#(I guessed with all the dog breeds)
golden-girl-daisy · 29 days
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Happy play faces.
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 9 months
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do you. see the vision
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ausi-is-furry · 1 year
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Some practice drawing dogs :]
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hoperays-song · 3 months
Salukis and Personalities
I don't know if I've ever mention this before, but I worked as a dog trainer and caretaker for years. Like a really long time. And I have worked with a lot, and I mean a lot, of dogs. Even in fact, three Salukis (Ezra, Bailey, and Leo).
Why do I bring this up? Because we should talk about the personalities of these dogs, especially in relation to a character in Sing, Suki Lane.
Now this is all clearly going to be based on my experiences with these dogs, who could be outliers for all I know. However, after chatting with several Saluki owners as well, I'm pretty sure I got a decent grasp on them. Namely one thing,
Saluki's aren't timid.
They are classic sighthounds, yes, but I wouldn't call most of those dogs timid, with the exception of Whippets. Sighthounds by nature are cautious breeds, it can take a while to build their trust. This can extend into them being shy at times yes, but in my experience, it was more like meeting a new cat for the first time. It doesn't know what to think of you yet so it sits back, watches, and then makes it's judgement.
Why does that sound familiar? Oh yeah!
Because that's what Suki was doing to the troupe throughout the second movie. She didn't make her decision on them until she had been watching them for awhile, deciding to ultimately side with them after deeming them trustworthy.
That's what happened when she saved Buster from the office and when she lowered the stage lift, she was making her judgment of them known. For me, one of the Salukis I worked with, Ezra, did essentially the same thing. He acted indifferent to me for a week or so and then seemingly out of nowhere decided we were cool now and I could play with him. And because Salukis aren't particularly demonstrative typically, that's huge.
So, she wasn't being timid, she was being cautious. Something her type of dogs are known for. She would wait and see how things turn out before picking a side. That makes sense. And no, there wasn't any big apology scene or anything like that because, again, Salukis aren't typically demonstrative.
And while they are cautious, that's not actually what the breed is known for. You know what is?
Being aloof.
And that is a word that perfectly sums up Suki's personality. She's aloof. She isn't particularly warm or friendly and neither are most Saluki's unless they like you, and like you a lot. Which also makes sense with her character! She's a higher up at a major entertainment enterprise. She can't be nice to every single hopeful that shows up at their doors. She has to be realistic for the company's sake. So she's aloof and it fits her perfectly.
Saluki's also are known to be quiet and intelligent. The quietness something that isn't extremely noticeable in Suki's character when Jimmy is in the scene since he's so loud, or Buster because his personality is so big, but it's definitely there. Her answers are brief and straight to the point. And other than those few interactions, she doesn't talk much. She doesn't need to, as she is still perfectly filling her role in the scenes she's in through expressions. She might be a verbally quiet character, but like actual Salukis, her actions speak for her.
And the intelligence? We know this girl is smart. She's in her early to mid twenties and is already one of the right hands of an entertainment empire's CEO. She knows what she's doing. Suki was also able to call the police and betray Jimmy without him ever expecting it, which she had to have planned out for it to go that smoothly.
So in short, Suki and Salukis as a whole, aren't timid. They're cautious. They wait things out. And most notably, they are known to be aloof. A character trait that perfectly sums up Suki's personality that we see. Salukis from my experience act more like the stereotypical cat stuffed into a dog's body. It takes time for them to like you and even if they do, they aren't usually demonstrative of this fact. Which again lines up perfectly with Suki's character, much like the other traits Salukis are known to exhibit.
She's aloof and cautious, showing clear intelligence, but definitely not timid.
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toytulini · 6 months
terfs go climb into a hole and start rotting. animals cannot inherently tell your "biological sex" you are all so fucking stupid. All this post is saying is that animals are not infallible judges of character and some of them make really stupid vibe checks and that people should try not to take it personally. Unless youre a terf in which case they know and they hate you and you should take it personally
re that one post tbh i do want to stress i dont think animals are like magically psychic at knowing your True Gender tbh i think ppl definitely get way too weird about Animal's judgement of ppl.
Sometimes a dog will vibe check a man and the dog will be right and you should listen. but sometimes the dog will vibe check someone for no good reason. sometimes dogs have wack judgement. sometimes dogs have biases influenced by their owners or previous owners. like. there are Racist Dogs. its not the dogs fault, but that doesnt make the bias theyve developed less real, or less potentially hurtful. i dont think we need to like, Cancel Dogs Bc Sometimes Ppl Can Train Them To Be Racist, but we do need to stop perpetuating the idea that a dog's judgement of someone is infallible. theyre not responsible for it and its not their fault its developed, theyre just dogs, they didnt choose it, but that doesnt mean theyre RIGHT lmao. i think its important to stress this for many reasons but in regard to that last post specifically, if youve ever been vibe checked as a gender you arent by a judgy dog its literally not your fault. might not even be the owners fault. not the dogs fault cos like. its a fucking dog. you do kinda have to be the bigger person in that scenario cos the other person is. A Dog.
#toy txt post#this was meant to be a quick post it got a bit longer and more in depth than i planned oops#i just hate when ppl act like All Dogs have Inherently Correct Judgement Of People#like from every angle. its funny to joke about but i know theres ppl out there who might be feeling like#very fragile in their gender or smth and seeing a post like that if they meet a dog that normally hates men but not women but it doesnt#recognize your inherent true gender im sure seeing shit like that post can be a horr#got interrupted by a phone call while typing it and the post is glitching so i cant see where that tag is cut off so uh#dogs are like ppl in that they can develop biases and have bad judgement and they dont always get it right#they are not like ppl in that it is not possible to ask a dog to examine its biases. you cannot make a dog take a class on#critical race theory. you have to work to socialize and desensitize them against those biases or at least make sure those biases theyve#developed dont negatively impact ppl. in this sense i guess im morally obligated to try to learn more spanish to see if it helps my dog#chill. shes nervous around all new ppl but parents have anecdotally noted she extra dislikes men speaking in spanish. she was a stray so we#dont really know her history. she also does Not like fire pokers outside. weirdly even tho its basically the same tool she is unfazed by#the indoor poker for the woodstove? but ig she wouldve had less exposure to indoor woodstoves as a stray in Louisiana?#but i can see like ppl having a little backyard barbecue and threatening the big mastiff looking stray dog with a fire poker and i think#that region of the country prolly has a higher number of spanish speaking ppl than our current residence so the odds of her running into a#spanish speaking guy who isnt very nice are prolly higher just due to a denser population as a whole. and we think shes part mastiff which#i think is a breed already prone to disliking strangers that probably cooked up into a little cocktail in her brain#luckily shes bad enough with All Strangers that i think honestly it would be hard to even notice her bias? but. ig i need to see if i can#desensitize her? idk. sighs but im scared to open duolingo now 😭. but i could maybe do it. when other ppl wear hats she fucking hates it#i wear a fucking face covering mask that looks like a giant eyeball she looks at me a little quizzically but is fine. jester hat? fine#i am like that video of the person desensitizing that horse except thats just like. living w me. minus the cat thing. id never do that to#the cats or dog. everyone would hate that. squirrel already cant tolerate being held while a dog is out cos he THINKS im going to do that.#it would traumatize the dog cos he'd injure me escaping and then prolly her trying to scare her off to get past her and shes just minding#her business. solo i cant hold that long but is less likely to injure anyone. shadow. first of all all 3 are way too heavy to be holding#like that#im getting lost in the tags again sorry im chewing caffeinated gum. i should go try to buy some catnip#ive made my Phone Calls. im gonna try to go get dressed and buy various catnip products. maybe lure him with a toy this time. need my#parents to help me but not be so visibly Ready to help me next time cos i do not want to chase his ass again...
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fjordfolk · 2 years
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holy testosterone, batman
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shepherdenjoyer · 9 months
Kind of a rhetorical question and more of a vent but how do you get over having an "all or nothing" attitude because it's making it hard for me to not get upset and discouraged when I have to admit to myself that there's no guarantee we'll be able to live with the kind of dogs I'd like to have, mainly because of allergy issues. One notable thing about this is I'm pretty sure shepherds and herding dogs are like a special interest to me, on top of the "normal" interest I have in them if that makes sense, and that's why I struggle with the thought of potentially never having one so much. I know it's a good thing to expand your options and keep an open mind and research different breeds but part of me just doesn't want to because that means accepting that there's no guarantee of anything really, and that's what makes me want to give up the whole thing and stop caring entirely 🥲 even though that makes no sense.
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fuminoomi · 10 months
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two annoying ass cats
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scare-ard--sleigh · 4 months
bad news; slept like Absolute Shit last night
good news; took a nap & feel great
even better news; marketing article extension GRANTEDDDDDDDDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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ineffablefool · 1 year
I have been playing Furry Paws, because I literally used to do Punnett squares for fun, and I’ve never seen another petsite with this much genetic experimentation power.  And the art is cute.
Just now I sorted some dogs by level, because I wanted to see who was getting high enough level for me to breed.  These are my highest-level Chihuahuas right now.
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(side note: The three-letter code at the start of each name represents the dog’s current sports title.  Then for the actual name, I generally either use one that amuses me, or just go with the in-game randomizer.  There is one amusement name here and the rest are random.)
“Oh, but I’ve already bred Cody and Sophie,” I thought to myself.  “I’ll take a look at the others, see if it looks like their genetics line up nicely.
“Ha!  There’s a Buddy and a Holly.  Oh, and they actually would go pretty well together.  That would mean that, out of my basically-randomly-named Chihuahuas, the last potential breeding pair would be...
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OH COME ON.  I can’t put those two together, everyone will assume the names were on purpose!!
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beauceronn · 8 months
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Pain. Agony
#i guess i am going to the iabca show this weekend since i was invited to help out.#but the next akc show i am being pulled in 6 different directions and so scheduling must be done.#onofrio!!!! please!!!! it is less than 2 weeks away!!!!!#counts are as expected. i know most of the dogs entered in breeds i care about*#(* i care about all breeds but i only watch a few im genuinely interested in owning)#but i think there are going to be conflicts and these conflicts are going to be annoying to plan around#beauces SHOULD go first thing in the morning which would be awesome. if gsheps go directly afterward - awesome.#then i need to groom and be ringside for roughs. hopefully they go after lunch or just before.#but my friends would like some help with borzoi which i love to help with. but borzoi often go around the same time as roughs#late morning/early afternoon#and i need to set aside plenty of time to shoot the shit#i should honestly just get a hotel with someone instead of a 5 hr#drive/day#back and forth for two days#i should really go fri through sun for the specialties but i already took friday off the following week to volunteer for an independent#specialty#it really is incredible how one year ago i was looking for a dog show to go to - any dog show - and all i could find was one collie show#infodog you have changed my life in many ways.#oh and i am going ukc mode in november which will be fun. a friend might need some help with her girl (who i am obsessed with)#i dont like ukc as much as akc but it is nice to see klee kais and ambullies and silkens#its just too relaxed/unstructured 🤣#obviously i like to know a plan WELL in advance.. lol
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golden-girl-daisy · 2 years
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I made the bed ten minutes prior.
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
Any time a bird is in captivity of any kind without fail there’s someone who shows up and goes ‘:( so sad, it should be FREE!’ Which, I’m very aware of the problems with cagebirds, but someone does this every time including when the bird in question is very clearly a genetic freak of some sort. For example, a rescue aviary near me used to have a lovely fantail dove, who according to volunteers was extremely friendly and loved cuddles and sitting on people’s heads. She’s passed away now, sadly, but on the aviary facebook there’s an old video of her and someone has put one of those comments along the lines of she should be in the wild. But she was so visibly a product of human selective breeding it was unreal. She had a huge, bulgy chest and her neck was bent so far back that the resting position of her head was on her back. If her eyes weren’t on the sides of her head she wouldn’t have been able to see over her own chest. Not all fantail doves look like this, but this one was so extreme looking that they had a little sign on the aviary reassuring people she was alright. I just wondered where exactly this commenter imagined she would belong if all the birds in the aviary were released into the wild and somehow back into their ideal habitats. There’s nowhere in the world outside of in the care of humans where a bird looking like that would be remotely ok.
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within-its-cave · 1 year
I'm starting to get a bit irritated with virtual pets sites' tendency to not have a "delete account" option. So what if the player loses everything? That should our decision to make at the end of the day...
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pixel-paws · 2 years
Doing photo shoots at the kennel in Nintendogs always gets me so fond of the different dog breeds all over again. All their shapes are so nice and the little mannerisms- the Dachshund giving me the side eye, the Shih Tzu bouncing around and then flopping into a clumsy sit, the Labrador that can't sit still and keeps jumping up to lick my face- even the ones that I generally consider to be not really my type by the end I'm wishing I could take them home with me 😭
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brimk-personal · 2 years
I rlly liked pits when I was younger (I kinda fell for the “”nanny dog”” origin myth lol), and I still think they can make great dogs when their owners don’t babify/whitewash their prey drive and the instincts that were bred into the breed(s) and work with them
If I wasn’t always running on empty and had an active lifestyle, and pit adoption groups weren’t shady w their dog’s history, I would have them on my future dog list
#they are great when they are w humans that understand their needs#and when said owners are emotionally braced to deal with and possibly give them the mercy of putting them down if their behavior issues#are severe enough to impede their quality of life. bc some dogs will truly never be healed even with the best trainers#and tragically the aggressive/fearful behavior that was selected for is still in many modern pits#I just get sad thinking about dog breeds like them. humans and dogs have such a heartmoving partnership#we would not be the species we are without them. but we are responsible for negatively impacting so many breeds by selecting for traits#for our own amusement or aesthetic purposes. theres a difference btwn behavior selected for protection dogs vs sport fighting#and in physical health btwn dogs bred to be small to help w tasks/survival vs haphazardly breeding the smallest together for Cuteness#*I don’t think it’s inherently bad to bred for small cute companion dogs! that’s what mine is! but I recognize that she was not bred#responsibly and it breaks my heart to think of how much better her qol would be if more care had been put into it#and I guess my views on pit-like dogs being bred is similar. I don’t want them to die out. I want people to actively seek out and breed#pits with strong known health and behavior histories#in order to counter the irresponsibly or stray bred pits#it gets to that counter to ‘spay/neuter all dogs’ arguement were the emotionally and physically healthy dogs in stable homes are the ones#being fixed. and the dogs breeding are random/irresponsible ones. meaning the unstable wildcards are the ones flooding the pop#and because of the ‘kill shelter’ and euth stigma people are pressured into not ‘giving up’ on the ones w severe issues#ANYWAYS. I gotta wrap this up. I have MANY dog thoughts. I love dogs.#but ya. euth or soft cull/fix pits w issues that make it very difficult to home. find and breed only the healthy stable ones#bri rambles
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