in a more teasing tone, seeing you malfunctioning and just standing in your place like a broken machine, "thinking 'bout joining us?"
mingyu was smacked on his arm by his boyfriend, "gyu! be nicer!"
"what? its not the worst idea," mingyu says, rubbing the spot he'd been hit on, "i remember her mentioning her interest in threesomes last time we got drunk at joey's. besides, i know you find her really hot, you'd love it too, right? i see this as a win-win!"
"i-i never said that!"
"oh but your eyes say it all, baby. i've seen how you check out her ass all the time. i am not complaining, don't worry, i do find her really hot too." mingyu was smacked again.
"boys, boys! what are y'all talking about?" you were dumbfounded. wonwoo checks out your ass!? mingyu finds you hot!? that's some great information to digest. wonwoo and mingyu share glances, as if speaking more than that you can hear with their eyes alone
"say, y/n, i'm horny, nonu is horny, and you could join us if you like, no pressure, but we'd really make it worth your time," mingyu says, looking back at you.
"you don't have to if you don't want to. you could say no and we'd never speak of it again," wonwoo adds.
you think about it seriously. on one hand you were really arounsed and your bestfriends' bulging sizes against their respective pants were sending blood to your crotch and they just offered you for a threesome. then on the other hand, your conscience said it was morally wrong to do this.
fortunately for you and your throbbing pussy, you had just the right amount of alcohol in your system to put your morals aside.
"okay, what the hell," you mumble and jump on the bed between the two, pulling them both by the collar. mingyu giggles as he pins you down and connects his lips to yours instantly. you feel two pairs of hands exploring your body, feeling you up and messing with your clothes. mingyu ravishes your mouth with his tongue, kissing you wet and dirty.
you are surprised when wonwoo pushes aside mingyu's head to take his turn to kiss you. you whine into his mouth, feeling the sudden change. wonwoo can taste mingyu in your mouth still, and the mixed flavours with the taste of your mouth turn him on incredibly. if you thought mingyu was a dirty kisser, wonwoo was worse. his spit was all over the places as he kissed you hungrily and open-mouthedly, and you absolutely loved it.
it must be visible on your face because mingyu chuckled at you, already taking off his clothes, "i should warn you, y/n, wonwoo may look shy and innocent with his nerdy glasses, but he is a complete freak in bed. he is a literal sex monster."
you gasped at mingyu's words. wonwoo took the opportunity to stick his tongue deep down your throat, making you almost choke. then suddenly, it was gone. wonwoo pulled back from you, making you chase his lips, but he pushed you down. he sat up on the bed, taking off his t-shirt, making you whine as he did it all so slowly.
"mingyu, take off her clothes."
mingyu obeyed so. your shirt was pulled off you, your bra taken off at a speed that your think the clasps must've broken, and your shorts yanked off. you felt cold and exposed out in the air, so you tried to approach mingyu to kiss you again, heat your body with his again. but your hair was pulled, making you fall back on the bed with a gasp.
"did i say you could kiss him already?" wonwoo's eyes were dark, and you were scared of him in a hot way which made you want to obey everything he says like a little obedient slut. you were leaking so bad from his strong demeanor, you were sure they both could see the huge dark spot on your panties.
wonwoo leaned by your ears, and whispered softly, "if i make you uncomfortable with my words or action, you can tell me to stop, yeah?"
you nodded, but you didn't plan to. if anything, you wanted him to keep acting meaner to you. you didn't know you would be into being dominated like this until now.
wonwoo snaps at mingyu after that, "open her legs up, kiss her thighs." mingyu does just that, slowly spreading you knees apart and placing buttery wet kisses long your thighs, nearing to your core. you cannot make out if the sound he makes is a laugh or a moan against your soft thighs when he sees how wet you are.
wonwoo snakes his hand down to your breasts, grabbing one in each hand and slowly kneading the flesh. "take her panties off," wonwoo commands mingyu and he does so. "lick her up. she's making a mess, lick all her juices up."
mingyu licks a flat strip along your pussy, his tongue dipping into your folds. wonwoo helps him, reaches a hand to open your outer labia with two fingers, and properly gives mingyu access. mingyu licks a long strip from your slit to your clit and you let out loud whorish moans to let it be known how much you love this.
"squeeze his head with your thighs, he likes that," wonwoo tells you and you comply with him without even thinking. you press your thighs to mingyu's ears, enough to for him to feel the pressure but not so much you'd hurt him. but that's not what wonwoo wants. "more," he he tells you, and you squeeze your thighs tighter around his head until, --
oh. mingyu moaned over your cunt, and you felt the vibrations. wonwoo smirked when he heard it too. he grabbed a hold of mingyu's short hair tightly and pushed his head deeper into your cunt. you understand now. mingyu likes being hurt like this. he likes being controlled by wonwoo. you couldn't hear what wonwoo said next, lost in the thoughts when you suddenly felt a tongue dart into your cunt, earning a choked moan from your lips.
wonwoo leaned down to kiss your nipples, sucking on them and licking them up like a hungry cat. your hands reached over his head, lacing your fingers through his soft hair. you were close already and both the boys could sense it from the way your moans got more erratic and your thighs trembled.
you were just about to reach your high when wonwoo grabbed mingyu's head and pushed him away from your cunt. a cry left your lips, your cunt spasming and clenching around nothing with all sensations gone. you felt tears filling up your eyes as wonwoo leaned down and kissed your lips.
"there, there. it wasn't that bad now, was it? i know a pretty girl like you can take better," wonwoo's words were comforting, as his hands rubbed circles on the side of your hips, but his tone was awfully teasing and it just made you want to cry harder.
wonwoo instructed mingyu to sit up on the bed against the headboard and got you on all fours in front of him so your face was to mingyu and ass to wonwoo who was preparing his dick behind you. mingyu's dick was red and hard against his belly, but he wouldn't dare touch it without wonwoo's instructions. mingyu and wonwoo were a little similar in sizes, you noticed (and it made your mouth salivate), except mingyu was thicker than wonwoo and the latter was longer.
it was more so of a punishment for you too, to just watch his painfully erect dick and not put it in your mouth. hell, you couldn't even kiss his pretty pink pouty lips until wonwoo said you could. you had only spent twenty minutes with wonwoo and mingyu in bed, but you already knew the rules of this game. you knew wonwoo was in charge of everything and you should obey everything he says, otherwise the consequences could be harsh. and that turned you on incredibly.
wonwoo played with his dick, sliding along the length of your slit, teasing you. "wonu, please," you whimpered needily.
"hm? did you say something?" wonwoo said in a fake tone, landing a smack on your ass, only to rub the spot soothingly soon after, "its difficult to hear with this beautiful pussy in front of my eyes."
you whined again, tears falling down your cheeks. mingyu was smirking at you, as if he was in any better position than you with his throbing untouched dick.
"daddy, please, fuck me," you whimpered at wonwoo.
the latter chuckled, slowly pushing his head into your cunt, already prepped and stretched by mingyu's tongue before. "shit, you're so fucking needy. just a needy little slut, arent you? don't worry, i'll fill your pussy up."
he set a high speed for you. you gasp and almost fall face-flat on the bed, only to be held up by mingyu. mingyu's other hand clutched the sheets, trying his best not to lose control. he liked being a good boy for wonwoo. the rough punishment-fuck was good, yes, but he loved the way wonwoo praised him and rewarded him better. besides, he had to be a good role model for you.
wonwoo could see the desperation on his boyfriend's face, and chuckled, deciding he deserved a treat. "mingyu has been a really good boy, don't you think, y/n? why don't you blow his dick, hm?"
wonwoo pushed your head down till your mouth was on mingyu's dick. you licked a long strip lengthwise on his erection, testing and teasing. mingyu let out a guttarial moan and you took his dick inside your mouth as far as it could go. wonwoo wasn't satisfied with your mediocre efforts, and pushed your head till you swallowed all of mingyu.
you forced your gag reflexes to relax as mingyu's head hit the back of your throat. with wonwoo's relentless speed, your head bobbed over mingyu's dick from inertia alone, not having to do a lot of work. mingyu's thighs started convulsing soon and both of you were near to your edge already. you thought if you don't let it show you were close, wonwoo wouldn't notice until you're actually cumming and he wouldn't be able to edge you a second time.
it was risky, but you really wanted to cum already.
unfortunately for you, mingyu was too obedient to his boyfriend to cum down your throat without asking first.
"wonu, i'm close," he whined, making wonwoo pull your head off mingyu by your hair, making you whine loudly. you whined even louder when wonwoo exited you without giving you the release you needed.
"you are really noisy, y'know that?" wonwoo tells you teasingly. "good for you, i love hearing your sweet voice. stay in your position. mingyu come back here."
mingyu stands up on weak legs and kneels on the edge of the bed in front of your ass, his dick the perfect height to your entrance. wonwoo took a hold of his lover's dick and slowly pushed it in you again. you gasped at the unexpected intrusion. "hold her hips, baby, or she'll fall. she's so weak, you gotta help her. now, don't move yet, be patient."
mingyu stays still, painfully deep inside you. you loved the stretch from his dick. you could almost feel his tip brush against your sweet spot - if only he'd move a little and hit it with force.
you heard a whimper from mingyu, making you look back over your shoulder. your eyes widened, seeing wonwoo fingering mingyu from the back, two fingers deep already, preparing him. you realised what was about to come instantly. you turned your back and waited in anticipation, knowing that the best blow will come with the surprise of it.
you couldn't be more right because as soon as wonwoo's hips snapped against mingyu's, mingyu's snapped against yours, going balls deep. the feeling was extreme, one of a kind, and thrilly. mingyu's dick hit every right spot at every hit, making you reach cloud nine with the feeling. if not for mingyu's hands supporting your hips, you would have fallen down already with how weak your limbs felt.
the room sounded really filthy with the rhythmic double slapping of skins mixed with your moans, mingyu's whimpers and wonwoo's groans. but certainly mingyu was having the best time among you three, with his prostrate being abused by his boyfriend's dick on one end and having his dick swallowed by his best friend's pussy on the other. his eyes were rolling back and his throat ached with the loud noises it created. he was close a second time and he let his boyfriend know of it.
"cum on her pretty ass," wonwoo said, marking his sentence with a loud smack of his hand on mingyu's ass, making the latter cry. just as instructed, mingyu exited you before cumming ropes of white semen in your ass. "such a good puppy. now help her cum too. use your fingers on her clit."
mingyu's fingers found their way to your sensitive clit, rubbing in circular motions. you barely took any time before you were squirting, wetting the bed under you with a cry. you let your body fall on the bed and turn on your back so you could embrace mingyu, who fell right on top of you. wonwoo had slowed his speed a little to let his lover come down from his high at a relaxed pace without overstimulating him.
you kissed mingyu and mingyu kissed you, both finding comfort in the wet warmth of the other's mouth. the sight was oddly a turn-on for wonwoo, who soon came deep inside mingyu's ass, giving him a creampie as he exited. mingyu rolled over on the bed beside you, eyes closed shut from the tiredness.
you vaguely saw wonwoo get up and leave to the bathroom before your own eyes fell shut. you were sleepy already, it's probably past your usual bedtime. you barely registered being wiped clean with a warm and wet towel before being dressed in your pajama shorts and a loose tshirt. when your eyes opened wonwoo was doing the same to mingyu, kissing him on the top of his head after.
mingyu rolled to his side and snuggled against you sleepily, making you giggle softly while wonwoo got himself a pair of grey shorts to put on. wonwoo pouted and mumbled something under his breath before he snuggled on your other side. both the boys practically sandwiched you, with your back to wonwoo and front to mingyu.
you saw as the boyfriends shared a goodnight kiss, the sweetness dripping, making you smile for them. then mingyu looked at you with pouted lips, and you muttered a me too? before he pressed a kiss to your lips. you giggled as wonwoo picked your cheek as goodnight too.
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"so, uhm, is this a thing now? we ... three?"
"it could be, if you like."
"i think i'd like it, it be great."
"this is so perfect, my cute little boyfriend and my cute little girlfriend." mingyu chuckled.
"i'm not little!" you and wonwoo whined simultaneously.
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sunnys-out · 7 months
My Little Darling | Alessia Russo
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A/N: Hey y'all sorry this took a while but work got busy and didn't get a chance to work on anything. My French is rusty so please be kind.
I still remember how you told me how you would always be there for me
Warnings: language, injury
Word count: 2298
Alessia and I had met at our first team meeting at UNC and it seemed that all the international students just gravitated together. The other girls got a kick out of the French accent that came out when I introduced myself in English to the rest of the team.
I was desperate for friends, as were the other international girls, so I found myself getting close with the English players, Lotte Wubben-Moy and Alessia Russo, who was half Italian too as I came to find out. I loved them even though they did poke fun at the fact that France didn’t make it to the U-17 World Cup…joked that we would’ve met sooner. 
It was nice experiencing America with them and I found myself enjoying the little moments with the both of them, especially Alessia. I wouldn’t dare ruin a friendship that early, I mean why would she even be attracted to me…we had just met a month ago at that point in time.
A little quirk of mine is that I gave people nicknames, usually some animal but in French that reminded me of my teammates. Lotte, I fondly called, hibou or owl. You got to admit it when she is all focused and everything when she is at the defensive line her eyes narrow like a little owl. 
I hadn’t given one to Alessia only calling her Less, Lessie, Ali, or just simply Russo. She noticed, of course, pushing when the three of us were having a movie night at my dorm room.
“Why don’t I have a nickname?” Alessia poked my shoulder as we had just put on a random comedy on Netflix to watch. We were procrastinating on essays we had to all write for the same class but hey it was due in a week so we had time.
I furrow my eyebrows with confusion, “What? You have a nickname, I call you Less, Lessie, sometimes Ali…”  I poke her back “Soooo, technically you have more than one”
Alessia let out a huff as she got comfortable and laid her head on my shoulder as Lotte also got comfortable on the other side of me.
“No, I meant a french nickname, like Lotte has one…do you not like me?” Alessia pouted as she looked up to me feigning sadness.
I roll my eyes and look at Lotte on the other side of me, “Ma petite hibou, can you believe her? She thinks I don’t like her…as if we are not watching a movie in my dormitory”. This earned a laugh from the other English girl. 
Alessia lifted her head and pushed my shoulder, “See, you call her “Your little owl”, when can I get a cute nickname like that?”
Lotte raised her head, “wait, is that what that means? You calling me an owl?” I completely ignored her.
“Less, it just hasn’t come to me yet…but you keep yapping about it…I’ll call you canard, which is duck by the way”. A laugh escaped me before I finished the sentence as Alessia gave up and leaned her head back on my shoulder as we continued to watch the movie.
Love is weird…yeah, I would say so. When I was Alessia there was a calmness that I couldn’t compare with Lotte. Don’t get me wrong I love ma petit hibou, but Alessia was different.
She’s driven and she always had this look in her eyes that only held a certain softness when she was looking at me.
She was there for me when I got my call-up for the French U-20 team just how our coaches had predicted.
Lotte couldn’t make it to our regular weekly movie night in my dorm but encouraged Alessia and I to “not do it because of her”.
We had finished the movie an hour ago and now were on some random episode of Stranger things. Alessia had migrated from leaning her head on my shoulder, as she always did, to laying her head on my lap, my finger gently combing her hair without a care in the world.
It was soothing and then my phone began vibrating in my pocket.
“Allo?, oui c’est elle. Oui…ah Merci, oui merci pour l'opportunité, c’est un honneur pour moi! Oui merci, …alors…. quoi…quoi, merci…au revoir”  (hello?, yes this is she, yes...ah thank you, yes thank you for the opportunity, it's an honor for me. Yes thank you...so...yes..yes...thank you.. goodbye)
Alessia had rolled over to look up at me and giggled, “so I only got ‘thank you’ from all that…who was that?”
I couldn’t stop smiling, “I got called up for the French U-20 team! Can you believe that?”
Alessia immediately got up and with a smile grabbed both sides of my face, “That’s amazing and of course I fucking believe that!”
All thoughts I had in that moment disappeared, I mean how could I even think when my whole world was in front of me. Alessia’s laugh broke me from my trance.
“Well, now I got to get called up for England, then we’ll be rivals..isn’t that absolutely wild” one of her thumbs now gently caressing my cheek.
I lean into her caress, “Alessia, what are you thinking about?” 
She tilts her head, as if she was observing my face to see how I will react.
“I’m thinking of how proud I am of you, really I am…and um..of…how much I want to kiss you right now”.
Alessia laughs as she feels my cheeks heat up in hands and my eyes widen.
“Well can I?” She asks as she pulls me closer.
With only a nod from me, Alessia brings her soft lips to mine. I had dreamed of doing that for so long that again my mind was empty yet filled with everything.
As she pulled back, her forehead resting against mine she whispered,
“No matter what happens…whatever this becomes, I’ll always be there for you” her fingers threading my hair as she continued to look at me.
“Ma petit chou, that’s your nickname…my little darling…no matter what happens you will always be that” I said quietly as I brought her in for another kiss.
24 August 2018
With another thud to the ground and frustrated groan, I swatted away any hands that attempted to assist me as I got up for probably the fourth time that game, not getting any cards given to the players knocking me down including once from Alessia. She gave me a gentle sorry as she helped me up even though I turned her down initially. I wanted to play against England in the final but it seems we both found ourselves fighting for 3rd place. Alessia and I hadn’t texted since the competition started and maybe only had a phone call here and there. The only time I saw her in person was right there in the tunnel before the start of the game. 
We were losing 1-0 and we were desperately trying to equalize, which meant I was pushing more up the field than usual. 
I was frustrated…justifiably…so I pushed even harder. I just did not expect to be taken down in the box. I lay face down gasping for any sort of air to return to me after the impact. Groaning also at the sting and sharp soreness near my right knee. The whistle from the referee signaling a penalty for my fall returned me to reality.
“Hey, you alright?” I heard muffled and a gentle touch to my face that I immediately recognized as Alessia. Her tone worried as she grabbed my hand. 
“Hey, hey, baby…I’m here ok? I’m here” I felt her hand gently holding mine as I finally was able to breathe slowly.
“Merde, elle saigne, médecin! (Shit, she’s bleeding, medic!)” I heard one of my teammates yell.
As the medics approached to wrap up my knee from the scrape, I felt Alessia’s hand leave mine. 
The penalty went in and we equalized. The energy was back but it didn’t end the way we wanted. Penalty shoot outs were never my favorite. Mine went in and Alessia’s didn’t but it didn’t matter what I did because we lost in the end.
I remained sitting on the field feeling disappointed that I couldn’t have done more to at least get 3rd place.
I felt a familiar weight on my shoulder and a gentle hand grab mine.
“Hey..” Alessia said quietly as she heard the sniffle come from me.
“Hey…ma petit chou” I look at her with a sad smile, tears threatening to fall as I leaned my head on hers.
“I’m so proud of you, you know?” she said interlacing her fingers with mine.
I only nod as the tears fall, “go celebrate, I’ll be ok” 
Alessia laughed a little as she shook her head, “no, I told you, I’d be there for you…even now…they can celebrate without me”. 
Media reported the pictures of Alessia and I on the field as a showing of support between two UNC teammates…Lotte would tease us upon our return and would yell “what a lovely showing between teammates” whenever Alessia and I would hold hands. 
I was called up to the senior French team in 2019 and was able to play in my first World Cup. Alessia and Lotte watched from afar still participating in our university team while I was away. 
After the loss against the US eliminating us from the World Cup, I returned to ma petit chou who was waiting in my apartment with a cozy blanket and warm chocolate chip cookies from McDonald’s all set up for me. I wasn’t one to immediately tear up at a sight but the moment I entered the dimly lit apartment I couldn’t hold back.
Alessia loves deeply is what I came to discover and being close to the person she loved was important to her. It was important for me too. We both agreed that we wanted to keep our relationship to ourselves and not really post about it. We played together and lost together. I was there for her injury and she was there for mine. Which is why is was so hard to leave her.
2020 was filled with uncertainty especially because of COVID. Alessia and I were planning on leaving UNC along with Lotte to pursue a career back in Europe. Alessia went to Man United and Lotte went to Aresenal leaving me to go to Lyon. 
I won’t say that we didn’t try the distance but it became too much for us especially with our budding careers in our respecting countries. We stopped the relationship with a promise of keeping in touch whenever we could…we didn’t. 
A secret relationship remained a secret to the fans and the general public. We were former university teammates just liking each other's posts and commenting a blue heart every so often. It never went past that. The 2022 Euros came and went…an awkward “congratulations on the Euro win” was sent, read and not replied to. I mean I wouldn’t have… so I don’t blame her since the last message between us was from 2020. 
I never handled injuries well…I isolated myself and Alessia was always there to accompany me. Since we separated, I hadn’t had a serious injury until 2023.
I knew I should’ve rested during after starting in every game in the group stages…I should’ve listened to my teammates but I didn’t want a repeat of 2019 with Australia. 
Sometimes you just know…as soon as I hit the ground in the latter part of the second half…I knew it was THAT tear. I laid there as the tears fell as the pain set in, desperately trying to find a hand to hold but only finding grass…
I don’t remember being put on the stretcher or anything that was said to me…nothing was familiar to me. They confirmed that it was a tear and I would be heading out back to Lyon to get the surgery and recover there. It didn’t matter really, we ended up losing in penalties…funny how history repeats itself…only difference was Alessia wasn’t there. 
I remained in my hotel room, turning away any of my teammates who tried to stay with me…I just wanted to be alone…
I saw the result of the England/Colombia game and went through my phone until I found her number. It went straight to voicemail…
“Hey ma petit chou, congratulations on the win and getting a goal…I-uh…miss you a lot especially now. I don’t know if you saw but its an ACL tear and I’m cooped up in my hotel room…I still remember how you told me how you would always be there for me and-”
I choke back the tears threatening to fall but the pause was telling enough. “I just really need to hear you right now, so give me a call back because I do miss you and I can’t do this without you.” 
I end the call, immediately regretting my decision. I close my eyes hoping that the pain medication would kick in and I dont know how long I was out before I heard someone enter my hotel room.
I groan at the source of the noise
 “Go away” I wave my hand to whomever entered.
I stop immediately once I hear her small laugh.
“Well, I can’t possibly eat these cookies all on my own now can I?” I open my eyes and see Alessia with a small box of cookies. My face softened and my arms beckoned her to come to me. 
She gently held me like she always had and caressed my cheek wiping away the tears that had begun to fall
 “Hey…I’m here now” is all she whispered…oh how I missed my little darling. 
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archonsabyss · 11 months
╰─..✶. [ Dad or Daddy? ]
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❒ pairing: husband!kuroo x fem!reader
❒ genre: fluff! nsfw/suggestive [mdni]! insinuated smut + smut build-up no actual smut yet!
❒ warnings: established relationship! slightly clingy & horny kuroo! talk of wanting to start a family! few swears thrown here & there! Talk of pregnancy & breastfeeding! playful teasing & dirty talk! think Kuroo has a daddy kink in here?
❒ wc: 2.08k
𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 (pt 2) | 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗞𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀 (pt 3) | 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗔𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 (pt 4)
─❒ authors note: honestly idk wher to start but hi.. I'm Raie and I suck at writing but I write anyways. I look forward to sharing my lustful fantasies with y'all
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He'd been pestering you for the past three weeks. Lurking around every corner, eyeing you from every angle, and carefully watching even the smallest of twitches in your expression.
Kuroo was hovering.
No doubt about it, something was up and if anything by the small hints he'd been dropping you knew exactly what.
"Love?" You sighed heavily for the umpteenth time today as you returned the clothing item to its line. You looked over your shoulder at your husband whose eyes have been glaring attentively at your head─ not so inconspicuously drifting to your stomach when he knows yours looking─ ever since you've entered the mall.
Kuroo doesn't say anything as he stands behind you with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He simply shrugs with a pursed smile as you raise your brow at him.
He doesn't want to outrightly say it which is why he's been quietly hinting at his now-growing desire to build his family. He knows you know what he wants but to your amusement, you've ended up teasing him longer than he had the patience to deal with.
You want him to verbally bring the topic up whereas he wants you to read his mind and do it first. And so far, he'd been keeping a good pace of competing with you. But he was slowly slipping when he caught you looking in the direction of the kid's clothing only to turn on your feet and walk in the opposite direction leaving him to pout and trail behind you.
"Are you hungry?" You asked and he shook his head, shoulders perching before dropping.
"Are you tired?"
"Are you... horny?"
"Why must you put it like that" He cracked, an excessively dramatic pout forming on his lips as he huffs under his breath and stepped closer to you. "But now that you mention it, kinda"
You chuckle lightly, looping one arm around his waist and giving it a slight squeeze before planting a kiss on his cheek and the corner of his lips, finally relenting to the suffering you've caused him with your feigned obliviousness.
Despite the circumstances, Kuroo's mind drifts away for a moment when he sees you smiling at him. He melts and admires the gentle tugging of your lips and the way your eyes waver between understanding and as always complete adoration whenever you look at him.
He's so enamoured with the way your gaze is filled with love that he's taken by surprise when you lean into him and whisper a few words seemingly nothing to anyone but everything to him.
He blinks and you don't let go of his hand or the arm you're clinging onto.
Kuroo looks down at you unphased but you see the gears churning and his mind processing.
"So... You're saying yes?"
"No, I said we'll talk about it at home"
"Which technically means yes! You've never said no to me before..." He states factly, his eyes beaming with life and excitement and you knew he had a point.
"We'll talk about it at home" You conclude one last time and he lights up even more.
Suddenly he's tugging you in the direction of the baby clothes and just as he pointed out─ you were unable to deny him so you stifled your laughter and allowed him to pull you along.
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"I want this" Kuroo shoves his phone in your face for you to see a picture of a matching father and daughter outfit and you indulged him with an amused smile, nodding your head before getting back to work.
After dragging him away from the baby section, you'd gone to pay for the clothes you'd picked out in favour of his input and Kuroo huffed the entire time at your lack of enthusiasm, but little did he know you were enjoying every second of his enthusiasm with a fond secretive smile.
Kuroo carried the bags until you reached the car, shoved them into the backseat and practically sped home.
"Now then," You could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he dropped the shopping bags onto the couch, shrugged off his hoodie and turned to face you with a knowing grin.
You know what you said but at the time you forgot you had documents that needed to be submitted or else you'd probably─ most likely lose your job. "It feels like you're avoiding the topic, again... " You heard him grumble under his breath and you felt bad, it wasn't your intent but Kuroo could wait a few hours more could he not?
He couldn't.
He'd call your name in a sing-song, show up behind you and wrap his arms around you, whispering sweet words into your ear hoping to seduce you away from work.
When that didn't work he became more touchy. His hands fitted on the curve of your hips before they snuck under your shirt and drifted up to place on the dents beneath your ribcage. Your skin is warm compared to his chilling fingertips.
You'd hiss at him but make no move to shoo him away which he'd taken as permission to continue. It led to his hands roaming every inch of your stomach and swell of your breasts beneath your bra but no reaction. He then tried sliding his hands down your pants which then garnered the response he was looking for.
"Tetsurou, my love. Let me finish cooking so I can get to that report. Once that's done we can talk, okay? But the more you try to seduce me the longer it's going to take"
"Then just leave the food and the report"
"No can do. It's not worth starving or the stress, please, baby boy" You pleaded softly.
"I hate you" He mumbled but he didn't mean it.
Kuroo exhaled loudly while leaning down defeatedly to peck your cheek and forcefully drag himself away from you when you say, "What a shame, to have to tell our kids how much their father hates their mother"
Kuroo's ears perk. He glanced over his shoulder with slitted eyes narrowed at you.
"Does that mean..." The words get lost in his throat as you wink at him.
"Mean what?"
"Fuck you... sweetheart" He swears but there's no aggression to his tone when you can hear the distinct manner in which it almost fades out softly when addressing you.
Kuroo is standing in front of you within seconds, spinning you on your heels and pulling you flush against him.
"What's wrong?" You chuckle, trailing a finger up his chest. "Have a change of heart... Daddy" You emphasize the last part but internally you're cringing. "Don't want me to have your babies?"
"Now.. you're just mocking me" He pushes you against the counter and looks at you intently. "You never call me daddy" The shock is evident on his face but it does not mean he hates the newly given title, if anything he loves it and loves it even more after replaying it countless many times in his head.
"Call me that again"
"I've waited five years" Kuroo confesses exasperatedly and you scrunch your nose, processing.
"I want kids and I want you to call me daddy" He grumbles, grinding against you.
"You want a lot of things, Tetsurou"
"Things I only want with you" He nuzzles his nose against yours.
He certainly had a way with words.
"I want to be the father of your kids! I want to love and cherish them just as I do you! And I want to have as many children as you'll let me... I just want it to be with you, everything. My firsts and my lasts, everything..."
Long forgotten are the food you intended to prepare and the work you were stressing to hurriedly submit. In that moment all that mattered stood in front of you. A moment just as special as your first kiss and your first night together and the day he proposed and the day you married. Sincerity in his every word and the sincerity in his intention blissfully overwhelmed you.
"Contrary to what you may think, I've given it a long hard thought. I've looked up every possible pregnancy article and watched those horrifying birth documentaries, hell, I've even sat down with your mother for God's sake. I know it'll be hard but you gotta give me props here sweetheart... "
"Like I get it. You're probably scared. Babies grow up and their teenage phase ain't a joke but fuck. Do you know how hard it is to not think of you pregnant? Or when our bundle of joy is finally born and you're breastfeeding em? Could fucking drool at the thought. And we'd for sure all get matching outfits! Cuddle up in bed! I'd Spoil my babies rotten"
"Tetsu, love"
You've gone ignored twice but you let him have his fun rambling. You're pretty amused but there's a tinge of anxiousness arising ever so slowly.
"I don't care if we get cock blocked for the rest of our lives. Pregnancy is something I'd love to experience with you and only you" Spoken as if he'd be the one baring the child. You're entertained.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. And I just picture coming home to my beautiful wife, to a home filled with laughter. I'd have my little army of partners in crime... teach em my ways and we'd bully the guys together"
"I'd feel sorry for your wife. She doesn't know what she signed up for, did she?"
"But 's too late now" You hummed pinching his side and slipping out of his embrace only he was faster and grasped your wrist, giving one forceful tug which has you reeling back into him.
"You're right about that" He exhales lightly, warm air blowing softly into your ear causing a chill to run up your spine. Kuroo tugs on the drawstrings of your pants loosening them.
"She's mine and I'm hers" He nibbles on your earlobe.
"And she ain't getting away"
You relent. You give in.
Your head falls back to rest against his chest, lulling to the side giving him free access to the entire expanse of your neck and he takes full advantage of it. His finger trace over your cunt and your jaw clenches in response.
"Tetsu..." You mumble weakly.
"Just think of it, sweetheart... You'd take me so well I know it" His index finger teases your entrance.
"Y-You're not giving me t-time to answer y-you..." You stuttered between ragged breaths. Kuroo's arm wraps around your waist and holds most of your weight sensing your knees giving in.
"My bad, my bad"
With that said, he pulls away. His finger leaves your cunt to ache for itself as he brings it to his finger and licks it clean.
"Tetsu" You groan, "Can't you just put it in"
"I haven't received a clear answer from you, sweetheart. Until we talk this through properly you ain't getting anything. I gotta know if ya want me with or without protection"
"Please" You ask softly and he purses his lips knowing that he's slipping.
"Call me daddy"
"No" You refused immediately and is he surprised? No. But he knows you'll break so he rubs against you.
"Either of the two"
"Oh fuck just put it in, please"
"No can do"
Your fuse has been blown and you throw your head back in frustration. Him wanting kids but denying you made you irritable, though if you were the least bit rational right now you'd have admired him and even respected him all the more as a significant other; needing a clear and affirmative answer from you before proceeding. Then again, he'd given you the ultimatum of calling him something you'd only ever jokingly said once to him in your entire time being together, which was today and not even an hour ago.
"Kuroo" You warned as his hands teasingly massages your thighs.
"Nah ah. I'm not giving in this time baby... You can't have me until you decide"
"for fuck sakes I'M PREGNANT already"
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☣ copyright @archonsabyss all rights reserved // do not copy; steal; plagiarize; reword or repost my works to any other platform! No translations! // All credits to original owners of characters/anime and pictures that are not my own!
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aioliravioli-69 · 2 months
Detective Noir AU
Alright, this au has been sitting around, waiting for me to finish it but chances are, I never will :((
So instead, I'll just post what I have so far
This was inspired by that one comment on the au post the author made(at this point you could consider me a stalker for the amount of hours I've scrolled through her feed💀)
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First things first, none other than our main character himself, Detective Hollow!
I made him the detective in this one mainly because I was basing it off of the theory that if there was no heroine the keyholder would simply become the hero instead(don't remember where I read this but I'm guessing it was the webtoon comment section).
I also my have just really wanted to draw him in an overcoat
gonna be honest, I did little to no research going into this AU, the thing I most tried to learn about was the femme fatale so I could get a good view on how to design Buddy
Speaking of the femme fatale:
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Seems like someone got caught in the spotlight!
And before you ask, yes, those are pants. Weird ones, but pants nonetheless. I swear, I hate lighting when it's from the front. Frontal lighting can go fuck itself. Please ignore the little help lines I put in
Honestly, Buddy's outfit was probably the hardest part of this one. I wanted him to look slutty, but I didn't want to make it TOO slutty, but I feel like I may have added WAYY too many folds in his pantsuit and I kinda messed up on the overcoat lol. The diamond on his chest was inspired by the diamond on the villainess key more than anything and I tried to incorporate that into his gloves too.
Anyway, have some potential outfit sketches I made:
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the two I thought might come off as too slutty and
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the ultimate winner of the outfit ideas
As you can see the diamond chest window and fur coat were a mut in this outfit and I'm pretty happy with the end result
Y'all know how the femme fatale usually has to seduce the main character a.k.a. the detective?
Well, y'all know me so have an extra just for you <33
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But I'm not done just yet!
Remember how I said that I made Chase the hero because of the lack of a heroine in the story? Well...
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I did some more surface level research(and I mean very surface level) and decided to adapt the trope of the girl-next-door archetype for him!!
Don't think it suits him, since they usually just sit pretty and wait for the detective to notice them, but they do have badass roles once in a while and I live for those!!!
The one Chase has taken on doesn't though sadly :')
I decided to go with Charlie Hollow for this one because it sounded more like something the timid and 'pure'(yuck I know, but sadly film noir movies often prop up comparisons between the femme fatale and the girl-next-door, this being one of them) girl next door would have
Overall I tried to make this one as cutesy as possible because, why not lol
Lastly(I apologise, I made this in a rush because I was running out of motivation)
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The distance between Buddy and the detective sure did close QUICK-
Originally I was planning on adding Deacon as a police officer and now that I think about it I could technically fit Prunella in here as well, but I just don't have any willpower left to keep this thing alive
My art blocks been acting up recently and I can't even pick up the pencil without immediately wanting to put it down :((
I wish I could have continued this and maybe I will someday, but until then this'll just stay in my drafts
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evilwickedme · 11 months
I just. Ugh. Oh my God. The fucking PARALLELS this season of Good Omens. Y'all know I'm an absolute fool for a good parallel, so to get so many? I'm so well fed today
Crowley and Azira are like, the definition of soulmates of the kind that are made, you know? Like there is no one single other being in the whole of Creation that shares even a fraction of the same experiences. Six thousand years in the making, this ship is - even more according to this season !!! And YET, they are absolutely brand new. They've never been in a romantic relationship - not with each other, not with anyone - and as Crowley pointed out, they've essentially just gotten out of toxic relationships with Heaven and Hell. Except like, not really? Because we see Crowley really got out Heaven so heavily traumatized he never really put all that much stock into Hell. Yeah, Hell might've still been abusive, but Crowley was halfway out the door the whole time. Azira, tho... He still buys into all of it. He's technically out the door, but he hasn't done any of the deprogramming you need to do in order to move on (I feel like I'm mixing my metaphors a little by using cult-related languages, but also abusive relationships are essentially two person cults, so)
And this season sets this dynamic up so perfectly with Nina and Maggie!!!!! And we're supposed to think that Nina is Crowley because she's dark and broody and Maggie is Azira cause she's frankly precious but really it's the other way around and it's Nina who finishes the season being like "I can't be in a relationship right now because I still need to work on myself having just ended an incredibly toxic relationship" and it's just. Nina and Maggie don't end the season together because that's not what they need right now and bc of that they might still be able to be together later, but Crowley and Azira hold onto each other SO DAMN HARD that they end up losing each other SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE AZIRA CAN'T DO THAT SAME THING OF UNPACKING HIS BASE ASSUMPTIONS it's like leaving a cult cause they were mean to you once but still buying into the new agey stuff they used to love bomb you into joining the cult in the first place
And so that's the relationship part of things but also we've got like soo many parallels showing how broken the system is in the first place and obviously ineffable bureaucracy is what stands out here because of the literal lines coming out of various characters' mouths during this plotline but can we talk about how heavily brainwashed Muriel is and how clearly they're supposed to be exactly like a young Aziraphale, one who doesn't "have" Crowley yet!!! Like tell me that if you gave Muriel a fiery sword and told them to watch over the first ever pregnant couple in history they wouldn't give them that Goddamn sword. Nobody on either side is capable of questioning their position in life without exposure to Something Else, but it doesn't have to be like, the being you're going to run off to alpha centauri with. It could very much be a copy of The Crow Road
(sidenote, has anybody read this book? It seems like an incredibly deliberate choice but I've never heard of it! I think I might send in an ask to Neil Gaiman himself if I don't see any meta soon)
Anyway yeah um. I don't know how to end this. Parallels and shadow selves fuck (double entendre)
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phantom-playdough · 1 year
Red Son x GN!Reader: Spicy Snacks
Author's note for this one: Red Son and The Demon Bull King's food stand is intact in this story. I know it technically got destroyed, but we are just gonna pretend it got repaired. JUST GO WITH IT >:3
Also, I do know that Red Son's character does not have specific pronouns because the writers say that Red Son refuses to be placed into ONE label. BUT, I decided to make this story with Red Son using he/him pronouns. I actually might make another fanfic with Red Son with different pronouns but I will probably need some ideas for me to write it because my mind is blank asf.
Hope y'all enjoy!!!!
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He didn't understand why he felt such a strong tightness in his chest when he ran into them. They were nothing more than yet another pathetic peasant that the Noodle-boy happens to hang around with.
At least, that was just what Red Son kept trying to tell himself.
But on this random day, Red Son was not working, so he decided to go out into town on his first day off in a while. However, he just happened to spot Y/n in the marketplace.
Red Son thought it the slightest bit strange that the noodle-boy wasn't with Y/n today. After all, they always were around him and the dragon girl almost constantly.
For some strange reason, Red Son felt that same tightness in his chest at the thought of Y/n hanging around those peasants instead of him.
Y/n was looking at some of the snacks a random merchant was selling. They were feeling in the mood for something spicy to eat but were having a hard time making up their mind on what to get.
When Red Son saw Y/n eyeing some food, he felt warm inside when he noticed that they were looking for something spicy to eat. And it wasn't the kind of warmth he was accustomed to feeling. Despite, this and the giddiness inside him, Red Son tried to appear as slick and casual as he possibly could when he approached Y/n.
"If it's spicy you want, these are a waste of your time." Red Son said with a drawl.
Y/n spun around and saw the bored expression Red Son had on his face. He glared at the snacks as though they were insulting him, somehow. Though, when Y/n thought about it, that made sense in a way. These snacks were probably nothing compared to what he could whip up.
Red Son honestly expected Y/n to fire back an insult, maybe scoff, or even just roll their eyes at his comment. However, they simply blinked and asked, "What do you suggest then?"
Red Son almost thought that Y/n was being sarcastic for a moment or two. He was so accustomed to other people reacting that way but for some strange reason, Y/n did not. He was so shocked that he didn't respond right away.
"I'm just trying to get something good to eat. So, if you know anything actually spicy, I'd like to know." Y/n said in an even tone.
Red Son finally seemed to snap out of the trance he just entered, replacing his dazed look with one of his trademarked and copyrighted smirks. "Well, if you really want to know, I can make something properly spicy for you."
"Okay. I'd like that."
"I-what?" Red Son honestly made that boast as a way of showing off. Once again, he didn't think Y/n would take what he said seriously. But they seemed genuinely interested in trying his cooking.
"I'd like to try your food. I'll be honest, I've been meaning to go to your food stand at some point anyway."
Welp, at that moment, Red Son was over the moon. Y/n couldn't help but notice the way Red Son's eyes sparkled and how his smirk turned into an almost genuine smile.
"Well, if you think you can handle my glorious cooking, then you're more than welcome to try it!!" Without waiting for a response, Red Son grabbed Y/n's hand and began leading them down the street back to his food stand.
Once the pair got back to the food stand, Red Son walked behind the counter with nothing but pride oozing from him as he threw on his apron and hat.
"What would you like to try first?" Red Son said, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Y/n simply ignored that oddly attractive look and thought for a moment as they looked at the menu.
After thinking it over, they said, "Whatever you recommend."
"Whatever you recommend." Y/n repeated.
Red Son hid his shock by chuckling darkly. Or at least he THOUGHT he hid his shock. "Do you really think you can handle that?"
"I don't know. But I wouldn't mind finding out. So long as it's not poisoned, I think I'll live." Y/n said the last bit jokingly.
Red Son just cackled and turned around to get started. "Fine, but don't whine too much if your pathetic mortal taste buds can't handle this."
While Red Son was cooking some extra spicy ramen, he decided to try speaking to Y/n more. To say they captured his interest would be a rather big understatement. Wasting an opportunity like this seemed practically impossible to consider.
"So, why were you by yourself in the market instead of hanging out with the dragon girl and noodle-boy?"
Y/n knew for a fact that they heard spite in Red Son's voice, especially when he said the nickname he gave MK. As much as they wanted to poke fun at him for it, they decided to hold off for a little bit longer. So instead, they just responded, "MK had to do some deliveries for Pigsy and Mei decided to go meditate near the mountains."
Red Son merely grunted as a response. Just as he was starting to scramble for something else to talk about, Y/n broke the silence. "I think it's cool that you do this, y'know."
"Do what?"
"The cooking. It's cool that you are so good at cooking that you know the snacks I was looking at were subpar. Plus, the inventions. That stuff is super cool-looking, and they look like you worked hard on them."
Red Son was so glad that his back was turned to Y/n, as his face was a bright red that matched his hair almost perfectly. Red Son thought it a miracle that his hair hadn't erupted into flames.
"Y-You really think so?" He hated the stutter in his voice, but Y/n wasn't about to cut him a break anytime soon.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"
Red Son forced himself out of his dreamy state and focused on pouring Y/n's ramen into a bowl. Once he turned around, he put his smirking face back on, walking over to Y/n's seat with their meal in one hand.
"Good question! Why wouldn't you see my genius inventions or my meals? Everyone should!"
Red Son clearly wasn't accustomed to receiving praise from people aside from his own boasts or his parents (A little more of the former). But it seemed that most other people did not give him much encouragement.
Y/n was honestly just trying to see how starved he was for words of encouragement. So far, it looked like he was very starved.
"I agree." Y/n didn't even wait for a response on his part before reaching up and grabbing the bowl from his hand. The way their hands grazed against Red Son's own made him choke down any retort.
Y/n pulled apart their chopsticks and took a bite of their ramen. Of course, the ramen was incredibly spicy. one should've expected this from a demon that had the power to control fire. But it still was super hot. Y/n swallowed the bite down and coughed a little bit before looking back up to Red Son with a huge smile.
"This is delicious!!" They then went in for another bite.
"Really?" Y/n nodded and spoke with ramen in their mouth, making what they said unsensible. Red Son groaned. "Don't talk with your mouth full, peasant!"
Y/n swallowed the bite and tried again with a slightly hoarse voice from the spices. "I was saying I should've started coming here sooner!" Right at that moment, Y/n's phone went off. They pulled it out while eating and smiled fondly at who it was.
It was MK asking them where they were and how they were doing.
Red Son was just about to turn and walk away, (Maybe to go put his head in the freezer to cool down his fierce blush) when Y/n called his name.
"Hey! Red Son! Come here!" He tensed up a little bit, but still did as he was told.
"What is it? If you want me to--AH!" Red Son was cut off by Y/n pulling him down into the seat next to them and holding him by his neck. Despite Red Son's struggling, Y/n didn't seem unnerved by the situation and just held their phone up, taking a picture of the two of them.
"There we go!" Y/n then let go of Red Son to send the picture to MK.
"Did you have to grab hold of me like that to take a picture?" Red Son said this but did not make a move to scoot away from Y/n, despite their close proximity.
"Sorry, but I doubt you would've agreed to take a picture with me if I just asked you. Besides, I like how this picture turned out!" Y/n pulled it up on their phone and looked at it fondly. Red Son leaned over to get a look at it and even though they both looked rather silly, he wouldn't say he hated the photo.
"You want me to send it to you?" Y/n asked, turning to only see their faces mere centimeters apart. The pair kind of just... sat there staring into each other's eyes.
After a good few seconds, Red Son snapped out of his gazing and turned away, clearing his throat and muttered something. "Yes, I...I'd like that." Y/n smiled and handed him their phone to put in his number. Red Son snatched it, punching his number in and shoving Y/n's phone back into their hands. He then stomped back behind the counter and busied himself.
Despite his roughness, Y/n knew he was being rather gentle in his own way. After all, he was a demon. He could probably throw them through a wall if he wanted to. So, they tried to cut him some slack there.
Y/n finished their food in silence and began to pack up and leave. But right before they left, they decided to do one last daring thing.
They walked behind the counter, turned Red Son around as he was washing some dishes, and kissed him. Red Son couldn't stop his hair from erupting into flames. But he also couldn't stop himself from kissing back. So, he didn't try.
Eventually, the pair parted and both were gasping for air. Y/n smiled and said, "Thanks again for the ramen. How much do I owe you?"
Red Son was still completely overcome with shock with what just happened, so he could barely process what Y/n had just said. He only responded with, "D-don't worry about it." Y/n smiled and gave him one last quick kiss on the lips before turning and rushing out the door.
After a few minutes of processing life as he knew it, Red Son got a notification on his phone. He unlocked it to see the picture Y/n took and a message saying, 'Hope to see you again soon~! <3'
Red couldn't agree help but hope for the same thing.
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Do y'all remember the hype for this episode like we knew it was THE Crosshair episode and everyone was absolutely thirsting for it.
"A new friend is made on a harsh and unforgiving outpost planet" WHO WROTE THIS SUMMARY?
Like yes technically accurate as it doesn't specify that the new friend survives the friendship.
Crosshair clearly paying much more attention to the regs these days, at this point I do think he's pretty much had all his bullshit beaten out of him when it comes to thinking he's better than anyone else. Just in time for Crosshair's Worse Time Parade to start.
Much like Hemlock, Lieutenant Nolan is established as absolute garbage the instant he sees Crosshair taking like two seconds to breathe out of his helmet and tells him he's out of uniform. If The Bad Batch can do one thing it's write a man that sucks.
Literally would kill this man myself and he's been on screen for 30 seconds
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God Mayday was complicated because like I loved him from the moment I saw him but also like, coming into this episode just logistically we knew anyone that showed Crosshair a hint of kindness was almost certainly going to get killed, so Mayday is loved for the exact thing that put him on the path to narrative doom. Reinforcements or no reinforcements, it doesn't matter, Mayday was never leaving Barton IV alive.
They waited 36 rotations. 4 days longer than Crosshair was left to nearly starve on a platform. If I remember correctly (I'm not there yet) Crosshair says the trip took 2 hours. None of their lives were worth two hours.
I really love the name Hexx btw
"Respect is something to be earned." And immediately Nolan goes nuclear to insult him because he wasn't instantly given unconditional deference.
I am going to scream from the layers of unfair this is.
The way Mayday's voice softens a touch when left alone with Crosshair though, always gentler with another clone.
I'm still not over the LONG pause after Mayday introduces himself, like Crosshair is trying to dig past the shields he put up between himself and his situation to remember his own name. He probably hasn't heard it at all since Cody.
Mayday looked at Crosshair and apparently felt the desperation for company rolling off him in smothering waves because he instantly is just like 'you're under my wing now'
That he's been out here over a year meaning that the Empire has been established for over a year is a lot to take in like god Crosshair has been away from home for so long.
"You'll freeze to death in that armor" He is like 10 seconds from wrapping Crosshair in a blanket I swear to god I'm only slightly projecting.
"Vicious creatures, but you have to admire 'em. They find a way to survive." GOD I LOVE THAT LINE. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.
Using the explosion through heat vision to completely screw Crosshair's up for the shot was such a good excuse to have him just wound the guy instead of kill him, lol.
Still was surprised to see a blood trail in this cartoon, but sure they can't show us any sign of Tech's body right (YES I AM STILL ON THIS AND WILL BE UNTIL THEY SHOW US THE BOY)
Goddddd him putting Hexx and Veetch's helmets next to all of the others. His very last brothers, the men he was responsible for, god I am in tatters about it. Every second of this episode is just. Grief and Pain.
"Remind me not to die on your watch" Don't worry you're the only person that's been nice to him in months he will literally drag you through hell to save your life. Crosshair just has what we call "Something is wrong with him" disease and all of his words pass through the cortex that makes him rude before getting to you.
My thoughts on this mine disarming scene are Many but let it just be said that I still cannot believe they put this on my screen, it was made explicitly for me to be feral to.
Mayday has learned fast how to talk to Crosshair though, gotta give him some snark back.
"They're... gone." "And here we are. The survivors."
"If I don't hear a boom then I'll know it worked." "Glad you're confident in your work." "Oh I'm confident, I'm just not stupid."
I just love this back and forth dynamic that they hit perfectly and immediately.
Hey Crosshair actually wins a hand to hand fight all he has to do is sneak up on them and not give them the opportunity to actually hit him back.
Shout out to the guy whose first instinct was to try and RUN MAYDAY OVER WITH A CAR like it didn't work but impressive ingenuity.
Clones dying to guard the gear intended for their replacements god it makes me ILL.
"We're good soldiers. We followed orders. And for what?"
The entire thing is designed to drive a wedge into Crosshair's brain and break through the thick shield he's built around himself where he is so sure if he just follows orders Well Enough maybe he can make everything he's done and lost worth it in the end but he can't because he never had a future in the Empire and no amount of sunk cost fallacy will change that.
Literally would be so fascinating to see exactly what was running through Mayday's head when he chose to push Crosshair out of the way of the rock instead of jumping to safety himself. He just met this guy, he's not technically responsible for him, but Mayday has lost every single soldier he was in command of, sole survivor of his unit, and he finally, finally had the opportunity to save someone. If he only saves one person, maybe he's done something worthwhile.
And honestly, Crosshair is trying to do the same back to him. Just Mayday dies knowing he succeeded and Crosshair lives knowing he failed.
I am fucking destroyed by this episode by the way like it is so unbearably good and also tragic as hell.
Mayday trying to get Crosshair to leave him behind and the music when Crosshair decides absolutely the fuck not. That they have one helmet between them and Crosshair put it on Mayday's head and not his own.
The moment of them huddling together in a tiny little hideaway in the rock ends me too, like, images that stick in my head forever.
And despite everything Crosshair made it he got Mayday back to the outpost alive, he did everything to accomplish the impossible and it should have been enough, but it wasn't all because Nolan doesn't value either of their lives enough to even lift a single finger for Mayday.
Like Crosshair accomplishing the impossible through sheer stubbornness only to have it pulled away at the last second I am in AGONY.
Crosshair taking Mayday's helmet off and at least giving him one last moment of human connection before it's over
The voice acting in this moment is absolutely unbelievable but especially on 'Help him' like give DBB all the money in the world because I was shattered.
"He served his purpose as a soldier of the Empire" OWN WORDS THROWN BACK INTO HIS FACE LIKE A FUCKING PUNCH
The way Crosshair's words drop back down into a growl as he says "You could have saved him." is so good too.
The music as it all reaches its boiling point, as he sees the vulture's shadow, then Mayday's body, then the vulture itself just. Oh god. This episode is a masterpiece and I'm still not over it. I don't think I'll ever be over it.
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Like I still cannot BELIEVE we got this shot? The rock wings? I'm? Inconsolable?
Crosshair really probably thought he was going to die right there next to Mayday and honestly I think he was okay with it, in the worst way possible. Also him unconscious here is literally THE most relaxed I think we've ever seen his face.
But because this is only the start of Crosshair's Life Getting Much Much Worse he gets to live and wake up in a horrible science lab!
The sedative injection is much worse given the way that they torture him later.
"Cooperate and you might survive."
Literally one of the best episodes of anything I've ever seen I still cannot believe that we got it, truly. This episode is like 95% of the reason I have faith in the writers pulling through on the Tech Issue because I don't think anyone that gave Crosshair this episode arc would actually kill Tech off in such a stupid way on a completely pointless side quest.
I'm still on the rock wings and will be until further notice.
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dee-in-the-box · 5 months
so. thought a little too hard about my headcanons for Dsaf 3. and now i'm a bit sad. so now y'all get some!
Jack listening to Henry's tapes and getting about...five more reasons to want to tear that man to shreds. at lest three of them involved Dave. the other two involve Dee and himself.
Dee first coming out of her box in The Flipside looking like the Puppet, but then shifting into looking like herself again when she sees Jack. and then shifting into the Puppet again when the fight starts. just. my Dee shapeshifting headcanon <3 (basically, after she died, Dee could shift her ghostly appearance into being either the Puppet or a ghostly version of herself)
Jack looking at Blackjack and just seeing a younger version of himself, frozen in time. this young man in his early twenties, his whole life ahead of him, who had all of that ripped away from him cruelly. his sister. his brother. himself. all by the same man. reduced to a snarling ball of rage, who wants nothing more than to rip Henry to shreds where he stands. the only reason he hasn't done so is because he's been convinced that doing so won't truly set him free. when Fredbear told Jack that, despite the souls desiring vengeance, killing their killer would not set them free, Blackjack took that to mean that it wouldn't set him free either. he's been stewing in his rage and grief for decades, neither feeling ever subsiding in that time. if anything, his rage has only increased. he lost everything because of Henry. why wouldn't he be angry? and so, if everyone else must move on, and leave him there to guard Henry and make sure he doesn't cause any problems, alone, then he will.
Jack finally helping to set him free, looking his younger self in the eyes and saying maybe that means that killing Henry is the one thing that will set him free. and even if it isn't...well, he needs to be dealt with, anyway. what if he gets out and causes problems again? just...Jack looking at Blackjack and feeling both like he's looking at a window into the past, yet also like he's looking at a different person entirely. because he and Blackjack are separate people, technically. but it's also him looking at himself.
Jack holding Dave's hand as they confront Henry, and squeezing it a little bit reassuringly. Dave tightening his grip as he gets more stressed.
Peter's death in the Henry fight being the thing that makes Jack say that their anger pushes them harder, and Dee's death leading to the line "We're gonna fuckin' FLAY you alive, Henry!" from Jack...like. just imagine how enraged he probably sounded, seeing Dee go down again. do you think it reminded him of the day she died? the day he went back to the diner to find her and bring her home, only for him to keep calling out for her and looking for her as the horror dawned on him that he couldn't find her? do you think that's what was running through his mind?
Jack and Dave reaching the end, and jack admitting that he can't go with them. Blackjack interjecting that...there is something they can try. no guarantee that it'll work, but it's worth a shot. Blackjack can try to fuse back together with him; not necessarily the same thing as shoving someone's soul back into their body, which is a big no no, apparently, but maybe a piece of him will break off, and it'll become Jack's soul. maybe them fusing will trick the universe into thinking Jack has a soul. who knows, but hopefully it'll work. and it does. Jack, by some miracle, gets his own soul out of this in a way that'll allow Blackjack to still exist. he also gets Free Afterlife Top Surgery™, because at this point he deserves it. he's been through so much shit.
at the end of the fire, Jack just looks at Dave and Blackjack and says "Come on, guys. Let's go home."
i just. aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA-
also, some Afterlife headcanons for y'all:
Peter: "Jackie, with all due respect, you have the weirdest taste in men." Jack just hanging out with Dave in the corner: "Peter, wtf-"
Steven just immediately laid down on the floor of the Afterlife and slept for a while. he was. So Fucking Tired.
Jack: "Okay, therapy circle time-" Dave: "Absolutely not, we don't have time to unpack all that." Jack: "Dave, we have nothing BUT time to unpack all of that-"
Peter and Caroline reunion <3
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grumpybunny-salem · 2 months
"Hey, uh, can I --"
"Oh gosh, I remember you two!" called the girl from behind the counter of the Hot Topic. I could've sworn her teeth and nails looked a little sharper than last time we met. I could tell she was studying me too, her eyes dancing between my ears to catch any growth. Her eyes got caught on Anabella's wings too, but only for a second. "You got some jeans last time you were here, right? Did your ears get longer?
"Yeah, this is… kinda the only place where I can get stuff that accomodates a tail. Oh, and, um, they tend to do that, yeah," I blushed. About a month ago she had spent like a half-hour helping me find pairs that would fit. I took a deep breath, feeling my tail shake anxiously behind me. Ana giggled at that, which frustrated me, only making it wag more. Why bunnies had to have the most embarrassing tails on the planet was beyond me, but getting to hear it laugh was worth something. I was just thankful the cashier couldn't see.
"It's so shitty how few options y'all get," said the cashier like it had anything to do with her. I turned knowingly to Ana, who just ruffled her feathers and shook its head. "Anyway, can I help you find anything?"
I grinned, trying to hide my anxiety, and held a plastic bag out to her. "I, uh, need to make a return." She took the bag, opened it, and raised an eyebrow.
"Are these not the jeans you just bought like, three weeks ago?"
I blushed and tried to hide behind my ears. They're not quite long enough to do that yet - the best I could do was hide a bit of the blush creeping up from behind my mask. Being covid-conscious is cool, but really I just prefer to keep it covered so people hopefully fill in the gap with something a little more affirming than what's under it.
"Yeah, they just… Don't fit anymore." I gestured to the snug black sweats I was wearing. I had cut a hole in the back for my tail like I'd done for most of my pants, and turned to the side to show her. Ana would rib me for this choice later, calling me a show-off, but I swear it's not like that. That decision had nothing to do with how cute the cashier was.
"Ohh, because of the medication?" She said, "Or have you just been hitting the squats too hard?" I'd done a lot of wishing my face had the full-coverage fur some other girls have, and the amount of blushing I was doing wasn't making that wish go away. I wanted to look cool; I needed to look cool. That was at least fifty percent of the reason to even be in this shop in the first place.
"A little bit of both," I said sheepishly.
The girl behind the counter looked over her shoulder to nobody, then leaned in. "Technically, our policy doesn't allow returns after two weeks,' she started in a whisper. "But! That policy is bullshit and unfair and you seem cool, so no worries! It's important to be a good ally, or whatever."
After we got the returns handled, she helped me find some new ones, cut me a discount, and assured me I could return them whenever I needed to. At the rate I've been developing at, that's quite the relief. Anabella mostly floated around the conversation, speaking up only right as we crossed the threshhold to leave.
"You know she was staring at you constantly, right bestie?" it said matter-of-factly, adjusting a couple askew feathers. The task seemed to frustrate her quickly, and she never complained when I realigned them instead. Gave me something to do other than be a blushy mess.
"Yeah, people stare, whatever," I said quickly.
"You know what I mean." She shook its wings out and pulled them in.
"I'm gonna count it as another point for her being one of us," I chided, hopping along a step ahead of Ana. I wasn't not hoping to garner a little more attention.
"Sometimes people are nice and gay, Salem," said Ana, its voice like a hand waving my sentence away as she made the same motion with her actual hand and wing in tandem.
"And sometimes they're nice, gay catgirls. When have I ever been wrong?" My tail fluttered unconsciously - I was still getting used to it - and I crossed my arms triumphantly.
"When you decided to spend $200 on a bunch of pants that you knew wouldn't fit a month later," Ana giggled. My new ears were too good at picking up that noise; I nearly melted into it, but managed to stay strong.
Thank you @flightlessbirdgirl for letting me write with your character 🩶
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coneedogawa · 10 months
Miss You
Another Heizuha fic for @heizuhaevents's Heizuha Week 2023. The prompts for this one were Sports, Club Activity, and Being Separated. I know it's technically late but I still plan to do all the days, whether or not they are on time. : ) Without further ado, I hope y'all enjoy the fic.
The only sound Kazuha could hear was the snores of the karuta club. Their teacher chaperone dictated that now would be the time that everyone would sleep, yet Kazuha couldn’t seem to keep her eyes shut. Mikiko was lying next to her, long asleep. She didn’t know any of the other girls well either, and they were all asleep too. There was no one to talk to and nothing to do, except maybe stare at the ceiling.
Kazuha snuck her phone under the cover of her sleeping bag. The screen lit up dimly as she scrolled through her contacts, coming across a certain name. She wouldn’t see him for another 3 days, which unnerved her. Part of her worried that he’d find himself in a dangerous case again. The other part just missed him.
Having grown up together, it was pretty weird to have no contact for this long. Usually, when they’re apart, she always at least convinces him to message her to remind her that he’s safe whenever he goes somewhere without her, much to his annoyance. This time though, there’s not really a reason for her to even send him a message or vice versa.
Kazuha sighed, turning her phone screen back off before sliding out of the sleeping bag. She crawled over all of the others, trying to be as quiet as possible. Reaching the door, she stood up and walked softly down the hallway until she reached the main door, exiting onto the porch.
Technically, she wasn’t allowed outside during the night. Right now, however, she couldn’t care about the rule. Pulling her phone back out, she selected his contact and her thumb hovered over the call button.
He probably wouldn’t even answer to begin with, or he would answer, but just to yell at her for waking him up. It was 2 in the morning, after all. But she really wanted to hear his voice.
‘Hopefully it’ll go to voicemail.’
Before she could fully press the call button on the screen, an incoming call popped up. Her eyes widened as she read the name of who was calling her. Pressing ‘accept’, she put the phone up to her ear.
His voice sounded drained and rough.
“H-hey…” She responded softly.
“Sorry, did I wake ya?”
She shook her head as if he were there to see it. “No, I actually haven’t been able ta get ta sleep yet.”
“Me neither.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Adjusting the phone in her hand, Kazuha lowered herself to sit on the edge of the porch. She raised her head to look up at the bright stars in the sky.
Taking a deep breath, she spoke, “So… Why’d ya call?”
There was more silence for a moment before he answered.
“I miss ya.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. “W-what?” She stammered.
“It’s just weird not havin’ ya around ta nag me an’ all that.”
Even despite the insult, his voice remained lacking its usual energy. Still, her eyes narrowed at the slight and she tried to respond in her typical fashion.
“Hmph! Well, I haven’t missed ya one bit! Been havin’ a great time with Mikiko an’ the others.”
His voice remained weak, though now it was tinged with something akin to hurt. It made her feel a little guilty for being, even jokingly, mean, even though he was the one who had started it.
So, she decided to be honest. “No…Actually, I miss ya too.”
“Miss me yellin’ at ya?” He teased.
She chuckled. “Yeah, totally.”
A laugh echoed back on the speaker. “Is everything going good there?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty fun. A little tiring though, the poem tapes are starting to haunt my dreams.” She joked. “How has it been back home, though?”
“It's been okay.” He let out a long sigh. “I’ve just been solvin’ cases. Ya know the usual.”
“Ya haven’t been gettin’ into danger, have ya?”
“Nah. But they have been pretty exhaustin’.” Heiji yawned, as if to emphasize the point. “We should hang when ya get back. It would be nice to have a day to relax. Just the two of us.”
She blushed, feeling her heart skip a beat. “Y-yeah. We should.” Her eyes started drooping as she yawned, the stars blurring in her vision.
He chuckled. “Maybe it’s time we get some sleep.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Looking up at the sky, she smiled and yawned again.
“Goodnight, idiot.”
“Goodnight, Kazuha.” As she ended the call, she could tell his voice sounded more relaxed now and could almost hear the smile on his face.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @queseraone & @thisnightissparkling089 for tagging me! ♡
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
the rookie
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Congrats, Boot! 
all along there was some invisible string 
They Don't Know That We Know They Know We Know 
Technically You Still Owe Me A Date
This Love 
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but i’m not always the best at it but i always go back and look at my comments because they mean more than i can say ♡  especially on a bad day or when i’m struggling with muse to write, they always put a smile on my face and help me find my way back to writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's not done but maybe I'll Look After You, it's still at a pretty angsty point but nowhere near peak angst yet hehe ― lucy's in a life or death situation and it's a sad time for everyone so far as she's remains in limbo with jackson guiding her and everyone else is just worried about her surviving and also worried about tim.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) ― i don't want to give away the ending because it's just straight up fluff but essentially it's 5 different pov's of watching tim and lucy + 1 time no one did ♡
8. Do you get hate on fics?
omg no, never. everyone is so sweet and supportive and just so nice????? ♡♡♡
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*cue this is me trying* i have dabbled in it at least once but nothing i'd say is v smutty?? i'm trying though, i have a wip that will lead to that but it's not easy to write??? the regular kind?? idk lmao.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope, that's too confusing for my brain to keep up.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
no but it sounds cool
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not yet but pls holler at me 👀
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
chenford ♡ (huge surprise, right?)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Look At This Photograph, i haven't abandoned it but trying to figure out this third chapter that's back when tim got his uniform ripped off has been super tricky
16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say maybe finding the right emotion in a fic? i think i'm pretty good at keeping the flow of the emotion throughout?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
coming up with summaries to describe the one-shot/chapter and knowing how to end a darn story. also, titles. titles are really hard lmao. but on a serious note, sometimes i second guess my writing or the idea too much that i get stuck and won't write it anymore
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
sounds cool. i'd be open to trying it depending on the context? it would very much be limited to spanish though lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i want to say gossip girl?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i wanna say i have a few but gonna go with my latest one because i'm really proud of it and it's a missing 2x11 scene in the hospital and y'all know that is my jam. anyway, it's called Halo lol
thanks for tagging me, besties! ♡ tagging @sylvies-chen @ameliagiovanna0 @makeitastrength @timandlucy & anyone else who would like to do it (it's almost midnight and i know i'm likely forgetting a friend or two).
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longsightmyth · 1 year
what's a book or series that you genuinely love? I'm always seeing your commentary on "not so great" (bad) books (no hate, love ur commentary) but I'd love to know the ones you like best.
Ah tumblr search function you fail us yet again (inexplicable fondness).
"The ones I like best" is a very broad category that I will try to narrow down I guess?
My favorite book of all time remains The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemisin. The other books in the trilogy are still excellent (I have yet to read anything by NK Jemisin that is not excellent) but specifically the first book of the inheritance trilogy remains my favorite. Other standouts of hers include the short story The Effluent Engine and the second book of the Dreamblood series, The Shadowed Sun (though, again! I cannot stress enough that I'm not even sure NK Jemisin could write a bad book/story if she wanted to!)
I routinely recommend all of Alyssa Cole's romances: not only are they incredibly inclusive, the characters navigate believable conflicts based around their characterization and not simply Because Of The Plot. Her contemporary romances are some of the few contemporary romances I enjoy: it's not usually my genre, but anything Alyssa Cole writes I will read. Shoutout to her expansion into horror, she's also one of the few authors who will get me to read THAT genre. Standouts include Can't Escape Love (novella), A Duke by Default, and Let It Shine (also a novella). Another author who I cannot stress enough: just go read her entire backlog okay. She's got historical romances in a range of time periods. She's got contemporary romances. She's got horror, god help me.
The other author who can convince me to read horror is T Kingfisher, aka Ursula Vernon. Her fairytale retellings are A+ and always contain horror elements, and she is another author who has yet to write a dud for me. Standouts include Nettle & Bone (NETTLE AND BOOOOOOOOONE), The Raven and the Reindeer, and The Seventh Bride.
Tamora Pierce is sort of a no-brainer here for me. Her books are not always perfect by any means, but they are always progressive for the time they are written and she continues to improve and take feedback into account. Plus you probably owe the existence of your favorite stabby ya lady to her. Tortall owns my heart because I read it first but she has a lovely magic school series in a different world where friendship is literally magic and social commentary the norm.
The Dragonriders of Pern is not for everyone. Much of the sexual politics in the early novels are, as I have discussed elsewhere, outdated, but the books evolved as Anne McCaffrey's understanding did, and there are soulmate dragons and impeccably rendered closed time loops (multiples! Happening at the same time!) and a constant discussion and tension of evolving social norms and the needs of society: at what point does technology become Too Much? Does it at all? What happens when the people in charge stop giving a shit about their responsibilities? Seriously the impeachment plot in Dragonseye/red star rising is nearly prescient. Most of these conflicts originate early on but don't truly come to fruition until later, and please take my word for it and simply don't read the books written by her son. They are bad.
The Witchlands series by Susan Dennard! Tbh I think this series deserves more love than it gets. It's not perfect, it can improve, but that's the thing: it routinely does. Dennard puts time and care into her work from all sides and discusses openly her early and middle mistakes, from a technical level to a 'needing a sensitivity reader' level.
Sarah Rees Brennan! Y'all know I love Sarah Rees Brennan, right? You should. She likes to explore tropes and genre convention and snappy, snappy dialogue. I haven't reread The Lynburn Legacy yet this year, but that's an anomaly. In Other Lands is pretty widely acknowledged as superior portal fantasy, I think. Tell The Wind and Fire was constrained by the book it was retelling and I think suffered for it, but that just means it wasn't as good as I personally think it could have been, not that it wasn't good at all. The Demon's Lexicon trilogy is her first series and yes, okay, it shows a little, but have you ever thought to yourself, hey. What if Supernatural was actually, like. Good. And wanted to actually explore in a thoughtful manner morality and what it means to be a person and nature vs nurture and how complicated your relationships with parents can be. Because if so, go give The Demon's Lexicon a shot.
The Rivers of London! We will excuse magic cops this once because they are specifically *magic* cops and because Nightingale literally fought nazis and Peter is pretty critical of the met in general. These books almost make me like London, and as a bonus Peter is fully aware that King Arthur was Welsh (look this is important to me okay)
Lockwood & Co! I am on the final book now and really enjoying my feral child soldier ghosthunters. I want to give them all soup. I want to wrap them all in blankets. My inexplicable attraction to the actor playing Kipps in the show is irrelevant to book enjoyment but I am still flabbergasted, by all accounts it doesn't make sense.
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold is space opera. I love it. I admittedly love the Cordelia and Ekaterin novels most, but that is a matter of my eternal love for ladies who are generally nice but willing to fuck shit up, they're all good.
Artemis Fowl! Criminal mastermind child WHO JUST NEEDS FRIENDS OH MY GOD. I cried at the end of the third book. It's fine! We're all fine! Colfer does an excellent job of portraying the fairies as having a culture different from ours with real reasons that they haven't taken over the world, and if you don't love Holly you're wrong.
I have more but I'll stop here for now I guess. Whoops.
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alicepao13 · 8 months
Well, that wasn't as bad as I feared. I have zero trust in shows like Hudson and Rex portraying people with disabilities, so I was cringing before watching the episode (for like, a while). I still need to ask whoever's in charge, how the fuck they manage to lose the balance of a show on its 6th season, but I'm getting slightly used to that and the (very, very bad put together) promo for the next episode slightly helped.
I'll put my scrambled thoughts below:
Did no one seriously notice (from the production, not the fandom because we did) how isolated Charlie and Rex seem? Like, this is my primary complain in each episode so far and I tried not to mention it again, but it really showed in an otherwise okay episode.
The actress did a good job, or that's what it felt to me as a non visually impaired person. I did feel that they could have had her do more at times. She seemed like she could handle it.
Oh, Karma. At the start of the previous season I thought they'd keep her for that season alone, because they really didn't seem to know what to do with four extra episodes and extra budget, and I was right.
Of course Jesse would be delighted by the use of AI, the little shit lol. I liked Sarah pointing out that someone was going to lose their job if the AI could do it. Even more when it turned out that it wasn't exactly ready to do anyone's job just yet. I could write like five paragraphs over that, but I'll spare y'all.
If Rex could talk in the scene where Charlie managed to slip through the garage(?) door, I'm sure he'd say something like, "Oh no, the idiot is alone". (That voice in Moonknight, yeah, that one. Do not expect any names, I forget as soon as I watch these days.)
Fucking hit him with the painting, dude! Why are all criminals in that city useless in giving me whump?
Absolutely amateurish of Joe to let slip to the dad that there was a witness. I mean, why did he need to know? That part was just there so that the dad could later try to find said witness.
Also, I'm pretty sure Charlie got punched in that dark scene where I'm certain the intent was to make us feel as in the dark as the blind girl. I don't find a reason for these scenes, I've said that on other shows too, we've all been left in the literal dark at some point in our lives, we don't need a show scene like that to get us to empathize with a blind person. Anyway, just because we didn't see it doesn't mean Charlie shouldn't have bruises afterwards.
General observation, I don't like how in this season they have Charlie say, "my forensicist" (which, is that even a word because dictionary says no lol), "my techie". A few months ago they were a team, now they're just... helping him. And I don't know about Jesse, but technically Sarah outranks Charlie, even though they're not in the same chain of command for that to become an issue.
Another general observation is that there seems to be a darkness? moodiness? overall in these episodes. It could also have been facilitated by the bad weather, but also, I have a general feeling that the characters also seem more rough around the edges, and since there's nothing in the show's storylines to support that from what they've shown us so far, it just sets the tone of the show to something offputting without a real reason why. I don't consider these elements inherently bad in a show, much less a crime show, but you can't suddenly do a 180 when you have an already established show tone and offer no explanation for it.
For the next one: In my opinion, they cannot skip having Charah scene(s) in the next episode. But also, I trust these writers less than I would trust an overworked and underpaid Greek screenwriter who has to deliver 30+ episodes each season. And that's saying something.
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updownlately · 6 months
reqs info!
okay this is not, and i repeat, not directed at anyone in particular but ive been meaning to post this partially bc i feel bad and partially for your guys' sanity (and mine)
my reqs are technically not open right now and it's not because i don't want to write or take in requests. it's because if i take in requests right now, i couldn't tell you when they'll be finished. some i might finish in under a week, some will likely take months (as we have seen). i have about 12 reqs right now that im simultaneously working on
i also don't know what volume they might come in and that concerns me.
i don't want it to seem like reqs that are sent in will be completed asap. it's just not going to happen with the brain i have. i wanna keep writing as smt i do for fun and so that means i'm never going to force it. so there will be fics i just don't write until i get the right inspo, it's the way i am, sorry.
it doesn't mean i won't get to your req. i will, eventually. i swear that's my goal. i'm just not a fast content producer and it is what it is. (there are a great deal of writers in the woso community and i'd highly recommend checking them out if you want your ideas explored fast :))
i am, at the end of the day, a student full-time, working part-time, someone who has adhd and struggles with focusing, and human, yeah?
basically life and brain go brr and im just here for living for funsies :)
so with that being said (if you've read my word vomit up til this point), if you have a request feel free to send it in, but only if you are okay with it not being done anytime soon. <<< this is tentative and i might just close reqs completely idk yet, im playing it by ear
if you've sent in a req, i swear im working on it! if you wanna check in on a req you sent, just send me the general gist of what the req was and i can get back to you.
and if you see other reqs being done before yours, just know i want to do your req to the best of my ability and that's why it is taking time.
anyways, thanks for reading and being here! y'all make this a lot more fun than i could've ever imagined and yeah i appreciate y'all a shit ton. take care of yourselves amigos :)
-blu 🫶
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