tvmaga · 1 year
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sekasu2007 · 1 year
山里亮太、映画『ドラえもん のび太と空の理想郷』舞台挨拶で「アドリブの天才」関智一らも困らせるほど大スベリをしてしまったと告白
山里亮太、映画『ドラえもん のび太と空の理想郷』舞台挨拶で「アドリブの天才」関智一らも困らせるほど大スベリをしてしまったと告白 #山里亮太 #関智一 #ドラえもん #fumou954
2023年3月15日放送のTBSラジオ系のラジオ番組『山里亮太の不毛な議論』(毎週水 25:00-27:00)にて、お笑いコンビ・南海キャンディーズの山里亮太が、映画『ドラえもん…
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
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[Memory Piece] 5★ 暴走スクータ: Reckless Scooter Translation
Will and Tell, the Princes of Kenal, the Country of Movies, were on a scooter motorcycle heading for their next shoot. They find a troubled Gerald along their way. Having been found by fans and running late for his own shooting session, Will gives Gerald a suggestion...
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut
In one of the prosperous streets of the Country of Kenal, where everyone who passed through was filled with joy…
A scooter motorcycle zips past with a reverberating roar.
Gerald: AHHHHH!!
Will: Ahaha! I thought horror wasn’t quite the style of hot-looking guys, but your screams are brilliant indeed!
Gerald’s screams overlap with Will’s delighted laughter.
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━
A little while ago.
Gerald: I’m so sorry for inconveniencing the two of you.
Gerald’s shoulders slump in embarrassment as he sits on the back of Will’s scooter.
Will: Hm? Don’t worry about it. It was pretty interesting to watch.
Tell: Sneaking around under the shadows was totally something someone suspicious would do.
Gerald: Ughhh… That was so embarrassing…
Gerald had been snuck onto the street during one of the filming intervals, only to soon be discovered by his own fans who soon gave chase.
While hiding in the shadows of the building, Will and Tell chanced upon him and rescued him from his predicament.
Tell: Gerald, you are a star. You should be more aware of your status.
Will: Why don’t you practice your skills at disguising yourself? You can take one of my SFX makeup artists.
Gerald: S-SFX? No thanks…
Gerald: Although… Is it really alright for me to be riding along with you? Aren’t the both of you headed to the studio?
Tell: There’s still quite some time left before the actual filming begins, so I don’t see why not.
Will: Yeah, so don’t worry about it.
Will: But it’s a pity that I can’t test my new piece of work on my brother now!
Tell: Hey! What mischief have you plotted this time?
Will: Oh, come on. Don’t be mad. Didn’t I just say that I’d put it off?
Will waved his hand, turning a blind eye to Tell’s sharp gaze.
Will: Let’s hurry to Gerald’s next shooting location.
Will: I want to hear screams filled with utter terror today!
Tell: Will? Don’t tell me…
Before Tell could stop him, Will had already stepped on the accelerator with a grin. With a resounding roar of the engine, the scooter zips at full speed.
Gerald: UWAHHHHH!?
Tell: Hey, Will! Don’t you dare throw him off!
Will: Ahaha! Hold on tight, Gerald!
Gerald: Director! S-Slow down!!
Will: All good, all good! I’m used to it!
Gerald: I’m not! AHHH!!
This evening saw the joyful laughter and the screams of Gerald, the White Rose of Romandia, reverberating through the streets of Kenal.
The people of Kenal watched in wonder at this curious spectacle…
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kaari888 · 1 year
地獄の花園 ☆☆☆
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revenantghost · 4 months
Kenji Muto's Twitter Posts: Part 2
Before and while Tristamp was airing, Kenji Muto made some amazing Twitter posts giving us lore and production tidbits along the way. And while I don't speak Japanese (so I'm going to have to use Google Translate for this, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt because it may be skewed by mistranslation), there was some fantastic art and really cool concepts shared, and I want to archive anything Trigun-related. If I miss anything, let me know!) It starts a little slow with stuff we already know, but there are some interesting tidbits! If anyone who knows Japanese wants to correct anything, please feel free! Now, without further ado...
Part 1
Part 2 [here]
12:14 AM · Jan 30, 2023
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方言が南部訛りのメタファーなら、 他の方言メタファーがあっても良いんじゃない? って事で、多彩な地方出身キャラが登場。 もちろん彼らのバックグラウンド物語も構築済み。 神は細部に宿るのだ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
If dialect is a metaphor for a southern accent, Wouldn't it be nice to have other dialect metaphors? So, a variety of local characters appear. Of course, their background stories have also been constructed. God is in the details. #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:29 PM · Feb 5, 2023
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現代社会にラディカルに切り込む、第五話。 誰の中にも憎悪は生まれる。 親や国籍は選べない。 WE ARE MONEV. #TRIGUN #トライガン
The fifth episode radically cuts into modern society. Hatred is born within everyone. You can't choose your parents or nationality. WE ARE MONEV. #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:35 PM · Feb 5, 2023
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風力発電だけじゃない 上質なワムズシルクも高値で取引されている。 この惑星では、 手に入るものすべてが貴重品。 生き抜くために。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
In addition to wind power generation, high-quality Wams silk is also traded at high prices. On this planet, Everything you can get is valuable. To survive. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:04 AM · Feb 7, 2023
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当然のことながら、 他にもプラントを持てない村が多数存在する。 風力発電、 ワムズシルク以外に、 ワムズ漁で生活する村がある。 例の3人組も、 各地に点在する「漁師の村」出身の可能性が高い。 特に高値で取引されるのが、 グランドワムズ類。 #TRIGUN
As a matter of course, There are many other villages that cannot have plants. Wind-power generation, In addition to Wamsilk, There is a village where people live by fishing for worms. The example trio, It is highly likely that they came from "fishermen's villages" scattered throughout the country. The ones that are traded at particularly high prices are Grandworms. #TRIGUN
11:46 PM · Feb 12, 2023
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時系列を鑑みるに、 この頃はまだ、青年だった。 なぜ髪が「青い」のか? オキシタケヒコ氏の「裏SF考証」が世に出ることを切に願う。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Considering the time series, At this time, he was still a young man. Why is my hair “blue”? I sincerely hope that Takehiko Okishi's ``background science fiction research'' will be released into the world. #TRIGUN #トライガン
5:11 AM · Feb 13, 2023
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惑星ノーマンズランドにおける、 「ハンプバック級」の巨大砂蒸気船は合計7隻存在する。 七都市がそれぞれ一基ずつ貴重な「生体動力炉プラント」を捻出して建造。 水を沸騰させて動く原始的な蒸気機関を採用している。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
On the planet No Man's Land, There are a total of seven "Humpback class" giant sand steamships. Each of the seven cities devised and built one valuable "biological power reactor plant." It uses a primitive steam engine that runs by boiling water. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:25 AM · Feb 15, 2023
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彼は誰の味方? どっちの味方? 国境なき、ワムズの王。 知識でなく、智恵を求めよ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Whose side is he on? Which side are you on? Without Borders, King of Wams. Seek wisdom, not knowledge. #TRIGUN #トライガン
3:19 AM · Feb 22, 2023
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BADでRADなヤツら。 地獄のような惑星環境もなんのその。 何事も捉え方次第では ポジティブに生きられる。 バド・ラド団の第二分隊、登場。 本隊は…? #TRIGUN #トライガン
BAD and RAD guys. What's with the hellish planetary environment? You can live a positive life depending on how you view everything. The second squad of the Bad Lads Gang has arrived. The main force...? #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:18 PM · Feb 23, 2023
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名前って不思議なもので、 改造人間ニコラスは、二つの顔を持っている。 ニコラス・D・ウルフウッド ニコラス・ザ・パニッシャー 最終的に彼はどちらを選ぶのだろう? 脚本時の名前表記が「ニコラス」で統一されていたのは、そうゆう理由だったりする。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Names are strange things, The modified human Nicholas has two faces. Nicholas D. Wolfwood Nicholas the Punisher Who will he choose in the end? This may be the reason why his name was written as ``Nicholas'' in the script. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:11 AM · Feb 27, 2023
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地球産の動物は惑星環境に適応できない。 SEEDS船団が目的地に到着したとき、その地で育てていくために積まれていた、無数の動植物の胚と遺伝子ストックから植物や動物を複製するためのシステム、 「クローニング・デバイス」 そこで遺伝子改良され生まれたのが、トマ。 トマってすごい。 #TRIGUN
Earth-born animals cannot adapt to the planetary environment. A system for replicating plants and animals from the countless embryos and gene stocks of plants and animals that were on board to be grown on-site when the SEEDS fleet arrived at its destination. "Cloning device" Toma was then genetically improved and born. Toma are amazing. #TRIGUN
10:09 PM · Mar 2, 2023
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マフラーと仮面のようにも見えるが、 実はワムズの一種。 極めて毒性の強い、 砂ムカデ類の幼生ワムズなのだ。 寒い冬に、一匹飼ってみては如何? #TRIGUN #トライガン
It looks like a scarf and a mask, It's actually a type of Wams. Extremely toxic, It is a larval worm of a sand centipede. Why not keep one in the cold winter? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:06 AM · Mar 6, 2023
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シナーズの銃、別名プロトタイプ(改造前)のPeace Bringer。 こちらも「幻のスケッチ」にヒントがある。 なぜ、誰が、いつ、改造したのだろう? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Sinners' gun, also known as the prototype (before modification) Peace Bringer. There is also a hint in the ``Phantom Sketch''. Why, by whom, and when was it remodeled? #TRIGUN #トライガン
4:36 AM · Mar 10, 2023
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ディスコミュニケーションや地獄のような環境で踠く姿は、 とても人間らしく、美しく、 何より”ポジティブな物語”だと考えて作っているのですが。 みたいな赤裸々トークをしたFMラジオ収録。 いつOAだろう? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Discommunication and the appearance of struggling in a hellish environment, Very human and beautiful. Above all, I think of it as a ``positive story'' when I create it. An FM radio recording of a frank talk. When will it be OA? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:34 AM · Mar 17, 2023
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成長した彼女は、強くなりますよ。 “パニッシャー“では太刀打ちできないほどに。 軍用の身体改造ナノマシンによって作り替えられた肉体。 ロストナンバー。 あくまで今回は、前哨戦。再戦はいつか、また…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
As she grows up, she will become stronger. To the extent that “The Punisher” can’t compete with it. A body modified by military body modification nanomachines. Lost number. This time, it's just a preliminary battle. When will there be a rematch? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:18 AM · Mar 20, 2023
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プラントの力は、空間に開く無数の穴《ゲート》がすべて担っている。 このゲートは大別すると《持ってくる力》と《持っていく力》の二種類がある。 この世ではない別の場所、 別の宇宙なのか、異なる位相なのか、異次元なのか(?)に繋がっているらしいが…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The power of the plant is entirely derived from the countless holes (gates) that open in space. There are two types of gates: ``Power to bring'' and ``Power to bring.'' A place other than this world, It seems that it is connected to another universe, a different phase, or a different dimension (?)... #TRIGUN #トライガン
Adding a tid-bit from @pancake-breakfast here:
So, my Japanese isn't great, but I wanted to try to clarify something on here that Google Translate isn't capturing, namely from this part: Saying that there are two types of gates and then defining them both as "Power to bring" doesn't make sense in English. Why make a distinction between the two if you're gonna define them the same way? But in the Japanese, it's not quite the same words used for both: "持ってくる力" (motte kuru chikara) vs. "持っていく力" (motte iku chikara. 力 (chikara) just means "power," so we'll set that aside for now since that part is actually consistent across both items. 持って (motte) is also consistent across both items. This means "carrying" or "holding," like you'd hold a bag or a purse or a backpack or something that you're taking around with you. The big difference is between くる (kuru) and いく (iku). These are actually the kana (phonetic) versions of two kanji characters: 来る (kuru) - to come 行く (iku) - to go That provides us with a nice little pair of opposites, and changes our literal definitions as follows: 持ってくる力 (motte kuru chikara) - Power to come carrying 持っていく力 (motte iku chikara) - Power to go carrying So... they're both kinda "power to bring" but it would be more accurate to say one brings and one removes. Or, if you're feeling dramatic, one giveth and one taketh away.
1:46 AM · Mar 20, 2023
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ノーマンズランドで流通している銃は、 墜落移民船のデータベースから設計情報をサルベージされ、レプリカ制作されたものが大半。 宇宙時代の銃は、設計が判明しても再現は難しい。 乾燥、砂塵の舞う土地が多いため、 故障の少ないシンプル構造のものが好まれる傾向にある。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The guns circulating in No Man's Land are: Most of the designs were salvaged from databases of crashed immigrant ships and were made into replicas. Even if the design of a space-age gun is known, it is difficult to recreate it. Because there are many dry and dusty lands, There is a tendency to prefer those with simple structures that are less likely to break down. #TRIGUN #トライガン
1:05 AM · Mar 21, 2023
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隊長、実はうどんが大好物。 憲兵たちにも大人気、 創業100年の老舗屋台”儒来ヌードル” 大墜落後の闇市からはじまった屋台が数多く存在する、旧市街の横丁。 訪れた際は必ずチェックしたい観光スポットの一つだ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Captain, I actually love udon. Very popular with military police, 100-year-old long-established food stall “Yulai Noodle” This alley in the old town is home to many food stalls that started as a black market after the Big Fall. It is one of the tourist spots that you should definitely check out when you visit. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:34 AM · Mar 22, 2023
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通常種/自立種を問わず、 プラントの身体の内側では、 ”サプライゲート”が無数に動いており、細胞ひとつひとつに活動エネルギーを供給し、 本来なら生物として生存できないはずの不完全な肉体を健康に保っている…らしい。 "プラント"とは、何なのか? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Regardless of whether it is a normal species or an independent species, Inside the plant's body, A countless number of "supply gates" are moving, supplying energy to each cell, It seems that he is keeping his imperfect body, which normally would not be able to survive as a living thing, healthy. What is a "plant"? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:48 AM · Mar 24, 2023
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「記憶世界」は”弟側”からの記憶と印象値と断片で造られている。 故に、描き方は限定的になる。 “兄”の視点や感情から見た”テスラ事件”は、もっと凄惨な内容になるだろう。 描く機会があれば…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The "memory world" is made of memories, impression values, and fragments from the "younger brother's side." Therefore, the way of drawing is limited. The ``Tesla Incident'' seen from the ``older brother'''s perspective and emotions would be even more gruesome. If you have a chance to draw... #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:14 AM · Mar 25, 2023
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あくまでドクターの仮説だが。 体内にある“ゲート“を強く開くことで、 それを物質へ相転移させることで肉体を変形させているらしい。 今後、この謎は科学的に解明されてゆくのだろう。 なぜ”弟”のゲートだけ「黒い」のか? #TRIGUN #トライガン
That's just the doctor's hypothesis. By strongly opening the “gate” in the body, It seems that the body is transformed by phase transitioning it into matter. This mystery will probably be solved scientifically in the future. Why is only the “younger brother” gate “black”? #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:16 PM · Mar 26, 2023
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地獄のような、 惑星ノーマンズランド的現場でしたが、 最後まで生き残ったメインスタッフの皆様、プロデューサー陣、制作陣、音響チーム、宣伝チーム…など、とにかく多くの人に支えられた作品でした。 何よりも、内藤先生の支えには感謝しかない。 本当にお疲れ様でした! #TRIGUN #トライガン
Like hell, It was a scene similar to the planet No Man's Land, This work was supported by many people, including the main staff who survived until the end, the producers, production team, sound team, advertising team, etc. Above all, I am grateful to Naito-sensei for his support. Thank you very much for your hard work! #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:18 PM · Mar 26, 2023
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池田さんは”血”で、松岡さんは”砂”ですよね。 「ぶにゅー」とか「サラサラ」とか、 擬音、抽象度高めのトーク満載、 ブルーレイディスク、オーディオコメンタリーの収録。 本編同様、1回や2回聴いただけじゃ理解できない、 STAMPEDEっぽい内容となっております。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Mr. Ikeda's name is "blood" and Mr. Matsuoka's name is "sand." "Bunyuu" or "Sarasara" Full of onomatopoeic and highly abstract talk, Includes Blu-ray disc and audio commentary. Like the main story, you can't understand it just by listening to it once or twice. The content is similar to STAMPEDE. #TRIGUN #トライガン
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yoga-onion · 8 months
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Legends and myths about trees
World tree - the source of wisdom of the ages
The world tree is a motif present in several religions and myths around the world. It is represented as a colossal tree which supports the heavens, thereby connecting the heavens, the terrestrial world, and, through its roots, the underworld. 
Many Eurasian mythologies share the motif of the "world tree", "cosmic tree", or "Eagle and Serpent Tree". More specifically, it shows up in "Haitian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Norse, Siberian and northern Asian Shamanic folklore".
The World Tree is often identified with the Tree of Life, and also fulfills the role of an axis mundi, that is, a centre or axis of the world. It is also located at the center of the world and represents order and harmony of the cosmos. Each part of the tree corresponds to one of the three spheres of the world (treetops - heavens; trunk - middle world or earth; roots - underworld) and is also associated with a classical element (top part - fire; middle part - earth, soil, ground; bottom part - water).
Its branches are said to reach the skies and its roots to connect the human or earthly world with an underworld or subterranean realm. Because of this, the tree was worshipped as a mediator between Heavens and Earth. On the treetops are located the luminaries (stars) and heavenly bodies, along with an eagle's nest; several species of birds perch among its branches; humans and animals of every kind live under its branches, and near the root is the dwelling place of snakes and every sort of reptiles.
A bird perches atop its foliage, "often .... a winged mythical creature" that represents a heavenly realm. The eagle seems to be the most frequent bird, fulfilling the role of a creator or weather deity. Its antipode is a snake or serpentine creature that crawls between the tree roots, being a "symbol of the underworld".
The imagery of the World Tree is sometimes associated with conferring immortality, either by a fruit that grows on it or by a springsource located nearby. In some descriptions this "water of life" may also flow from the roots of the tree.
The world tree was an important element in shamanistic worldview as well, and it is said that the giant bird ... hatches shamans in the branches of the World Tree.
Some species of birds (eagle, raven, crane, loon, and lark) are revered as mediators between worlds and also connected to the imagery of the world tree. Another line of scholarship points to a "recurring theme" of the owl as the mediator to the upper realm, and its counterpart, the snake, as the mediator to the lower regions of the cosmos.
Northern Eurasian and Central Asian traditions wherein the World Tree is also associated with the horse and with deer antlers which might resemble tree branches.
Some scholars have pointed out that, from the perspective of evolutionary biology, the concept of a world tree may have originated in human thought. This is because our ancestors lived in trees for about 60 million years, and for them the trees were everything in the world. This is why the collective unconscious that the world is made of giant trees has remained with us to the present day.
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世界樹 〜 時代の叡智の源
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kennak · 1 month
確定申告会場で自民党裏金事件への怒りが噴出している。少しでも不備があれば課税される国民に対し、「政治資金」は非課税の聖域。疑惑の国会議員の申告状況も明らかでないが、実は1960年代、国会で200人以上の申告漏れが公表されていた。国権の最高機関を舞台に、脱税と疑われる行為が繰り返されるのはなぜか。本紙「本音のコラム」で指摘した青山学院大の三木義一名誉教授(租税法)とともに、考えた。(西田直晃、森本智之) ◆自民の裏金議員へ「確定申告せよ」  「けしからんとしか言いようがない。雨の中でも義務を果たすのが、ばからしくなってしまうよ」  19日昼、納税者が続々と訪れた東京都港区の品川税務署の近く。年金収入などがあるという山田経一さん(77)は、確定申告を終えて憤りを語った。  そもそも、国会議員は、給与に当たる「歳費」こそ所得税が源泉徴収されているものの、月100万円の調査研究広報滞在費(旧文通費)、月65万円の立法事務費などは報告義務がない上に非課税だ。  山田さんは「十分に思えるほどの手当などがありながら、さらにカネが必要だというのはおかしい。政策を練るための最低限の手当だけにして、あとは一般国民と同様に確定申告すべきだ」。 ◆税務署の職員「みなさんの気持ちは分かります」  受け付け初日の16日には今年も、俳優の高橋英樹さんが申告を呼びかけた品川税務署。近くで取材を続けていると、怒りを口にする人たちが目立った。  記者が「裏金事件について…」と切り出すと、「実は、私は税務署の人間でして」と苦笑いする背広姿の男性も。「納税者のみなさんの気持ちはよく分かります」とだけ答え、足早に去った。  裏金のうち、政治資金であれば非課税とし、政治活動以外に使った分や未使用分は議員個人の「雑所得」として課税—。この国税庁の見解に照らすと、キックバックされた資金を「使用していない」と自民党の調査に回答した議員は、本来課されるべき納税義務を免れたことになる。 ◆納税を呼びかけた岸田首相に対し「どの口が…」  「野党が指摘するように脱税に当たるはずだ」と話したのは、品川区の自営業女性(54)だ。「国民が同じことをすれば罪に問われてしまう。信じられないほど不公平だ。岸田首相が納税を呼びかけたニュースを見て、『どの口が…』と突っ込みたくなった」と語気を強めた。  自民党内でも「キックバックを受け取った議員は納税すべきだ」との声が上がっているが、既に「政治資金」として収支報告書を一斉に訂正した経緯がある。課税すれば「矛盾」が生じるとして、否定的な意見が多いようだ。 ◆裏金議員の申告状況は  だが、確定申告を終えた加藤昭治さん(79)は「矛盾しているのは政治家たちの発言と行動のほうだ」と突き放す。「自分たちに都合の良いように解釈してしまっている。どんな裏金も裏金なんだから、しっかりと課税するべきだ」  そもそも裏金議員たちも今、確定申告をしているのか。国税庁の担当者に尋ねたが、「われわれは守秘義務があり、個々の納税者の申告状況を公にすることはない。議員であっても、一般市民であっても変わりはない」とのことだ。 ◆1966年「黒い霧事件」後には異例の公表  とはいえ、過去には国税庁長官が国会で、議員の申告状況を公表した前例がある。きっかけは1966年、自民党議員の不祥事が続発した政界の「黒い霧事件」だ。  「黒い霧事件」後、政治改革の議論の中で議員の課税問題が噴出。確定申告の時期を経た67年5月23日、衆院大蔵委員会で泉美之松(みのまつ)国税庁長官が調査結果を明らかにした。  課税対象になる所得があるのに申告漏れしていたなどとして修正申告、更正決定した国会議員は「現職議員が181名、前議員が22名、合計203名」で、金額は「トータル2億1800万円」。当時の衆参両院の定数の3割近くに申告漏れがある計算だった。  国会議員に対するこうした調査はこの時が初めて。異例の動きの背景に何があったのか、「こちら特報部」は19日に国税庁に質問したが、「なにぶん古い話で、行政文書の保存期間との兼ね合いもあり、すぐには答えられる状況ではない」とのことだった。 ◆当時の大蔵大臣は政治家の「特権」に言及  当時の大蔵委のやり取りは議事録に残っている。泉氏は国会議員の所得申告状況について「収入支出の申告は漏れているのが実情」「所得ありとしての申告は非常に少ない」と説明。質問した社会党の西宮弘氏は「一般の中小企業では収入はないかとウの目タカの目になって探しておるじゃないか。とても国民は納得できない」とかみついた。  これに対し、自民党議員の水田三喜男・大蔵大臣は「一番納税道義の高くあるべきはずの国会議員であるので、一般に対する所得の把握と議員に対する所得の把握は若干違ってもいい」と政治家への特別対応を認めるような発言。さらに、「議員に対する名誉の尊重という意味から、国会議員だから特にこれを調べなければならぬということは私はないと思う」とまで言った。  西宮氏は「それは大変な間違いだ。だからこそ政治家に対する不信感が高まっている」「税金を納めることが実にばかばかしくなってきた。私がそうなんだから、ましていわんや、一般の国民は」と猛反発。60年近く前のやりとりだが、何だか現在の自民党への批判を彷彿(ほうふつ)とさせる。 ◆国税は政治家からの逆襲に悩まされ…  一連の経緯を今月8日の「本音のコラム」で紹介した三木義一氏は「ちゃんと議員も申告しろという声が上がり、与党の議員も一斉に確定申告することになった」と解説する。  三木氏によると、議員側はその後、政治活動関連の支出をすべて必要経費に入れ、政治活動の収支が赤字になると申告。国会議員の給与に当たる「歳費」と相殺することで個人としての所得が低くなったとして、逆に支払い済みの所得税の還付を求める与党議員が続出した。政治家からの逆襲だ。  「これに国税が参ってしまった。あわてて雑所得は他の所得と損益合算できないように制度改正したが、そこまで。これに懲りたか、税務当局が政治家に対して継続的に何かチェックしているというのは今に至るまで聞いたことがない」 ◆「不正を見逃すことは許されるのか」  日本大の岩井奉信名誉教授(政治学)も「国税が政治に踏み込もうとすると『政治活動の自由を侵す』と批判される。それが政治家への対応を甘くさせている部分はある」と認める。「政治活動の自由には配慮しなければいけないが、不正を見逃すことは許されるのか。政治資金制度の第三者委員会を検討してもいい」  自民党が公表した安倍、二階両派への聞き取り調査結果には、不記載の理由を「派閥からの指示、説明」とする回答があった。三木氏は「所得の仮装隠蔽(いんぺい)ではないのか。通常なら重加算税の対象になるし、その場合は過去7年にさかのぼる。ところが自民党の調査は5年分だ」と指摘する。  「国税はこの結果に基づき、『隠れて裏金を受け取った議員の税務調査をやります』『きちんと疑義を晴らします。調査します』と言わなければいけない。それが、国税の役割じゃないか」 ◆デスクメモ  所得税の捕捉率は「トーゴーサンピン」(10・5・3・1)と言われてきた。源泉徴収されるサラリーマン(10)は他職種より高いという意味で、最も低いピン(1)は政治家だ。マイナンバーで漏れを無くすそうだが、最大の不公平は温存したまま? 是正する順番を間違えている。(本)
「納税ばからしくなる」怒りが充満する確定申告会場 自民裏金議員との「信じられないほどの不公平」:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
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ari0921 · 12 days
(参考文献 宮崎正弘『二度天皇になった女性 ─孝謙・称徳女帝の光と影』(ワック)
(再録)「新井白石 皇統断絶の危機を予知」
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 8 months
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Xユーザーのライブドアニュースさん: 「【悩み】声優・関智一「テーマパークを純粋に楽しめない」 https://t.co/Fm1hTHpGx4 キャラクターがいるテーマパークについて「誰が声をやっているか分かってしまう」「キャラクターの後ろ側に、声優の顔が浮かんで純粋に楽しめないんですよ」と声優ならでは悩みを明かした。 https://t.co/lPbLV8aXdS」 / X
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hiraharu · 10 months
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#パンと日用品の店わざわざ #わざわざ #azmaya #東屋 #蚊遣り #蚊取り線香 #蚊取り線香ホルダー #お香 #線香 #香炉 #蚊取り線香立て #蚊取り線香 #蚊取り #蚊遣り #南部鉄器 #暮らし #インテリア
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sekasu2007 · 1 year
山里亮太、映画『ドラえもん』の試写会でスネ夫役の関智一が言った一言に爆笑「ドラえもん人気投票で俺だけだよ、主要キャラでベスト5入ってないの!」 #山里亮太 #関智一 #ドラえもん #たまむすび #tama954
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mistbow · 1 year
Mikleo’s Blessing
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SOREY: Say, Mikleo. You made a pact, so I will be a vessel for you to dwell in, right? MIKLEO: Yeah. MIKLEO: Though I’m still not quite sure what kind of blessing I can grant to you. SOREY: Hm~ SOREY: I have an idea of what it might be... I think. MIKLEO: ...Hmm.
Seraphim are mysterious beings, even they themselves might not truly know the nature of themselves and their powers. What is at least known, is that each seraph can grant their own blessing.
Mikleo, as a young seraph (who might even be considered a baby in terms of seraph years), has always been depicted as someone who knows virtually almost nothing about being a seraph, even perhaps his own blessing. So I will try to surmise his blessing from hints from the game itself as well as supplemental materials (manga, novel, etc.).
Blessings, What They Are
To start, the idea of seraphim’s blessings in Zestiria is modeled after the beings they’re directly inspired by, kami, and the blessings that they grant, which can be seen as both blessing or something that brings upon harm, depending on how you look at it. The way they show how blessings work in the game can be a bit confusing, so let’s look how the official books define it.
First off, the Official World Guidance:
Seraphim influence humans in various ways in the form of “blessings.” The blessings themselves vary from one seraph to another, and they may not always be appreciated by humans. In that case, they are called “disasters,” but they are essentially the same blessings. For example, if Seraph Symonne gives her blessing to a human, that human can have the dream they desire. Some people may be intoxicated by this illusion and escape from reality, but it is up to the individual to decide whether to take this as a blessing or a disaster.
Then the Perfect Guide:
Seraphim’s Blessings
Seraphim possess powers that originate from roots of the natural world, and they can create and produce those powers as a part of natural phenomena. These workings have long been the object of people’s piety and worship as the “blessings” of seraphim. What is well-known is the power of “earth, water, fire, and wind” which is also a part of the Five Lords faith, however, even more than that, almost all natural phenomena and events beyond mortal understanding can be attributed to blessings.
The Power of Blessings and Disasters
Seraphim’s blessings are often a boon to humans, but in rare cases they can also hurt and drive people away. The qualities of the blessings of Dezel, a wind seraph, and Symonne, a seraph that manipulates illusions, are such, that the more blessings they give, the more they bring misfortune, so to speak. These seraphim are also known as “yakubyougami,” and whether humans perceive their presence or not, they are shunned as disasters.
They more or less say the same thing, and the general idea is really the same as the blessings of kami. In the novel, Zaveid also elaborated on what blessings can be like:
“A blessing that brings misfortune to people, huh? Well, I guess there are some seraphim like that.”
“Is that so!?”
Mikleo, who was listening, leaned forward.
“Well, blessings sound like a good thing, but in the end, it depends on how the humans see it. Just as the seraphic artes differ from one seraph to another, so do the blessings. For example, if there is a seraph with the blessing to help make plants grow, then plants will grow vigorously around the person who is with that seraph. If the person is a farmer, they may feel it is a blessing, but if he is a traveler, it might as well have no effect. If anything, perhaps they’ll feel unlucky because there’s always grass wherever you go.”
“So how did Dezel’s blessing work to bring upon misfortune? Symonne did say that Dezel’s wish brought upon misfortune....”
“His wish bringing on misfortune? What the hell is that?”
To Zaveid, who raised his eyebrows, Sorey told him about Dezel’s past, as shown to him in Symonne’s illusion. When Zaveid finished listening, he scratched his head and deeply exhaled.
“This is just my guess, but maybe Dezel’s blessing is ‘good fortune for travelling.’ Many wind seraphim have such travel-related blessings after all. The achievements of the Windriders, thanks to Dezel’s blessing, were recognized by the Rolance royal family, and they settled in. Then Dezel’s blessing began to have a negative effect on the Windriders, and as a result, they were released. So Rose and her group started travelling again in a different way.... When a seraph wants to be with a human, their blessing will activate against their own will. If you want someone to be happy yet you bring misfortune to them, I guess you can call it ‘karma’.”
As well as an extra information:
“Zaveid, you know a lot.”
Zaveid closed one of his eyes to the surprised Mikleo.
“If you live long enough, you will meet all kinds of people. And you will naturally know those things... even then, in the past, knowledge of ‘blessing’ used to be commonplace, but now that there’s such a distance between humans and seraphim, it’s become a buried truth.”
The long-lived seraph muttered those few words with a slightly distant look in his eyes, and those words were engraved in Sorey’s heart with a heavy thud.
So a relatively really young seraph like Mikleo naturally wouldn’t know about the details of blessings, since on top of everything, the only human he’d only known in life up until recently was Sorey anyway. Of course he never really cared about those when he thought he had no need of it, as someone living only among seraphim in Elysia, with practically no humans to give his blessing to.
(Or is there one...?)
To summarize:
Depending on the human who feels it, blessings can be a good thing, or be seen as misfortune. It’s on the human, which means the human is the one more likely to perceive [sense] it too, if they are conscious of it. Someone with a high resonance and pure heart like Sorey is sensitive to seraphim, so it’s very likely he can recognize it too, even if Mikleo is not aware of his own blessing.
Blessings vary from one seraph to another, but they seem to be related to their element (Dezel) and powers (Symonne).
Knowledge of it used to be commonplace but not anymore, presumably because of the distance that grew between humans and seraphim, there was no need for either to really know about each other, let alone blessings.
The more a seraph wants to be with a human, the more their blessing activates without the seraph’s control.
Almost all natural phenomena and events beyond mortal understanding can be attributed to blessings. Very important here.
Sorey, Heldalf’s Biological, Illegitimate Son
I know, I know, this theory is controversial... and a lot of people seem to consider this to be canon to manga only, however, what people don’t know is that the manga (along with the novel) was directly supervised by Hase, the director of the game and the lead creative, and Yamamoto, the head writer of the game. Shiramine even said that under such supervision, she rearranged the story, so that Zestiria could be enjoyed from another angle, and that every panel, every word was carefully chosen to tell this other version of Zestiria, because it would’ve been boring if it was telling the same story as the game, she thought, as an adaptation.
And I’m inclined to believe her words, since she seemed to be aware of stuff that a lot of official Tales stuff didn’t seem to be aware of. For example, if you pay attention to the positioning of Sorey and Mikleo in the manga, she seemed to be aware that Sorey is the Right (the human, the physical, the body) and Mikleo is the Left (the seraph, the spiritual, the heart) to each other, which a lot of other stuff got wrong, including TOZX. This is the kind of stuff that she would be conscious of if she knew about it, which she did.
Besides, I think the hints were in the game all along. Hase, the game director, told us directly to read between the lines, because everything is there for a purpose in Zestiria, so he’d be happy if we read too much into it. It might not be spelled outright, but there’s a reason why some things are inserted here and there. I think piecing Zestiria together through various media is also his way to have something for the fans to come to their own conclusion, to their own answer, on what Zestiria is really about.
With that in mind...
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HELDALF: (Those eyes...) SELENE: Please get your head up. SELENE: You haven’t been eating properly again anyway, have you?
Selene said “again”, implying this is not the first nor second time she met up with him. That’s not even addressing the elephant in the room, in that Heldalf finally remembered about Selene, suddenly, when he saw Sorey [when Sorey is finally reflected in his eye].
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SELENE: If you walk around with such a tired look on your face, everyone in the village will feel down too. HELDALF: Do you not despair the reality of this invasion? SELENE: I will not despair. HELDALF: (Why do I remember this now...?) SELENE: If we despair... what will guide the children who are born in this village and will eventually leave it? HELDALF: (That which shone alone in the darkness....) SELENE: As long as we do not give up hope, the future will be nurtured there. HELDALF: (That figure....)
There’s a lot to unpack here, but the biggest giveaway is that Selene touched her pregnant belly, wearing what seems to be maternity clothes, talking about the future of the children. Theirs too, perhaps.
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HELDALF: (Selene...)
She was really the last thing he remembered before his last breath, and why is that, especially if she was not an important person to him? (By the by, we’ll get into this later, but Heldalf is said to be a family-loving person.)
For the part where I say the game also has hints for this, I’d like to bring your attention to this skit, where the trio talked about Heldalf’s portrait:
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ロゼ「ふうん……案外渋いオジサマだね」 スレイ「うん。オレたちの父親くらいの年齢かな」 ミクリオ「二十年以上前の時点で、ね」
ROSE: Hm. Makes him look like a pretty distinguished gentleman, actually. SOREY: Yeah. He looks maybe the same age as our dads, don’t you think? MIKLEO: Or at least, that's how old he was 20-ish years ago.
Again, deliberate wording. When wondering about his age, Sorey told Rose that he looked like he could be their fathers’ age, to which Mikleo brought up “around 20 years ago”, give or take a few years.
More than 20 years ago was when Michael stopped being the Shepherd and founded Camlann Village, then 17 years ago was when the Age of Chaos began. But 17 is a specific number, and no one talked that specifically, so 20 years is a close approximate.
Which brings us to the beginning of it all.
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ミューズ「あなた方が来てからの半年……こんなのは守ってるなんて言いません! 軟禁です!」
MUSE: You have occupied our village for half a year now! This isn’t protection... It’s house arrest!
Keep this in mind: the Rolance army had been around in the village for about half a year. The army was hostile against the villagers, despite claiming to protect them. Muse was already holding a baby.
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ゼンライ「この災厄が影響して早産となったのであろうか。母も子も報われんのう……」 ゼンライ「……これも縁か」 渋る天族「人間の子ですよ!」 ゼンライ「この世に生まれ落ちた瞬間にあるのは器の差だけの事よ」 マイセン「ですが、これほどの未熟児……持って数ヶ月では……」 ゼンライ「 ……かもしれんのう」
ZENRUS: Born far too early, by the looks of it. Poor mother and child... Neither of you deserved this. ZENRUS: Perhaps this too is fate... RELUCTANT SERAPH: That child’s a human! ZENRUS: Are we not all the same when we first breathe this air, save for the vessel we chance into? MASON: But a child born so premature won't last but a few months. ZENRUS: Probably so.
Sorey, the human baby, was noted to be born prematurely. I’d also like to note that this sentence, この災厄が影響して早産となったのであろうか, directly attributed his premature birth to “this calamity” right after the scene in which Heldalf was cursed to be a hellion, the beginning of him becoming the Lord of Calamity. This will be relevant later on.
「ゼンライ様⁉ まさか、人間の子を助けるのですか⁉」
However, Zenrus suddenly stopped in his tracks. Besides the sound of flames, another sound was heard, albeit faint. When he looked over, he saw a woman who had died and was holding a baby in her arms, as if to protect it in her chest. Born far too early, must have been because of the calamity. The baby was premature. He seemed to have no energy to cry, yet he was still breathing faintly, trying to live.
“Perhaps this too is fate....”
Zenrus pointed the tip of his beloved pipe at the baby. Then, a small domain of blessing unfolded and floated gently, as if encompassing the baby. The small domain of blessing remained suspended in the air, swaying like a cradle, protecting the baby.
“Lord Zenrus!? Don’t tell me we’re going to save a human child!?”
“Are we not all the same when we first breathe this air, save for the vessel we chance into?”
Zenrus smiled at the reluctant seraph, about to move on ahead.
The novel went about the event almost the same way but confirmed that Zenrus used a domain of blessing to protect the baby.
Then Muse appeared right before Zenrus.
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ミューズ「その子は……?」 ミューズ「セレンの……? 身籠もっていたなんて…… 」
MUSE: Who’s that child? MUSE: Selene’s? Could it be she... She was with child?
Despite seemingly knowing Selene (and Camlann was said to be Michael’s family, which had to mean that they were at least a tight-knit community, especially since the village hid a secret that Maotelus was moved there), Muse wasn’t even aware Selene was pregnant. It’d make sense for Selene to try and hide her pregnancy if she had a baby with the leader of an army that was hostile against the villagers, lest she be seen as a traitor of sorts. Not to mention the fact that the baby was premature, and since the army had only been in the village for half a year, it’d still fit the timeline. Again, every line, every word is deliberate.
No changes for this in the novel. The manga went a bit differently, but conveyed the same idea.
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MUSE: Selene!? MUSE: Could it be... you were with a child...? MUSE: He’s still breathing MUSE: He’s so tiny... he wasn’t ready to be born yet. It must have been due to all the stress... ZENRUS: Perhaps this too is fate... I will take care of this child too. ZENRUS: (Though, premature as he is, if he will survive....)
Of note: pregnancy that was not known to Muse, and Sorey’s premature birth.
This illustration for the manga countdown also gives us an idea that Muse and Selene were at least close:
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Why is this all relevant? A passage on the Curse of Eternal Solitude should explain this (as seen in one of the Earthen Historia): 
The curse of solitude also bared its fangs on his family, which had been his sole salvation. His parents died of illness and his two younger brothers fell in war. One of his sons died in the fire, another son and a daughter committed suicide by hanging themselves. In addition, his wife and three young children passed away after being run by a horse wagon, leaving him to lose 11 of his 12 family members in a short period of time. The only hope left for Heldalf, who was lost in grief, was his concubine and the child she bore in her womb.
That was his only hope, the new life born between Heldalf and his concubine. However, there was no escaping the curse of solitude. The baby that was born was not a human, but an ugly demon child. To his great shock, Heldalf took the baby’s life himself.
The Curse of Eternal Solitude did not only turn Heldalf into a hellion unkillable by regular means, but also seemed to kill the people close and precious to him, which are his family. This family is not only his lawful one, since even his concubine and the baby from that concubine were affected by the curse as well, which meant it should’ve affected Selene and Sorey if she had a relationship with him and he was blood-related to him. And sure enough, Selene died, and her death always was seen after the scene where Heldalf was cursed, whether in the game, novel, or manga. However, for Sorey, Zenrus saved him in time before even the curse took effect (the curse seems to not take effect immediately, but it still managed to kill most of Heldalf’s family in a short amount of time), as he enveloped him in his domain of blessing, even though he wasn’t sure if Sorey would survive anyway in that state (he did, thankfully).
Sorey himself was aware that Zenrus was the one who saved him from “the brink of death” (Taizen page):
Under the tall sky, Gramps was my whole world.
The one who saved me from the brink of death, as I was born less than a month after my mother died in a war and left me on the scorched ground.
Mikleo, the Healer and Protector
So then, where does Mikleo fit into all of this? When it was Zenrus anyway who saved Sorey? I would like to remind you, though, that since then, when Zenrus took over both Sorey and Mikleo, Sorey had never left his domain (Elysia was under his domain) until he left on a journey to the land below with Mikleo.
So I would like to propose this: Zenrus let Sorey survive the curse and grow under his domain, and everything afterwards, where Zenrus’ blessing cannot be felt anymore, it’s thanks to Mikleo.
(How he managed to grow healthy and strong, taller and more well-built than Mikleo, despite being born premature? Probably Mikleo as well.)
A seraph’s blessing is related to their element and powers, as well as influenced by their personal feelings. Healing abilities are often mainly associated with the element of Water, whether it’s Tales or other stuff. If we look at Mikleo, gameplay-wise, it’s the more obvious that he is intended as the Healer of the game, even if all the seraphim can heal, because it’s his designated role. And his healing is single-target too, which means it’s meant for one person only.
This is what the battle tutorial for his character says:
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And this is what the description for Water Armatization says:
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I’d also like to mention that the very basic of his healing artes, Resilient Aid, buffs the target’s Arte Defense stat as well:
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This is sort of important, because as said in the description, how much a healing arte heals depends upon the target’s Arte Defense; the more of that stat they have, the more they get healed.
(His Map Action, Spectral Cloak, is also the only one that is protective in nature.)
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I’d also like to look at Rays, but before that, let me explain what the deal is with Rays just so people who don’t play it can get it. The Tales characters you see in Rays are essentially the same as the ones in the original game canon; to put it simply, they are basically copied from their own canon selves, but get to live different lives in Rays canon. That’s the premise of Rays being a crossover.
Second of all, there’s a concept called Overray MA in Rays. Story-wise, Overray basically represents past and future possibilities that the character holds. In the case of Sorey, normally, because of the laws in Rays world, he can’t perform Armatization, so to work around this, at the time, he was able to use Water Armatization with Mikleo through Overray MA. That’s the gist of it.
What’s interesting is gameplay-wise. Here, I’d also like to mention that Udou Tatsurou, one of the lead designers in Zestiria, is himself the director of Rays. Udocchi, as he’s affectionately called by his peers and fans, is known for trying to integrate story elements in his gameplay, since he says that players rarely read manuals or help pages written by the devs, so he feels that they would pay more attention if it were said by their favorite characters (from an interview). In Zestiria, you could see this in the form of the Enemy Book conversations, or when your partner tries to tell you what to pay attention to in the battle, or the Monoliths, skits relating to the gameplay (e.g., skits about equipment fusion, that skit talking about elemental rock-paper-scissor relationship in the form of Edna and Mikleo talking about seraph weapons—nicely integrating worldbuilding into indirect gameplay explanation), etc.
Rays itself is known for neat details that only fans of original games would immediately notice and appreciate. For example, in the case of Zestiria, when you use Sorey’s Overray MA (so basically the Water Armatus), if you use earphones especially, you can hear Sorey’s voice from the right side and Mikleo’s voice from the left side. So Rays is definitely aware of the whole “Sorey being the Right (the Human, the Physical, the Body) and Mikleo being the Left (the Seraph, the Spiritual, the Heart) to each other” thing, despite, again, not many people (not even a lot of the official side people) being aware of this.
So how does all of this relate to his Overray MA, gameplay-wise? You see, the gameplay for Overray MA is basically that if you activate the MA, you will get special effects for a duration after it.
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The special effect for Sorey’s Overray MA is “damage user receives cut to 1/4 for 15 seconds” which means, in this context, after Sorey calls Mikleo to Armatize with him (and Mikleo is there only for the MA), he de-Armatizes (back to just Sorey alone) and receives this effect, which reduces the damage that Sorey receives, to just 1/4 of it. That’s a huge amount of damage reduction (75%), and Sorey gets to enjoy this benefit. I choose to read this as Mikleo granting his blessing after their Armatization.
Which fits his personal feelings on this whole matter, anyway, if you read what he had to say about Sorey in his Taizen page:
幼なじみは里のみなの中でただひとり、あるべき力を欠いていた。弱く脆い、それが 「人間」 というものなのだと知らさてからは、彼と一緒にいるのが自分の役目だと信じて疑わなかった。
My childhood friend was the only one who lacked the power that he should have had, among everyone in our village. Weak and fragile; that is what it means to be “human,” and once I learned that, I believed without a doubt that it was my duty to be with him.
Water is easily tainted and easily spills out. It easily attracts malevolence from the slightest hesitation and muddies the many things it touches. However, water can also wash, rinse, and purify itself when it comes close to something else, changing the way it is in various ways. If my friend’s pain gnaws at his heart like the misfortune that overwhelms him, if he is angry and confused, if he weeps helplessly, then with these hands that control the power of water, I will remove every obstacle in my friend’s path and make his steps untainted.
Finally, there’s also something in the original game that can also be connected to this whole thing. If you remember this title:
Peas in a Pod
Always there for you. Sign of a relationship where neither party even has to think about what they mean to each other.
It’s actually another idiom entirely in Japanese, 水魚の交わり, and if I were to translate things more literally:
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Like Water and Fish
It’s only natural to be by your side. Neither party even has to think about what they mean to each other. It’s that kind of relationship.
“水魚の交わり” as a saying refers to a relationship so close that it is inseparable, like how fish cannot live without water. However, taken more literally (which is why I tried to retranslate this in the first place), I personally infer this as Mikleo being the water (because of his association with the element) to Sorey’s fish.
The miracle of Sorey living despite of the curse is because Mikleo is there. Ironic, since Mikleo was also the very sacrifice used to curse Heldalf to his eternal solitude himself, but then this creates a cyclical relationship between Sorey, Mikleo, and Heldalf as well. Everything is interconnected, yet this will stay buried and unknown in the larger scheme, in history.
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(Sorry for my ugly diagram, lol.)
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MIKLEO: Still though, it’s thanks to Gramps and the others that we’ve come this far, and that you’ve grown up from such a small boy to such a fine man.
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スレイ「なかなか美味いよな!宿屋の料理 」 ミクリオ「ああ。料理店を兼ねているのはいいな」 ミクリオ「一石二鳥だし、これからもお世話になりそうだ」 ライラ「ミクリオさんは、食事をなさるのですね?」 スレイ「はは、当たり前でしょ」 ミクリオ「いや。天族は食事をとる必要はない」 スレイ「ええっ!?ジイジたちもみんな食べてたじゃないか」 ミクリオ「あれは、スレイに人間らしい生活をさせるためだって言ってた」 スレイ「そうだったのか……」
SOREY: Oh, man, this is the best food I’ve had in ages! MIKLEO: Yeah. A quality inn and a quality restaurant, all in one. MIKLEO: Smart combination there. I have a feeling we’re going to be regular customers. LAILAH: Mikleo, do you eat? SOREY: Hah! Sometimes he even breathes! MIKLEO: What she means is, seraphim don’t actually have to eat to survive. SOREY: What?! But you, Gramps, everyone back in Elysia ate food all the time... MIKLEO: Gramps said that it was because we wanted you to experience life like a human. SOREY: Oh... I... I didn’t know...
As much as he is the child of miracles, one who always goes against all odds, in the world of Zestiria, everything has a reason behind it, even if that reason might be beyond what humans could understand. In this case, I want to believe that those miracles are because Sorey has his family and friends, in Elysia, in elsewhere. I’m so glad he was able to grow healthily to be a kind person despite his poor birth circumstances, but more than anything, that he was surrounded by such loving family and friends. Sorey is truly blessed, even centuries into the future.
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馬場 そしてミクリオが違う姿で登場し、冒頭のシチュエーションと同じようにガクっといくときに、手をふっと差し伸べるあのシルエットがね。
長谷 あそこに至るまでおそらく数百年は経っていますからね。
馬場 スレイがあそこまで冒険して、決断して、眠りについてまた出会うという流れは、ミクリオがあってこそだと思うので。
長谷 人間と天族の共存を象徴するのがあの2人の絆なので、どういう決着にするかはいろんなアイデアが出ましたね。
BABA: And then Mikleo appears, looking different, and just like the situation at the beginning of the game, when he falls down, there is that silhouette of that person holding out his hand.
HASE: It probably takes a several hundred years to get there.
BABA: I think Mikleo is exactly the reason why Sorey could get there; could go on such an adventure, make his decision, go to sleep, and then meet him again.
HASE: Since the bond between the two symbolizes the coexistence of humans and seraphim, there were many ideas on how to put a conclusion to their story.
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elle-p · 5 months
Scan and transcription of the Persona 3 part of Newtype Magazine March 2016
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#4 Winter of Rebirth
illustrated by YUKO YAMADA, painted by MARIKO SHINOHARA(TROYCA)
finished by JUNPEI TAKATSU, background by BIHOU, text by HITOMI WADA
©ATLUS ©SEGA/劇場版「ペルソナ3」製作委員会
まるで当たり前に訪れるあすのように静かに近づく死の運命のなかでかわした約束はともに生きるという喜びに満ちていた。 すべての想いは空に上がり、いつか花びらようにゆらめき舞う。全4章からなる劇場版「ペルソナ3」を「主人公・結城理として、また、世界の滅びを告げる宣告者として2つの側面から表現した石田彰に聞く――。
Birth to Rebirth
結城理/望月綾時役 石田彰
ついに封切られた 「PERSONA3 THE MOVIE」最終章。このフィナーレを主演声優・石田彰はどのように見つめたのか。
「理みたいに周りから一歩引いたところにいつもいるようなタイプの人間にとって綾時は、ある種、こういうふうに生きられたら俺にも違った人生があったのかもしれない、と感じさせるような存在で。こういう人間が自分にかかわってきたら、どう接したらいいんだろう? とか、いろいろ考えさせられたりするんじゃないかな。演じるうえでは、理でやらないことを綾時としてやればいい、というふうに考えていました。理の裏面をやる、みたいな気持ちで向かっていましたね」
「自分が言ったセリフに対して、自分で返していく作業ですよね。もし綾時を別の役者さんが担当されていたら、相手はどんな想いを込めて、こういう言い方をしているんだろう? と、その都度受け取りながら返していくわけですけど、今作の場合は、スタジオに入って、その声を聞いた瞬間にその声の主の気持ちもわかっている、という状況な��けです。あらかじめでき上がっているパズルのようなものなので、理と綾時のやりとりに関しては、通常の作品にはないハマリ方になっているのではないでしょうか」
「かなわぬ相手だとしても正面からニュクスに立ち向かって、ガチで殴り合おうぜ、とみんなが決断する前です。この世はもうすぐ終わるよって、理不尽に自分の人生を止められてしまう事態に直面したときの、特別課外活動部のみんなの立ち居振る舞いが、それぞれ本当に生々しくって、ね。たとえば、順平が『何でこんなことになっちゃうんだよ』みたいな叫びを理にぶつけちゃったり。僕らの世界に影時間はないですから、あったとしても気づいてないですから、こんな事態が迫ってくることはないと思い込んでいますけど、でも、もしも彼らと同じ局面に立たされたら、誰と近い反応をするんだろう? なんて考えてしまいます」
「田口監督は第2章の舞台あいさつで盛り上がった、ラブホにロケハンに行った話の印象が強くて(笑)。俺のアイデンティティはそこじゃない! と監督は叫びたいと思うのですが、でも、そんなこともあったおかげで、監督と役者の間にある垣根がすごく低くなったような気がかってにしていたので、第4章でもごいっしょできてうれしかったです」
●いしだ・あきら/ 11月2日生まれ、愛知県出身。主な出演作品は、「昭和元禄落語心中」八代目 有楽亭八雲/菊比古役、 「Dimension W」アルベルト・シューマン役、「銀魂」桂小太郎役ほか
滅びの時が迫ることを知り、特別課外活動部のメンバーは “滅び” の運命にうろたえ、それぞれに考え、向き合っていく。順平は理に辛く当たってしまったこともあったが「俺、サイテーにかっこ悪かった」と謝り、理がどんな選択をしても自分もみんなも恨まないと伝えた
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kozy-ogawa · 1 year
ActivityPubは、Twitter代替を目指すマストドン(Mastodon)、Pleroma、GNU social、PeerTube、Misskeyなどの分散型SNSのサーバ同士が投稿やユーザー情報をやり取りするための標準で、2018年1月にW3C推奨となっています。
@ak0gare いつか零れ落ちるもののすべて
@alien-melissa Risa
海外や日本のインディ・シーンをTumblrで発信するブロガー 。
@hiraharu パンと日用品の店 わざわざ オンラインストア
@mikimizuno Miki Mizuno Official Website
@sarahalainn Sarah Àlainn ~サラ~
@mononkvl モノンクル
@yoghurt-freak Yoghurt
@takashiyasui Takashi Yasui
@1041uuu 1041uuu
@shodoshima-camera  小豆島カメラ
見たい!食べたい!会いたい! 島で暮らす7人の女性が撮る小豆島。
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dadnews · 6 months
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高橋政智さん(右) 起業家人材育成塾、着々と成果 一関高専、3人が在学中に起業 [岩手日報] 2023-10-20 高橋政智さん過去記事
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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The Quest for Buddhism (119)
Buddhist cosmology
Samatha and Vipassana meditations - the relationship
Gautama Buddha said to have identified two paramount mental qualities that arise from wholesome meditative practice are samatha (stillness: Ref) and vippasana (insight: Ref2).
It is the work of the still mind (samatha) that becomes wisdom (vipassana). Thus, it is to observe things correctly in accordance with the truth.
Thus, "stopping (samatha)" refers to meditation (jhana: Ref3), and "seeing (vipassana)" refers to wisdom (panna). Buddha realised that the root cause of human suffering is lack of clarity, and he allegedly attained enlightenment through contemplation of the twelve causal factors (Ref4) in order and in reverse order.
In the Pali canon, the Buddha never mentions independent samatha and vipassana meditation practices; instead, samatha and vipassana are two "qualities of mind" to be developed through meditation (jhana). When the Pali suttas depict the Buddha telling his disciples to go meditate, they never quote him as saying 'go do vipassana,' but always 'go do jhana.' And they never equate the word "vipassana" with any mindfulness techniques.
[How to]
Practice begins with the preparatory stage, the practice of sila, morality, giving up worldly thoughts and desires. Morality is a quintessential element of Buddhist practice, and is also emphasised by the first generation of post-war western teachers. Yet, it is noted that in the contemporary mindfulness movement, morality as an element of practice has been mostly discarded, 'mystifying' the origins of mindfulness.
The practitioner then engages in anapanasati (Ref5), mindfulness of breathing, which is described in the Satipatthana Sutta as going into the forest and sitting beneath a tree and then to simply watch the breath. If the breath is long, to notice that the breath is long, if the breath is short, to notice that the breath is short.
The practitioner also becomes aware of the perpetual changes involved in breathing, and the arising and passing away of mindfulness. This noticing is accompanied by reflections on causation and other Buddhist teachings, leading to insight into suffering (dukkha), non-self (anatta), and impermanence (anicca). When the three characteristics have been comprehended, reflection subdues, and the process of noticing accelerates, noting phenomena in general, without necessarily naming them.
Some sects point out that the practice of both samatha and vipassana together allows one to achieve various mental powers and higher knowledge (Skt: abhijna, Ref6), including the attainment of Nirvana, whereas the practice of vipassana alone allows for the achievement of Nirvana, but no other mental powers or knowledges.
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仏教の探求 (119)
サマタ瞑想とヴィパッサナー瞑想 〜 その関係性
ゴータマ・ブッダは、健全な瞑想の実践から生まれる最も重要な心の資質として、サマタ (静止: 参照) とヴィッパサナー (洞察力: 参照2) の2つを特定したと言われている。
このように、サマタ(止)とは禅定 (ディヤーナ: 参照3) に当たり、ヴィパッサナー(観)とは智慧に相当している。ブッダはサマタ(止)により、人間の苦の根本原因が無明であることを自覚し、十二因縁(参照4)を順逆に観想するヴィパッサナー(観)によって無明を脱したとされる。
修行は、まず��備段階として、世俗的な考えや欲望を捨て、シーラ (道徳) を実践することから始まる。道徳は仏教の修行の真髄をなす要素であり、それは戦後の西洋の第一世代の教師たちによっても強調されている。しかし、現代のマインドフルネス運動では、修行の要素としての道徳はほとんど捨て去られ、マインドフルネスの起源を「神秘化」していると指摘されている。
実践者は次に安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴:アーナーパーナ・サティ、梵:アーナーパーナ・スムリティ 参照5)、呼吸のマインドフルネスに取り組み、森に行き、木の下に座り、そして単に呼吸を見ることとして念処経 (ねんじょきょう、巴:サティパッターナ・スッタ)で記述されている。呼吸が長ければ長いと感じ、短ければ短いと感じる。
修行者はまた、呼吸に伴う絶え間ない変化、そしてマインドフルネスの発生と消滅に気づくようになる。この気づきは、因果関係や他の仏教の教えについての考察を伴い、苦 (梵・巴: ドゥッカ)、無我 (むが、巴: アナッター、梵: アナートマン)、無常 (むじょう、巴: アニッチャ、梵: アニトヤ) を洞察することにつながる。この3つの性質が理解できたとき、反省は収まり、気づきのプロセスが加速され、必ずしも特定せずとも全般的な現象に注目するようになる。
宗派によっては、サマタとヴィパッサナーを一緒に修行すると、涅槃 (ねはん、梵: ニルヴァーナ) の達成を含むさまざまな精神力と智慧 (巴:アビニャー 参照6) が得られるが、ヴィパッサナーのみの修行では、涅槃の達成はできるが他の精神力と知識は得られないと指摘されている。
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