About this hiking & camping places in Taiwan :
烏來.桶后溪.桶后越嶺古道 (桶後林道)
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hidekigogo · 2 years
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海老と豆腐の塩煮込み。 蝦仁豆腐。あっさり目、控えめな塩味が海老、豆腐でうまいわ。 . #上海料理幸園 #海老と豆腐の塩煮込み #蝦仁豆腐 #大崎 #大崎グルメ #中国料理 (上海料理 幸園) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDBO4VP6n-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shinyeagleparadise · 7 days
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antsloveyun · 3 months
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 3、炒好的老料最好是靜置兩天才使用,這樣效果會更好些。 等到製冒菜鍋底時取出加入湯鍋中。
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新款催情水 春藥噴劑 外用春藥 催情精油 助情香水 失憶水 女用快感液 迷情香水 聽話香水 潤滑液 精品春藥 媚藥香薰 外用高潮春藥 性信息素香水 催情香煙 女用口服液 迷情檀香 金蒼蠅催情水 美國卡宴催情水 尼蒙爾克素 新貓女迷情液  
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jonnyha · 2 years
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#蝦 #エビ #海老 #prawn #shrimp #lobster . #PrawnMee . #KualaLumpur #クアラルンプール #マレーシア #Malaysia #TamanDesa #タマンデサ #ペン習字 #筆ペン #漢字 #書道 #書法 #書遊 #毛筆 #墨 #習字 #日本文化 #筆文字 #文字 #和文化 #創作書道 #インスタ書道部 #書道好きな人と繋がりたい (at Yeye Cafe 爷爷的避风港) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYN3lOPRP8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amethyst15690 · 2 years
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久違的愛情大眾占卜,這次主要使用預兆教科書,同時與月老星君、大天使加百列同時連線,為寶寶們感應你的正緣,ta有什麼特質、你們相遇時會有什麼徵兆、何時會出現,你們彼此希望對方可以有怎樣的特質,並且ta會想要跟你說什麼話?一一揭曉,但願你們都能夠有情人終成眷屬,一起為地球創造更多幸福的能量場。 月老想把你的紅線牽給誰?生命靈數水晶手鍊3選1(不限性別、不限時間、不限狀態-單身尤佳、時間軸在說明欄)感謝大天使加百列協助解析,感謝宇宙,Amethyst愛情大眾占卜 https://youtu.be/FA1O4YJk9Gw 【Amethyst生命靈數客製化手鍊與能量產品的蝦皮賣場全新改版】 https://shopee.tw/yinyue0203 我11/5會到台中的文心森林公園擺攤,會帶很多能量校準產品和現場客製化專屬的生命靈數水晶錦囊,歡迎大家一起來共襄盛舉唷!! 🌈彩虹友善市集|基好事吉🌈 📍活動時間:11/05(六) 10:00-18:00 📍活動地點:文心森林公園( 台中市南屯區文心路一段289號 ) 這次會帶很多能量校準跟水晶商品~~ 購買任一產品都可以免費抽卡速占一次唷^^ #愛情占卜 #脫單 #單身 #預兆教科書 #月老 #大眾占卜 #蝦皮賣場更新 #文心森林公園 #基好市集 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkjFNwoPBW7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cjackchang · 2 years
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蝦餃皇!蝦子真的不小隻,接近透明的薄皮。 . . . . #蝦餃 #港式飲茶 #港點 #雅苑粵菜港式飲茶 #蒸籠 #美味 #美食 #台北美食 #台北餐廳 #老店 #cjackchangc #foodstyling #feedfeed #foodblogger #foodphotography #foodpic #foodie #foodstagram #foodlover #food #foodporn #photooftheday #instafood #yummyfood #delish #tasty #localfood #shrimp #asianfood (在 雅苑粵菜港式飲茶) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkzzyqrJJ6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xiaozhongzang · 2 years
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japaneseteacher · 2 years
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📍瓦城:110台北市信義區松山路11號二樓 おそらく2年振りの「瓦城」を食べに行ったけど、やっぱりタイ料理はご飯が進む進む!www ミルクティーは台湾のとは全然違うけどそれがまた美味しいっ!1人で約2人前以上の量を食べたかもだけど、意外といけるもんだね哈哈 もしおすすめのタイ料理のレストランが有れば是非教えて欲しい! #瓦城 #泰式料理 #台灣美食 #松山美食 #泰國 #台湾グルメ #台湾生活 #ミルクティー #タイ料理 #辛い #東南アジア #ガパオライス #打拋豬 #月亮蝦餅 #摩摩喳喳 #永漢 #永漢日語 #永漢日語東區教室 #日文老師 #日本語 #老師 #泰式奶茶 #台北美食 (瓦城松山車站店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce1DP5XvWuF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crepes-suzette-373 · 7 months
What if Sea (Prism) Stones are organic/biological matter?
So, the Japanese name for the Sea (Prism) Stone doesn't really mean anything. 海楼石 Kairouseki translates to something like "sea-tower-stone", and that just makes no sense.
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But, we know that there's a lot of puns in One Piece. Zoro's attack is named Onigiri (riceballs). It's written in fancy kanji that changes its literal meaning, but it still sounds like "riceball". And the regions in Wano that are homonyms for various food (Ringo = apple, Kuri = chestnut, etc), but written in different kanji that looks nicer.
"Kairou" happens to be a possible alternate reading for 海老, which means lobsters. Normally 海老 is jointly read as "ebi", but if you read it kanji by kanji 海 can be read as kai and 老 is rou. The same "kai" kanji is preserved in Kairouseki the stone, and an example of the "rou" reading is in words like 不老 fu-rou.
*) The "ebi" that means the small prawns is written differently (「蝦」「魵」「鰕」). 海老 is lobster.
Another word choice prooftext is that Pagaya explains that the component of the Kairouseki, Pyrobloin, is a "keratinous/corneous particle" 角質の粒子. Kakushitsu 角質 in general refers to "crusty organic substance", usually related to humans or animals, not plants or trees. It includes keratin, but not necessarily that specific substance. Kanji just tend to have broader range of meaning.
Either way, I've not seen the term 角質 used for rocks or metal either as far as I know.
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What the biological matter is, I don't know. 角質 as a substance can refer to a lot of things, like skin, hooves, horn, etc.
Even if the kanji 海老 can be read as "kairou", I've not necessarily seen the term 角質 used to describe lobsters specifically. I've seen it described as a component in a tortoise shell, though, or insect's "shell"/skin. Both tortoise shell and insect skin/shells are included in the broad category of "exoskeleton" along with crustacean carapace, so it's still related in a sense.
I have some guesses, but it's still conjecture with no real solid proof from the series that I can really point to.
Conspiracy theories below:
Possibility 1: Kairouseki is the shedding of some kind of lobster shell. Or the fossil of a ridiculously gigantic lobster.
Taking the direct analysis of the 海老 kanji.
Kairouseki originates from Wano. I mentioned that Wano seems to have connection to the moon, and I know that some people have made theories about the lobster image in the ancient wall painting in the moon that Enel saw.
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Might they be related?
As explained above, 海老 "ebi" means lobster. The express lobsters on Skypiea are huge. We don't really know yet if the size indicate different species, or if they just grow bigger and bigger as they get older. Maybe there's an ancient lobster that's monstrously huge, which is the source of the Sea (Prism) Stones.
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Lobsters in real life was said to never stop growing, after all. Maybe the Sea Stone lobster is an ancient lobster, and it's since grown humongous.
Possibility 2: It's the shell of a giant tortoise
The counter to the magical moon lobster would be the description that Sea (Prism) Stone is "the sea in solid form", which is why it could block Fruit powers. If this is actually a moon/sky animal, then why does it have the property of the seas?
Then maybe it's just something from "Earth"/inside the sea.
The kanji 海老 originates from a phrase that translates to "old one of the sea", so it's possible that within the world of One Piece, Oda-sensei intends to twist the meaning a little into a different creature and not lobster.
A tortoise has been for a long time described as a creature that represents longevity in Japan, and it's true that tortoises can live for very very long time (the oldest tortoise in the world today is currently some 190 years old).
As mentioned above, tortoise shell has been described in scientific literature as being composed of 角質.
The map of Wano actually somewhat resembles a tortoise as well.
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The current Wano is newly built on the side of Mount Fuji after the old one drowned, but perhaps the Wano people who made the new Wano created the new land in this shape on purpose as a hint/reminder of an ancient secret of the land.
Another slight reach is that the Koudzuki family crest appears to be based on the Japanese crest that represents "crane". Crane and tortoise are symbols commonly paired together, making a symbol of longevity. The shogun with the crane symbol, and the land itself the tortoise symbol.
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What's this all about, then?
This is a bit of a reach, but I mentioned in the moon theory post that Koudzuki family narrative seems to allude to Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms.
Susanoo was a god who descended from the "heaven" to "earth". Similar to the Kaguya legend of a celestial entity descending to Earth and residing there.
It might be a hint, at least, that there's a connection between "the moon" and "the sea". The "sea" that hates the Devil Fruits (possibly representing "the sun") does not seem to dislike "the moon".
It bolsters my budding theory that there is a "triumvirate" of the Sun, the Moon, and the Sea. I still need more info, though, so this "triumvirate of powers" theory is something I need to shelve for later.
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shinyeagleparadise · 8 days
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★六街文具房:日本進口文具專賣、書寫用具、印章、明信片、貼紙信紙....等 ★菓ノ文具曲:日本進口印章、卡片、簿本、編織線材、生活擺件、選物 ★有筆X鋼筆工作室:各大品牌鋼筆、書寫用具、紙品、明信片、手帳簿本、雜貨 ★茶筆巷文具生活:書寫用具、手帳簿本、生活選品、收納布袋、復古雜貨 ★覓靜拾光:咖啡、茶、酒、鋼筆、沾水筆、手帳簿本、鋼筆維修 ★iPaper:iPaper筆記本、鋼筆、沾水筆、日本文具 鋼筆工作室台中分舵:各大品牌鋼筆、書寫用具、紙品、明信片、手帳簿本 能藝文具審計店:吳竹商品專賣、麥克筆、墨筆、科學毛筆、字帖、墨水、書寫用品、事務用品 菩品:書寫用具、事務用品、紙膠帶、手帳簿本、生活雜貨、餐巾器皿 時代中西畫材:書寫用具、Molotow筆具、美術用品 詠昶鋼筆文具專門店:各大品牌鋼筆、墨水、事務用品 穀雨好學:日本生活雜物、印章、貼紙、紙膠帶、花器、擺件 發現了文房生活:書寫用具、紙膠帶、印章、便利貼、耳環小配件 實心裡生活什物店:實心美術手帳、布包、器皿、書籍、音樂 黑洞咖啡:鋼筆墨水販售試寫,主要是台中筆友聚餐廳,餐點亦佳! Melon文具禮品:火漆章、貼紙、印章、筆記本、紙膠帶
★愛治文具房:書寫用具、鋼筆墨水、事務用品、手帳簿本、特色貼紙、紙膠帶 魚露:明信片、紙膠帶、火漆章、生活雜貨、大小包包
★拾筆:書寫用具、鋼筆墨水、事務用品、手帳簿本、貼紙紙膠帶、印章 天才美術社:鋼筆墨水、美術用品、紙張、英文書法用品
★同央美術:書寫用具、鋼筆墨水、事務用品、美術用品、英文書法用品 ★民安美術:書寫用具、鋼筆墨水、事務用品、美術用品、英文書法用品 什物:實體店鋪暫停營業中 墨客:實體店���已關閉 點店文具工作室:貼紙、紙膠帶、印章 文寶房:鋼筆、鋼筆墨水
★禮拜文房具:鋼筆、沾水筆、墨水、生活雜貨、印章、裁縫用品 小徑文化:小徑文化紙膠帶專賣店 灰灰商店:明信片、筆記本、布包、積木、明信片 森活小室:書寫用具、便利貼、紙膠帶、明信片、筆記本 菩品:書寫用具、事務用品、紙膠帶、手帳簿本、生活雜貨、餐巾器皿 墨里:鋼筆墨水、書寫用具、事務用品、紙膠帶、手帳簿本 森林小老木:印章印台、小卡、筆記本、花器、雜貨選物 no. 18 skyisland:明信片、紙膠帶,貓咪餐廳,主要是筆友聚會所
★福福鋼筆店:鋼筆、墨水、手帳簿本、紙膠帶、明信片、貼紙、顏料、印章、畫材 ★歡迎光臨文具販賣部:手帳簿本、印章、紙膠帶、貼紙、書寫用具、卡片、畫材 腦弱文房具:腦闆娘紙品專賣店
廣興紙寮:傳統手抄紙觀光工廠 造紙龍手創館:造紙觀光工廠
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe (生炒糯米飯) with Papa Fung, December 23, 2022
An aromatic sticky fried rice loaded with Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, green onions and some cilantro. The sticky texture is what makes this rice dish stand out. A great crowd pleaser for pot lucks!
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe  [生炒糯米飯食譜] 
This recipe makes 4 bowls of pan-fried sticky rice [製成四碗] 
Ingredients [食材] 
500 g glutinous rice [糯米] 
2 Chinese sausages [臘腸] 
5 shiitake mushrooms [冬菰] 
30 g dried shrimp [蝦米] 
60 g peanuts [花生] 
1 tsp lard [豬油] 
A few stalks of green onion [青蔥] 
1 stalk cilantro [芫茜] 
2 tbsp oyster sauce [蠔油] 
8 g sugar [糖] 
5 g salt [鹽] 
Some white pepper [胡椒粉] 
Some sesame oil [麻油] 
(250 ml mushroom/shrimp water) [浸冬菰和蝦米水] 
Directions [製作] 
Soak glutinous rice for 4 hours. Strain and set aside. [糯米浸四小時,瀝乾備用。] 
Wash shiitake mushrooms and dried shrimp. Soak until softened. Keep the mushroom and shrimp water for frying the rice later. [冬菰和蝦米先洗乾淨,再軟取出備用,留起水用作炒飯。] 
Dice all the ingredients, set aside. [將所有材料切碎備用。] 
Melt salt and sugar with hot water, mix until combined. Add in sesame oil, white pepper and oyster sauce, mix and set aside. [鹽和糖先用熱水攪溶,再混合蠔油,胡椒粉和麻油置一旁。] 
Roast some peanuts until fragrant, set aside to cool. [白鑊炒熟花生備用。] 
Heat up wok, melt lard, stir fry Chinese sausage until cooked, add in shrimp and cook, add in mushrooms, cook until fragrant. [熱鑊放豬油加入臘腸炒熟,再加蝦米炒香,再加冬菰炒至有香味。] 
Add in rice, continuously stir and add shrimp/mushroom water a little bit at a time and cook with the lid on to speed up the process. Once the shrimp/mushroom water has evaporated, repeat until the rice is fully cooked. [加入米要不停翻炒,同時加些少蝦米水及加蓋焗至水份收乾,重覆以上步驟至飯熟。] 
Once rice is cooked it’ll become sticky, now, mix in sauce that was prepared earlier. [當飯有黏性加入調味料炒勻。] 
Lastly, add in some dark soy sauce for some colour, and cilantro and green onions, and mix until combined. [最後加些少老抽調色和加芫茜和青蔥炒勻即可。] 
Place some cilantro and peanuts into the bowl, followed by the rice, flip bowl to reveal the dish and serve.  [放芫茜和花生入碗內,加上糯米飯,倒扣在碟上即食。]
The twelfth lunar month is called laap yut (臘月), the cold and dry weather being appropriate for drying and curing. Some recipes call for cured pork belly (laap yuk, 臘肉), cured belly to go with the (Southern) Chinese sausage (laap cheung, 臘腸) which are traditional season staples. Lard and sources of it were a year-round necessity for oil, fuel, flavouring, and caloric density but particularly important during lean months like the height of winter. Most of the ingredients for stir-fried sticky rice are dry or stable preserved goods that balance out the strong and rich pork and lard.
I made a batch Thursday for the winter solstice (Dongzhi, 冬至) using a different recipe. Like a lot of seasonal and festive foods the idea remains the same while the specifics change, and there may be something new for me to adopt from this version.
My mom used to use a rice cooker to steam the glutinous rice keeping it on the firm side, combining everything in the wok at the end. While soaking then stir-frying the rice from raw to cooked (as the name of the dish states) isn’t actually too bad adjusting for the size of wok or pan but it does take time and practice. I’ve taken to seasoning the soaked and drained rice by mixing it with a bit of oil and salt in a bowl while preparing everything else. The added oil from stir-frying seems to need a heavier hand with seasoning (like oyster sauce, added salt, or soy sauce) than with steaming the rice. 
After soaking, squeezing out most of the excess water, and dicing the mushrooms, she always marinated them with some oil, light soy sauce, and sugar. There was also soaked and shredded dried scallop (conpoy or gong yiu chyu, 乾貝 / 江瑤柱) in addition to the small, dried shrimp when we had some. 
One thing glossed over in the video is that the water can have sediment at the bottom; the initial washing leaves sand and grit that is released after rehydrating and should be discarded. This cold broth from soaking the dried ingredients adds to the savouriness of the rice along with the sausage and lard. The added oyster sauce in this and other recipes boosts the concentrated seafood accent. In the rice cooker/steamed rice version, the broth can be used to cook and soften the stir-fried sausage, mushrooms, and dried seafood, covering and reducing it fully before adding the rice. 
A quality dark soy sauce is often enough to colour and flavour the fried rice. The addition of white pepper and sesame oil to the sauce for the rice is new to me, though I imagine it cuts through the pungency of fat and the concentrated seafood and reducing the additional lard needed.
Peanuts, cilantro, and green onion are not essential, though they do add to the texture and freshness when the overall dish can be heavy. These are often garnishes added last as it is often reheated, softening the peanuts and the greens darken while losing flavour and crispness. Less and less restaurants bother with the peanuts at all: they become hard especially if fried or roasted and stale while others overcook the peanuts by boiling or with steam becoming bulk rather than texture. It’s easy to see why peanuts could be cut from an already long list of ingredients. One local dim sum has replaced them with what I’m certain is rendered pork rinds for a sturdier crunch. There’s probably an element of adapting it with more sensitivity towards peanut allergies, while at home we never had them as a staple. 
Another common addition to improve the overall dark colour is thinly-chopped omelette or a fine scramble. It was fashionable for a time at some restaurants to wrap it omurice-style or reheat portions with rehydrated lotus leaves to impart a different scent. Some recipes use a long grained glutinous rice or cut it with white rice to soften the chew but in the wrong proportion it compromises the structure and ability to keep or reheat.  There was a decade where places would just steam portions in the bowl upright and uncovered resulting in a soggy fried rice.  
Turning the rice out moulded with a bowl is solid, old-school presentation, it demonstrates how well the rice is made: sticky enough to hold a shape even when portioned; the thorough and even mix of ingredients, colour, and flavouring without overworking; and a careful stir-fry that is oiled enough to release. A good fried rice, sticky or otherwise, needs a shine without being greasy.
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ganimaly · 1 year
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「炒福建蝦麺」を水曜日の昼ごはんに。シンガポールのフライド・ホッケン・プロウン・ミーです。海老入りの福建風の汁なし麺。麺はビーフンです。 いろんなレシピがあると思います。うちで作るときも、えび以外の野菜なんかの具はいつもいろいろ。おいしいです。 シンガポールで食べたのはブログに載せてます。 https://ganimaly.com/portfolio/2020/02/22/hokkien-mee/ #foodiesofinstagram #instafood #delicious #foodies #foodpics #foodblogger #TokyoFoodie #おうちごはん #男飯 #男の料理 #料理男子 #おうちごはん男子部 #私のおいしい写真 #オトコノキッチン #フーディーテーブル #フードコーディネーター #写真家 #旅行家 #食事家 #eattheworld #ホッケンミー https://www.instagram.com/p/CoY6bsQrUuY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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