pangur-and-grim · 29 days
they’re keeping Grim for a second night, though she has started eating again! (even if just a little bit)
Pangur hasn’t improved, but they want me to keep her overnight to give the meds time to kick in. if she’s still not eating tomorrow, she’ll be admitted for supportive care.
the diagnosis for these two is still pancreatitis, brought on by the stress of a new kitten, the stress of my neighbour doing extremely loud roofing work for multiple days, and the stolen mouthfuls of kitten food.
Belphegor, meanwhile, is in perfect health but doesn’t understand why I’m not playing with him as much today.
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direquail · 5 months
I think what bothers me most about how John is talked about in the fandom is the implication that a different (implied: better) person would've done things differently and somehow more right than he did.
When the text goes to lengths to explore how suddenly coming into an incredible amount of power in a fatally constrained situation cannot lead to a good outcome.
If you're putting John in dialogue with the concept of the "magical girl", which Muir has said he is (a little tongue in cheek, but)--these are young, often profoundly unready people, who often get taken advantage of by the people who give them their powers. And like, yes, John is not a teenager, but I think that's part of the point, is that at no point is a person really prepared to become as powerful as he did--even before he merged with Alecto. Even when he was fully in control of his powers, even when they were given with honest intent and trust, even when he used them with the best of intentions and tried to do the right thing, there was no way for him to be prepared, especially given the situation he was in.
And it's funny to talk about how bad John must be in bed, but also, this isn't a scenario where John is some self-deluding Elon Musk-like villain or loser. He is genuinely trying to do the right thing, in terms of rescuing the Earth's population, rescuing the Earth Herself, and doing it ethically (see: M--'s insistence that they perfect the cryo containers until they could transport pregnant women).
I really do think this is something people are blocking out, because it is one of the uncomfortable parts of Muir's message with the series. But ESPECIALLY because the people "critiquing" him as an embodiment of patriarchy and empire are failing to see that part of Muir's critique is of human vulnerability to power: That is, that power corrupts.
And this even has echoes with Gideon & Harrow's story! Harrow begins the series in a deeply unequal dynamic with Gideon! And she does horrible things, not just because she is traumatized, but because she is traumatized and has the power to act her desires out on Gideon. She might have the motive (trauma), but that's not enough without the means (power).
And, yeah, I do have a semi-salty angle on this because people are frequently loath to think critically not just about axes of oppression but individual relationships of power when it applies to them and to people they like. ESPECIALLY when there is a very vocal segment of the fandom that is enthusiastically pro-harassment. It's very convenient to villainize John and actively dis-identify with him, because otherwise, you'd have to face the question of whether you'd do any better in his place. But the thing is, the mission of revenge he embarks on is a lot closer to many peoples' hearts than they'd like to consider.
That's the whole point.
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circuscountdowns · 27 days
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someone asked for au crumbs - here’s their first meeting in person
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artist-issues · 9 months
I also would like people to give more appreciation to the great thematic unity in all of The Lord of the Rings. The idea is “do what good you can with what you are given.” Usually your abilities and your chances seem horribly small, even though your responsibility is so enormous. The minutes, the little decisions, the days, the small towns, the small characters, matter the most. The fate of the whole big world of good and evil and languages and races and heroes and villains all hangs on what’s done by a little scholar and his gardener.
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angeart · 2 months
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something softer this time <3
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shoku-and-awe · 3 months
OKAY YES this is absolutely asinine and I know it, but also it made me literally whoop out loud and scare my dog so here you go!
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The fucking Toden, baby! Why yes, I AM an adorable tram(p) that roams suburban Arakawa, hurtling back and forth between Rocco's Pizza in Oji and my beloved dinky shitamachi neighborhood at mindbending speeds in excess of 13 km/h! I miss those days! I miss the incessant dinging noise. I miss the elderly passengers and their tiny overstimulated grandchildren and all the advertisements for enka singers and medical clinics. Constantly getting passed by mamacharis and loving every minute.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I love trans people whose transness means that their sexuality is complex. I love trans people who adopt contradictory labels. I love transmasculine people who still have ties to old lesbian spaces and transfeminine people who still have ties to gay spaces (even if they themselves aren't lesbian or gay). I love trans people whose dysphoria has put them at a place where they don't want to engage with any type of sexuality. I love trans people who are confused, unsure, or questioning. I love trans people who toe the lines of queerness. I love trans people who are unapologetically embracing their sexualities. I love trans people who are working through internalized shame about their sexualities.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 5 months
I will repeat, again, that the whole point of the stabbing scene is 1) because it's funny, 2) because it's pirate-y, and 3) because Ed badly wants to ask Stede to hold him and isn't able to because he doesn't know how to ask for tenderness from another man, so he formulates a scenario centered around a violent game just so he can be touched and that also, incidentally, winds up saving Stede's life. And the thing he remembers from that moment is that Stede was concerned for him.
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This, BTW, in an episode that clearly develops Ed's complicated and very damaged relationship to his own capacity for violence and his desire for gentleness that he's never been able to experience or embrace. He becomes safer and safer with Stede because Stede is not a man who considers violence sexual or gets a thrill out of harming Ed.
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attackoneyebrows · 2 years
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there's no timeline on coming out.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
Voyager's obsession with every female character being a mother either literally or metaphorically is so dire like even SESKA got pregnant. Someone put a planned parenthood in the Delta Quadrant PLEASE. Someone start handing out condoms, this is an EMERGENCY.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 16 days
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"You're so small, Shimura can hold you in one arm?!?"
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vii-doodles · 1 month
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Made this (as 1 of 2) own DTIYS for reaching 500 followers on Instagram 🥹🫶❤️
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spookberry · 8 months
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Unnecessarily Complex Fit
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fluentisonus · 2 years
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thinking about them (the birds on catullus manuscript o)
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inspiredlivingspaces · 10 months
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IG beckiowens
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roryhastoomanyfandoms · 11 months
There are many interpretations of the. Miguel and Gabriella and Miguel situation ans ALL OF THEM ARE GREAT but like...have my 2 cents...just hear me out...
Miguel in canon is an asshole in a major way largely because of his abusive upbringing, getting Eldest Daughtered from a young age trying to take care of his younger brother and protect him from George's violence and Conchata's...indifference/contempt? And he starts getting better once he becomes Spiderman, or at least starts thinking more about the consequences of his actions, and what the people in his life mean to him (shit still goes bad because his comics are insane)
If dad!Miguel never became Spiderman...it's honestly pretty likely he doesn't have that bit of growth and honestly, wouldn't have been a great dad. Not abusive, but I can imagine him being kind of absent and kinda emotionally neglectful, seeing how Miguels everywhere are prone to distancing themselves. Miguel also can't keep a relationship, either by breaking up or Spiderman Branded Widowing, so Gabriella wouldn't have had a consistent mother figure.
Alright, so, Gabriella, here, is being raised by a dad with so much baggage and the belief that its better to just keep her away from it (ei, keep her away from him), no real mom/mom is always changing because of Miguel's turbulent love life, maybe her uncle (depending on. Stuff) and maybe her grandma (depending heavily on Stuff). This is a fragile environment that does love her, but ultimately the adults in her life have too much shit going on themselves to effectively tend to her and her needs, especially as she becomes a tween
But our Miguel.
Our Miguel has every reason to love her wholly and unapologetically. Because he has done some very questionable things to have this child, and he treasures every goddamn second. This is a privilege he has comprised his morals for, and he isn't taking it for granted like Gabriella's actual father.
Meanwhile, Gabriella's dad fucking vanishes one night and the guy who shows up looking close enough to fool adults, he's everything she wanted from her dad. He doesn't raise his voice, doesn't get curt. He doesn't have a new girlfriend every other month. He doesn't have this tense, confused look in his eye whenever he looks at her. The guilt is still there, but it's something else. Its not her dad not knowing how to be better. She doesn't know what it is, but has suspicions.
Her papa looks at her like he's finally figured out how to feel about her, like she's finally stopped being another responsibility or chore to tend to. This one loves her even when she needs help with homework, even when she gets in trouble at school, evening when puberty hormones make her temperamental.
Gabriella doesn't know what happened to the first one, and she never finds out. She just knows that there's something...wrong, with the man she calls Papa now, but he loves her the way she always wanted...so it's fine, right?
Miguel, for his part, sees himself teeter towards their parents. Sees himself have the thing he wants so badly, would do anything for, and skirt the line their parents crossed, their whole lives. And then, that other man with his face dies. Maybe someone else, maybe Miguel really did kill himself.
Either way.
A child gets a parent who loves them, a parent gets a child who they can love freely.
So, it's fine, right?
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