#{Skywarp Headcanons}
dizziz · 3 months
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(Open the image for better quality??) i actually don't know if it works but tumbler keeps flipping with the quality. So God help me
Drawing the trine in my style with my headcanons. ;) More belove
For Skywarp I went more for the mean looking type. I added the pattern to his wings and arms to represent sparks he leaves behind him when he teleports.
I think he is more friendly. I tried to make him look bubbly and nervous. I wanted to give him cloud patterns on his wings and legs. I'm still not quite sure about them but since that is my first redraw/drawing in my style I'm going to leave it for now.
He is a jerk!
Good for him!
Anyways thank you for reading
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pinkanonwrites · 3 months
Just another mini random obsession of mine. Mixing together the post about fabrics being a luxury good to cybertronians and humans being very interesting to bots..
The idea that humans need soft cushiony surfaces to recharge and be comfy, as well as piles of fabrics over them to stay warm, and plush squares under their heads to insure maximum recharge capabilities are met. The idea that humans need that makes bots go wow so soft. But then for humans they're like "you just lay on hard metal surfaces?? Isn't that uncomfortable?" And the bot is like "no? Why would it be?" And they worry when they're sleeping with a human in their berth and have nothing plush to offer them to sleep with whehwh just the metal birth and their metal frame ehbehe the differences must be confusing for both groups and the urge to want the other to be comfortable is probably stressful (moreso a concern for the bot rather than the human))
(((And Ofc if ur sleeping on a hard surface ur neck and back will be stiff too which just perpetuates the guilt in the bot ehehehebbw)))
Rant over thank u for ur time 💖
This actually goes pretty well with my other headcanon, which is that Cybertronians almost NEVER move around in their sleep. Humans do so we don't get sore or keep pressure on certain muscles for too long, but Cybertronians tend to lay stock-still, arms at their sides, unmoving the entirety of their recharge cycle. So it isn't unfeasible for a human to bring just some extra padding up on top of their robot partner for late night cuddles.
Picture clambering up on Rodimus's chassis or into Optimus's servo and unfurling your foam mattress topper and blankets, or curling up inside a bot's cassette bay or cockpit with your pillows and stuffed animals. <3 I feel like some bots might forget you're in there in the morning though. (Skywarp and Blaster)
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michaela-o · 1 year
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I got back to playing a guitar.. Seekers lissening to it for the first time :]♡ (another selfinsert :"] )
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witchofthesouls · 9 months
A darker, matte, tall-as-a-Tower Thundercracker is peak Seeker beauty.
Tricolored, slim, short-king Starscream is peak Seeker masculinity.
And Skywarp that feral raccoon of a seagull that will fight everyone and everything for one corn chip or a hug.
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thatrandomn3rd · 9 months
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Seekers Head cannons :D
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Skywarp <3
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• he's probably the most helpful seeker aside from Thundercracker
• he would definitely refer to the seekers as his brother's
• he's very loud, but he doesn't do it on purpose
• he get's way too excited for the smallest things
• a pro at making Starscream annoyed/angry
• clinically stupid, he only has two brain cells and only one of them work at a time
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• like, nothing goes on in his head most of the time
• doesn't even know where he is or what's going on most of the time
• Megatron only likes him because he can teleport
• has teleported into a wall multiple times
• sometimes teleports to random places where he didn't intend to go and gets lost
• doesn't pay attention to where he's going when he's flying (has flown into trees and mountains before)
• him and Rumble definitely have beef
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(Why did Rumble fly like that lol???)
• literally trips over his own feet randomly
• Sound wave definitely finds Skywarp annoying
• is actively avoided by Thundercacker
• he's got that angsty teen energy
• he likes to collect rocks during missions
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• he definitely does tricks in the air just for fun
• sometimes he actively tries to annoy everyone and always succeeds
• just caries random stuff sometimes (like rocks, sticks, machine parts, tools, etc.)
• he likes to bonk Soundwaves mini cassettes on the head with empty paper towel rolls
• he likes to try and hols Ravage like a cat
• surprisingly has never been hit by Megatron
•he definitely went through an Emo phase.
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cloudraker · 11 months
hi! can i request seeker trine with seekerling/sparkling reader? i just need some good ol found family fluff. preferably headcannons ^^
thank you! have a good day/night!
For sure! Since you didn't specify I stuck with G1 ^^
G1 Seekers with a sparkling
Under the cut :)
Whoever gave them a child is a fool and is banned from Decepticon HQ
Starscream is shockingly responsible when handling them, making sure they're taking in enough fuel and are properly maintained. He knows how questionable the medical skills of Hook are, so he takes it upon himself to deal with any and all minor injuries that might pop up. His approach might come across as clinical to some
He makes sure they're educated properly despite the war going on. As a scientist, he enjoys teaching them about whatever interest them, showing a surprising amount of patience. But still, not as much patience as he probably should
In true Starscream fashion, he's not above manipulation and doing what he can to turn them against Megatron, or at the very least, have them loyal to him
Starscream tries his best to keep them at an arms lengths, however. He's worried about Megatron using them as leverage against him
Thundercracker is tired. He's trying so hard to keep them out of trouble but between Skywarp's antics and whatever Starscream has been putting in their head, he's got his work cut out for them
He does is best to make sure they grow up into a respectable seeker, teaching them basic manners and making sure they don't step too far out of line. The responsible caretaker, if you will
Lowkey worries constantly about them. He knows that growing up in a war can't be easy, and that living at the bottom of the ocean on an alien planet in a leaky metal tube isn't ideal for anybody. He does what he can to make sure their basic needs are met, sometimes snagging them something he thinks they might like when he's out on a mission
Skywarp is that one uncle that isn't estranged but you only see at family gatherings and is chill and funny and sometimes slips you a $20
Of the three, he seems to be taking it the least seriously. He encourages them to join him when he does his pranks, and is constantly trying to get them out of their duties
But, like Thundercracker, he knows that growing up in the current environment is hard, and he worries for them. He knows he's not the smartest and can't provide them support the way the other two can, so he takes it upon himself to try to keep them happy and content
He encourages any hobbies they might have, sneaking them supplies for whatever it is they want to do when he can
The three of them are rather rigid in their training. They make sure the sparkling is able to fly properly and hold their own in combat. They know that the sparkling joining the war effort isn't an 'if', but a 'when'
The first mission the sparkling goes on, the trine is on them like gum on a shoe. They get called out on their hovering, but it's not gonna stop them. They lowkey expect the coneheads to keep an eye out for them as well
Like Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp worry about Megatron using them as leverage in some way, and as such have a hard time showing open affection. It's easier for Skywarp, but Thundercracker only does it when he's sure there's nobody around and even then it's rare
Soundwave is the designated babysitter in emergencies. He hates this and has enough kids to deal with please god let him rest
Overall, they're decent caretakers if not a bit distant. They're working with what they have and hoping for the best
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decepticononline · 1 year
IDW! Starscream x (Gender Neutral) Cybertronian Seeker Reader
Warnings: oral sex, riding, very light dom/sub, fluffy, size kink, hints of the reader being romantic with Thundercracker and Skywarp too, this is very gender neutral but the reader has a valve.
Summary: To Starscream you were the only one on cybertron who knew how to help him with his 'issues'.
The gentle sting of a clawed servo being placed on your backstrut made you turn around to see that Skywarp was behind you. The mech had a wicked grin on his faceplate and was holding up your datapad.
"Huh, looks like Screamer sent you a message on here. Are you ignoring your internal comms?"
You had to reach up to snatch your datapad back from the mech as he towered over you. Out of all Seekers within the faction, you were the smallest.
"Stay out of my personal belongings, you creature."
Skywarp simply purred and put his servos on his hip-struts. His glossa rolled out of his intake receptor and he wagged it at you provocatively. Your optics rolled in annoyance and you walked to another part of the base to comm your commander in privacy.
Since Starscream had reclaimed the throne of Cybertron he's been much busier now than he was as second in command of the Decepticon army. With him being busier meant he was much more stressed than normal.
This happened to put a strain on the already eccentric relationship you had with him. All the night cycles you've spent underneath him or one of his trinemates over the last few eons have clearly meant nothing to the mech if he neglected to give you the attention you felt you deserved.
Skywarp was too depraved and Thundercracker was too distant to give you the attention you sought. Your spark felt the strongest connection with Starscream, and if he wanted to be insolent about it then that was his loss.
"Finally, I need your assistance with an issue."
Starscream answered the comm sounding as if you hadn't just been ignoring him for the past couple of decacycles and that angered you.
"You only comm me when you need my assistance with your issues..."
"So that's what your problem is... No wonder you've been so infuriatingly annoying lately. Come by to see me and I'll make everything up to you."
With that, he ended the comm and you growled in annoyance, Starscream was unbelievable and unpredictable yet to him, you were completely predictable. He knew you'd come back to him one way or another.
So go back to him you did, just this time you weren't that easy, and you still had some dignity left. When you walked in he was sitting on his throne like normal, a golden Vosian crown upon his helm and a seeker high-rank soldier at either side of him.
With a simple servo gesture, both soldiers exited the room in sync with one another.
"How does it feel to be within my presence again now that your little failed mission of ignoring me is over?"
"Feels like I got kicked in the helm."
Starscream scoffed and gestured for you to get closer to him and you denied.
"Sorry, I won't be that easy."
"That fierceness is one of the many things I love and cherrish about you."
He always knew just what to say to make you submit. It was like a gift he had, saying things that made your spark flutter. You had to mentally slap yourself to not ask him if he really meant it.
Starscream gestured once more for you to approach him and this time you hesitated but obliged. You sat yourself down on him and he didn't waste any time leaning over to bring his dermas to yours.
You never felt this small with someone unless it was Starscream. It wasn't just his frame that was larger than yours, it was his confidence and willpower.
The kiss was gentle and you debated on giving him another. No one could deny how handsome this mech was. With his chisled features, bright red optics and sharp denta most failed to resist his advances.
"See something you like?"
"Always my Liege."
His wings fluttered behind him and you found yourself becoming fixated on them. They were so much bigger than your own and you couldn't help but slide your digits down the sides. You knew just what spots to touch from your previous nights of entanglement with him.
While you touched his wings, he touched yours. The touching of one's wings for seekers was completely intimate. Seeker wings were much more sensitive than the wings of regular fliers.
Starscream liked to have his wings rubbed, Skywarp liked to have his wings scratched, and Thundercracker liked to have his pulled. Your own wings fluttered and shifted to all of the touches Starscream gave them.
"It appears we're at the part where you tell me how much you need me."
He whispered into your audio receptors and that made your entire frame shiver. You got down onto your knee-plates and dragged your glossa along his armored interface panel.
You swirled circles around it and coated it with the fluids of your intake receptor. You even wrote his designation in Vosian along his panel with your glossa. As if you spoke the magic words to him, the mech let his panel slide off.
His spike sprang out and was already half pressurized and leaning to the side. You immediately wrapped your servos around his length and brought his tip to your dermas.
"You know I'd do anything for you my Liege. No matter how insufferable you may be..."
"Insufferable? As if that valve hasn't been slick with lubricant the moment you heard my voice through comms."
You ignored his comment and gave the tip of his spike a long lick and a groan emittited from his vocal receiver. You wrapped your dermas around his spike and took him into your intake, guiding him along the way until you hilted him in.
He put his servo on your helm and you felt his clawed digits sinking in.
"You're always so talented with that glossa aren't you?"
Your intake started to gag to signal that you desperately needed to vent and only then did he let go. You resumed to bobbing your helm up and down his shaft while he let a few slurs, curses and growls fall from his dermas.
He had this look in his optics that made you think he was getting ready to pin you down but you had other ideas. After sliding of your own interface panel to his surprise you got on top of him.
You've never taken control during interface before due to your size but as the saying goes there's a first time for everything. You lined your valve up with his spike and slowly slid down on it.
You welcomed him internally with the tight clenching of your walls and he moaned in delight. You bit down your dermas and offlined your optics when you began to slowly rock your hip-struts.
Out of all the mechs you've been with Starscream always filled you just right. It was like you two were meant for eachother, destined to be conjunxes.
The pace of the rise and fall of your hip-struts increased along with your pleasure. You'd never expected any cycle of your life to be full out riding the mech.
The way the tip of his spike was rubbing your walls internally made it feel like your protoform was tightening. The pure look of pleasure on his faceplate was gratifying to know it was you making him a wreck like this.
When his optics rolled back and his servos gripped around your hip-struts you picked up the speed. When you felt like you were getting ready to overload the mech stood up to hold you up by your hip-struts and that made you cling to his frame.
You looked down at the sudden drop from the height he was holding you and huffed.
"You think I'd drop you? Me of all people? Besides you're already holding me so tight that I don't believe you'd fall, and I don't mean with your servos."
He thrusted upwards into you while your leg-struts wrapped around either sides of him. Feeling him stretch you like this from this angled quickly ripped an overload from your systems.
The overload was brief but so intense it made your cooling fans stutter. Your valve gripped and clenched around him while drips of your lubricant leaked from around his spike and it made you mewl.
Looking into his optics like this was truly liberating. Having Starscream, ex-second in command of the Decepticon faction and now King of Cybertron pistoning into you at this angle completely made up for the lack of attention you received.
No mech had ever fragged you so passionately or efficiently as Starscream. Every experience with him was memorable for a lifetime. Your spark begged to be intertwined with his the more he touched you.
His wings began to flutter sporadically behind him and he bit down on his dermas when his overload breached. He made your ride out his overload with him by continuing to slam his hip-struts against yours.
His bright purple transfluid painted the spasming mesh walls of your valve. With how sensitive you were, you felt every spurt of his climax inside you. His optics were dimmed and his cooling fans were whirring loudly.
It caught you off guard when the mech began to leave a slew of kisses down your neck cabling. He was reluctant to remove his spike from you or put you down. The chamber to his spark slid open with a hiss and the bright blue orb made your optics widen.
"See I told you I'd make it up to you."
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cozzzynook · 6 months
the elite trine x bee pls 🙏🫶
- Thundercracker is the easiest to talk to casually. He’s also the first one to pick Bee up after they botnap him and hold him to his chassis while reading old Vosian novels.
-Skywarp is by far the funniest and helped Bee get comfortable by pranking him and enjoying the pranks Bee could pull right back.
- out of them all Bee complained the least about being warped though he had the harshest reaction. His tanks would churn and he’d purge after doing it more than once. So Skywarp only does it during emergencies.
- Starscream is the one who got Bee to open up. It was in private just the two of them gazing at the stars when Bee told him he missed his sire most. That he doesn’t remember his original carrier or sire, far too fresh from emerging to etch their plates to core bitlet memory. That Optimus is the only sire and creator he’s ever known.
- Starscream reveals pieces of his difficult and complicated relationship with his own carrier and that he took care of Skywarp and Thundercracker when they were all younglings.
- Skywarp and Thundercracker get a little jealous seeing how close the two become after their time alone and want in on being close to Bee’s spark like Star. They’re surprised when Star tells them as trine leader to let Bee open up at his own pace. Let it be natural.
- oddly Skywarp is next and its Skywarp getting comfort from Bee after an injury do they connect a little deeper. Skywarp doesn’t want to be separated from his family again and Bee tells him other than Optimus he doesn’t really have a family, not above the surface anyway. He’s friends with the bots on the ark, everyone - even Prowl, but he’s not close with them. They may tell him things but he doesn’t share anything of himself. Skywarp wants to ask so badly of Bee to tell him something, anything. But he wills himself quiet and Bee reveals he finds he likes holding Skywarp like this.
- skywarp flutters his wings as he buries his helm further in Bee’s lap. For the rest of seven cycles he flutters his wings happily.
-thundercracker is all but feel left out and ready to share his feelings with Bee when the mini comes and sets himself upon Thundercrackers lap with a warm blanket. Curling himself into a small ball and falling asleep like he owned the spot. He may not have gotten words of the past or tender touches like Star and Sky but he was Bee’s safe spot to rest and for that he was happy.
Just them all healing in every cycle ways they didn’t know they needed.
When Bee is found he isn’t in a hurry to go back just yet and makes up a story on them being able to set up neutral ground. The trine goes along with it because, hey they want peace believe it or not and it means more time with their future conjunx so they don’t complain.
They just fear for their sparks when Optimus comes after them with the spark fire of a sire missing their bitlet.
Bee is so oblivious to how terrifying Optimus looks as he hugs him.
As always free 🇸🇩🇵🇸🇨🇩🇭🇹🇾🇪
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lovinglonerhybrid · 3 months
Starscream would be impressed by a con he would admire all the artwork that had him in it and would today start a parade praising himself. Skywarp would love the crowd of people and all the mischief he could get into he also thinks that the femme version of himself is hot. Thundercracker would have the most fun he would be geeking out over the movies and the cosplays and the famous people his ongly problem would be that he snuck buster into the venue and buster keeps trying to run around. Anyway my thoughts on the bird boys at a Comic-Con
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mecha-milkers · 10 months
I feel like Skywarp's love language would be affectionate bullying. If he's got a crush on you, you better damn well be covering yourself in bubble wrap because that motherfucker is going to PUSH YOU DOWN THE STAIRS-
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drill-teeth-art · 11 months
Is there a reason Skywarp hasn't asked the cassettes directly to be in its band?
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Well, they had already told Rumble that it didn’t need his “smug attitude” in their band, and that it could form a band just fine without him. So naturally walking that statement back would be pretty embarrassing.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Oh I have this interesting headcanon that Thundercracker was the Decepticon Dot Malto saved in battle leading to Megatron partially defecting to the autobots, and that's why we see Nova Storm instead of him with Skywarp and Starscream.
Whether he's a full on autobot, or a semineutral ally like Megatron is is up for debate. (I don't consider Megatron a full on autobot but not necessarily a decepticon anymore but in "alliance" territory. Also because it means Megatron isn't under Optimus's command, no matter how much GHOST treats the situation as Optimus being Megatron's "keeper")
Based on the information I have been given, I believe TC (or another decepticon but I honestly think it would make sense to be TC) was downed and Dot n her unit proceeded to take him in and get him medical help. And, Megatron seeing how Dot "showed more care to his own soldiers than he did", left the decepticons because he realized how far he has fallen. This vaguely feels less like a sudden change of spark and more like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Shockwave's Allspark shock troops idea did not help.
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pinkanonwrites · 15 days
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Omg there is so much space inside an F22 air intake. Look at this engineer inspecting the inside of it. It's a safe place as long as the engine blades don't start up. It just immediately makes me start thinking about an engineer x Starscream fic. It's stuff like this that makes me a huge fan of seeing engineers in these bot fics lol.
The perfect snuggle spot, so long as your jet of choice doesn't decide they need to go anywhere on a whim. Starscream would be so DRAMATIC about the feeling of you weaseling your way up into his air intake in jet mode, whining and complaining about how strange it feels when in reality he enjoys the feeling of your tiny hands picking over his rotor blades just a little bit too much.
Thundercracker would sit painfully still, worried that if he shifted or transformed he may somehow squash you between his panels. Skywarp, meanwhile, waits until you're super focused before he starts rocking back and forth on his landing gear to startle you, cackling when you shriek.
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michaela-o · 1 year
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They celebrate my passed exam with me😭🫶
Just a reaaly quick shitpost😭
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witchofthesouls · 3 days
What’s your thoughts on the Cone head seekers?
I got a lot. But it's expanding on the "Starscream is Vosian royalty" trope in the tf fandom.
The Coneheads are part of the Vosian Elite hierarchy. The tension between Starscream and Thrust is made worse by their family connection as well as their heritage and social customs. They're 'cousins' through their mothers.
Vos is a matrilineal society and places a deep emphasis on full carriages. Vosians believe that the newsparks gain more durability being nurtured within their carrier's frame. Starscream has a higher rank due to his own carrier belonging to a femme who's the sparkling of femme Winglord's clutch, and she managed to bring Starscream to term despite the high-risk medical complications that unfortunately whittled down to only one viable sparklet. (She was a favored daughter and an excellent diplomat for other city-states. With strings, she buried the medical records that another attempt could kill her before the sparklets had a chance to drop down.) A very ill omen among the Vosians as it means an early death or major compatibility issues with others.
Meanwhile, Thrust came from a "proper" clutch from a carrier that can trace her lineage to a Ruling Trine. However, she was sired by those mechs upon a bondmate.
Going back to the Coneheads. It's a high-ranking trine that is the equivalent of head of the royal security forces and major contenders to succeed to the Ruling Trine or court a femme Winglord or settle her heat should she has no claimed trine or lover.
Non-Seekerkin can not understand how they can function with that kind of system that allows the possibility of deception and treachery. But it's their way of checks and balances within their social structure. The push-pull between the Winglord with the Ruling Trine and the constant testing with the outer and inner rings will hone skills and keep instincts sharp as violence is settled in acceptable manners.
Starscream and Thrust have major beef with other as they both differ on how to guide the remaining Vosians... and surviving Seekerkin. Thrust is very much: Vosian first. Decepticon second.
He also thinks of his cousin as a fuckup. He won't deny Starscream's brilliance, but it's crippled by how Starscream allows himself to be corrupted by 'outside' influences rather than keeping to themselves. A weakness, Thrust views, that stems from Starscream's attempts to go against traditions and expectations. Skywarp was an utter hellion of a Wilder barbarian, and Thrust still can't believe that Starscream trined to that when others mechs were willingly to overlook Starscream's ominous signs and standoffish quirks. The addition of a Praxian femme Thundercracker as the war escalated nearly had Starscream and Thrust come to blows. Starscream catapulting his way into Winglord and Decepticon SIC did have them come to blows. Starscream's trine won the right to lead.
Meanwhile, Starscream sneers at his cousin's lack of imagination. He's upset that Thrust's shortsightedness had been nurtured by Vosian sense of superiority... which crippled them with interacting with other city-states and blinded them to their own troubles. And it even follows them to this point in the war. Even now, there's little mixing between Vosian Seekers and the rest of the faction. Unlike Skywarp that relishes his duties as the Left-Wing to a Decepticon SIC and Winglord and the remaining Decepticon Praxians and Polyhexians that have no issues intermingling with the rest of the faction, Starscream sees that they are getting isolated. He's banging his head against so many walls because that's something that needs to be taken care of before they're written off as they further dwindle. Air superiority means little without the proper numbers, and he already is verbally vivisecting any plans that propose to split trines to further air support across divisions. He may be the established Winglord, but he has too many duties to counter the social pull the Coneheads have on the remaining Vosians. Thundercracker keeps them in line, but she can't force them out to interact with the others.
(Their family was hoping that Starscream and Thrust would trine together as they had compatible skillets and opportunities to grow well together. Thrust could handle Starscream's acerbic words and guide him to of the more successful ventures, whereas Starscream had the creative vision to go well with Thrust's excellent social finesse.
However, their personalities and motivations clashed too much as neither of them are willing to back down. They kept hoping as Thrust was still settling with his brothers and classmates but still gravitated to Starscream, even to heckle at him... They eventually gave up after Starscream trined with Skywarp.)
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Tfa seeker hcs because I love them all
Ramjet is capable of telling the truth. He just thinks it's more fun to play the "opposite game" and watch people get mad.
Don't return Sunstorm's compliments. He might just die on the spot (in a good way).
Slipstream. I have nothing for Slipstream. Except maybe she's a femme bc Starscream is bigender or trans??? Idk, it's hard to think of a Slipstream headcanon
The only thing Skywarp isn't scared of is moths. He loves them.
One insult and Thundercracker's ego is gone. Destroyed. Reduced to ashes. He won't show it, though.
Starscream hates all of the clones except for Sunstorm (the most canon thing here 💀).
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