#៹ locks. ⌕ ◌
wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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carnival-phantasm · 8 months
In love with this random guy who had a lock slapped on his storage unit for not paying its rental and not only did he ignore management and took his stuff out without paying, but also chose to steal the lock itself and send it to the LockPickingLawyer along with a confession letter
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I love the "came back wrong" trope but from the opposite side.
Imagine you are dead. And then you are RIPPED from the embrace of decay into the world of the living again. Your memories are hazy and you don't recognize any of these people, but they act like they're close to you? Like they love you? So you try to get your memories back, to act like you belong here, but everybody tries to forget you died. And you can't. It is omnipresent. And just trying to grapple with that fact pushes the people who "love" you away, and they're incapable of understanding, and they're so confused, what's wrong N̶̄̀O̶͛͗T̷̉́ ̷͋͝Y̴̎̌Ȍ̴̈U̸̓R NÄM̴̃͑E̵̾̇? And you just need them to understand, you aren't that person! You aren't! You don't know who that person is! You don't know why any of this is happening, but they're unwilling to bend, they keep insisting you are that person, your memories will come back, everything will be normal again, and you want to scream and cry and claw yourself open to show them you're different. Your existence as a being wholly separate from whoever you "used to be" is a sin unto itself. All you can do is scrabble for life and to them, you're killing whoever they loved to do it.
just. lots of fun in that concept, you know?
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corvophobia · 6 months
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based off this tweet lol
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camilleflyingrotten · 3 months
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naomistares · 6 months
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harrowhark getting her lobotomy done at claire's
(ps: merry christmas eve! you can't see but we just hit 10k on here... my christmas gift to the world, thank you dearly)
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fractangle · 11 months
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bloodybellycomb · 8 months
Bro, my unyielding loyalty towards you is totally normal and healthy, I swear. It's just that it's definitely my duty to rip out your enemies throats with my bare teeth. You are the love of my life and I am your most valuable tool. Each night, I fantasize about dying in your arms, covered in blood, and then I close my eyes one final time, satisfied because I can feel your fingers on my face as I take my last breath. Haha anyways
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fairyturds · 1 month
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When she griddle on my harrow till I hark. Is this anything
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taytei · 6 days
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happy pride to them
hope they know what a rainbow is
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o0kawaii0o · 2 months
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raiding the fridge AGAIN
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axolotine · 7 months
Every day those skeleton lesbians are on my dash beating the shit out of each other or making out or playing mario kart. I don't even know what kind of media the locked tomb is. Is it a tv series? A collection of plushies? A webcomic? A limited edition beverage with an oddly detailed lore behind it? Perchance. All of these questions and more could be solved by a simple google search, yet I kind of like having something that I have no context for - or understanding of - cross my dash occasionally. Adds a bit of spice. McGriddle and Shark? I hope they get gay married. I hope this isn't a queerbaiting situation or whatever. I hope they have lots of skeleton babies and their coffee shop continues to thrive. I hope they finally kill the onceler.
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may12324 · 3 months
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She remade her, she held her bones in her hands and put each piece back together. Only to have to carry on without her.
Everything she did, she did for Falin
Inspired by The Locked Tomb and Howls Moving Castle, and also how hot these two look in these outfits/forms. This will be a future print for cons this year.
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qqchurch · 8 months
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would you download a gundam?
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corvophobia · 6 days
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whoa look who just appeared in my hades 2 playthrough... crazy
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sunflowershark · 4 months
“broken builds” this. “use the orb” that. you fools. the true best strategy to beat honour mode is to encourage safer and smarter decisions throughout your adventure by roleplaying as none other than faerun’s central authority on occupational safety and workplace accident prevention legislation
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