luxid-rambler · 5 months
Seeing the mentally ill girlies pull no longer human out of their bag is truly something. Like girl— aren’t you depressed enough already? I get that it’s mood but please don’t…
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cerealandchoccymilk · 6 months
heyyyyyy we autism moded (aka wrote the first part of a long ass review for no longer human)
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zos-fiat-cultus · 9 months
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Disqualified from Being Human
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chiharukihara · 8 months
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太宰治 2023
oil on canvas 803×652㎜/F25
Chiharu KIHARA
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celestialmega · 2 years
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No Longer Human,人間失格, Ningen Shikkaku by Osamu Dazai.
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tlmunderground · 1 year
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i-love-pomegranates · 6 months
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rye-views · 8 months
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No Longer Human By Osamu Dazai. 人間失格 by 宰 治. 7.6/10
I wouldn't recommend this book to my friends. I would reread this book.
Donald Keene's intro is so lovely and beautifully written. I like how understanding it is. I enjoy the poem on page 128/129.
Yozo is very self-centered in his otherness. He's also pretty unlikable. Being self-hating and unlikable doesn't cancel the other out btw. His views are rather male, but I also understand him. He's nothing like me, yet we struggle the same.
Memorable Quotes: "I shall be nothing, the wind, the sky." "I had succeeded in escaping from being respected." "I wondered if in the end I would not be argued into silence by someone in good graces with the world, by the excuses of which the world approved." "What uneasiness lies in being loved." "I could not feel the joy of hope a man experiences when he opens his eyes on young leaves." "I took no pains to hide my habitual gloom." "What is society but an individual?" "I had lost even the ability to suffer."
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noriaki-nakada · 8 months
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unintendead · 1 year
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fvccedupchemist · 1 year
I've feared many things from childhood; like nature, human beings, animals. When I'm petting a dog, I'm often reminded that the warmth of this animal is temporary. It would die before me. It could turn hostile any moment if triggered. Still I kept making out with it, aware of the dangers.
When I'm eating meat, I feel guilty that someone had to be murdered for this. But again, I reason with myself. Veganism is bullshit. I must consume meat to keep my body alive. It demands it. Nature made it demand it. Mankind chose to be carnivores thousands of years ago, all in order to survive. Who am I to change it now? My only humanity is the guilt I'm feeling every moment. My only humanity is the fear I have of humans, of nature and the earth.
Ōba Yōzō, you were wrong. Dazai Osamu, you were wrong. You didn't fail to be human. You were one of the few who could recognise, who could identify and give into the humanity from the rest of our animal bodies.
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ashida1974 · 2 years
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longgoodbye1992 · 2 years
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matsugon · 2 years
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lienguistics · 14 days
all vocabulary, misc grammar
取り囲む - to surround
まんざら - (not) entirely / altogether / wholly
通俗 - popular, common
美醜 - beauty and ugliness, personal appearance
頗る・すこぶる - extremely, very much
薄気味悪い - weird, eerie, uncanny
変貌 - transformation, change of appearance
籐椅子 - rattan / wicker chair
巧み - skillful, adroit
造り物 - artificial, man-made
キザ - smug, pretentious
怪談 - ghost story, supernatural
奇怪 - strange, wonderful, weird
火鉢 - traditional japanese heater
死相 - look of death in one’s face
駄馬 - packhorse
生涯 - lifetime, career, for all of one’s life
垢抜け - refinement, style, sophistication
案出 - invention
つましい - thrifty, frugal, economic
持ち前 - innate, native
おべっか - flattery
めいめい - each, individual
厳粛 - grave, solemn
うごめく - wriggle, squirm
迷信 - superstition
晦渋 - ambiguous, obscure
食い違う - not match well, to differ
輾転 - tossing and turning
仕合せ者 - 幸せ者
禍い - disaster, calamity
阿鼻 - avici, the lowest level of hell
政党 - political party
道化 - antics, buffoonery
千番に一番に兼ね合い - something so difficult one doesn’t even know if there’s a 1/1000 success chance
危機 - crisis
お小言 - rebuke, scold
霹靂 - thunder(clap)
万世一系 - unbroken imperial line
鰐 - crocodile
戦慄 - shudder, tremble with fear
懊悩 - anguish, trouble, agony
ひた隠す - hiding at all costs
別荘 - villa, holiday house
おびただしい - large number, innumerable
言い知れぬ - indescribable
性癖 - idiosyncrasy, disposition
もじもじ - bashfully, hesitantly
手頃 - handy, convenient, suitable
落第 - failure in an exam, falling short of expectations
先刻 - a short while ago, already
焚く- to use camera flash
剽軽 - facetious, droll, funny
甚だ - very, greatly, extremely
定義 - definition
痰壺 - spittoon
筆致 - literary style
綴り方 - way of literary composition
対蹠 - antipodal, diametric opposition
片手落ち - one-sided, unfair
不信 - distrust
念頭に置く - to give thought to, keep in mind
くそみそ - sweeping denunciation, harsh sever verbal attack / criticism
道々 - along the way
あざむく - to deceive and lead astray
ほがらか - cheerful, bright, sunny
さして〜ない - あまり〜ない
修身 - morals, ethics
妙諦 - cardinal principle, key / truth to understanding
誘因 - contributing cause, incentive, motive
波打際 - water’s edge
木肌 - tree bark
褐色 - dark brown, tanned
絢爛 - gorgeous, brilliant, flowery
鏤める - to inlay, set, stud, mount
徽章 - medal, badge, insignia
〜べからざる/べからず - ought not to, must not
眷属 - one’s own family, household
曲者 - peculiar person, suspicious fellow
蠕動 - peristalsis, crawling like a worm
蛮声 - rough voice
配属将校 - commissioned officer attached to a school
隠蔽 - conceal, suppress
〜矢先に - just about when / as one is about to, the moment when
ごたぶんにもれず - as is usual with
白痴 - idiot
鉄棒 - horizontal bar, gymnastics
めがける - to aim at
震撼 - shake, shock
業火 - raging hellfire
木っ葉 - wood chip, splinter; worthless thing, nobody
誰かれとなく - anyone and everyone
まつわりつく - coil / follow around
あわよくば - if there is a chance, if possible
無二 - matchless, unparalleled
思い詰める - think hard, brood over
〜に於いて - at, in, on
手なずける - to take, win over
夕立 - sudden heavy afternoon-evening rain shower
膿 - pus
悪計 - plot, evil scheme
やにさがる - complacent, self-satisfied
ひょいと - suddenly, unexpectedly, nimbly, agile
伽藍 - temple building, monastery
のっぺらぼう - smooth, flat, featureless
思い当たる - suddenly understand / recall
野卑 - vulgar, base, coarse, crude
五里霧中 - totally at a loss, lose one’s bearings, bewildered
笞 - whip, scourge
内功 - disease settling in the internal organs, pent up emotions
邪慳 - cruel, harsh, unkind
油断のならぬ - treacherous, dangerous, untrustworthy
くつろぐ - relax, feel at home
へとへと - completely exhausted, dead tired
ぎょっと - being startled
諸君 - ladies and gentlemen
見せつける - to make a display of, show off
陳腐 - stale, hackneyed, cliche
柿 - persimmon
しゃくり上げる - sob convulsively
蚯蚓 - earthworm
形貌 - looks, features
口絵 - illustration appearing on the front page of a publication
〜てならない - can’t help but, dying to
感嘆 - admiration, wonder
敢然 - bravely, resolutely
我流 - self-taught, one’s own way / style
一揃い - one set / suit
印象派 - impressionism
催す - feel sensation, show signs of, hold an event
さずける - to grant, confer
虎の巻 - book of trade secrets
取りかかる - to begin doing
趣向 - plan, idea
懸念 - fear, anxiety, worry
官吏 - government official, civil servant
粗暴 - rough, wild, violent, rude (behavior, temperament)
辟易 - to be fed up with, tired of, stumped by
肺浸潤 - pulmonary infiltration
はきだめ - garbage dump
さりとて - and yet, nevertheless
聴講生 - auditing student
ひがみ - prejudice, bias, inferiority complex
白々しい - barefaced, shameless
億劫 - troublesome, annoying
質屋 - pawnbroker
アトリエ - studio, workshop
へどもど - flustered, stuttering (apology)
はにかむ - shy, bashful
背広 - business suit
一向に - completely, (not) at all
与太者 - hooligan, gangster, good-for-nothing
遊離 - separation
常に - always constantly
緋 - scarlet, crimson
絨緞 - carpet, rug
給仕 - waiting on a table, serving (at dinner)
吝嗇 - stinginess
値切る - haggle, bargain, drive down the price
内情 - internal conditions, true state of affairs
円タク - one-yen taxi
敬遠 - keeping at arm’s distance, avoiding
蒸気 - vapor
手腕 - ability, skill
料亭 - traditional japanese restaurant
滋養 - nutrients, nourishment
てんで - (not) at all, completely, utterly
情熱 - enthusiasm, zeal
危懼 - fear, apprehension, anxiety
先途 - crisis in battle, death
たとい - even if
売却 - selling off, disposal by sale
ふところ - bosom, space between one’s chest and outstretched arms, heart, inner thoughts
親和 - friendship
窮屈 - stiff, constrained, cramped
打算 - calculating
円光 - halo
思い設ける - anticipate, expect
附録 - appendix, supplement
修行 - training, practice, discipline
めっきり - considerably, noticeably, remarkably
腕を上げる - improve one’s skill
つきまとう - to follow around, haunt
卑猥 - indecent, obscene
不名誉 - dishonor, disgrace, shame
稚拙 - unskillful, childish, immature
買いつけ - one’s usual supplier, buying in bulk / wholesale
それっきり - on that note
のろけ - speaking fondly about one’s love affairs / sweetheart
にわか - unexpected, sudden
見栄坊 - vain person
共産主義 - communism
唯物論 - materialism
くつろぐ - to relax, feel at home
非合法 - illegal
底知れず - bottomless, inexhaustible
からくり - mechanism, contrivance, device
日蔭者 - person who is socially ostracized
うっとり - ecstatic, spellbound, absentmindedly
糟糠の妻 - devoted wife who has followed through in hard times
侘しい - miserable, wretched, lonely
脛 - shin
脛に傷持つ - to have a guilty conscience
千変万化 - innumerable variety
冷やかし - banter, window-shopping / just looking at the price
たちどころに - at once, then and there, immediately
除名 - expulsion
殊に - especially, particularly, above all
しくじる - to fail, mess up, blunder
さかんに - actively, energetically, flourishingly
力む - to strain / exert oneself
終身 - the whole life
牢屋 - jailhouse
けむる - to smoke, smoulder
これきり - last time (as of now), never again
たちまち - in an instance, all of a sudden, immediately
ツケ - tab (for later payment)
ひいき - favor, patronage
まごつく - be flustered, at a loss
慄然 - terrified, horrified
心細い - helpless, forlorn, disheartening
ことごとく - altogether, entirely
虚構 - fabrication, fiction
質屋 - pawnbroker
縁故 - relation, connection
一変 - complete change
武装蜂起 - armed uprising
党 - (political) party
お門違い - barking up the wrong tree
禁ずる - suppress, hold back
用箋 - stationary, writing pad
受け身 - passive
奉仕 - altruism
気合いをかける - to cheer on
光栄 - honor, glory, privilege
みっともない - shameful, disgraceful, improper
しょげる - to be disheartened, dejected, dispirited
キザ - smug, affected, pretentious
愁え - lament, grief, anguish
浅ましい - wretched, miserable
ずるずる - (dragging) on and on, intermittently, slowly
こだわり - obsession with, hangup on, fixation
空恐ろしい - apprehension, gloomy for the future
絣 - splash pattern
上辺 - outward, exterior
へどもど - flustered, stuttering
技倆 - ability, skill
修得 - learning, acquisition
地金 - one’s true character / colors
本所 - main office
馬耳東風 - utter indifference, talking to the wall, praying to deaf ears
そそる - to excite, stimulate, arouse
気流 - airflow, current
程よく - properly, rightly
大それた - outrageous, wild, audacious
煙幕を張る - throw up a smoke screen, false front
張りめぐらす - to stretch around, string up
切れ目 - gap
自ずから - in due time, on it’s own, naturally
意気銷沈 - depressed in spirit, dishearten, dejected
僻む ・ひがむ - to have a warped view, jealous, feel like one has been treated unfairly
長居無用 - no point in staying any longer
放言 - careless remark
ひっかかり - hold, connection, discomfort
かりそめ - transient, temporary
束縛 - restraint, binding
俗事 - everyday affairs, routine work, daily chores
億劫がる - unwillingness to do something (because troublesome)
狡猾 - sly, cunning, crafty
大胆 - bold, daring, audacious
念を押す - to remind someone, emphasize
無一文 - penniless, broke
所有 - one’s possessions, ownership
敢然 - boldly, bravely, resolutely, determined
内縁 - de-facto marriage
いざこざ - trouble, quarrel, difficulties, complications
思い上がる - be conceited
俗物 - snobbish, uncultured, materialistic
酔漢 - drunkard
価 - value, price, merit
霹靂 - thunder(clap)
込み上げる - to well / surge up (emotions) within oneself
袂 - sleeve of kimono
がま口 - coin purse with metal clasp
羞恥 - shame, shy
凄惨 - ghastly, gruesome, appalling
たちまち - in an instant, immediately
脳裡 - one’s mind
質草 - article for pawning
荒涼 - desolate, dreary
まごつく - flustered, confused, at a loss
みずからすすんで - by one’s own volition / choice
収容 - accommodation, taking in
〜をはじめ - such as, including …
これっきり - last time, never again
生家 - house where one was born, parents’ house
義絶 -disownment
申し渡す - to tell, announce, declare
書き連ねる - to enumerate, list out
幇助罪 - crime of aiding and abetting
宿直室 - night duty room
寝ずの番 - nightwatch
しおしお - low spirits, dejected, sad
ことさら - intentionally, deliberately
人情 - human nature / kindness, empathy
侮る・あなどる - disdain, scorn, look down on
つれづれ - ennui, tedium, boredom
あたかも - as if, as it were, right / just then, at that moment
猥談 - indecent / lewd / obscene talk
述懐 - speaking about one’s thoughts / memories, reminiscing
魂胆 - ulterior motive, plot, scheme, complicated circumstances
非公式 - informal, unofficial
夜長 - long night (esp of autumn)
神妙 - meek, humble, docile, mysterious
思召し - thoughts, opinion, one’s discretion
誠意 - sincerity, good faith
助平 - lewd, pervert
手心を加える - take into consideration, use one’s discretion
入神 - inspiration, genius, super-human skill
署長 - chief of police, head of office
赤痣 - red birthmark, hemangioma
不具者 - crippled disabled person
好色 - lewd, lascivious
雲泥の差 - a world of difference, a great difference
霰 - hail
おでき - boil, blister, pimple
殊勝 - admirable, laudable
起訴 - prosecution
検事 - public prosecutor
身元引受人 - guarantor
保護者 - guardian, protector
保証 - guarantee, waranty
骨董 - antiques
ずんぐり - short and stout
ヒラメ - flounder
威張る - put on airs, haughty, act big, overbearing
麻縄 - hemp rope
胴 - waist, torso, trunk
追憶 - recollection, reminiscence
冷汗三斗 - breaking into a cold sweat when one is embarrassed / scared
しくじり - failure
邪淫 - lewdness
静謐 - peace, tranquility
コセコセ - restless, fussy, anxious
駈け引き - bargaining, tactics, diplomacy
間一髪 - hair’s breadth
キリキリ舞い - whirling, rushing around in a panic, rushing a person off their feet
過言 - exaggeration, slip of the tongue
控室 - waiting room
名誉 - honor, prestige, dignity
愛想笑い - insincere smile
手のひらを返す - to flipflop, change one’s attitude abruptly
同然 - just like, no different from
気張る - to strain or exert oneself, to go all out
間口 - width, breadth
ガラクタ - junk, garbage, odds and ends
秘蔵 - treasuring, holding dear, cherishing
儲ける - to profit, earn
そそくさ - hurriedly, in haste
小僧 - youngster, young (shop-)boy
見張る - stand watch
居候 - freeloader
気違い - madman, freak
服従 - obedience, submission
取り寄せる - to order, have something sent to one
もうけ口 - profitable job, way to make a fast buck
ありつく - to get, obtain, come by
策略 - scheme, tactic
銚子 - sake decanter
感服 - admiration, impressed
賞讃 - praise, admiration
畳鰯 - sheet of dried sardines
か細い - thin, skinny, fragile, delicate
張り合い - competition, rivalry, feeling that something is worth the effort, motivation
心掛け - mental attitude, way of thinking
改心 - conversion, reform
逃腰 - ready to flee
当惑 - bewilderment, embarrassed, confused, perplexed
ていさい - outward appearance
後になって - afterwards, some time later
五里霧中 - totally at a loss, mystified, bewildered
生半可 - superficial, half-hearted, shallow
たとい・たとえ - even if, no matter how
頸をちぢめる - to duck one’s head
千尋 - great depth, bottomless
箇所 - place, area
揺蕩う・たゆとう - to drift about, sway to and fro, flutter, waver
左記 - undermentioned (statement), the following
まさしく - surely, certainly
いたたまらない - unable to stay / endure, feel like running away
性癖 - disposition, inclination, idiosyncrasy
卑しめる - to demean, despise, treat with contempt
興ざめる - spoil the fun, loss of interest, damper
奉仕 - altruism
大いに - very much, greatly, considerably
乗ずる - to take advantage of, follow blindly
したためる - to write (a letter), draw up (a document), take notes
もみほぐす - to massage
往来 - coming and going, traffic, socializing
神曲 - divide comedy (dante)
生臭い - smelling bloody / fishy, degenerate, depraved
うごめく - wriggle, squirm
誇張 - exaggeration
心細い - disheartening
落ちぶれる - fall low, be ruined, reduced to poverty
ひがみ - bias, prejudice, inferiority complex
鼻緒 - sandal strap
ちゃっかり - shrewd, smart, calculating
綴じ糸 - binding thread
総 - tuft, fringe, tassel, bunch, cluster
角を立てる - to exacerbate the situation, make worse, aggravate
目に角を立てる - to look angrily at
孝行 - filial piety
恐縮 - feeling much obliged
豪気 - great, grand
つましい - thrifty, frugal, economical
見せつける - show off
狼狽 - confusion, dismay, panic
塗り箸 - lacquered chopsticks
失敬 - leaving, saying goodbye
急転 - sudden change
活気付く - liven up, become animated / active
めかけ - mistress, concubine
奴凧 - kite shaped like an edo-period footman
うなされる - cry out in one’s sleep in anguish from a nightmare
傑作 - masterpiece
逸品 - masterpiece, rare beauty
償う - to compensate, make up for
形容 - describe, express, quantify
ちらつく - flicker, glimmer, fall lightly
空転 - going in circles
煩悶 - agony, anguish
いっそう - even more
おだてる - to flatter, sweet talk
一向に - completely
念じる - wish / pray for silently
工夫 - devising a way, thinking up, figuring out
仕末 - course of events, outcome (usually bad)
男まさり - (of a woman) strong-minded, spirited, manly
取り計らい - arrangement, manage, deal with
天下晴れて - right and proper, legal
心細い - helpless, forlorn
拘る・こだわる - to be picky / fussy about
押しのける - push aside
笞 - whip, lash, scourge
にわか - sudden, abrupt
虻 - horse-fly
色魔 - sex maniac, seducer
クソ度胸 - daredevil courage, foolhardiness
世渡り - making a living
ボロが出る - having one’s faults exposed / secrets blown
俗諺 - popular saying, proverb
触らぬ神に祟りなし - let sleeping dogs lie
怜悧狡猾 - cunning, crafty, shrewd
処生訓 - guiding motto for one’s life
遵奉 - obeying, observing, following
弔詞 - message of condolence
仕末 - management, dealing with
立ち合う - to be matched against
月下氷人 - matchmaker, go-in-between
もっともらしい顔 - dignified, solemn expression
女道楽 - womanizing, debauchery
葬る - bury, cover up
汝・なんじ - thou, you (archaic)
怪奇 - bizarre, weird
悪辣 - crafty, vicious, sharp
古狸 - schemer, old fox, veteran
妖婆 - hag, old woman
去来 - recurring, coming and going
〜ではなかろうか - is it not so?
お守り・おもり - babysitting, looking after
歴然 - evident, plain, obvious
亜流 - inferior imitator, copycat
和尚 - priestly teacher, monk
せっかち - hasty, rushed
やけくそ - desperate
三流 - third-rate
のろのろ - slowly, sluggishly
運筆 - brush strokes
酒代 - drink money, alcohol expenses
吸い取る - suck up, squeeze (money)
くよくよ - to fret, brood, fuss, worry over
ゆくて - one’s way / path
ひきがえる - toad
のそのそ - slowly, sluggishly
無頼漢 - ruffian, scoundrel
窮す - hard pressed, at a loss
襦袢 - undershirt (under kimono)
つつましい - modest, humble, quiet
寝そべる - to lie sprawled, stretch oneself out
服従 - obedience, submission
しっぺがえし - retaliating tit for tat
大義名分 - duty to one’s country, just cause
際限 - limits
亭主 - head of household
走り使い - errand runner
甚だ - very, greatly, extremely
銭湯 - public bathhouse
禿頭 - baldness
省線 - railway line
疥癬 - scabies
さなだ虫 - tapeworm
失明 - going blind, blindness
迷信 - superstition
黙殺 - ignoring, disregarding
たちまち - immediately, right away
俵 - counter for bags / sacks
節約 - economize, saving up
鼻をかむ - blow one’s nose
空費 - waste, wastefulness
低能 - low intelligence
つたない - poor quality, crude, unskillful
挿入 - insert, incorporate
かなぐりすてる - abandon, fling / throw off, cast aside
大それた - outrageous, wild
荒涼 - desolate, bleak, dreary
祟る - to curse, cause a bad result
屁をひる - to fart
切っ尖 - point of a sword / verbal attack
いかなる - any kind of, whatsoever
叡智 - wisdom, intelligence
浮世 - this fleeting world, life
負わす - to impose
情欲 - passion, lust
授ける - to grant, teach, confer
思案 - careful thought, consideration
果てもない - fleeting, transient
ポッチリ - very slightly, a little
自転 - rotation
公転 - revolution
反転 - rolling over, turning around
至る所 - everywhere, all throughout
至高 - supreme, sublime, highest
異端者 - heathen, heretic, nonconformist
聖経 - bible
処女 - virgin, maiden
八重歯 - double / protruding tooth
憎悪 - hatred
微醺 - slight intoxication
玉杯 - jade cup
悪びれずに - calmly, with composure, without fear
貞操観念 - sense of virtue
手当て - medical treatment
しみじみ - keenly, calmly, fixedly
不具者 - crippled, disabled person
モボ・モガ - “modern boy / girl” japanese who follow westernized fashion
ゲンマン - pinky promise
てんで - (not) at all, completely, entirely
夕陽 - setting sun
かつぐ - to deceive, play tricks
感傷 - sentimental
滝 - waterfall
義侠心 - chivalrous spirit
おっかなびっくり - fearfully, timidly, gingerly
内縁 - de-facto marriage
鉢 - bowl, flowerpot
分別くさい - prudent-looking
女史 - lady of a high social status
(顎で)しゃくる - to jerk (one’s chin)
あからさま - candid, plain, frank
背負ってる・しょってる - be conceited, stuck up
忘れかける - to start forgetting
怪鳥 - eerie mysterious bird (monster)
嘴 - beak, bill
ちまた - street, the public
旧交 - old friendship
よれよれ - wrinkly, old
質入 - to pawn off
納涼 - escaping the heat to enjoy the cool breeze (by the river, etc.)
宴 - banquet, feast + 張る - to hold a party
談ずる - discuss
落第 - failure, falling short
然り - to be so
言下 - promptly
断然 - firmly, flatly, definitely (wrong)
牧師 - pastor
すみれ - violet
牡丹 - tree peony
画題 - subject, theme, motif, title
おさと - one’s parents’ home, upbringing
琵琶 - japanese lute
臓物 - entrails, tripe, offal
恥辱 - disgrace, shame
屍 - corpse
鬼刑事 - crack detective
威厳 - dignity, majestic, commanding
ヤソ - jesus christ
道楽 - pastime, hobby, debauchery
牢屋 - jail
検分 - inspection, examination
ろれつが廻らない - speaking inarticulately (slurring words)
相通じる - to be / have in common
氷炭相容れず - completely different in nature and totally incompatible like ice and (charcoal) fire
青みどろ - algae forming pond scum
殺気立つ - seething with anger, murderous, menacing
杉 - japanese cedar
木立 - cluster of trees
四の五の言わず - without complaining (about this or that) / arguing, with good grace
共鳴 - sympathy, resonance
失敬 - leaving, saying goodbye
清々しい・すがすがしい - refreshing
一顰一笑 - one’s mood / caprice
目のやり場 - place to look esp when averting gaze
人妻 - married woman
哉 - how!, alas!, what!
四方八方 - in all directions
お小言・おこごと - scold, telling off
所有 - one’s possession, ownership
春画 - japanese erotic woodblock art
愛撫 - physical intimacy, cuddling
レッテル - label
もっぱら - wholly, exclusively, devotedly
過失 - accident, negligence
うわごと - talking in delirium, incoherent muttering
年の暮れ - year end
形容 - description, expression, quantification
だらしない - sloven, sloppy, weak, feeble
おぼろげ - faint, feeble
やらかす - to do (something negative)
悠長 - leisurely, easygoing
心境 - state of mind, mental state
ドテラ - padded kimono
帰京 - returning home to tokyo
喀血 - coughing up blood
童女 - (young) girl
慕う - to yearn / long for
よろめく - stagger, stumble
アル中 - alcoholism
テーベ - TB, tuberculosis
酒浸り - daily / binge-drinking
未亡人 - widow
中風 - paralysis
造血剤 - blood-producing medicine
錠剤 - pill, tablet, lozenge
ジアスターゼ - diastase, amylase to breakdown starches
はにかみ - bashfulness, shyness
能弁家 - orator
珍妙 - queer, odd, fantastic
趣向 - plan, idea
はかどる - make good progress, move right ahead with work
思い知る - to realize
あぐらをかく - sit cross-legged
唯々諾々 - obediently, submissively
鄭重 - polite, courteous, hospitable
静養 - convalescent rest
白々しい - hollow, barefaced, shameless
廃人 - cripple, disabled person
格子 - lattice, window bars
胃潰瘍 - stomach ulcer
しでかす - to make a mess of, be guilty of
腑抜ける - lose one’s energy, be cowardly
張り合い - competition, rivalry
茅屋 - thatched cottage
カルモチン - calmotin (sedative)
お使い - errand, mission
気に留める - pay attention to
湯たんぽ - hot water bottle
阿鼻叫喚 - agonizing cries, pandemonium
おぼしき - seeming to be, appearing as
疎開 - evacuation (to the country)
某 - certain, one
空襲 - air-raid, air-strike
がたぴし - with a crack / rattle, noisily
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hecticstuff · 7 months
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