#( admin reply. )
tomorobo-illust · 4 months
More lone Emmett and cub?
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palmettoshitposts · 9 months
psu student takes to twitter to complain after losing a palmetto-themed trivia night because they thought the foxes mascot was the kevin day cardboard cut out the athletes are always talking about. he even has his own instagram account. who the fuck is foxy rocky?
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meet-the-courier · 1 month
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TFI's most wanted mercs are here on standby for YOU. They're busy as HELL but are under LEGAL CONTRACT to do WHAT EVER needs to be done- from mailing your CRAPPY LOVE LETTERS to answering ALL of your INVASIVE and PRODDING questions! You think it- they'll probably have to do it*! Just send an ask to whichever merc! Here's even a sneak peek into some of their history (presented without their knowledge! Fun surprise for you lovely guys!) (*Couriers are subject to responding to asks but responses are not guaranteed to be factual and in any certain time frame. They do still got jobs to do!)
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Foolish: Can we try making a nuke real quick? [Abuelito the Capybara shakes its head] No? Is that a bad idea?
Phil: Ok, so it's not- it's not- Right, Abuelito, it's not–
[Abuelito flashes a nuke 💣☢️]
Foolish: Wait– What the fck is that? Wait–
Ironmouse: WHAT THE– HUH???
Foolish: What the fck was that?!
Phil: What?
Foolish: Did you see that?!
Phil: No?
Ironmouse: WHAT WAS THAT?!
[Abuelito starts building with TNT blocks]
Foolish: Wait– Abuelito just carries a rocket in his pocket!
Ironmouse: [Giggles]
Phil: Fireworks?
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mikaikaika · 5 months
Frubbo so doomed by the narrative, the miscommunication has reached new heights
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voidsnarrator · 2 months
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My loveliest of babies!!
Blind Narrator and his Stanley from "I see you, I hear you" And swapped AU! Vincent and the Observer "Swap AU"
I've been becoming a little obsessed with the swapped boys and I really wanted to draw them haha Going from happily in love to uh, complicated? :')
I love them and if you can point out the key 2 differences between them from just the art I applaud you 👏👏
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mistressemmedi · 5 months
Can you imagine the absolute carnage that would take place if the F1 account posted something like this
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ahalliance · 5 months
(after antoine confronts bagz and aypierre for breaking into his secret room with all the reports he’d written up on the islanders)
Antoine: A second thing I didn’t appreciate is that the Federation built above this room, so I can’t destroy the Waystone!
Baghera: Antoine, know that because of that we thought you were of the Federation! We were so scared! We saw that there were unbreakable blocks put there by the Federation! We were sure— I got so scared, for a bit.
oh the misery…
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askcursedtales · 1 year
🡸 Previous
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[ Flan has joined the party! ]
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raapija · 4 months
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The admin.... The admin knows my name.... 😭😭💚
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Could you write a dating headcanon for Anubis in Kane Chronicles?
So this is probably not what you wanted. I could explain why I did these headcanons like this (and it is not that I don't like the character, if anything I do! (If I headcanon his manic pixie dream boy image that we get from Sadie's POV away)). I will leave a short rant at the bottom of the fic, for those interested :)
WC: 650 Warnings: mentions of death and dying
Dating Anubis Headcanons
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-What you and Anubis have is not really a “relationship” by mortal standards. Anubis is not allowed to be romantically involved with humans, unless he takes a host. Hence, why this relationship is rather tragic. 
-He doesn’t understand human traditions, and hardly gets past “normal” behavior. He thinks it is cute how you solve things, and how you behave. He finds you intriguing, therefore he seeks you out every now and then.
-You will have to explain holidays to him, and parties. You will need to tell him why he cannot suddenly show up at your house at night, when your parents are in the room next door. He tends to tilt his head when he is confused by your rambles, but there is always an affectionate smile on his face. 
-Be prepared for him to be gone for weeks on end. He gets in trouble if he grows too attached to you, and tries to avoid raising suspicions from the other gods. He does not want to be banned from seeing you, but the real question is on how long he can keep this up. They are bound to notice the small changes in his behavior (he seems happier lately, less moody). 
-He doesn’t realize how much he cares about you, until he sees that you are in danger. This need to protect you surges over him, and he basically growls as he saves you, quickly removing you from the situation. After he quickly scans you for injuries, he excuses himself and immediately goes away. He does not come back for a month, because he is trying to settle his feelings. But this just makes him grow fonder of the idea of being close to you, and he gives up denying himself time with you. 
-This is when he becomes really aware of the dangers that seeking you out pose. Not only can he be banned from seeing you, but it can also put some kind of target on your back. He wouldn’t know who would dare to challenging him but there might be a stupid magician out there who could try to use you as blackmail.  -If this results in you actively seeking him out, he will only turn more and more sour towards you. You are a fool for even talking to him. He tells you to stop, to live your mortal life without worrying about him. He is a god and he can take care of himself. If you are too stubborn, you can be sure you won’t see him again for the rest of your mortal life. 
-He might sometimes get jealous of your mortal life, when you talk excitedly about it. It’s not like he cannot take a mortal host, but he knows it will not be the same. Will he be with you, or his host? Will he be able to reach a balance with the host, or will it only bring problems? There are many doubts, and Anubis does not enjoy those, for uncertainties only brings more complications. He doesn’t want to complicate your life any further.  
-Anubis holds hope though- that one day, maybe after you die but hopefully sooner, he can become your significant other. It’s a guilty pleasure of his, to think about having you around all the time, to hold you close and to traverse your world. He is not heartless, he simply fears for the worst and does not understand that he might have eternity to figure things out, while your mortal years are going by fast.
-And if you were to hold onto him, or the concept of him even when he refuses to see you, if you keep asking for his attention, begging for him to love you, his guilt will force him to erase himself from your life. He will look at you from far away, protecting you silently if he needs to, but he never meant for you to get attached to him, not like this. He is a god, and he cannot physically be with you, but once upon a dream you can converse with him. Lay yourself bare, as he gets crushed by his mistakes.
Explanation, in short: it is canon that Anubis, the god, is not able to have a romantic relationship with a mortal. And given that this was not labeled Poly! Walt & Anubis (Because i think that is the best description i can give ig) I figured you meant just the god, which means it is a doomed relationship. Anubis, for one, believes in human agency and wouldn't just force a vessel because he likes a human. Anyways, that was a little rant.
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triptychofvoids · 4 months
Medic, giving talk therapy: ok so if you have to choose do you blame your mom or your dad more for making you like this
it seems like a valid question to ask! im not sure why it would make anyone upset..
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ot3 · 6 months
sorry if this is rude but since you mentioned having to move does that mean you'll be opening your shop again to cover the costs?
nope, i work full time now so i have enough money to move. i won't be opening my shop again for the foreseeable future because my printer is not working and i just haven't really had the time to troubleshoot it. i don't really have enough non-print goods to offer that it's worth my time to set the shop up for anything else.
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sugartoken · 2 months
brother WHAT
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scp-admissions · 2 months
HATE saying i like montauk bc i have to very very quickly go "THE VERSION ILLUSTRATED IN THE FEAR ALONE TALE + Tufto's proposal" like that damn spongebob image otherwise people will think i am a type of freak that i am Not. and the chances theyve actually read Fear Alone or Tuftos Proposal is extremely low so i then i have to explain it. your honor he did do some shit but the shock horror crimes against humanity were rumors used to generate fear to potentially contain 2317 . your honor i promise im normal
Oh yeah Fear Alone totally changed the meaning of Project Montauk.
Furthermore there are so many other scps that continuous develop and build upon the Scarlet King mythos, so it's a shame that all of it gets overshadowed by the how messed up original 231 is. Like there is a lot more to the entire Scarlet King side of SCP stories, but people still reduce all of it to "haha edgy".
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voidsnarrator · 2 months
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Stream finished and I drew my favorite boy 🥰
Lovebug Blind Narrator (Vincent)
I wanted to do some fun effects with lens flare and sparkles and make it all cute and pretty and stuff :3
I love him 💜
(Read his fic here!)
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