#{dash comm}「that’s good television!」
mymanymerrymuses · 2 months
Vox isn't leaving his office today. Instead he's keeping his many, many screens tuned into his 'hidden' cameras.
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Oh, the joys of being able to perv keep tabs on people.
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kakodaimones · 2 months
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How have *none* of you seen American Psycho?
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afelldemon · 3 months
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Resentment resentment resentment.
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psychic-glitch · 1 year
I am so sorry, i did not know people could not access my stuff on mobile, this post is here to fix that. Below you will find the links to my muses.
check the second half for more for the About mun, rules, and information on Mors
Lupin the third
Allen the Faller
King boo
Zane Julian
The punks of Kalos!
About mun
Alias: ghostie
I am 18+
a demiboy, He/they pronouns please.
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my fandoms on here are Mostly Pokemon. but I do like other fandoms, I just prefer to indulge in those by myself
I muse as my ocs mostly, might do some canon
ask for my discord if you wanna dm me!
#of blood and fabric~ ooc (ooc tag)
#ask mors (meme tag)
#Mors answers (answers tag)
#Mors mocks (reblog tag)
#psychic visions: dash comm (dash commentary tag)
mild NSFW is okay with me, in private dms!!
I love chaotic rps go wild
Aus? go ahead
don’t god mode please, if you wanna go a certain direction in a rp just ask
OOC is always okay
Mors's permanent pokemon
A list of Mors's permanent pokemon
Mara (Froslass) lvl 80, Female, Impish, Somewhat vain
Mors's partner, Mara has been by Mors's side for longer than either can remember. Dating Tadeo's florges>
Vanth (Sensu oricorio) lvl 68, Female, Sassy, Mischievous
<here she is, the infamed oricorio that summoned spirits in lavender town. All because she didn't get the same amount of treats as usual>
Thanatos (Spiritomb) lvl 68, Male, Timid, Likes to relax
Hades (Chandelure) lvl 49, Male, Bold, Impetuous and silly
<this little guy helped get Mors on live television>
Lethe (Domestic Hisuian Zoroark) Lvl 39, Female, Calm, Highly curious
Phlegethon (Hisuian Typlosion) lvl 36, Male, Docile, Often lost in thought
Indra (Marshadow) lvl 35, ???, Brave, Alert to sounds
Lemures (Hisuian Zoroark) lvl 34, Male, Serious, Strongly defiant
Brutus (Hydriegon) lvl 65, male, Bold, Likes to fight
Cupid (mimikyu) lvl 40, male, Gentle, very finicky
About Mors
indented info is private to those outside of team rocket
indented and italic info is private to everyone but the other executives and Giovanni,
somethings are now known to people like Sidon, Nox and Flare
5'1 and 114lbs, mid 20s
He/it pronouns
Glitch, psychic (its mild) , and a ghost type user. Marshadow's chosen.
his ace Pokemon is a genetically altered Froslass made by the same people who made him, who is named Mara. Has ghost types from all over the world from his adventures as a rocket executive.
His hands were burned by his hisuian cyndaquil and bitten by the hisuian zorua which caused a bit of frostbite
Informally adopted by Giovanni
Adoptive Older brother to Sidon and Flare
Adoptive father to @cooper-magnolia and his sisters
He has a scar on his face from getting hit by an Arcanine’s flamethrower, it’s why he wears a mask.
Team rocket is all he’s ever known, having been taken in by them at the age of 8 after being found in a rainstorm with a Snorunt by his side. he was kicked out of the foster home he was in, as they feared him for the psychic powers he could use when he lashed out.
Giovanni took him in and informally adopted him. Returned to his position as an executive, after everything that has happened, he wants to distract himself with work. he’s very loyal to team rocket, for they are his family.
he has no biological family, but he was created by two scientists that had lost their child. Had they not died, he would've lived a happy life with a good family
Mors doesn’t have a last name, but since he has to have one on paperwork he likes the sound of ‘Mors Setsu'
his first name was from the project he was created by, how he knew it from the beginning is still a mystery
Mors loses control of his psychic powers even now, especially when he feels extreme emotions.
because of his lack of real human interactions he’s developed Alexithymia (when a person has difficulty experiencing, identifying, and expressing emotions.)
when he loses control things around him start to float and he starts to glitch out.
Tadeo(Side blog) is his bodyguard and boyfriend @orionadventure and William (Friend's characters) are also his boyfriends
his froslass is in a relationship with Tadeo's florges.
Mors’s Froslass is very important to him, as Mara was made with him
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echo-three-one · 3 years
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Run run run....
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : Going Dark - Part 1
Chapter 23 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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Going Dark - Part 2
John "Soap" MacTavish
London, United Kingdom
Soap never knew that the bloody guy would pull that trick off his sleeve. He's been sick of the same ringing he first experienced when they went out with Francine.
So he did what he could and quickly got up to his feet as soon as he saw Alex attempt to halt the hostage on his tracks. That bastard's going to pay for stomping on Alex like that.
With comms down once again, he had to act fast, stomping down the stairs, never leaving sight of the runner. He could sense someone following him and assumed it's any of Roach, Price or Jack. And it looked like Ghost caught wind of what happened too.
"Oi! Let's flank him!" Soap roared across the empty streets as Ghost and Roach split ways and ran toward their target.
They're not kidding when they said the Shadow Company is at par with the 141, the guy ran like a horse which Soap never expected from his build. He could see Ghost and Roach sprinting from his sides, one wrong turn and he's done for, but he still had one last trick. 
He raced to the emergency stairs as his heavy feet clanged against the metal. Soap followed, optimizing the steps on edges to gain on him. Going up the rooftops was his biggest mistake.
"Bollocks, he's still running!" he announced as he felt his ears crackling. 
"Well…. st….by…. do….airs.." His earpiece crackled through the static. It's recovering but they're already far off MacMillan's truck where their line connected.
He leaped. Soap almost stopped in his tracks as the runner courageously leapt across the huge gap and rolled on to the next building. He braced himself and continued dashing across the roof and did a mighty leap, his arms circled like he was swimming and he carefully placed his feet to perform a proper land and rolled.
That's going to hurt as soon as the adrenaline fades, but he quickly got up and made use of his remaining burst of energy. 
The runner stopped in his tracks as soon as Roach emerged from the opposite fire escape, raising a pistol pointed straight at him as he raised his hand in surrender.
"Nowhere to run now." Roach said, cautiously walking near him. He's aware that his phone is still inside his pocket and that they had no idea when it'll go off again.
He didn't talk, but he looked panicked. He was sweating all over and his face was beyond recognizable. It looked like he's out of options.
"Tell us Where Shepherd is…" Gary pointed the loaded gun on his head, the desperation in Gary's eyes were obvious.
"There's an abandoned plane graveyard near Afghanistan…" he whimpered. His voice was shaky enough to warrant the truth.
"What's he doing there?" Soap added.
"He's trading the blueprints for the I.P. Address… Please that's all I know" he begged and they quickly left the place, walking back to MacMillan's car.
"You got something?" Ghost asked as soon as Roach's feet landed on the dark alley.
"A place. In Afghanistan." Roach answered.
"And he also had the I.P. Address.." Soap added.
"But that's impossible… didn't Samantha already forget about it?" Ghost asked but there was a quiet pause. Their brains almost looked like working together.
"Holy Crap." Roach finally broke the silence.
And from that moment they realized the other reason behind Samantha's memory returning. One way or another, her memories were once again toyed with.
"So how was it?" Price asked the team that ran off to chase the runner.
"We got an address. An abandoned plane yard in Afghanistan." Roach replied. Soap turned to Alex as he sat at the back of the jeep tending to his wound. 
"You okay mate?" he asked walking close to his ally, who was wincing in pain.
"The guy's boots are heavy." He chuckled and so did Soap.
"Listen, Alex. We heard that Shepherd has the I P. address, did Samantha tell you anything about remembering it?" Soap asked as the whole team fell silent and turned to the two.
"Not really. What's bothered me is that she remembers everything except after when Shepherd explained his plans to her… Could it be that…" Alex trailed.
"She remembered because they undid their operation on her…" Jack continued. The whole group stood in silence. 
Price's phone rang and delivered them with more bad news. It looked like while chasing the runner, Shepherd had caught wind of their activity and had some of London police scour the nearby streets for them.
"Da, It's time to go, my comrades." Nikolai announced as soon as Price relayed the message. Their ride home was compromised.
"Where to?" He asked.
"I know a place." Soap said.
It looked like Soap's hunch was right. None of the people onboard to Scotland mind about the faces of the fugitives flashed on the news recently. 
Their day packs had reserved clothes and they opted to change to something more civilian. Soap could smell the fabric conditioner France used to wash his newly bought clothes and couldn't help but miss her. If they weren't on a rush, Soap could've topped up for international calls.
"How long is this trip? 7 hours?" Price asked a civilian with surprised expressions.
"Wow. It's like a plane ride, but I'm still in the same country!" Jack cackled at the idea. He does have a different sense of humor. Just as Alex described him.
The rest of the team took this time to rest, they sat on the emptiest part of the train, away from the people that might recognize them and report their presence.
"I've contacted Samantha. It looks like they're having a small problem over there." Alex said.
"Someone saw one of us fugitives and tried to get inside the house to claim his bounty. At first they just talked him off but he's persistent now. So they decided to fly to our location and regroup there. And Soap, where exactly are we going?" Alex asked. Soap took a careful look around his team and felt nervous about his decision.
"Our old house. In Scotland. It's far off civilization. I think no one would look for us there." he muttered, gaining a nod from Price and Jack. Soap sighed in relief as soon as they thought of it as a good idea. Roach actually felt excited despite having to go there by train for seven hours. He immediately made that decision a few minutes ago without anyone's approval, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Hey, you three… Thanks for chasing that runner while we were out. Go catch some sleep. We'll watch over this train. It's going to be a long trip." Price nudged and Jack nodded. Soap gave a pair of earbuds to Price, the old man immediately looked at him with question.
"What's this? A hearing aid?" Price asked.
"Our runner wore that so it might be the reason he wasn't affected by his own blast." He muttered before crossing his arms.
"Thanks, mate. I'll let someone have a look at this." Price nodded and Jack immediately inserted with a suggestion.
"I know someone near Glasgow. A close friend of mine." 
"That's great. He's closer." Price agreed and Soap slowly drifted himself asleep, trying to rest his tired legs all while also trying not to worry about Francine.
The never shifting scenery of the road home sent John MacTavish into a little nostalgia trip. The sound of trains screeching across the station reminded him of so many things from the past.  The road they're walking along now was the same road he's walked on everyday of his life, and now after a lot of years, he can't believe he's back.
"I don't see anything nearby,  are you sure we're not lost Soap?" Roach asked.
"We aren't. The house is just obstructed by the trees. They've grown taller since I last left." he replied enthusiastically. He looked obviously excited to see his home.
As soon as they reached the short curve, a huge cream-painted house greeted them from the distance. He could hear Alex and Roach's collective oohs and aahs every step they took closer.
"When you said old, I was really expecting it to be abandoned." Roach mused.
"It is, actually. My parents are off… somewhere else." he replied leading the way inside the house. The pool was already dirty and most weeds already outgrew the fences.
Soap pushed the huge wooden double door open and was greeted by the same visage of their entrance way back when he was a kid. Same pictures hung on the walls of his adventures as a kid up to the recent photo of his graduation. His mom was always proud of him no matter what, but he couldn't forget the way she looked at him once he chose to enlist to the riskiest job ever.
The rest of the team helped themselves to discovering the inside of the house, looking at photos, sitting on the couches and grabbing a glass of water. Soap quickly gave them a tour of the house and that they're free to pick a guest room of their choice. It was appropriate that they'd feel comfortable after a tough day.
"Nice place you got here, comrade. Why'd you give this all up for a life that's always hanging on the ledge?" Nikolai asked, tapping his shoulder. 
"I don't even know." he muttered and Nikolai chuckled, making his way to the living room. The team was quick to adapt to the place. Roach and Ghost already chose their rooms and he assumed they already attempted to recover while the three older men gathered around the television and watched the news. Alex was by the telephone, probably contacting Samantha. He wanted to check on France himself, so he planned to go to his room and make a call.
"The New York attack stopped." Price discussed with Nikolai and Jack, the three began speculating about a lot of things. Soap would love to join in the conversation but he decided to update on Francine first.
His room looked the same as when he left, the same shade of blue wallpaper, the same color sheets that were changed weekly and the same things on top of his bedside drawer.
Dialing her number, which he subconsciously memorized, he immediately placed the receiver on his ear and anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone.
"Hello?" her voice sounded different over the phone, but it still sent shivers across his spine as soon as he heard it.
"Hey. It's me." he replied.
"Angelo?" she asked, her voice almost sounded like she's fighting herself not to laugh.
"It's John." 
"I know, silly. Who would mistake you for anyone else with that accent." she retorted.
"Do ya like it?" he teased, making sure he emphasized his Scottish accent well.
"Why'd you call?" She changed the topic. She wasn't budging on his teasing, but he knew she's already blushing on the other side of the line.
"Did Price give you the landing coordinates?" he asked.
"Yeah. Maxine looked it up on the map. It looks like a shady house in the middle of nowhere. Who are you?" she joked.
"Great. I'll see you here. I-" he hesitated. He wanted to tell her how much he misses her. But even with his oozing confidence, he felt like chickening out this time.
"Yeah. We're on our way. Take care out there John." She said and dropped the call. Soap sighed and plopped himself on his bed, deeply sighing at his actions. This girl was making him crazy… and the funny thing is he's all fine with it.
Next Chapter : Going Dark - Part 3
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @beemybee @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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queenofmoons67 · 4 years
Midori Oni: Prologue
Welcome to my obligatory Tiger and Bunny and BNHA fic!
Summary: When Wild Tiger accidentally ends up 155 years in the future, he’s still being chased by a criminal mastermind, and as such does his best to blend into the new world around him. But Kotetsu has never been the best at hiding, and this time is no different:
Before long, Wild Tiger is making ripples amongst villains as a new vigilante. And as he fights to simultaneously be a hero, stay safe, and find a way home, he stumbles upon two students of UA’s hero course. And then eighteen more.
Aka an outsider view of Kotetsu, through the eyes of Class 1A.
(Shinsou Hitoshi replaces Mineta Minoru)
Canon timeline-wise, the story begins during the time leap after cour one of "Tiger & Bunny." Kotetsu enters the BNHA timeline during the sports festival.
Kotetsu panted, struggling to catch his breath when he was already out of Hundred Power and racing through the lowest part of Sternbild.
“Wild Tiger!” a voice called, echoing off the alley walls close behind him. “Why don’t you just give up? There’s nowhere to run!”
Kotetsu grinned. “Hear that, Bunny?” he asked. “He thinks there’s nowhere to run.”
Bunny’s voice was tinny through the comms, but the scoff came through loud and clear. “Focus, Wild Tiger. You’re going to take a right on the next street; I’m almost there myself.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m bringing this guy straight to you, don’t worry.”
There was just the sound of panting as Kotetsu leapt over a fallen trashcan, and he imagined Bunny pausing to think about what to say. Since dealing with Martinez and Kriem, they had both been trying to be more patient with one another and acknowledge each other’s ideas, and personally, Kotetsu thought they were working a lot better as partners. Bunny had actually agreed to Kotetsu’s idea of using himself as bait for this criminal, for one, and for another—
Kotetsu wouldn’t admit it to Bunny, but it was strange for him, running through the streets without his partner by his side. Having him on the comms just wasn’t the same.
But there was the corner, and with a grin, Kotetsu put on a burst of speed as he rounded it. Bunny was waiting for him.
<line break>
Mario blinked, adjusted his glasses, and peered closer at the camera image before him as it was overwhelmed by a bright white light.
“Just a second folks, we might be having some technical difficulties. Orlando, can you zoom in for us and try to find Wild Tiger again?”
Orlando gave him a thumbs up, already messing with his camera, and Mario leaned back in his seat.
This segment had been weird from the very beginning. The criminal had been stopped while in the middle of robbing a bank, but had seemed unbothered by it—in fact, he’d seemed downright delighted to get the chance to taunt each hero as they arrived on the scene, his super strength power easily keeping the heroes back from being able to actually arrest him.
Barnaby and Wild Tiger had ended up in charge of the fight when Wild Tiger’s fight with the criminal had accidentally sent them down to Sternbild’s lower levels, where the HeroTV chopper couldn’t follow. Mario and Orlando had done their best to follow them from the skies, and report on how Wild Tiger had quickly run out of Hundred Power and started fleeing from the criminal instead of chasing him—and instead of escaping, the criminal had actually given chase in turn! But now…
Orlando shook his head and gave him a sideways thumb. Frowning, Mario directed his attention to the screen and began to narrate for their viewers.
“Orlando has gotten the view back for us, folks, but it—it doesn’t seem to be working that well. That is, we can see where Wild Tiger and the criminal just were, but we can’t actually see them now. Oh, and here comes Barnaby, looking for his partner—”
Mario kept talking, but he also gestured frantically for Orlando to contact Agnes. They had a missing hero on their hands.
<line break>
Kotetsu stumbled to a halt, jaw dropping as Sternbild’s night sky was replaced by daylight and a cheering crowd. He himself was standing in the shadows beside them, but inching forward, he realized that they were all gathered around a wall of tv screens facing outwards from a store’s glass front.
There was someone with green hair fighting someone else with red-and-white hair. What was this, some new kind of Christmas style?
Peering closer, Kotetsu noted with surprise the tagline was in Japanese. Thankful he knew his mother’s language, he read: “UA Sports Festival—Second Round of the Battle Tournament.” What on earth…?
Kotetsu tore his gaze away, meaning to see if any of the other televisions were showing something that actually made sense, but his eyes caught on the reflection of someone staring back at him. The criminal he’d been chasing grinned.
Kotetsu bolted, dashing into the nearest alley and heading away from the crowd. So far the criminal hadn’t attempted to harm any civilians, but there was no reason to take that risk.
“Come back, hero!” the criminal called, his feet slapping against the concrete as he followed Kotetsu.
“Not on your life!” Kotetsu replied, and the criminal laughed.
As Kotetsu focused back on the path before him, though, he realized that someone else had been unusually quiet through all of this.
No answer, but the comm was still on.
“Hey, Bunny, you there?”
Still nothing.
“Barnaby, this isn’t funny! Answer me!”
Silence yet again.
Cursing, Kotetsu made a series of quick turns, one after another. He’d obviously been transported somewhere new, likely in Japan. Maybe the comms were fried when the transport happened? They still looked like they were on, but Kotetsu knew weird things happened with technology sometimes. Case in point: Whatever happened to land him here.
For now, though, there was nothing Kotetsu could do about it. He wasn’t a tech wizard like Saito, and he had to focus on just evading the criminal for now. In this unfamiliar place, where his hero license didn’t apply and he had no Hundred Power for at least another forty-five minutes, he couldn’t risk a fight.
If he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t risk a fight even after his Hundred Power came back. He’d lost the first one; that was why he’d been leading the criminal to Bunny in the first place.
Kotetsu swerved around another corner and took the opportunity to look behind him. His tail was still a bit back, but—but was he gaining on him? Kotetsu couldn’t tell.
For a moment, he thought about dumping his suit. Its weight only slowed him down, and without his Hundred Power, it was less than useless.
It would take time for him to wrestle the suit off without mechanical help, though, and he might not remember where he dumped it. Plus, Saito would kill him if he lost it.
Resolving to losing the criminal the good old-fashioned way, Kotetsu turned deeper into this maze of alleys.
<line break>
When Kotetsu’s Hundred Power finally returned, he took the opportunity to get away for good and turned on his speed, sprinting through a series of dizzying turns before grappling up to a roof. Safe in the high ground, he tried every rooftop entrance he came across before tiredly stumbling into the first open one he found and collapsing in a metal heap in a stairwell.
Kotetsu spent the night like that, still in his suit, and when he woke up, he made a mental note to never do that again. His poor, aching body did not like him right now—though Kotetsu liked his comms still being fried even less.
He would have to go out and try to figure out what all of this was himself. But he couldn’t do that while in his suit; that was just asking for the criminal to spot him again, and Kotetsu wasn’t in the mood for another high speed chase through the alleys. He would have to take the suit off.
<line break>
An hour later, Kotetsu shielded his eyes with a hand as he walked out onto a busy street. Removing the suit had been an adventure and a half. He’d always had Saito by his side for it, which meant this time, he’d fought his way out mostly by randomly selecting pieces to remove individually. He felt bad about it, but he figured Saito should be able to put it back together—and if not, the man would probably just go to Maverick with the idea for a new set of matching suits for Tiger and Bunny.
Reasonably satisfied, Kotetsu had stashed the suit pieces behind some dust-covered boxes in a supply closet, then headed out.
Perhaps he should have second-guessed his outfit choice, though. His tight black under-armor was drawing a lot of looks.
After the third person he spotted openly checking him out, Kotetsu turned on his Hundred Power and sped through an apartment building at top speed, stopping only to snag a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt hanging in a communal laundry room. A little wet, and the theft made his skin prickle uncomfortably, but necessary.
As comfortable as he could be, given the circumstances, Kotetsu finally turned his full attention to finding a newspaper and figuring out where he was.
Or rather, he tried to, but Kotetsu was quickly distracted by just how strange his new surroundings were. Some people looked normal, but there were others with even weirder hair dyes than the two on TV the night before. And even stranger than that was the way some NEXTs’ powers had affected them. Kotetsu had never seen a NEXT mutate before, let alone take on the features of animals.
And then there was just how many people seemed to be NEXTs. Kotetsu was used to being one of a minority, but here, NEXTs seemed to actually be the majority. They walked the streets freely, unafraid of using their powers for trivial things. One boy idly stirred his coffee, finger steaming, while a girl used some of the eyes on the ends of her hair to read a book even while the eyes in her head watched where she was going.
The strangest thing of all, though, was how no one else blinked. Not a single person, whether they seemed to be a NEXT or not, was afraid of those using their powers. It was as though Kotetsu had stepped into some idealistic future where NEXTs were no longer discriminated against.
Finally spotting a stand selling newspapers, Kotetsu hurried over, picked one up, and scanned it. Like the TV the night before, and like most of the conversations around him, the text was in Japanese: “Musutafu Local News.” That wasn’t surprising.
What was surprising was the date next to it.
“Excuse me, sir?” Kotetsu asked the seller, handing him the newspaper. “Is this date right?”
The seller barely glanced at it. “Yep. Do you want to buy it?”
Numbly, Kotetsu shook his head and walked away.
He was 155 years in the future.
<line break>
The first thing Kotetsu did was find a library and research everything he could about current events. He refused to touch anything from his entire time, worrying that this might be like one of those sci-fi novels where he risked accidentally changing everything.
Even with his research, though, he was missing things. Refusing to go too far back meant he missed a lot of both the civil rights movement for NEXTs, and the laws that were eventually put in place for both civilians and their present-day version of heroes.
Because of that, what he knew could generally be summed up as most of the population having powers, now called ‘quirks.’
A consequence of this was stricter laws on when and where a person could use their quirk; what Kotetsu had seen in public so far was generally the limit. There was also discrimination against the quirkless, which threw Kotetsu for a loop for a moment since he was used to being discriminated against for his Hundred Power, though he supposed it made sense considering he was now in the majority.
For a moment, Kotetsu wondered if he would still be discriminated in this future, since he as good as had no quirk for most of the day—then he shook his head and moved on. If he was, it wasn’t like it was anything he wasn’t used to. If anything, he thought wryly, it might be refreshing to be discriminated against for how weak his power was, instead of how powerful it could make him.
Hopefully, though, Kotetsu wouldn’t be in this future long enough to find out.
Unfortunately, he was losing that same hope every second longer he was stuck here. It had been nearly twenty-four hours, and the power still hadn’t faded.
For all Kotetsu knew, it would take technology to get him back—technology that not even this future seemed to have.
<line break>
Kotetsu headed back to the same stairwell he’d stashed his suit in that night, and sighed when he woke there the next morning.
For now, he decided, he would act as though he would be stuck in this new society for the rest of his life: Settle in and build a base of support, before trying whatever it would take to find a way home. He would have to lay low, since it was possible the criminal who’d also gotten snapped here was still after him. It was also possible that same criminal knew how to get back home, but Kotetsu had nothing to make him want to take Kotetsu back with him. Besides, it was better to be the one surprising than the one being surprised. He could track down the criminal and stay low.
The next big problem was money. Kotetsu needed it for food, shelter, a place to store his suit, toiletries, and just about everything else. He had a decent amount of cash stashed away in his suit for emergencies, but for the most part: For money, he needed a job, and for a job, he needed a new identity.
Kotetsu couldn’t trust that the heroes of this time wouldn’t see straight through a fake paper trail, which meant no seeking a position with them.
At the same time, this new society was different enough to the one that Kotetsu knew that he didn’t quite trust it anyway. Before, he knew that money motivated sponsors, while heroes competed but ultimately trusted each other. Now, he didn’t know what pushed society—if they did catch him, they might not let him go free. They might not even help him. And for now, that meant avoiding heroes and picking up smalltime jobs until he had the money for a new identity.
Kotetsu chased criminals for more than ten years; he knew how to track down a forger—though admittedly, this would be his first time hiring one.
<line break>
It didn’t take long for Kotetsu to figure out the main issue with his plan: When you’re searching for one kind of criminal, it’s not hard to stumble upon others. Kotetsu managed to ignore them for as long as it took to set up a new civilian identity—Kaburagi Muramasa, after his brother—and to find a retail position.
Several weeks later, Kotetsu had enough money that, while he still returned to that stairwell every night, he felt comfortable caving to his instincts and putting his suit on for the first time since he’d taken it off that first morning.
Or at least, he tried.
Without Saito and his mechanics to help, it took Kotetsu an entire day to figure out how to piece his suit back together.
After that, though, Kotetsu started spending all of his free time on the streets. He knew Bunny wouldn’t be happy about him going out, but he also knew that Bunny would understand why Kotetsu couldn’t just sit still when there were people in need. In a compromise to his partner, though, he at least tried to stick to the shadows.
<line break>
It only took a week and a half for the heroes and police to start hunting him.
<line break>
Naomasa Tsukauchi pinned a sketch to an otherwise blank board, then sat on his desk and stared it. Glowing neon green eyes stared back.
A new vigilante had appeared on the streets, and those eyes were one of the only clues he had for finding the man. He hid behind armor that lit up when he used his quirk, though they hadn’t yet figured out what it was: Some of the villains he’d caught claimed super strength, others super hearing and a half dozen more.
Naomasa had been tempted to nickname the vigilante ‘Superman,’ after the classic comic, but the villains had already named him ‘Midori Oni.’
The Green Oni.
Naomasa couldn’t deny the vigilante had the typical horns and green coloring down perfectly, though he lacked a tiger pelt.
Sighing, Naomasa stood back up and grabbed a box already full with case files for villains Midori Oni had caught. He’d been busy, Naomasa could give him that—but vigilantism was illegal. They had heroes for a reason.
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skullcanons · 6 years
TFP!Smokescreen/Cybertronian!Reader: Youth
Requested by @trianglemistress
A/N: This was a lot of fun to write! Hopefully it reads okay. Thank you for the request!
Read it on Ao3
“Ten!” you shouted. Optimus vented harsher than necessary.
“Eleven!” Smokescreen shouted back. From the corner of his vision, he could see the young mech shoot another Vehicon. Backwards. “Twelve!”
You were in front of him so he could clearly see you execute a Vehicon in a similar manner. “Eleven!”
Smokescreen’s laugh projected over the comms. It was loud enough that Optimus could hear it over the sounds of battle. “You’re going to have to try harder than that to beat an elite guardsman!”
Optimus vented again, expecting to hear a retaliating goad from you as he called for a retreat. One didn't come as he drove through the groundbridge, and the Prime felt a bit of hope. You were maturing.
When you emerged from the bridge with smoking blasters, that hope was dashed.
“Twelve and thirteen,” you gloated with a wide smirk. “Suck it, Smokes!”
He couldn’t help but watch the monitors as you and Smokescreen circled each other. When he had seen you two enter the training room, he immediately sent in Arcee and Bulkhead. Just in case.
“You sure this is a good idea, Prime?” Arcee questioned over a private line. “I overheard them earlier and… well… they don’t sound like they’re on the best of terms.”
“I am sure they would not seriously injure a fellow team member,” Optimus replied, sounding not at all sure.
Arcee vented, but didn’t respond.
You made the first move, faking a jab to the right before moving to the left. Smokescreen anticipated this and countered, throwing you over his shoulder. You recovered before he could pin you. This went on a bit, and Optimus became impressed by the restraint the two of you were displaying.
This, of course, went out the window when Smokescreen tackled you to the ground. It took both Arcee and Bulkhead to separate the two of you as the fighting dissolved to wrestling on the ground. Optimus vented and pinged Ratchet. Those dents would need to be repaired.
“With all due respect Optimus, either you talk to them or I do. They’re in the medbay every other solar cycle!” Ratchet burst as soon as you and Smokescreen left for your patrols. Your very separate patrols.
“I don’t see what the problem is,” Wheeljack cut in from his place by the command center. “A little friendly competition never hurt anyone.”
“They’re hardly friendly,” Ratchet responded with a growl.
“I recommend a night in the brig,” Ultra Magnus spoke up. Wheeljack rolled his eyes and Optimus saw another argument coming.
The Prime raised a silencing hand. “I will speak to them after their patrol. It is my hope that disciplinary action will not be necessary. I will, however, take all suggestions into consideration.”
Optimus braced himself outside the recreation area. He never liked this part of the job. Both of you could be heard through the doorway, though your words were muffled. The rest of the team had made themselves scarce on his request. He didn’t want to embarrass either of you.
Lifting his servo in greeting, he stepped into the room before stilling. The two of you sat in front of the tiny human television with your back struts resting against a makeshift seat.
You jabbed the mech beside you in a friendly manner with a laugh. He swatted away your servo with a giggle himself before slyly throwing his arm around you. Both of your frames were relaxed as you leaned into each other. Hushed conversation interlaced with giggling met his audials. Feeling much like an intruder, Optimus lowered his servo.
Backing away with as much stealth as he could manage, the Prime retreated to his quarters. He could talk to you two about your recklessness later.
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jarvissharesdalove · 6 years
5 Times Jarvis Wanted to Remain Hidden + 1 Time They Didn't (1/6)
To be perfectly clear this is an AU. Jarvis will not be an A.I. and I'm genderbending them.
#1: Ghost Cleaning Service
“Don't worry about cleaning that up, I got someone for that.”
That's all that the team ever heard from Tony every time someone broke, spilled, or just straight-up destroyed (in the Hulk’s case) something in the tower. It was nice to know that Tony was nice enough to replace and repair anything that the team needed, but now it was getting ridiculous.
Tony had said that same sentence for what felt like the hundredth time this week - this time aiming it at Steve, who was fretting over the pile of week old dirty dishes still sitting in the sink of the common floor kitchen.
Steve sighed as he hears him say that.
“For God's sake, Tony, something has to be done about this. The dishes have been there for over a week now. I'm concerned about the welfare of the team.”
It actually took a serious amount of effort not to roll his eyes into the back of his head and groan.
“It really is okay, Cap, I have someone who comes to clean the tower. How else do you think your floor stay so clean even when you and Wonder Twins over there leave for weeks or months at a time? Hell, even when Thor shows up whenever he feels like it, or when Bruce and I go on sporadic science binges and don't see the light of day for a few days at a time?”
While the others contemplate what he said is Natasha who perked up from the couch beside him.
“Maid cleaning service?” She asks with suspicion in her eyes.
“Something like that.” Tony shrugged and looks away.
“Robot cleaning service?” Clint looked on with glee.
“Nothing like that.” Tony deadpans. “Just know that I have someone for just about everything.”
He refused to speak on the subject again, no matter how much the others (mainly Clint) pester him.
This continues into the night that even Bruce joins in. “Et tu, Brucie?”
By the next day The Avengers are all gathered in the kitchen making or stealing (Natasha and Tony) their own respective breakfast. Steve was the first to notice the sink free of the previous dishes and completely clean. He looked around the counter and in the dishwasher trying to see if Tony had stashed the dishes away to avoid another lecture only to come up empty.
“Alright Tony, where are they?” He turns to Tony only to find said man stealing another bite from Bruce's breakfast bagel, which he really wasn't putting up much of a fight for.
Tony glances over at him with his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk’s.
“Where's what, your protein shakes? I have no idea.” He quickly replies after he washes down his spoils with his third cup of coffee. It would have been his fourth if it hadn't been for Natasha who stole his second.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about.” When Tony continues to stare at him incredulously his anger ratchets up another notch and he quickly points at the sink as if to clarify. “The dishes! What happened to the dishes?”
Tony's face then change to that of indignation almost as if to say ‘isn't it obvious?’ Which really, it was.
“Did you throw the dirty ones away and buy a new one it's just so you couldn't do them?” Clint ask around a mouth full of food.
“Yes, I clearly dumped out all of the dishes into the trash and then tossed the trash into the incinerator hide the evidence. THEN... to cover my tracks even further I went out in the dead of night to purchase brand new kitchenware in the same condition as the old ones. How dumb do you sound?”
Tony looked around the table at the various degrees of disbelief on everyone's faces. Giving out a huff, he rolled his eyes and instead of answering he just stands from the table and grabs his coffee, Bruce's bagel and heads to the elevator but not before throwing over his shoulder, “I told you I have someone for that."
The rest of the Avengers stared in silence at the door until Bruce clears his throat and all eyes turn to him.
“You know, I always did wonder how he managed to keep his room clean even though his Workshop is such a complete disaster zone.”
Everyone was regarding him with questioning looks and he just went back to reading his tablet while blindly reaching for his (stolen) bagel. Realizing it wasn't there, he simply sighed, picked up his tea and left as well, leaving the others to ponder over his words.
They unanimously agreed to drop the subject, seeing as it wasn't really bothering anyone.
It was only a few days later when the captain and the wonder spy twins were given an undercover mission that it was picked up again. Natasha and Steve were loading into the quinjet and ready to take off with Clint in the pilot seat.
“Do you think Tony's guy will be in our rooms again?” Natasha asked out of nowhere.
“I'm not sure, but we all left our rooms in relatively clean conditions, there will be nothing to clean.” Steve stated.
“Speak for yourselves.” Clint spoke over the comms. “I left my place a pigsty, clothes everywhere and a mess all over the walls! I'm talking mystery stains that you don't want to know what it is or was.”
It was actually Natasha who looked both disgusted and perplexed.
“I set up a motion cameras in the walls so I can only get a good look and who's visiting our private quarters, but also see their face when they witness what I left them.” Clint cackled at his ingenious plan.
After over two weeks on their mission they were finally able to come home. Upon touchdown Clint was the first person off the quinjet quickly followed by the other two. He wanted to hurry to check his cameras and see the state of his rooms.
When the elevator landed on his floor he looked around and was surprised to see the place spotless. Rushing over to the television, he turned it on and changed to the channel the cameras were on. Steve Natasha sat on the couch with him - curiosity getting the better of them.
“Okay, now let's see who our mystery guest really is.” Steve peered at him quizzically while Natasha just rolled her eyes and shook her head at his antics.
Soon their expressions shifted to one of disgust as they stared at the television, at the previous state of Clint's rooms before they left.
“They are good.” Natasha muttered as she look from the void of filth on television to the now clean room they were sitting in. “Had it been me, I'd have cleaned it with fire.”
They continue to watch the feed for a couple more moments until they noticed some movement in the corner of the screen, then the screen went black.
“What happened?” Clint screeched as he fast forwarded until the room came back into view. When it did it was spotless, almost as there wasn't a mess to begin with.
“I agree, they are very good.” Steve spoken in awe as he noticed the timestamp from the blackout to now was a mere four days.
Clint on the other hand seemed to be having a conniption of sorts with all of the half finished questions flying from his mouth.
In a sudden fit of rage Clint rose from the couch and stormed his way back to the elevator, Steve and Natasha quickly followed behind him, making sure he didn't do anything rash that he might regret. The elevator moved to Tony's workshop level where Clint dashed out and tried to confront Tony who appeared to be working on welding something.
Before he can get a word in Tony lifted up his goggles and turned off the welding torch with a surprised look on his face.
“Hey, when did you guys get back? Nevermind, that isn't the issue, bird brain, there's a message for you.” Tony walked over to his computer desk to retrieve a small sticky note and handed it over to Clint. Upon reading it he quickly blanched. Feeling curious Steve and Natasha read the note over his shoulders and scuffed.
On the note was a single sentence written in an unrecognizable handwriting.
"Thanks for the challenge!"
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Le pumpkin autumn challenge ne se terminera que le 30 novembre prochain… Pourtant, je ne peux m’empêcher de déjà penser à mes lectures cocooning de Noël. Ce sont des romans qui se déroulent pendant les fêtes ou sous la neige, des romances pour la plupart. Bref, des livres qui font du bien, d’auteurs que j’ai déjà lu et qui ne devraient pas me décevoir 🙂 Ma PAL de décembre est donc presque déjà prête. Au programme : des flocons, de l’amour, de l’humour et des cadeaux de Noël !
En anglais (VO), j’ai évidemment choisi de sélectionner SNOW FALLING, le roman qui est présent dans la série Jane the Virgin. Ça fait déjà un moment que j’ai fini la série mais ce livre est toujours dans ma pile à lire et je pense que le lire en décembre serait parfait. La couverture est un peu kitsch mais c’est celle qui est présente dans la série. Voici le résumé (qui parlera bien entendu plus au fan de la série ^^) :
“Fans of the show will undoubtedly enjoy the chance to read Jane’s book in real life.” —Entertainment Weekly
It’s been a lifetime (and three seasons) in the making, but Jane Gloriana Villanueva is finallyready to make her much-anticipated literary debut!
Jane the Virgin, the Golden Globe, AFI, and Peabody Award–winning The CW dramedy, has followed Jane’s telenovela-esque life—from her accidental artificial insemination and virgin birth to the infant kidnapping and murderous games of the villainous Sin Rostro to an enthralling who-will-she-choose love triangle. With these tumultuous events as inspiration, Jane’s breathtaking first novel adapts her story for a truly epic romance that captures the hope and the heartbreak that have made the television drama so beloved.
Snow Falling is a sweeping historical romance set in 1902 Miami—a time of railroad tycoons, hotel booms, and exciting expansion for the Magic City. Working at the lavish Regal Sol hotel and newly engaged to Pinkerton Detective Martin Cadden, Josephine Galena Valencia has big dreams for her future. Then, a figure from her past reemerges to change her life forever: the hotel’s dapper owner, railroad tycoon Rake Solvino.
The captivating robber baron sets her heart aflame once more, leading to a champagne-fueled night together. But when their indiscretion results in an unexpected complication, Josephine struggles to decide whether her heart truly belongs with heroic Martin or dashing Rake.
Meanwhile, in an effort to capture an elusive crime lord terrorizing the city, Detective Cadden scours the back alleys of the Magic City, tracking the nefarious villain to the Regal Sol and discovering a surprising connection to the Solvino family.
However, just when it looks like Josephine’s true heart’s desire is clear, danger strikes. Will her dreams for the future dissolve like so much falling snow or might Josephine finally get the happy ever after she’s been dreaming of for so long?
Ensuite, des flocons comme promis avec trois romans Feel-good qui se déroulent en hiver. La suite de la trilogie de Sarah Morgan que j’ai débuté l’année dernière et le nouveau livre de Clarisse Sabard dont la couverture est super mignonne et 100% en thème avec l’hiver. Pour ceux qui aimeraient se laisser tenter par Sarah Morgan, voici mon avis sur le tome 1.
Passons maintenant à un roman pour sourire et se nourrir par procuration, également d’une auteure #cocoon que beaucoup de lectrices adorent : Emily Blaine. J’ai acheté La crêperie des petits miracles d’occasion il n’y a pas longtemps et j’ai très envie de retrouver son adorable plume.
Adèle a tout quitté  : Paris, le grand restaurant dans lequel elle travaillait, la pression constante des cuisines, la misogynie du chef qui la bridait chaque jour un peu plus. Pour échapper au burn out, elle s’est réfugiée chez une amie de sa grand-mère, à Saint-Malo. Dans la crêperie de Joséphine, elle reprend petit à petit ses marques, restant loin des cuisines mais s’occupant du service et des clients. Dans ce cocon gourmand et chaleureux, elle devient celle à qui l’on demande des conseils d’écriture pour un discours municipal, un dossier de candidature ou une lettre de réclamation. Alors, quand la crêperie est menacée de fermeture, Adèle est prête à tout pour empêcher que ce  bastion d’humanité et de bienveillance ne disparaisse. À tout, y compris à convaincre Arnaud Langlois, puissant homme d’affaires fraîchement divorcé, de devenir son associé.
Et enfin, parce qu’une PAL de décembre sans livre sur Noël n’en est pas une, voici deux livres qui mettent clairement cette fête familiale à l’honneur. Sapin, guirlandes et cadeaux en vue… Noël Actually et Vous faites quoi pour Noël de Carène Ponte.
De quoi passer l’Avent comme il faut : avec des bons livres et du thé ❤ D’ailleurs en parlant de thé, j’ai pour la première fois commandé un calendrier de l’avent spécial thé. J’ai tellement hâte d’être en décembre pour goûter toutes ces petites merveilles. Si ça vous intéresse, je l’ai commandé sur LA THE BOX où ils proposent différents calendrier de l’avent en plus de leurs abonnements. Trop bien, non ? 🙂
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Ma pile à lire de décembre #XMAS2020 Le pumpkin autumn challenge ne se terminera que le 30 novembre prochain... Pourtant, je ne peux m'empêcher de déjà penser à mes lectures cocooning de Noël.
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 months
Chewsday? No, for Vox, it is sulk-day.
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"You know how hard it is to bite people with a flat face? You can't!" It's a problem, it's a real problem.
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kakodaimones · 3 months
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"Hands off the twink until he's off the clock, he has work to do."
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Home and Family, Shance Fluff Week Prompt 3
June 6th: Home/Family Yes, I did both, because I couldn’t make it about Family when they’re all on Earth, AKA Home. ————————————— Lance was wiggling impatiently during the meeting. They’d finally defeated Zarkon and Lotor, the last of the Galra Empire crushed, and they’d finally, finally returned to Earth. But negotiations with Earth had to happen first, all the major leaders speaking to Allura and Coran and news crews everywhere.
Lance just wanted to go home. He wanted to see his family, his Mamá and Papá and siblings and every relative he could think of, back in Cuba. But he’d be free soon enough, so he smiled and waved and tapped his foot agitatedly against the sweet and familiar dirt he’d missed these past few years.
Shiro noticed his fidgeting and slyly twined his hand together with his boyfriend’s, Blue rumbling soothingly in his mind while Pidge shot him an empathetic look from where she was standing with her brother and father. Hunk and Keith noticed too, shuffling closer while Keith stayed behind the bigger man, camera shy.
“Soon, Lance. Just hold on a little longer, and then we’ll all go visit Cuba with you.” Shiro muttered as he smiled at another camera.
Lance made a soft whine in the back of his throat at the thought of waiting longer, but a soft laugh from Blue soothed his impatience as she reassured him she’d fly as fast as she could to get him to his family.
It took longer than he thought, but sure enough he and Blue were breaking the sound barrier as they flew across the country to his homeland, the others following close behind.
Shiro’s laughter echoed through the comm link. “Lance! Slow down babe, the rest of us can’t keep up.” Lance purposefully ignored Keith’s indignant shout in favor of whining at his boyfriend.
“I know Shiro, but I haven’t seen them in years! I don’t know if my siblings got married or if aunt Rosa had the baby oh who am I kidding she probably did but what about the baby itself? Is it a girl? Boy? I don’t know!” Lance rambled, gunning Blue’s engines even faster over the ocean.
“Lance, its only been five years. Besides, if anything, I’m slightly worried about meeting them.” Shiro confessed.
Lance huffed out a short laugh. “Babe, you’re the epitome of a good gentleman. They’ll love you!” He said, finally slowing Blue down in order to regale his boyfriend and team with stories of how well his family had taken his bisexuality and attraction to boys, both negating his panic and easing Shiro’s worries.
It wasn’t long after that the familiar island country popped into view, exciting Lance and even Blue purred in anticipation.
He landed her in a field, only a few miles from his old house. He’d checked beforehand, the McClain residence still standing and bursting with people.
He dashed out of the cockpit, stumbling a little as he ran down a dusty path towards his house, noticing people chattering in rapid Spanish around a TV set up on the porch. He recognized the flash of blue onscreen.
“Mamá! Papá!” He called, watching as the two people closest to the television whirled around and gaped at the dusty man in armor tearing up the path to their home, crying.
The first to reach him was surprisingly his mother, a short and stocky woman, who had sprinted across the yard and practically tackled him, sobbing his name as cries of “Its really him!” “It’s Lance! He’s alive!” and “Please God, don’t let this be a dream!” echoed across the house in Spanish, more and more familiar family members coming out to dogpile their lost and thought dead relative.
Lance sobbed and hugged as many blood relatives as he could, his mother full on bawling like some of his sisters and his father and older brother sniffling and his uncle shouting about where in hell had he been all this time and his little cousins squealing over his armor.
He was smothered in kisses and hugs and it was almost overwhelming. His family finally backed up a little, crowding around him and shouting questions, rapid Spanish nearly drowning the Blue Paladin. His Mamá held his face between both hands as she peppered his face with little kisses, just like she’d done before he’d left for the Garrison all those years ago.
“You’ve come back to me. Mi hijo came back to me.” His mother whimpered, the familiar lilt to her voice such a missed sound that Lance cried even harder as he enveloped her in a hug.
“I’m home, Mamá.” He hiccuped, hearing the approaching sound of his other family, his team. He smiled. “There’s some people I’d like you to meet.” He explained, pulling away and leading her by the hand to where his space family stood by the gate.
Lance smiled and reached for Shiro’s hand. “Mamá, this is my boyfriend, Shiro.” He said, beaming at his mother. She laughed and pulled the bigger man into a hug, startling him.
“Thank you for bringing my baby home in one piece, Shiro.” She said gratefully, Shiro finally hugging back.
“Ha! It was a really near thing. I dunno how many times that idiot took a hit for one of us.” Keith spoke up, folding his arms over his chest and eyeing Lance playfully. Lance scoffed, rolling his eyes as the team started relaxing around the huge Cuban family, cousins already tugging at Matt’s rebel clothing, Pidge getting buried under fussing adults and Hunk saying hello to the McClain’s he remembered.
“Only because some mullet headed moron kept thinking with his sword more than his head!” Lance shot back, grinning. Lance’s mother quirked an eyebrow as she stepped back from the hug she’d given Shiro, her husband already heading inside to make coffee.
“Okay boys, play nice.” Pidge piped up, finally free from Lance’s aunts and uncles and jabbing Keith in the side while Lance cackled at the startled yelp the Red Paladin gave at the sudden injury. Matt snickered, highfiving his sister.
Lance’s mother shook her head, giggling at the playful little group her boy had claimed as a second family.
“Why don’t you all come inside for some coffee and tea? It sounds like you have a lot of stories to tell.” She asked kindly, and Shiro tilted his head at her with a gentle smile.
“That sounds lovely, Mrs. McClain.” ——————————- I hope this was fluffy enough!!!! 🖤💙🖤💙 @shancefluffweek
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zillowcondo · 7 years
This & That: August 11, 2017
—Cooking for Picasso: A Novel by Camille Aubray
After reading this post of my favorite 10 French books earlier this week, a reader shared a few of her own and one which I had not heard of, so I wanted to share. Cooking for Picasso was released this past June and involves French cooking, a bit of mystery and a dash of romance. Spanning three generations, it is young Céline whose grandmother cooked for Picasso in 1936, and it is Céline who upon learning of her grandmother’s story, decides to make a trip to the small village in France where it took place. Let the plot begin!
—The French Gardener: A Novel by Santa Montefiore
While written in 2009, my local book shop recommended this novel as an ideal summer escape for the Francophile. Involving a young couple who purchases a French country home that needs much love and care, it is a charming Frenchman who arrives to help them work with Mother Nature. Along the way much more is discovered about this mysterious gentleman, and the lessons of love and life come forth.
—Local Eats Paris: A Traveler’s Guide by Natasha McGuinness
Released this past May, discover the highly recommended bistros, restaurants, cafés and patisseries to visit in Paris, as well as what to pair for your picnic to be enjoyed at one of the many jardins or along the Seine.
—Rosé All Day: The Essential Guide to Your New Favorite Wine by Katherine Cole
We couldn’t have French Week here on the blog and not talk about rosé wine. As many of you may have noticed, rosé is having a resurgence as the wine of summer. With delectable price points and delicious options, I don’t know why it ever wasn’t the wine of summer. Discover the history of this pink wine and where to find the good stuff in this playful, yet resourceful, new book.
—Voilà! The Effortless French Cookbook: Easy Recipes to Savor the Classic Tastes of France by Cecile Delarue
Well, if Mireille Guilano recommends it, I may just have to take a look. Released on July 25th, Cecile Delarue’s new cookbook begins with a recreation of teachings that will offer the cooking skills one might find in a Parisian culinary class. Creator of the blog French and Parfait, readers will discover 125 recipes, each offering a pairing of the best choice of wine. As well, learn how to prepare the French staples such as quiches, a poached egg and delicious sauces.
—France: The Cookbook by Ginette Mathiot
A reader recently shared with me and recommended quite whole-heartedly this cookbook, which if I am recalling correctly, I may have mentioned on the blog earlier this year. France: The Cookbook is a reprint of the 1932 original cookbook which has sold more than six million copies. Now available with an updated translation by Chocolate & Zucchini blogger and cookbook author Clotilde Dusoulier, this cookbook is one to have in your kitchen if you enjoy traditional French fare.
—The Midwife
Released this past July, the past returns in a French film with two outstanding French actresses. Catherine Deneuve and Catherine Frot star in The Midwife which focuses on the unlikely friendship later in life of the midwife (Frot) and her father’s former flambuoyant mistress (Deneuve). Have a look at the trailer below.
  —Tous les Soleils
Released in 2011, I wanted to share what looks like a truly lovely and heart-warming movie. Starring Stefano Accorsi as an Italian widower who teaches music in France, is still gripped by the passing of his wife; however, his young daughter is living life, and so too do those who love him wish he would do as well. Have a look at the trailer below (my apologies, as I couldn’t find a trailer with English subtitles, but I have a feeling the visuals will give you a taste of the tone and the plot) and be sure to add to your watch list. 
—Jacques Pepin & Sur La Table
The highly respected French chef Jacques Pepin has paired up with Sur La Table to offer his own line of cookware (copper!) and tableware (I believe he loves chickens).
—Raey superfine cashmere cornflower scarf
I came across this cashmere scarf while putting together yesterday’s Outfit of the Week, and I could not resist including it in this week’s This & That. The cornflower blue is ideal and epitomizes southern France to me. And the price isn’t that bad either.
—Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce, season 4 premiere
I know this show isn’t French or French-inspired, but I wanted to make sure you knew it was premiering next Thursday on Bravo. With only two more seasons left (they’ve finished taping both already), enjoy some summer laughter and life’s ups and downs with the girls of GGTD.
—The Tunnel
Some of you may already be fans or know about this series as it is on its second season here in the states on PBS and originally began on BBC. I just became aware of it through a friend who highly recommended it, and once I knew Clémence Poésy was starring in it, I wanted to have a look. If you enjoy modern crime dramas, a dash of French language from time to time (but not all the time), and good rapport with the chosen actors, as well as a mind-boggling plot, be sure to check out The Tunnel.
  ~recipe for Easy Crusty French Bread~
Freshly made bread, the thought of the smell alone makes my tastebuds dance, so when a TSLL reader (Thank you Sue!) shared the above recipe with me, I wanted to share with you. After all, bread making can be quite simple, and the results are worth giving it a try.
Speaking of simple, yet luxurious, the second annual French Week on the blog, based on readers comments and feedback has been going very well, and I want to thank you for stopping by, taking in the posts or episodes of the podcast thacalught your eye and sharing what you loved. While it was a busy week, I honestly loved every minute as I had the opportunity to be introduced to so many long-time but first-time commenters and new readers as well as share what I love about the French-inspiration in my life and hear yours as well in the comments. And the good news is, the week isn’t over yet. There are still four more posts (one of which is another episode of the podcast with none other than the woman behind Comme une Française, Géraldine Lepère) for you to enjoy. We had an enlightening conversation about the differences between the French and North American cultures, and I do think you’ll find her tips reassuring regarding travel especially if you are contemplating going beyond Paris.
Don’t forget to enter both of the GIVEAWAY opportunities (here and here), and enjoy an ample selection of reading material for the weekend. Until later today, bonne journée!
~Julia Child’s home in Washington D.C. is more than somewhat rundown, but a new owner has big plans.
~Inspiring advice from a Navy SEAL . . . 11 Surefire Ways to Turn Your Dreams into Reality 
~If you are someone in the growing number of women who are choosing not to have want, even though they are married, this article is worth reading
~But if you do want kids and you’re in your late thirties or forties, read this article, which will also ease your mind.
~Single? This article suggests staying single until you find someone who understands love isn’t a fantasy land 
~I so appreciated reading this article about a father and daughter
~6 Things You Must Quit Doing Now to Be Successful
~Did you hear the exciting news this week about the über successful memoir by Isabel Vincent, Dinner with Edward (listen to my review of the book in this Petit Plaisir of the podcast)? David Suchet (aka Hercules Poirot) will be starring as Edward in an upcoming film adaptation of the book!
~One of the foods I miss most and cannot wait to enjoy upon returning to France is Comté! Read why it really is the Queen of French Cheese in Susan Herrmann Loomis’ post
~Visiting Paris in August? Discover what to do in the city when the Parisians are gone and tourists have the run of the place
~Speaking of visiting France in the summer, discover 26 things that happen every summer 
~Put these must-visit streets on your list, The 10 Coolest Streets in Paris
~More planning that is worth your time and will save you money: The Best FREE thing to do in each arrondissement
  TSLL 2017 French Week continues through August 12th. Amusez-vous bien! 
Don’t Miss What Has Been Posted So Far:
TSLL French Week Begins: A French Linen Giveaway
My 10 All-Time Favorite French Books
A Lifestyle Blog Designed for Francophiles: TSLL
Episode #167 of the Podcast: My Good Life in France: Janine Marsh
9 French Online Clothing Destinations & Brands You Must Visit
Style Inspiration: Effortlessly French
My Stylish French Box: Enjoy the Seasonal Gifts of France Wherever You Live
Episode #168 of the Podcast: French Everyday Living with Author & Blogger Sharon Santoni
15 Kitchen Tools to Cook Anything Like a Pro
Subscribe to TSLL Newsletter Tailored Just For You
Putting on the Ritz: Cooking Classes at the Ritz Paris
11 Brands for French Stripes: Classic & Modern
Outfit of the Week: Attire for a Flâneuse on a Summer Evening
This & That: August 11, 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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kakodaimones · 3 months
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"Speaking of, it's apparently Pregnant Lucifer Week on Vitter."
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kakodaimones · 3 months
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"I get the point is trolling, but honestly? I'd just go for Carmilla herself."
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kakodaimones · 4 months
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...it is funny that Vox 🤝 Vaggie over "we've got to make sure Charlie doesn't make a deal with Alastor" even if for completely different reasons.
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