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2x3 | 5x9
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excstacies · 2 years
tumblr made me start the song of Achilles and I’m tearing up bc Patty loves Achilles and speaks of him as if he’s the sun and he doesn’t know he’s in love yet. It’s so beautiful.
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bluegiragi · 6 months
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work it out (part 2)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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shirubiaowo · 4 months
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shrimperini · 5 months
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everyone at aperture always treats wheatley pretty badly, he’s used to being called a moron and other belittling names due to his general incompetence. of course he would grow attached to the one person who is willing to spend time with him and actually treat him decently lol
chell is very much a lone wolf. she is introverted and avoids most people in the facility, and at first she would ignore wheatley’s ramblings and maybe even think he’s slightly annoying. but overtime they became eachother’s friendly face in a place full of unpleasant coworkers. they also see eachother quite often because he helps oversee test subjects like her. and eventually she truly warms up to him, despite still maintaining her usual stoic demeanor, she starts smiling at him more often.
anyway he develops the fattest crush on her. who wouldn’t. WHO WOULDN’T
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Percabeth love story from Annabeth’s pov is so funny cause like.
In book 2, she’s thinking “oh, me and Percy will do the chariot race together. It’ll be so fun!” Only to have Tyson, who she doesn’t like at the time, third wheel her planned alone time.
Then you get to the 3rd book. Okay, we’re recruiting 2 new demigods. Their at a dance? Oh, me and Percy can dance. Have a nice romantic moment, maybe even confess.
He runs off to deflect from Thalia’s plan and she falls off a cliff.
We’re at BOTL now, Percy finally asked her out on a date. Well it’s not a date date but the point still stands. AND their seeing a movie. Perfect for a first not date.
He shows up with a red headed mortal. The school is on fire. The mortal, Rachel, writes her number on his arm.
Okay, okay, some failed attempts. Buts it’s all right. She still has more chances.
Nope, no she doesn’t. He’s in a volcano, he could die. She should probably do something before it’s too late. She kisses him and runs off, hoping he survives.
He doesn’t, oh wait he does. It’s been 2 weeks? Where was he? Oh, on an island? With who? CALYPSOS island? Your kidding.
Mhm, he hasn’t brought up the kiss. He want a mortal to led HER quest? Her first ever quest? Maybe she was reading into this wrong. Does Percy NOT like her?
Well, he must not. He spent the whole school year AND summer with Rachel. She kissed him, has spent the last 2 years trying to confess her undying love. He’s about to DIE. His souls is going to be REAPED. But he spends a year away from her. Oh yeah, there’s also a war going on.
A kiss for luck? Tradition? Okay, maybe she was freaking out for nothing. Percy likes her. She’s not gonna kiss him though. He spends a year away from her? He has to earn her affection, thank you very much. He won’t die, hopefully. She’ll kiss him then.
He’s not dead! They won the war! Yay, yippie, fire works. She gives him a kiss and they go underwater. Four years of hard work, but at least it paid off.
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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A page from my post-Botw Zelink comic. Each chapter covers key moments of my headcanon. I don't think my comic is super revolutionary in terms of story because there is so much fan content out there and im super classic and vanilla... but i dont care. I'm having fun creating my own take on what happened. This project is a time consuming blackhole and I draw it all out of order because I have no discipline whatsoever 😭 😂 It was originally just random black and white pages here and there with no cohesions, like my stand alone illustrations... but the illustrations became pages. The project is basically me fan-servicing my own self. 😂😂
Then it exploded, i've been adding color, cleaning up my panels, pimping the backgrounds.
I still unsure on which platform i will make it available to read. The friends who got my out of my shipping closet are screaming to me to print a fanzine, but i'm lazy hahaha. Might do a patreon eventually, idk.
Oh yeah, this is a panel from the chapter where Zelda and Link go back to Korok forest to put the Master Sword back in it's pedestal... I'm old, i played the old games. One of my BotW nitpics was that it didnt include the classic moment where the sword rests once again, like in ALttP and OoT. I like traditions okay!!!! Cheers!!!
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giddlygoat · 10 months
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i literally had to stop in the middle of S3:E19 to make this. special thanks to @leo-undrgrnd for coming up with louie’s joke LAWL
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 months
I will always take any chance I have to remind people that Wesper knew each other for 5 months and had only been dating for a week when they decided to move in together while Kanej were best friends for two years before they so much as admitted they liked each other
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captainkirkk · 5 months
I'm normally a very slow reader of published novels, but I devoured The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard and now I can NOT stop thinking about it.
Everyone who has read my Fire Lord Zuko content knows how much I love 1) people of power working tirelessly to make the world a better place for all; and b) kings, slowly being crushed under the weight of their crown and duty, finding love and care in their loyal servants and staff
Except this story is more. The Emperor is worshiped and treated as a god, bound by extreme taboos and protocols that he can't break. It's about his staff (his found family) looking BEYOND the exterior of godhood and finding the human being underneath - who is dying under the weight of being the Emperor - and deciding to reach out, even if by acknowledging his humanity they are technically breaking many laws.
God this book is about so many things, including:
Found family can be the Last Emperor and his senior members of staff
The Emperor learning how to be human again with the help of his friends
There's no romance in this book. The deep friendships are the beating heart of this story, and they very much Love each other.
Breaking down a previously corrupt imperial empire through hard work and radial reforms, leading to sweeping changes including UNIVERSAL INCOME
Embracing cultural heritage, even in the heart of the imperial palace. Our main character is both one of the highest ranking members of government and from an islander culture, and he dedicates himself to both
The struggle for your family (who have a case of tall poppy syndrome, and live far far away from the capital and palace) to see you as a respected adult and understand all of your (many, MANY) achievements, even when you're very literally brought the Emperor home with you.
This book has some BEAUTIFUL confrontations, take-downs, and revelations based on the past two points (and more). If you underestimate or insult our main character, You Will Regret It. Watching him lose his temper is a glorious thing to behold.
Anyway I'm pretty sure this just became my all-time favourite book, because it's beautifully written and touches on all of my favourite tropes.
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I wanna make a prompt out of this but don't know how to so bare bones time!!!!!!
. Everlasting Trio + Jazz move to Gotham to take care of de-aged Dan and Dani because Amity Park is no longer safe
. Danny doesn't go to college because he flunked out of high school and decided that college isn't worth it. So he instead opens a space-themed bookshop/ cafe. It's an instant hit.
. Sam is a trust fund baby. Not because she wants to be but because taking care of her boys + 2 kids is fucking expensive.
. Tucker is an intern at WE, and because of an 'incident,' he's set to be hired by them after graduating college while now being under constant surveillance from the bats. (He knows and revels in it)
. An irl slow burn enemies-to-lovers romance between Jazz and the local crime lord, and all of Crime Ally is enjoying it.
. Dan and Dani go to Gotham Academy. They're in the same class as Damian. Dan calls Danny Mom and Dani calls him Dad (this is important). The three of them + one other poor soul get put in a project together. Chaos ensues.
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rookdaw · 9 months
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monster X monster hunter
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massivewaffle · 2 months
Hello do you know what my favorite ever Fitpac & Phil moment is because I have never seen anyone else mention it somehow?! Probably because Pac isn't even in the damn clip but I digress!
It's the stream where Phil and Fit hang out and Fit shows Phil one of the abandoned houses he found. They walk into the house to access the trapdoor leading to the hidden basement, and Fit goes:
"First of all, watch out for the fucking asshole seagull."
Fit fucking hates seagulls. Annoy him to no goddamn end. He's been on the wrong side of a seagull shakedown; Phil too, agrees.
"I'm just gonna murder him, I'm just gonna-"
And Fit fucking shouts OH NO NO NO to get Phil to stop in time.
"Oh no, Pac will be furious if that seagull dies, even if I fucking hate it."
It's just so perfectly representative of Fitpac. It's not even an official thing yet, and Fit knows Pac well enough to be aware that the seagull's death would upset him. Fit cares about him enough not to want to add any pain or sadness to Pac's life. He cares enough that he doesn't mind sacrificing his own annoyance by the seagull's existence; it's worth it if it makes Pac happy. Fit is all about making sure Pac is happy. He says it with such an exasperated but enamored tone it makes me smile every time. It's a very 'decades-married sitcom-couple laugh track-esque', and it's annoyingly endearing.
And then you get the cherry on top:
"...what if I put him in a cage? And put the cage on the floor?"
It's silly, but I love Phil processing Fit's statement, and rather than making a joke or comment, he reframes the question. I always imagine him going, "Yep. I get it mate." And leaving it at that, simply attempting to find a solution that won't have them yearning for seagull blood all day. Love Fit and Phil's dynamic.
And then Fit looks DIRECTLY INTO HIS CAMERA and sighs dramatically like he's the star of an NBC 8pm EST/7pm CST sitcom circa 2011. This man is the lead in a slow-burn sitcom romance, and I hate him. Motherfucker is lucky they've already got me fixated enough to write a 100k word fanfic. FitMC is too powerful and cannot be trusted.
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captainclovey · 2 months
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Sooo I finally finished cotl (as of the main base game) and now I have my little immortal kitty follower :3c I doodled these just to get a feel for how I want to draw my Lamb and Narinder, more to come when I have more freetime, cos I love this dynamic SO much
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jheselbraum · 10 months
"Zelda loves Link and is stressing about it because surely Link, hero of Hyrule, her favored knight, appointed for her protection, and her closest companion and confidante, doesn't actually harbor romantic feelings for her. Meanwhile, Link is running around in the background devoting 110% of his being to her and would do anything for her and has actually already confessed, like, five times Zelda just didn't pick up on it because she was overthinking it" and "Link loves Zelda and is stressing about it because surely Zelda, Sage of Time, princess of Hyrule, who must marry royal blood, who lives with Link in his fucking house, who has 10,000 years worth of faith and trust in him, who even as a dragon after she lost her self protected Link, his closest companion and confidante, doesn't actually harbor romantic feelings for him. Meanwhile, Zelda is running around in the background toppling the monarchy and reforging the societal fabric of Hyrule so they can be together. She's also confessed like, five times but Link hasn't picked up on it because he's overthinking it" are two concepts that can coexist
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I didn’t think that I was ever gonna see you again. Me neither. I don’t even know what I’m doing in here.
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