#❣️ — morgan !
redrosesif · 1 year
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It's kind of crazy just how fast your life can turn upside down.
After the death of your father and a yearlong break from school, you finally decide to go back only to find that everything isn't quite what it seems to be. Your friends — your family? Not at all who you thought they were. In fact, you aren't even the person you thought you were.
In this new environment, you discover parts of yourself and your town that you never could have thought to be true. You find that there are secrets hidden so deep in this town — in your family, that with everything you thought you knew, you realize you didn't really know anything.
As you learn more about the town, school, and people around you, you find that you're learning more about yourself and who you could or might have been had things been different. Had your entire life not been a lie.
Content Includes: Language, Death, Violence, Alcohol Consumption, Discrimination
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✦ Customize your appearance, pronouns, and personality, and even decide how you'll navigate this new world. Will you jump right in, excited to explore everything? Will you take it one step at a time, weary of every twist and turn? Or will you take over, making this new world you've discovered yours? ✦ Build up your skills and knowledge as you discover more about your new school and the town you thought you knew. ✦ Romance a lineup of 7 love interests along with a few side romances. Not your thing? That's fine! Work on your friendships with the characters to unlock friendship-specific routes. ✦ Make the big decision: Will you make your own path and repair your family legacy? Or will you be the person everyone expects you to be and tear the town apart with your own two hands?
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✦ Romanceable Characters
— Dylan Choi [ he / him or she / her ] ✦ THE EX / BEST FRIEND.
[ ♡ Choose your history with Dylan. Are they your ex-best friend? Or the one that got away? Will you work to fix things or leave it all in the past? ]
— Morgan Fairgrove [ he / him or she / her ] ✦ THE BEST FRIEND.
[ ♡ Choose your feelings for Morgan. Are they strictly your person, your best friend, and your other half? Or have you realized that maybe you want to be more? ]
— Ash Halloway [ he / him or she / her ] ✦ THE TA.
[ ♡ Will you romance your cute TA? Or will you keep things professional between the two of you despite the stolen glances and soft smiles? ]
— Luke / Luna Morales [ he / him or she / her ] ✦ THE ENEMY.
[ ♡ Decide how to respond to their unprovoked anger. Will you give in and return the hostility? Or will you put in the extra work to get to know them and why they refuse to get close to you? ]
— Javi Garcia [ he / him ] ✦ THE PERFECTIONIST.
[ ♡ Will you take the time to get to know Javi and all his great qualities? Or will you see him as nothing more than his biggest flaw just like everyone else? ]
— Brooke Ross [ she / her ] ✦ MISS POPULAR.
[ ♡ Decide whether or not to get close to the person everyone wants to be with in one way or another. Will you get to know the version of herself that no one gets to see? Or will you just be another person fighting for her attention?
— June Hawthorne [ he / him ] ✦ THE MYSTERIOUS SWEETHEART.
[ ♡ Will you dig a little deeper to get closer to the seemingly perfect sweetheart? Or will you fall for the act he puts up just as many have before? ]
✦ Other Characters
— Ryder Colten [ they / them | side romance ] ✦ — Sabrina Marshal [ she / her | side romance ] ✦ — Ricky Welsh [ he / him | side romance ] ✦ — Devon Ross [ he / they ] ✦ — Marina Scotts [ she / her ] ✦ — Jared Helling [ he / him ] ✦
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💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 - @sapphirehearteyes
Ilu Morgan 🥰
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sinterblackwell · 1 year
guys listen to this:
Where to start?
Did I dig up the foundations of the earth,
or did I try to harness the moon?
Gather treasures and pile them at his feet?
I didn’t know what to do,
didn’t even have a shred of a clue.
All I had was my hockey stick and my two hands, but,
by God,
I was going to—
- morgan waxing literal poetry about shea in tal bauer’s the rest of the story
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awakenmiamor · 4 months
“Im a wanted man”
“Im not a good man i kill people”
I am sooo hard.
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
hi lia! i don’t know if you write for spencer but i was wondering how he would unpack the trauma after the prison. he struggled so much with his image and i imagine it would be hard for him to see himself how he used to and how the reader could even love him 🥺❣️
i do write for him, love. thank you so much for asking, this is very rushed but it was so so sweet <3 😙
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spencer was standing in front of the mirror, currently struggling to compose himself. his cheeks were sucked in as he analysed every single thing about himself. the hollowness of his face, the dark eye bags, the unruly hair, he wasn't sleeping as well these past couple nights. prison had thrown him for a whirlwind he didn't think he'd ever recover from, cat addams had scarred him more deeply than he ever could've anticipated. she had done the one thing that broke him, made him see himself for who he was.
a monster, a killer.
she had ruined him. he didn't know who he was, it felt like he woke up in the body of a stranger. and every day he was trying to find his purpose but it became lost in the hurricane of his thoughts. each one a dagger to his heart, questioning his morals and his sincerity as a person. all he could think about was how horrible he was, how much you deserved a better partner. one that could provide you with all the things he couldn't. how could you love such a horrible person?
under the weight of all these thoughts and his shame, his knees collapsed to the floor. his brows creased with a frown unable to stop his mind, his tears tracking down his cheeks rapidly. you entered the room in shock, seeing your partner a shell of the person he used to be. and it ached your heart, knowing that you couldn't help relieve this infliction.
"hey, are you oka?-" you began but he cut you off shaking his head. his face was covered, with embarrassment or anger you didn't know.
"i'm-i'm fine, just fine" he dismisses you but you don't listen, coming closer.
"i told you i'm fine!" he snaps and you look at him, seeing nothing but a broken little boy clinging to the pieces to try to make himself whole again. to try to make some sense of the chaos all around him. and it pained you that he couldn't let you in.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to shout i.... she's right. cat. just look me y/n...." the words have failed him and he wipes his eyes but the tears have their own mind. slowly he felt himself spiralling down the rabbit hole he forbade himself from entering. cat had done so much damage than he cared to let on, he thought he was strong enough to handle it. he should have been. hotch had been giving lingering looks all day like he knew something as wrong but he didn't say anything, morgan and jj were trying to get him to speak but he refused. he was fine, he had to be fine. he wasn't going to let cat win this round. he wasn't going to let cat have the last laugh, he was better than that. he'd rise to her challenge and beat her at her own game.
but the niggling voice of doubt constantly berated him, every move was flooded with doubt. every decision had him questioning whether it was the right one. he woke up in cold sweats constantly plagued by the horrific abuse in prison, he didn't think there was ever going to be an end to this misery.
and then there was you, his beautiful partner. you deserved more than he could've ever give you, you deserved to be with someone that wasn't as broken as he was. and he didn't want to but maybe it was easier letting you go, though even that thought was enough to make him unravel.
"you are so beautiful to me, do you know that?" your voice shakes him put of his poisonous thoughts and he looks at you agape, as if you had said the most preposterous thing on earth.
but you gingerly sit beside him, brushing a few stray curls away from his forehead. taking his bigger warm hands between your own, you look at the man who has your heart wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know
"i'm.... what?" his own words are so soft, he didn't even think you had heart. the blood roared over his ears, his heart thundering beneath his chest he feared it would rip through the skin. your heart breaks when you see how much pain he's carrying, his eyes full with his anguish. you gently wipe them away, holding his stubbled face between your warm hands. tracing his skin with the pads of your thumbs, tilting his jaw so he was eye to eye with you.
"you are perfect to me, spencer. i love you, more than you think. more than i even know. you didn't deserve anything that happened to you but baby, you don't have to go though it alone. let me in, please" with a gentle press of your lips against his forehead, he holds you close against his chest. his frame shakes with the sobs he's trying but failing to reel back.
you hold him tight, kissing his head, hoping that he could feel the outpouring love you held only for him. that no matter what, cat would never win this round. you'd help spencer overcome this battle, side by side until he was okay again. it wasn't going to be easy but it didn't matter, you loved this man more than words could ever describe.
he deserved a life full of peace and happiness and you'd do anything to make that a reality
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stephschoices · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day ❣️ here's a few of my mcs x their li's from different games with poses from here ~!
- Pepe x Jade ( @inkandlaces-if ) | Dima x Este ( @pavedinashes-if ) - Felix x Indigo ( @pavedinashes-if ) | Sparks x Beatrix ( @pavedinashes-if ) - Rolan x Naraina (bg3) | Ikaron x Solaris (bg3) - Iliya x Sunhi ( @barbwritesstuff ) | Kalan x Sage ( @kalorphic ) - Thorne x Irelia ( @indeepertidesif ) | Morgan x Cyra ( @theunseelieif )
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
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Hi my name is Cal. I love HOTD/Bucky/fandom✨
About me: I’m a current psych major, part-time fruit chopper, Gecko mother always. One recovering alcoholic of 2 years, please feel free to reach out if you struggle or are in the same boat!!! White ass bitch from the Southeast US but will pester you with cultural questions.
I love sexy blonde Incest bitches, incel knight, and unstable metal armed man. Writing started as my sober hobby now I’ve been gifted 2% Latina!
ASOIAF/HOTD/GOT (Targaryens n Velaryons🦚, Criston🦚, Harwin Strong, Robb, Jon, Jaime)
Note: I do NOT write for Daemon or Luke
I write for marvel (Bucky🦚, Zemo, Marc Spector, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock)
The Last Of Us (Tommy Miller🦚 and Joel Miller)
Seb Stan Characters: (Lee Bodecker🦚, Charles Blackwood, Steve Kemp, Lance Tucker)
Rdr2 (Arthur Morgan & John Marston)
Ask Box‼️: Open (check list)
Short headcanons ❌
Blurbs ❌
Questions ✅
Shitposting ✅
Silly edits ✅
Fic length one-shots ❌
Taglist❣️: Comment here (no it’s not a threat…unless?)
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Into: M/F, M/M, fem dom, pegging, sex in any position, bdsm (light), breeding kink, man tears, angst, drunk sex, switching, actually non-smut things, daddy kink
Nope: F/F (I’m really bad at writing it and cursed to be really into dicks), literally just ask me!! Dead dove and niche kinks aren’t really an issue unless it’s like gory or stanky
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Smut 🍐 || Angst 🟢|| SFW 💚 || Dead dove🔫|| Fluff🐼 || Master ✨
Kink Bingo - Done!
Au Bingo - indefinite hiatus :(
***More of it is on my Ao3 linked in my bio :)
Bucky Barnes
“You’re my mission!”✨
Baron Helmut Zemo
The Call Girl🍐🐼
No Conviction - Criston Cole x Aegon II🍐🟢🔫
Aegon II Targaryen
"You Do Know How The Act Is Done, Don't You?"✨
Ser Criston Cole
“Do You Want Me To Kill Him?”✨
Related Characters
Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Little Slice o’ Heaven🍐🐼
Dirty Talk🍐🐼
Lee Bodecker (Devil All The Time)
You can be my daddy🍐🐼
Western AU🍐🐼
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
God of what? 🍐
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 days
If you enjoy: historical period dramas where there's a masquerade ball, (Indonesian) jazz & rock music, 60s vibes – 80s music, slow dancing type thing, unrequited and/or toxic slow burn hurt/comfort romances, the global economy, stock market crash history, the business book™ 'psychology of money: timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness' by morgan housel, the great gatsby, or the terrifyingly human ordeal of being known, (and just social commentary music in general), please ‼️🌹, Give it a listen ;3 maybe you'll even add another song to your yuriful/yaoiful playlist !! 🎻🎼🎺🎶🎵🎷🎸🎹🎧🥁
Tag List 🌟 of my silly griends (sillybestest realest epicest friends who are dedicated to the grind (my sillyness)) I've been bothering abt toxic doomed workplace yaoi under the cut;
🥰🫶 my strongest karja soldiers: @orb-eez , @the-bitter-ocean , @thereallycoolmonsterithoughtup / @isitsafetodrinktherainwater32 , @bi-hop , @danganphobia , @orca-iguana , @paroxysmaljune , @apple8ees , @soulful-roses , @cringefailfagcat , @kittycowboy / @raaindropps , @datfearlessfangirl (hii its non english songs my pal...), @dandyseedlings , @doodlesketchgirl , @indihome-suck , @tmoblrina , @jasmine-throne , @coffeewolf54 , @anthonynotgreen 🌹💐🥀 thanks for being super real forever 💞🙏🫶✨
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losttjournals · 1 year
Bradley & Colin's Movies/Series🤌
I've watched and my favorites (Top5)
Colin Morgan
1) Merlin❣️ 🤌 2) The Happy Prince
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3) Testament of Youth 4) Benjamin
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5) The Fall
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Bradley James
1) Merlin❣️🤌 2) Damien
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3) iZombie 4)UW:Blood Wars
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5) Fast Girls
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CR:Owner💐 No time to make gifs for so many videos😞
Bonuses are here no more gifs;)
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outlawwithaheart · 1 year
Outlaw's Masterlist :)
Asks open :) Feel free to ask for Headcannons, or oneshots! I do fluff, or smut (I don't write anything violent, if you want specifics you can ask anonymously if you want <3)
Arthur Morgan💗
General Relationship Headcannons (pt. 1)
General Relationship Headcannons (pt. 2)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Charles Smith💕
General Relationship Headcannons
NSFW Headcannons
Charles x Reader Oneshot (GN! Reader)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Charles x Virgin! Reader (NSFW HCs)
Micah Bell💛
Micah x Reader (Oneshot)
Micah during pregnancy, and as a father (HCs)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Javier Escuella💜
Javier Escuella Relationship Headcannons
Javier Escuella Fluff Headcannons
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Sean MacGuire
Sean MacGuire General Relationship HCs
Modern! Sean x Reader (smut, oneshot)
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Hosea Matthews ❣️
Hosea as a Dad to a Young Adult!Reader (HCs)
Kerian Duffy💕💗💕💗💕
General Headcannons for Keiran
Bill Williamson 💙
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
Dutch Van Der Linde ❤️
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
John Marston🖤
How Clingy are the RDR2 Boys? (HCs)
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bombshelllblonde · 11 months
me: :’(
arthur morgan: 🩷💋🦋🌈👄💕😍😘❤️🥰💜😍 okay!! my girl 🩵 !!!!! ❤️😘😍🥰💕♥️💙💜💗🖤💛💖💞💚❣️🧡💘💝💌💟🤎🤍🩶🩷🩵
me: :’)
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redrosesif · 11 months
ro reaction to mc asking if they’d still love them as a worm?
Dylan: The answer is no but they wouldn’t admit that. “Of…course? I mean I hate worms more than anything but… yeah.” Hates worms but loves MC enough to pretend not to?
Morgan: probably asked the mc that first. “MC… would you still love me if I was a worm? Before you answer you should know that my answer is yes, yes I would still love you if you were a worm.”
Ash: “What…?” “It’s a simple question — would you still love me if I was a worm?” “…I’m so confused right now.” Would probably go on to explain why this would never even happen so there’s no need for him then answer.
Lu: “No.” “No?!” “No I would not love you if you were a worm… What are you so mad about you will literally never be a worm?”
Javi: ???? “What possessed you to even ask me that?” “That doesn’t really answer my question.” “I don’t think you want me to answer your question.” The answer is no.
Brooke: “Of course I would! I’d still love you even if you were a frog, a bee, a fish… I might even still love you if you were a spider.” … “You’d still love me if I were a worm… right?”
June: “yes.” “yes?” “yeah. worms are great. and i’m sure you’d be the cutest worm out there.” proceeds to talk about how great worms are and how he’d still wholeheartedly love mc even as a worm.
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
hiya! are u gonna post any cm fics soon? i think a while back u said u had two waiting 2 be posted and ive been so eager to read 1 lol but i was js hoping u r gonna have 1 out soon i hope i dont sound rude or anything by me askin! ❣️
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Authors note: Comes in two parts because I wrote too much again, sorry! ♥ The second part is coming out this evening because I have to go to university now and I'm already late anyway.
Summary: You never thought you'd end up with the person you've had feelings for since day one. But it happened, and in that time, you learned more about yourself than you had in all your years on Earth. She swore to you that from now on she would always be by your side, but as fate would have it, it took her away from you and instead of a wedding, there was only a funeral service.
The sound of the wind rattling against the window of your cold bedroom had jolted you out of your thoughts. A short gust of wind passed through the small room in your apartment, the door of which was opened briefly and let you froze, a cold shiver pattering down your back.
With your eyes closed, you listened to the howling and whistling- it was not uncomfortable and you had gotten used to it in the last few lonely weeks. The apartment no longer felt like home during these several long and painful days.
You cocked your head to the side, your gaze wandering to the figure standing tightly in the doorway, not moving an inch from their firm stand. You were sure, through your teary vision, that it was JJ; she had promised that she would come to you earlier and would be with you so that you were not alone.
Sighing, you turned back to the window, staring out at the gray and overcast weather; appropriate for this day. Morgan and Garcia would definitely show up soon, too. You smiled at the thought of the blonde urging Morgan to get up earlier than necessary-if they could get any sleep at all but it passed quickly as your thoughts fell back to your murdered fiancee.
"So this is how it ends, huh?" you whispered, your voice thick from the many tears that you had last cried into the pillow. "You fall in love, do not think you will ever get together with that person but it happens and then they are just..gone? Just ripped out of your heart and life like that?" you snapped your fingers to reinforce your statement, more tears welling up in your eyes.
The blonde moved a little closer to you, her arms wrapped gently around your waist while her head lolled on your shoulder. JJ´s hand sauntered down your arm to your hand, her fingers dancing on the back of your hand before your fingers tangled and she gripped it tightly. Tears streamed down your thin face and you pressed your lips together to stifle a sob.
"Sometimes, it is the course of life" she said quietly and pulled you with her onto the nearby bed, holding you comfortingly in her arms and catching your tears as they fell, wordless and unhindered.
Jennifer knew you had more to deal with than she or any of Emily Prentiss´s friends. Today, however, would take you a first step in the right direction to process what happened and to accept the grief. She was happy that you were willing to put the past to rest and process the loss of your fiancee by attempting her funeral.
After last meeting you, you had been going through a rough time. Closing yourself off from the team and her, even quitting your job. It was almost unbearable for the blonde to see you so devastated and desperate with no doubt certain that you would not set a foot into the graveyard.
She knew how you felt, having already buried many of her own people, and yet she was glad to think that she could catch you when you fell after her best friends death, just like JJ promised the raven haired woman before her passing.
The clouds hung darker and lower in the sky than they were a few minutes ago, largely reflecting your mood and emotions. Jennifer slowly turned her head to look at your sunken and sallow face, then sighed. "Are you ready?"
"I will never be ready for that, so we should just do it" JJ nodded in agreement. She knew you were right, could imagine how difficult this was for you. But she was sure that you would make up your mind afterwards and would feel better, relieved.
You would be able to wrap up, process your grief, after several long weeks of missing her. And you would always have a place to go whenever you felt like talking to her.
Grabbing the blondes hand tightly and squeezing it briefly, you both stood up at the same time and left the small room. Downstairs, everyone of your team already waited for you. The whole team was looking at you expectantly, Penelope already stretching her arms out to you in an uncertain gesture.
Clearing your throat, you broke away from the blonde and took a deep breath before falling into her arms. "My Sugarplum," gentle kisses graced your cheek while warm arms wrapped around you tightly, finger faintly drawing traces on your back. "Thank you for being here, I-"
Garcia gently placed a finger on your dry lips and shook her head; you did not have to keep talking, it was natural for everyone to support you. With a nod in understanding of her gesture, she solicitous wrapped an arm around your waist while JJ´s fingers interlaced with yours once again.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
on a cheerier note, shoutout to céline’s double take at morgane’s outfit 😄😏 il lui en faut peu pour oublier ses problèmes avec le préfet… (while we’re at it, prayer circle she dumps fachoman sooner than later, c’est la saison des ruptures anyway 🕯️)
let’s also note it’s the outfit morgane shows up in at the date/debrief debacle. bourge coinços vibes much? 👀 loved how out of sync they were, adam was trying SO hard and morgane just couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on 😂😂 (meanwhile, ranir hovering around them, tu crois qu’il avait été briefé sur Le Date™ ? they weren’t seated at the usual table, iirc 🧐) ahh. the way they don’t fit together… delicious. without a case to fall back on they’re completely lost!!
Idk, I’m just a sucker for the contrast between the glimpses of vulnerability they let on and their general uselessness on the day-to-day. something about the miscommunications being trumped by a deep trust, yknow? 🥹 (and I kinda loved how they talked about ~décryptage. it has a blorbo débrief ring to it)
when morgane comes for adam’s help… gaaah. 🥲❣️ (the music had me think we’d get les démons 2.0, tbh) best interaction of the ep. and then she backs out because she doesn’t want to be a burden????? sign me up for that sweet sweet angst!!!! 😱 followed by "vous avez pleuré ?"--😭😭😭❤️💔 pfiou, my hearttt ⚰️ we need more of this healthy gut-wrenching stuff, don’t we? (ils nous doivent bien ça 🥲)
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of this, the good & the bad. thx for reading and bye til next time! 👋💖
Lololol, I love how Céline like... freezes whenever she sees a co-worker presenting unusually. Be it Adam without a beard or Morgane in fancy clothes, it never ceases to amuse me 😅 But yea, Céliane vibes all the way 🤗
Also let's not forget how Adam's eyes were falling out of their sockets when he saw Morgane climbing off the car (in his defense, she does look amazing in his clothes lol), so it's very likely that he really enjoyed that she came to the date in her "bourge coinços V2" outfit, this man probably has a kink and now I can't stop imagining the kind of roleplay they'd be into if they were a couple 🙈
The date was SO fun!!!! I've said this before, but a few months ago I had this idea of a disastrous date fic about them, and I just LOVE that the show went this way, it was just SO them, the out-of-sync-ness, le malaise absolu, "et sinon vous êtes allée au cinéma ?", "Ninja Warrior, c'est japonais ?", somebody puts them out of their misery already 😅😅😅, the fact that they only get their chemistry back as soon as they talk shop... Ranir awkwardly standing in front of the table after bringing the wine (btw, "Ranir, le Languedoc s'il te plaît", is it me or did they imply that Adam knows all of Ranir's wines list? This man takes ONE glass of wine at a housewarming and now he's a patented alcoholic I'm losing my mind here) was HILARIOUS, as was Morgane cheering with him out of despair 😆 Also I can't help thinking that Ranir has seen Adam bring all his dates here, he must bet with himself on how many times he'll see this one again, c'est sa télénovela à lui lol!
And I'm with you on the contrast between the deep connection they share, but also their absolute incompatibility regarding mundane things, that's the kind of stuff we want in this house!! 🥹🥹 The décryptage argument was a great moment too, especially when lit up with Morgane's bad faith (but also Adam's inability to call a date a date lol), ambulant disasters 😅
But also. I love SO MUCH that he tries again. He asked her out on a date, it was a complete mess and it would be easy to give up, but he doesn't. And he asks her out again because he believes in them while I turn into a puddle of goo 🫠🫠
Finally finally, Morgane knocking at Adam's door... 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Gah indeed! Bonus point for the implication that Adam listens to love songs while eating dinner alone 🤣 but the simple fact that she comes to him. And he lets her in without even protesting. And he SEES THAT SHE CRIED AND HE WON'T TAKE HER BULLSHIT ABOUT THE RAIN AND SHE'LL QUIETLY ADMIT IT AH BAH OUAIS EN FAIT IL PLEUT PAS -> we were THIS CLOSE to Morgane openly admitting to him that she cried and ugh, my heart 😭❤️
And then cue the case-solving where Adam BLATANTLY is only thinking about kissing Morgane, and they work her way (🥹) and end up in a post-orgasmic haze (it's been two episodes in a row where the final resolution sounds like they're having/just had sex, just saying) where he ASKS HER OUT AGAIN BE STILL MY BEATING HEART ⚰️⚰️
All of this was such a great scene altogether and I agree with you, we need more of this gut-wrenching angst of Morgane taking bad decisions not to be a burden and actually making things worse 😈 Something tells me 308 will deliver in that regard...😏
I honestly can't wish you a happy finale-watch for reasons that I've mentioned too many times already, but when the time comes I'll be happy to hear your thought if you have any. Stay strong, and see you on the other side anon 😘🫂
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strawbubbysugar · 4 months
Ok I really want to know more about Morgan and Monty
❣️ - What are their love languages?
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
Morgan: Being playfully mean. Calling you dumb, etc. physical touch is also big for them. They like to bite. They also like to lean against you and put their weight on you.
Rush: makes fun of you, while helping you the second you ask for it. Sometimes even before you ask. Quality time is big for him. If you looked like you were struggling with something for even a second he’d be over there helping you with it, but he’d also be teasing you for it
Morgan: being vulnerable. Any time they get soft they get really embarrassed and need to cover it up by being extra snippy or rude
Rush: the fact that he isn’t as advanced as the other bots. He’s huge, but he isn’t as strong or as durable. His size comes from how many mechanisms are needed to make him work, and a lot of them are fairly testy.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Morgan: they really appreciate touch. Like a lot. Holding their hand or like brushing a strand of hair back, or just touching their arm to show them something. If they don’t know you well enough for that though the fastest way to get on their good side is to make fun of someone with them. Like people watching and making jokes about someone’s dumb outfit etc
Rush: likes it when people treat him like he’s important and strong, pretty cliche for a guy like him. He likes feeling dependable and reliable. If you come up to him and ask him to like open a jar for you he’ll very much enjoy that
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1634archive · 1 year
1634archive navigation
disclaimer: i’ve edited none of these pics beyond removing the gettyimages (or other stock site) watermark , and i don’t own them obviously. they’re as the photographers edited/posted them, and i’ve copied and pasted the legitimate captions from the site entries as a way to provide the context and allow you to go back and find the source image if you’re interested. i’ve also weeded out some pics that felt redundant or lower quality, but other than that, the entire 1.1k+ photos tagged with mitch marner and auston matthews from getty are posted on this blog, as well as a couple hundred from other sites like usa today and the canadian press. i will try to continue to update this as seasons go on as well. the tagging system is listed below! enjoy!!
first and foremost: for randomized fun, click this or the ‘random’ link in the bio to get your 1634 pic of the day 
tagging system:
if you’re looking for a specific date, the posts are tagged as ‘mm.dd.yy’ (i.e. april 10, 2021 is tagged as ‘04.10.21’) (yes, the american way, it’s habit)
if you’re looking for a specific leafs player that isn’t auston or mitch, they’re tagged by just their last names (i.e. william nylander is tagged as ‘nylander’). 
if you’re looking for a specific opponent, they’re tagged by just team name, not location (i.e. pittsburgh penguins are just tagged as ‘penguins’).
pro tip: if you’re wanting to search multiple tags on mobile or on the desktop blog, just put a comma between them in the search bar (i.e. if you want photos of 1634 with morgan rielly from the year 2019, search ‘rielly, 2019′)
arrival (fit pics/walk in)
handshake (hallway pre game)
anthem (post warmup pre game)
game (all in-game)
bench (anything near bench)
locker room
fans (any pic where fans are framed prominently)
my own personal favorite pics
16-17 centennial classic
all star game
2021 blue vs white intersquad game
any specialty/warmup/third jersey games
22-23 heritage classic
non-hockey events
most common photographers:
mark blinch (our lord and savior)
kevin sousa
claus andersen
andre ringuette
julian avram
andrew lahodynskyj
steve russell
list of less occurring/non-leaf photographers here.
some of the other most common leafs:
morgan rielly
william nylander
john tavares
michael bunting
justin holl
tj brodie
if there are any other specifics someone would like tagged, feel free to shoot me a message on this blog or my main. i’ll be revisiting and tweaking this blog lots in the future (potentially making it more than just a picture archive but we’ll see), and i’m not opposed to retagging for certain things that would be helpful to all the web-weavers and narrative tellers out there. 
hope a single other soul gets some use out of this! ❣️❣️❣️
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