#› A MANDALORIAN &. A JEDI ‹ sabine wren
azertyrobaz · 9 months
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Never underestimate a Mandalorian.
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sambrin · 5 days
i love when mandalorians are like "hi this is my jedi!"
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providence-park · 9 months
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witchersfromkadath · 8 months
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Time to share my Shin Hati art I really loved Ahsoka series
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oliveoomph · 8 months
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Sabine Wren vs Shin Hati
Ahsoka Part Four: Fallen Jedi | Part Seven: Dreams and Madness
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oftenlyshitposting · 8 months
*ezra and sabine sibling-arguing heatedly*
shin: ...what's going on?
ahsoka: entertainment
hera: more like repeated history, i say
shin: what? what do you mean?
jacen: they're doing the 2nd mandalorian-jedi war
ezra & sabine: ENOUGH OF THAT JOKE
shin: you're right, 'soka, it is entertainment
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inafieldofstarflowers · 8 months
I think my biggest problem right now is that the way Sabine’s story progressed and ended made enough sense for Ahsoka Sabine, but feels deeply unfitting for Rebels Sabine, not in a “she’s changed and grown since then” way but in a “this is a different character” way, and I think a lot of that is centered on the decision to make her a jedi.
From her first appearance in Rebels, Sabine is competent, strong-willed, and determined to fight for what she believes is right. As we go through the show, we learn more about where that came from. It’s pretty clear that she considers the Ghost crew family, and that she found new hope and meaning in working with them, as well as that her Mandalorian heritage is a huge part of how she was shaped into the person she is. Furthermore, we see that she’s driven by the need to make amends for her past mistakes, to protect her loved ones where she previously helped put them in danger, albeit without intending to.
When Kanan trains Sabine with the Darksaber, we see that it doesn’t work well for her to train exactly like a Jedi, because she’s not using the saber as a Jedi, she’s using it as a Mandalorian. It is another weapon in her arsenal and, more importantly, a symbol that she can use to help bring her people together—and she uses it to do so.
Sabine’s arc is so cool and so special to me because her path as both a character and a member of the rebellion are just as important as Ezra’s: she is given depth and interests, and the fact that she isn’t a Jedi doesn’t make them worth any less.
A prime example of this is Sabine’s art. It’s a BIG part of her self-expression throughout Rebels. It’s a connection with her family, a way to express herself and commemorate moments, and—in the most Mandalorian move possible—a weapon she uses against the enemy, both symbolically via the symbol of the Rebellion and literally, through the use of explosive spray paint. And sometimes this is played as a joke (think Sabjne painting the bunk crash on Zeb and Ezra’s wall) but it also legitimately comes into play (think Sabine interpreting the mural entrance to the world between worlds or Thrawn commenting on her art).
Rebels Sabine brings so much to the table, and there was so much in her character that could have been explored without making her a Jedi. Not everyone is a Jedi, and it’s good to remember that even heroes can be normal people who stepped up.
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lucas-remoussin · 11 months
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I AM BACK !! And for my return, I give you my latest artwork : Ahsoka & Sabine - Master & Apprentice.
Inpired by the (exciting) second trailer for AHSOKA. I wanted to imagine Sabine Wren in Jedi garb and Ahsoka Tano in her white robes.
Very excited by the potential of Sabine being Ahsoka's "Padawan". It's a huge development for Ahsoka (she didn't even want to train Grogu, last we saw her !!), and it's gonna make me like Sabine even more by proxxy (she looks so cool with the green lightsaber !).
Lemme know what you guys think, and if you can, consider subscribing to my Patreon to support me and my art/storytelling : patreon.com/user?u=93774041
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moonbasetycho · 8 months
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Helmets seen on Ahsoka
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azertyrobaz · 9 months
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Historically, there have been very few Mandalorians who ever became a Jedi.
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fellthemarvelous · 3 months
Not to be divisive in the SW fandom (like that's hard), but I love Sabine's journey as the next Mandalorian Jedi.
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It doesn't matter that she doesn't have a high M-count. Not all of the Inquisitors had high M-counts either but they were still able to control the Force.
Sabine's M-count is under 7,000, which is 20,000+ less than Anakin Skywalker's was at the height of his power. And after he fell to the Dark Side and lost the duel with Obi-Wan, his M-count decreased significantly, but he was still powerful (he allowed his fear and his pain and his anger and his hatred to control his actions).
Sabine was able to wield the dark saber, and that's not an easy task. It took many frustrating hours of training with Kanan and Ezra, and she had to face her fears before she was able to connect with it.
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Remember, Mando struggled with the dark saber and accidentally hurt himself pretty badly in the process. He couldn't connect with it and it's why he was not able to fight with it.
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Sabine went back to Mandalore to try and reconnect with her family, to get them to join the Rebellion.
After Gar Saxon got hold of the dark saber, Sabine took him on (a man more than twice her age) with Ezra's lightsaber, and she defeated him.
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At that moment, instead of choosing the Mandalorian way and killing him, she chose to follow the way of the Jedi and allowed him to live (be taken prisoner). Not surprisingly, he tried to shoot her instead of submitting but took a blaster shot to the heart from Sabine's mother for his troubles.
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But this is the moment her family chose to follow her into battle to free her father from Imperial prison.
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Sabine wasn't interested in ruling over Mandalore, and it's why she gave the dark saber to Bo-Katan in the end while she chose to return with the rebels to continue fighting against the Empire.
And when Ezra chose to surrender to the Empire on Lothal, he left his lightsaber with Chopper who gave it to Sabine the moment that Lothal was free. He left it behind for her to use because she already knew how to fight with it.
She fought alongside Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka during the Rebellion.
Hera even told her she was starting to sound like a Jedi at one point.
It doesn't matter that she's not naturally attuned to the Force the way the other Jedi are. George Lucas has said that anyone can be a Jedi because the Force resides in all living things. Obi-Wan Kenobi has been telling us this since 1977 when A New Hope came out.
Kanan emphasized this when he was training Sabine with the dark saber.
Sabine comes from a culture of highly skilled warriors who are the ancient enemy of the Jedi, but if one Mandalorian was able to find balance between his Mandalorian ways and the ways of the Jedi, then why can't Sabine?
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Yes, it's a challenge for her, but she doesn't let it stop her from trying anyway. We should be cheering on the fact that she was finally able to use it instead of being annoyed that she was able to do it in the final episode of Ahsoka. We saw a fraction of her training and it wasn't like Ahsoka hadn't been working on training her years before that.
And now that Ahsoka has been able to face her own fears, she is finally able to be the master that Sabine needs.
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Sabine is now stranded on a planet where the Mortis gods are carved into the mountainsides, in a different galaxy with Huyang and Ahsoka, the one who carries the life force of the Daughter inside of her.
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Sabine cracked the code on the painting in the Jedi Temple on Lothal that allowed Ezra to open the portal to the World Between Worlds.
Maybe it's just me, but I think Star Wars Rebels was hinting at her following the path of the Jedi all along.
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alexversenaberrie · 6 months
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Mandalorian Jedi Sabine Wren
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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inquisitor-apologist · 11 months
All the problems in the Mandalorian could’ve been solved if Sabine had kept the Darksaber
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korzuan · 9 months
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The Path
"A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They'll never see it coming." - Din Djarin (The Mandalorian - S2: Ep 5 Chapter 13: The Jedi).
Star Wars Characters (C) Lucasfilm/ Disney Artwork (c) Korzuan
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oftenlyshitposting · 8 months
i think it's gonna be so funny if eventually somehow, ahsoka 'tired master' tano and sabine 'chaotic padawan' wren meets with din 'no clue' djarin and his little weird green force wielding baby din grogu
like their (somewhat) children are perfect venn diagrams; sabine as a mandalorian jedi padawan, and grogu as former padawan now mandalorian apprentice, and they're both force users (to a degree)
i think din would look at sabine, look at ahsoka, and would have so many questions
din: that is your apprentice?
ahsoka: that's mine
din: you refused to take grogu as your apprentice, but took this chaotic mandalorian instead? really?
ahsoka: it is what it is
*sabine parrying a strike with her vambraces before striking with a lightsaber and her blasters*
din, impressed: yeah okay, i see why now
ahsoka, proud: yep
ahsoka: what happened to the darksaber?
bo-katan: unfortunately, it was broken mid-duel
sabine: you wielded the darksaber again?
bo-katan: yeah, din won it from moff gideon
sabine: that's cool, for me i had to find and retrieve it from a nightsister witch cave
din: ...you found the darksaber? when?
sabine: when i was a rebel
ahsoka: she wielded it to fight the imperials
sabine: yeah, but i gave it to lady kryze after that
bo-katan: yes...?
din: *is now more confused than ever*
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