#﹒✶ jaie's lessons
cyberjaiee · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(`Δ´) ﹒ ❋﹒🪑 ﹒manifestation lesson three !? ﹐✩
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# HOW I IGNORE THE 3D . . . !!! 🩹 ★?!% aka how i ignore my physical reality while manifesting
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i think a lot of people take it the wrong way when ppl say 'ignore the 3d' i know me and a few other people i've met have definitely tried to ignore the 3d in ways that just make no sense. to ignore the 3d does not mean to try your best not to hear, smell, see, taste, or feel anything that goes against your manifestation.
let's say there's someone you really don't like but u have to spend the day with them in a group project with a few other people. they're rambling on and on about shit that doesn't even make sense, just going on and on.. so what do you do ?? you COULD get upset and yell at them or storm off but what will that do ?? what will that accomplish ?? you just got upset and let them get to you too quickly. if they're truly that obnoxious they'll just keep going to piss u off more, u may even get in trouble and automatically get a bad grade on the project. OR you could simply ignore them. how do u do that ?? u don't become childish and put in ear plugs or something, bc then you can't hear the rest of the group, right ?? instead, you can still hear them of course, but it just goes through one ear and out the other. because it is NOT worth your time. you're still open to the other members, you still interact with them instead of letting one ingrate get the best of you.
ok now that we're done with that long ass analogy, do u see how this relates to the 3d ?? of course, the person that's being annoying asf is the 3d. when the 3d shows you something that goes against your desire, you do not react because you know it does not match what is going on in your imagination. you don't entertain nonsense because YOU KNOW what is true and what is not. sure, you're existing in a real reality, but not in the one you're meant to be existing in. you assume your way into the reality that matches your 4d.
you have the senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. we need these senses to fully experience the things around us. you know the truth, and the 3d must conform. the 3d isn't of concern to you EVER. again..
simply, do not relate to or identify with the 3d. you're seeing acne ?? nah that mirror it's stupid, it must not work because yes, you obviously DO have clear skin. you honestly don't even need to acknowledge it, go ahead and compliment ur clear skin fr. do not identify with the other you that is being shown in that mirror. you can't escape your senses but you don't have to take them as fact. you don't have to fully dwell on what the 3d is showing you. when in doubt, refer to the only reality that matters, your 4d.
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© @cyberjaiee - 2022
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autobot2001 · 2 months
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Warning: Jamie gets a sunburn Description: Jamue never puts sunscreen on. Drift has to put it on for her. This beach trip, he forgets, and Jamie ends up with a bad sunburn.
@marchofpain day 28; burn
The seven friends love going to the beach. Today Jamie decides not to wear a T-shirt over the one-piece bathing suit she wore. She still wears shorts. The afternoon was full of fun. Jamie never liked Drift making her put sunscreen on. Drift would apply the sunscreen. Today it seems he forgot. She thinks she’ll be fine.
After a fun beach day, Crosshairs, Drift, and Jaie watch TV in their room. The two mechs notice Jamie’s difficulty in getting comfortable on the couch. “Uh, did you remember to put sunscreen on her since she refuses to put it on?” Crosshairs whispers. Drift palms his forehead, “no, frag. Of all the times to forget.” Concern arises as they believe Jamie has a severe sunburn on her back. Drift picks up Jamie and brings her into the bathroom, closing the door.
“Let me see your back.” Drift lifts Jamie’s shirt, seeing red on her lower back. Drift opens the door, showing Crosshairs the burn on Jamie’s back while telling him to put the aloe vera lotion in their mini fridge for ten minutes while Drift cools the burn.
“Here's her phone if you’re going to have her sit there for ten minutes,” Crosshairs says, giving Drift Jamie’s phone. He takes the lotion and puts it in the fridge. Then he sets a timer on his phone, waiting for Drift to place to towel on Jamie’s back. He watches Drift get a clean face cloth and soak it. Jamie is not liking the cloth touching the burn. Crosshairs starts the timer. He hears what Jamie is watching on her phone as Drift cools the burn.
Ten minutes pass. Crosshairs gets the lotion out of the fridge. He doesn’t question Drift, but he knows Drift didn’t do this the last time Jamie got a sunburn. Jamie doesn't like how the dry towel or lotion feels on the burn. After Jamie’s skin absorbs the lotion, she puts her shirt back on. Drift gives her pain relief and carries her to the couch. They dislike how even after this burn and how uncomfortable it’ll be, Jamie won’t learn her lesson about putting sunscreen on..
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shudderingdarkness · 11 months
I dream of being silenced.
Of having nothing more to say.
Of stripping my soul of its originality,
of bleeding it out of my veins.
I dream of having nothing more to say.
Of releasing my past and my present.
Of forgetting all my experiences,
my pain and my joy, my lessons.
I dream of stripping my soul of its originality.
Of becoming silent and unforgiving.
An old willow tree, inanimate, yet grieving.
I dream of bleeding it out of my veins.
The desperate search for originality.
A 6x6 padded cell.
-Jaie Meraki, 1:09am
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
How to Conquer Reality
Haven, Zereth Mortis
Nelen sat near a fire, flipping through some notes he’d gone over with Firim the last time he’d been at the exile’s hollow. The broker had been grumbling that it was practically becoming it’s own Oribos with how many people were passing through there now, but the mage suspected he was just glad to have someone to talk to who wouldn’t spit on him (if the other brokers could spit) and call him ‘The Exile.’
Nearby Mola’raum sat, honing the edge of his runespear. The magicks were empowered by his own connection to the Shadowlands of course, but the spear was still a spear and needed occasional repair.
At this point all twelve of them had come to Zereth Mortis, and many more besides. Haven had gone from a small broker outpost to the main camp of the resistance against Zovaal, and like all war camps in history it was basically a small city in its own right. Several adventurers who could cook had set up a makeshift mess hall, selling food stewed from the strange creatures of the land to whoever had coin to trade, a few training dummies had been set up outside the entry path to Haven itself, and regular patrols occurred.
Really everyone was just killing time until they found a way to pursue Zovaal. He had dominated one of the First Ones' oracles and forced it to send him on to the location of the Sepulcher, but Nelen suspected that this was not the only defense such an important place had.
As he finished up the review and took out a small hand mirror, opening a portal to his sanctum and pushing the notes into one of his many bookshelves, he looked up and saw two others walking towards them. Jaie, fresh from her own patrol and with what looked like several large cuts of the meat from the stag-like creatures around the area, and Grimo, already with a cigar shoved into his mouth and his two robot dogs trailing behind him.
“Looks like Zovaal’s boys are mostly focusin’ on this desert in the northern bit of Zereth Mortis so far.” grunted the goblin, flopping down next to the campfire and nodding to the others, taking a pull on his stogie.
Jaie nodded, seating herself next to Nelen and getting some long wooden skewers out of her pack, threading bits of meat onto them, rubbing a spicy smelling seasoning mix onto the meat, then anchoring them in the ground so that the meat got close enough to the flames to cook without falling in. “Yeah, I was hunting around in the southeastern bit and didn’t see a single one except for a couple of those Jiro who got dominated and seemed to have gotten confused and wandered off.” she replied, sighing a bit. “I… um… well, I mean, you know, I had to sort them out. Even if they weren’t really being aggressive right then, we could never work out how to undo domination magic.” she sighed. She didn’t like having to kill them, but she recognized that in her line of work you sometimes didn’t get a choice. A hard lesson she’d learned over the years.
Nelen nodded, “Mmm, doesn’t really get any easier with time, does it?” he asked, remembering a certain hozen chief back in Pandaria, and Jaie’s reaction to them ‘sorting it out.’
She shook her head, giving him a weary smile. “No, not really… Any luck with Firim?” she asked.
“He has theories about what Zovaal is up to, but nothing concrete. After all, the Enlightened only know that the Sepulcher exists. They have no idea whats actually inside the bloody thing. Presumably Zovaal does, but he didn’t seem to worry about telling anyone else.” he huffed.
Mola’raum nodded, “Ya mon, me ‘n some odder Ebon Blade boys tried ta do our own bit o’ magic on his Mawsworn, see if we could make one a dem listen ta us.” he shrugged, “No good bruddahs. Takes five of us ta beat out Zovaal’s voodoo, ‘n even den it wears off if we lose our focus. Just long enough ta beat some answers outta dem… ‘n most of it’s stuff ah coulda told ya.” he frowned.
Nelen looked to the death knight. Early on he could barely stand being near Mola’raum, the undead troll a reminder of what had happened with Dalaran, but over time he’d gotten more used to him. Especially after his talk with Edwood, he realized that out of all their allies Mola’raum may well understand what it felt like to become a monster against one’s will, even if he’d made peace with that aspect of himself. “Oh? Like what?” he asked.
Mola’raum shrugged, “Like de fact dat alla dat stuff wit Sylvannas was a happy accident fer da Jailer.” he replied, then paused as he realized the others were staring at him. “… wut, ya tink it not be? Ya be tinkin’ he planned fer her ta wind up bein’ da Warchief ‘n burnin’ Teldrassil ‘n stuff? Nah mon, dat not be his original plan. He just saw de opportunity ‘n grabbed hold.”
“Wait… so what was his plan then?” asked Nelen, looking inquisitively at the undead troll. The idea of Teldrassil, which had killed so many people and devastated an entire race's lives, nevermind what it did to his friend specifically, just being a lucky accident for Zovaal was rather infuriating to say the least.
Mola’raum smirked, “C’mon wolf mon, ya be smarter den dat. Arthas be his original plan bruddah. He gonna let him kill alla da people on Azeroth, raise a whole army o’ da dead, den he tear open de veil with his own army on Azeroth’s side ‘n storm da Shadowlands with it.” he replied.
Jaie nodded slowly, “I get it… if everyone on Azeroth was in the Scourge nobody would be left to resist him from there. He would’ve just had to deal with Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Bastion.” she replied.
“Bingo sistah.” replied the troll, setting his spear down and reaching for one of the skewers. It could barely be called rare at this point, but an undead like him preferred their meat extra bloody, sometimes still kicking on occasion.
“Not even alla Maldraxxus neither, de Constructs was already on his side by den, Rituals…” he shrugged and made a wobbly-gesture with his hand, “Rituals coulda gone either way… ‘n me own house…” he sighed, “Dey fell well before Icecrown evah did…” he shook his head, gazing into the flames. He had been part of the Scourge himself by then. Captured when Stradma sent him to investigate one of their plagues being used on Azeroth, his memories sealed away, and turned into a Death Knight so he couldn’t go back to Maldraxxus to warn anyone. The thought of that still stung him…
Nelen smirked, “Yeah, but then our forces screwed that up for him.” he chuckled. He hadn’t been at Icecrown, none of the worgen had. He’d probably been tearing around Gilneas on all fours howling at the moon still at that point, “I mean, I heard about it… didn’t hear the bit about Bolivar until later, but the Alliance and Horde killed Arthas.”
Mola’raum grinned, “Ya mon, dat be fookin’ up his plans good. Bolivar be a Paladin, ‘n he had been burned by Alexstraza’s breath ontop o dat.” he nodded, “Arthas be a paladin who lost his powers when he wrecked up Stratholme who took up Frostmourne willingly. He be easy ta dominate… but de Light ‘n Life inside o’ Bolivar? Oho Zovaal no be likin’ dat.” he smirked. “Not ta mention dere be no mournblade dat time. Frostmourne be wut let him really control Arthas, de helm just finished wut da sword be startin.”
Jaie nodded, “So… if we can get Shalamayne away from Anduin…” she began, looking at Mola’raum.
The troll thought, then shrugged. “It depends… I be seein’ Arthas without de sword sometimes in Icecrown back when I still be in de Scourge. Mebbe by den de helm be enough, maybe it be different now… Really can’t be sayin’ until we try girlie.”
At this point Grimo flicked the remainder of his cigar into the flames, then took another skewer now that the meat was further grilled, tearing off a chunk with his sharp goblin teeth. “Eh, you three is overthinkin’ it. We can either save golden boy or we can’t. Important thing is stoppin’ Zovaal from fuckin’ EVERYTHING up.” he nodded.
The three of them looked at each other, then shrugged.
“I… suppose you have a point…” muttered Nelen.
“Anduin wouldn’t want us to risk it if it meant Zovaal might win somehow.” added Jaie.
“Ya mon, we gotta fookin’ get ta Zovaal before we be doin’ anythin’.” nodded Mola’raum as he finished his skewer.
Jaie frowned, "Still, how could he have planned for all that?" she muttered, "I mean what if Arthas hadn't gone to Northrend, or if he'd waited and led a bigger force after Mal'ganis? What if he hadn't taken up Frostmourne? There's just so many things that could have gone wrong for Zovaal... but..."
Mola’raum shook his head, “ 'cause worst case scenario, he just be waitin' longer. Tink about it. Zovaal be immortal, even if dis plan fook up, he just gotta wait fer another opportunity ta be comin’ ‘n try again. Time just be a detail ta him. He didn’t plan all dis fookin’ stuff ta set dis up, he just been down in de Maw wit’ a ton of time ‘n nothin’ ta lose.”
Grimo smirked around a mouthful of meat, “Yeah toots, ya spend enough time buildin’ a poker hand, tossin’ out cards ‘n buyin’ new ones, sooner or later yer gonna get a straight. It’s a given. We gotta worry about time runnin’ out, big ol’ greytits there didn’t. Simple as that. Even if the other Eternals found out, he's already in the fuckin' Maw! What're they gonna do? Send him to Super-Double-Maw-Thats-Even-Worse-Somehow?” shrugged the goblin. “He had nothin’ but time and only had ta get lucky ONCE.” he nodded, holding up a finger, “… but we’re the bad luck he didn’t count on.” he grinned.
Mola’raum snorted, “Yeah bruddah, but now he’s got Anduin ‘n he’s at th’ fookin Sepulcher ‘n he got his full powah back. He gonna have ta be REALLY fookin’ unlucky…”
Jaie nodded at that, quickly finishing off her own skewer, then standing up. “Anyways guys I saw a beer tent set up outside Haven. I’m going to go check it out with Dareley. He should just be getting back by now.” she said.
“Ya, it be ‘bout time fer my patrol round. Latah bruddahs.” he said, climbing to his feet, then shouldering his spear and ambling out of the camp, snapping his fingers as his ghoul clawed its way free of the ground to follow him. A moment later an Enlightened ran up, cursed after him, then began to work with a shovel to undo the damage where the ghoul came out of the ground.
Nelen sighed and adjusted his glasses. The idea that Zovaal’s plan had simply been a streak of lucky co-incidences and happy accidents mixed with actual plotting and planning didn’t help the mage’s mood… but what could he do? It was do or die time, one way or another.
Across the clearing that made up Haven Jaie and Dareley were sampling some of the ale that was being sold, the small brew stand actually belonging to another pandaren, though two grummles were managing it. Jaie didn’t know where they came from or how they got here, but she didn’t complain.
Dareley took a swig, then let out a whoof and exhaled. “Woooah! Now this stuff got ah bloody kick ta it!” he grinned, “Whatcha say they call this ale lad?” he asked.
The grummle barman nodded with a big grin. “Boss calls it ‘Earthshaker Stout!’ Very strong, very good beer. You like?” he asked.
“Aye lad I do! Another round!” replied the dwarf, slapping another coin onto the counter as the grummle got out a keg and refilled him.
Jaie giggled, “So where’s your boss?” she asked, “I’d love to get the recipe for this one.” she nodded, fanning her face. It felt hot, far hotter than it should have. A pandaren could hold their beer, but this was some beer!
The grummle shook his head, “So sorry, so sorry. Can't tell recipe! Trade secret! Telling secrets VERY unlucky!” replied the small creature. “Boss out anyways, getting ingredients. Boss wanted to find stuff to make beer from here, said Zereth Mortis could make bear nobody taste before!”
Dareley chuckled, “Aye, she knows. Can’t blame a lass for tryin’ tho eh? He’s right about that tho, I’d look forward ta samplin’ it once he’s done.” he smirked, downing his own drink again as Jaie finished off her’s. “Aye, well, that’s enough fer one night… I’m gonna bed down, ye comin’ lass?” he asked Jaie.
The pandaren nodded, yawning. “Yeah… good nightcap though…” she smiled, tossing a couple silver on the counter as a tip, then heading off with her friend.
As she did however a large pandaren man ambled over to the table. The grummle looked up and grinned at him, “Boss! Were you lucky finding ingredients?” he asked.
“Oh yeah Slowhands, very lucky. Got some neat stuff here I think could make some great ale.” grinned the Pandaren, looking at the two customers leaving. “Hah, they like the brew?” he asked, jerking a thumb at Jaie and Dareley. His accent was very deeply country, sounding reminiscent of the farmers of Halfhill and that area.
“Yes yes boss! Very happy, very good tippers!” it grinned back.
The pandaren watched them go, stroking his beard, one hand resting on the handle of a mace at his belt. It was an odd mace, a wooden pandaren one, sturdy with metal reinforcements, but the head was hollow and made to look like a beer keg… not just look like one, but actually act like one too judging by how it sloshed when he moved. “Hmm…” he muttered.
“Boss?” asked Slowhands.
“… nah, prolly nothin… just… those two seem really familiar for some reason.” he muttered, idly reaching up and adjusting a red bandana holding his hair back. “Gotta be my imagination, don’t worry bout it little feller.”
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
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there is no reality you need to try to change except for your inner reality. you have an entire eternal reality that literally shapes, molds, and modifies everything you could think of. all you have to do is just imagine it in a different way. imagine the reality you want to live. in ur head rn, go ahead. what do u see ?? ur perfect body, ur perfect life, ur perfect partner ?? ok. great. now describe what you see to urself, in ur head, out loud, out on paper, whatever u want.
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now there you go, now it is yours. super simple right ?? AHT AHT AHT NO !! you do not need to do anything else at all. you're not getting anything, you already have everything u just said you have.
what ?? ur asking what to do if it doesn't come ?? oh come on, honestly do u hear urself ? oh.. oh this mf must be blind as fuck. close ur eyes again, imagine the reality you want to live. in ur head rn, go ahead. what do u see ?? ur perfect body, ur perfect life, ur perfect partner ?? ok. great. when in doubt, the only thing you need to refer to for clarity and reassurance is the you in your imagination. that's literally all that matters, babe.
it's not even being delusional, it's simple realization. the 3d is real, it exists, but not without your imagination and assumptions. there are so so so many realities where you have ur perfect body, ur perfect life, ur perfect partner, everything you just saw and more. so of course, you can effortlessly assume your way into that reality with 0 effort. all u need to do is think. once u think, it comes to u naturally. just don't go against it, don't tell yourself u have something but then talk to urself like u don't ??
the 3d must conform to you and match your desires, until then it means nothing to you. i have gotten literally so many things just by persisting in my assumption and not letting the 3d affect me at all. i love daydreaming, using my imagination, all that. so i just put it to use. visualize, affirm, daydream, and live in ur imagination. don't worry about forgetting a bit about ur 'current' reality, that's the point. u have it in your mind, therefore u have it. so start acting like it !! stop telling yourself you don't.
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© @cyberjaiee - 2022
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
(`Δ´) ﹒ ❋﹒🪑 ﹒manifestation lesson two !? ﹐✩
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# WAIT,, JAIE HOW DO U MANIFEST . . . !!! 🩹 ★?!% a step by step on how i manifest
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manifesting is so easy, honestly. this is just how i do it to keep it fun and to immerse myself with my desire. again, this is just how i do it- you do not need to take what i say as if it’s scripture. feel free to change steps so that it works better for you, or don’t do any of these steps at all.. idc. don’t overcomplicate it, i know it seems too good to be true but have a little faith in urself.
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⌔﹒first things first, the obvious, choose what u want ( duh ). now if ur manifesting your desired face or desired body, it’s ok if u don’t know exactly what you want !!!
⌔﹒second step. now this is where it gets fun !! knowing your power. to do this you just get in the state of having it all, i do like to hype myself up a lil bit. ! i just casually affirm to myself, here’s a few affs :
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wow, i am so amazing.
i’ve manifested so many major things, it should be illegal how powerful i am.
as long as i keep persisting in an assumption, there is no way that the assumption won't occur in my physical reality.
i can change literally whatever the fuck i want.
i manifest instantly.
nothing in this world is above me.
anything is possible, since infinite realities exist.
everything ALWAYS works out in my favor.
it’s not my dream life, my dream body, or my dream anything. it’s my life, my body, and my perfect everything.
i am the key to my success.
everything i need is within me already.
damn i look perfect today.
manifesting is actually so easy.
i am the pedestal.
i am above every method and rule.
i could never fail.
knowing my desire is more than enough for it to manifest.
i’m so powerful, i give myself instant results.
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⌔﹒step 3. occupy the state !! align your thoughts with the assumption that u have whatever it is you are manifesting. right now is when you decide it is yours.
i want you to understand that routines work because you think it does. so, right here, right now, i want you to choose something. anything !! drinking water ?? listening to a certain song ?? visualizing for a few seconds ?? choose smth.
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tw // slight mentions of death + intrusive thoughts
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i personally have moments where i feel like i HAVE to do something to prevent it from happening. i get these intrusive thoughts, i literally have panic attacks for not keeping my shoes in the right order thinking that not doing that is gonna lead to some bigger, life-threatening event. like mayb we’d have to evacuate but my shoes wont be in the right place so when i do have to evacuate i’ll get the wrong shoes and mayb die.. yea my mind does this to me like 5 times a day.
end of the triggering section ^^
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so i use this to my advantage, i tell myself that keeping the pile of journals i have on my desk stacked nicely will prevent me from not shifting to the reality where i have my desire. on top of this, i energy charge my water ( not necessary, just fun ) and say that finishing my whole bottle by the end of the day will guarantee my desire being mine once i wake up. for some reason, i think i need complex methods so i even dance to music while affirming and say that will give me my desire as well.
⌔﹒once i do all of this, i just live in my head. i daydream and talk to myself, putting myself in situations that have to do with my desire. like if i am manifesting clear skin, i’d walk around my room talking to ‘people’ who are asking for my skin care routine, asking why i have such clear skin, etc. after this, i usually go to sleep. then that’s it !!
if u want u can affirm as you fall asleep !! yk, use sats to ur advantage.
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⌔﹒choose ur desire.
⌔﹒affirm casually on how powerful u are !!
⌔﹒occupy the state, use little things and say that it’s helping u get ur desire. mayb use actions that are oftently found in methods, example : scripting, affirming in the mirror, listening to a certain song, counting then affirming between each number, etc.
⌔﹒go about ur day as if u have ur desire.
⌔﹒affirm as u fall asleep if u want.
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whatever you think will get u ur desire, will get u ur desire. it’s all about what you believe in. know you have it and just persist in that knowledge. ur math teacher tells you 200 + 345 equals 545, you’ll believe it right ?? because they’re the professional. you’re the professional in your reality, so accept ur desire as fact. you’re the one who would know, YOU’RE THE PRO. what you say, goes. wouldn’t you know it, i’m a poet.
anyways, what did we learn today ?? manifesting really is effortless. this won’t fail you, you could never fail yourself.
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© @cyberjaiee - 2022
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cyberjaiee · 2 years
(`Δ´) ﹒ ❋﹒📦 ﹒manifestation lesson one !? ﹐✩
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# WHAT THE HELL IS MANIFESTING . . . !!! 🩹 ★?!% ft. my personal manifestation back story
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i was reading a post on pinterest one day and i fully realized just what it is when i’m manifesting. unfortunately, the post had no credits ( it was cropped out because ppl tend to think that’s a good idea.. ) but if u think i’m referring to your post, shoot me a dm and i’ll edit in credits !!
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thankfully, i wasn’t in my law of attraction phase for long. i practiced law of attraction beliefs when i had first started shifting in 2018.
i thought i needed to take a shower, read my script, clean my room, stay happy, all of the law of attraction bullshit, in order to shift. i thought i had to do all this before attempting to shift in order for it to be a successful shift. of course, that never worked because like i said, it’s bullshit. so since it didn’t work i took a break, for a couple of years lol. i didn’t get back into shifting until 2021 when i had became unhappy with my body bc of personal experiences, so i desired change. yes, when it blew up on tiktok. i became reliant on it because i wanted to do anything i could to get away from my void ( current ) reality. i was using shifting as a desperate escape, i became obsessed. then i stopped again, because obviously it wasn’t working. then, i started hating my body again as old memories started resurfacing. they started to haunt me more and more.
in comes : subliminals.
i’ve known what subliminals were since 2017 when i started listening to subliminals to improve myself mentally, in hope my parents would be proud of the person i had become. i’m not going to get into that at all in this post so anyways-
when i started hating my body in 2021, i started listening to subliminals for a flatter chest, flatter stomach, tiny waist, abs- yk…. the things dysphoria can do to you. my desires where all over the place as i was still unsure what my gender identity was. one day, while listening to subliminals, a video was recommended to me.
in comes : hyler.
i love hyler with my entire being. without her i probably wouldn’t have found the law of assumption for a while. to this day, i still watch hyler just for fun, i love her energy and she frequently adds a new perspective with how i manifest. but anyways, hylers full explanation on what the law of assumption was, was the video that i watched. instantly, i fell in love. i loved the law of assumption and had more faith in it. since discovering, i binged all of the videos she had posted at that time was able to manifest plenty of things, but all of the ‘big’ manifestations came in ‘late’.
for a while i stopped consciously manifesting but would still watch hyler until she mentioned another youtuber and i checked her out as well.
in comes : sammy ingram.
i started watching sammy for self-concept and physical appearance related things. i liked her confidence so i listened and with this i was able to work on my self-concept a bit, but no major changes. after a while, i started wanting my ex back…. an embarrassing era tbh.
now i don’t watch sammy anymore, i personally do not like what she teaches and you’ll understand why very soon.
this is not with the intent to start drama or throw any types of shade. i’m simply stating some beliefs i had which, tbh, where both me and sammy’s fault.
now that we’re done with my goofy ass manifestation origin story, let’s get back on track. the pinterest post. sammy often preached about ( past tense bc idk what she talks abt now ) saturating your subconscious mind. she would talk about keeping a mental diet, affirming as much as you could, etc etc. and back then, i took it as truth. subliminals would talk about the same thing, saying : listen at least 30 mins a day, stick to your playlist, only listen to one topic then flush etc etc. now, i realize how untrue all of this is.
i would make subliminals with affirmations like ‘ive always had clear skin’ or ‘i already have my results’ but i would always look at it as revision affs. the truth is, i have TRULY always had clear skin. i actually do ALREADY have my results
every version of yourself from every reality you exist in is morphed into you. you are every single version of yourself that is possible. once you realize this, you’re at your highest power constantly. reality exist, the physical reality is real, just not in the way you think. its a real reality but not 'your' reality. not the one you're meant to be conscious of. you are able to shift anywhere easily and instantly, there's literally nothing that can stop you. there are infinite realities, there is a change in each reality. even the smallest changes exist in another reality. the small fact that a piece of your rug is facing another direction in this moment, is a reality in itself. everything is the same, except the fact that a piece of your rug is facing another direction, right now. any change that could possibly exist, no matter how many changes there are, it does.
when you shift realities, you are not yeeting your body into some other dimension with the possibility of being stuck, no. a shift in reality is simply a shift in consciousness. in one reality you aren’t even reading this post, in another you stopped reading a few seconds ago, but in this one, in the reality you are consciously aware of, you are still reading this. you’re constantly shifting, each moment you are shifting to a reality where you are doing what you are doing right now, thinking what you’re thinking right now, ykwim ?
ok that was a lot.. are you still with me ??
when you shift, you become aware of another reality that simultaneously exists with the one you are aware of right now. you don’t create anything, it already exists. you are simply unaware of that reality.
like i said before, you are one with every you in each reality always. you are never GETTING anything, it has always been yours. listening to subliminals, affirming, etc, it’s all just a reminder of what you already have. for example, i tell myself : ‘i have a tiny waist.’ of course i do. there is a reality where i have a super tiny waist and all i’m doing is becoming aware that it’s something i have. everything is the same, but instead, i now have a tiny waist. i'm in that reality now.
i used to think you’d have to work on your self-concept to manifest. when really, i don’t need to do anything but become aware. you don’t need to do anything but occupy the state of having your desire. you do not need to remove all your limiting beliefs, you don't need to saturate your subconscious, you don't need to go on a mental diet, you don’t have to fully believe or work on your self-concept, stop trying to be so perfect and stop abiding by these rules that never existed. trust yourself, know that everything you want is already yours. once you occupy this state, once you realize you are just shifting to a reality that you already exist in, you will realize just how easy and effortless this all truly is. when i listen to subs i’m reminding myself of what i have, same with visualizing, affirming, etc. my physical ( 3d ) reality has already conformed, i am just becoming aware of the reality where that is obvious. i’m not getting my desire, i’m reminding myself that i’ve had it for as long as i wanted.
this is why people say thinking of your desire brings it to you. it’s not an exaggeration for fast results, it’s true. the moment i desire something, i realize that there are infinite realities and infinite versions of me that already have what i desire. so, by getting into the mindset of having my desires, my reality will shift to give me my desires. i persist in the assumption that i already have what i want and instantly there is evidence of it in my physical reality. whatever i keep assuming manifests because my subconscious will find it true and will make me aware of the reality where that exists. i just change my thoughts.
in the next post i will explain what i do to manifest,, yk so that its fun and extra <33
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side note - when i was checking my timeline i came across these angel numbers lol, was scared as hell to post this but i am seeing this as reassurance,, if u like this pls lmk :
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© @cyberjaiee - 2022
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