#— ; ellie
joliettes · 2 days
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what tf d u mean when u say i’ve gots to keep yearning for her cus she’s not actually real?????
pic in the middle from @/abbystanaccount on x
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tlou-bombshell · 3 days
I've said it all before, but I'll say it again
I'm interested in more than just being your friend
I don't wanna break it, just want it to bend
Do you know how to bend?
do you actually know how to bend or do i have to enchant you with one of my pick-up lines?
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slutt4ellie · 7 hours
Hearts Over Hierarchy
PT4 - Forgiveness Or Farewell
Loser!Ellie x Popular!Reader
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PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3
Do opposites really attract?
Summery - Ellie has the least bit of concern of  rekindling what you broke, and on the other hand you and Emily haven’t talked about what happened.
Warnings -> Miscommunication / THIS CHAPTER IS MESSY NGL. / Sexual themes mentions / Cut off sex 🤨 / Reader is PROBLEMATIC / feelings are heavily disregarded / brief mentions of Skater!Ellie / (Lmk if I missed anything else.)
WC: 5.1k
(Not proofread)
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You’ve tried again and again to get Ellie to talk to you.
She just won’t, she’s blocked your number, has avoided you through campus, and it almost feels like before you knew Ellie.
She just hardly made an acknowledgment she even fucking existed. And that you hated.
Because now since Ellie’s entered your life, picturing her not in it seemed impossible.
And it’s been only a week since Ellie saw you swapping spit with someone you assured her was just your “friend”.
And you genuinely feel like you’re going crazy.
Because if you can’t last a week without her, you don’t know how you’re going to last any longer. It just fucking sucked.
You wanted everything to just sink into the ground and forget any of this happened.
You especially wanted to forget everything that happened with Emily.
Despite you saying you were going to talk to Emily you haven’t got around to it.
Not because you didn’t want to, but the night after the party she had family stuff she had to do. It was planned before everything between the two of you happened, so it couldn’t be avoided.
At least that’s what she’s been telling you.
You’ve texted her a lot, it feels like a parallel with you and Ellie almost, you guys both haven’t discussed what you are, or what is even happening between you two but again it seems oddly romantic.
And that’s just through texting.
Another thing that you’ve been blocking is what happened the night of the party. The one where you and Emily kissed. The drive home was almost silent. Just you and Emily reminiscing in silence both trying to figure out what the fuck happened.
But what unfolded once you reached inside the comforts and privacy of the sorority was something you could have probably gone without.
Because not only did you and Emily kiss once you reached inside, but it resulted in you waking up in her bed.
So yeah. You fucked up.
You’re whole life seems like it’s been thrown for a curveball and you’re just desperately trying to have it be stable.
You don’t know what you want right now.
Or more so who you want.
Emily’s been there for so long of your life, and do you really want to break that simply because you can’t choose between her or Ellie.
You just can’t wrap your head around why it felt like the kiss between you two was something that had to happen, rather than you wanting it to happen. The same when you guys slept together.
Every time you kissed Ellie you didn’t once feel obligated.
So with that knowledge the answer should be easy?
With one person you feel forced, and compelled, and with the second person it feels almost natural.
Fuck if only it was that easy.
After thinking for a solid 5 seconds you decided to make a split decision, that sulking in bed for any longer then you already had wasn’t going to settle anything.
So you groaned as you lifted your body getting a good glance at your bedroom.
Ellie’s skateboard.
Right! She left it in your car after that night.
All you have to do is give it back? You know where her dorm is.
That can give you two a proper chance of actually talking, no Emily, no one near you two. Just you and Ellie.
All you can hope is that she’ll hear you out. That’s all you need.
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So that’s what you did.
You put on some clothes looking a bit overly dressed for a simple return of a skateboard but you wanted to look nice…for yourself..?
Because this really isn’t about Ellie finding you attractive it’s about her forgiving you, maybe even rebuilding a possible friendship.
At least that’s what you hoped.
Because as soon as you got out of your car 10 minutes off campus you see the student dorms.
It’s been a little bit since you’ve been to Ellie’s dorm but you had it memorized. So it really didn’t take long.
Because soon you were faced with her door.
It should be as simple as just knocking, but you’re choked up.
Which is weird because you never usually feel yourself get extremely nervous, while interacting with a girl.
But It’s not really just a girl.
It’s Ellie.
You look at her skateboard and quickly remind as to why you’re actually here.
And with that you knock.
It didn’t take long till you were hearing a trail of footsteps coming from the opposite side of the door.
A voice who’s is not Ellie’s saying “I’ll get it El..”
Fuck- fuck is she with a girl right now?
Now you’re wondering why you even came here because is Ellie hooking up with someone? and your looking fucking desperate on the other end with a stupid skateboard and a shitty apology.
But no. Ellie wasn’t hooking up with someone.
It was just Dina.
Dina was the first to hear about what transpired that night. She knows because Ellie called her immediately after the matter.
She was sobbing and her voice was incoherent.
Just a shit ton of hiccups and desperate attempts to get back air she was losing due to your actions. She was really on the brim of a full blown panic attack but some how she managed to keep that factor under wraps.
Dina pulled up a good 5 minutes after, she wasn’t stupid and knew something happened, but she just didn’t except the site which she pulled up on.
Ellie was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk head deep in her palms fully sobbing.
She hated how she was crying because of you.
It made her feel dumb that you got her in a position that resembled a toddler getting told no.
Either way once she felt a hand on her shoulder and Dina’s voice coming through soft she knew it was over.
Because then more tears were coming through and she stood up with the intent to get into Dina’s car. Try to ignore the awkward question.
Basically just not trying to talk or let the thought of you flow freely through her mind any longer.
“Ellie..?” Dina hugs her softly.
Ellie’s arms wrap out Dina instantly and her head goes deep in her shoulder.
A attempt to hide the fact she was bawling. Which was not thought through, yet did give Ellie comfort.
“What happened.” Dina says pulling back to wipe Ellie’s tears.
Ellie just shakes her head and let’s out a out of breath. “Her..”
There’s only one “her” Dina thought of and it was you.
And yet she didn’t know the story at that moment it’s all she needed to hear that you were cut out of Ellie’s life.
Because not once in their 10+ years of friendship has she ever seen Ellie like that.
Ellie’s had meltdowns, like literally everyone in her life. But even when Cat broke up with Ellie her girlfriend of a year she didn’t have a reaction like this one.
She didn’t completely understand what you could have done to get Ellie in this position but she knows it has to be bad.
“You need to leave.” Dina says, her eyes seem mad and directed to you.
“I just want to talk.? Please.” You beg out desperately.
“Leave.” Dina shakes her head once again.
“I have her skateboard..” You hold out allowing Dina’s gaze to trail off of you and onto the skateboard.
Dina reaches out her palm. A flat surface so you can easily give it to her.
“D-dina can I just talk to her..?” You ask again. Not yet handing the skateboard to her.
Dina’s wants to laugh in your face, because it’s ironic how you ended up kissing someone, yet you’re outside acting like you could cry.
“Are you fucking joking?” Dina says now stepping out of the dorm shutting the door gently trying not to have Ellie assume somethings happening.
“W-what?” You say.
And now Dina does laugh, making you feel like an idiot for even coming.
“You weren’t the fucking one who picked up Ellie after she saw you!-” Dina emphasized on the you by pushing her finger right in the middle of your collarbone. “Fucking kissing Emily or whatever the fuck her name is!”
“I know-I know I fucked up.” You shake your head.
“Is that supposed to offer comfort?” Dina says.
“But it’s not like that?!” You try, but it goes ignored by Dina.
“Are you trying to justify it or some shit?” Dina says.
“W-what no!” You shake your head really fast.
“I’m not! I know what I did- was insanely fucked up! And if I could take it back I would?” You say.
“Well you can’t.” Dina says.
“Stop trying?” She continues.
“Just leave Ellie alone. It’s over and you made that decision..” Dina sighs out.
You look her up and down. Trying to think of anything so Dina won’t walk out just yet.
“..You block me or her?” You spit out nervously. You really don’t know why you’re asking that. It just feels like you should try to talk as much as you can. Maybe Dina will see you actually do care.
“Does it matter?” Dina rubs her hand down her face, a result of being annoyed by you.
“Yeah?” You look up at her.
“Me.” Dina says shaking her head.
“You’re not good for her.” Dina says looking at you.
“I’ve never seen Ellie like that before.” Dina try’s to explain.
She doesn’t like you, or thinks you deserve any sort of explanation, but she thinks you do deserve to realize how much you actually did hurt Ellie.
“As in.?” You questioned.
“It doesn’t matter.” Dina shakes her head slowly going back to Ellie’s dorm door.
“It does!?” You say desperately. About to get another word out.
But both of you gazes are turned at the door when you hear a click signalling it opened.
Ellie has a grey hoodie and baggy jeans on. Her eyes are red.
You know she’s been crying.
Before seeing you in front of Dina’s body she talks. “Dina why are you just fucking out her-“
Ellie gets her voice cut off because she’s looking at you.
Her frown comes back, and her eyes are glossy once again.
You don’t say anything, neither does Dina, and obviously Ellie.
So now the whole hallway is filled with a shit ton of awkward silence..
Dina decides to break it first.
“I was just sending her off.” Dina says turning to look at Ellie.
Ellie hardly responds her gaze pierced on the floor. “Ah..”
“Can we talk?” You say and Dina sighs, she knows Ellie’s going to say yes..
Ever since Ellie sobered up and her anger partially subsided she wanted to reach out to you first.
Dina told her nothing good is going to come from it, and since your number was now blocked on Ellie’s phone she couldn’t really so much.
Dina’s been glued to Ellie’s side so it made it impossible to even see you.
“Yeah.” Ellie immediately responds before looking at Dina.
“I’ll be fine.” She offers a comforting smile.
Dina groans but nods, she knows she can’t fight it. Because Ellie seems to stick to things when her minds focused on it.
So she complied telling Ellie she’ll grab the two of them some food.
And soon you’re in Ellie’s dorm, somewhere where you haven’t been in about 2 weeks.
“S-sorry it’s messy.” Ellie finally pulls down her hood sitting on the edge of her single bed..
“It-it’s fine really..”
Ellie out of nervousness subconsciously start’s fidgeting with her two fingers before spitting out some that feels like fire on her tongue.
“Are you and Emily dating..” Ellie clears her throat as tears again are brewing.
“No.” You say fast shaking you head.
As you feel a singular tear fall down your left cheek you wipe it off. Ellie notices and looks at you.
“I-I don’t even know why I kissed her.” You say.
Ellie doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t want to forgive you, she just doesn’t really want to see you crying, despite the state you had her in a week ago.
“Okay..” Ellie says.
“I don’t know what you want me to do with that information.” It came out cold, but right now she couldn’t act like she was happy.
“I’m not waiting for you to fucking figure out who you want.” Ellie says having you quickly cut her off.
“It’s not like that?” You shake your head.
“Mhm..” Ellie sighs.
“Did you guys-“ Ellie starts but you cut her off.
“Ellie?..” You don’t want to answer it, because the only thing you could reply with would be the truth. That being yes.
“It’s literally a yes or no question.” Ellie presses.
But when no response comes from you, she got her answer.
“Dina was right- you should just leave.”
“Ellie-“ You sigh out.
“No you need to leave.” She says standing up. Clearly her throat so her voice appears as more full.
“I-I can’t..” You say looking at her also standing up.
“Please just leave.” Ellie looks down now tearing up. Her walls feel like their crumbling all over again. The last thing she wants to do is cry in front of you.
You hesitantly move your hand to her cheek.
Ellie’s eyes close and she leans into your touch.
“Do you like me.” Ellie ask.
“Yes..” You say not hesitating.
“Do you like her.” Ellie ask.
“Ellie she’s my best friend.” You say.
Ellie sighs and pulls back opening her eyes. The lights again were just turned on. “Yeah well she clearly fucking loves you?”
Ellie feels like she’s growing crazy the more she talks to you. It’s like everyone but you sees it.
“Dina’s my best friend and i’ve never wanted to make out with her?! Fuck let alone sleep with her!?” She says.
“You don’t get it Ellie!” You yell.
“Then fucking explaining dude!” Ellie yells back.
“Am I a fucking joke to you?” Ellie ask.
“What..” You say looking at her.
“Am I a FUCKING joke.” Ellie yells right in your face. Something that you’re unfortunately getting used to..
Neither of you willing to admit that yelling about it isn’t going to fix shit.
After a long pause you finally talk.
“Would you be my friend if I hypothetically started dating Emily.” You say it like your tired. And to be fair you are.
Ellie doesn’t respond, she just looks down embarrassed. Her anger fading.
Because no.
She wouldn’t be.
And you know she wouldn’t be. Just by the fact Ellie’s eyes can’t meet yours and her teeth are slotted in her bottom lip are a clear sign she wouldn’t be.
Her mannerisms made that clear.
“Exactly.” You say.
“I doubt Emily would want to be friends either.” You clear your throat.
Ellie looks at you.
She doesn’t know what to do, because now she’s currently feeling multiple emotions. It feels like everything is flowing through her mind and she can’t control it.
That she hates.
Because she doesn’t like feeling anger when she looks at you. It’s shitty.
So she takes a step forward and literally just hugs you.
You instantly wrap your arms around Ellie falling into her embrace which grants you in warmth. It’s been a bit since you’ve guys been physical but it wasn’t off.
I guess something you didn’t anticipate is the light kiss on your forehead which followed. But either way you didn’t mention it. It’s literally only been a week and before everything went down with Emily you and Ellie were obviously often being physically. That including kissing.
So even though she hasn’t kissed you in awhile the kiss to your head wasn’t shocking.
“I would never make you pick.” Ellie sighs pulling back.
“Y-you know that.” Ellie smiles lightly. It’s more to comfort you. Because even though she doesn’t want to make you pick she doesn’t want to face you with someone else.
“I just- I don’t think I could be your friend if you dated her.” She looks down.
“And that’s not even fucking supposed to persuade you. I just- like couldn’t.” Ellie says her arms still wrapped around you.
Yours eyes met and it feels again like you again, have a decision. She moves her hand to your cheek and tucks a strand behind your ear.
Ellie’s eyes glance to your lips and she internally leans in.
You also lean in.
You don’t really know who kissed who. But once your lips met the two of you both started making out hungrily.
There was little pants as Ellie’s lips moved to the side of your lips, meeting your jaw, then neck. She sucks accompanied with a bite which is going to leave a mark. You know that and she does too, that being the reason Ellie why she even felt the need to leave a hickey..
She wanted it to be known.
“Fuck..” Ellie pants out moving the both of you to the bed sliding off her hoodie in the process.
It doesn’t take long till Ellie’s pressed on top of you refusing to break the kiss.
Her hands slip on the hoodie out of pure nervousness but she eventually gets it off.
It leaves her in just her sports while she’s desperately trying not to break the kiss between you two.
Your hands hastily find Ellie’s jean button and you don’t waste time to unbutton them..
While her jean button is getting undone her hands go under your shirt squeezing your boobs, again still not breaking the kiss.
It happened fast, because the moment went from making out to your hand inside Ellie’s jeans cuffing get pussy.
As you’re rubbing light circles on Ellie’s clit feeling the wetness through her boxers there’s a consecutive number of knocks.
Ellie’s whole face turns red and she starts to pull back from you as your remove you hand from her jeans.
You guys are both just silently looking at each other wondering if there really was a knock. Or if it was your mind playing tri-
There’s another knock and Dina’s voice talks. “Yo- can one of you grab the door my hands are full”
Ellie scrambles and helps you off the bed first before standing up and buckling back up her jeans.
She watches you slowly walk to the door straightening you clothes in the process.
As you walk to her dorm door you see Ellie’s now back in her grey hoodie giving a signal you can open the door.
Even though you can you hesitate having your hand shadow the door handle, hesitating to open it.
But after swallowing a big chunk of air you do. You see Dina’s gaze travel back and forth between you and Ellie.
Based on Ellie’s flushed cheeks, and how she’s purposefully avoiding Dina’s gaze, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that’s the fuck was happening.
Or what was going to happen?
“You two were gonna fuck!” Dina accuses putting the food on Ellie’s studying table.
“W-what no!” Ellie shakes her head nervously.
“W-we weren’t!” Ellie talks.
“I was gone for like 13 minutes??” Dina then turns to look directly at you.
“Fuck Ellie you fold so fast?” Dina groans.
“No I don’t??” Ellie says embarrassed walking towards Dina falling right beside you.
“Yeah sure you don’t?” Dina looks back at Ellie rolling her eyes.
“So you two didn’t kiss?” Dina questions tilting her head.
Ellie just groans and grabs your hand out of instinct, again like always she doesn’t really think. She just does it.
“You’re so weird?.” Ellie sighs.
Dina nods and rolls her eyes. “You two literally were about to fuck after I was home for like 5 minutes, but you know! i’m weird..” Dina mutters.
“We weren’t!” Ellie says putting her head in her free hand.
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Emily was coming back to the sorority today. And you were nervous.
And if you’re being honest with yourself that was an understatement, you didn’t know what the fuck to do.
It was late and you’ve been staring at your ceiling for what feels like a few hours.
After you and Ellie kissed, you decided to stay the night. Where you guys did end up sleeping together..
And the rest of that night was filled with kissing, cuddling, staying in each others arms all night, and a few hickeys which you now needed to cover.
But then again after that moment with Ellie it became ultimately clear that with Ellie it wasn’t forced..
And with Emily it was.
You hated yourself for feeling that way and there’s a part of you that wishes maybe those feelings could be reciprocated.
Because then everything would be easy.
But no.
You’ve only ever seen Emily as a friend.
And that’s something you had to face.
So when you hear the door open and the other girls greeting Emily you knew she was back.
And you knew you had to talk to her,
As much as you wanted to run away.
You had to..You had to face an awkward ass conversation.
So reluctantly that’s what you did, you turned over getting off your bed, putting on some makeup to cover the few hickeys, and sucked up any nervous feelings, making your way down the stairs.
It didn’t take long till your eyes meeting blue ones.
That’s when the guilt struck. Because you haven’t told Emily what the fuck happened while she was gone, and it’s dawning that you again led another person on. It was Ellie first and now her.
Emily smiles and walks to the end of the stairs where you were coming down.
“Hey!” Emily says hugging you.
“Hi..!” You’re arms wrapped around Emily as she hug you, the thing was you couldn’t hide that your voice was off. Having Emily pick up on it.
Like she always done.
“What’s up.?” Emily uses one hand to cuff your cheek.
“Can we talk.” You clear your throat.
Emily nods and smiles trying to cover her nervousness.
She didn’t understand what could have happened to have you want to talk to her immediately?
“Yeah..course..!” Emily frowns then covers it quickly plastering on an obvious fake smile.
Which you ignored.
With that you and Emily trail to your bedroom.
Once the door is closed Emily sits on your bed and you’re nervously looking down on her.
“W-what’s up?” Emily says.
You look at her for a few seconds. You don’t know how to say it? How to tell her that just a few days after you left you and Ellie kissed? Then slept together.
“I-Em i’m so sorry..” You tear up.
“What..?” Emily frowns again.
Emily stands up and holds your cheeks.
She’s obviously still oblivious, she’s not sure what could have happened to have to freak out so fast?
“What happened..” Emily kisses your nose.
You close your eyes and finally spit out the words that were longing on your tongue..
“Emily me and Ellie we-“
Emily doesn’t even let you finish you sentence before she pulls back.
“Emily..” You reach out and she looks at her.
“I’m not doing this..anymore.” Emily shakes her head tearing up.
You look at her. “Emily you know I love you so much” You nod.
“I just-“ You try to talk.
“You love Ellie..don’t you?” Emily shakes her head running her hand down her face.
“I-I don’t kn-“ You can’t spit it out.
“You guys deserve each other. Don’t worry. You really do.” Emily puts on a fake smile before clearing her throat.
“I’m not gonna fucking beg for your love anymore.” Emily says.
“Emily-“ You try but she just shakes her head.
“It’s fine really.” Emily nods.
“You’ve never begging for my love?” You say again stepping forward which just leads her to step back once again.
“I do love you- you’re my best friend.” You wipes you own tears.
“Exactly!- you don’t fucking..you don’t see me like that. So i’m done” Emily says her voice choking up in the middle.
And it’s true, she was done. She was done.
So now you’re just alone with your thoughts, finally letting it dawn on you what the fuck has happened..
You lost Emily.
The girl who you’ve known for years, left your room on the brink of tears and now it’s starting to feel like you just permanently closed a chapter.
Now no longer being able to open it.
You don’t know what to do. And to be honest that really scares you.
You go back and forth between a decision for a few seconds..
You finally grab your phone out of your pocket, shaky hands and nervousness coursing through your body.
You hesitate to click Ellie’s contact but you do.
Right now you only have one person and that’s her.
Emily was a person you could always go to. whether it be serious or stupid she was always there.
But this time it was about her? And you didn’t know how to handle it without any reassurance.
Leaving Ellie as the next option.
It rang for a few seconds before Ellie’s voice came through. She sounds like she’s been sleeping since you notice a rasp and tired tone.
“Hi?” Ellie says yawning.
“Hi.” Your tone is shaking and you sound like your about to cry. Ellie notices that.
“What’s up?” You can already hear sounds of Ellie standing up probably deciding whether or not you need help or something.
“Where you at?” Ellie questions.
“I’m okay- just wanted to talk?” You don’t want her to go out of her way to come all the way to the  sorority.
Ellie didn’t have a car and it was late. You didn’t want her outside.
“Yeah we can talk when I get there? You just home.?” Ellie ask as you hear shuffles only assuming she was putting on her shoes.
“Ellie-“ You sigh choking back a shit ton of tears.
Even though you didn’t explicitly tell Ellie that you’re home she assumed. She could hear a few girls in the background talking so she just took that as a sign.
Ellie talks again. Opening her dorm room door. “It’s okay i’ll be over in like 10 minutes bab-“
Ellie hung up before she could even finish her sentence and now you’re again left with your thoughts.
And that’s when you finally come to the conclusion.
You’re 100% the problem.
You’ve taken Emily and Ellie’s feelings for granted and it’s showing.
You lost Emily and you’re not exactly sure why Ellie sticks around. It doesn’t feel fair to hold both of them by a thread and it was proven when Emily’s broke.
Now it was only time till Ellie’s did.
At least that’s what you were starting to believe.
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“Baby..” Ellie sighs leaning into hug you. Putting her skateboard to the side.
You can only respond by hugging her back tears now starting to fall.
“What happened?” Ellie ask pulling back and wiping your tears accompanied with light kisses to the nose.
“Emily..you don’t have to worry about her anymore-“ You clear your and rub your eyes.
“I don’t think we’re friends anymore.” You say trying to plaster a fake smile. Causing Ellie to frown.
Ellie could honestly care less if Emily left, it’s the state that she sees your left in which hurts.
Your hands are shaking when they wrap around her, tears are flowing, and the confident tone she can distinct you for, is gone?
It feels like you’re leaving her, pushing back.
“I’m so sorry-“ Ellie try’s but you wave your hand dismissively.
“No-it’s fine. Really.” You say.
“Why’d she leave.” Ellie ask.
“I told her we-“ You start.
Ellie cuts you off with yet another hug. You can feel her shake her head on your shoulder.
She doesn’t need an explanation. She can use context clues to understand why Emily decided to leave.
But that’s when you finally spit it out.
What’s been going through your mind.
“I can’t do this Ellie.”
You look straight at her.
“What do you mean you can’t do this..?” Ellie now ask.
“You need someone who is good for you. Dina said it and she was right..i’m not good for you?..” You say.
“You can’t be serious.” Ellie looks straight at you.
“What-?” You breathlessly sigh.
“I’m not doing this with you again?” Ellie shakes her head.
And when she said that, you assumed she’d leave. Ending two relationships you had in just one night.
Even though on the contrary it seemed like this would be the worst thing to ever happen for you it gave comfort.
Because with no one around you can’t hurt anyone else…hypothetically at least..?
But Ellie doesn’t leave she just keeps going, and now it feels like her mouth and thoughts might just not stop.
Like she can’t control it.
“Why-why can’t you just understand I don’t fucking want anyone else?” Ellie’s at this point was begging.
Begging for you to understand.
“I’ll leave you alone- if you really do want me too.” Ellie says.
“But since we kissed it’s like the only thing I think about.” She needs you to get that she doesn’t want someone else.
She just wants you.
It’s the reason she’s been going through thick and thin for you. She just needs you to understand.
“I love you..?” It sounded more like a question then a statement.
Because Ellie hesitated to say it even though she meant it.
Plus it being the first time Ellie had ever said that to you made the whole situation all that more intense.
Because you don’t know if you can mentally accept the fact you just might love her back.
So you just look at her.
And now Ellie’s embarrassed.
Because never would she ever want you to feel forced to say it? I guess that’s why it hurt when you didn’t say it back.
Because if you’re not forced and you seemed to have no interest in saying it. You really didn’t love her the way she loved you. That hurt?
Because it put into reality you and Ellie truly weren’t on the same page.
That maybe she was imagining it-
Ellie probably didn’t notice that you conflicted gaze turned more into a determined one as she spaced out.
Your lips are suddenly on Ellie’s.
Ellie can only respond by pushing her lips hardly back on yours holding you cheeks not leaving room for her to pull back.
And with that, you finally something that’s been longing.
“I love you too.” You say into her mouth.
That’s all Ellie needed to hear to realize it wasn’t some fling.
You loved her.
And she wasn’t letting that go.
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I literally had zero fucking clue how to end this shit so everything happens extremely fast.
(mainly because I was making the plot as I got to it! 🌚)
BUT! I was gonna do a sad ending where the reader ends up alone so be happy I didn’t stick with that. 🙂
Honestly I was just trying to close off this story so I can put my main focus on Fated Hearts Start With Fire since I have SOO much planned with that 🙏
But I hope you guys enjoyed reading because despite it being ass it is the last one for this series.
(Like and reblogs are always appreciated!)
Taglist : @bready101 @onlinelesbo @amberputh @seraphicsentences @a-little-bit-of-everybody @zoehxnji @graviewaviee @i-feel-violated @elliesexual @macaroni676 @liasxeatt @m4rshm3ll0
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elliesgifs · 2 days
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thatlookback · 1 year
Frank once had to beg for resources just to paint the house and Bill was reluctant because he didn’t understand it.
At the end of their lives, we see Frank’s paintings everywhere, all over their house and town. Which means that he not only was able to get Bill to see the importance of maintaining art and beauty, but that Bill went out of his way to make sure Frank always had paint on hand.
That just goes to show the strength of their love and Bill’s character development. One of the most romantic queer media pieces I’ve ever watched. Beautiful, gutting, perfect.
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moonalumi · 25 days
jackson ellie fucking you with the strap for the first time and you gotta give her a lil pep talk before hand and when her confidence grows it all goes away when she watches your pussy swallow her in and leave it with a layer of slick when she pulls out.
poor ellie’s whining, huffing and puffing as she thrusts causing lil slaps of skin to be heard through the room.
ellie not even be able to stand at the sight of you under her and holding your legs down keeping you spread apart, pussy all exposed in her view.
her cute lil tits bouncing slightly at the occasional hard thrusts she gives you and when you moan a lil louder she’s praising you for taking her so well but she cuts herself off with her own moans from the harness hitting her puffy clit.
“ah- babe fuck i cant-“ ellie whines in your ear.
“cmon ellie baby, know you can last a lil longer for me hm?” you hum and pull her closer to you while scratching her back gently.
the pleasure of the back scratches and her thrusts just tip her over the edge and ellie’s hips stutter and she burrows herself deep into you with her strap and she cums. her slick leaking down her inner thighs
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misserabella · 1 month
hii can u pls do a story with ellie and a fem reader who is a virgin and ellie talks them thru it ? possibly including fingering and her strap bc im currently obsessed w those and anything else ofc :))
what if i don’t wanna stop
female reader x ellie williams
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cw; +18 content, minors dni!, first time for reader, switches reader and ellie, fingering (r and e receiving), oral sex (r and e receiving), making out sessions, dry humping, face fucking (r receiving), hickeys (r and e receiving), strap on sex (r receiving), mentions of scissoring, cursing, praising, dirty talking, begging, teasing, cum eating, playing with cum, mouth fucking (kinda???) (e receiving), multiple orgasms, scratching, hair pulling (both receiving)…
you and ellie had been dating for a couple of months now. and you couldn’t be happier. she was sweet, caring, understanding, intelligent, gentle, beautiful… and really hot.
and it’s because she’s hot that you were here, in her room a friday night, on her lap, tongue swirling around hers as you tug on her auburn hair.
“baby…” she gasped against your lips, her hands gripping your hips, avoiding to touch your naked thighs, since you were only wearing one of her oversized t-shirts she had lent you to sleep on, and you panties.
“mmmh?” you hummed, kissing down her neck, making her sigh and turn her head to the side for you to give you more space.
“we should stop.” she muttered, hissing when she felt you suck and bite on her skin.
“what if i don’t wanna stop?” you whispered on her ear, and ellie’s heart seemed to stop. her green and now widened eyes found yours. your cheeks were flushed, and your lips swollen from all the kissing.
“yeah?” she inquired, her blown out eyes watching as you bit down on your bottom lip and nodded. she groaned. one of her hands coming up to your neck, pulling you in for a searing kiss that made you moan on her mouth. “you don’t know what you do to me.” she muttered, her free hand coming down your chest to grope at your tits. you grounded your hips down on her lap, making her hum.
“ellie. want you to touch me.” you begged. sure. it was your first time. but you knew what you wanted. one of your hands came up to your neck to grab her hand and guide it to your lips. your mouth took her middle and ring finger inside, your tongue twirling and wetting them. you stared into her pretty eyes. “please?”
“take this shit off.” she groaned, pulling at your shirt and helping you push it over your head, flashing her your perky tits and erect in lust nipples. she couldn’t help but whine. “so fucking beautiful…” your back arched when her mouth made contact with your chest, sucking on your nipples and slightly bitting to leave marks that will make you blush tomorrow morning. “you want me to touch you, baby? want me to make you feel good?” you nodded, fingers lacing on her auburn hair. “come on gorgeous, you know that’s not how we ask for things.”
“please ellie, make me feel good, please…” she hummed.
“good girl.” she softly pushed you down onto her bed, crawling on top of you. her thigh was pushing in between your own, the muscle rubbing against your clothed core. “what do you want to do baby? i could do so many things to you…” she kissed your neck, rocking her leg against your throbbing pussy. her head was spiraling. she had thought about this moment so many times, had fucked her pussy to it more than she could admit… “fuck you open with my fingers, use my mouth on you, rub my pussy with yours, fuck you on my cock…” you whimpered at the thought. you wanted it all. she knew. “greedy girl. you can’t get enough, can you? you just want it all…” she chuckled, kneading your breasts and pulling at your nipples. you nodded. “yeah, my needy girl, hm? don’t worry baby i’ll give it to you. but first… let’s get this off of you, hm?” her fingers dipped into your panties, pushing them down your legs. your cheeks were burning at her intense gaze, hungry eyes taking in your soaked folds and puffy clit. “so fucking wet, fuck…” she sighed, and you twitched when one of her fingers glided in between your folds and bumped against your clit. your hips unconsciously pushed against her touch, making her smirk.
you watched as she pushed her finger covered in your slick inside her mouth, slowly getting on her stomach, her breath hitting your folds and inner thighs, making you tremble. “look at her. so fucking pretty. prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen.”
“ellie.” you whined, embarrassed to be so exposed in front of her.
“so fucking desperate for me.” she chuckled, her fingers opening you up, your entrance twitching in need to be filled up. “gotta give her what she wants, hm?” your back arched and your breath hitched in a gasp when you felt her tongue licking a fat strip from your hole to your clit, leaving a wet kiss on it that made you clamp your legs around her head. ellie grunted, her hands coming up to your thighs to pull them open. “come on angel, stay open for me…” you moaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when she went back in between your thighs, your hands pulling at her hair, pulling her closer in need of more. “what is it baby? feels good? like my mouth?” you nodded.
“feels ‘s good.” you cried, whimpering when she harshly sucked on your clit. “fuck!” tears were rimming your eyes. “ellie. ellie…” you moaned her name, making her moan as well at the sweet sound of your pleads. she pulled you closer to her face, burying herself in your sweet slick.
“taste so fucking good.” she groaned, one of her fingers now at your entrance. “gonna push a finger inside, is that okay, baby?” you nodded.
“yes, yes, please…” and she didn’t make you wait. a sigh left your chest at the feeling of fullness, of her finger stretching your slick walls. how had you gone so long without this?
“so warm…” she sighed, kitten licking at your clit, and sucking slightly as she started to thrust in and out of you, wet sounds of your pussy taking her finger filling her room. “you hear that? such a good girl… taking me so well…” you moaned, and a cry left your lips when she curled her finger, hitting that spot in between your gummy walls that had your eyes rolling back. “riiight there, huh?” she curled it again, groaning at the tugging on her locks.
“ellie!” you whimpered as she pushed a second finger in.
“you can take it, babe. i know you can. be a good girl for me, hm?” you nodded. “atta girl.” you moaned, feeling your walls expanding to take her digits, your stomach growing with an impending orgasm as ellie suckled on your clit. “fuck. you sound so good. can’t wait to split you open on my cock.” just the thought of it had you clenching around her fingers and your thighs shaking.
“ellie, i can’t-“ you cried out, feeling your orgasm building up faster and faster.
“what is it, angel? gonna cum? gonna make a mess out of my face?” she smirked, looking up at you through her hooded eyes, sucking on your clit and letting it go with a pop that made you squirm. she was messy with it. spit and slick coating her chin, cheeks and lips. you moaned, nodding, and the pace of her curling fingers only increased. “go ahead. wanna see it drip.”
“i’m cumming!” you whimpered in between moans, screams filling her room as it finally hit you, your ears ringing and vision faltering as she helped you ride it out, licking every last drop of your cum with her tongue, drinking you up until you whined and tugged at her locks due to the overstimulation.
you whined when she pulled her fingers out of you, leaving you empty and needy. “fuck. would you look at that.” there was a pleased smirk on her face as she took in her soaked in creamy white fingers. she caught you staring as well, what made her chuckle. “what is it babe? want a taste?” you nodded, your tongue licking your lips. “why don’t you open up for me then?” she tapped her fingers against your mouth, pushing them inside once you’d followed her orders and making you hum at the tangy essence dripping from her fingertips. you eagerly sucked on them, looking up at her with doe-fucked out eyes that made her groan. “save a little for me.” she whispered as she lowered herself on top of you once again, pushing her tongue inside your mouth along with her fingers.
you hummed, opening your thighs for her to lay in between them, your arms surrounding her neck to pull her closer. ellie moaned when your hands then found their way down her back, nails scratching her until your palms took her ass and pulled from her to grind her against you. she bit down on your lip, a smirk on her face as she stared at you, eagerly sucking on her fingers to play with her. “what is it, hm? one wasn’t enough for you?” you shook your head, pulling her fingers out of your mouth, leaving a kiss on her fingertips.
“want more.” you muttered, making her groan.
“what do you want, huh?” she inquired, kneading your breasts, kissing your neck. she knew how to drive you crazy, how to get you to beg.
“want your cock. please.” her eyebrows raise.
“yeah? my fingers weren’t enough for you baby? you need my cock to stuff you up?” you nodded, making her hum. “why don’t you be good for me and touch yourself a little while i get everything ready, hm? want you stretched out for my dick.” you sighed, watching her get up and start discarding her clothes. two of your fingers plunged inside of your pussy as ellie got rid of her tank top, soft small breasts free for your hungry eyes to take in. next, her sweats, and lastly, her checkered boxers. you gulped and moaned at the sight of her mound’s auburn patch of hair and happy trail. “like what you see, angel?” she chuckled, watching you fuck yourself with hungry eyes. “shit. you’re so fucking hot. got me soaking my boxers.” she sighed, cupping her pussy.
“i’ll clean you up later.” you sighed, and ellie couldn’t help but groan.
“you want to use your tongue on me, pretty girl?” she inquired, taking her strap in between her hands to start buckling it around her hips, the back of it perfectly rubbing her puffy and needy clit. you nodded. “hmm, let’s see if i don’t fuck you dumb enough for you to forget how to use it.”
that promise only made you clench around your fingers, which were completely covered in your slick by the time ellie had found her way back in between your thighs, lube in hand.
“let me see.” she ordered, and you took your fingers out of your pussy with a whine, feeling yourself clenching around nothing. she cursed. “you’re gonna take my cock so well, aren’t you baby?”
“yes, yes… please.” you begged, watching her lube up the silicone before gliding it through your folds. the feeling had your head falling back against the pillows.
“gonna push it in, alright?” you nodded, your legs surrounding her hips as you watched her line the tip up with your entrance. “tell me if it hurts and i’ll stop.” and after another nod, she was thrusting inside. your jaw fell slack at the feeling of your ring of muscles dilating to fit her inside, your gummy walls sucking her in as she slowly pushed more of it inside.
“fuck.” you whimpered, your back arching as one of her hands came down to your clit to draw small circles.
“you’re doing so good for me, baby. such a good girl… how does it feel, hm? how does my cock feel?” your hands came up to her back to dig your nails in, moans falling from your lips.
“more. want more. push it all in.” you pulled from her, and she groaned.
“so fucking greedy.” you let out a choked out scream when she harshly slammed herself inside you to the hilt, hitting your g spot. “this what you wanted?” she inquired as she started to move, thrusting in and out of your wet and squelching cunt. “answer me.”
“yes! yes! feels so good. please don’t stop, ellie. fuck me, fuck me…” you babbled, your whole body tingling in an electricity you couldn’t put into words.
the smell of sex was heavy in the air as she buried her cock inside you over and over again, her lips on your neck and chest sucking new bruises for your skin to remember the exact moment she made you hers.
“pussy so fucking good for my cock. taking me so well.” she moaned, the back of the strap bumping against her own clit. you sounded heavenly, whimpering and moaning as you clutched to her back and shoulders, your legs wide open for her hips. “gonna fuck you dumb baby, gonna fuck you until you forget your own name.” she was babbling, too focused on the feeling of your warm body against hers, of the taste of your salty skin and the harmony of your moans.
“yes, yes, ellie. harder, fuck me harder, please.” you pleaded, screaming when her pace became relentless.
“god, you’re driving me crazy.” she took your hips, pulling you in with every harsh thrust to make her cock reach deeper. it was as if she was drilling it inside of you, messing up your insides. but you couldn’t care, not when it felt this good.
“ellie. i’m gonna cum. i’m gonna cum!” you cried out, your hands coming up to play with your nipples, pinching them and pulling at them, making your back arch and her groan.
“yeah. that’s it. atta girl. play with your tits and soak my cock. cum for me, baby.” the moment it hit you, you swore you could see stars, your pussy gushing on her cock in clenches as waves of pleasure hit you like it’d do on rocks, draining you. by the time you came down from it, ellie had stilled inside you, thumb caressing your cheek as her green eyes stared into your hazy ones. she smiled. “you alright, babe? that was a strong one.” you hummed, pulling her in for a deep kiss that she gladly received, kneading at your hips. “gonna pull out, alright?” you nodded, hissing slightly when she pulled the silicone out of you, her hands making quick work of pulling the strap out of her hips to let it slide to the floor. she’ll clean it later.
ellie laid down beside you, the two of you taking a moment to even out your breaths.
after a few minutes in silence, she got on her side to look at you, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “how do you feel, was that alright?” you smiled, chuckling at her concern.
“it felt amazing ellie. thank you.” you left a soft peck on her lips, making her cheeks slightly flush.
“why are thanking me for, silly?”
“for making me feel so good…” you muttered against her lips, one of your hands trailing down her chest in between her tits, making her skin abrupt in goosebumps and her breath hitch. “so good i can only think about repaying you…” you bit down on your lip, staring up at her.
she gulped. “yeah?”
“hmm-mmmh.” you hummed, slowly pushing her down onto the mattress. “wanna make you feel just as good, ellie.” she sighed as you played with her breasts, experimentally sucking at her hardened and small nipples, softly biting them and gracing them with your teeth. “would you like that?”
“yeah.” she nodded, and you smirked, slowly creeping your way down her body, laying flat on your tummy in between her thighs. “oh god.” she muttered at the feeling of your soft supple lips on her inner thighs, leaving fluttery kisses.
“gonna teach me how to eat you out, ellie?” you inquired, knowing that your filthy words would take a toll on your girlfriend.
“yeah.” she repeated. she seemed to be short on words. cute.
“how should i start?” you asked, leaving a kiss on her mound. your mouth was watering. she was completely soaked, and smelled so good…
“your tongue… use your tongue.” you hummed, smirking when you heard her breath hitch and a curse leave her lips when you made a fat strip up her slicked folds. you moaned at the tasted, savoring every last drop of it.
“like that?” you inquired, giving her another tentative lick, groaning when her fingers laced in your hair to pull.
“yeah. just like that. jesus christ.” you looked so fucking hot lapping at her cunt, it was driving ellie crazy. she had been so close to cumming earlier by the sight of you taking her strap that now she just was completely lost on the feeling of your mouth on her.
you hummed in pleasure. “you taste so good, els.”
ellie could me help but whine, her grip tightening on your hair.
“you like eating my pussy, baby? you like eating this pussy?” you nodded, slurping on her juices as if you were starved. “fuuuuuuck.” her eyes widened and a loud moan left her lips at the sudden intrusion of one of your fingers inside her slick walls. her back arched, her hands pushing you impossibly closer to her core. “don’t stop. god, don’t stop.” you focused on sucking on her clit as you fucked her open with now two of your fingers, curling them like she had and smirking when whimpers would fall off her lips.
“you close, els?” she nodded, biting down on her bottom lip.
“so close, shit. i’m gonna cum.” she cried.
“cum for me. wanna taste it. want you to fill my mouth, ellie. please.”
“yeah? want me to fill your mouth with my cum, baby? make you choke on it?” you hummed, and her hips jerked. “then take it. fuckfuckfuck, take it.” she groaned, fucking herself against your face and fingers as moans and grunts left her lips, cumming all over your mouth, cheeks and chin.
you whimpered at the taste, the white creamy essence filling your mouth as you fucked her through it, her little sounds heavenly to your ears.
as she came down from it, ellie found herself panting, her heart pounding on her chest as he tried to pace her breathing.
“holy fuck.” she chuckled as you pulled your fingers from her cunt, dipping them in between your lips to lick them clean. “come here.” she said, hosting you up her body to press a kiss to your lips. you could taste yourself on her spit, just as she could taste herself on yours. it was the perfect mix.
“was i good?” you inquired, gracing her cheek as her eyebrows arched.
“‘were you good’?! babe you were amazing. i’ve never cummed that hard in my life.” you chuckled, hiding your face in the crook of her neck, feeling her hand trailing up and down hour back in slight caresses.
“you’re dumb.”
“and you’re fucking beautiful.” you looked into her eyes, a soft smile on both your faces as you leaned down to press a peck on her lips. a peck that ended up deepening into a messy and wet kiss that left you throbbing all over again. ellie pulled away, a string of spit connecting you both. “second round?” you nodded, and laughed as she pushed you on your back and crawled on top of you.
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months
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atyourmerci · 2 months
Sub!top Ellie getting whiny w a double-sided strap♡
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Warnings: smut, MDNI, double sided strap (referred to as E’s cock), sub!top ellie, power bottom brat reader, Ellie & reader are high, daddy kink fuck off!, breeding kink, why am I tryna fuck reader?, no y/n, no pdor
A/N: actual brainrot of me attempting to procrastinate my case study! (My first solo Ellie fic bahh scary)
She always had it under control. Making sure you couldn’t see how fucking pathetic she got when your ass bounced on the base of her cock, sending the plastic inside of her to hit deep into her stomach.
Ellie would make you get on your elbows with your back arched for her so you couldn’t see her bottom lip abused by her teeth to hold back her whimpers. She’d cut into it till she bled to save face.
Sometimes you’d ignore her attempts at control in this position, sending your hips back so you can catch her red-handed. A whine would escape her clenched mouth, “stop fucking moving,” as she’d adjust her voice into a deeper octave in attempt to cover her slip-up. Ellie would grip down deeper into the flesh of your hips, stunting your dominance.
You’d beg to take control but she’d always promise to fill you up if you were good and did as you were told, “be daddy’s good girl and I’ll let you clean up your mess on daddy’s cock hmm?” You’d always give into her antics, too cock drunk to refuse watching her eyes half lidded as you licked her soaked cock afterwards, letting your tongue drag down to her stuffed hole leaking with the mix of both of your arousals.
This time you’d asked to smoke the second joint with her, knowing when she got so high she liked watching you ride her with the regular strap.
And if you accidentally handed her the double-sided one…
“Get the strap, need- need to f-fuck you now,” Ellie says in a pant, eyes bloodshot with smoke and lust as she aimlessly grinds her cunt into yours.
Sleight of hand, careless slip up of sorts as you hand her the strap adorned by two plastics. She doesn’t even look- lips never leaving yours and she shimmies up the straps to her hips feverishly- she couldn’t fuck you quick enough.
She’s so wet it slips right into her aching cunt. A pathetic whine trails out of her into your mouth, “baby th-this is- the- uh-“ she finds herself at a crossroad- so needy to fuck you but too deprived to not please herself.
“I know, is that okay el?” You say batting your lashes at the open-mouthed girl.
“Uh- yeah- mhm,” her eyes reeking of desperation.
She slips the tip into your leaking hole immediately, too distracted by the way her cunt throbs around the plastic. She attempts muffling her pleas with her teeth but she’s far too careless this time, pitiful moans spewing out as she drives sloppy thrusts into you.
“S-sound so pretty el,” you croak out so drunk on her desperation. “Feels f-fuck! feels so good inside,” she says eyes screwed shut gripping down onto the headboard behind your head.
She attempts at kissing you to no avail, mouth full of anguished whimpers. With her hands free from the grasp of the headboard you lock your ankles onto hers, flipping her back onto the bed.
You situate yourself into a straddle around her sweat slicked thighs. Ellie’s eyes are bewildered at your dominance- she’s. Fucked.
Your hands meet her swollen nipples, fingertips pinching at the rosy buds.
Another guttural cry elicited from the freckled girl comes as you bounce onto her slick cock, driving hers deep into her stomach. Her head is thrown back as she grips into the sheets- trying to not cum early like the fucking loser she was.
“B-baby I’m going to cum, s-slow down,” she pleas as tears wet her ducts. Her chest heaves as you relentlessly grind onto her, strategically applying pressure into her clit.
You drop your chest onto her, holding her jaw as you whisper into her ear, “cum in me daddy, I’ll lick up every drop, be your good little girl.”
Ellie can’t control herself anymore, gripping her hands into your hips so hard it’ll leave bruises. She drags your cunt up and down her clit to create friction, huffing out a string of curses and cries.
“Gunna fill this pussy for acting like this,” she squeaks out, so cute when she still thinks she’s in control.
“Please daddy- please!” You cry out. She could come from just hearing how desperate you get for her cock- and she has. Not that she’ll ever admit it.
“Fuck- oh fuck I-“ her words stop short as she bucks her hips up into you, her orgasm ripping through her. You grind onto her as her body shakes, losing completely autonomy.
“Thank you daddy,” you say kissing down her chest. Making your way down to her fucked out hole, completely soaked with arousal.
You were a good girl, licking every last drop Ellie so kindly made for you.
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tlou-bombshell · 2 days
I always whine about really wanting a gf that's Ellie-coded but I just realized MY personality is SO Ellie-coded (in a really lame and psychotic way) and that I just crave a girlfriend that LOOKS Ellie-coded.
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bambiesfics · 3 months
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗹𝘀’ 𝗖𝗼𝗰𝗸 — Ellie x Bimbo!reader
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𝜗𝜚 Author’s notes ✦ Butch/femme dynamics, Ellie’s butch, wears a strap. Refers to it as cock, dick etc. Reader’s a bimbo. Just a filthy, filthy description of how you have to cockwarm your butch girlfriend, Ellie. Slight aftercare at the end too for you, considering how much she just stretched your tiny hole.
𝜗𝜚 If you find yourself uncomfortable with the themes in this fic, maybe try educating yourself on Butch sexuality. This heartfelt post may give you a sense of Ellie’s headspace. And this
!!! [ Please help Palestine ] !!!
kisses u. ⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡.
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You were restless and lonely. Ellie had spent the better part of the afternoon preoccupied with the LED modules shuffled in her laptop, attempting to receive her ServSafe certificate. The online test had been eating up all her time, and Ellie sometimes chastised you for being overly needy n’ pouty when she had her hands full with things to do. So you tried to not add to her plate by pressing for attention, or conversation today. No matter how much you wanted to chit-chat with her. You wanted to be good more than anything.
No one saw you and Ellie as a compatible match, if it wasn’t already made visually obvious, it was definitely made obvious the second you popped your pink lips open to speak, while the brunette butch brooded behind you. This was a chance to shush all those insecurities that crept over you and told you that Ellie could be with a smarter, more capable, more self-reliant girl. You wanted to be a good fit for her. So you distracted yourself by jumping through social media apps, flipping through old cosmo magazines, and touching up the corner of your acrylic toe set with some white polish you kept carefully placed in her desk. But none of that worked. You were bored with everything you’d tried. Worse, your girlfriend had been looking so handsome in her loose plaid button up and dad jeans, as she slumped in her kitchen stool. It was getting so hard to remain detached and unaffected by the pristine silence in the house when you would pass by to check up on her.
Every so often Ellie’s pretty face would cutely scrunch up whenever she was puzzled by a question, which made for very testing times. But not as testing as when Ellie did that thing where she yanked at and ruffled her scruffy wolf cut, when she was in deep concentration. It was the cutest little boyish tic. You had nearly broken your own resolve to go run to her arms and litter her cheeks in glossy kisses. Which all made it so hard to have her near, as handsome as she was, and have her not even look up at you once. Not even allowed to step in her embrace, held by her toned arms, her sweet cologne and that woodsy scented jacket.
You were moping, and that moping turned into whining, and whining turned into annoyed flashes from Ellie’s eyes every time you got too squeaky. Those flashes turned into scowls, and that led to Ellie groaning at you.
“Can I help you with something?”
Ellie’s face was unamused, and it made you straighten your spine.
“Great. Thanks.” She replied, her voice was just dripping in sarcasm. But that little flash of attention you had received filled your tummy with happy butterflies, until it went right back to her laptop.
You felt a twinge in your chest at how quickly she tuned you out. Did she not wanna talk to you at all? Ask about your day? Wanna know about the influencer gossip you found online? None of it?
“Meanie” you pouted while nudging your chin into your palm and clacking your acrylics on the granite. She didn’t have to say it so mean, she was usually sweeter n’ sillier. But today Ellie was a big meanie.
Ellie huffed and held back a massive eye roll. She stuck her head deeper into her laptop, she had to pretend you weren’t there. This test was important to her. You were too, but this seriously mattered more. Ellie needed more money. She needed to find a better apartment to rent, she needed to be able to support you the way she wanted too, and she needed a position with better hours so she could visit Joel's grave more regularly. You knew all that, so Ellie knew your whining wasn’t from ignorance, it was from childishness. She hated indulging you when you were childish. It was bad manners.
But she also knew if this went on long enough you might start silently crying in your pillow because you felt like your girlfriend hated you. You were clearly feeling neglected by Ellie, and coupled with her little sarcastic quip just a moment ago, Ellie wouldn’t put it past you to start sniffling within the next few hours. You were so pathetic. Ellie often joked that if you weren’t human you would’ve been the little runt abandoned by your pack for being so weak and whiny. And Ellie would’ve been a large reptile; a komodo dragon, who felt bad enough that instead of eating your tiny ass she would’ve raised you. Ellie had a weird little obsession with pliocene history, and because you were dumb, with a brain full of makeup and miniskirts, it went over your head 99% of the time. But Ellie knew you well, and she knew that more than outright being ignored, you hated the feeling that you made Els upset with you. It was your little runt nature, to always seek the validation of the large cold-blooded reptile in charge of your care that could still decide to eat you if you pissed her off enough. This relationship was almost ironically engineered.
Ellie understood you way too well.
Ellie tugged at her hair, because GOD you were such a piece of work. An adorable one, but still, a piece of fucking work!
“Okay.” Ellie breathed out. She ran her palms down her jeans, and spread her thighs farther apart. When Ellie manspread like that, you knew what it meant. But you still wanted her to say it. “Come here baby, come take a seat on me.”
“You sure?” you said hesitantly. Your gaze nervously flickered between her lap and floor.
“Need my baby girl right here,” Ellie said. She cocked her eyebrow and grabbed her bulge tightly. Enticing you.
Your eyes flew open. Your mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like a gaping fish. You wanted Ellie’s attention, maybe to perch on her lap while she worked, but that movement meant something else entirely.
Ellie continued on, enjoying the surprise on your face a little too much. “Since you can’t sit still, come sit on this.” Ellie pulled her zipper down slowly, and shoved her fist in the opening; to fish out her hard cock out of her boxers, and rest it on her thigh. You gulped.
Your eyes fluttered between looking at Ellie's long shaft, and at her face. You could tell from her expression that she wasn’t bluffing. She looked very amused, and very curious as to what you’d do next. “W-what about your test?” You quipped. She lifted the base of her cock, “don’t worry about that, just come take a quick seat on this until you feel better.” You went to her lap, and nervously kept looking back at the cock she expected you to sink onto as you backed up on Ellie’s thighs. Ellie whispered “Why are you nervous princess? You’ve taken this before.”
Which made your hole flutter from the teasing smugness in her voice.
You had taken Ellie’s cock before. But after some prep, after lots of kisses from her, and after your slick was coating your engorged pussy lips from intense arousal. Not by just sitting on it while she was busy attacking a server’s exam.
Your eyes were glossy, Ellie found them so sparkly. You bunched your babydoll camisole higher up your tummy, and spread your ass cheeks. It was a good thing you loved prancing around Ellie’s apartment with no panties, it made spontaneous poundings so much easier. You lined up your hole with Ellie’s cockhead. “Good, now just sink down.” She fisted the base of her dick towards your vagina to help you. You slowly sunk onto her cock, taking it inch by inch. “Nhng, Ellie! feels too big, too big!” You clamped up as another inch forcefully popped through that tight little entrance. Ellie shushed you softly, rubbing circles in your back as she fed you her cock, until she was buried only a few inches deep. You couldn’t take her all the way down, and somehow you were so full. It felt like Ellie’s cock was pressing deep into your tummy. You had to hold back from whining to her about how her cock was definitely in your stomach, probably poking around in there. She’d shushed you for that silly idea once before and teased you for being so airheaded. Not like Ellie had expected you to have any better than a ditzy girl's understanding of anatomy anyway.
But as you felt her cock stretch you open, it was starting to feel like that again, like her cock was in your womb. It felt like Ellie was taking up all the space inside of you. She stretched your plump walls around her like you were her fleshlight. A fleshlight that was stretched to mold around every vein and ridge in Ellie’s cock.
You flexed your ass cheeks, and clamped your cunt around her cock, you tested for how much give you had to bounce up and down. But you gave up almost as soon as you tried lifting off the first time. The base of her cock was just too thick. Ellie felt stuck inside you. Like a wedding band wrapped around a chubby finger. You whimpered at the way her cockhead bumped all those squishy places inside your cunt. Ellie reassured you “Shhh don’t worry about bouncing baby, I’m nearly splitting you open. Just stay right here and get used to this angle.” Ellie turned her gaze back towards her laptop, and picked up from the last module she left off at.
Meanwhile your lower lip was trembling because your girlfriend's cock was resting inside your vagina, it was poking your cervix and rubbing along your walls in ways that made your tummy feel funny. The soreness was starting to subside but the fullness didn’t, and you wanted to move around a little bit. “E-Ellie i-it’s hard to move. No room,” you pouted over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to move, baby. You’re in timeout. Just sit and get my cock nice n’ warm.” Ellie turned her gaze back to her laptop as her other fingers drew slow circles in your lower back. It was such a brazenly lazy attempt at support, but Ellie’s main goal was to distract you — not make you feel pampered.
But you’d get that after anyway.
You tried grinding her cock in you, just to put the pressure of her cockhead in other places and not directly kissing the roof of your cunt. Ellie’s eyes flickered to where you two were connected and she thumbed the sensitive skin there. Which made you pull off slightly, you mewled at the sensitization you felt from her ministrations. Your hole was throbbing everywhere.
Ellie moaned at the sight, “you’re stretched so thin here, how did I fit inside you?”
You kept up with your poor attempts to grind n’ gyrate, so Ellie’s gaze traveled up towards your hips. She palmed your squishy ass; then skirted her fingers over your asshole. Ellie sunk her thumb into your asshole, just stopping at the first knuckle where her metal ring rested and whispered in your back. “I told you to stay baby.”
“Ellie no! Don’t touch over there!” You cried from embarrassment, you got so hot when she did that.
She smiled into your back “Why you shy cause I’m thumbing you right here? After your tiny cunt just swallowed my entire length? Please” Ellie smiled into your back.
Ellie’s attention kept jumping between completing her modules and questions and groping some sensitive part of your body. She’d mutter “You’re so tiny, wish you could see how much you’re stretched around me, plugged you up good.” Just to watch the hairs on your nape rise and watch how your hole contracted around her length from her words. Ellie rolled her narrow hips in circular motions, letting you get some little relief from the fat cock bullying your hole, by giving you some friction. The friction felt amazing on her clit too, rubbing along the puffy nub in a way that made heat pool in her belly.
Soon enough Ellie was biting back her own horny grunts, pressure building in her own cunt from the press of the harness. She kept up a slow circular grind to make her little baby feel good, and not feel so stretched out. But Ellie really considered chasing a silent orgasm for herself, it felt delicious to be in you.
You were dizzy with sensations, cock bumping your spongy g-spot just right. Your neglected clit was angry and red, but you were drunk on Ellie’s grinding. You were slurring all whiny “love your fat cock s’much Ellie. S’much ahh, love your coo-ock ahnnng.” Ellie’s hands came up to grope and squeeze your fatty tits. Because FUCK YOU for nearly making her bust after saying that. She kept grinding until your sloppy hole was doing butterflies on her cock. Slick dripping past the seal where you were wrapped around her shaft. Your hole was squeezing and releasing, over and over again as your orgasm tipped you over the edge and your toes turned pointed straight. The bottom of your fingers and palms had turned pink and red from how tight your fist was.
Ellie slowed down the grinding, she was happy enough you got your orgasm. The grinding felt nice on her clit, but she was more grateful at the fact that you might get sleepy and tap out. And she’d actually get some work done for once.
Ellie pulled you off her cock, and onto her lap. She smoothed a hand down your back as you winced when she pulled out. Your cum dribbled out of your weeping little pussy, globs of stringy cum seeped into Ellie’s pants after being plugged up by her cock. It was a mess you frequently made on Ellie after sex. It was evidence of a job well done; and a satiated princess.
You sniffled as you turned in Ellie’s embrace. “You sleepy?” Ellie asked
“Mhmmm” you moaned in her shoulder.
“I got you, you little princess. C’mon hold onto my shirt” Ellie guided your trembling hand to the collar of her button up and shushed you with sweet words about how “well you took her.” Ellie rocked you softly as she went back to her test, by the time you’d knocked out she’d completed a good chunk of her modules. She rocked you until your sniffles had quieted and you were fast asleep on her lap. She tucked her cock haphazardly into her boxers. You could sink onto it again after you woke up from your short nap.
Ellie spanked your ass, and felt the recoil jiggle against her palm. She shushed you again as you stirred from the assault. She whispered “I deserve a little treat after dealing with this bratty ass all day. I’m joking… I got you baby.”
After 45 minutes of not a single distraction to pull her attention away, Ellie completed her test. A solid 93%, way above a passing grade. Good enough to get her ServSafe certificate, and definitely good enough to start serving at her restaurant, and get better pay and better tips.
Ellie kissed the top of your head,
“Did it, peach.”
“Did’itttt wedidi...” You slurred into her chest. She smelled like sweet cologne. Your dreams were so happy.
She smiled into your hair.
Mhm yeah. We both did it.
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inverted-typo · 1 year
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Girl dad ✨
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d3arapril · 8 months
“cover her mouth and make her listen to how wet she is” aka jackson!ellie putting in WORK. i’m sick.
⭐️ warnings: smut(obviously), dom!ellie, language, ellie has a dirty mouth, an ass slap. think that’s it? 18+ minors dni <3
you’re pretty sure you’re dead, or at least you will be soon at this rate. you don’t even realise the obscene noises you’re making until ellie slaps a palm down onto your ass.
“shut the fuck up,” ellie hisses from behind you, breathless. she’s fucking into you at a speed that you’re certain she’s never met before and if she goes any faster you think the bed might break the thin wall separating the both of you from the bathroom.
“fuck,” ellie’s voice snaps you back into reality and you find yourself reaching back to push at her stomach, looking for some relief from her practically bruising your cervix. “you really want me to stop?”
you whine, but don’t respond. she knows you don’t want her to stop, especially when your legs give way and you slip forward onto the bed, chest pressed against the mattress. she knows you like it like this.
she slows her pace, switching to slower, deeper strokes and she leans back slightly, sucking in a small gasp when she sees how wet you’ve gotten. it’s all down your thighs, between your ass cheeks and ellie’s thighs are beginning to get sticky and she can’t tell if its from your or her but she doesn’t really care.
“you’re wetting the fucking bed, babe.” she teases, leaning forward until her chest is pressed against your back and you’re almost sticking together from the sweat. she shuffles closer to you until your ass is flush against her lower stomach and raises a hand to push against your head, keeping you flat to the bed.
“ell-fuck, please, please..” you’re whimpering at her, trying to look at her from the corner of your eye but she’s just out of sight. you feel her though, her breath hot against your ear.
all she does is scoff and draw her hips back before pistoning in, somehow even harder than before, and you’re basically fucking crying at how good it feels.
“i thought i told you…” ellie leans down and you think she’s going to brush the hair from your eyes or give you a quick kiss but instead she grabs a fistful of your hair, arches your neck up and slaps her palm against your mouth. “to shut the fuck up?” she whispers in your ear and you practically gush against her, the wet noises coming from your pussy echoing through her room.
“you hear that?” she’s still in your ear, breathing heavily as her hips slap against your ass. “hear how fucking wet that pussy is? how much she loves me?”
you’re definitely crying now, nodding frantically against her hand. you’re gripping at the sheets so hard you’re certain you’ve ripped holes into them and your eyes have rolled so far back into your head you don’t think they’ll ever go back to normal again.
ellie knows she has a dirty mouth and she uses it to her advantage when she’s fucking you like this. knows that you could cum alone just from the dirty shit she says to you, and she’d have it no other way.
the squelching noises coming from your pussy are so loud - you’re thanking heavens that joel opted to cancel his garden party tonight. both of ellie’s hands are now covering your mouth and she’s leaning back, using her grip on your cheeks and jaw as leverage to fuck into you.
she’s hitting right against your g-spot and you’re biting at her palm, trying your best not to scream bloody murder but it’s becoming increasingly difficult when she’s fucking you so good. she leans forward again, hard nipples pressing into your back and you feel her lips ghost the shell of your ear,
“want you to make a fucking mess for me. can you do that, hm?”
you are absolutely going to die tonight.
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serevena · 5 months
Cum Through.
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a.n - a mini rewrite of a fic I released last year on my old writing account, so if you’ve read it, this is why it may be familiar..more updates coming soon! And once again, I felt genius for the title..Enjoy. <3
warnings - provocative language, graphic depictions of lesbian sex, strap is referred to as cock, fingers..in your mouth, hair pulling.
“Fuck..” Ellie dragged on, Her hands gripping your hips. You were sure it was gonna leave marks. The moans slipping out from your mouth were pornographic, and you never ever thought Ellie would be the one causing them.
“You like that? Huh?” She asked, leaving marks on your ass. She just kept pounding and pounding and pounding. You could hear it, and oh, could you feel it.
She was fucking you dumb. The words coming out of your mouth were practically gibberish. Her hands find your hair, quickly and roughly pulling it as she slapped your ass again, and again and again. Tears brimmed your eyes, you liked the pain, You loved the pleasure. “Shit, Ellie..oh..my god..” you surprisingly mumbled out, but you were quickly interrupted by her fingers in your mouth. You could feel her stomach on your back as she was hunched over, which also meant her cock was deeper.
“You like that? Huh? You like your pussy being fucked hard by me? Gonna make you cum so good.”
It’s like she predicted it, because you did. And god, did you cum hard. The silicone was drenched, and so was the tiny pool of a sheet under you.
“Oh, you thought this was over?“ She chuckled, speaking in between breaths.
“This isn’t over, baby.”
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moonalumi · 6 months
getting fucked by ellie in every position all during one round <33
bc fucking ellie in only one position is not enough when she looks so hot n is so good, always
warnings- horndog ellie, strap on sex (r receiving), eating out ( r receiving), scissoring/ tribbing, dom!ellie, sub!reader, sub!ellie for like one sec, rough messy sex like rrly messy, manhandling, squirting, breeding kink, degrading names slut, bitch, ellie calls strap her dick like once
this is actually filthy so like read at your own risk
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innocent couch cuddling sesh; that’s it right? no, never with ellie. not with her hands skimming up and down your body. well, it was lovingly at first but her fingertips getting more and more grabby the longer she caress your curves. turning your chin, she kisses you. kisses you reallllll good. lips sucking in your bottom lip, tongue asking for permission to be let in. saliva covering your mouths. that kind of kiss that ellie knows gets you right where she wants you. under her.
“gnna put it in babe okay?” ellie asks, her breath fanning your neck as her tip slips into you.
“shut up just hurry” you mumble as you take ahold of her strap and push it inside you. ellie smirks at your desperation and the little moans you let out as she pushes deeper and deeper until her tip hits your cervix.
sighing contently at the feeling of just being full of her. that’s until she pulls out and rubs at your clit with her thumb.
“ellieee go back in pleaseee puh lease, inside!” you whine, inching your hips closer to her.
“i know i know, just wanna make sure she’s ready” ellie then spreads your folds and before you know it, strings of her spit are running down, collecting at your hole.
a whine of her name and ohmygod… ellie thrusts back into you, roughly grabbing the back of your thighs and lifting them up to your chest. that whine of her name turns into a scream at the sudden intrusion. your body jerking up and up at each slam of her hips that’s digging her strap inside you.
“ugh uah mmm el- lie… tooo de-ep” you can barely form a sentence, she’s just going so fast all you can focus on is how she’s in and out in and out.
“you feel me in your tummy? ohmf fuckkk l-look babe”
ellie guides your chin down to look at the imprint of her strap bulging out from inside you. that sight alone causes your eyes to roll back, head hitting the seat of the couch as you lay back again and your back to arch.
the rougher ellie slams into you, the more you get pushed up the couch until your head hits the jagged wooden arm rests of it. head hitting it over and over again as she thrusts in.
“owww oof el…”
“yeah…y-yeah shut up take it take it” she mutters through her thrusts.
“ellie!” you have to sit up and yell to get her attention. confused eyes scanning your face until she sees you rubbing your head.
“oh shit m’sorry baby” a quick peck to your forehead and she’s now kneeling on the floor, flipping you over and bending you over the couch. your face all smushed in the pillows of it.
she’s quick to push back into you again and pound you as she pleases without your complaining; or so she thought because the endless muffled whines and begs asking her to slow down or that she’s too deep just causes her to grip your ass and force you to meet her thrusts.
“thought you wanted it now your complaining it’s too much? just take it, know you can.”
“oh goddd elll… mmhp ellie ellie ellie”
that’s all you can muster up. brain going blank and all you can say is her name. all you can feel is her filling you. the only sounds in the room being the constant smack smack smack of your skins hitting, the sound of your pussy squelching, and of course the sound of heavy breaths, moans, and ellie muttering filth in your ears as always.
“filling this pussy up, you feel that? gonna get you fucking pregnant….what a slut i betchu like that”
“say my name bitch, let everyone know who’s fucking you right now”
“taking care of her so well i can hear ‘er…godamn you’re so wet, just love getting fucked like this don’t you?”
tears threatening to spill down your eyes, choked moans at every particular harsh slam to your cervix.
ellie’s thrusts stutter and lose rhythm n she’s grabbing your hips and pulling you on top of her as she lays back on the floor. strong hands bouncing you up and down on that strap.
loud moans fall from your lips at the sudden change of positions again, you hold onto her skinny but muscular thighs for leverage. digging your nails into them.
“shit babe—ohh nnnghm fuck! you’re never this loud”
you can even put enough thoughts together in your brain to answer her. just mindlessly fucking yourself onto ellie. n she’s just as fucked out as you are. needy hands gripping and smacking your ass as it jiggles all in front of her eyes. those eyes that roll back as the base of the strap rubs against her throbbing clit.
“ride it baby just like that… mm fuck me” ellie’s voice turning whinier by the second. she notices your bouncing slowing down and she lifts you up n practically slams you back on the couch. she’s just manhandling and throwing you around wherever she wants at this point.
spreading your legs and putting them on her shoulders; shes back inside you. thrusting even more ferociously. those sloppy wet lips of hers kissing and licking up and down your neck, jaw, everywhere she can reach. her groans and breaths getting louder and louder. even letting out a little whimper here and there.
“i love you so much” you breathlessly whisper, shaky arms wrapping around her neck to pull her closer.
ellie’s lips find yours, capturing them in a tongue filled messy kiss. your moans seeping into the kiss as she trys to burry herself deeper; if that’s even possible, if she had balls she’s actually be balls deep.
but els always finds a way. she pulls away from the kiss and forcefully lifts your hips up and off the cushions.
“i love you more, mmpf shittt take this dick” holding you up, she fucks you like her life depended on it.
“ohmygod e-llieee” you moan and push on her lower stomach to get her to pull out some inches just a bit. that’s until she hits that spot and you’re so overwhelmed with pleasure every sense of yours just shuts down and all you can feel is those bolts of pleasure running down your body and hit your clit.
back arching into her, legs shaking on her shoulder n you’re gushing and covering her strap with your cum.
ellie’s own orgasm approaching but she just can’t get there. frustrated, she throws her strap off herself and fucks her clit against yours. all during your high so instead of creaming all over her dick you cover her pussy in your slick.
“baby baby mmm i’m gnna cum—” couple more circles around your clit and her hips are jerking, face scrunching up in that cute orgasm face she always puts on, n her pretty moans and whines are spilling from her agape jaw.
with your eyes fuzzy you watch as she coats your cunt with her babies. ellie falls ontop of you; your sweaty tired bodies resting for a moment til—
“hold’up m’not done—gotta clean you up” you don’t even process what she said or what’s she’s doing until you feel her tongue against your sensitive clit.
you gasp and squirm away, but she chases after you, following wherever you move like her mouth is actually attached to your cunt.
“no no els it’s too—mm!” you shriek at the feeling of her sucking your clit in n tongue moving in circles. it rrly is all too much you can feel every little movement and groove of her tongue. you attempt to push her head away but she latches her arms around your thighs and moves her head side to side. her eyes squeezing shut at the taste of you and her combined.
you squeeze around her head n lift up off the couch again, squirming every which way to escape that mouth of hers. even pulling her hair and roughly pushing her head away isn’t getting her off.
“m’not stopping til you cum again if you really want me to stop say the safeword” she mumbles all muffled into your pussy then continue her attacks.
“i cant cum ellie! it’s too muchhh” you whine but ohh her tongue pushing in you and her lil button nose rubbing your clit has got you over the edge again so quickly.
instead of pushing her away you push her face deeper into you. tugging on her hair as spurts of squirt dribble from your pussy all over her lips and chin.
ellie moaning into your folds and finally detaching herself and wiping her face clean with the back of her hand.
“m’sorry love i couldn’t help myself” ellie mutters as she lays and nuzzles her face in the crook of your neck. pulling a blanket over you two.
“it’s okay” you whisper while catching your breath, “it just hurts now, n it’s so wet i feel dirty”
“well take a bath together babe just- can we lay here for a bit..m’so tired” ellie’s voice trailing lower.
“that’s your fault you put me in like 7 different position all in ten minutes” you say giggling and kissing her forehead.
“mmph shut up” ellie whines and stuffs her face in your neck. she’s just so cute you can help but kiss her all over her face <33
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misserabella · 6 months
ive been so obsessed with bbf ellie recently, so can we get a bbf ellie where ellie and reader fuck when the brother is sleeping or not home and like ellie fucks reader ROUGH telling her to keep quiet while the strap is deep🤭
don’t make a sound
bbf! ellie williams x fem! reader
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cw; +18 content! minors dni!, teasing, name calling, degradation, praise, no use of y/n, voyeurism kinda??, strap on usage (r receiving), harsh rough sex, ellie has a dirty mouth, sub! reader and dom! ellie, hickeys, hair pulling, oral sex (e receiving), cum eating, face riding (r receiving)…
“that’s it. nice and quiet. don’t want your brother to wake up, hm?”
it’s late at night. the moon is dampening your room in soft strokes with its light. the hair is damp with the smell of sex, and is filled with your gasps and ellie’s soft grunts.
she’s deep into your cunt, roughly fucking her cock into your walls, which squelches with every harsh thrust and snap of her hips.
your brother’s room is right beside yours. and the walls are so thin you can hear his snores. you were fucking his best friend just a room away. you were letting her split you open with her strap over and over again as you try to contain your moans of pleasure because she’s doing it so good… she’s so good, she feels so good…
“feeling good, princess?” you babble, nodding. “yeah of course you do. you’ve been waiting for this the whole day, haven’t you? fucking slut. teasing me running around showing your panties while i’m at your home just so i fuck you, huh? are you that needy for it? do you want me that badly, baby?” you nodded, gasping when a hand surrounded your neck. “speak up.”
“yes, fuck, yes.” you moaned, watching her chuckle.
“of course you do. look at you. you’re fucking dripping. taking my cock like it’s nothing, hm? it slides in and out so easily…” she bit down on her lip, looking in between both your bodies and pressing you harder against the wall she was fucking you against, her free hand holding your leg up around her waist to fuck you deeper, harder. you’re a mess, slick sounds of your pussy taking her pounding filling the room. a particularly loud whimper falling off your lips making the grip around your neck tighten. “shut the fuck up.” she spat. “shut the fuck up and take it.” her lips latched to your neck, damp kisses being given to your skin. “fuck. wanna mark you up. should i, baby? let your brother see what her best friend does to you when he’s not watching, hm?” you moaned. “you’d like that, wouldn’t you. dirty girl…”
“ellie…” you sighed, her lips now on your chest.
“maybe i could do it here, hm? where he won’t see. it’ll be our little secret.” she smirked, seeing you whimper as she harshly sucked on your skin, bruising you, marking you. “all mine. all fucking mine.” she groaned, speeding up her thrusts. one of your hands, that were surrounding her neck, laced on her hair, tugging and making her grunt.
“fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out. you could feel yourself stumbling towards your orgasm, the warmth of your lower stomach spreading all over your body. ellie pushed her tongue inside your mouth to try and silence you up as she felt you squeezing her cock harder. “i’m gonna cum. i’m cumming, i’m cumming…!” you gasped, your nails digging on her back and tightening on her hair as you felt it coming.
“that’s it. cum for me. cream my fucking cock.” her words easily pushed you over the edge. “good girl. fuck. good fucking girl.” she grunted, fucking you through it, blissed out by your expression, although she had to kiss you again to muffle your screams. “so fucking loud… can’t keep fucking you like this. you’re gonna wake up your brother.” you whimpered when she pulled out, leaving you empty and in need for more. “get on your knees.” she ordered, pushing down on your head until your shaky knees were bobbling and letting you fall onto the floor. you watched as she unbuckled her strap, throwing it aside. your mouth watered at the sight of her soaked folds and puffy throbbing clit. “eat my pussy. that’ll keep your mouth busy.” she smirked at the dumb look in your eyes. “what’s the matter, baby? you look hungry.” she chuckled, one of her hands cupping the back of your head to push you closer to her cunt. “just open up for me, hm? stick your tongue out.” you did as she said, showing her your tongue, and she groaned. “just a pretty slut hungry for pussy, aren’t you? then eat it.” she grunted at the feeling of your mouth on her once she had buried your face on her cunt. “fuuuuck. that’s it baby. eat my pussy.” she sighed as you lapped at her slick with a pathetic whine, your hands holding onto her thighs as she tugged on your hair and bucked her hips against your mouth. you were drunk on her. she tasted so good. the strong tang of her arousal filling your mouth as you slurped her juices. you latched onto her clit, making her softly moan as you suckled on it, looking up at her through your lashes. “shit. you have a mouth on you, don’t you? so fucking good at eating your brothers best friend’s pussy, huh?” you hummed against her, lapping at her. she had been so close from the back of the strap bumping against her clit than just a couple of licks from you had her bordering the edge. “want me to cum on your face, princess? fill your mouth up with my cum?” you nodded, sucking at her clit as she humped you face. “of course you do. flatten your tongue up for me, gonna ride it.” you flattened your tongue and she started to thrust harder against it, stimulating her clit. “shit, gonna cum baby, gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours.” she was panting, gasping, searching for her release. and with one, two, three more thrusts she was reaching it. “fuuuuck.” she groaned, her head tilting backwards, her throat bobbing with a gulp. you licked her though it, eating up her cum, drinking every last drop of it.
and the sight of your chin and lips dripping with her cum, convinced ellie that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d be fucking you.
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