#( Valerie & Alaric )
scarletwandas · 3 months
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❝This life will be good, and beautiful, but not without heartbreak. In death, comes 𝓅𝑒𝒶𝒸𝑒, but pain is the cost of living. Like love, it's how we know we're 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄.❞
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careforbesdaily · 2 years
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STACKEDIARIES | november 12th | “best served cold”
[Caption: gifs from The Vampire Diaries. Valerie makes a spell to locate Alaric’s twins, with it seemingly gone wrong. But she says “The babies, They’re here.”, to Alaric and Caroline. The latter, still freaked out about the spell, yells, “Where? Floating in a raft in the Pacific Ocean somewhere? Look at the map. Your spell didn’t work.” Valerie slowly approaches Caroline, telling her that they’re not in the map, that the twins are inside her. Caroline looks at Alaric, who looks away, speechless and still reeling, and the camera turns back to her contained but perturbed expression.]
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melsie-sims · 2 years
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Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe we made it to freaking Year 10 of the challenge?!
I definitely can’t!
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deafchild2000 · 2 years
Legacies AU: Valerie discovers Jade's her Distant Granddaughter
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theshifterbride · 3 months
General - TVD dr
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Plot changes
Sleeping beauty curse doesn't happen to Elena and Bonnie.
The prophecy about the mikealsons being taken down by friend, lover, or foe is a lie and not true.
Sheriff Forbes doesn't get cancer or have cancer.
Hayley won't get pregnant from anyone in the Mikealson's family.
Caroline and Alaric never become a relationship.
No one except Elena takes that cure.
The Salvatore house never turns into a school.
Elena life never gets link to Bonnie.
Everything in legacies doesn't happen.
Elena doesn't get that sleeping spell on her.
Matt's older sister doesn't die.
Cade and the sirens doesn't exist.
Valerie and Stefan were never together. In fact they never met. She fell in love with someone else.
Nadia and Katherine got to spend more time together as mother and daughter.
Tom the doppelganger, rose, Enzo, Jenna, and Lexi don't die.
My grams don't die.
I have twin girls INSTEAD OF HAYLEY!
Klaus doesn't have to leave for the majority of the twins' lives.
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Sooo when I shift I'll be coming back from College. THAT'S RIGHT BITCHS I GRADUATED EARLY AND TOP OF MY CLASS. Definitely not doing that shit here. I came back in the beginning of season 2 but I'll be shifting to the episode where Elena got kidnapped by Rose and Trevor. In other words rose and Trevor got my ass.
I don't really have anything set in stone that I'm involved with in tvd. I train Bonnie and I'm like a supernatural encyclopedia.
I do have children in this dr by my man of course. I moved to New Orleans because of them. I only have twins tho.
In my past lives I was there for the beginning of witch's, when the daggers were made, the hollow getting locked away, Questiyah making Silas immortal, and the mystery life of the 2nd doppelganger aka the one before Talia but before Amara. I guess I was there for Chicago in the 1920's but I was mainly there to stalk Klaus without him noticing. No creepy shit tho.
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DR master list | Random post I've found
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zalrb · 4 months
I know Steroline is just a flop but it still bother's me that they make Stefan ooc with how he gave Caroline a shitty snow globe for Secret Santa and having Damon TELL him about Caroline like Stefan wouldn't know and DAMON would? And the lame ass proposal. Stefan Salvatore? Hopeless romantic, compassionate, sentimental, intimate, intense Stefan Salvatore? Okay guys. Like, I MISSED Stefan in the later seasons so much because he was mostly a shell of himself with a few glimmers of og Stefan.
OK. I'm of two minds about this.
When I was watching it in real time, I agreed with you. There are a lot of rants about how OOC I found Stefan
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But thinking about it, looking at the whole chessboard, I don't think that's actually true. There are a lot of issues with Steroline but Stefan not being Stefan isn't one of them.
There are certain things definitely that I can't abide like Damon explaining Caroline to Stefan. Or the snow globe because at that point in time, Stefan would've been with Elena, but, I also have to say, Steroline isn't Stelena and that contextualizes a lot, because I keep saying it, Stefan and Elena were built as a pair and that allows for certain traits to shine.
So, for instance, Stefan being on the run for three years and writing Caroline a letter every day is technically speaking being romantic and sentimental and intense but
a) it's not believable because there are so many issues in that relationship where neither Stefan nor Caroline communicate with each other, they both communicate more with Valerie than one another and Caroline communicated more with Alaric than with Stefan (see masterlist)
b) Paul and Candice didn't have the romantic chemistry needed
c) Caroline sends the letters back.
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She doesn't even read them and then complains about him abandoning her despite the fact that he kept reaching out to her
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and that's a perfectly valid response but that wouldn't have been Stelena. Stefan calls Elena and doesn't say a word but she knows it's him
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and the very next episode she's got on her inappropriate-for-hiking shorts and searches for him in the woods, coming face to face with werewolves for him
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which emphasizes how much an intimate gesture calling her was.
And granted, Caroline has kids so she can't do that, she can't up and go, she has different priorities but there isn't that implicit understanding between them where Caroline would understand why Stefan would leave in the first place or if she does understand, it's not enough, which means sending the letters is really just a futile attempt at something rather than an expression of intimacy and longing.
The show tries to give that understanding to them in the series finale
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but I don't know, that's kind of overshadowed to me by the fact that Stefan's last goodbye before leaving the world is to Elena and it's more intimate than his goodbye to Caroline
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Stefan sells his soul for the twins
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and I get what they were trying to do with Caroline's response like "no, no, no you can't leave me, we're starting a life, and I can't lose you, I can't lose that"
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but Caroline's indignation doesn't play very well and I'll get to what I mean later.
Stefan goes into the tomb for Jeremy
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and Elena races to run in after him that Damon has to slam her against a wall
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and she literally tries to fight him so she can go into the tomb
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that raises the stakes of what Stefan has done to protect an innocent who happens to be her brother.
When Stefan is human and decides that he wants to leave so he can atone, so her life can be better, Caroline is pissed, she's all but I've stood by you through everything, this is bullshit
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and again, her being indignant is valid and obviously she knows why he's doing it, but the tone and Candice's read on the whole thing and the "how dare you do this to me" quality of the conversation also feels like Caroline not understanding just who she's engaged to.
Elena calls Stefan out in 1x10 where she's like, don't act as if you're doing for this for me when I'm not the one who wants this
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but she's not berating him, she's being vulnerable which then emphasizes his vulnerability, emphasizes what he's wrestling with, emphasizes how deeply he feels things
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So effectively, my point is that Elena's reactions to Stefan's actions amp up Stefan's romance and compassion and intimacy and intensity because the show let's it breathe, let's us revel in it, let's us really see it.
It also helps that Stelena actually had chemistry so when they have their intimate moments it isn't awkward and the romance and the intimacy and the intensity come out the way they're meant to. Like, 7x05 is supposed to show that Stefan knows Caroline so well but they don't feel natural that I don't believe the scene
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this, though I believe
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and it also helps that SE's relationship wasn't riddled with the same amount of fundamental problems that SC's was -- again see the masterlist.
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
39 - An Ordinary Vampire
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Part 40
Family is More than Blood
Raelyn’s pov
Moving through the airport I ran down the stairs seeing the familiar blonde I had been missing. Caroline flung her arms open embracing me with a long overdue hug. “I can’t believe you just jumped on a plane to see me. Not that I’m upset over it.”
“I just needed to see you…and I need your help with something.” I squeezed her back tightly before breaking the hug holding onto her forearms.
She gave me a look still smiling. “What can I do that the brilliant Heretic Raelyn Mikaelson can’t.”
“I need help just being a vampire for a little while.” I answered her.
Caroline made a confused expression. “Just a vampire. Wait, are you saying you gave up your powers. Why the hell would you do something like that?”
“It’s a long story but we finally defeated the Hollow. But yeah I gave up my powers until I felt comfortable with them again. It’s the same thing that Josette did. I don’t see why there’s a big problem when I do it.”
The mystic vampire slumps her shoulders sighing heavily in front of me. “I guess I understand. And I am honored to think you trust me to be your vampire coach.”
“I could go to Valerie but I was afraid she would try and convince me to return my magic back. I already have my husband breathing down my neck doing that exact thing.” I throw my hands up in the air.
She nodded brushing hair out of her face. “Sounds like you need a drink. Luckily I passed a pretty good bar that has the best margaritas in my opinion.”
We left the airport and I put my bag up in the hotel room she had purchased. Before we strolled the streets of England since she was still looking for any solution to the Merge but has had no luck in solving the problem. We sat down at two empty bar stools waiting for the bartender to come take our order. “I feel like I should apologize for not coming to you when I had the Gemini leader power in my veins.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that. You had to protect your children first and foremost. That is what any parent would do.” She responded to me with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
The bartender came over sliding us each a margarita. “Here you go. One strawberry and one mango.” She left as quickly as she came tending to the next person.
“Raelyn, don't feel guilty about not being able to help my kids. Alaric and I understand why.” Caroline raised the glass to her lips.
Sitting my glass down I huffed under my breath. Closing my eyes I sniffed the air being able to smell the fresh human blood all around us. The alcohol wasn't helping as much as it normally would. Clutching my hands into fists on the bar countertop I slowly put my feet on the floor seeing two young girls sitting in a booth near us just chatting away. “You know what I think I need a different drink right about now.”
“Woah Rae Rae.” She jumped down from her barstool grabbing me by my shoulders. “Just take a breath and calm down.”
I felt the veins beginning to appear under my eyes. “Caroline, I just need a quick taste of blood then I'll be fine.”
“Raelyn, I know you and you are not good at snatch, eat, erase. Let me go to the nearest hospital and get you some or I can get some blood from the bartender.” She held me back still away from the young girls.
I shoved my hands against her chest trying to siphon her to sleep. “Magia tollux de terras - urgh!”
“It's not so easy to get what you want without magic is it, Heretic Queen?” I glared at Caroline before I slowly turned around on my feet after she dropped her hands off of me seeing my husband leaning in the doorway of the bar.
Glaring at him I growled with the fangs appearing in my mouth. “What the hell are you doing here, Niklaus!”
“I felt you weren't acting like yourself so I figured I needed to keep an eye on you.” He responded crossing his arms over his chest.
Caroline sighed brushing her hair. “Klaus, your snooping on her. She just came seeking my help. It shouldn't be a big deal.”
“It is a big deal when she put her magic away without even asking how I felt about it.” Klaus raised his voice striding up to me.
I could hear whispering from some people the bartender specifically where Caroline touched my arm. “You two should take this outside. I'll pay for our drinks and catch up with you later.”
“Fine.” I stomped past my husband and he followed after me. We made our way into an empty alleyway that was behind the building. Leaning my body against the brick wall I still glared at him. “How did you find me?”
Klaus answers my question simply. “You used my credit card. It was that hard to make the airport tell me where you had flown off to.”
“Normally I find your snooping into my life romantic. Except for this moment in time.” I snapped at the hybrid.
Klaus scoffed. “I would think you would find my concern for your safety still romantic even though I know you can take care of yourself.”
“You know what I want you to know, Klaus.” I stomped up until we were almost chest to chest. “I want you to wrap it around your head that giving up my magic was my decision. Not yours, but mine. Stop thinking I am so unstable without it.”
He rolled his eyes. “I never said the word unstable to you.”
“What am I supposed to think when you're following me around telling me I made a mistake when you have no idea what it is like to have your own subconscious tell you to hurt the people you love. Even when I knew it was wrong I couldn't break it. I…I was weak and I let it get to me. I just felt so…”
“Broken.” Klaus and I finished my ranting sentence together.
Stepping away from him I felt some tears falling down my face. I knew that he had demons in his mind that he hated having to battle them. But what surprised me was that he seemed to be handing it better than I was. He reached up gently holding my shoulders making me look him in those blue eyes I adore. “How long have you felt this way, Rae?”
“Since the day you brought me back…I pushed through the loss of my family members. But this..this is so much more than those feelings. I don't know why I am feeling like this when I have you and our beautiful kids by my side. Yet I still can't shake it because I almost hurt all of you in a way I am not sure I can forgive myself for.” I croaked wiping away tears that had begun falling faster with every breath I took.
My hybrid husband stared down at me silently for a few minutes. “Time and time again you speak towards me as if you are falling apart and no one is there to catch you. When it is the exact opposite. You aren't meant to go through this alone, Raelyn.” He was still in awe from the first day he met her how she could be so beautiful and fierce even when she stood in front of him emotionally breaking down.
“I know you’re here for me. I appreciate it, I do. I just can't feel the magic running through my veins until I trust myself to not accidentally hurt any of you again.” Rubbing my hands down my arms he didn't waste time drawing me forward to his chest hugging me.
Clutching the fabric of his jacket I began sobbing into his shirt. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. “Sssh love. I am here. I'll be here whenever you're ready.” He whispered in my hair until his phone was ringing in his pocket.
He hit the answer button on his phone hearing Missy’s voice come over. “Mom, dad. You have to come home now.”
“Sweetheart, what has happened?” I asked her to take the phone from his hands.
Missy sounded nervous from the tone in her voice. “Charming and Rapunzel have more power than we thought. And something has happened to Josie.”
“What happened to her, Missy?” Klaus questions our third daughter.
She replied back. “The dark magic that she got from Kai has taken over her. She needs our help, all of us.”
“Raelyn, Klaus, what is going on?” Caroline came around the corner seeing us standing there.
Looking in her direction I ended the phone call with our daughter. “We have to go back to the school. All of us,your girls are in danger.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kmze · 1 month
s7 timeline drives me bonkers.Did they clarify when Caroline got engaged?🧐
NOPE! And I tried to follow it and paid more attention to the flashbacks and constant guilt trips via phone calls but they never specified. TBH the only relationship that they actually filled in the blanks on was Bonnie and Enzo and it was because that was essentially the only relationship Julie cared about keeping. Even the SV flashback stuff isn't clear because in 7x16 they say basically after two years Stefan has given up and he decides to kiss Valerie and start something with her. Then in the 7x18 flashback he's talking to the same bartender as in 7x16 but now the bartender clearly knows him and calls Valerie "his girl" so it felt like this happened after their kiss yet he's still writing letters to Caroline. They even had Valerie say he wrote letters when he thought she wasn't looking so it felt like Julie was implying he kept it up even after they got together. Then the scene in 7x20 says that Matt and Penny got engaged 2 years ago but Penny's funeral was the day he received the invites for the wedding which to me meant it needed to be at least a few months after, I mean it took me a year and a half to plan my wedding and invites are one of the last things you get. They also don't specify how long it took Matt to fill in the blanks that he was compelled. Then there's CA which who knows, Alaric said "word travels fast" when Damon knew Caroline was his fiancé so clearly Stefan filled him in when he woke him up but we have no idea how Stefan knew this.
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kiss-my-freckle · 11 months
"You wanna beat the villain, you've gotta be smarter." Damon is the smarter brother. That's why Katherine commends him for his plan. "You had a good plan Damon. And that's high praise coming from me." Plans that are never the problem, which Damon points out to Alaric. "There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed ones." That's why Damon nearly killed Klaus, and would have if not for Katherine pushing Stefan to intervene. That's why Shane makes a comment about Damon's intuition. "It was good thinking using Bonnie as Jeremy's emotional touchstone. Damon is very intuitive." Why Damon knows Stefan's girlfriend better than Stefan does. Why even Bonnie flat-out says, "Damon, you're a genius." Most characters turn to Damon because they know he's more street smart. He's the one that hands Katherine her loophole for Klaus' compulsion in the second season. Who's smart enough to come up with his own loophole in the fourth season. Unlike Katherine, is even smart enough to fool Klaus into believing he can be compelled when he's on vervain. When Damon said he was feeling un-murderous, he meant it. So when he makes a comment to Klaus about how their Xbox brains aren't able to focus, what he's really telling Klaus is that he already found his loophole. He knows he doesn't have to kill Jeremy for real, he's keeping Klaus in the cellar long enough for Jeremy to kill Kol. Damon is the one smart enough to know the Lockwoods are supernatural, while Stefan wants to believe Tyler is strong because he's a jock. Damon's the one smart enough to know Alaric is more than a history teacher, the one smart enough not to shake Connor's hand, the one smart enough to know they can transfer Rayna's mark while Valerie hid this fact from Stefan for three years. Damon doesn't even have to know Shane's deal to know he's shady.  And because everyone ignores his warnings, they pay the price for it. He tells Tyler there's reason to be paranoid about Shane and Hayley, which is the reason Tyler ends up on the run. He tells Bonnie Shane is shady, and because she doesn't believe him, she later finds out he taught her the same magic that killed his wife. Not even Stefan would believe him about Shane killing the council. Stefan had to hear it from Rebekah. That's also why Damon is the one to figure out John is Elena's father, while Stefan is laughing at him for thinking as much. When a plan is needed, they know to turn to Damon instead of Stefan. That's why Katherine feels the need to babysit Stefan. "Come on, Stefan. You're not the diabolical type. Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work." Damon is the diabolical type. That's why Stefan has to use his father's tactics to vervain him, why he isn't able to fool Damon into believing he'll help open the tomb, and despite every setback... gets that tomb open. Living as a villain for 145 years is the reason Damon's so street smart, not to be confused with book smart. They even show this in 1864. "We have to be more careful than this. More clever. Like Katherine was." Katherine and Damon are what true competition looks like. Like Damon, Katherine has a lot of great plans, but a lot of them fail in their execution. One of the reasons Damon is so good with women is his intuition. That's why he's helping Elena pick out her meal while sitting in Shane's lecture, why he's able to get Rebekah back in his bed despite telling her not to hold her breath for another round. He knows a desperate girl when he sees one, which is how he's able to get Caroline's attention. He's so smart, he manipulates Caroline into manipulating Bonnie just to put a wedge between Stefan and Elena in the fourth episode of the series... because he knows how teenagers work. Street smarts requires being able to read people because you need to know your enemy. Damon is smart enough to fool both Sage and Rebekah into believing they burned all the white oak. 
"To beat the villain, Damon. you have to be the better villain." Stefan is the stronger brother. That's why Damon sends him in for an arm wrestling match against Mason. Why, whenever Damon's plan fails in execution, Stefan is there to handle the consequences. He'll get in Mason's face when Damon fails to kill him, feel the need to kill Enzo when he threatens to kill Damon, feel the need to back Damon up whenever he knows strength is needed. Stefan knows Damon isn't the stronger brother. "Sweet and earnest to a fault, but never strong. That came later, when he found himself - when he truly became Damon." Like Caroline, Damon found strength in vampirism, but he's not the stronger brother. Katherine knew even before they became vampires. "Somehow I think you play rougher." That's why Stefan is the one always shown working out and playing sports. Why he feels the need to go into the armory vault with Damon, why Damon looks for his strong brother when Julian is ready to rip his heart out in the ring. Hell, even vamp-Elena and vamp-Caroline can drop Damon. A difference between courage and strength. That's why, when Damon admits to kissing Elena on the porch, he vamp-speeds across the room to escape Stefan and literally seeks safety with human Elena. Why, when Damon has Elena feed on him, he's trying to calm Stefan's jealousy. It's even in his body language. When he tells Stefan he's taking Elena to college to teach her to feed, he's immediately on the defense, telling Stefan to remember they're not in a fight. When Stefan is on human blood, Damon can't stop him. That's why Bonnie has to be the one to drop Stefan after the Mystic Falls pageant, why Lexi has to drop him in Ghost World, why Damon distracts Klaus while human Elena is to drop Stefan, and even Stefan said Damon doesn't have long before Klaus rips his heart out. That's what Damon meant when he said what he did in the pilot episode. Stefan can take Damon any time, but not while he's on animal blood. He lost that fight when he stopped feeding on people. Stefan is quite literally Damon’s superman. 
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voidsteffy · 1 year
2,10, and 23 for the salty asks <3
omg i think you're gonna regret asking me, because this is so long 😬
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Nancy Drew - Bess and Odette. She barely knew the lady! Give my queen some recovery period from her *ehm* HUNDRED YEARS OF TRAUMA before wanting to jump the bones of the body she's possessing RNM - It's weird, but Max and Anatsa. I could never picture them, even as a fling. TVD - Jeremy and Bonnie. when they were together, it was actually an illegal ship y'all. Jeremy was 16, and Bonnie was 18-19. I really wished they'd just bonded as a human connection to Elena and not... yk, ghost-shagged each other Gilmore Girls - LANE AND ZACH. where did they even come from? out of thin air that's where. Lane deserved her happy ending with Dave Rygalski and I will die on this hill. Teen Wolf - (brace yourself) Lydia and Parrish. Malia and Parrish. Melissa and Argent. wtf? at this point I'm pretty sure Jeff Davis just played chits and picked his ships randomly. All of Parrish's ships are ew (that's just his luck unfortunately) and Melissa with Peter would have been the best choice are you kidding me? ARGENT AND MELISSA'S KIDS WERE TOGETHER, and not even fwb-together. like SOULMATE together! Grey's Anatomy - Addison and Alex. They couldn't cash in major potential there. She was the right amount of bitchy to get him off his macho ass. Not everyone has to sleep with everyone Miss Shonda! Also, Teddy and Owen. They're best as friends, because (i hate to admit this) Teddy was right in s18 (was it 19, i think it was 19?) when she told Link to stay away from Jo because marrying best friends and then hating them in marriage is sad.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
RNM - Again, the Max-Anatsa storyline. It's like, again, they played chits with who she should be with. My Max is not the one-night stand kinda guy (which I'm proud of, representation of my soul) and him sleeping with Anatsa and then just dropping her is WACKY. Isobel and Anatsa were so much better, and had good development Nancy Drew - Park's arc. The writers had the potential in their very hands and chucked it themselves. Park as the ISM/FHK would have made so much sense, it would have been the best direction for his appearance. TVD - The entire Alaric x Caroline thing. HATED THAT. HATED THAT the way Ashley Ippolito hates Nate Jacobs. He's like 15 years older than her and IS HER BEST FRIEND'S STEPDAD. And the Alaric and Stefan pissing contest for Caroline. Dear writers you didn't give Caroline Forbes the Elle Woods arc she deserved to put her in this dump of a situation! Gilmore Girls - Married Dean cheating thing. "He's MY Dean" Rory honey go touch some grass and juggle some balls. He's fucking married and as your mother once said "Solidarity Sister". Lindsey wasn't all that bad, and she definitely deserved better than being cheated on at the age of 19. Teen Wolf - Argent and Melissa. Explained above. Notice how in the movie, Argent and Melissa didn't really have any romantic/close scene without a third wheel (thank God)? It's like Jeff Davis finally realized that oh shit, aren't their respective kids the main reason this all started? Grey's Anatomy - Jackson and Maggie. Just— NO.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Nancy Drew - everyone loves everyone in this one. so I can't really say anything divergent RNM - i think we love everyone right? TVD - VIncent Griffith (does he count? idk but I love his humor and badassery). Oh, and also Valerie Tulle. She was sweet while she lasted wasn't she? I honestly saw more in Stellerie than in Steroline (why you booing me when I'm right!) Gilmore Girls - Lindsey. Just because her taste in music is different from Rory and Jess's, doesn't mean she's not a good human. She tried so much to keep her marriage afloat, and I've never seen her be rude like Rory to Shane. Grey's Anatomy - Sam Bello (basically foetus Liz Ortecho) because she's the sweetest most bubbly thing after firecrackers in honey.
thanks for the ask man, omg i love being salty
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hello! I'm currently looking for an 18+ MxM or MxF
(me playing the female) p! I tend to play a more
submissive/bottom character. I only rp over discord.
I'm open to do doubles!!
These are some of the fandoms I'm interested in
doing. Names in bold mean they’re my favorites!
Harry Potter: For MxF ships, I'd play Luna, Cho, or
Ginny. For MxM ships id play Neville, Harry, or Draco.
I'm looking for someone to rp as Cedric, Harry,
Draco, or Ron.
Marvel: For MxF ships I'd play Wanda. MxM ships I'd
play Peter Parker. You can play whatever male you'd
like. I'm more flexible with these so if you have a
character you'd like me to play do not be shy to ask!
DC: For MxF ships I'd play Raven, Supergirl, Starfire,
or Harley Quinn. For Mx ships l'd play Beast Boy,
Robin or The Flash. I'm looking for someone to play
Superman, Batman, Joker, or Green Arrow.
TVD: for MxF I'd play Elena, Katherine, Bonnie,
Valerie, Nora, or Mary. For MxM I'd play Stefan, Kai,
Jeremy, or Tyler. Looking for someone to play
Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Enzo, Alaric, or Kai.
The Originals: I'd play Davina, Hayley, Rebekah,
Aurora or Freya for MxF. For MxM, l'd play Vincent,
Kol, Klaus, Josh, or Jackson. Looking for someone to
play Kol, Elijah, Klaus, Marcel, Aiden, or Lucien.
Legacies: For MxF I'd play Lizzie, Josie, Hope, or
Finch. For MxM, l'd play Ryan, Sebastian, Jed, or
Ethan. Looking for someone to play Ethan, Jed,
Rafael, Dorian, or Alaric.
I want this rp to be about 70% smut, 30% story. I'm
very kink friendly. I have a small amount of limits.
Let's talk about kinks and limits privately!
Like this post, comment, or send me a message here
or on discord if you are interested.
Feel free to contact me with any questions!
My discord is </3#1088
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
Sending you a torturous fun TVD ship ranking challenge, no ties allowed! Rank each of these from the one you love most to the one you like least: Stelena, Delena, Matt/Caroline, Caroline/Tyler, Steroline, Klaroline, Bonnie/Jeremy, Bonnie/Enzo, Damon/Katherine, Stefan/Katherine, Stefan/Valerie, Rebekah/Matt, Alaric/Jenna, Jeremy/Anna (I'm sorry, but I can't include Caroline/Alaric because my mind protects my sanity by pretending they were never a thing!) I can't wait to see your rankings!
1) Delena,
2) Klaroline,
3) Stefan/Katherine, Bonnie/Enzo,
5) Caroline/Tyler, Matt/Caroline
6) Rebecca/Matt,
7) Alaric/Jenna
8) Damon/Katherine
9) steroline
10) I don’t remember Valerie
11) all the Jeremy ships
[ insert infinity of space here ]
12) Stelena
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melsie-sims · 2 years
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The guests have started to arrive! It’s time to celebrate Fabe’s birthday!
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deafchild2000 · 2 years
Inheritance Profile: Lizzie Saltzman
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• Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman
• March 15, 2014 (McKinley, Virginia, Age 14-15)
• Alive
• Member of the Gemini Coven
• Student
• Wonder Twins, Little Munchkins, and Little Squirt (All by Damon)
• Mean Girl (by Hope about Lizzie and Josie)
• Queen of Mean (by Penelope)
• Dude (by Hope)
• Crazy Lizzie (by herself)
• Liz-bear (by Alaric)
• Bottle Blonde, Lesser Evil, Queen Elizabeth (by Harmony)
• Siphoner
• Female
• Alaric (Paternal Great-Great-Grandfather)
• Ed Saltzman (Paternal Grandfather)
• Dianne Saltzman (Paternal Grandmother)
• Joshua Parker † (Maternal Grandfather)
• Joshua's Twin Brother † (Maternal Great-Uncle)
• Malachai Parker † (Maternal Uncle)
• Joey Parker † (Maternal Uncle)
• 1 Unnamed Maternal Uncle †
• 2 Unnamed Maternal Aunts †
• Olivia Parker † (Maternal Aunt)
• Lucas Parker † (Maternal Uncle)
• Josette Laughlin † (Biological Mother)
• Alaric Saltzman (Father)
• Josie Saltzman (Twin Sister)
• Elena Gilbert (Step-Sister via Alaric)
Via Surrogacy:
• Caroline Forbes (Surrogate Mother)
• Stefan Salvatore † (Late Step-Father via Caroline)
• William Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)
• Gerald Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)
• Margaret Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)
• Bill Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandfather)
• Elizabeth Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandmother)
• Bob (Surrogate Maternal Great-Uncle)
• Mary (Surrogate Maternal Great-Aunt)
• 5'9" (Feet)
• 1.75 (Meters)
• Blonde
• Blue
Early History
While Jo Laughlin was thinking she was sick from food poisoning it was revealed by her brother that she's pregnant after she gives him her power for him to survive the consequences of the jacked merging ritual he performed with his brother, Luke, instead of Jo. Jo and Alaric began to pick out names for the baby. Elena finds out about Jo's pregnancy when she tells her that Kai had been imprisoned in the 1903 prison world.
Jo and Bonnie are attacked by Lily during Jo's bachelorette party. As she is about to feed on Jo, Lily hears the babies' heartbeats and tells her that she is expecting twins. Later, Jo tells Alaric that they will be having twins and that the Gemini Coven will want to get their hands on them to strip Kai of power by performing another twin merge.
Damon reveals that Jo is dead after Kai stabbed her in the abdomen and believed the twins were killed too.
It is revealed by Valerie Tulle that the twins survived Kai's attack on Jo because the Gemini Coven performed a spell to transfer the twins into another body. It was also revealed that Caroline Forbes is currently pregnant with twins. It was revealed that she and her sister had siphoned a bit of magic from Caroline's body for a long time, but as they grew in her womb, they siphoned more and more magic out of her system, until Caroline began to desiccate. Before she was born with her twin, they used telekinesis to keep her from being born because they were attached to the magic in Caroline's body. Bonnie and Valerie finished the job by drawing magic out of Caroline's body as the doctors perform a C-section, allowing Lizzie and her twin sister, Josie, to be born on March 15, 2014.
Alaric, the twins, and Caroline head to Dallas as he wants to keep his promise to Jo. While at a diner, the twins begin to cry and Caroline is having a hard time putting Josie to sleep. After talking to Klaus for a few minutes, Josie is silently sleeping and Klaus mentions they shouldn't wake her up, and he proceeds to hang up.
3 years later, Caroline is seen with the twins in New Orleans at St. James Infirmary looking for Klaus. The bartender tells Caroline that Klaus hasn't been seen or heard from in 3 years, which leaves Caroline puzzled.
Lizzie, along with her sister and her father, calls Caroline before they go to bed. They appear to miss Caroline being around as she has been on the run with Stefan Salvatore, trying to get away from Bonnie. Before they go to bed, they say their good-nights to Caroline before Alaric takes the phone from them to talk to Caroline alone. Alaric and Caroline both decide to use Lizzie, along with her twin sister Josie, to siphon Bonnie's spell over the Armory as Bonnie was suffering from the effects of Rayna's poisonous blood. Lizzie, along with Josie, was successful in opening the Armory doors and she embraces Caroline in triumph, while Alaric hugs Josie.
Lizzie and her sister, Josie, video call Alaric until he asked for Seline. Seline tells them to go put on their swimsuits while they chat. Later, the girls visit Caroline at work; Seline leaves to go have a salad for lunch and leaves the girls with Caroline. When she left, Caroline mentions that Seline probably loves kale, which makes Lizzie ask her what is kale; Caroline responds you don't want to know. The video, that is given to her by Seline from Pete, which Caroline is attempting to watch gets to a certain point and the sound messes up to which Lizzie tells her mommy that it is too loud. Later that evening, Virginia breaks into the house, attacks Seline, and tries to kill the girls for opening the armory. Virginia stalks through the house where she comes to the girls' room. When inside, she hears laughing come from the closet and proceeds through before she can approach is knocked out by Caroline. Caroline checks the closet and finds the girls, Lizzie saying hi to her mommy, to which Caroline tells the girls don't move while she goes to handle Virginia. Lizzie and Josie are first seen fighting over the tuning fork, to which Alaric tells Lizzie to put the fork down immediately. She tells her dad she had it first, which prompts Alaric to yell at Lizzie to drop it. Lizzie drops the fork and she and Josie begin to scream over the vibrations the tuning fork makes. Alaric picks up the fork to stop the vibrations and proceeds to comfort the girls. Josie and Lizzie are getting ready for bed. Lizzie asks Seline for a bedtime story, to which Josie answers nothing sad. Seline then tells them "The Legend of Arcadius". Seline takes Josie and Lizzie to the local carnival where the sisters have fun playing games and won a goldfish. However, it's dead and Seline explains that the deceased need to be treated with dignity so that they can find peace in death. She also explains to them how their souls are taken by Cade and that they can show him what they've done. She teaches the twins the Incendia spell and sets a pile of wood, albeit hiding a corpse underneath, on fire. Caroline and Alaric issue an Amber Alert for her and Lizzie as Seline has kidnapped them. She and Lizzie are taken to a diner and then to a motel, where Seline offers them to Arcadius, who Seline and Sybil have called out to. To spare the twins the same fate as the sirens, Stefan offers himself to be Arcadius' servant; an offer which Cade accepts. Josie and Lizzie visit Caroline for Christmas since they haven't been with her since their dad took both to a safe location.
Alaric brings the girls back to Mystic Falls and takes them to the Armory. He calls Caroline wanting to bring the girls over and admits that he needs good parenting advice as unbeknownst to her, they've been acting up and their siphoning and magic are growing unstable. As he checks in on the girls, they continue coloring as levitating crayons above their heads.
Alaric soon arrives at Caroline's later that night with Lizzie and Josie in tow. Both are thrilled to see their mother and embrace her in warm hugs, commenting about how big they've grown seen she last saw them. They sit down as a family to get dinner and Lizzie accidentally siphons Caroline as she wants to use her sister's cup, the pink one. Josie sits by as she watches Alaric scold her sister and sees that she hurt their mom. Josie is visibly upset at her sister and attempts the Incendia spell on Lizzie but the spell failed without any magic to draw from. Nevertheless, Alaric and Caroline intervene grabbing the two girls; Caroline scolding Josie that those words could seriously hurt her sister. Alaric and Caroline look on, worried about their wild and troubling behavior.
When Kai Parker was brought back to life, she and her sister hide under their bed when Kai breaks free from his cell in the Armory. After he's subdued by Alaric and Caroline, she and Lizzie, with Bonnie's guidance, lock him away in a new prison world, ensuring their safety.
Josie and her sister are the flower girls for Stefan and Caroline's wedding. Later that night, during the reception she, Lizzie, and Bonnie are caught in the crossfire when Kelly Donovan made the Lockwood Mansion explode although, with Bonnie's guidance, she teaches them the spell that they need to survive, ultimately, Bonnie removes all the fire from the building and leads them to safety. Bonnie leads the twins out of the charred building. Alaric and Caroline are overwhelmed with joy as Bonnie saved them. They soon learn that they are not out of danger and they all leave Mystic Falls, stopping briefly at the Armory. They are seen later playing outside the Salvatore Boarding House as Alaric unpacks the newly designed Salvatore Boarding School sign, established for supernatural kids. Josie and Lizzie, as well as Alaric, are last seen being watched over by their mother, Jo's spirit, who had found peace.
In July 2019, 5-year-old Lizzie and Josie are introduced to 7-year-old twins, Hope & Harmony Marshall. The twins take a liking to them, but Lizzie mostly bonds with Harmony.
In December 2020, Alaric was supposed to go Christmas Tree shopping with the 6-year-old twins but was alerted by Emma about a magical surge appearing on the Potential Student map. Unable to go shopping with the twins, Alaric left with Dorian to retrieve this new student. One night, Josie rushed into their dorm and told Lizzie that she learned their father went to collect a student who killed her parents over her Christmas presents. This lie fueled the fire in Lizzie's mind over the "injustice" of her dad skipping out on them & lead to her spreading this rumor throughout the school to make the new girl pay for ruining Christmas shopping for her. So when Alyssa Chang arrived the next day, she was singled out and ostracized during her first days at Salvatore. She enjoyed watching 8-year-old Alyssa being outcasted by the rest of the students upon arrival. However, the joy began to lose its luster and slowly formed into jealousy when she saw Harmony becoming fast friends with the girl. This would indirectly lead to years of feuding with Alyssa with Harmony acting as the referee.
In 2021, 7-year-old Lizzie and Josie began noticing that Alaric began paying special attention to the Marshall twins and started having sparring lessons with them. One day, having been annoyed to see their dad heading to the quarry to spar with the Marshalls, began ranting to Josie about how unfair it was when Harmony came to their dorm asking them to join her and her sister. With some convincing with the assurance that Alaric was patiently waiting for them, the twins agreed and chained into their fitness clothes before following Harmony. However, when they got to the quarry, all three girls saw that Alaric and Hope had started without them despite Harmony promising they wouldn't. Hearing Alaric hyping Harmony and Hope up while downplaying his daughters for them to hear made Lizzie run away in tears. Harmony eventually caught up and tried to console her, but in her distress, Lizzie accidentally siphoned off of her and pushed her to a wall, causing her to bleed and have a concussion. Horrified, she ran back to her dad, who quickly retrieved Harmony and brought her to the infirmary. For a few days, Lizzie was completely guilt-ridden until she heard the news that Harmony woke up. She was scared to approach her until being encouraged by Caroline on the phone. To her surprise, Harmony was happy to see her and easily forgave her as it was an accident.
In 2025, with Lizzie and Josie's upcoming 11th birthday coming up, they invited almost everyone at school, except Hope. Harmony told them off about it but Alaric brought Hope, which resulted in it ending with the entire party ruined and descending into chaos. Harmony got injured getting in the middle of Hope and the twins fight as a result. Both sets of twins were punished accordingly.
This sequence of events caused Lizzie to have an emotional meltdown that caused her to destroy her and Josie's dorm. Josie and Harmony had to calm her down, the latter needing to use her empath abilities to calm her down. Lizzie was later diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Sometime after, under the advisement of Emma, Lizzie started writing in a diary featuring a Star Wars-inspired world filled with her interests.
Before Spring Break, Lizzie and Josie were preparing to go to Florida with their parents. However, it was halted due to a massive fire in Harmony and Hope's dorm - burning almost everything they had, including a cherished picture Hope painted with Klaus and nearly Harmony's violin. Believing Hope did this to ruin her Spring Break, Lizzie came up with a plan to even the score. One night, she snuck into Emma's office and looked through her files hoping to find dirt on Hope. Seeing the files labeled "H. Marshall #1" and "H. Marshall #2", Lizzie deduced that #1 was Hope's file and found a CD titled "Sessions with Marshall". However, instead of watching it, she chose to upload it onto the school website. However, she soon earned that the video wasn't of Hope, but of Harmony- who unbeknownst to her was trying to talk to Anastacia, a spirit living in her head. Realizing what she'd done, she tried to undo her mistake, but the damage was done and Harmony was humiliated. She confessed to Alaric and Emma, who were livid and ashamed of her but managed to get the video down, but not before Lizzie was hit with a mental spell that trapped her in her mind by Harmony for her betrayal. Under this spell, Lizzie suffered from a manic episode in which she heard voices of loved ones calling her "a failure" and that she wasn't "good enough". After this episode, the spell was lifted by Harmony, remorsefully regretful for what she'd done. Seeing as they both did horrible things in a spur of anger, they exchanged apologies. But Harmony, unable to get past Lizzie's irrational reasons behind her actions, ended their friendship. This deeply hurt Lizzie and began the start of a strained, antagonistic association between the two.
In February 2026, she and her sister are students at Salvatore but have a reputation for being mean girls. They are constantly in competition with the Midnight Falls Coven (consisting of Harmony, Alyssa, and Penelope Park) for the title of "Most Powerful Witch". Upon news that Hope & Harmony Marshall are the daughters of Klaus Mikaelson after Hope created a hybrid from a werewolf, Henry Benoit, Lizzie hears of her suspension. With Hope suspended, they tried to grow their on the witch's popularity but were halted by Penelope and Alyssa. However, they didn't try anything once learn that a vampire student, Roman Sienna, was an older vampire and part of a group of "nazi vampires" responsible for the deaths of Henry and Hope and Harmony's mother, Hayley.
A month later, Lizzie and Josie see their mom in the middle of a school tour. She pulls them aside later that day and explains the situation of the Mikaelson twins needing their help. They bargain with Caroline as she asks them to help Hope and Harmony - who are dying due to The Hollow's dark magic inside them. Caroline also tells Lizzie that it would be the first step toward gaining Harmony's forgiveness, effectively guilt-tripping her. Before Klaus could get a chance to talk to them, Alaric shoots him with an arrow through the chest, leaving the twins looking shocked at what happened. At night during the full moon, the girls begin a spell to siphon the magic out of Hope & Harmony to insert it into Klaus, who will proceed to kill himself. After the spell is completed, Alaric takes the girls away.
Some days later, Lizzie and Josie come to learn Klaus passed away, leaving his daughters orphaned, and, by word of their mom, Harmony would be permanently living in Mystic Falls with Bonnie Bennett and continue attending Salvatore with Hope.
In May, Lizzie and Josie soon learn that Harmony had disowned Hope as her sister and vowed nothing to do with her.
When Summer began, they went to Europe to spend time with Caroline in Rome. When they return for the school year, they are surprised to learn Harmony changed her last name to "Kenner", cementing her separation from Hope. Lizzie expressed that she didn't know sisters could disown each one another.
In December of 2026, Lizzie was immediately sent to the ER because Alyssa linked Lizzie to a fire spell with her notebook. She wouldn't know it was because of a Josie telling Alyssa she was responsible for the accusations against her when Alyssa first came to Salvatore.
At some point, Lizzie watched as Josie fell in love and began a romantic relationship with Penelope despite the objections of Lizzie, Alyssa, and Harmony. She mutually disliked the witch, but let the relationship go. However, Penelope broke up with Josie, unbeknownst to her reasoning that she can't watch Josie drag herself down to build up Lizzie.
Lizzie appears to be a typical high school mean girl, underneath bubbles of darkness that cannot go unaddressed. Given both her sinister lineage and the questionable biology (being birth by a vampire) that accompanies it, Lizzie possesses the power to render great harm to the world if her behavior continues to go unchecked. She shows signs of mood swings, self-absorption, and over-possessiveness. Some even say that Lizzie's exactly like her surrogate mother, Caroline, in neurotic tendencies and other traits. It's ultimately Lizzie's attachment to the superficial that will prevent her from doing the introspection necessary to avert the breakdown clearly on the horizon.
While she cares deeply for her family and would do anything for them, she is incapable of seeing things from their perspective unless pushed. She is capable of remorse, as when she realized she mistakenly hurt Harmony.
Lizzie is also a narcissist with a fragile ego that hates when she doesn't have her father's (or anyone she cares about) full attention.
Powers and Abilities
Lizzie is originally born as a siphoner, a witch with no power of her own, meaning that she could only practice magic by siphoning it from another source.
Physical Appearance
Although people describe Lizzie's personality and possibly even her appearance compared to being a "mean girl," she is a beautiful, young woman with light skin, blue eyes, and light, blonde hair.
• Elizabeth is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Elizabeth is: From the Hebrew Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction.
• Jenna is of Arabic origin, and the meaning is "heaven." In the Western world, it is a variation of Jennifer, the Cornish variant of Guinevere which means white (fair, pure).
• Saltzman is an Ashkenazic Jewish occupational name for a producer or seller of salt, from German Salz "salt" + Mann "man". Altered spelling of German Salzmann.
• If the Gemini Coven found out about the twins then they would have tried to take them from Jo and Alaric to strip Kai of his power as leader of the coven.
• ⬆️ However since it was revealed that they were siphoners, the Gemini Coven would wait for another set of twins to lead them because of their prejudice against siphoners.
• ⬆️ She and her twin sister, Josie, are the first babies that are known to have been carried by a vampire.
• ⬆️⬆️ However, she and Josie were the first to be born via C-section.
• She and her sister were the third birth after Nadia's, Hope's, and Harmony's birth.
• Lizzie is a natural blonde (resembling her Aunt Olivia's shade) but dyes it to match Caroline's shade.
• Lizzie was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at 11.
• ⬆️ It's suspected she was misdiagnosed and has Borderline Personality Disorder.
• ⬆️⬆️ Because Bipolar and Clinical Depression are categorized terms under Depression, Harmony believed she and Lizzie were the same.
• Lizzie had a butterfly clip that went missing in the 3rd grade.
• Despite disliking Hope, Lizzie had a close bond with her sister, Harmony.
• Lizzie is a closet nerd (liking Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, ninjas, and comic books).
• Lizzie had a diary when she was 11.
• Lizzie's favorite color is Lavender.
• Lizzie once had a crush on Jed.
• Her favorite dessert is Key Lime Pie.
• It is speculated that Alaric treats Lizzie differently from Josie because she takes after him and Caroline in looks and personality.
• While Lizzie disliked Hope for her loner attitude, she saw Harmony as an older sister before they fell out.
• ⬆️⬆️ Harmony shared a few spells she created with her.
• Lizzie got pneumonia in the 4th grade during Witch Week and believed Hope gave it to her to stop her from going to Spring Break.
• ⬆️ It is later revealed she caught it from Alyssa.
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zalrb · 1 year
Something else about Dean and Sam is how much the wider story depends on their relationship to each other.
So, like, in season 4, Dean and Sam don’t trust each other the way they used to, can’t tell each other things the way they used to, for a while, Dean hides what he remembers from hell, Sam hides the nature of his relationship with Ruby, and even when those things come to light, there’s a schism in their relationship because they have fundamental disagreements about how to do things, which leads to that brutal fight at the end of the season. The more at odds they are with each other, the more in peril the world is because they make choices that directly affect whether or not there’ll be an apocalypse and big choices are made without the input of the other so the importance of their relationship, the importance of their bond, the need for their bond to be intact is integral to the fabric of their world.
Damon and Stefan don’t have that. Stefan goes with Klaus to save Damon and that directly affects the interpersonal relationships between Stefan/Elena/Damon, Damon is in the prison world and that directly affects the interpersonal relationships between Stefan/Elena/Caroline/Damon, Stefan goes on the  run because he saves Damon from the “hunter” and that directly affects the interpersonal relationships between Stefan/Caroline/Damon/Alaric/Valerie but the wider world goes on. Obviously, the obstacles they face when they make these decisions factor into the wider story of the season, but their bond, whether or not they’re at odds, whether or not they’re thick as thieves isn’t a central stake in the story, it doesn’t carry the same kind of narrative weight.
Which is all to say there are many reasons why there are so many layers to Sam/Dean’s relationship as opposed to Defan’s.
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countrymusiclover · 5 months
36- Finally Defeating the Hollow
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Part 37
Family is More than Blood
Klaus’s pov
Our entire group was confused including the dead family members that were with us. None of us were prepared to find these people here inside of what you would call her mindscape I suppose. Stepping towards Josette I met her gaze. “Josette, I am not sure why exactly we are seeing you right now.”
“Is it because of Kai?” Uncle Joshua asked, stepping up beside his daughter.
Alina crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s dead. Alaric and our mother killed him. But you can say this is entirely his fault.”
“What do you mean?” Liv asked with Luke looking confused like the rest of us.
Hope eyed her older cousins. “We placed this thing called the Hollow inside of his prison world. But he managed to escape and freed it with him. After he freed it he convinced a student at our school to attack our mother when the Hollow’s magic was inside of her.”
“Mom destroyed the person who had the dark magic but now it’s changing her. She tried to take the magic from everyone in our supernatural school. Which is something she’d never do.” Missy added on to what her sister had said.
Josette covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh geez. She consumed dark magic like last time.” I stared at her remembering when my wife had gone and asked for her aid first. She knew more about this or maybe just as much as I did.
“What the hell is happening to my daughter, Klaus. You made a promise to me that you would protect her.” Eliza stomps up to me getting up in my face as much as possible.
I met her gaze hearing her heart rate increase even though she was technically dead even inside her daughter’s mind. “Calm down, Eliza. I thought we had handled it. This was not an intentional thing.”
“So what was the original plan before you found us apparently inside of Raelyn’s mind?” Luke asked looking at me then to the rest of the family.
Freya stepped up to my side declaring the plan that we had in mind. “The plan we came up with was to combine all of our magical abilities together. Raelyn currently has the dark magic in her controlling her consciousness. We will siphon it away and trap it in another prison world.”
“But if we’re seeing you all then that means we are inside the part of my sister's mind that she finds some joy in. Meaning we’re probably in the wrong spot.” Jacob said, holding Andrea’s hand in his.
Glancing over my shoulder and slightly turning my body back towards my brother in law. “What do you mean, Jacob?”
“I’m saying that we need to be looking for the section that has darkness. The parts of her mind that she keeps barred away. The parts that she wants to hide from herself. The parts that she’s fighting everyday. That’s what we need to be searching for.” He responded.
Joshua tapped his chin in thought. “The one thing I know she dreads is her memories of the Merge.”
“And the fear of losing her children.” Josette points out tucking hair behind her ear.
Davina tapped her foot and Valerie just watched from the sidelines. Freya came up to me seeing that I was lost in my own thoughts. If this was going into the darkness that Raelyn feared I knew the thing that triggered her the most. She was terrified to die because of the Merge. “I know what we’re looking for. We just need what Elijah referred to as his red door.”
“Well that’s great. Do you have any idea of what it could look like?” Valerie grumbled with her hands resting on her hips.
Throwing my head back I groaned wishing that this wasn’t so hard. I believed that I knew my wife more than I apparently did right now. She cared about her cousins, was afraid of accidentally killing them all after the merge and I was all of her firsts in our relationship. Yet her mind seemed to be more complicated if we needed to find where she kept all of her darkest secrets and fears hidden away. I was at a complete bloody loss on the matter. “Jacob, you’re her twin brother. What would she imagine if she wanted to hide things away?”
“Don’t put me on the spot or anything, Klaus.” The male heretic huffed, slumping his shoulders. He ran a hand through his curls in quick thought. “What about our childhood home? After we left there everything pretty much got screwed up.”
Davain began coughing and she covered her mouth with her. She drew it away showing us some blood. “Uh guys…something is going wrong.”
“Urgh!” Alina winced dropping down on her knees where Freya and I rushed over to her with Josette all in a moment of honor and worry.
Placing a hand on the side of her head I scanned her quickly knowing we couldn’t see any physical damage or any kind of injuries while inside her mothers mind. “Alina, what’s wrong sweetheart?”
“I….don’t…know.” She winced, holding her stomach gripping her belly with one hand.
Josette looked between me and my second daughter. “If she’s pregnant in her mindscape. How far along was she when you came in here?”
“I am nearing my due date. Do you think…I’m due now?” She asked the former doctor.
Josette slumped her shoulders. “I believe so. You need to leave here. And whoever else is feeling the effects of the spell. It’s slowly killing you by the amount of magic inside of Raelyn.”
“Davina, you and Alina need to leave now. Hope you go with them.” I declared sternly.
Hope stomps her foot. “I’m not going anywhere, dad. This is mom we are talking about!”
“Actually we might not have a choice here, Hope. All of us are linked to one another so if one of us leaves. We will all still be connected to your mother. Everyone except Klaus since he’s not a witch.” Valerie admitted with a weak expression.
Getting to my feet I could see it on my triplet daughter’s faces that this new plan sucked. But we didn’t have many options if we wanted to save their mother. “This wasn’t what we hoped. Yet we have no other options. You all have your part in siphoning the magic from her. I’ll find the door that we need and make her stop running from her fears.”
“Bring her home, brother.” Freya said while every witch grabbed hands disappearing from my vision.
Eliza placed a hand on my shoulder, sending me a soft smile. “Klaus, I’m sorry for panicking earlier. I just…when you see my daughter tell her that we are all proud of her.”
“I am sorry for all the pain I put her through.” Joshua replied.
Josette grasps my hands in hers, sniffing through tears. “Klaus, tell Raelyn to watch out for my girls. I know you already have but let her know how much I appreciate it.”
“I will….Give me a sign, Raelyn. Show me the fire you need me to through with you.” I lifted my head up to the ceiling, closing my eyes. I heard something blow past me so when I opened my eyes once more I saw nothing but darkness around me. The darkness slightly lightened up showing me a tv tarp that you would play outside movies on. Stepping forward I didn’t quite understand what was happening until I noticed someone was sitting on the ground in front of it watching it silently. “Raelyn?”
“Klaus…it's all happening again. I…I can't face it.” She admitted looking over her shoulder seeing me standing there.
Sitting down beside her I lifted my eyes upwards to the screen figuring out what she meant by that. “Rae, what are you talking about?”
"Jacob!" She suddenly gasped, shooting up in a sitting position. My heart beating quick as my eyes flickered around the forest landing on my twin brother laying on his back. Rushing to her feet she dropped on her knees shaking him lightly trying to wake him up. "Jacob, Jacob. Come on wake up. Please wake up, Jacob." My father stepped up placing a hand on her shoulder making her whip her head up starting to cry. "Why - why won't he wake up dad - what's going on?"
Instead of responding he bends down removing the gemstone necklace from around his neck that he always wore, placing it in her hand. "You have won the Merge, Raelyn."
"He can't die, mother...He's my brother, my twin...I won't lose him!" Suddenly she winced feeling her mother draw magic from her, yanking me away from my brother. Stomping my boots in the dirt she started crying more out of such confusion. "Why would he - what the hell is the Merge, mother!"
She frustratedly runs her fingers through her hair, throwing her head back in agony. "It's a ritual that happens to twins born into our Coven. Since you and Jacob just turned 22 today that is the year to have the Merge...it's where you combine your strengths together...there can only be one winner."
Another memory flashed across the screen that I didn’t recognize, meaning it must have been during the time I was trapped in New Orleans with Marcel. Shifting my gaze to my wife I could see tears slipping down her face by now.
Jo took his other hand and began chanting. “Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.”
Jo and Kai then began chanting together. “Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.” Until Jo fell backwards and she saw a new image flash through our minds. Luke had knocked his sister out for a few minutes and declared to merge with his older brother.
Kai and Luke were chanting when she entered his mind again. “Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus-- “
Jo cried. “Luke, no!”
“Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.” Kai and Luke fell backwards, unconscious with Jo crying out after she had woken up from the sleeping spell.
Joshua declared. “Luke is gone.” His gaze shifted to mine with a horrific look feeling what she had minutes ago.
Liv gasped looking between me and her father. “What? Rae, he can’t be serious.”
Clutching my eyes closed, the vision of Jacob collapsing in front of me flashed through my mind. Releasing my hands from fists sheshook my head sniffing through tears. “Liv I, I wish it wasn’t true. But Luke…he’s…”
Joshua finished my train of thought, still terrified. “I can feel it. He merged with Kai and Kai won. Luke is gone.”
“Rae, look at me. This isn’t real. It’s just the Hollow playing tricks on your mind.” Placing a hand on her shoulder she jumps slightly turning to face me. She had tears streaming down her face now.
She shakes her head sobbing. “Klaus, it’s all still real. It’s all up here…It’s still a part of me.”
“Rae, look at me.” I crawled in front of her cupping her face in my hands pressing my forehead against hers so she’d focus only on me and not the horrors she had haunting her at night. “I know that you feel like these nightmares are your fault. But they are not. These are just horrible things that happened to you.”
She gripped my forearms, shaking under all the stress. “I can’t push it all away, Nik. I can’t just push through what happened.” I didn’t need to turn around to know what the next memory was once I heard Alaric declaring his wedding vows.
Jo chuckled beginning her vows until Raelyn smelled blood, saw she stabbed through the stomach and her dress was red. “Oh, God. That's a tough act to follow. Here goes. Alaric Saltzman, you are…”
Alaric caught his soon to be wife collapsing into his arms. “Jo? Jo? Jo? Oh, my God. Jo? Jo? Jo?! Oh, God. No!”
She winced where Raelyn vamped from my seat, biting into her wrist drawing blood. “Aah! Aah!”
“Jo drink!” Shoving her wrist over her mouth she attempts to drink but she was losing too much blood too fast.
Alaric began crying, staring at me. “No! No, no, no, no.”
Suddenly before our eyes Kai appeared from being invisible standing beside Elena holding a bloody knife in his hand. “I was gonna wait till the "death do us part" bit, but it seemed a little on the nose.”
Raelyn shut her eyes tightly letting the tears fall down her face. She hugged her knees to her chest trying to bury her face into herself. “It’s all too much, Klaus! The Hollow won’t leave me alone unless I get it more magic. The nightmares….they’ll just keep haunting me.”
“Don’t worry about the Hollow. It’s being taken care of, I promise you.” Drawing my head back away from hers I wiped away fallen tears with my thumbs. I knew that she was horrified to let all the pain go away. “I need you to focus on my voice, focus on me being here with you, focus on nothing else but me.”
Raelyn grasped my shirt in her fists. “I can’t let this go….I can’t deal with it like this.”
“You’re not alone with these memories, Raelyn. I will be here for you through the good and the bad. You just need to let go…you need to let go of all the pain and accept the fact that they are gone.” I responded to her praying that she listened to me.
“They’re gone, Nik. They're ... .Jo….Liv….Luke…my mother all gone ... .even uncle Joshua. She buries her face into my chest heavily sobbing. Her fingers wrapped around the material and she remained so close to me as she could possibly manage.
I wrapped my arms around her just holding my wife closer to his chest. Running one hand through her hair I whispered into her ear. “Sssh Rae….I’m here.” Blinking through my own tears I held her close seeing the darkness disappear and I collapsed onto the floor with her too.
I gasped sharply seeing the stars above my head and I slowly sat upright. Frantically looking around the area I ran a hand through my hair seeing Raelyn laying on the ground. “Klaus, we’re just about to do the spell. Did you get her to open her mind?” Freya came rushing over bending down on a knee to me.
“I think so, Raelyn! Raelyn, please wake up. Please take up.” I scrambled to my feet hovering above her body over her sleeping form. I watched her eyes open and she gasped slowly taking in some breaths. “There you are, heretic queen.”
She lifted her hand up touching my face. “Nik…”
“She’s awake, Freya….you’re gonna be just fine honey.” I brushed her hair out of her face and she sniffed through tears right before the torches around us were lit up again.
Valerie came forward past the circle of sand and dropped herself onto a knee. She placed her hands on Raelyn’s chest focusing on her gaze when she started to panic about what was happening in the moment. “Raelyn, don’t panic now. This will save your life. You trust me don’t you?”
“Yes.” She croaked out.
Valerie looked back at the rest of our family. Alina was standing on the outside of the circle with Hayley. Jacob, Andrea, Hope, Davina, Freya, Lizzie, Josie and Missy were all now holding hands siphoning power from one another to be as strong enough to perform the spell. Valerie turned back around taking a breath chanting. “Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, radamis phasmatos ex sonos. Resustamen ex veram vatas. Radamis phasmatos ex sonos…”
Keeping my eyes trained on my wife I could see Valerie’s hands turning her chest red from the siphoning. She winced a couple of times before all of us saw a bright blue glow leaving her body. The source shot up into the sky. “Let’s go.” Scooping my wife up in my arms Valerie and I vamped over the barrier.
The Hollow’s blue magic raced around the barricade but it wasn’t going to hold it for long. Whipping my head around I looked at the witches needing to do something. “We need to trap it now.”
“We’re on it, dad…..Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phesmatos filio, phesmatos effurgarex perpetuum!” Missy declared and the chanting began. The Hollow magic roared and tried fighting against them but the sky turned bright before there was a flash of light and we all saw it had disappeared.
Josie stepped forward catching the Ascendent in her hands. Raelyn held onto me for balance hearing someone cry out and she immediately went into motherly panic mode. “Alina! What is going on? Talk to me sweetheart.”
“Mom…it’s the baby.” Alina clutched her stomach, almost falling to her knees. I moved my attention to my daughter and saw liquid coming from between her legs. She started crying in a panic. “The baby’s coming.”
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