electricsoul-rpg · 11 months
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fc: Sheh Sze-man (佘詩曼/佘诗曼) / Charmaine Sheh
ethnicity: Han Chinese (Hong Kong)
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haiuohv955 · 1 year
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qingdaosanlipianzi · 2 months
当时沈剑龙与杨之华已生下一女,便是瞿独伊。 杨之华为上海大学社会学系学生,瞿秋白当时是社会学系的系主任,近水楼台先得月,师生恋把瞿秋白拨弄的趁着暑假直接杀到杨之华老家萧山,竟与时任杨之华老公的沈剑龙一见如故相见恨晚。在上海《民国日报》上同一天同时刊登三条启事:
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lawpeizhi · 4 months
萬千星輝頒獎典禮2023|最佳女主角|佘詩曼|《新聞女王》 今次頒獎典禮,絕對係我呢幾年嚟睇得最開心嘅一次,所有獎項都實至名歸!恭喜阿佘我哋心目中嘅新闻女王️ 最佳女主角!众望所归之下,佘诗曼小姐终于到今届2023年的最佳女主角“视后”,真是值得开心。。
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golinkjiasuqi · 1 year
《无限超越班》是由优酷、浙江卫视出品、TVB联合出品的演员专业艺训励志真人秀,成龙担任召集人,尔冬升担任监制、辅导员,惠英红、吴镇宇担任监制,佘诗曼担任无限经理人。那些在观众记忆中留下高光瞬间的港片戏骨们带着丰富的演绎经验,与青年演员展开多个层面的合作交流,共同迎接新生代演员们的无限超越。节目以经典为鉴,立足当下、放眼未来,为影视行业的创作与发展寻找启发与更多可能。 《无限超越班》通过扎实严苛的训练与演技培养促进青年演员的进步,为影视行业可持续发展注入新鲜活力;通过挖掘经典作品中的创作精神与创作理念,从时代出发,为中国影视行业的未来提供更多可能。
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"The God of Wealth's wife is coming!"
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dyuniebells · 4 years
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Dude, despite all their characters predicament they know how to fight like hell. They can effin slap the hell out of you with their genuine heart, virtue, skills, & intelligence.
Zhou Xun, Sun Li, Liu Tao, Charmaine Sheh and Qin Lan can take you to a rollercoaster ride of emotions and devour your life with their sublime acting prowess. Props to my fave Period Drama Queens! 🤍👑
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guzhuangheaven · 4 years
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延禧攻略 the story of yanxi palace | charmaine sheh as consort xian
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hongkongdramas · 4 years
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Forensic Heroes II is wayyyyy much better than I. Maybe it’s because of Charmaine Sheh. The first thing that caught my attention was definitely Madam Leung’s hair! She snipped it short and I didn’t like it... it kinda looks dry and her long hair be it tied up or let down was so much nicer in I. Anyway, too bad that Linda Chung’s character had to be “removed” due to Chung’s unavailability for the shoot. Dr. Koo’s emotional scene was so well done after knowing Ding-Ding’s death. Also, is it me or anyone together with Tim Sir would be faced with some accident leading to serious injuries...? His first wife Charlie and then now Madam Leung who lost one side of hearing and ended up with a half-paralyzed hand.. but I’m curious as to why they let Madam Ma take over Madam Leung’s seat. Is it because Yoyo Mung wasn’t available for shooting scenes for this drama or they had to find some “space” for Charmaine Sheh to join in. Whichever the reason, I was excited to see Charmaine Sheh because she feels so cool (and so young at that time)..
Some funny parts include the scene where Madam’s underlings tried to dig out personal info about Madam Ma and omg the scene where they tried to figure out that 3 words and that time where they force Wilson to reveal some stuff and being exceptionally nice coz of ill intentions were so funny. LOL, the underlings are seriously damn cute. Making fun of Wilson’s bracelet and fooling around with horoscope.. And and Shum’s worry over HIV and that sudden attraction to Yvonne was HILARIOUS.
Random but omg did Kevin Cheng just passed the statement that HK will be part of China sooner or later....?!
Okay, back to what I mentioned before. I’m guessing that Yoyo Mung might have some clashes with shooting if not why did they slowly cut back on her scenes bit by bit and eventually making me feel that they are cutting her away by making her character leave to England for further studies.
Cute couple alert! I was rooting so much for Ivan and Bell to get together. And that sudden attraction to Dr Koo by Bell was worrying >< (Dr Koo seems to be so popular...) but I guess it was because of the need for Crime unit and Pathologist unit to work so tightly together that makes Bell a need to see Dr Koo so frequently. And of course a huge major plus point for Dr Koo being so caring and thoughtful making so many girls attracted to him. It’s not like Forensic unit didn’t get a chance to work with Crime unit closely but it doesn’t seem like there is much other than just sending reports. Technically each unit has their own job scope and so much things to do and I doubt in reality that there would be so much time for them to drop by other unit to pay a visit and join their investigative work unless there is a need to.. I would rather guess sending online reports be the most convenient way to get around in understanding what was happening.
I cannot believe how they left audiences hanging till the very last last minute. It was a happy wedding ending for Tim Sir and Madam Leung and all I care about was when Ivan is going to wake up. Charmaine Sheh was amazing when she picked up the phone call and tears starts to well up in her eyes. She acted so well to make audiences guess whether that was tears of joy or tears of sadness. So relieved when she started to smile with that slow-mo run and making a reference to when she first appeared in the series, she ripped apart the bottom part of her skirt and ran gracefully to the hospital. Dramatized but glad it was a happy ending.
In conclusion, FH.II was way better than FH.I. I don’t know if it is because of the addition of Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng which makes it more exciting. The cases were more interesting too and less cringeworthy moments. Sad that Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng weren’t returning in FH.III. Hopefully the standard gets higher after II. Looking forward to more.
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electricsoul-rpg · 11 months
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fc: Sheh Sze-man (佘詩曼/佘诗曼) / Charmaine Sheh
ethnicity: Han Chinese (Hong Kong)
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remo-ny · 6 years
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onerooomdisco · 6 years
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instyleshome · 3 years
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from 时尚 - 时尚之家 https://styles123.com/fashion/dressing/p36937-SIdyfEP1/
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linghxr · 3 years
Chinese Surnames You Might Be Pronouncing Wrong
Chinese surnames can be tricky. Some are characters that you might not encounter much outside of names, and many are rare surnames so you simply have never seen them before. Some are deceiving because you think you totally know how they are pronounced, but then you learn the character has multiple pronunciations. Today let’s look at some difficult ones.
*Info about surname ranking comes from Wikipedia. Please note that the rankings are approximate because they come from different years and may be a few years out of date.
曾 - You may recognize this character as céng like in 曾经, but as a surname is is actually pronounced Zēng. Rank: 32nd (Mainland), 17th (Taiwan) Example: Actress 曾黎 (Zeng Li)
任 - There are a bazillion words with this character, typically pronounced rèn, but now I pronounce them wrong sometimes because the surname is pronounced Rén and I keep getting confused! Rank: 49th Example: Singer 任然 (Ren Ran)
翟 - My dictionary says this character can be the surname Dí or Zhái, but it seems Zhái is more common because it’s the only pronunciation I’ve heard. I’m not positive though. Rank: 125th Example: R1SE member 翟潇闻 (Zhai Xiaowen)
单 - This is a pretty basic character, we all know it’s dān. But surprise! As a last name, it’s pronounced Shàn. I legitimately felt betrayed upon learning this. Rank: 151st Example: Singer 单依纯 (Shan Yichun)
But looking at Wikipedia, it seems like a lot of people don’t know how to pronounce this surname!
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曲 - This character is qū in words like 弯曲 and qǔ in words like 歌曲. As a surname, it’s pronounced Qū. Rank: 160th Example: Singer 曲婉婷 (Qu Wanting)
华 - This character is found in a lot of words like 华人, 华裔, 华语, 花样年华, etc., but as a surname, it’s actually Huà. Rank: 174th Example: Singer 华晨宇 (Hua Chenyu)
缪 - This character has quite a few different pronunciations. I was familiar with it from the word 缪斯, a transliteration of the word muse. As a surname, it is pronounced Miào. Rank: 194th Example: The Coming One S3 contestant 缪纪君 (Miao Jijun) *I just finished watching this season a few weeks ago haha
卜 - When I first saw this surname, I didn’t even realize it was the same character as in 萝卜! There is is bo, but as surname it’s pronounced Bǔ. This seems pretty natural to me because of the character 扑. Rank: 210th Example: Idol Producer contestant卜凡 (Bu Fan)
仇 - I knew this character as chóu from the word 记仇. Not really a positive connotation haha. It can also be surname pronounced Qiú. Rank: 232nd Example: Makeup influencer 仇仇, real name 仇奕泠 (Qiu Yiling)
佘 - Contrary to what I initially thought, this is NOT some variant of 余. It is a completely different character pronounced Shé. Rank: 250th Example: Actress 佘诗曼 (She Shiman/Charmaine Sheh)
查 - This character is chá as in 查寻 or 查字典. However, as a surname it is pronounced Zhā. Rank: 252nd Example: Astro Bunny (原子邦妮) member 査家雯 (Zha Jiawen/Cha Chia Wen)
都 - I’m sure you know this character as dōu, and you might have seen it as dū in words like 都市. As a surname, it’s Dū. Rank: 330th Example: YouTuber siblings 阿滴/都省瑞 (Du Shengrui/Ray Du) and 滴妹/都冠伶 (Du Guanling/Crown Du)
那 - We all know this as nà, but as a surname it can be one of two pronunciations, Nā and Nuó. However, it’s important to note that people don’t always pronounce these surnames correctly. They are rare, whereas we hear 那 pronounced as nà constantly. Rank: 352nd Example: Singer 那英 (Na Ying) *On S2 of Sisters Who Make Waves, Na Ying’s name was consistently pronounced Nà, even though this is technically not correct.
And of course this post would not be complete without some cross-strait differences!
肖 - In the word 生肖, this character is pronounced xiào. However, as a surname, it is pronounced Xiāo in Mainland China and Xiào in Taiwan. I believe this discrepancy is due to this character’s relationship with the surname 萧. Look up “second round simplified characters” to learn more. Rank: N/A, but 萧 is 33rd in Mainland China and 28th in Taiwan Example: Actor and idol 肖战 (Xiao Zhan)
纪 - I learned this character front the word 纪念, where it is pronounced jì. In Mainland China it is a surname pronounced Jǐ, but it Taiwan it is pronounced Jì. Rank: 146th Example: Singer 家家/纪家盈 (Ji Jiaying/Chi Chia Ying)
鞠 - This character is a surname pronounced ​​Jū in Mainland China but Jú in Taiwan. Rank: 261st Example: Idol and former SNH48 member 鞠婧祎 (Ju Jingyi)
朴 - This is the character for the Korean surname Park. It can also be a surname in China but is obviously a lot more common in Korea. MDBG tells me that as a surname this character is pronounced Piáo but can also be pronounced Pú. I did some research (aka watching Chinese language videos about Korean celebs) and it seems to be Piáo in Mainland China and Pú in Taiwan. This character (not in names) can also be pronounced pǔ in Mainland China (it would be pú in Taiwan) meaning plain & simple. One exception is that I think singer 朴树 is pronounced Pǔ. But 朴树 is a stage name, not his real name. Rank: 301st Example: South Korean actress 朴信惠 (Piao Xinhui/Park Shin-hye) *I don’t know of any Chinese celebs with this surname, so I’m choosing Park Shin-hye because she seems to be quite popular in China.
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dyuniebells · 4 years
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them: it's just a cdrama it won't hurt you
the drama:
Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Tan's sublime alchemy surmounted all the couple in this series. And you can't change my mind. Asdfghjkl they have my heart! *squeals❣️🥺
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