#'(giggling) you silly bunny. Those are spoilers!'
I'm putting BTC Ballora and Springtrap in a room and record them while they chat
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter fifteen:“I wanna be yours”
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Word count: 6,4K
Summary: Our fools in love have to tell everybody they are dating, and prepare for all the teasing.
Warnings: Hardcore fluff, cursing. Spoilers of Season 6 Episode 13 "The thirteenth step". Smut implied but nothing explicit.
A/N: Thank you all for reading this endless, slow-burn series. Thank you for your comments, your support, and your love. I will be writing some one-shots about these two fools in love in the next few weeks and planning a sequel, 'cos I can't just let them go. Love you so much!!
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
Sequel: Baby I'm yours
Spencer's point of view
There's an old Buddhist saying that when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.
I couldn't stop thinking about that saying when I woke up, and the first image I saw was (Y/N) lying naked next to me. Her chest rose slowly as she sighed and cuddled closer to me.
She was mine. Just mine. And I wanted to be hers for the rest of my life. Was it too soon to say? Of course, it was.
I had never experienced that amount of peace in my entire life. It was still night when I opened my eyes, but even in the darkness of that room, I could see her beauty shining. I moved carefully, wrapping my arms around her protectively. I thought I was still asleep, ‘cos it felt like a dream. But it was real. Very real.
For how long I had wished I could be like that with her. Feeling her in my arms. It felt like a lifetime had passed for us to finally meet the way we were actually meant to be. Together.
(Y/N) slowly moved in my arms and sighed. I looked at her knowing I couldn't shake the silly grin from my face. When she opened her eyes and stared at me, I could read the shock on her face for a few seconds as she remembered what had happened the night before, and her arms tightened around me.
- "Good morning, ma chère"- I whispered and kissed the top of her head.
- "Good morning, honey bunny"- she murmured and moved closer to me, kissing my lips softly- "Slept well?"
- "I hadn't slept this good in months. You?"
- "Me neither."
- "Does that mean we have to sleep together more often to rest better?"- I asked her, and she smiled, blushing, immediately.
- "Those are all the Ph.D. showing, my smart ass boyfriend"- she joked and giggled.
- "Just to make sure it's actually something for a fact, we should make another trial"- I suggested and felt her lips on mine one more time.
- "Tonight?"- (Y/N) asked, smiling.
- "And the night after"- I added, and she just nodded.
- "For at least a whole month."
- "Yes, ma chère. For as long as you want."
I wanted to enjoy that sweet moment forever, but a call to our room let us know Hotch was waiting for us downstairs. It was earlier than we had agreed to meet, but apparently, neither of us had picked up our phones the five times he and Rossi called. On our defense, we were… we didn't really have a decent defense.
Derek and Prentiss looked at us as we reached the lobby, holding our bags and making our best to act normal. We had decided to talk with Hotch first when the case was solved. And then with the rest of the team. Obviously, the fact we were now dating would be big news for our group of friends. (Y/N) had actually thought about organizing a dinner party to drop the information to Frank, Mikey, and Lu. That would make them happy. It felt weird to hide something so big from our friends, but we had to work. Besides, Penelope would never forgive us if she wasn't there when we first told them we were now a couple.
- "What took you so long?"- Derek frowned as he looked at us reaching their side.
- "Sorry, that was me,"- (Y/N) raised her hand and shyly smiled- "I had a female emergency, and Spencer was nice enough to wait for me."
Whenever you said "female emergency," Derek wouldn't argue with you. (Y/N) knew it. I kept my best poker face and looked at Hotch. He just raised an eyebrow and walked to the door.
- "They killed again. Let's go."
I sat at the back of an SUV and carefully heard what Hotch said on speaker through the phone. I had to make an extra effort to focus on work that morning, ‘cos I could still feel (Y/N)'s lips on mine, and the memories of the night we had shared were way too fresh in my memory. I could see her naked body underneath mine. I could almost hear her moaning my name in my ear. I chuckled and looked outside the window, doing my best not to blush, and obviously, failing in the process.
- "Hey Reid, what's so funny?"- Prentiss asked and looked at me from the front seat after hanging up the phone to Hotch.
- "Nothing, why?"
- "You seem happy"- I frowned and shrugged immediately.
- "Is that a bad thing?"
- "No. But… please don't get me wrong, it's just weird."
- "So it's weird that I'm happy. Ok, thanks"- I looked at her, pretending to be insulted. Maybe that could finish the conversation faster.
- "I'm sorry, Ried. I just…"
- "I had a good night's sleep and rested last night. That's all."
I avoided looking at her. Derek looked at me from the rearview mirror as he drove
- "With (Y/N)?"
- "We shared rooms, yeah."
- "And did you tell her what we talked about the other night?"- I thanked it was just me, Morgan, and Prentiss in the car that minute, ‘cos I didn't want to lie in front of everybody. If I must be honest, I think I suck at keeping secrets from the team.
- "No. I didn't"- I kept my eyes outside the window- "She didn't want to talk to me."
- "And what are you gonna do?"- Derek asked and parked outside the latest crime scene. A community center.
- "Wait until we solve the case and then talk to her. Work first."
- "Are you ok with that?"- I shrugged at Morgan's question and simply said.
- "I have no other choice. Now let's work."
(Y/N)'s point of view
Hotch didn't ask a thing. But I was sure he knew. I sat in the back of the SUV and heard all the details of the latest attack. He commented on the phone with the rest of the team, who were right behind us in another car. I kept my eyes outside the window, trying to process what had happened the night before, and at the same time, making my best effort not to giggle. I wanted to giggle, laugh, and probably cry of happiness, all at the same time. But I couldn't. I was at work, and my job was important.
I grabbed my phone and typed quickly. I felt like a teenager, but I didn't care.
- "Miss u"- I wrote and sent. A few seconds later, my cell hummed, and I read Spencer's reply.
- "Me more."
- "Everything ok?"- Rossi asked and raised an eyebrow, staring back at me.
- "Everything is perfect"- I replied and smiled.
- "That's what I love to hear, mia ragazza"- I chuckled at the loving nickname. Of course, he knew too. Hotch must have told him.
The crime scene was bloody. Prentiss and Morgan stayed outside, checking a body in the parking lot. At the same time, Hotch, Spencer, Rossi, and I walked inside the community center. Apparently, our unsubs hit an AA meeting.
- "So they steal the liquor from the gas station, they go on a binge, and then they come to a meeting?"
Hotch questioned, staring at the scene around us. It was brutal. I crossed my arms on my chest and nodded, making my best not to make eye contact with Spencer ‘cos I knew I was gonna blush. And a crime scene is not the place to blush or flirt with your boyfriend.
- "What if the unsubs met at a meeting?"- Rossi suggested, and I nodded right away.
- "Sounds logical. They hear each other's stories and develop a bond because of their similar backgrounds."
- "That makes sense"- Spencer turned to me and nodded. I nearly sighed as soon as I saw him- "People typically drink to excess because they're unhappy with themselves or their past."
- "From the looks of it, at least one of the unsubs shot from upfront"- Rossi pointed out, and I started recreating the whole scene in my head, trying to picture what might have happened. Emily and Morgan walked in that minute and stared at us.
- "Well, if the meeting started at 8:00, and this happened at 8:45, they were probably in the sharing portion of the meeting"- Spencer added. I bit my lips, thinking he actually knew what he was talking about.
He still assisted NA meetings twice a month. I always picked him up and took him for a late dinner afterward. I knew it was hard for him, but he was doing great. And I always told him how proud he made me.
- "So maybe they didn't come in here to kill."- I told him, making my best to look normal.
- "You know, what if they really are struggling with sobriety?"- my boyfriend (I couldn't believe he was actually my boyfriend) looked at me and kept talking like nothing was going on- "If they're really working the program, they could be working on the hardest steps."
- "Which are?"- Hotch asked him, forcing us to talk with the rest of the team around us.
- "Seven, eight, and nine. Acknowledge your shortcomings, accept responsibility, and make amends. The trouble is, these unsubs already broke one of the most important steps"- I kept my eyes on Spencer as he spoke.
- "What's that?"- Morgan asked him, confused.
- "The thirteenth step. Members aren't supposed to enter relationships with each other while trying to get sober."
- "Thank god that doesn't count for other groups"- Prentiss said, and we all turned to her at the same time. She just chuckled and looked at me, as I made my best not to blush- "I mean, I bet that sucks."
- "Come on, we have to deliver a profile"- Hotch ignored her and walked out of the community center with Rossi.
- "Did you tell her anything?"- I whispered Reid on our way out.
- "Nothing… I just told them I slept, and that's it…"
- "You barely slept"- I remarked and giggled.
- "Totally worth it."
I had to bite my lips not to laugh and kept my arms crossed on my chest, just to stop my instinct of holding his hands. I was craving for Spencer. I needed to feel his touch.
- "We're looking for a young couple from North Dakota, late teens to mid-20s. We believe they may have recently been married."- Hotch announced to the local police enforcement, who stood around us in the parking lot. - "We see that alcohol plays a significant role in these crimes. It's allowing them to kill freely and recklessly"- our unit chief added and looked at me, and I turned to the police in front of me.
- "Our unsubs are killing surrogates who represent those responsible for deep-seated wounds"- I said- "Now, these two most likely met at alcohol support. And they get a sexual charge out of the kill."
- "The change from gas station to alcohol support meetings suggests one of them might have a slight moral compass that led them to get help"- Prentiss added, and Rossi continued talking.
- "Ultimately, we believe one of the pair is a sociopath, while the other is a psychopath."
- "What's really the difference?"- the detective asked, and of course, my boyfriend answered that question gladly.
- "They're similar pathologies, but a sociopath is less likely to participate in criminal activity and can be lured by a dominant, while a psychopath is a consummate leader and likely to engage and destroy anyone in their way."
- "The most recent attack was 12 hours ago, which means they're most likely heading west of Helena and towards Idaho. All surrounding areas should be on alert"- I added, and Spencer nodded at my words with a warm smile. All my mind registered at that second was: "That's my boyfriend."
Rossi, Hotch, and Prentiss headed to an SUV. Spencer and I followed close but keeping a safe distance.
- "I love you"- I whispered, and he blushed.
- "I love you more"- he stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept walking with his eyes on the ground- "Wanna stay in my apartment when we get home?"
- "Are you going to take me out on a date too?"- I asked him playfully.
- "We will go on so many dates, ma chère, you'll get tired of them."
- "Never."
- "What are you kids talking about?"- Morgan asked as he showed up next to us.
- "I was telling (Y/N) about meetings."- Spencer lied so quickly I was shocked- "She asked about the steps you go through, and I thought I could share my experience."
Derek stared at him blankly, not knowing what to answer. I just nodded and walked a little faster. Cocky and slightly more confident Spencer was new to me. And he gave me a funny feeling in my tummy…
I was glad Hotch stayed with Spencer and asked me to go with Derek and Prentiss to check the latest crime scene ‘cos I just wanted to kiss Reid whenever he was close to me. Besides, something was definitely wrong with Emily. She just wasn't focusing on the case. She was worst than me, and that's a lot to say.
We were checking a new crime scene, now the father of our suspect was dead, which gave us a substantial lead of who and why our unsub might be killing. And Emily was just… reading texts on her phone. Derek turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I just shook my head and mouthed: "Don't ask her." But I don't know why I bother. I knew he would end up asking her anyway. And she was going to get all defensive. But that wasn't my fight, and that day precisely, I was too happy to get in the middle of any argument.
- "You know, maybe she is the one calling the shots"- I said as I stared at the crime scene one last time- "She's the psychopath."
- "Well, if she did do it without his consent, they're going to be at odds"- Morgan commented and looked at Prentiss. I turned to her, too, waiting for her comment.
- "The first marital fight is supposed to be the worst"- that was all she said.
- "Well, it just might be the wedge that we need"- I added and opened the trailer's door. Hotch was out there with a witness and Spencer. I stood still and just made my best not to smile. But failed when I saw those loving chocolate eyes staring back at me.
- "How did it go?"- he whispered and walked to me, leaving Hotch and the witness alone.
- "I have the feeling something is going on with Emily"- Spencer frowned, confused.
- "What are you talking about?"
- "I don't know. She seems off."
- "Do you want me to talk to her?"- he suggested, but I shook my head right away- "Are you sure you are not just paranoid ‘cos we are hiding something?"
- "Yeah, I was thinking that too…"
- "Frank called me, but the way"- Spencer announced, and his cheeks turned blood red in a matter of seconds- "I couldn't answer ‘cos I was with Hotch. But I think I should call him back when we've got a chance."
- "Reid, (Y/L/N)"- Hotchner's voice interrupted us. Our boss looked at us and raised an eyebrow, his face completely emotionless.
- "Yes, sir?"
- "We need to talk when we are back at Quantico"- he simply stated and then turned around.
He knew. Of course, he did.
Spencer's point of view
The unsubs were hidden in a gas station. They had met in an alcohol support group, and Syd, the wife of our suspect, had actually killed his ex-girlfriend to make sure she had him. That was sick. And yet, that wasn't the worst of all. They were killing people who had hurt them. Their parents, in this case.
Hotch asked (Y/N) and me to stay at the command center if they double back, and the rest of the team drove to Spokane to catch them.
It was both a blessing and a curse to be paired with her that day. But I thanked Hotch for leaving us alone while they took care of the case. I think he knew our heads were anywhere but on the field. Most of the time (Y/N) and I spent alone, we were kissing. And I swear, I regret nothing. We had already wasted too much time being just friends. I now couldn't keep my hands off her, even if I tried. I felt like a teenager, assuming that's how teenagers feel like.
- "The officials are staring"- (Y/N) whispered as she moved apart from me.
- "I'm sorry. I just can't help it"- I watched her blush and walk away just in time, ‘cos Hotch and the team walked in a few seconds later.
- "Ready to go home?"- Derek stared at us, and we nodded. I could read in his face the case hadn't ended well. Maybe we should wait before dropping the news to the whole team. Perhaps talking just with Hotch was wiser.
(Y/N) fell asleep sitting next to me on the jet. We weren't even touching each other, trying to keep it as professional as possible. Morgan looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I cut him an awkward smile, knowing what he was thinking about. He had seen me drunk as a skunk a few nights earlier, nearly screaming my love for my best friend out in the street. And now, she was asleep next to me, safe and sound.
- "So?"- Morgan whispered- "At least it seems things are better between you two."
- "Kinda"- I tried to avoid answering the question ‘cos I knew (Y/N) wanted to tell them all together the next day at the bullpen, after talking with Hotch.
- "Did you talk to her?"- I just shook my head no and made my best effort to look serious.
- "Are you going to?"- and I nodded. Morgan cut me a short smile and gave me a thumbs up- "Good luck, kid."
I swear, it was hard not to chuckle.
When we reached the bullpen, most of the team went straight back home. Emily literally rushed out of the jet and towards her car. (Y/N) turned to me and raised an eyebrow, but Hotch's serious voice caught our attention and forced us to hurry. My girlfriend stuffed her hands into her pockets, which stopped me from holding her. She was clearly more intelligent than me. At that minute, I knew the hormones, and my feelings for her blurred any serious thought I could have.
Rossi walked towards his office as (Y/N), and I followed Hotch to his. I let her walk in first and closed the door behind our back.
- "Please, have a seat"- Hotch pointed to a couch, and we both did as asked. That time, (Y/N) reached out for my hand to hold it, intertwining her fingers with mine.
Hotch stared at the scene with a deadpan look in his eyes. I had no idea what they had talked about when he had asked her in his office, but as (Y/N) had told me, he wanted us to get together. Somehow, it felt like we were going to be scolded by our dad. My dad? Her dad? Well, someone's paternal figure.
- "I got some comments from the Chief of Police. Some cops commented about two FBI agents making out, standing by a federal SUV."- I closed my eyes, embarrassed as soon as I heard Hotch's words, but (Y/N) just chuckled.
- "I didn't see anything"- (Y/N) answered and giggled- "You, honey?"
But I couldn't even answer. I could barely even breathe. I was totally flustered, my cheeks burning red. Hotch looked at us and smiled.
- "I'm glad you two finally talked. And I am guessing you are no longer just friends"- (Y/N) giggled again, and I cleared my throat, awkward but making my best to speak.
- "Yes, we wanted to inform you, Hotch. (Y/N) and I are now... "- I had to clear my throat again and finished the sentence- "We are now dating."
- "Calm down, Reid"- (Y/N) joked and smiled at me- "It's not like you are telling my dad"- she made a pause and stared at me, raising an eyebrow- "But remember, you actually have to tell my dad. And my brother."
Hotch chuckled, staring at us, and shook his head. It was crystal clear the news made him feel happy, which was actually a relief.
- "I need you to sign a form due to fraternization policies, but overall, I am glad you are happy. It took you long enough, so I hope you can enjoy your relationship from now on."
Hotch said and stood up. (Y/N) followed and wrapped her arms around her the second Rossi knocked on the door holding four glasses and a bottle of champagne.
- "Am I on time to congratulate our golden couple?"
- "You knew too?"- I asked, and Rossi just shook his head.
- "Who do you think suggested locking you too in the same room?"- I widened my eyes thinking everybody knew and was somehow involved in us getting together.
- "Thank you, papa pasta"- (Y/N) joked and jugged Rossi too.
- "You are welcome, mia ragazza. I just hope you two are happy together."
- "Just don't kiss in front of the police force again"- Hotch added, and I nearly choked on the champagne.
- "I promise, we'll keep all public displays of affection to the minimum while we are at work"- (Y/N) smiled and sipped her glass. I felt her holding my hand, and I turned to her with a wide smile.
(Y/N) drove us back home. We picked up something for dinner and headed to her apartment 'cos it was closer. We were weary, though I was honestly eager to be alone with her again. Just that alone wasn't really what was waiting for us at her place.
- "So what the fuck?!"- Frank, Lu, and Mikey were sitting on her couch, arms crossed on their chest, staring at the door, clearly waiting for us.
- "What the hell? I gave you that key for emergencies only!"- (Y/N) argued right away, walking into her apartment. I closed the door and left out go bags on the floor.
- "You have no right to argue this intrusion, missy. You haven't picked up any of our calls or even answered our texts!"- Lu debited immediately and looked at (Y/N), standing up. Frank followed her quickly, looking at me.
- "And you didn't even call me back! I fucking called you seven times!!!"
- "I'm sorry"- I excused myself right away- "We had a busy case… we just got home…"
- "Mikey?"- (Y/N) turned to her friend and raised an eyebrow- "What the fuck is going on?"
- "They dragged me here and promised me the best news on earth. So… are you pregnant?"
- "What?! No!!"- (Y/N) freaked out right away and sighed.
- "Then are you two finally facing the fact you love each other, and you are getting together, so we can all fucking continue living our lives without the eternal angst produced by the fact neither of you seems to be able to get your shit together?"
Mikey asked and looked at us, crossing his arms on his chest, waiting for our answer.
- "We… what?"- I frowned, and (Y/N) looked at me, shaking her head.
- "These guys are the worst."
- "And they are our best friends"- I pointed out, and she just nodded.
- "Are you fucking together already?!"- Frank yelled, and my cheeks turned blood red as I nodded, hearing (Y/N)'s voice.
- "Yes, we are. We are dating!"
- "Finally!!!"- our friends shouted and ran to hug us. It was weird. I never imagined they would be so happy to know we were now a couple. But apparently, they were all rooting for us to get together for a while now.
- "Come on, we need to celebrate!"- Frank ran to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers- "We have to make a toast for these two lovebirds!!"
I felt so embarrassed, now that everybody knew I loved (Y/N). But I guess that was what was supposed to happen. And drunk me had nearly shouted it to the word a few days earlier, so… I couldn't really argue with what was going on.
- "Do you wanna ask for something to eat?"- Mikey asked and looked at (Y/N), who for once was utterly blushed and overwhelmed.
- "Actually, we were planning on calling you guys this weekend and maybe have you over at my place… I got Exploding Kittens the other day… we could…"- I tried to be a subtle as possible, as Mikey and Frank raised an eyebrow looking at me.
- "Yeah, we could do that"- Mikey said- "But we could also eat now."
- "Guys, I think the lovebirds want to be alone"- Lu announced them, and (Y/N) nodded in silence.
- "Oh… OH!!!!"- Frank burst out laughing and tapped on my back a few times- "I get it!! Shit! I'm so sorry! You have a lot of time to make up for, so… yeah… use some lube, don't wake up too sore!"
- "Franklin!!!!"- (Y/N) shouted and smacked his head, but that didn't stop him from laughing.
- "Oh, this shit is gonna be so fun, nugget!! Love you! Use protection!"
(Y/N)'s point of view
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, and Spencer Reid was sound asleep next to me. I felt my heart skip a beat as soon as I saw him and snuggled closer in his arms.
- "Good morning, chipmunk- he whispered in a groggy voice, and I felt his long fingers running up and down my back gently.
- "Good morning, honey bunny"- I answered and moved closer to kiss his lips slowly, enjoying the sensation of the first kiss of the day.
- "Slept well?"- he asked me, and I nodded- "Me too."
- "Two nights of sleep on the road, seems like we are on a winning streak."
- "I don't wanna ruin it, so we are sleeping together tonight too"- he said, making me smile.
- "You promised me a whole month of sleepovers."
- "I can promise you much longer than that"- Spencer whispered, and my stomach fluttered in excitement.
- "Really?"
- "Ma chère, I can offer you forever if that's what you want to spend with me"- Spencer wrapped his arms tighter around me, and I sighed, staring into his eyes, knowing he meant it.
- "Forever sounds fair enough"- I said and giggled- "But if there's any chance to make it longer than that, you better let me know."
- "I'll use my knowledge in physics to make the equations work."
I snuggled in his arms and enjoyed for a few minutes the life I always dreamt of sharing with him. Waking up with him, telling him how much I loved him, knowing he loved me too. It still seemed to be a dream, and I didn't want to wake up.
- "Ma chère?"- he whispered after a moment. I just hummed and looked at him. His short messy hair was hypnotizing, and his chocolate eyes looked sweeter than I had ever seen.
- "Are you ready to tell the team?"- I sighed and closed my eyes again.
- "Nope, you?"
- "I am actually excited about it… we could get them breakfast and drop the news."
- "So you are ready for all Derek's teasing?"- I asked him, and he groaned- "You hadn't thought about that."
- "No, I was actually just picturing Penelope's excited face."
- "She's gonna scream"- I added, and he nodded.
- "And she'll call JJ…"- Spencer whispered and chuckled as I nodded. I kissed him again and then sighed.
- "We should get out of bed, honey bunny."
- "That's the most challenging task of the day now that you are naked here with me"- he said, and his hands played with my skin underneath the sheets.
- "You are one teasing and horny boyfriend, Spencer Walter Reid."
- "Can you blame me? I have the sweetest and sexiest girlfriend on earth"- he smiled and kissed me one more time.
- "You are also deadly charming"- I chuckled and sat on the bed- "Come on, it's time to face family."
Telling our BAU family we were now dating shouldn't have been such a big deal. Maybe we could have just walked into the bullpen holding hands, and that would have been it. But it had been almost five years, and whether we liked it or not, they had been a part of our relationship since the very first day.
So we got coffee, cake and some more things to eat, and set them in the meeting room before everybody got there. I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was weird. Spencer wrapped an arm around my waist when he noticed I was arranging everything on the table for the hundredth time and kissed my lips sweetly for a second.
- "Come on, ma chère. It's gonna be ok, it's just our friend. You should be excited."
- "I am! I just don't know why I am so nervous! I think I'm a little scared they are gonna tease us for years!!"
- "You better be sure of that"- Spencer laughed and kissed me again. And that was when I heard it. Prentiss gasping.
- "What on earth did I miss?"
- "Surprise!"- I moved from Spencer's arms and smiled at my friend with burning cheeks.
- "Oh my god! What is happening?!"- Emily wide opened her eyes and stayed still, staring at us for a moment.
- "We are dating!"- I announced and raised my arms in the air, looking as cheerful as possible.
- "I can't believe this!! Congratulations!!"- Em walked towards us and hugged us both at the same time- "When did this happen?"
- "Yesterday"- the two of us said at the same time and chuckled at her excitement.
- "What happened yesterday?"- Derek asked as he walked in with Penelope, Hotch, and Rossi and looked at us intrigued.
- "Why are we having breakfast together? Is there an announcement? Is Hotch retiring?"- Penelope wide opened her eyes and looked at him, freaking out right away.
- "No, Garcia. I am not retiring"- he explained and shook his head, hiding a smile.
- "Actually, we wanted to set this for all of you as a way to thank you"- I said and turned to Spencer, who nodded and held my hand. I noticed Penelope's eyes open in shock as she stared at us and one smirk on Derek's face as he looked at Spencer like a proud older brother.
- "What is happening?"- Garcia whispered and gasped- "Is it happening? Are you…?"- and I just nodded, resting my head on Spencer's arm slowly.
- "Finally!! My boy wonder and my munchkin!! Together?! I can't believe it!!"- Penelope ran to us and hugged us. She nearly tackled us as she wrapped her arm around us at the same time and gave us a bone-crushing hug.
- "We wanted to surprise you with a little breakfast and thank you for being so patient with us,"- Spencer explained as Derek waited for his turn to hug him, tapping loudly on his back.
- "My man! I'm glad you finally got your girl."
- "Thank you"- Spencer blushed as he hugged his best friend. After my boyfriend had confessed he had gotten drunk with Derek and even gotten into a fight with James, I was waiting for Morgan's endless teasing. But that day, he hugged us both and wished us the world's happiness. It felt like we were announcing our engagement.
- "Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?"- Ashley walked into the room that minute and stared at the scene, confused. Spencer held my hand right away, and I bit my lips.
- "Our babies are making babies!!"- Penelope nearly yelled, and I wide opened my eyes in shock.
- "Garcia!! We are not having babies yet! We just started dating!"- I corrected her and looked at how Spencer's cheek was burning.
- "You are?"- Ashley asked and cut us a quick, forced smile as she noticed we were holding hands- "Congratulations, guys."
- "Thank you"- my boyfriend and I said at the same time, and an awkward silence hung in the room.
- "Does JJ know?"- Emily asked and took a long sip of her coffee.
- "No, we haven't told her yet."
- "And your families?"- Derek asked as Spencer and I both shook our heads.
- "We have just told our friends"- Reid explained- "Frank and the guys stopped by last night, and we talked to them, and now you. We were planning to tell (Y/N)'s family next weekend, and we'll fly to Las Vegas to talk to my mom by the end of the month."
- "But Diana is already sure you are dating! Why are you telling her otherwise!"- Penelope joked, though she was, in fact, right. Diana was sure Spencer and I were dating ever since we first met, nearly four years earlier.
- "I'm gonna get another coffee"- Prentiss stood up and held her already empty mug.
- "You already drank the one we got you?"- Spencer questioned, shocked- "Wow, did you have a long night?"
- "That's for me to know and for you not to ask, lover boy"- she replied and walked out of the room on her way to the kitchenette. Spencer pouted, and I just wrapped an arm around him, feeling him resting his head against mine for a moment as he stood by my side.
- "I can't believe I am watching you too being this adorable to each other. It's like… unreal. I wanna write fanfictions about you two!"- Penelope said and took a picture- "I'm sending this to JJ right now."
- "Told you!"- Spencer whispered, and I stuck my tongue out to him for a moment.
- "Please, remember you must keep your relationship strictly professional while you are at work"- Hotch reminded us as soon as I felt Spencer leaning over to kiss me. My boyfriend stopped what he was doing right away, and we both nodded at our boss.
- "Yes, Hotch"- Spencer let me go, and I walked to the table to grab a cupcake.
- "Does this mean the kids are getting their own room when we travel?"- Derek asked and elbowed Spencer with a teasing, smiling.
- "This means their relationship won't get in the way of our work"- Hotch explained and shook his head, but I could see him hiding the smile as he sipped his coffee.
- "Ok, munchkin, I need details. How did it happen, when did it happen, did he propose already? I don't even know why you are just dating at this point. You've been crazy for each other for years! You should be planning your wedding!"- Garcia was hyperventilating as she spoke, and I know Spencer was embarrassed and blushed with each one of her words.
- "I can tell you all the details later"- I said and giggled- "Maybe girl's night?"- and her eyes lit up right away.
- "Girl's night! I'm scheduling that right away. Emily!!"- Prentiss turned to look at Garcia as she walked back into the room, holding another cup of fresh coffee.
I heard Spencer chuckling as he looked at me, and for once, all I could read on his face was pure bliss and happiness.
- "What's so funny, batsy?"- I whispered as I walked over to him and looked at our friends having breakfast together. Those brief moments of peace at our work were priceless. I mean it.
- "I'm just happy, chipmunk. You make me happy."
- "That's great, ‘cos you make me happy too… thought I was thinking… should we get new nicknames now that we are dating? The ones we've got are not friendship nicknames"- he gave my words a little thought, and I patiently waited for his answer.
- "I don't know… if I must be honest, there's nothing friendly about me calling you "ma chère." There never was, and there never will. I was basically screaming, "I love you," hoping you'd understand"- I chuckled and shook my head.
- "Besides, I love being your honey bunny. I wouldn't change it for the world."
- "Really? But I could still come up with more nicknames for you"- I whispered and felt Spencer's hands resting on my waist as a loving smile lodged on his lips.
- "And I will love them all, just as much as I love you"- he leaned over slowly to kiss me until we heard Derek clearing his throat and stopped.
- "Do I have to give you a warning on your first day dating?"- Hotch said as we moved apart as fast as we could, blushing.
- "Sorry"- Spencer smiled and held his cup of coffee. I giggled and shook my head.
- "You wanted us to date; you should be excited."
- "I will never be excited to see you sucking faces"- Emily joked and smiled at me- "But I will always be happy you two are happy."
- "Yeah, besides, it took you forever!"- Morgan added- "It was painful to watch!"
- "Oh! shut up!"- I argued and sipped my coffee- "Good stories take their time. But they have a happy ending."
- "And you know what doesn't have an ending?"- Hotch said and sighed- "Paperwork, so… let's get to work as soon as we finish breakfast"- we all groaned but sighed, resigned.
- "JJ is in shock"- Penelope announced, reading a text- "And she is in for lady's night this weekend."
I looked at Spencer, who stood at the other side of the room and smiled. I couldn't believe I had fought my feelings for so long when it was so clear to the world. Spencer and I were in love, and we made each other happy. I guess it was like Tolstoy said once: "If you want to be happy, be." And all I wanted was to be at the BAU with my family and in love with Spencer Reid.
DIWK Taglist:
@all-tings-diego @big-galaxy-chaos @muffin-cup @shilohpug @eternalharry @tvandfanfic @fandomtrash2405 @eyakoroleva @nani-2305
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
SB DLC What-If: “A Long-Awaited ‘Reunion’”
Not Glam-Fred and Bon. Sorry. Head’s up; this hypothetically takes place after both the Princess Quest and the Burn/“True” Ending, with Princess being before an alternate version of Burn. So… Technically spoilers but not really?
Also, this presents a concept that’ll be shown off in another (semi-related?) project. Consider this a way of building context, since the other one won’t explain this part.
For context: Vanessa is hijacked by Glitch again and is dragged back to the rebuilt Pizzaplex. Rebuilt Glam-Fred and Gregory go off to save her while trying to uncover any more secrets. At this point, they’re about to do something big when a new discovery is made in the last security office. You know, the one with the huge monitors we never got to see… I think. (And yes, for those concerned, Vanny does help this time. Not sure how, since Glitch‘s influence is stronger, but I know she does. Maybe helping with freeing the other Glamrocks?)
Okay, enough over-explaining. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Through the bottom row of security monitors, a sickly green arm reached out into the open world. Then, another joined in and gripped the corner of the table. Through some effort, a glitchy rabbit-like figure emerged from the screen. “Hello, Gregory,” it greeted with a low, sinister rattle. “It’s nice to finally see you in person. Sorry about the wait.”
Gregory stepped forward. “You’re that bunny thing Vanessa warned me about,” he snapped, pointing. “She said you hacked her brain like you hacked the Glamrocks!”
”And I’ve done it again,” the rabbit smiled, sitting with one leg on the desk and the other dangling off. “But you should know that by now.”
”What have you done with Vanessa?”
”She’s getting ready for the big finale, you silly boy!” the bunny laughed heartily, wrapping his arms around his stomach. “The one we were supposed to have had by now… If you hadn’t cut us off so easily.”
Gregory was about to argue, but something caught his attention. “Hey, wait,” he said in a baffled tone. “Why are your eyes green? I thought they were purple. At least that’s what Vanessa told me.”
The rabbit heaved a groan as it raised its head. “There’s been a… new complication since last time,” it admitted, swinging its desk-placed leg around. “Long story short, I managed to pull the lost soul from that makeshift rabbit you burned and properly merged with it. Now, I’m having a case of Jekyll-and-Hyde.”
”Like Vanessa did when you controlled her?”
”Exactly,” the rabbit smiled before a flicker of purple caused it to fade. It gripped its head for a second, then chuckled as it re-stabilized. “Looks like he wants to say ‘Hello’, Gregory,” it purred, the green still present in its eyes. “May as well give him what he wants. It’ll be such a surprise for all of us…”
Gregory‘s firm posture dropped into a cowardly slump. He scurried to the nearest door as the rabbit flickered and distorted. His hands impulsively banged on the metal frame. The demented cackle his visitor gave tapered into warped silence. Then, a whimper. He stopped. He didn’t move anything but his mouth. “Are you… the other rabbit?” he asked, not knowing what else to ask.
The ‘other‘ rabbit raised his flopped ears. He looked towards the source of the noise. His violet pupils shrank as he processed what he was seeing in the dark. A boy? In a striped shirt? Could it be…?
Gregory yelped as the rabbit scooped him up into an arm-swinging spin. “Hey, let go!” Greg fussed over his captor’s overjoyed laughter. “Let…!” A string of foreign emotions made his frustrated cries drift away. First, he dazedly joined in, giggling wildly as the world gained a purple hue. Then, a pang of shock that made his heart skip. Finally, a grim sadness he had felt only a few times before settled in. “I’m so sorry,” he mouthed to himself, his new voice catching as tears started to form. “I… thought you were someone else. Someone that I loved dearly.“
The rabbit, now green-eyed like before, shook the boy as hard as he could. Purple sparks of electricity leapt out of Gregory and back into the glitch. ”Stop reminiscing in someone else’s body, Afton,” it hissed as it dropped him onto the floor. “You’ve done that enough already.”
Afton overtook the rabbit’s form again. “I didn’t even mean to!” he argued darkly, wiping away the tears with his arm. “I was so excited to see Evan again—“
”No need to explain what we’ve already witnessed,” the rabbit hissed, regaining control. “And, while you’re at it, quit crying. You don’t want to be as weak as you were back then, do you?”
“I—I don’t,” Afton responded, his ears pinned back and his posture even more slumped than before. He straightened himself up with a sniffle, then cleared his throat. “I don’t,” he repeated, his voice now stern and steady.
“Good,” the rabbit grinned darkly, his ears as straight as an old television antenna. “Now, let’s go before we confuse the boy any further. There will be a chance to catch him again before the hour is up.“ He turned to the boy, gave his trademark wave, and quickly vanished.
The Faz-Watch, which had been rendered inactive, came to life. “Gregory, are you still there?” a gruff, familiar voice cried out. “I could not reach you, and I was worried that he caught you!”
”Don’t worry, Freddy,” Gregory replied, a relieved smile growing on his face. “He got me, but I chased him off.”
”Great job, Superstar!” Freddy exclaimed, his footsteps thundering through the watch’s audio. “I will be with you right away!”
Gregory raised his eyebrows. Wait a second. “Hey, while you’re trying to find me, I’ve got an idea on how we can rescue Vanny,” he said with a gleam in his eyes. “It involves something I learned while dealing with that pesky rabbit. Well, actually, a few things.”
To clarify, this split happened after UCN not before. I know someone might think that because of some other AU/what-if idea, but no. The mention of Jekyll and Hyde was there for a reason.
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levi-ish · 6 years
Blood In The Cut | 5
Request: Can you do a peter parker x reader that they were friends in high school but they got apart somehow and when they’re in college they meet again?
Pairing: Peter Parker X College!Reader
Disclaimer: Angst, fluff, mentions of death and panic attacks. 
A/N: Nope, there’s not spoilers here in case if you are wondering. If you want to be part of my taglist, you can always ASK and I’ll add your name to it! Thanks!!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
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You heard the knock on your window and a smile grew on your lips quickly, realizing that the hero kept his promise and showed up again. Turning around, you stood from your soft sheets and walked to the window, pushing up the glass and letting the hero enter the room. When both of his feet were on the carpet, he walked around for a bit, glancing at the pictures hanging on your wall for a little while and something inside your chest hurt again, just as last night.
“You came back for my care?” You noticed the hero tripping on his own feet, caught of guard from your comment and giggled to yourself.
“How could I not? I mean, my back is as good as new” he winked with one of his mechanic eyes and you rolled yours, sitting back on your bed and resting your body on the comfy pillows, sinking into the softness and almost closing your eyes from tiredness. “Are you alright?”
You frowned your brows and realized that he was talking about the way you looked so exhausted, so you gave him a small smile and crossed your arms on your chest to keep the cold that entered through the window away.“
Yeah, yeah, just tired from school and stuff.”
“Harsh day?” He asked and you nodded, letting out a deep sigh from your nose. “Okay, so it’s my turn now, I see.”
You twitched your mouth, confused by his words and watched the hero coming closer and sitting just beside your feet, crossing his covered legs and putting yours on his lap, running his gloved fingers on your skin until they reached your left foot, massaging it and making you throw your head back and let out a small moan of relaxation. “Oh god, this is awesome!”
“Anything for my favorite girl.” Your eyes widened at his words and the surprise turned into joy, now he earned a small smile from your lips, something he never thought he would see so soon.
“So, I was telling her that I wanted to eat chinese and she literally puked and I was so worried that I actually froze” you laughed hard and put another chip in your mouth, chewing it right away while little tears formed on the corner of your eyes. “And... and then I just asked her if she needed a towel.”
“This is the weirdest story I’ve ever heard!” The hero ate another chip and sighed deeply from all the previous laughing between you two.
You stared slightly at his chiseled chin, feeling relieved that he felt so comfortable around you at the point where he could lift his mask just above his nose to talk better or even eat. It started three days ago after his last visit and the feeling that still lingered on your back from those slim fingers that knew exactly what they were doing, and Spider-Man decided that his new hang out place would be your room.
So you two would sit on your bed, legs spread on the soft covers and eating fast-food or sometimes you felt like watching the night sky from your fire escape, leaning into the railings with your hands hanging in the air while the freezing breeze of a normal Queens night hit your nose almost as subtly as an atom wandering between particles. 
“Okay, so hear me out.” The hero stopped chewing dramatically and let out a deep sigh, throwing his body at the fluffy pillows behind him. “What if—”
“Oh no” you raised your hand, signaling for him to stop. “We played that enough.”
“Just one more!” The man behind the mask whined and you rolled your eyes, giving up and nodding against your will. “So, what if you were stuck in an island and you had to drink your own pee?”
“This is, by far, the most silly you ever came up with.” You laughed while biting another chip that cracked inside your mouth. 
‘What if’ was a game that you created with Peter when you two were kids. It consisted on suggesting a bad scenario and having to put it into a scale of 1-10, being 1 the worst and 10 the best. Since Spider-Man came a lot, you decided that it would be nice to teach him the game, and he agreed, liking the idea very much — you didn’t understand his excitement for playing it, but it was alright — and somehow, you still felt like betraying Peter. After all that time.
You didn’t know how Spider-Man looked like without the whole mask, but you could tell that he was probably furrowing his brows by the way his mechanic eyes moved. 
“I won, you can say it” you smile teasingly and put the cards down. “Admit that you suck.”
“I don’t! You cheated!” He cried and you laughed a bit more. 
“No, I’m just awesome.” You started organizing the cards again and put them inside the little box. “Now you owe me a churro.”
“Well, (Y/N), if you want to go on a date with me, you just have to say the word and—” You interrupted him with a light punch on his chest and earned a small laugh coming from him.
“You wish” rolling your eyes, you stood up and walked in the direction of your drawer, searching for a blanket to warm you both since that night was a bit colder.
“When are you going to unpack those boxes?” Spider-Man asked and you got caught off guard, dropping the blanket right away and bumping your elbow on a flower vase you kept there. It would have fallen if it wasn’t for the hero and his magic web-shooters. “Hey, be careful!”
You turned around, looking just over your shoulder to give him a sad smile and your gaze focused on the boxes just sitting there, accumulating dust.
“I lied” you said, smiling sadly once more. “Those aren’t stuff I forgot to unpack; I just didn’t want to.”
“There’s nothing wrong with—”
“—Yes. There is” you interrupted him, placing the blanket around your shoulders and sighing as you sat down on the same spot on the bed you were sitting before. “Those are my mother’s stuff.”
Spider-Man opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he kept quiet, hesitating. You licked your dry lips and started playing with the fabric of your pajama pants while biting the insides of your cheeks.
“When she died, I had to come home and pack some of her stuff.” You started talking slowly, trying not to remember the painful memories of the apartment you grew up in almost empty. “She always wanted to donate her clothes but I was selfish and kept some of them. I just wanted to have her lavender scented shirts, so I could be close to her somehow.”
The hero stood there, quietly biting his lower lip and you felt the temperature of your body falling quickly, as if another crisis was going to happen right there. Your breathing started to get faster and the man in front of you seemed to notice the trembling hands, now holding you closer to his chest.
You didn’t even process what was going on, you just rested your head there, keeping the sobs to yourself as you held tight to his suited body.
“Why are you always getting yourself in danger” you mumbled while cleaning the dry blood from the small cuts of his shoulder blades.
The hero let out a breathy laugh and murmured an ‘ouch’ while you rubbed the alcohol-dipped-cotton against his skin softly. 
“If I don’t, who will?” He opened a small, corner smile and you swore you could melt right there.
After a while of receiving Spider-Man’s visits, more like three weeks, not missing even one day, you two grew comfortable around each other. He would always lift his mask just a bit over his nose and you would even stop caring of showing ‘presentable’, with no makeup at all and just in your pajamas with drawings of bunnies all over your pants — Clara hated them, but the hero seemed to love.
“I hate it when you’re right” you said and stood a bit too close to his face, your gaze now focusing on his chapped lips while you put the red stained cotton away. 
It was inevitable to not look at that halve of his face and not wonder how he looked like. You’ve tried to match that chin with the another halve but you never succeeded, and then, you decided to just enjoy the moments together and not caring about his secret identity — after all, it was secret for a reason. 
But after some of his visits, you two growing each one of them more closer to each other, made some butterflies appear inside your stomach whenever you got near him. Now, almost breathing the same air and lips just centimeters from colliding, you breathed in and came to your senses — Spider-Man was a great friend, you didn’t want to ruin that. Leaning back and looking away, you started playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Hey, when are you going to tell me about those... hm... pictures” he asked, his voice dropping a tone and a familiar feeling invaded your body, but you brushed it away.
“W-What pictures?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“The only ones on your wall” the hero said as if it was obvious, and it was.
“I already told you about them” you smiled and put a hand on his shoulder to show him how silly that idea was.
“Well, you told me about two of them.” The hero insisted and you bit your lower lip a bit too hard, freezing a bit while your gaze focused on the last picture.
Before, you wouldn’t tell him about Peter. You never felt too comfortable to talk about the boy you knew and it always took a long while to come out about your feelings from the past. You only told Clara after two years and a half of your friendship and Jax only knew because he overheard an conversation between you two, then you decided that it would be best if you explained the situation — it might have been a chance to put the past in the past.
“What do you wanna know?” You asked, feeling that it was the right time.
The hero crossed his legs and let his arms hang on the sides of his body, clearly feeling a bit uncomfortable about something, but you decided not to pay too much attention to that.
“Whatever you want to tell me” he said and smiled a bit, now warming your heart. It was like he knew exactly how to make you comfortable.
You breathed in and out for a bit, feeling that bit of pain inside your gut and trying to keep yourself together. You knew it was coming sometime, but you could never get prepared; even after all that time.
“That’s Peter” you said and a small smile appeared on your face. “He was my best friend back in high school.”
Spider-Man was quieter than normal, acting a bit strange but nothing too big for you to ask. 
“What happened to him?”
“Life” you answered. “We grew apart and there was nothing that could be done to fix it.”
“H-How come?” Looking down, the hero asked as quietly as a whisper.
“Well... Peter had his secrets and I had mine.” You licked your lips again, feeling the pain in your gut getting more intense, so you just focused on your breathing. “One day, he was there, the other, he wasn’t. And I just couldn’t stand to watch him always leaving.”
“So... What happened?”
“Here comes the silly part, be prepared” you warned with a simple laugh that didn’t seem to convince him. “I liked Peter more than friends. When I confessed to him, it was the last drop and he just disappeared from my life.”
After saying that out loud, you realized how much pain you were keeping to yourself and how unhealthy that was to your mental state. Spider-Man seemed to be in a fight with his own mind while you said those words, so you gave him time to process everything.
“Do you miss him?” He asked and you got caught off guard again.
“Yes.” You said without even thinking, as if the answer was on the tip of your tongue all the time, just waiting to come out. “When... When I was with my mother at her last moments, I wished he was around. It’s dumb but... I guess holding his hand would be a great support.” 
A gasp was heard from the hero’s mouth and he jumped out of the bed, his legs and arms trembling quite a bit while you watched him carefully, trying to understand what was going on.
“I’m—I’m sorry” he said, his breathing echoing between the walls. “I have to go.”
You stood up and tried to talk to him, to hold his hand, but when your fingers brushed against his covered ones, he shook his hand and ran to your window, disappearing from the railing and between the big bricks buildings.
After that, you didn’t see Spider-Man. Until the night after the party.
You woke up covered in sweat and trembling fingers. The room seemed smaller than when it was when you went to sleep and the ceiling looked lower than before, giving you a bit of claustrophobia. Your throat went suddenly dry and incredibly shut together, so you jumped out of your bed and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking until the last drop. You let out a sigh when you were finished and saw Clara sitting on the sofa, her eyes focused on you while she sipped on her cup of coffee.
“Are you okay?” She asked and you tried the best impression of a smile and put the bottle on the sink.
“Yeah, yeah, just thirsty... I think the heater broke.”
“Really?” The girl furrowed her brows and put the mug between her lips again. “It’s funny, because you have always been a winter person.”
“People change” you said before leaving the kitchen and going back to the hallway.
After some nights of waking up covered in sweat even though it was cold as hell, she started noticing that something was wrong, and asked you countless times before, but you never felt too comfortable to tell her about your crisis. She has never been through things like that, so she wouldn’t know; and you had Spider-Man to vent to.
Well, ‘had’ was a keyword. 
Thinking about the note he left on your window made you start trembling again, so you tried to send the thought away, entering the bathroom and undressing to get into a nice and warm shower. You turned the water on and put your fingertips under the flow to test the temperature, entering when it was nice and letting the drops of hot water slide between your shoulders, relaxing you immediately. You washed your hair quickly and rubbed your face, closing your eyes for just an instant.
It was your biggest regret at that moment, since whenever you closed your eyes, you could see clearly the figure of Jax above you, moving forward and back while the messy hair hung on his forehead. You felt gross again, feeling the rough fingers running down your arms and torso, so you started to scrub the area with your soap. 
You felt his nails gripping your waist again, so you moved your hands there and rubbed harshly on your skin, not even thinking about the pain that it was causing from applying such force against your sensitive body. But the way that Jax looked at you, his breath fanning against your face and his sloppy kisses going down your neck to your collarbones made sick, a failure to yourself.
Then, without noticing, you were sitting on the floor, under the water that rushed down and collided with your body. You started to hyperventilate and turned the shower off, jumping out the box and searching through the drawers under the sink with hurry, your shaking hands being an obstacle to find the little tube that you kept hidden on the back of your cabinet. 
You grabbed the little orange bottle and opened the lid, grabbing one of those pills and drowning it with water from the sink. Sitting down on the floor again, you waited for the medicine to kick in just for a bit, so you could grab a towel and dry your wet hair that made your whole body feel colder again.
When your hands were shaking less and less, you sighed a few times and tried the breathing exercise that your mom taught you before, feeling a little calmer, so you whispered to yourself;
“You are okay. You are fine.”
With that, you stood up and slowly grabbed a towel to dry your body and hair, noticing the new red marks you just made from all the scrubbing, covering your body so you could go and put some clothes one. You chose an beige sweater and jeans, putting on a red hoodie and a denim jacked to protect from the cold New York breeze. Putting your sneakers, you grabbed your scarf and blew your hair quickly, knowing that you would be late for class if you didn’t leave soon.
When you walked to the kitchen again to grab coffee, there wasn’t any left. Clara wasn’t there, but she put a note on the fridge saying that Harry gave her a ride and apologized for not leaving any coffee for you, making you laugh a little. You just searched for a granola bar to eat on the way.
The train was pretty empty, so you had a quiet trip until you got to the University. When you arrived, you just jumped out of the wagon and walked to the campus, noticing you had some free time until your first class started, so dropping by the campus café seemed like a nice idea.
You looked above while walking, watching the muggy weather and the naked trees shaking slightly with the breezed that crossed paths with the day. You remembered the nights with the infamous hero where you two would lean against the railing and sneezing a lot because of the cold and the same breeze blowing around by Mother Nature — nice thoughts, if only it wasn’t for your screw up. 
Pushing the glass doors, you entered the place and your nostrils immediately caught the vanilla and cinnamon scent that wandered around the tables. You looked between the tables and saw only a few people sitting there, enjoying their drinks and food, and your stomach begged for something, even though your mind knew that the probability of you throwing up everything that came down your throat was big. 
But you went to the counter, not minding the warnings of your mind and ordering a double expresso and an oat muffin.
“(Y/N)!” You heard someone call your name and searched for the voice.
You saw Clara sitting there with Harry by her side, both of them with hot cocoas between their hands. You smiled and waved back, approaching the couple and saluting them quietly, receiving smiles from both of them.
“Please, be our guest” she said, playfully and you placed your plate and cup of coffee on the table, joining them. 
You took a moment to analyze Harry and almost rolled your eyes to yourself — not because he was a bad person, no — because of his good looks and the aura that almost screamed ‘perfection’ whenever you saw him. He always had his hair slicked back perfectly, not even a lock out of place and clothes looking fresh out of laundry, plus the expensive cologne he always wore. You and Clara joked about him being a sugar daddy, but you knew how much she liked him.
“So... We were just talking about the party.” Clara said and your body froze again, knowing that the question would pop up anytime soon. “Harry loved my bartender skills.”
“Did I?” He asked and she playfully punched him on the chest. 
“She always does that” you said, smiling. “Throws the bottles up and thinks that she’s the bartender.”
“I already got the listening skills” the girl defends herself and you two laugh a bit while you sip on your coffee.
Harry rolled his eyes and sipped on his drink, licking the droplets of hot cocoa on his lips and stared at his girlfriend. “But she made cheap wine taste nice, I’ll give you that.”
“I’m Italian, baby. That’s my job” the girl winked and you fell into laughter again. “But, hey, (Y/N), you disappeared at the end of the party. Where were you?” There. 
That moment, everything that was far from your mind came into the light once more. You sighed and did what you always did best; pretended to be okay.
“I was just tired” you said with a nice smile. “I went to bed early.” It wasn’t a total lie.
“Oh, right. I’m sorry, it’s my fault” she said and twitched her lip. “I never told you that I was throwing that party and—”
Clara was interrupted by Harry’s phone that went off and he grabbed it almost immediately, catching both of your attention. 
“No, Pete, are you sure?” He said and his brows furrowed, making you regret being worried. 
You knew that he was talking to Peter, but you didn’t want to give too much attention to that. You sighed — at least Peter was the only one not involved in your big mess. 
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Harry licked his lips and turned his phone off. “Sometimes I don’t get Peter.”
“What happened now?” Clara asked and you pretended not to be interested, eating your muffin quietly, feeling the same pain that grew inside you whenever you heard his name.
“He broke up with his girlfriend” said the boy and you chocked on the piece you were chewing. 
Both their attentions fell on you, so, while blushing, you waved it off and sipped on your coffee to down that piece of muffin stuck on your throat, coughing hysterically. 
“Well, is he sad? We could grab a croissant for him.” Clara suggested and her boyfriend bit his lip.
“Actually, he’s more than fine. He was never serious about that girl.” Harry said and you felt the pain go away. “He’s just staying in today because his classes got cancelled.”
Before Clara could say anything else, the sound of sirens grew on the background, making you turn your head to the big windows and watch as police cars and firemen run down the street, to the direction of the big old building that was used as a library before, but now was just empty.
Everyone around you stood up to see what was going on, and then the news channel got a bit louder since the barista turned the volume on. You focused on the small TV and watched carefully the images of a bomb; a bomb, and then you heard an explosion, looking at the old building and seeing that it had just turned into ashes in a question of seconds.
Clara gasped and Harry stood up, grabbing her hand.
“Let’s get out of here” he said and looked at you, seeing that you were stunned by the scene right across the street and the big orange flames eating down the old library. “C’mon, (Y/N), we need to get safe.”
“You two go, I’m... I’m right behind you” you said and watched them both leaving the café, as everyone else. 
No, it wasn’t like the movies, the explosion wasn’t that big and there wasn’t a lot of hysteric people screaming and running around with their hands in the air; but it was similar, and scary as fuck. You watched as the baristas left the place, screaming for you to save yourself, but you didn’t listen, stunned by the windows and trying to find Spider-Man between the bricks that fell from the walls, or even his red and blue suit raising from the flames.
Nothing made sense to you until the moment that a big piece of wall came in your way, ready to smash you and crush the glass windows that you stood in front of, so you acted by adrenaline that rushed inside your veins and hid inside the restroom, closing the door and sitting on the floor, listening carefully to the sound of glass breaking and more screaming. 
Your trembling hand came to your mouth to kept you from crying or screaming — you didn’t even know what you were doing anymore. Trying to control your breathing, you closed your eyes and a big clash that was accompanied by a high sound and pieces of the ceiling falling on the floor made you let out a scream and hide under the sink.
Then, you saw the infamous red and blue suit right in front of you, just staring into your soul with the big mechanic eyes while you felt like your chest was going to explode from all the hyperventilation, so you grabbed your knees closer to your body and stared back, trying to say something, anything, and hoping he would do the same.
But the hero only grabbed you and shoot his web from behind the building, swinging quickly on the air, not even giving you time to process everything that was going on, just placing you on the grass and staring a bit more. You wished he wouldn’t say anything now, knowing that anything would make the situation even worse, and you weren’t prepared to hear.
However, when you watched the hero leave back to his battle, you felt that anything would be better than his torturous silence.
TAGLIST: @marveldirewolf @stephie-senpai@fearsynergy@ineedanewbackpack@teamnatasha@thegirlofgardenias@tomhllvnds @hillywooddestiel @embrel@yourwonderbelle@jamienerd03@unicorn-sparkles123 @catnolannn @spider-mendes@1enchantedfantasy1@harashoruby @aelin-firehearts-court @felicia-can-fly@icat8 @starlightfound @immsmarvel @bury-my-love-inthe-moondust @tiau-man @instagrammodeltom @devastate-my-space @whovian1077 @sassygis@prettytravesty @whydididothis44 @who-cares-rn @ultrunning @phantastic-fandoms @darlingimawriter @pastellfarben  
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boredstudent-blog · 7 years
Fluff Friday, May 2017: Studio Ghibli
Warning: This fic may contain spoilers for “Spirited Away.” If you have not seen this movie, GO WATCH IT before you read. If you have not watched it and do not want to read this piece, go watch the movie anyway, because it is awesome! Also, any interpretations of these films are written by how I feel the character interpreting the film in question would see it. Feel free to agree or disagree. There are also some spoilers for the Naruto story line concerning Orochimaru and Sasuke.
As with many of Sakura’s loved and cherished interests, Sasuke found her love for Studio Ghibli movies both adorable and irritating. There was no doubt that Sakura had a deep love and respect for both the cartoons and the creators behind the cartoons, and even Sasuke couldn’t deny having some respect for the creators. It was clear that everyone who worked on these films had deep passion for what they did and poured their hearts and souls into every aspect of each creation they completed, even if the aspect was small and would have been considered unimportant to the viewers. He admired the care and work put into the characters, from their design to their development, and thought the soundtrack of each movie perfectly matched the movie in question.
However, Sasuke couldn’t understand the damn plots. Two little kids wandering into a forest and playing with a giant bunny thing called a totoro? Ridiculous! Then, a little girl leaving home to go study witchcraft in some city and becoming some kind of glorified delivery person? Silly. How could the father of the two girls not notice his small children missing for so long? And if one had the power of witchcraft, why waste that talent on delivering random gifts to strangers?
“You’re taking the movies too literally, Sasuke,” Sakura had told him when he expressed his criticisms. “Both of those films have good coming-of-age lessons. My Neighbor Totoro shows how, even through times of hardship, one can still enjoy the wonders of life and the natural world, and that the times of hardship do not mean the end of the world.”
“And the movie about the witch delivery girl?” Sasuke scoffed back at her, irritated with her earnest attempts at making him understand such silly plots.
“Kiki’s Delivery Service is about learning to go after one’s goals, even when you doubt yourself and are surrounded by the unfamiliar. I thought for sure you would have liked that one, Sasuke. Its lighthearted, but Kiki’s journey is so much like your own.”
“Oh, please! How is that movie anything like my life?”
“Well, Kiki leaves home, like you did. She decides to trust in strangers, like you did. She accomplished her goal, like you did.” Sasuke tried hard not to laugh at the look of thoughtfulness on Sakura’s face as she explained Kiki’s “similarities” to himself.
“So, the baker couple she settles with are really fugitives led by a snake loving pervert who wants to use her body to stay alive? And Kiki is really setting out to take revenge on a killer of her whole family?”
Sakura sighed in exasperation. “I didn’t say Kiki was exactly like you, Sasuke. Stop making fun of me, please.”
“I’m not making fun of you. I don’t mind that you like those movies, I just think they’re silly.”
“I admit there is some silliness with the lighter films, but not all of the Studio Ghibli movies are lighthearted. Have you ever seen Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away?”
“Well, you will tonight. They are both much more serious and deeper than some of the other movies, and I really think you will enjoy them.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Sakura, I don’t mind that you like these movies, but do I have to watch them with you?”
“No, but I would appreciate if you watched each one at least once with me. It’s not fair to write off all of Studio Ghibli’s works just because you don’t like all of them. Besides, I watch those American thriller movies with you, like Hannibal. I think they are dark and creepy, and I still watch them with you.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, knowing that she would pout if he refused now. “Fine. I’ll watch them with you. But I don’t have to enjoy them.”
“Okay!” Sakura said happily. “I’m going to finish our movie night snacks and put one of the movies in. Meet you in the living room?”
When Sasuke entered the living room, Sakura had his movie snacks (some fresh veggies, cut for easy snacking) and her movie snacks (some popcorn and a bag of chocolate pieces) laid out on the table. She had the movie in and paused at the very beginning, before any dialogue or any images started. He sighed in resignation and sat down next to his girlfriend, who scooted closer to him and picked up the remote.
“Ready?��� Sakura asked him, excitement in her voice.
“As I’ll ever be,” Sasuke replied, picking up a tomato slice and the salt shaker. “Which one are we watching first?”
“Spirited Away,” Sakura replied. “It won awards and is considered a classic here in Japan, and in America.” She pressed the play button, and leaned in against him.
As expected, Sasuke found Spirited Away annoying and silly. The girl, Chihiro, was whiny and clingy, and listening to her whine about having to move away and her stupid flowers. Her parents were annoying too: they were both lazy, and didn’t seem to care about their daughter much. He even had to stifle a laugh when the old witch Yubaba turned them into a pair of pigs. He figured it did serve them right, but Sakura would have glared at him for laughing. She was leaning forward, watching intently as the mysterious boy helped Chihiro get to the boiler man, then on to Yubaba herself, to ask for a job. Sakura was so absorbed in the movie, she didn’t see Sasuke snag a handful of her popcorn. Sasuke rolled his eyes as he popped the kernels into his mouth and began focusing on the movie again.
Like other Studio Ghibli movies, Sasuke admired the beautiful art and animation, from the ornate beauty of Yubaba’s office, to the animation behind Chihiro and the other girls cleaning the floor and attending to the customers. He even enjoyed the wild minor plot of No Face and his greed. Then there was Haku, the mysterious boy who acted so formal in front of Yubaba and the other spirit-based tenants of the bathhouse, and was only kind to Chihiro in private. Sasuke could tell he was a person who had goals in mind, and would never be deterred from those goals.
On the screen, Chihiro was watching Haku in his dragon form, flying clumsily through the air towards the bathhouse before crashing into the building and landing in a room several floors above her. Sasuke leaned forward, jostling Sakura and surprising her. He set his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands under his chin, reminding Sakura of the first day they met Kakashi. She stifled a giggle as he watched the screen closely, gazing at Haku as Chihiro did her best to tend to him and keep him safe from Zeniba’s curse and Yubaba’s wrath. He was so enraptured that he didn’t notice Sakura pull her phone out and take a couple of pictures of him. When the film was over, he sighed, leaned back, and seemed to come back to himself.
“So… what did you think of the movie, Sasuke?” Sakura asked innocently.
“Chihiro was annoying. So was Yubaba’s baby,” Sasuke said carelessly. “Why? Did you expect me to undergo a transition, where I would suddenly love Studio Ghibli?”
“Well, it sure looked like you did. Just look at yourself.” Sakura showed him the pictures she shot of him watching Spirited Away, and Sasuke blushed.
“Well… this was an exception. Besides, Haku was an interesting character.”
Sakura giggled at Sasuke as she got up and took the DVD out of the player and replaced it with Princess Mononoke. “You never know, Sasuke. You might like this one, too.”
Sasuke scoffed. “Its about a princess? I doubt it.”
Sakura smiled to herself and kept her phone close. Eventually, she would have a whole album of pictures of her boyfriend enjoying Studio Ghibli films. She already had pictures of him enraptured in Kiki’s Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, and now Spirited Away. Once she had enough pictures, he would never be able to deny that he liked the films.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Character development (Matthew Gray Gubler / Reader)
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A/N: I don't know if any of you haven't seen or doesn't know what happens with Spencer in Season 8, but anyway: HUGE SPOILERS ALERT OF SEASON 8 of CRIMINAL MINDS.
Requested: Yes. "Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Matthew/reader one where the reader is watching criminal minds, and Maeve just died, and the reader is sad and finds out Matthew suggested that Maeve's character got killed off, and Matthew makes it up to her."
Summary: Gubler reaches home and finds a very depressed girlfriend waiting for him to talk about the bad things that had just happened to Spencer in that week's episode of Criminal Minds.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Well, spoilers of season 8 of CM, I think a curse or two, and that's it.
Wordcount: 1,6 K
The whole house was in silence when Matthew walked in. That was weird. Since he and his girlfriend (Y/N) moved in together, he was greeted with laughter, music, hugs, and kisses every time he got home.
But not that day. Silence and darkness in the whole house were all that welcomed Matthew.
- "Bunny?"- he asked, frowning confused- "Are you home?"
But nothing. Only silence.
Matthew walked around the house. It was so quiet it was creepy.
- "(Y/N)?"
- "In here"- her voice was small, and it took Matthew a minute to find her, curled up on a couch. The tv screen was the only light in the whole room.
- "Hey, Bunny"- Gubler sat next to her and kissed her lips sweetly- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah,"- she whispered and cut him the worst smile ever- "Did you have fun with your friends today?"
- "Yeah, we had dinner, watched a movie. It was fun. What did you do?"- Gubler knew there was something wrong with his girlfriend, and he wasn't going to let it pass.
- "Nothing. I just watched tv."
- "And did something happen today at work?"- but (Y/N) shook her head- "Then why are you so sad? Your eyes are puffy, Bunny. What is it?"
- "It's honestly nothing. I just..."- (Y/N) turned off the tv and sighed- "I watched today's episode of Criminal Minds."
- "Oh..."- Matthew thought about it for a second until it finally hit him.
That week's episode was "Zugzwang," and he knew it would be a rough one for everybody. It had actually been hard to film. Reid's girlfriend would die right in front of him, and Matthew knew (Y/N) wasn't going to take that episode very well. Ok, no one would, but she really wanted Spencer to have a girlfriend, finally.
- "Oh... so, what did you think?"- (Y/N) looked at him and almost rolled her eyes.
- "Look at me, I've been crying for an hour,"- Gubler chuckled and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, cuddling her.
- "Come on, Bunny. It's just a tv show."
- "I know, but can you explain why Maeve had to die? why can't Spencie be happy?"
- "Why do you call him Spencie?"- Gubler frowned and looked at her confused, but she dismissed his question and pouted instead.
- "Honey, why did they decide to kill Maeve? Why didn't you argue against that stupid decision? Reid needs a girlfriend."
Matthew opened his mouth and was about to answer when he thought that might not be a real good idea. You see, it had been Matthew who suggested Maeve had to die in the most tragic way possible to make the storyline work.
At the time, it made sense for Gubler, but now, watching how his girlfriend had cried watching the episode, he wondered if they had maybe done it a little too sad.
- "Bunny, it's just a tv show. You know that right?"- he whispered and kissed her hands. (Y/N) nodded in silence and just stared at the empty space for a moment.
She knew it was just a tv show, and she understood it was stupid to be so profoundly affected by it. Still, at the same time, it was impossible not to feel moved by it, especially after watching Matthew impersonating Spencer crying with such sadness. It broke her soul. Literally, she felt something inside of her shattering as she watched him on the screen, sobbing. That was when she started crying along with Spencer.
- "I know it's silly but, though I know it's a tv show, and I know none of that is real, it still kind of hurt"- (Y/N) tried to explain- "Imagine any of that happened to us..."
- "Bunny, that won't happen to us. No one is going to kidnap us or hurt us, ok?"- Matthew smiled and kissed her hands one more time. (Y/N) nodded and sighed.
- "I'm sorry, I know it's silly being this upset over something that ain't even real."
- "No, Bunny. I think it's cute"- Matthew was sincere, but (Y/N) felt pretty silly. She had spent the last hour and a half of her life crying over the death of a fictional character.
- "Just let's make sure I get over this impasse before I visit you on the set, 'cos I don't think I will be able to be cool around the writers of the show after this episode."
- "About that,"- Matthew bit his lips and decided to face the truth once for all- "Maeve's death might have been..."- but (Y/N)'s wide-opened eyes didn't let him finish talking. He just stared at her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear carefully.
- "Might have been what?"
- "My... idea."- Gubler murmured and looked at her, trying to read her reaction.
- "I'm sorry, what?!"- (Y/N) didn't move. She just stayed still, staring at Gubler, trying to understand what he had just said.
- "Ok, so don't get mad at me, but I only agreed to get on board on Spencer having a girlfriend if she died the most tragic way possible."
There was a deep and long silence between them after Gubler said those words. It was like (Y/N) couldn't believe what she had just heard, and Matthew tried to smile in a useless effort to ease the mood.
- "Why did you do that?"- (Y/N) finally whispered and tried to understand what her boyfriend was talking about.
- "Well, it was for character development. Reid's story is overall tragic, and his relationship with his girlfriend wasn't what we could call normal, right?"
(Y/N) stared at him, speechless. Reid was a fictional character portrayed by her boyfriend, but somehow he had become a beloved imaginary being they actually talked about.
- "What did Reid ever do to you? Why did he deserve this?"- (Y/N)'s voice was a whisper, and Gubler just stared at her. He wanted to kiss her cheeks and tickle her, to make her smile, 'cos he thought it was adorable how she reacted to the episode.
- "It just makes sense for the story"- Matthew leaned in and gave her a peck on the tip of the nose- "I'm sorry you got so sad. Was it my incredible acting that made it all so believable?"- he joked and kissed her cheek several times.
- "You looked miserable, Gub"- she whispered, still upset- "You were so convincing I cried along with you at the end."
- "I'm glad"- he stopped kissing her and looked t her, narrowing his eyes- "Not glad that you cried, I'm just glad you were convinced... I think"
- "It was a good episode, Gubler."
(Y/N) sighed and looked at him, still pouting. Matthew kissed her slowly, rubbing his lips against her and moving his tongue carefully, tasting her. He felt how her body relaxed at his touch and held her closer to him. When the kiss was over, and she had sighed, resting her forehead against his, Matthew whispered.
- "It's only a good episode for me if you like it, Bunny."
- "Yeah, well, I have the feeling you are gonna have to make it up to me for making me cry"- the way (Y/N) spoke made her sound like a spoiled kid, which she actually was around Gubler. He would always coddle her in every way possible.
- "Make it up to you how, Bunny?"- Matthew murmured in a lower voice, still holding her so close in his arms, she was now sitting on his lap.
- "I don't know... you can do stuff."
- "Stuff?"- Gubler repeated and kissed her again- "Stuff like what? I need more info"- (Y/N) giggled and hid her face on the crook of Matthew's neck, inhaling deeply.
- "I haven't had dinner yet."
- "What does my Bunny want to eat?"- Gubler replied in a second, running his hand up and down her back- "Pizza? Chinese? Thai? you love Thai food."
- "Gubler. I wanna eat Gubler,"- she whispered, biting his shoulder playfully, making him laugh.
- "You can't eat Gubler!"
- "Why not?! He's delicious!"- (Y/N) kissed Matthew's neck and licked it until a soft groan left his lips.
- "Don't start things you won't finish, Bunny"- she heard him saying, as his lips crushed against hers with lust.
Sometimes Matthew could manage to step from sweet, cute boyfriend to hungry, dominant animal in a second. (Y/N) never told him, but it was one of the many things she loved about him.
Matthew's hand roamed from her back to underneath her shirt in a second, unclasping her bra in a blink. (Y/N) could feel how he was getting hard underneath her legs and the urge in his lips. And it was just what she wanted.
- "Maybe you are right"- she whispered and ended their kiss- "Pizza would be better."
- "Really?"- Matthew looked at her with widened eyes, and (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle- "Why are you teasing me like this?"
- "It just makes sense for the story. It's for character development"- she answered, mocking his earlier answer about Criminal Minds. Gubler groaned, letting her go, just to look at her pleased smile.
- "You are really gonna make me pay for what happened to Maeve and Spencer, aren't you?"- and (Y/N) just nodded- "If it makes you feel better, I really felt miserable the day we shoot that scene."
- "I'm sure you did. And I felt miserable watching you being miserable."
- "It's the circle of life, Bunny"- Matthew leaned in and kissed her- "We should do something to feel better now."
Gubler winked at (Y/N), and she giggled. His hands reached for her hips and moved underneath her shirt again, playing with her skin.
- "You may be right about that, but dinner first."
- "Are you gonna eat Gubler?"- he asked her, biting his lips, looking incredibly hot.
- "Pizza for dinner"- she teased and kissed him for a second- "Gubler for dessert."
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