#[sasha uses they/them btw]
qc-wiggles · 1 year
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cursed genshin au from a month ago! enjoy.
(read tags for more)
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autism-email · 6 months
hey i just wanna say i have that exact image in your banner saved to my pc as "Xbong 420" if i remember right. i think you should know that
fuck yeas ! 🐛🐛🐛
funny thing about this pic. i had jesse shovel cam gif there for a long ass time and when i tried to change it tumblr wouldn't let me 🐛.. like at all . i tried everything for days (i wanted yaoi themed blog 😔) tons of different images, different browsers and devices and this was the only pic that worked and i didn't touch it since i think it slays so its chill and stuff 🐛
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asterroses · 9 months
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late night durge posting YAHOOOOO
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levi501ackerman · 2 months
Object of Affection | Levi x Reader Fluff
Summary: Some may think Levi is whipped or your servant. But acts of service is how Levi shows his love
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: song correlated: Ridin' by ASAP Rocky ft. Lana Del Rey. btw whenever I say song correlated I dont mean it with the intention to offer to listen to it while reading. It was just the song that inspired the idea or that was on loop while writing. posted: 4/18/24. I'm really glad AOT has sparked me to write again. I need more practice lol. Enjoy.
Eren, Jean, and Armin were the first of your friends to be sitting at breakfast in the dining hall. Sasha was in one of the lines to get food. It was a sunny day and a few ODM drills were available for whoever wanted the practice. Some other classes were going on as well. It was a general casual day for the scouts. For some scout units, there was food preparation for future expeditions, but for you and your friends, you did not have much on the agenda. 
“I think I’m going to do some drills today,” Eren said. “Are you going to join us?” He asked Armin who usually went to Erwin’s office.
“Yeah, I can. I finished the little project with Commander Erwin.” He said then took a bite of his bread. Sasha hurried to the table to sit down. Her plate had a bigger portion than everyone else at the table. “It is a nice day outside too.”
More people started entering the dining area. The morning crowd of scouts was starting to pick up. Jean noticed you and Levi walked through the door.
“Y/N’s coming. Maybe she’ll practice with us,” Jean said. The table noticed Levi say something to you and then you smiled and started going towards them. 
“I don’t know she’s been spending a lot of time with Hange and Moblit doing research and testing theories,” Eren said. 
“Morning guys!” Sasha brightly greeted the table. The line for breakfast was moving a little slower with the incoming scouts. Everyone acknowledged Sasha.
“Sasha, are you going to do drills today? We’re all going to.” Armin asked invitingly. 
“Yeah, and I think Y/N was thinking about it too,” Sasha said. You approached the table and smiled at your friends. 
“Are you not going to eat?” Jean asked.
“Levi’s getting my food.” You said. They look over to see Levi's arms crossed standing in line with the scouts. 
“Why don’t you get your food yourself?” Eren asked
“Levi knows I don’t like standing in lines so he just said he’ll start getting my food.” You said. Jean and Eren laughed. 
“Wow if only I could have the captain serve me food.” Jean joked and you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face.
“He’s not serving me, he just knows I don’t like standing in lines so he offered to get my food from now on.”
“What if he gets you the wrong food?” Eren asked.
“Well Levi knows what I like,” you said. 
“We’re going to do drills today, you should come,” Armin said. Most of your free time has been spent with Hange and Moblit. You looked up to Hange and she liked you. You enjoyed working with her and in general learning more about the titans. 
“Yeah, I’ll come.” You said and your friends were elated you were joining them. “Ugh wait! I forgot my belt and some straps in my room.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s such a nice day out for drills too. Hopefully, it won’t get hotter.”
A few minutes later, Levi put a plate of breakfast in front of you. He softly smiled.
“Do you want water or tea?” Levi asked.
“Water please.” You said and then he walked away. 
“Yeah sounds like a server to me,” Jean said.
“Stop it, Jean. He’s not serving me. When you get a girlfriend you’ll understand that you’ll want to help her and make her feel like she doesn’t need to worry about anything.” You said back.
“I feel sorry for whoever decides to date you, Jean,” Sasha said with a full mouth and you both giggled.
“Whatever I am a catch,” Jean said. Levi came back with water for you and some tea for himself. 
“I have a meeting I’m going to go to now,” Levi said to you. The table greeted Captain Levi and he acknowledged them normally. 
“I’m going to do drills today with my friends.” You said to him. 
“Nice weather for that today.”
“Yeah, but, I left my belt in my room—”
“I can go get it.” Levi offered.
“Thank you that would be really helpful.” You said and he left for his meeting. 
“Y/N’s has him whipped,” Jean said. 
Truly you did. Levi wanted to help you in any way he could. On the last expedition, he made sure you had your own food to take of yourself. Levi always triple-checked that your gear was in top shape. If you mentioned something was sore, he would offer his best to massage you. If you mentioned anything that inconvenienced you he would do his best to find a way to fix it for you. You once mentioned that the drawer to your nightstand kept getting stuck halfway when pulling it out and you would have to tug hard to get it to keep pulling out. Later that day he took apart your nightstand to fix the sliding drawer. All of a sudden it was working and you didn’t think about it anymore. You didn’t even know Levi fixed it until a week later. 
Once, when you and Levi passed by a stationary shop, you mentioned how you have been journaling since you were young. You had eight journals and mentioned a slight fear that they would end up getting damaged or burned in a fire. You treasured your journals that were filled with your memories. He later got you a small perfect-sized fire box that you could keep your journals safe in. 
You and Sasha met up with Mikasa and decided to be grouped for the drills. It was getting a little warmer than expected. But there was still a slight breeze. You three started stretching and getting your gear together. Then you noticed Levi walking up to you with the belt and straps you needed. 
“I got the belt you needed,” Levi said and your heart fluttered. It was so sweet how helpful he’s always been. 
“Thank you,” You said. 
“You look really pretty,” He said and you blushed a little.
“I’m about to get really sweaty.” You laughed.
“It’s starting to get hotter.” He said squinting and looking up at the sky. “Show the dummy titans no mercy.” He said and you smiled while watching him walk off. 
“You two are so freaking cute!” Sasha said making you blush more. “I’m so excited for when I get a boyfriend and we can go on double dates!” That did excite you and you smiled.
“I can’t wait to meet the guy who deserves you.” You said while putting on your belt and straps. “A guy that’s sweet.”
“I think you need someone who loves meat just as much as you do,” Mikasa said. “Or someone who can cook—” Sasha squealed.
“Oh my god that would be perfect!” 
“That would be the perfect guy for you,” you said.
“You guys want to compete for the most kills?” Jean called out in the distance. Connie was now with him, Eren, and Armin. 
“Mikasa is going to win! Back out now while you can!” You yelled back. The drills began. “Mikasa you should give him a head start!” You said and Sasha laughed. Though it was spring and getting greener outside the temperature got hot while everyone was doing drills. It was an unexpected rise. You pulled at your shirt trying to get ventilation whenever you had the time to do so. The heat made everyone work harder because flying in the air gave everyone a slight breeze. After the drills, everyone was sweating. It was a good workout but people were getting tired quicker because of the heat. When walking back to your stuff Sasha was giving Jean crap about Mikasa beating him. It wasn’t a surprise but the competition did make Jean work harder. Jean was a great scout and even gave you some helpful pointers with the ODM gear. Out of everyone doing the drills, he got the second-highest kill count right behind Mikasa. As you approached your stuff you noticed three water bottles that were perspirating because of the heat. 
“Is this not where we put our stuff?” Sasha asked. But then she saw her bag and Mikasa saw her stuff. 
“Whose water bottles are these?” Mikasa asked. You noticed the drenched little note under the water bottle closest to your stuff. The note read: I noticed you guys didn’t have water. Stay hydrated. 
“They’re from Levi. He got us water because he saw we didn’t have any.” You said and Sasha started chugging hers.
“That’s considerate of him,” Mikasa said and the three of you started chugging the cold water. 
“Thanks, Levi it hit the spot!” Sasha said and crinkled her empty bottle. 
“I need to change, I’m so sweaty and probably smell bad.” You said. Many scouts who did drills all had the same idea to take cold rinse-off showers. No one was expecting a spike in the temperature. When you got back to your room with Sasha. You noticed another water bottle and a note near your bed. It was from Levi again. Come to my office for dinner. You smiled and told Sasha. Your heart fluttered because he was so sweet and no one else saw this side of him. He used to be so shy in front of you and you used to think he didn’t like you. Levi would be his normal self to everyone but then he would be quiet in front of you. It made you feel insecure until Hange exposed Levi. She and Moblit told you that Levi talked a lot about you and wanted to get to know you. Hange may have been the one to tell you that Levi thought you were pretty. Which gave you the confidence to approach him.
In the evening you went to Levi’s room, and you were ready for some alone time. When you knocked on the door, Levi opened it pretty quickly. He shut the door behind you and embraced you in a big hug. He smelled nice and then you noticed the smell of his office. 
“Sit down I made us some soup.” He said. “I saw they had that bean mixture you don’t like for dinner.” Your heart fluttered and the soup smelled good. The smell made you hungrier than you were before. “I got some bread and mashed potatoes though to fill you up more. You need the energy from being outside most of the day.” He said.
“Thank you, Levi,” You said grateful for how thoughtful he is. It was so nice how much he tried to help you or thought of ways to make your life easier. 
“Anything for you, Y/N,” He said and you two began eating. The soup was satisfying and Levi getting bread for it was a good idea. Honestly, Levi did a lot for you because he cared for you so much. He had little to no dating experience before you and he did not want to do anything to make you feel like he didn’t respect you. Levi has always been considerate of you since you started getting close and dating. He would listen you to and remember little things about you. You felt cared for and though you and Levi haven’t told one another that you loved each other. You already knew.
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starhvney · 2 months
Halo! Anon who said 'PLEASE KEEP LIVING' again ^^!! Anyway, I wanted to try requesting so can I request a Gene x reader oneshot where the reader has to babysit her little brother/sister (you decide the name and gender!) with the help of her boyfriend, Gene? I imagine their friends teasing them a little bit about it and when they go to the supermarket with the kid the cashier'll give a small comment about them being 'a cute married couple'
Thank you, and don't rush!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: after you were asked to babysit your little sister, your boyfriend helps you with the adorable task
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life, established relationship
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: i went ahead with little sister because i only have sisters so it was easier to write tehe. this is adorable btw thank you for the prompt anon! i am still living!
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come over?
i can’t today, have to babysit angie and get groceries :,)
you blink down at your phone, pausing while buckling angelina into her car seat as your eyebrows pinch together at your boyfriend’s message.
i’ll go with you.
you huff out a laugh, and angelina responds with a confused giggle of her own, her small hands bouncing against the sides of her seat in anticipation. you finish buckling her into her tiny constraints, to which she pouts at you, kicking her chubby legs in protest with a whine. you merely poke her nose, whispering a “shush” and clambering into the driver’s seat.
okay, i’m leaving right now though
ok, pick me up on the way then
i’ll be there soon
it’s only a few songs into your jam sesh with angelina before you make it to gene’s apartment. you decided to take her up to the door with you, knowing how excited she got to see your friends. before you could knock, gene opened the door for you, dark blue eyes crinkling as he smiled at the pair of you.
“hey.” he leans forward to greet you with a short-lived kiss.
“gaaa!” angelina calls out, leaning forward from your hold with outstretched arms as she eagerly babbles for gene to hold her.
it doesn’t take much convincing on her part, as he snatches her from you instantly, giving her a short toss in the air and planting a kiss on the small girl’s cheek.
“hello there, angel.” he whispers, voice uncharacteristically high as he hugs angelia to his chest.
“eeewwww, stinky baby!” zenix’s voice calls from deeper in the apartment.
soon both sasha and zenix appear by gene’s side, curiously peaking around him to gaze at the one year old like she was a spectacle.
“tell him he’s the stinky one, angie,” gene says, using his hand to raise her fist up in a threatening—as a baby could be—manner. “say you’re stinky!”
“ooohhhhoho, you just got burned by a baby, loser.” sasha laughs.
“not cool, angelina.” zenix pouts, poking her stomach and wiggling his fingers, causing her to break out into giggles.
as all of your amused laughter dies down, gene steps out of the apartment with you,  angelina still snug in his arms.
“see you guys later.” you say, turning and grabbing her tiny hands to help her wave goodbye at the duo still in the doorway.
“say bye bye, angie!” gene encourages her.
“look at them, they look like a cute family already.”
“sickening.” zenix jokingly scoffs.
“gene, who knew you’d be such a girl dad.” sasha says, her expression slightly perturbed by his sudden shift in character.
“are you kidding? if he had a son that ended up like him he’d go into cardiac arrest by thirty.” zenix leans forward with a teasing smirk on his face. “he wouldn’t know what to do.”
gene sighs and rolls his eyes at his friends’ conversation, knowing they were definitely right. 
“whatever,  byeee.” he sarcastically drawls out, beginning to walk away.
“bababa!” angelina waves her stubby hand over gene’s shoulder as you follow along beside them.
“bye mom and dad! bye little baby!” they call out behind you.
“since you’re holding her you get to try and put angie in her car seat.”
after gene gets her in her car seat with ease–much to your chagrin–the three of you are soon in the grocery store with angelina kicking joyfully in the basket seat. as you’re busy looking down at your list, gene races off down the empty aisle, giggling along with angie’s contagious laughter.
“gene!” you attempt to scold him, racing after him as he steers off out of sight. as you turn the corner you nearly run over an elderly woman holding a small basket of baking goods.
“oh, i’m so sorry, excuse me!” you frantically apologize, backing up to make sure she was okay.
you’re surprised to see a joyful expression on her face as she waves her worn hands in dismissal.
“oh, you’re alright dear. my husband used to do the same thing with our baby when we were younger,” she beams.
you don’t have the heart to tell her that you are, in fact, not married to gene nor is that your child as she reaches out to pat your arm.
“it’s nice to see young couples who aren’t so serious all the time. enjoy these moments while they last.”
“oh, um, of course.” your eyes dart down to the end of the store, where gene has now disappeared in another aisle with an ecstatic angelina in tow. 
looking back, the granny is already shuffling away, waving you to go on. “go on and make sure they don’t get up to too much mischief, now.”
“thank you, have a nice rest of your day!” you wave back. her face wrinkles joyfully as she disappears down another aisle, prompting you to take off after the runaway pair.
you turn into the toy aisle, panting as you finally catch up. gene is gently shaking an adorable duck plushie in front of angie, who is pointing and grabbing at it insistently.
“you like this one? yeah i was thinking the same thing. good choice, angel.” 
after handing the toy to angelina, he turns to look at you with puppy eyes and the face of a scolded child.
“yes ma’am?”
you lift your arms in exasperation, eyebrows raised to say, “what the hell, man?” without actually saying it.
“look!” he points insistently to your younger sister, who is donning a gummy toothed smile as her small fingers grip onto the small duck. she innocently lifts it up to showcase it to you, it’s beaded eyes somehow as pleading as the looks gene and angelina were throwing your way.
rolling your eyes, you give in, turning with your list in hand. “fine, but that’s it. we’re here for groceries.”
by the end of your perusal through the different aisles, gene managed to convince you that him and angelina absolutely needed ice cream, fruit snacks, and lollipops as a sweet treat. after the fourth item, you sent him a stern glare that he groaned at.
“your sister is so mean to me, angie.” he teasingly pouts, leaning in to you with a fake sob.
angelina stares at the both of you in confusion, before turning her attention back to the toy gene had snagged for her.
“wow.” he deadpans, sighing as he take his weight off of you to help place the groceries on the cashier’s conveyor belt.
the bored looking teen smiles at angelina, her face lightening up a bit.
“your baby is so adorable.” she gushes, reaching over to scan the teddy bear without taking it from her.
“thanks, but she’s not-“
“i know right, she looks just like her mom doesn’t she?” gene wraps an arm around your waist, slouching over to lean his head onto your shoulder. 
blood rises to your cheeks as you flusteredly go quiet, unable to come up with any words. you can’t see his face, but you’re sure he’s got a shit eating grin plastered all over it. the cashier nods, completely buying his lie.
“yeah! it’s funny, people usually the first born looks like their dad…” she shrugs, finishing up her check out with a content smile.
“have a nice day!”
the three of you leave the store, with gene snickering behind you. you shoot a side eye at him, but your resolve quickly crumbles once again.
“what?” he nonchalantly asks, shrugging his shoulders in faux innocence.
all you can do is merely sigh, the red in your cheeks still prominently visible.
“we got her, angie! look at her cute face.” he grins, reaching over to pinch your cheeks, planting a kiss to your forehead.
angelina cheers, lifting her new teddy bear in celebration. you finally break out in laughter, conceding to your loss as gene triumphantly smiles in victory.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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firstly, thank you for the gift of your writing - you’re very talented :) ♥️ could i request a super rough daryl smut with a fluffy ending? lots of slapping n humiliation plsss !! 😁
Nothing Compares
Paring: Daryl Dixon x female reader
Era: Season Four
Summary: Daryl releases all of his pent up sexual frustration upon you after not being alone with you for weeks
Warnings: Smut, swearing, domination, female masturbation, slapping, degradation, and humiliation
Word count: 9,434
(Btw, thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my writing, I always put a lot of effort into my writing so I'm happy so many people seem to like it :) Also, I don't really feel like this is my best work but I still hope you enjoy it)
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As you laid upon you and Daryl's shared bed, you wondered to yourself how you could have possibly gotten yourself into this situation; you had a loving boyfriend, one who enjoyed to touch you and please you, and God, was he good at it, but here you were with your own hand stuffed lazily down your pants with your eyes pinched shut, day dreaming about the male.
Your dignified boyfriend was often gone during the day, usually participating in some sort of supply run, often absent for hours, or even days, on end as he collected contribution for the large prison group that had formed. Although you were proud of the male, happy to see him return safe and fulfilled at the end of every adventure, this still left you alone and yearning for him. When he wasn't on some sort of mission, he was hunting, brining home a large animal for the group to feast upon, and when he wasn't stalking some sort of critter, he was helping Rick or other civilians, and when he wasn't assisting others, he was exhausted, sleeping deeply within the comfort of your shared bed, which left seemingly no time for the two of you to share with one another.
At that moment, Daryl was taking part in a supply run with Glenn, Sasha, and whoever else decided to accompany them that day, when you found yourself with one arm draped over your mouth, muffling your moans and whimpers, and the other cascaded down your body, your hand placed uncomfortably within the depths of your jeans.
You had laid a sloppy kiss upon the rugged males cheek before he departed, observing as the sun glistened upon his sweat glazed skin, his muscles bulging underneath the pressure he applied to them as he pulled himself upon his motorcycle. His hair was laced with perspiration, sticking to his forehead due to the extremely warm sun rays beating down upon the prison, heat that was causing his flesh to turn a slight pinkish color.
The view immediately sent you spiraling; his tense biceps, throbbing upon his arms as he gripped the bikes handlebars, an action that caused his muscles to pulse beneath his glimmering skin once more. The way he tossed his hair from his vision, jerking his head to the side to affectively rid of the locks. And finally, the way he had placed himself upon the motorcycle, arms outstretched as he grasped at he vehicles handlebars, shoulder blades grinding together beneath his vest as he straddled the leather seat.
Images of the male placed underneath the hot and simmering sun flashed through your mind as your fingers circled your clit, struggling underneath the confines of your tight jeans as you imagined the way his muscles moved like the tide or how good he looked with a cigarette placed between his lips, smoke bellowing around his head like some type of halo. Your body yearned for any sort of relief, practically touch deprived as you pleasured yourself.
Daryl and you hadn't had a moment of privacy together in about two weeks, which was setting a new record for the two of you as you used to fuck like wild animals at least every other day. The male was always busy with some sort of task, wether it be helping other group members or simply tuning up his motorcycle so it would be up and ready for the next journey. He was always tangled up in some sort of chore.
You deeply desired the hunter with every bone within your body, you wanted to feel his rough hands upon your skin as he fucked you senseless. No, want was an understatement, you needed to feel his calloused fingers laced in between the stands of your hair as he thrusted down your throat, every grind of his hips causing tears to roll down your flustered cheeks.
You brought your hand down to your yearning entrance, stuffing three of your fingers into your crotch to simply mimic only two of Daryl's, an action that caused you to let out a strangled moan, a vulgar noise caught within the burning flesh of your arm. You rolled your hips down upon your digits, chasing the small hint of pleasure that had erupted inside the depths of your abdomen.
But nothing ever seemed to feel as good as Daryl.
You let out a frustrated groan as you brought your fingers back up to your clit, circling it once more, but with much more fervor than before: You applied more pressure upon the bundle of nerves, your fingers revolving around your crotch in small, tight movements, squeezing your eyes shut as you mewled into the flesh of your upper arm, images of Daryl holding your frame into the mattress as he rutted into you appearing within your imagination.
God, you desperately needed to cum but nothing ever seemed to work.
"What er ya doin?"
The sudden noise echoing through your cell caused you to flinch; your heart began racing, rattling against your rib cage as your eyes flew open, irises growing wide as they darted around the room, quickly examining the area surrounding you in the hopes of solving the mystery of who had just rudely interrupted you. Your hand flew from the confines of your pants, landing upon your exposed torso as a heat began radiating into the fat of your arm, your face turning a deep shade of red as your frantic eyes continued to search the room for who could have possibly been disrupting you.
When your weary eyes finally landed upon Daryl, a smug look drawn across his face as he stood within the doorframe, the intense pounding of your heart began to simmer down.
The male was supporting a slight smirk that was beginning to inch across his lips, he had his arms crossed as he leaned against the cell door, fingers grasping at the exposed flesh of his upper limbs as the sheet hanging behind him settled within the wind. He licked his lips as you perceived him: His stance was dominant yet relaxed, the waist of his jeans was pulled taunt against his body, a very prominent bulge placed within the confines of his pants, which caused you to wonder just how long he had actually be standing there, watching you, listening to you, waiting for you.
His position caused a shock of fear, yet excitement, to electrify your body, a sensation that was completely thrilling. Your eyes practically ate up his posture, his ascendant stance causing your core to grow wetter, your entrance to clench around nothing, and your mind to go crazy. He looked absolutely sultry, your eyes began to devour him as you engraved the moment within your mind, all you wanted to do was jump up from your position upon the bed and fuck him senseless. But you knew better.
You both knew what was about to unfold between the two of you.
His eyes were pinched into small, observant slits as his pupils traveled across the landscape of your body; you watched as his vision traced your head, examining the flustered features that were visible upon your face: Your wide, trembling eyes, warm and crimson skin, and raised eyebrows. His vision scanned your hair, the way your locks were pooling upon the bed, surrounding your figure like a Van Gogh painting as your chest heaved. The rapid movements caused Daryl's eyes to dart down your body, resting upon your exposed torso. Your shirt had been yanked up your figure, just enough for you to shove your hand down your pants, an action that gave the male the ability to descry your stomach as it raised and fell at a swift pace. Your skin was a light red, a reaction to your ignored arousal as your hand drew small images upon the flesh of your abdomen, your v-line disappearing promptly within the depths of your trousers.
Daryl could feel himself growing painfully hard at the position in which you had placed yourself upon the bed; you looked absolutely breath taking, like a mythical being he had unknowingly stumbled across as your body trembled.
The male had also been depraved of your sweet and delicate touch, yearning for your body as his own hands could never seem to do it for him anymore. He had been growing erect at random moments, his member becoming hard as he leaned across his bike, the warmth of the vehicle transmitting through his jeans as he fought against the overpowering urge to rut himself against the object. Or, he would randomly stiffen within the confines of his pants while on supply runs, unable to relieve himself in such a populated situation so he would just have to manage with the aching boner concealed within his jeans.
Although it was just your boyfriend, a flustered heat continued to spread across the vast land of your face as his observant eyes appeared to be tracing your entire being. You were becoming extremely nervous underneath his unfaltering gaze, embarrassed as he watched you, his eyes burning holes upon your body.
Doubtful thoughts suddenly began rushing through your head: What if he was angry or disappointed in you? What if he was judging you or disgusted with you? But, this was your Daryl you were thinking about, and if you had actually taken a moment to think about the entire situation, you would have eventually come to the correct conclusion that no, he wasn't angry or disgusted, instead, he was overcome with a feeling of deep desire and he was about to fuck you until you couldn't walk properly.
You slowly removed the arm placed upon your face, mustering up the small amount of courage left within your flustered body as you dropped your limb upon the mattress, an action that caused the bed frame to slightly rattle.
"I-I," you paused, stumbling over your sentence as you had troubles explaining yourself "Daryl, uhm, well-"
"Stand up." He interrupted your mindless dribble, his voice cold and blunt.
His sudden words caused your heart to skip a beat, your eyes quickly scanning his face for any sign of anger as he took a large step towards you: His features were blank, eyes void of any emotion as he loomed over you, his body casting a large shadow upon the bed as his frame contradicted the glow being illuminated from the small lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. His tone was plain-spoken and a bit eery, the sound of his voice insinuated not any specific emotion, just monotone and direct. His vocalization caused a sinking feeling to quickly appear within the depths of your gut.
Your heart was pounding so intensely that you were sure the hunter could hear it as you quickly followed his vague orders, pulling yourself up upon your elbows, the rough fabric of the comforter scraping against your skin before you rose to your exposed feet. The sudden movements caused your legs to grow weak as the male peered down upon you, limbs shaking as your eyes locked. Your mind grew hazy, vision turning fuzzy as his dull eyes connected with your own, your body growing weak under his scrutinizing gaze.
The room had grown an unsettling aura, the tension thick as the archer took a seat upon the messy bed, the furniture creaking below his weight as he settled upon the mattress. The blankets pooled around his frame as he leaned back upon his forearms, eyes scanning your quivering figure as you stood awkwardly in front of him, feet cold against the concrete flooring.
The freezing ground sent a wave of crisp air up your legs, spreading across your thighs before dying out upon your waist. You struggled to fight the urge to fend off the chill, trying your best not to begin to dance from one foot to another, instead, you just allowed goosebumps to spread across your body, small lumps littering your skin as you uncomfortably waited for Daryl to speak once more.
"Strip." He said, simply.
Your breath caught within the back of your throat due to his request, face burning hot as he gazed upon you, waiting impatiently for you to heed to his commands.
You knew not to argue with the male, you had grown to understand that he would just simply punish you if you objected. He would discipline you until you were a sobbing and overstimulated mess sprawled out upon his lap, begging for him to have mercy on you. So you just simply obeyed his orders.
Your hands began to venture up your body, gliding up your thighs and tickling the skin across your torso before your fingers found the hem of your shirt. Your digits dug at the thin fabric of your worn top before your palms wrapped themselves around the circumference of your shirt. Your began to slowly drag the article of clothing up your body, hoping you didn't pass out from embarrassment right there upon the cold, cell floor as you revealed your toned chest to the male. You felt the cloth slide across your stomach, over the curves of your clothed breasts, and up your neck before you pulled the shirt above your head, Daryl shakily exhaling from below you as you did so.
The male had seen your body about a thousand times, he had made you strip from him multiple times, and he observed you as you stood embarrassed and exposed numerous amount of times, but your appearance never seemed to thrill him any less; your figure always seemed to excite him, his cock growing painfully hard as you exposed yourself to him, his mind overflowing with a deep feeling of desire and lust whenever he laid his eyes upon you.
You could feel his irises upon your figure as his vision glided across the curves of your abdomen, tracing over your flushed waist, gazing at your perfect torso, skimming across your trembling shoulders, eyeing your exposed collarbones, and finally, his eyes landed upon your clothed breasts. A twinge of pleasure shot through his length as he observed your boobs, adoring the way they bounced and jiggled as they fell from the restraint of your shirt.
Your eyes momentarily landed upon the hunter, observing him as he sat across from you, searching his features for any sign of disapproval or disgust. You were expecting to see his eyebrows furrowed, his blue orbs overcome by a look of pure anger, and for his lips to be drawn into a thin, confused line. But instead, you were met by a man absolutely lust struck:
There was a small grin drawn across his mouth, his bottom lip pulled taunt between the top row of his teeth as his right hand rested upon the bulge throbbing beneath his legs. His eyes were dark, hungry as they observed your body, waiting for you to remove another piece of cloth from your figure. He was watching you like some sort of porno, desperate and craving for another section of your frame to be revealed to him as he lightly palmed his restricted erection.
Your head fell to the side as your shirt slipped from your grasp, sliding from your palm as you let out a small breath. The top floated to the floor as your fingers danced across your sides, face lolling upon your shoulder as you grew too embarrassed to espy him much longer. You could feel the brown haired male's eyes glued to your hands as you brought your digits up to the clasp of your bra, fidgeting with the lock as your face burned, the heat traveling down your nape.
The male let out a low groan as you finally unlatched the hooks of your bra, the article of clothing slowly sliding down your arms, caressing your horripilation effected skin before the cups clattered upon the stone floor.
You held your eyes shut, squeezing your eyelids together as you paused momentarily, conjuring up the nerve to continue, your legs growing weak as your mind grew crazy under the immense amount of pressure. You and Daryl had been together for a long while at that point, maybe a couple months or so, and he had treated you with the up most respect: He never made you uncomfortable, self-conscious, or fearful, he had always had a positive effect upon you, causing you to feel amazing, worthy, and he had even caused your ego to inflate over time. But, he still had some sort of dominating hold upon you in the bedroom: He made you feel humiliated, but in the best way possible; he made a wave of embarrassment wash over you, a collision that was laced with excitement, the thrill of his cock soon to be slamming into you always made the experience so enthralling.
"Look at me." He said, his voice loud, echoing around the dingy room.
Your heart sank into your stomach at his words, butterflies appearing within the depths of your abdomen. His voice was sudden and stern, his strong tone caused a slight feeling of unsettlement to grow within the depths of your gut. Had you done something wrong? Had you upset him?
"I said look at me, girl." He spat once more.
Too afraid to dismiss his orders, knowing that he would become angry with you if you did so, taking out his frustration upon your pussy, you did as you were told, your eyes slowly falling open as your neck rotated. Your head suddenly felt ten times heavier upon your shoulders, a sensation that caused your neck to struggled beneath the weight of your spinning head as your eyes rolled upon the male.
Daryl had his legs spread as he leaned back upon his forearms, his cock still pressing harshly against the fabric of his jeans, pleading to be released from the restricting clothing as he watched you. He struggled with not allowing his hand to force itself into the depths of his pants and begin to pleasure himself as he observed the show you were putting on for him. His hair was dangling in front of his face, an action that caused a shadow to be casted upon his eyes as a smile pulled at the corners of his lips. He shifted within his spot upon the mattress, satisfaction washing over him as he watched you submit to his orders, waiting for you to continue once more.
You swallowed the knot within your throat, eyes stinging as your vision stayed glued to the male's, doing your best to calm the plaguing nerves that were currently causing your legs to tremble from beneath you. Your hands began to slide down your body, once again dancing down your smooth sides and skimming across your warm stomach before landing upon the waistband of your pants.
Due to the fact that your zipper had already been pulled down and the button of your jeans had previously been tugged undone due to your prior actions, you skipped straight to pushing your bottoms down your legs. The rough fabric pulled at the soft skin upon your thighs, scraping at the inside of your legs as you forced them down your limbs until you were able to shimmy out of the cloth and kick it briskly off to the side of the room, landing beside your shirt and bra.
The archer licked his lips impatiently as he yearned for you to rid of the last piece of cloth, the article of clothing that was covering the part of you he desired the most. His hands began to shake with anticipation as his cock practically begged to be stuffed deep within your wet walls, twitching within the confines of his pants, pulsing against the stitching of his jeans at the mere thought of getting to fuck you.
You remained within the bliss of your underwear for a moment longer, enjoying the comfortable sensation before you were to inevitably remove the last piece of clothing, allowing Daryl to go feral upon your body.
Once you were satisfied with the duration you had unknowingly made the male wait, you slowly began to push your underwear down your thighs. Your dripping cunt was exposed to both the crisp cell air and the impatient redneck as you ripped your garments down to the floor, the cloth pooling around your ankles.
The entire experience had caused you to grow extremely wet, your cunt immensely sensitive, clit throbbing due to the long over due fuck session that was about to ensue. You liked the feeling of Daryl's eyes upon you, his harsh gaze causing a shiver to crawl up your spine, an utterly confusing pleasurable mix of humiliation and embarrassment coursing through your veins as you stood totally exposed to the male. While he remained entirely dressed.
Your eyes darted across the hunter's face, still obeying his orders to "look at him" as you stood awkwardly in front of him; you observed the way he watched you, a look of pure desperation and hunger resided deep within his lust blown pupils as his eyes scanned your body.
Daryl absolutely adored your figure: He loved the indent your torso left upon your waist, he was attracted to the meat of your legs, the way the fat of your thighs jiggled when he pounded into you, he liked the soft skin placed upon your stomach, a perfect canvas for him to paint with various types of marks, and finally, he admired the way your breasts sat upon your chest, your boobs practically begging to be engulfed by his large palms. Although you were unaware of this fact, if you simply turned to him one day and exclaimed that you were never going to fuck him once more, he would probably fall to his knees and beg for you. Your body was like a masterpiece to the male, a beautiful piece of art work that only he got to lay his eyes upon.
Once Daryl was satisfied with his long extended viewing of your body, burning the imagine of your figure into his mind for later usage, he pushed himself from his elbows, sitting up before leaning forward, quick movements which caused the bed frame to groan from beneath him. The male reached out before grasping at your hips, his fingers clawing at your exposed flesh, digits digging into your soft skin before hastily pulling you towards him, desperate to burry his cock deep within you before someone beckoned for his assistance once more.
Once you were placed between his spread knees, your soaked core at eye level with the male, he allowed his own hands to travel across your thighs, feeling the soft texture of your skin beneath his adventurous palms before giving the meat of your limbs a harsh squeeze. The action caused you to wince in pain, his hands squishing your flesh between his finger tips, rolling the fat between his palms before releasing. He rubbed the sore spots upon your legs, caressing the red blotches before pulling an arm back. You watched ignorantly as he swung his limb forwards, landing a firm slap against your already irritated skin.
You let out an involuntary yelp upon receiving his strike, a small prick of pain spreading beneath your skin as the male marveled at the way your body reacted to his beatings: The way small waves appeared across your flesh, thighs jiggling as a reaction to his slap while you grit your teeth in agony.
Daryl hastily brought his hands back to the welt he had left upon your skin, his fingers quick to caress the pinkish flesh, rubbing his digits across your sore thigh for a few moments; his actions caused you to stare down upon him, smitten with the way he was fast to comfort you, swift to caress your stinging appendage.
Suddenly, his hands flew to your waist once more, your body flinching as a reaction to his previous smack, fear lacing your thoughts before he yanked you down to the bed. The male pulled you to the mattress, body flailing beneath his dominant movements as your frame bounced upon the large piece of furniture. You let out a giggle as the bed squeaked from below you, the wind flying through your hair causing your locks to blow in the breeze, thin strands landing all around your head as your figure settled within the mattress.
The archer watched as your body jumped upon the bedding, breasts bouncing up and down as he pushed you into the sheets, an action that caused the blankets to bellow around you, inflating with air as he observed you. All the hunter wanted to do was to stick his dick in you right then and there, to make your breasts roll back and forth as they had when you landed upon the mattress, the movements causing his cock to twitch within the confines of his jeans.
He had maneuvered your limbs upon the furniture so you were laying flat upon your back, body relaxing comfortably within the cushion as you gazed up towards the paint chipped ceiling, eyes scanning over all the thin webs spiders had created within the deep crevasses of the cell as you waited anxiously for Daryl's following actions.
The bed creaked from beneath you as Daryl began to lean forward, a noise that made you ponder upon how exactly no one had questioned you about the loud thrashing that often came from deep within your cell. Had no one heard your pleasure filled sobs as the male rutted into you, bed threatening to give out as the two of you fucked like wild animals?
Spoiler alert: They defiantly had.
As Daryl's frame began to block your vision, his large figure casting a shadow upon you, your body swimming in the inky darkness of the lighting as his mouth landed upon you. His blotchy tongue began licking at the soft skin that covered your jawline, lips sucking at the junction at which your jaw and neck met. His tongue upon you felt absolutely heavenly, his wet lips lapping at your skin was a sensation that you had deeply missed. As he sucked a hickey upon your tender neck, you let out a slight groan as a response to his actions, his lips applying pressure to your flesh as he practically inhaled your jawline.
His hands began to travel across your body, fingers sliding up and down the skin of your torso, digits dipping into your warm skin as he explored your flesh. Your frame felt perfect under his own, like you were made to be squirming beneath him as he groped at your figure like a horny, sex deprived teenager while he marked your skin, littering your jawline with about two hickeys and an undecipherable amount of kisses and kitten licks.
He inhaled, taking in a deep whiff of your scent as your presence seemed to surround him entirely: You smelt of lavender with a mix of sweat, a smell that the male could only describe as utterly perfect; he wanted to be engulfed within your grasp, he yearned to cum while being completely surrounded by you, while he vision was focused upon your pleasure filled face, he need to feel his sweat glazed body pressed up against your own, and he wanted his nostrils to be filled with the smog of your fragrance, he needed all of his senses to be busy with you as his mind gained an unimaginable high by your essence.
Finally, once he was satisfied with his attack upon your jawline, he slowly moved down to his next target: Your neck.
The feeling of Daryl hovering over you was completely quintessential; having the male's body pressed against your own was heavenly, chests heaving as the rough fabric of his clothing rubbed against your naked figure. The pressure of his frame weighing you down felt amazing, his warm skin pushing you into the cushions beneath you as he laid upon you, was surprisingly comforting.
The feeling of both his lips and hands upon you simultaneously was extremely relieving. All the stress seemed to diminish from deep within your being as he kissed you, his facial hair tickling your skin, his locks brushing against your face as his hands grabbed and gripped at your curves. The warmth of his textured fingers transferred from his digits to your skin, a feeling that caused you to let out a slight sigh as you cuddled into his touch, allowing his hands to caress and stroke your figure as his mouth continued its attack upon your skin, littering your flesh with small love bites and large hickeys.
You observed the way he sunk across your body as his lips traveled down you neck, continuing to litter hickeys upon the soft skin covering your neck, causing dark purple and red marks to appear upon your nape. Blots you would have to speak about in an equivocate manner as you were overcome by a large wave of utter shame and embarrassment.
"Everone's gonna know who ya belong ta when I'm done with ya." Daryl spoke, almost as though he was reading your mind.
As his hot breath pooled down your neck, glazing your skin in warm air, his hand began to travel down your body; you felt the pads of his fingers trail across your skin, moving from your torso, across your trembling navel, and gliding across your v-line before finally landing upon your thigh.
His hand was resting upon your leg as his mouth kissed at your sternohyoid, lips pressing against your skin as he rubbed your thigh. His palms close proximity to your soaked core sent your mind spiraling, your hips began to slightly rotate in the hopes of relieving your yearning crotch of some sort of pressure. And it seemed to work momentarily. A small sock of pleasure reverberating throughout your lower body as you rutted your hips against nothing, a small whimper falling from the chambers of your throat.
Once Daryl had noticed your desperate actions, your waist rolling tentatively against the mattress, he brought his hand back, swinging it forward to land another firm smack upon your thigh. A loud thwap sound echoed throughout the room due to his actions, the sound of pure skin pounding against skin as you whimpered, movements stuttering to a pathetic stop.
Another smack placed upon your body caused your thigh to begin to sting, skin reddening once more as it grew irritated and pain filled; every slap the hunter littered across your flesh sent a wave of pleasure mixed with agony coursing through your body, mind growing fuzzy as you desperately desired more, his hands releasing a perfect combination of torture and excitement upon your exhilarated figure.
Suddenly, his hand slid from its place upon your burning thigh, skin twitching as his fingers danced across your leg until they landed upon his desired destination: in between your dripping folds. He allowed his digits to slide across your pussy, collecting as much moister within his palm before his fingers entered you.
His actions elicited a shuttered moan from your mouth, jaw dropping as you left your lips agape, small gasps exiting your throat; you were now completely drenched for the male, his lips attacking your body caused your cunt to relax entirely for the archer, a reaction that caused his intrusion upon your core to work effortlessly, fingers sliding into your entrance with ease.
His digits stretched you as he placed two fingers within your aching pussy, digits swimming within the confines of your wet walls as he let out a deep groan, his mind imagining just what it would feel like when his hands were replaced with his throbbing cock. He maneuvered his fingers within you before beginning to slowly thrust them back and forth while his mouth continued to cover the flesh upon your neck with kitten licks and small kisses. All of his actions were an attempt to prep both your body and mind for the inevitable fuck down he was about to unleash upon your entire being.
"What were ya thinkin bout?" He asked, interrogating you about your previous actions.
His head traveled down your body once more as he let you ponder upon his question, teeth monetarily nipping at your accentuated collar bones before his lips paused upon your chest. His mouth began to kiss down your upper chest, licking at the soft skin as his lips moved towards your breasts; your ribs heaved, yearning for his mouth to be upon your nipples as he sucked hickeys onto the mounds of your boobs.
His words had taken you off guard, a slight wave of embarrassment washing over you as his fingers curled upwards from inside of you and his lips latched around your areola, knowing you would soon have to admit that you were fantasizing about him as you attempted to get yourself off. You let out a horse moan at his movements, body grinding down upon his hands as you arched your back, hoping to press your breast further between his soft lips.
"Y-You." You stuttered out as your core chased his fingers.
Daryl appeared to like that response as he groaned, your skin muffling his vocalization as his mouth sucked upon your nipple, tongue lapping at the bud as his fingers continued to caress your walls.
His digits were now being thrusted into you, stroking your walls as his knuckles rolled deep within you. Pleasure began to build within your abdomen, a pressure forming as he fingered you, hips rutting against his hands as your entrance clenching around his large fingers. Your sensitive clit began to throb with desire, yearning to be touched and rubbed after weeks of being ignored.
His mouth upon your breast was adding to the knot growing within your stomach, textured tongue licking at your nipple before releasing the bud, his mouth quickly busying itself with the fat of your boobs, sucking hickeys upon both of the lumps. A stream of moans and whines were tumbling from your lips as he pulled the skin of your chest into his mouth, leaving dark purple marks littered upon your flesh as his digits continued to pound into you.
"What bout me, doll?" He asked, his voice raspy as he traipsed further down your body.
His lips moved across the hills of your breasts, placing gentle kisses upon your skin as his head traveled beneath you, his free hand pushing him further down the bed as he crawled to your stomach; he littered your body with marks once more, nipping and sucking at your navel as you mewled at the tension building within your stomach.
The pet name caused your body to convulse, back arching into his mouth as his soft tongue licked at your v-line, teeth grazing your waist as you helplessly cleaned around him.
"H-How you are gon-gonna hold me down and-and," you paused momentarily, embarrassment washing over you as you conjured up the courage to confess that you yearned for him, that you needed him so bad that you often day dreamed of the sexual acts he released upon you "and relentlessly f-fuck me."
You struggled with your words as he pleasured you, your walls detecting every crease and crevice littered upon his fingers, every ridge and knuckle as you road his digits like your life depended on it. You circled your hips around his hand, body rotating as you chased the pleasure he was bestowing upon you, moans escaping your throat like a never ending symphony.
Your vocalization was another sentence the hunter seemed to enjoy as it urged him to move further down your body, scooting down the bed until he placed himself at eye level with your dripping cunt, his hot breath pooling upon your exposed pussy as he continued to slam his fingers into you.
He was practically silent for a while, mute as he observed your crotch, allowing a few groans to slip from between his lips as he watched the way his fingers entered you. He attentively observed the way his digits disappeared within the depths of your pussy, cunt practically engulfing his skin as you rolled your hips onto him, your wetness pooling around his hands before dripping onto the bed below you. Daryl adored the way you clenched around him, crotch twitching as you clamped down around his fingers, yearning for your release.
"Is that what ya want, ya dirty lil whore? For me ta fuck ya till ya can't stand?" He spoke, his words almost mocking, his tone filled with satire as you and him both knew the obvious answer to his questions.
You nodded frantically, body yearning for his mouth to finally be placed upon your dripping cunt, his lips mere inches away, the warmth of his breath colliding against your core. You desperately desired to feel his wet tongue sloppily licking at your crotch like the worlds most delicious candy, to feel the sensation of his mouth wrapping around your clit, sucking at the bundle of nerves until you unraveled within his grasp. You needed him to allowed you to cum.
"I needa hear ya say it, girl." He spoke, his words sending vibrations clashing against your exposed pussy, drawing a whine from your exhausted lips.
"Y-yes, Daryl." Was all you could muster as your face turned a deep shade of red.
As quick as he had pushed his fingers into you, he yanked them out, leaving you empty and unoccupied, an action that caused you to let out a slight whine in frustration. You clenched around nothing before your mewl was cut short, Daryl flying up the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist caused your whimper to transition into a high pitched squeal.
Satisfied with the masterpiece had had made of your body, skin practically covered in dark hickeys, red marks, and small bites, he moved onto the next step of your long awaited endeavor: He flipped you around, spinning you in his arms as you had the wind pulled from your lungs, shock momentarily knocking the breath from you before he placed your delicate frame upon the mattress.
He had placed you upon your stomach, yanking your ass into the air as his palm skimmed up your back, a sensation that sent a shiver down your spine as he forced the side of your head into the pillow placed beneath you; your breasts were pressed against the bedding, hard nipples rubbing against the fabric of the blankets as the male placed a firm slap upon your ass, a sharp pain jolting through your skin as you had successfully placed into the doggy style position.
Daryl observed your body laid beneath him, pussy fully exposed to his hungry eyes as your ass swayed within the air, skin rippling due his previous smack. He licked his lips as he stared down upon you, noticing the way you clenched around nothing, core dripping due to his previous actions, yearning to be stuffed with his throbbing member.
"How bad do ya wan it girl, tell me, let me hear yer pretty voice." He spoke as he placed his palm upon your ass, hand kneading at the warm flesh of your rear.
You bit your lip, the realization that he was still entirely dressed as you remained exposed to him hitting you like a ton of bricks; you were a moaning and whining mess beneath him as he still had his pants secured tightly around his waist, belt and all. The crisp air of the cell pooled across your back, the recently discovered fact causing you to whine desperately as his hand forced your cheek further into the rough mattress.
"Please, Daryl, I want-no, no" you paused, cutting your own voice off as you thought momentarily, searching for your next choice of words "I need you."
The second vocalization of his name caused the male to groan from behind you, your voice smooth and soft like honey as it entered the chambers of his ears. And, although you had done what he had asked, exclaiming how badly you needed him, it didn't appear to be enough for the archer, he desired more, he yearned for more.
"And, what is it tha ya need me ta do?" He asked for clarification, even though it was quite obvious what exactly you craved from him.
You let out a shaky breath before you spoke, growing agitated as he teased you, fighting the overpowering urge to just rut your ass against his clothed cock at that very moment.
"I want your dick in me, I need you to just fuck me already. Hard."
Your words appeared to satisfy the archer as your ears picked up the sound waves of the rustle of his clothes from behind you as Daryl had grown irritated of the sensation of his dick straining against the confines of his jeans. You heard the clasp of his belt clang together before the sound of his zipper being released echoed from behind you.
You smiled in anticipation, hands gripping at the sheets as you clenched around nothing, stomach pressed against the mattress as the blankets tickled your skin; you had been yearning for his blessing of a cock to be stuffed deep within you for what felt like years, desperately grinding against multiple pieces of furniture like a cat in heat as you thought of him, his muscles pulsing from above you as he groaned into the crook of your neck.
And you knew the large build up of arousal within Daryl over the past two weeks was gonna make this experience a memorable one.
The male swiftly removed his vest, tossing it to the side before his hands returned to the buttons of his shirt, his leather jacket landing with a thump somewhere upon the floor. His blunt nails yanked at the ovals upon his top, quickly pulling them loose until he was able to slide the thin material from his body, chuckling the shirt off to the side where it inevitably landed along side his jacket, clattering upon the concrete flooring.
Daryl pushed his pants down just enough to reach his cock, hand wrapping around the base of his shaft to steady himself. His member was pulsating, yearning to be buried deep within you and the way his tip reddened and the amount of pre cum that was glazing his cock, he was under the assumption that this session wasn't going to last as long as he had hoped. His body desperate for release due to the build of both desire and lust.
"Ya gotta be quiet for me, girl. Alrigh?" He asked, pausing until he watched you nod from below him, hair bounding back and forth as you shook your head "And yer gonna take what I give ya."
Once you rewarded his words with another nod and a slight whine, signaling that you were in fact planing to obey his demands, he slapped your ass once more. The male waited momentarily, observing as a red hand print appeared upon your ass, joining the array of others, before he leaned forward, beginning to harshly enter you.
The feeling of his throbbing dick had almost become foreign to your insides, the sensation of him filling you had been one you hadn't received in much too long. You let out a loud moan as a result to his actions, the males name echoing around the room as he stretched you out, the inches he had inserted within you causing a shock of pleasure to explode within the lower regions of your figure. You pushed your hips backwards upon the male, needfully engulfing more of his cock, chasing the previous zap of pleasure.
Daryl interpreted your vocalization as a distinct sign of disobedience, a direct strive towards trying to aggravate him, so he thrusted his hips forward, bottoming out within you in one, fluid motion.
"Ya want everone to hear ya moan my name, slut? Ya want everone to hear how good I make ya feel?" He spoke, his member throbbing between your pulsing walls.
As a result to his words, you clenched around the archer, feeling the way his cock twitched due to how your pussy contracted around him. You could feel every pulsing vein littered upon his flustered skin, the way his dick curved within you, and the way his blunt tip seemed to poke at the farthest wall of your cunt, pressing against your sopping barriers.
Another slap was rewarded to your ass as Daryl settled within you, smacking the already sore spot caused you to bite back a moan, your flesh becoming slightly numb due to his repetitive strikes. He placed another slap upon the fat of your ass, then another, and then another, landing blow after blow upon your sore skin until he was pleased with the way your legs shook beneath him.
You desperately wanted to bounce upon the male, to harshly press your bottom upon his abdomen over and over again in an attempt to slowly reach the high in which your body basically needed at that point. You needed him to just hurry up and grab your hips before slamming his dick into you, to fuck you without mercy until he painted your yearning walls a cloudy white.
You felt the hunter collect your hair within his palm, lacing your locks between his fingers before yanking your head back, pulling at the strands upon your head until your scalp burned. His actions caused your body to bound backwards upon him, a movement that caused you to swallow a low groan as he began to fuck into you.
The thrusts he began to emit into you were fast and hard, your ass reverberating against his stomach as he pounded into you, the sound of flesh slapping together, his low grunts, and the bed squeaking began to echo around you. His cock began to pound into you, rutting into your elastic entrance and grinding against your warm walls with fervor, his thrusts animalistic causing a wave of pleasure to wash over you; it grew harder and harder to muffle your moans as he pounded into you, bouncing your cunt upon his dick as he rutted against your sensitive walls, small mewls escaping your lips.
You began to rotate your figure against his own, matching his rough rhythm as he stuffed his member within you, actions that caused Daryl's breath to falter; the male couldn't deny the growing knot within his stomach, the pressure beginning to appear within his lower abdomen that was approaching much quicker than he would have liked. The way your body moved beneath him practically hypnotized the male, the ripples that appeared upon the skin of your ass with ever thrust he placed within you, the way your body began to glaze itself with sweat, and the way your torso rotated in perfect motions put Daryl deep within a trance, his legs suddenly growing weak beneath him.
"Ya like tha, ya little slut?" He spoke, his words slurred as his frame curled over your own, upper body exhausted as his hips somehow managed to pick up speed, beating into you like a jack hammer.
His figure collapsed around your own, forearms falling upon the mattress, bouncing beside where your head now lay upon the bed, your perspiration laced chests molding together as he thrusted harshly into the confines of your weeping pussy. Your skin slid against his own, drenched bodies suctioning together as his chest clashed into your back.
The warmth of his body engulfed you as you began to near your finish, a tension building within the depths of your cunt as the male bit at your neck, his previous words ringing through your ears. His sudden attack upon your neck elicited a yelp from you, his teeth sinking into your tattered and sensitive skin as a twinge of pain appeared beneath the skin of your nape, your scream muffled by the loud noise of his sweat covered skin slapping against your own.
"Ive gotta make up for all our lost time together, sun shine." He exclaimed, his voice raspy as he whispered into the shell of your ear.
He continued to snap his hips into your own, dick pounding away at your pleasure filled cunt, slowly guiding you towards your high as he began to twitch within you. The both of you were quickly descending upon your orgasms, the weeks of pent up sexual frustration causing the entire experience to end much sooner than you hoped it would. His cock beginning to twitch between your throbbing walls caused you to teeter upon the edge of your high, a few more grinds received from Daryl's hips were sure to cause the knot to snap, for your body to unravel beneath his own.
"Ya gonna cum?" He asked, voice breathy as he picked up on the way your entrance clenched around him and how you began to ride his throbbing cock much harsher than before.
You nodded weakly from below him as the male nipped at your tender skin once more, your inevitable finish an undeniable fact.
"Then cum for me, doll."
With that, he began to roll his hips into you, caressing your walls as your cunt came around him. As a wave of pleasure washed over you, body convulsing from beneath the male as you clenched around his shaft, his hips continued their brutal torture upon your cunt. Your mind grew hazy, vision becoming blurry as you instinctually cried out, your overpowering orgasm causing the archers name to tumble from your lips, completely disregarding his previously enforced rule of silence. Your pussy contracted around his member as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your body.
Your finish quickly escalated into over stimulation as his ravenous attack upon your crotch didn't seem to falter, your vulgar moans of pleasure, mixed with a growing pain, only seeming to urge Daryl further. You cried into the bed spread below you, body trembling underneath the affect of his powerful cock as his own finish began to quickly gain upon him, your tightening entrance practically sending over the edge.
"F-fuck," he gasped, pausing before speaking once more "shit, fuck, m gonna cum." He groaned out as your cries of agonizing pleasure caused his finish to creep up upon the male.
Suddenly, the hunter ripped his cock from the confines of your cunt, relieving your core from his borderline torturous thrusts as his hot cum spilled out upon your back, his seed caking your skin as his hips stilled. His dick twitched as a deep pleasure exploded within his abdomen, gasping as his high harshly washed over him. The feeling of powerful rapture vibrated through his body, his legs shaking from beneath him as his member pulsed, overpowered by a strong sensation of pleasure.
Your body trembled from below him as ropes of his finish landed upon the flesh of your upper body, the overstimulation he had made you endure causing your legs to grow weak. Your entrance turned sore due to his heavy beating upon your cunt, his rapid pace and large size causing your spent crotch to fill with a slight pain.
If Daryl had had the time to fend off his own finish, he would have gladly made you swallow his seed, an opportunity he mentally slapped himself for missing.
Once your chests had successfully stopped heaving, once his cock had stopped twitching and your legs had given out beneath you, the male rolled off of you, landing beside your limp body placed upon the bed. The frame groaned from below his figure, the two of you laying in silence for a while, recovering from your previous activities as you caught your breath.
Daryl began to pepper small kisses upon the shell of your right ear minutes later, lightly pecking at the red skin was always an action that let you know that the male had finally returned to his regular, caring self.
"Are ya okay?" He whispered into the quiet room, his arms reaching out to collect you within his grasp.
He pulled you towards him, an action that caused your chests to press together, the warmth of your bodies combining into one as he held you within his large arms. The feeling of his muscular biceps wrapped around you always seemed to comfort you, the smell of sweat mixed with dirt and pine wafting into your nostrils was a surprisingly relaxing scent as you cuddled into his grasp.
"Mhmmm." You purred contently in response, a small smile tugging upon the corners of your mouth.
You adored the way your boyfriend always cared to your every waking need after he practically destroyed your pussy, your extremely strong orgasm still causing your sensitive body to twitch and convulse within the buff males grip.
Once you had agreed that you were in fact okay, the male suddenly leaned over, body hovering above your own as he retrieved a towel that had been draping off the corner of a chair placed across from the bed. He sat upon the bed once he had successfully returned with the cloth, balling it up within his grasp before beginning to wipe you down with the fabric; the soft towel grazing your skin after you endured the males dick practically felt heavenly as it collected the sweat and cum glazing your body, drying your flesh of its previous discomforts.
Once he had finally cleaned you, ridding your flesh of any form of liquid or mess, he rose from his spot upon the bed.
You let out a whine in utter disappointment as you watched the male button his pants once more, your body yearning for the warmth and comfort of his own as he pushed up against you. Disheartened, you observed him as he tossed the messy towel to the side, joining the pile of clothing that had previously formed before he waltzed over towards your shared dresser, footsteps echoing around the room as he yanked multiple drawers open. He dug through the belongings placed within the bureau, retrieving some of his clothing from your shared dresser: A pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts for you to comfortably support, one much too large for your small figure.
As he traipsed back towards the bed, feet sliding against the concrete floor, you groggily sat up, forcing your palms into the mattress as you pushed yourself up right, body growing heavy as you swayed within your spot upon the bed. You suddenly noticed how much your entrance ached as you finally rose, happily retrieving the fabric from the males grasp.
Daryl crawled back into the comfort of the warm mattress, the smell of sex filling his nostrils as you dressed yourself, the soft fabric caressing your skin as you slid the clothing upon your body, your figure practically pooling within his shirt and boxers. The silky cloth hugging your flesh felt amazing, the scent of your boyfriend quickly entering the caves of your nose. Over time, the fragrance of pine, dirt, and sap had grown to be one of your absolute favorites.
You flopped down next to your boyfriend once more, Daryl quickly taking this opportunity to drag you back into his grasp, cuddling you into his stomach as he proceeded to comb his fingers through your hair.
"You're." He placed a kiss upon your forehead "So." Another peck upon your skin, this time placed upon the bridge of your nose "Beautiful." Another placement of his lips upon the tip of your nose "So." A kiss upon your chin "Perfect." He sang as he finally placed a peck upon your own lips.
You giggled as you melded your mouth upon his own, plush lips pushed against his own as he effectively began playing with your locks, stroking your strands of hair, allowing your locks to pool within his palms. The feeling of his hands caressing your head soothed you, pleasure coursing through your scalp as he rubbed his fingers against your skull.
When your mouths finally detached, you placed your head upon his chest, nuzzling your face into his body, exhausted as the room grew comfortably silent.
The sound of muffled voices filled your cell, a far off melody that practically comforted you to sleep. An afternoon light pooled into your room as the sheet hung in the doorframe fluttered in the slight wind, the cell becoming warm as the male successfully lulled you to sleep as he messaged your scalp, your body relaxing within the confines of his large arms.
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herebutnothere · 2 months
As I was taking a casual tumble deep into a TWD/TOWL recap and review rabbit hole, this poster for TWD S5 jumped out to me:
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(Live view of me👇🏾 because whoa. It's almost like they planned this with TOWL in mind or at least had S5 in mind when they planned the spinoff 🤭)
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In S5 we have our favorite survivors making their way to Alexandria, a picturesque community that's removed from everything going on outside of its walls. The skepticism between the survivors and the community is mutual—although Deanna, leader of the community, is excited to bring Rick et al.'s strength and experiences into what they've built, some residents are unsure of what to make of the group. And for their part, each member of the group views Alexandria from varying perspectives up and down the "What the ever loving fuck is this????" spectrum, including, but not limited to:
Glenn and Maggie who are ready to integrate into the community
Michonne who's cautiously hopeful for what Alexandria could become for them
Carol who begins some calculated maneuvering to get a lay of the land
Sasha who's grieving the back-to-back losses of her boyfriend and her brother. (The S5 E13 scene where we see snippets of dinner party conversation intersecting with the group's losses and dinner at the church from her POV was excellent.)
And then there's Rick.
Ol' boy was going through it.
Each moment was a battle between the hypervigilant leader who knew danger was around every corner and the hints of the family man he was Before (his throwaway comment about houses in Alexandria being similar to ones he and Lori used drive by and dream about was a nice touch).
Even physically—he went from his most feral as displayed by his level of facial hair (🥵) to his most buttoned up as displayed by his immediate shave and haircut. As Deanna said when she saw the makeover, he was almost unrecognizable ("Wow. I didn't know what was under there."). Alexandria literally tried to tame him and Survival Rick and Neighborhood Rick were almost two different people...
Because we soon have one of my favorite scenes of the season, the moment he walks up to the wall and presses his hand against it, reaching out to the walker on the other side. Beard or no beard, manicured lawn and all, Rick Grimes is a man who's deeply molded by—and entrenched in—the survival instincts he's had to harness after 479+ days of fighting to keep himself and others alive and losing something or someone nearly every step of the way. It would take a lot more than putting on a uniform and stepping back into the visual elements of who he was Before to undo all of who he's become now.
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Nothing proves this more than Pete, the coveted doctor who just happens to beat his wife. (Btw, given everything else about Deanna, her stance on Pete's abuse and Jessie's role as the town's sacrificial lamb—more on this in a bit—was so disappointing.)
(Sidenote: I won't go into too deep of a recap, but through Pete and the naivety of Alexandra, the Shane in Rick comes out.
That scene in "Try" (S5 E15) where he calls out the blinders that the community has by ranting and pointing a gun at the residents? Very Shane-coded from his declarations on the farm in "Pretty Much Dead Already" (S2 E7). Both men were trying to help the people around them understand what was truly at stake, albeit in ways that could easily be written off as unhinged and dangerous.)
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So back to the promo for S5—
It features the map Abraham gave Rick when the group split up due to Eugene's promises lies about a cure and on it he'd highlighted their intended route with a simple note:
The new world's gonna need Rick Grimes.
By the end of TWD S5 into S6, Rick proved how true that was and he proved it again in TOWL because the communities of Alexandria and the Civic Republic are two sides of the same coin.
Alexandrians, with the luxuries of their walls, sheer luck, and timing, were able to live a life of the past where their biggest worries were cooking something a neighbor disliked and finding a pasta maker. For them, the outbreak was something that happened to be happening, but it wasn't something that was happening to them. They were safe and secure and completely fine ignoring what they were safe and secure from. As we see with Pete's abuse of Jessie, their leader (and maybe even some of them) was willing to sacrifice one of their own as long as it meant that they could keep living in this fairy tale. If one person has to suffer, that's okay because it means that the rest of us don't. Rick with his ranting and his beard and his looking around all the time disrupted that.
In TOWL we learn (more?) about the Civic Republic which, like Alexandria, is pretty removed from what's happening outside of its walls. Similar to the group's arrival in Alexandria, some folks don't know what to make of Rick. While he clearly wants to leave, everyone else is thrilled to be there because in the CR, residents are living a life of the future—one that's similar to what they had Before, but adjusted to the realities of the outbreak. Air conditioning! Farmers' markets! Jobs like artists and journalists! For them, the outbreak was something that happened, but most did their part (six years as a consignee) and no longer have to feel the effects of it. In exchange for this safety and security, they sacrifice any desire or need to know how that safety and security is achieved. And this is where Beale, with the luxuries of power, information, and secrecy, is able to lead his special army into more power by sacrificing hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions. If some people have to suffer, that's okay because it means that the rest of us don't. But again, Rick disrupts this, this time with his love and his longing and his sense of right and wrong.
That's why both of these communities—both of these new worlds—needed Rick Grimes: he was able to show them the realities they were willingly and/or unknowingly ignoring.
With Alexandria, it was the realities of walkers and human nature.
With the Civic Republic, it was the realities of power and secrecy.
Both needed Rick for his leadership and humanity because without it, they would have fallen to the very things they ignored—
Alexandria would have fallen to walkers (remember that big ass herd in the valley?) or other humans who would cause harm.
The Civic Republic would have fallen to the powers and secrets they allowed to fester (remember how Beale wanted to bomb Portland and implement martial law???).
Now, quiet as kept, none of this would have been possible without his shotgun rider because Rick Grimes needs Michonne, but that's another post for another day.
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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finished one of my finals so i decided to celebrate by sketching up some concepts for cal's mind in the Cally O'Pia au!! putting image IDs/descriptions and general elaborating on my Vision(TM) under da cut cause i can tell even before typing it's gonna get long (PSYCHONAUTS 2 & RHOMBUS OF RUIN SPOILERS IN THERE BTW YOU ARE WARNED)
Welcome. Let Me Describe You My Vision. my goal with this was essentially "how do I hit the major plot beats that are necessary for Psychonauts 2's plot to Happen while still incorporating Cal's very different backstory in this AU"; some of this involves functionally combining RoR's and Psychonauts 2's versions of Loboto's mental world. maybe someday I'll go into how I envision RoR changing in this au but whatever right now we're on The Opening of Psychonauts 2 As Played Out In This Verse
first things first Sasha's Psychic Projection has to be completely different given 1) Cally already works for the Psychonauts 2) he knows the other agents very well already and 3) he is a Known Psychic rather than a random feral dentist Morry picked up off the streets. so rather than the "Psychonauts office where Loboto gets employee of the year and has to get his vacation form signed off on" construction, Sasha instead constructs a scenario where Cally is still under his "Dr. Loboto" guise, has captured the other agents, and has to deliver Raz to his boss. unfortunately for Sasha, Cally catches on pretty much right away, plays along for all of five minutes, then drops everyone in a little box to keep them contained while he makes sure all the info on his boss is under mental lock and key. Unlike the ones you see above, Raz's box is kind of plain and nondescript because, unlike all the other agents he's known for years, all Cally knows about Raz is "psychic kid who keeps getting himself in some shit".
because this is, you know, The First Level of the Imaginary Game, this still has to be constructed as a tutorial, too, which you will see as I get into each of these little boxes. Raz's box teaches you to use your standard psi-punches, because it is Hastily and Weakly Put Together, so Raz can literally bust his way out and scamper around looking for the others. Cally, in turn, keeps trying to re-trap Raz as he investigates the next boxes, but with the help of the other agents Raz keeps finding ways to break out and proceed further (though the others remain stuck).
The first one Raz finds is Oleander's, which you can see in the top left of the first pic - the primary theming is Loboto's Lab from the first game and drawing on their time working together there, but the walls are also covered in pictures of Oleander and/or the two of them together, that have all been defaced or scribbled over in some form (since at the time of the game they're very much on the Off side of their On-Off relationship). To get out of the box Oleander re-teaches Raz telekinesis, which allows him to open up the hatch on the upper right of the wall, and then gives Raz a boost out - Coach, of course, isn't able to reach it himself before Cally slams the door behind Raz. You also may notice a hidden room behind one of the pictures - you can only get in there by returning later in the game when you have pyrokinesis, and once you do, you'll find a memory vault about his and Morry's relationship (which i've had concepted out for like a year and WILL draw eventually) and a bunch of photos that haven't been defaced (representing how Cally still has much stronger feelings for Oleander than he's admitted to, and is still carrying a torch even through the surface level of their breakup).
Next comes Sasha (top right picture in the first image), whose room is kind of a combo of his and Otto's labs, with a bunch of the props drawn from both locations - books, papers, inventions, computers, The Lamp, you know how it be. The floor also has a big glass swirl that gives you a peek at Otto's brain storage, which has a bunch of brains tumble by as you're in there (plus the occasional Faberge egg, for Foreshadowing - for even more of that, there's also the brain case on top of Sasha's exam table in the corner). The escape here escalates to a two-step process - Sasha re-teaches Raz psi-blast, the two of you combine forces to pry the door open with TK, and then the chattering teeth start spilling in and Raz has to fight his way out with psi-blast.
Third comes Milla - I swapped her with Lilli compared to the "canon" order first because I misremembered, but then I stuck with it because I felt like it worked better thematically. Anyway, Milla's room (seen bottom left) is a combo of her meditation chamber and Cassie's house back in the gulch, with pillows and tapestries and books everywhere, honeycomb wallpaper, and of course, Bees? Bees! They Have Chosen The Bees. You might notice the big scary beehive from the Forgetful Forest in the middle of the room; the escape here involves Milla re-teaching Raz levitation, the two of them pulling out the beehive with TK, using psi-blast to fend off the subsequent BEES, and then Raz drops in the hole and uses levitation to hover his way to safety. (At this point Cally is like KID C'MON and outright intercepts and dementistrates Milla rather than just keep her trapped.)
Last but hardly least is Lilli; she's in a combo of Truman's office and what she tells Raz looks a lot like her house/apartment - Cally's functionally kind of an uncle to her in this verse, so he's been particularly thoughtful in crafting a comfortable, familiar mind-prison for her. (The Extremely Subtle Foreshadowing also continues here, with envelopes and a hacksaw on the desk, the brain case on the shelf, and of course The Fuckoff Huge Crown Chandelier hanging above the desk.) The other wall has a bunch of family photos of Lilli and Truman, and one big pic of young Cally and Truman in the Gulch; Lilli re-teaches Raz pyro so he can burn that, and Enormous Mental Cally takes this as an opportunity to grab Raz much like in the original game.
Now we're at the point of the second image, and where things particularly divert from the original version of the level in my mind! Big Ol Cally drops Raz in a combat arena and he has to deal with a few waves of Censors and Doubts and Regrets - I haven't decided if this is the first time you encounter true Combat or if you have mini-waves throughout the level like in the "canon" version, but if it is your first combat I like the idea of Lilli being your "mission control" explaining the new enemies an dhow to beat them. Either way, Raz fights a couple waves while trying to convince Cally to give them information, he refuses, and when it looks like Raz is in a real tight spot he manages to dive off the arena deeper into Cally's subconscious.
This is where we start incorporating RoR stuff! Raz drops all the way to the little dollhouse representation of Cal's childhood home, goes in, sees a little Cassie-style paper projection of young Cal and overhears his parents having their Oh What Can We Possibly Do We Can't Handle This Child Anymore conversation. Paper Cal hides in a wardrobe, Raz follows, and this portals into this endless-seeming hospital hallway where dialog plays between li'l Cal and the doctors, revealing to Raz that they were going to lobotomize him for being psychic. (I think maybe you find your first accessible memory vault either here or in the path I talk about in a second; that one goes into how Cal got taken in by the psychic 7 and i also have that one concepted out please god give me time and energy to draw these soon). After this plays there's a cutscene where representations of the psychic 7 tear apart the hallway, and Raz falls into this paper representation of the Gulch. He follows a little path past some simple setpieces of things you'll see later in the game, talks to himself a bit like Wow This Is Just Like True Psychic Tales So Cool That Agent O'Pia Grew Up Here :)
Now this path leads past a little paper version of Lucy's hut (which Raz doesn't recognize for sure, which bugs him), and the path around THAT leads to a big winding path through a parted waterway (which Raz is Very Much Not Happy About, reestablishing the water curse - maybe there's a little cutscene where he sees the hand of Galochio much like in the first game at the beach). Raz nervously walks through, and dialogue plays between Cally and Mysterious Figures revealing Cal got caught undercover and was threatened into assisting with the Kidnap Truman plot (or rather, they threatened Cassie and Lillie and Oleander, which ended up being Much more effective than threatening his own life). At the end of the path Raz finds the base from RoR, and it's in there that he sees "Loboto" talking to the Shadowy Figure similar to canon and 1) learns whoever hired Loboto was a mole, and 2) sees the vision of Maligula when the figure reiterates his threat to Cal-slash-Cal's family. Vision-Maligula destroys the village, Raz snaps back to the real world, and There's Our Game!
if you've read this far you're a hero beyond compare here's the image descriptions for you
[Image 1 ID: Digital sketches of four boxlike rooms. The top left room is labeled "OLEANDER" and incorporates elements from Loboto's Lab in Psychonauts, including the jagged glass window, Mr. Pokeylope's terrarium, and a prototype brain tank sticking out of the floor. There are miscellaneous papers on the floor, and a brain tank blueprint on the wall. Various framed photos of Oleander are also on the wall, most of which have been scribbled over or otherwise defaced. There is a hatch high on one wall, and a secret room with a memory vault behind a pyro-able picture.
The top right room is labeled "SASHA" and resembles a combination of Sasha and Otto's labs, with a large bookshelf making up one wall covered in books, papers and gadgets, floating shelves on the other wall, as well as a desk with office chair, computer monitor and Tiffany lamp. Sasha's examination table is in a far corner, with Truman's brain case on top of it. The floor has a glass swirl revealing brains being transported similar to Otto's brain storage. There is a partially open sliding door on one wall where chattering teeth toys are spilling in.
The bottom left room is labeled "MILLA" and resembles a combination of Milla's meditation chamber and Cassie's home in the Gulch. The walls have a honeycomb pattern wallpaper and string lights, with an eye tapestry hanging on one wall. There are round lantern lights hanging from the ceiling, with bees flying overhead. The floor is a round conversation pit covered in pillows, throw rugs and books; in the center is a massive oozing beehive similar to the one in the Forgetful Forest.
The final, bottom right room is labeled "LILLI" and resembles Truman's office. There is a desk covered in envelopes and a hacksaw, with a desk chair behind it and two 60's style chairs in front. There are two shelves along the wall behind the desk, containing the brain case among other things, and the wall prominently displays the Psychonauts logo. A chandelier resembling the Maliks' crown is hanging from the ceiling above the desk. There is a couch and several plants against the opposite wall, and many family photos of Truman and Lilli on the wall perpendicular, with the largest (pyro-able) one being a picture of young Cally and Truman. End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: Digital sketches of three scenes in Cally's mental world. The first shows Raz (represented by the simple head-and-legs silhouette used in Peter Chan's concepts) diving off a disc-like combat arena (on which are several Censors, Doubts and Regrets) towards the dollhouse representing Cal's childhood home, which is floating in space. The second shows Raz in one of the dollhouse rooms with a paper-projection version of young Cal, with an arrow leading into a wardrobe, which portals into a long hospital hallway with a "NEUROLOGY" sign on the wall, eventually trailing off into nothing. The third shows Raz walking past Lucy's old hut in the Gulch, along a winding path through parted water, and ultimately to the Rhombus of Ruin base. End ID.]
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trlvsn · 10 months
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of course phoenix's second "first" case is helping the performer girl with the diamond-shaped earrings who forces smiles and sort of tricks him when they first meet. i mean. what else is there to say (i'm going to say a lot, this is a long post about the orca case and it's references to aa4)
i'm going to talk about sasha first, though, even if the similarities between her and trucy might be coincidental rather than intentional. here is a somewhat full list of them:
1. diamond-shaped earrings and a big hat they wear at all times
2. perform for an audience for a living and are genuinely passionate about it
3. the "smile during showtime" attitude being not only something they use on the clock, but a motto overall (buckler tries to keep a smile and cheer phoenix and athena up in the detention center: see image below list)
4. have a persona with a moustache that they use in their performances (see image below list)
5. their first encounter with phoenix is an unintentional deception on their part: trucy gives him forged evidence and buckler, well, doesn't tell him the client is technically an animal and isn't even considered to be someone who can be brought to court for a trial
6. phoenix chooses to help them out after a trial ends unexpectedly (zak dissapearing, buckler being accused)
7. does a dead "father figure" count? i feel like it might.
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you get the idea. again, i'm not claiming this was intentional: i am simply pointing it out.
btw. you know what he does right after taking the orca case (accepting the "deception")?
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he goes to the pub o'danger, a place totally different from the, oh, i don't know. the borsht bowl club. intentional or not, this is a nice blast from the past, because we get a lot of his beanix personality showing throughout the case. a good example is the bloody "trump card" he presents:
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basically, a bloody piece of evidence that turns the case around and gives him a chance to prove the truth turns out to be not what it seems. this case is one of those very rare times aa5 doesn't completely erase phoenix's aa4 (and trilogy) personality, i think. just look at the way he starts straight up manipulating people at some points:
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it's very much like beanix: well-intentioned and careful pressing of the right buttons. i enjoyed that a lot.
speaking of phoenix's personality, a thing he does a lot more than he used to is staying silent. his thinking sprite while he does that is one of the only aa5 ones that have traces of his aa4 self in it: he is looking to the side, relaxed, calmly examining everything he has so far. at a certain point in this trial, athena actually gets to scream "objection" before him. she says she heard it in his heart that he's not willing to give up yet, so she spoke for his heart instead.
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honestly, athena is a walking metaphor for phoenix's badge in this case. athena and phoenix get frequently addressed as the blue and yellow duo by deplume, which you might as well call phoenix and his badge; phoenix wears his badge like one wears a heart on their sleeve, and this entire case is his journey of learning trust and hope again (but i will talk about that later for a nice conclusion).
the case also has a sub-plot of sorts: specifically, the TORPEDO system. oh, you know the one with the capital letter name that is illegal in japan but would actually help a lot and work really well and is introduced to us by some shady guy who we think is a criminal... what do you mean that's MASON. like a jar?
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"but, in some cases, lives can be saved by breaking the law. do we simply allow the lives of our animals to be lost whole we wait for the laws to change?"
if aa5 actually had the jury system happening in the game, this would make so much more sense. unfortunately, i'm not sure if this was an intentional parallel, but i'm sure going to talk about it regardless. it's illegal means for the greater good, introduced to us by the guy we are totally meant to suspect and misinterpret as the audience, just like we are meant to be put off by beanix in aa4-1. we later learn that ms deplume is trying to change the law and make the system legal in japan, and dr. crab won't be getting into any serious trouble for it, too.
we honestly learn a lot of new information that contradicts our prejudices that the game purposefully creates. a lot of people in this case can be suspected even based on their design - ms deplume in her shady glasses and shady attitude, dr crab with his twenty-something dead girlfriend (wasn't actually, btw. purely platonic situation there, which is surprising for ace attorney) and actual motive, and, of course, rimes. turns out, for the first time in forever, none of them did it. wasn't a murder.
phoenix, though, like the player, has no choice but to suspect. he doubts, he recharges the magatama, he changes theories and he, at the end of it all, gets his faith and trust back by saying "hey, actually, rimes didn't do it, it was an accident", despite rimes staying silent. i honestly think rimes is a mirror of sorts for phoenix's character - the guy who is, at his core, tired of being too "weak" to help anyone, so he doesn't speak up much for himself, and isn't that what phoenix did in aa4?
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phoenix didn't try to defend himself when the diary page was revealed to be forged. phoenix didn't try to defend himself seven years later, saying "maybe i did it, maybe i didn't". phoenix didn't even create the jury system to redeem himself.
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how can ya trust a creature that can't speak, indeed.
in this trial, phoenix is the orca and is the rimes and is athena the fire and i am the forest and i am the witness watching it. he is defending the creature that can't speak, and the man that didn't mean for this to happen, and his own right to wear his badge. he loses his voice at times, but his heart speaks up. it takes him two trials to get back at his rightful place, the trial for orla and for buckler - just like it took the trial of aa4-1 and 4-4 to get justice. hope has returned, and no one did it, and you can trust them all.*
* - trusting them all really would make much more sense in the presence of the jury system. forever mourning her.
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amphibya · 11 months
art drop (finished amphibia ones)
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I geniunely hate the marcy one xd
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These are non ship arts btw! Ill make another for the ship requests
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i accidently used a wholw diff brush lmao
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@/axoqii 's au !! (tumblr user)
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My highschool sasha au lmao
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Sashanne fiht but beta (i promise anne isnt whitewashed i fucked up this piece with her face lighting, tried to fix them made it worse😭)
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@/ihartmarcanne's anne design! (Twitter user)
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
featuring - sova, cypher, killjoy.
a/n : hi! firstly, i wanted to apologize as i made an error in my last post. i used the phrase “Aishiteru” (愛してる) when this is not the correct phrase i should have used! i am extremely sorry for that, i know little japanese so i was unaware that saying this is not a phrase people would typically use. from now on i will simply write it in english ^^
pink is you btw <3 (also be warned...i used the usage of y/n *shudders* /j)
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(TW: self worth issues)
"and i'm sorry i left, but it was for the best. though it never felt right."
he is known as the golden boy, he does everything right and is highly respected among the protocol...so when people found out you two were together, some had some...thoughts about it.
"seriously i just do not understand why he would go for them? he could choose any person in the world and they would fall for him."
after hearing the hushed whispers about you, you began feeling extremely insecure about your relationship. why was he with you? they were right. he could ask any girl out and they would swoon..
soon, you realized what you had to do. you truly didn't deserve him...he should be able to love someone else.
you spend the next few days avoiding him. hopefully this would make this easier for you and he would begin to grow sick of your relationship..unfortunately, he noticed your behaviour immediately. he kept trying to ask you about it but you would either tell him you had to go do something, or would be whisked away by someone else.
"y/n, can we talk please?"
"oh-im sorry i really need to deliver this to killjoy. maybe later!"
"wait!....damn it."
one day, he decided enough was enough.
he gently knocked on your door, he was a gentleman after all. upon hearing no response he opened the door.
he let out a soft gasp as he saw your shaking frame lying down on your bed.
"oh ангел..."
you could feel a dip in the bed behind you before feeling a warm hand rest on your side.
"please...why are you shutting me out dearest?"
he hears a sniffle before hearing something that made his heart stop.
"...we should break up sasha.."
you immediately felt him freeze as he withdrew his hand from your shaking body. you hear him quietly mutter something in russian before adressing you
"w-what? ангел please...did i do something to make you feel like this? where is this coming from?"
you could hear the crack and shaking of his voice. the urge to tell him the truth burning at the tip of your tongue. the urge to reach out and hold his hand. but you couldn't. you needed to do this...for him.
"please. just leave me sasha. i cannot keep holding you back like this any longer.." you shakily say.
"what..? love you have never held me back from anything. please...what happened?" he said stunned.
he waits patiently for your reply, before remembering something he had overheard a agent say.
"oh. oh no my Солнышкop...my dearest...is this about what they said about us?" by now, he had shifted to face your back. when he saw your shaky nod followed by a smothered sob. he felt his heart absolutely shatter.
"my little dove, please tell me you know how much i love you. i am so sorry i didn't realize that what that идиот said about you made you feel as if this was the only option."
he felt you turn around to face him, the instant he saw your swollen red eyes he carefully captured your face in his hands?
"i promise you, you deserve everything. i have never felt happier with you, do you understand? if anything, you deserve so much more than I do.." he said while staring deeply into your eyes trying to get you to understand.
soon, you broke down in his arms as he engulfed you in a tender hug. as you cried into his neck muttering muffled apologies, he whispered sweet reassurances into your ear.
that agent wouldn't be bothering you anymore, he would make sure of it.
a/n : i just wanted to say this one really hit me personally. i left one of the greatest relationships i had ever had thinking it was best for the other people, but it was the most selfish thing i had ever done. if you feel like this as well. trust me, do not do it. every day i miss what i could have had if only i had chose to tell them my worries. so please talk to them, they will understand. don't make the mistake i did.
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(TW: SH mention, body issues)
"it's not the way i'm meant to be, it's just the way the operation made me.."
it started as offhand comments that the new agents would throw out.
"i could never wear that LMAO. i love the confidence!"
"wait, they chose something like that as their uniform? i could never.."
but it soon turned into something much less subtle when they found out about your relationship with the local information broker.
"have you seen their arms? its like they are flaunting themself.."
"the attention just encourages them. why else would they wear something that looks like that? i can't believe cypher would choose them over me."
everyday, you would hear at least one of these comments directed towards you, and no matter what you did. they wouldn't stop ad simply find something new to pick out.
cypher was incredibly confused when you suddenly started dressing different. you were much more hidden lately...you were covering your body as if you wanted nobody to look. even i private you refused to show him the old side of you. one day, when you were together in his room he decided to confront you.
when he dropped his mask, you raised yours.
"hey sweetheart...i'm sorry if this is out of line but is everything ok? are you trying to match outfits with me now?"
he softly chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but upon seeing your zoned out reaction he stopped, a concerned gaze filling his features. when you came back to reality, you caught his gaze.
"oh, yes im sorry...i just have a question. do you...like how i look?"
to say he was shocked was an understatement. where was this suddenly coming from?
"what? habibi of course i do. why do you ask?"
"it's not a big deal...just someone has kind of gotten me to really think about myself and how i look." you say as if it were nothing
"what? that is incredibly unprofessional?! you should report them to Brimstone. people cannot be saying things like that." he fumed, how could anybody say that to another person?
"no! no please, it's fine. they are not wrong about me."
now THAT had him shocked. they were not right about you one bit? he put down the object he had been working on before turning around and sitting next to you on his bed. you look at him confused as he gave you a soft but stern look.
"listen to me darling. i don't know what the hell they said about you but i can garentee they are wrong. they are simply jealous. please never let yourself feel upset with how you look. you are perfect in my eyes and that is what matters, is it not?" he says in the most sincere voice you have heard.
you can feel tears forming as you nod and look at the ground trying to avoid his gaze, but soon you feel a gloved hand pulling your face back to look at him.
"there is no need to hide from me my love...i want to see your beautiful face...i am here for you, yeah?"
you feel tears streaming down your face...soon you feel soft yet chapped lips gently kiss away your tears. you wouldn't trade this for the world.
he spent the rest of the night planting soft kisses all over your body (/nsx).
the next day, the rude agent was awfully quiet. you can only imagine what cypher had dug up about them.
you may not feel completely comfortable in your own skin, but cypher will be with you to help you feel a little bit more.
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(TW: personality insecurities.)
"i shine only with the light you gave me."
everyone knew you were the "loud" agent.
after brimstone lifted the "no-fraternization" rule, you were free to be loving with your shy girlfriend in public.
most people found your extrovertedness and her introvertedness absolutely adorable. but you always feared that sometimes you were a little annoying.
one day, killjoy had been working on a turret upgrade while you were rambling about some show you heard jett talk about. but after a while you realized her only response was a soft hum every once in a while. you immediately backpedaled, were you being too loud? was she annoyed at you?"
you immediately trail off and stop talking, she seemed to not even notice your silence as harsh clanking filled the room. you frowned and checked your phone, scrolling back and forth on your home screen lost in thought.
once she had finished, you heard a quiet "yes!". you smiled as she turned around to ask your thoughts on it before seeing your face.
to anybody else, you would seem fine. just distracted. but klara knows you. to her, your eyes are more faded than normal as if you were bored...had she missed something important? she was mostly focusing on her work and assumed you had stopped talking to give her some space.
"Leibchen? Is everything alright?" she asked cautiously.
"hm? oh yes, sorry klara...i was just worried i was bothering you."
her eyes widened as you said this
"why would you be bothering me little maus? i love to listen to you!"
"i don't know, i guess i have just felt a bit worried that i have been annoying you..am i not too loud?"
"oh no! not at all! trust me, i love to hear you talk :)"
she stood up and pulled you into a shy side hug
"so, what was that about the show schatz?"
she asked with genuine curiousity, watching as your face brightened with joy at her eagerness to listen.
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thank you guys so much for the support on my last posts!!!!! i literally am so happy you guys enjoy my writing!!!! i would love if anyone wanted to send me some requests as i am kinda struggling on what topics to write aboutt!!
this fic was very self indulgent and i wrote these all on my own personal experience. i literally finished this and reread to realize "oh shit...these are all me" LMAO. sorry if it is cheesy 😭
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39raccoons · 4 months
This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me
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OKAY SO here we go. These three are Vince, Sasha and Noah. They’re a zombie, a medium and a vampire working together in a detective agency (cause of course they are). Some fun facts about them is that Noah is the most responsible one of the group despite being the youngest (21 years) and Vince and Sasha knew each other when they were kids but they established their agency after meeting again as adults roughly 15 years later.
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Then we have these two ladies. Their names are Maya and Louisa and their deal is basically that Maya is a witch so after Louisa died she used her powers to bring her back. So now that Louisa’s a zombie they’re figuring out how to make Maya immortal too so they could be together forever (and they also have to trick satan so fun times). The recent comic is an alternative version of events where revival process didn’t go as planned. They’re part of the same universe as the first three but for now all my attempts to make an actual comic with them failed miserably due to skill issue.
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Then we have these three. They’re from the comic I’m actively working on, “The girl, the bunny and the backpack” and yes, I thought about the title for 2 seconds. It’s on webtoons btw so you can check it out and I’ll be very grateful 🥺 The girl’s name is Nina, she’s 12 years old and she’s traveling through the world destroyed by magic with her talking bunny and backpack (post apocalyptic dora the explorer as people say lol).
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AND FINALLY we got these four and they’re literally just teenage girls. The names from left to right are Ksyusha, Alina, Mary and Varya, they’re 14-15 years old and they’re mostly vibing. I made a few comics with them a couple years back and now just kinda figuring out how to bring them back and which story and format would suit them better.
AND THERE IT IS FOLKS, thank you for your attention 😌
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Mid week Review :) The amazing hits keep coming in S2. Another goodie for them. Hard to believe we have 9 eps left in this season after this one. Such a rock solid season for them. Let's get started.
2x13 Follow-Up Day
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We first find our lovely couple pre-roll call. Smitty is celebrating his last day as ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ He scored so low he’ll never get promoted. Honestly most depressing thing I’ve ever heard... but it’s Smitty. So he’s rolling with it like we all would expect him to. The scores are going to be posted soon. Meaning Tim will get to know where he ranks as well. (Tim is all smiles while they’re talking btw. It’s pretty cute.)
You can see Lucy is so excited for him to get them. Supportive and proud wifey reporting for duty. All she can see is the light at the end of tunnel for him. She knows he crushed it. Tim on the other hand looks nervous af about these results. You can sense how edgy he is in that last gif. Lucy is her sunshine self for him regardless. His encouraging cheerleader. Her default mode for him. Her pride for him is just gushing out of her.
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Tim being Tim can’t handle the support. So naturally he pushes away when she does it. Instead of thanking Lucy for her support he deflects it. Says 'No doubt' and nothing more. Leaving Lucy a little baffled. Has to leave before she sees the affect her support has on him. I get Tim’s reaction I really do. It seems like he's being rude when really he can't fathom it. When you’re not given words of affirmation or support growing up, it’s so damn foreign to receive it.
Her support means so much and he craves it yet he can’t actually process or handle it. I relate to this all to well. He's still not used to having someone in his corner consistently like Lucy is for him. Always showing up. It's so nice you almost can't trust it. It sounds insane but it's true. Deep down you need it and want it. But when you get it you push it away or down play it. Just like Tim did in this scene. Good thing our girl is relentless. Our never ending cheerleader for him. Sees past his rough spots and loves on him more for it. Ugh I love them.
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In roll call they’re all assigned follow up cases that are about to be put on the back burner. Hence the name of the episode. Tim and Lucy get assigned a house break in. No prints or DNA. It's for a man named Nevin Cooper. Former gang member. They arrive at his donut shop and ask to see him. (Side note I'll never be over how he ALWAYS opens the door for her. Chivalry does it for me.) The eye contact she gives him when he does it too my goodness. But I digress ha Sasha his GF is instantly tense at their presence. Asking if she can help with something? Before they can answer they hear a noise and head back.
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They find Nevin talking to the new head of his former gang. Tim immediately tries to square up with this guy. Tells him he’s the one who put his former boss in jail. Tim doesn't waste much time and asks if he’s the new leader? Marquel quotes Shakespeare as his answer. Lucy can't help but comment on this. Marquel softens a bit says she’s smart for a cop. Tim does intimidation and Lucy tries to build rapport with Shakespearian knowledge LOL Yin and Yang.
They’re clearly giving him grief for leaving the gang post jail. Mad he's trying to go straight. Tim and Lucy are able to scare Marquel off for now. Nevin is evasive with them after they go. He won’t admit to anything. Apparently Sasha called them not him. Tim knows they're not going to get much more out of him so they leave. Tim knows Marquel is sweating Nevin. He just can’t prove that or him breaking into his house just yet.
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They make it back to station and Lucy starts asking how the results work. Clearly the only thing on her mind is his exam. It’s adorable. She asks him if he gets the stripes right away? Tim tells her passing the test is just the first step. You only get promoted once a spot opens up. So that’s why his ranking is so important.
If he makes it to the top of the list could take him a month or two. Lets her know the lower you are on the list the longer it takes. Says for some they’ll never get a shot. I.e. Smitty. Can see why he’s so damn stressed about the whole thing. Just passing isn’t guaranteeing anything. Tells her if nothing comes up he has to wait 2 more years to take the exam again. I love how intently she listens to him. Look at her absorbing everything he's saying.
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Grey comes up to them says Nevin has been assaulted. Lucy says that’s crazy they just saw him. Tim says Marquel must’ve double backed after they left. It’s landed him in the hospital. They know he won’t talk to them. So they try their luck with Sasha. She is upset he got hurt cause they showed up. Tells them they had to make sure Nevin wasn’t snitching. Lucy says snitching about what? She balks and clams up just like he did.
Then Tim steps in with a damn good mini speech above. He’s not wrong. This guy is relentless. A predator. He’s not going down without a fight. She gives in and says they’re trying to pressure Nevin into laundering drug money for them. Gave him only 24 hours to decide. Lucy asks if they can arrest Marquel for assault? He says no it’ll only incite the gang. They’ll end up killing them. Lucy asks him what they’re gonna do? He looks stumped. Says he doesn’t know…
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They go to Grey for some guidance about what their next move is. His answer doesn't appeal to them either. He mentions making him a CI dragging him back into the life. Wrapping up Marquel's crew that way. Lucy isn't on board for this. Says he's trying to get out of the life not get thrust back into it. Grey uses this hard decision as his segue into his Sergeant results. I love Tim darting his eyes at Lucy first when he asks about the scores. *heart clutch*. He's nervous for himself but also nervous he tanked it and she'll know he did. He doesn't want to let her down. She helped him so much.
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Lucy goes from upset about Nevin to radiant proud wifey when she hears the news. Tim looks so very relieved. Reserved but relieved. The Tim Bradford way haha Lucy voicing her excitement is too damn cute. Just spews out of her like word vomit. He looks at her like 'Not in front of Grey' LOL Wade’s face is too damn funny. Not subtle in the least Lucy. I know in S5 when Tim came to him about them dating he wasn’t shocked in the least. They’d been emotionally dating for YEARS before they were official. He had a front row seat for a long time.
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Lucy gets his silent communication message loud and clear. She tries her best to rein it in like the cute human she is. Bring it back to a 'professional' setting in front of Grey. Says 'Congratulations Sergeant Bradford' with heart eyes x 1000 ❤️ Subtle as a hammer Lucy. Didn't scale that back like she think she did. I love her so much. She sure tired haha
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It’s then the scene takes a turn for them both. Grey tells him there’s an opening in North Hollywood. Captain owes him a favor. He could start in two weeks. They’re both stunned. You can see it on their faces. Lucy thinks there is now way in hell he’s going to pass up this opportunity for her. So her sadness is she thinks she's going to lose him to this. Tim however is immediately hesitant about the quick turnaround. Lucy of course doesn’t want him to go. It’s evident Tim doesn’t either. Another tough decision ahead for our boy it would seem. Stay or go and get everything he’s been working hard for?
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The next day rolls around and Tim decides to take a run a Marquel. Trying to appeal to him to let Nevin go. That he gave a decade of his life to them. Took the fall like a good soldier. Lucy even quotes Othello like the BAMF she is. Trying to persuade him to their side. Using their Shakespeare rapport from the other day. It fails. Do love her trying with Shakespeare though haha Had to take her shot.
Lucy asks what they do next? Ready for his next plan. Tim says he doesn’t know. They made their play and failed. Then our girl does what she does best. Challenges him. Says she never thought she’d see the day he gives up. She did once call him the DEAR method incarnate. Reminds him he is the king of subversive tests and tricks. No way this is the end of the road for them about this.
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That there has to be someway for them to win coming at this sideways. What I love about this scene is yes she challenges him, but also builds him up while she’s doing that. Encouraging him to be more creative about this. That he has it in him to win this fight. That he just needs to allow himself some space to work it out. Such a damn good partner to him in more ways than one. Love his face in the second gif above. Ready to go back into battle over this because of her.
He told her she has no quit in her. That applies to him as well. This moment is absolute undeniable proof of that. This scene right here is one of the reasons he stays at Mid Wilshire. The impact she has on him. How she lights a fire under him like no one else ever has. She’s the whole reason he's staying really but this scene is a facet of why she’s the reason. A reminder and the moment he makes his decision. Not just about this situation but about his career. It’s more valuable for him to keep what they have than to leave for that promotion.
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We find out Tim’s out of the box plan. To turn Nevin's donut shop into a cop hang out. No way he’ll launder money there now. It's brilliant. Lucy commends him on his great plan and make sure he knows how genius it was. Then tells him with sadness in her eyes North Hollywood is lucky to have a sergeant like him. Tim squashes that sadness and lets her know he isn't going to move up yet. He seems really excited to tell her that he is staying. It's pretty cute.
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Lucy is clearly thrilled when Tim reveals he’s not taking it. She of course isn’t going to assume it because of her. So she makes a joke and ask if he’s waiting on Malibu then? Oh Tim has rubbed off on her too. Deflecting through humor. Then Tim says that iconic line of his about finishing what he starts. With far more affection and heart eyes than I’m sure is needed. But hell we’re gonna lap that up all damn day.
Their looks are so incredibly telling. Basically saying exactly how they’re feeling while dancing around it at the same time. Once again you forget he’s dating one of her closest friends this season. The amount of emotional rapport being built in S2 is mind blowing and beautiful to behold.
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She wouldn’t be Lucy if she didn’t give him a little crap though. Saying he better move up at some point. That those books on tape took her a long time LOL Her labor of love for him is what those were. His is he chose Lucy over furthering his career. (This won't be the last time he does this either) He wasn’t ready to leave her. This is such a big thing for him to do. I don't think he even realizes how big this is. Wouldn’t have done this for any other rookie. But Lucy is forever the exception for Tim. He values their bond and connection far too much to give that up. He can’t tell her that but actions speak louder than words. And his are SCREAMING.
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The smile he reserves only for her comes out after her little jab. You know he loves it when she gives him a hard time. He says ‘Yeah’ then they are in literal lock step after that. Just look at them. Their body chemistry without even touching is out of this world. Looks like she wants to touch him with some playful pushing but holds back on that last gif. Easy you two your massive feelings that are growing by the ep are showing. Damn they cute I can’t get over it ha So ends another wonderful s2 episode for them.
Side notes-non chenford
Did enjoy Nolan’s SL with Pete coming into the picture for first time. Always funny. Harper being funny in this one as well.
Wopez had a good SL as well with his mom. Enjoyed it.
Thank you all for your continued support, likes/reblogs. They fuel my reviews so very much. You’re the best :) see you all in 2x14
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maroonangels · 2 months
~ my heartbreak high season 2 opinions ~
tdlr; these are MY opinions and I am in no way saying I’m 100% right about things or that having a different opinion is wrong - also they’re kinda all over the place sry
// season 2 spoilers below obvi //
I lowkey liked sashas character this season 😭 I know I KNOW okay she was annoying with that missy thing & some other stuff but other than that she was kinda just a walking meme and the scenes with her & quinni at the end were sooo cute imo
as much as I love malakai/amerie - amerie needs to work on herself like.. a lot
also malakai get your ass BACK on that plane and come home thx <3
Idk what was going on with darren when it comes to them & quinni this season but all that aside I did really like darren this season
as much as I wish they looked more into quinni’s arc I think her being so independent and unmasking goes along with the shorter scenes she got (also she was fighting with her friends and it’s ameries pov so like yeah makes sense)
I really wish we got more cash & harper scenes since they’re living together now
cash’s name origin has me crying my eyes out
spider & missy unironically one of my favorite ships of the show
however that shit with spiders mom- good fucking god I would also be a total dick if my mother told me I was destined to be a monster
wish we got more missy lore tbh
also wish we got more ant lore but I loved him & harper together, they were sweet okayyy
loved & hated the love triangle
loved rowan & malakai at first but then amerie got involved and I just.. idk I liked some of her and rowan’s scenes together (yk before ep8) but it felt shitty of her to get with rowan
then again amerie annoyed me a lot this season so I might be biased
the way she’s so self absorbed just like in s1 is actually a bit painful, like did you learn nothing??
HOWEVER the abortion storyline did make me cry and her & malakai & harper need more scenes together immediately because good god were they tugging on my heart strings
stealing all of harper’s wardrobe btw
woodsy teaching harper to drive?? mother is mothering
finale was fucking wild but i honestly loved it
voss getting arrested was the BEST decision the writers made with his character
the new editing styles they used??? to die for. I love when shows do that type of stuff
this season honestly felt a lot more interesting than s1, obvi love s1 but s2 just has so much more fun & fluid stuff imo
they set up so many plot lines for s3 I NEED them to renew it right now
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sybeez · 4 months
theres magic in splatoon?
oh HELL YES i get to rant about splatoon on here instead of on discord :]
@anemonequeen hey u can add on too 👀
So what i call magic in splatoon is less 'high fantasy bullshit' and more 'its all around and you don't notice it' like the post said (my example was electricity irl and how we use it rn for mundane stuff). It's all headcanon also btw but very supported by stuff from the games themself
List of stuff thats magic in splatoon in no particular order (ill go over these after): music, technology (human made especially), DNA, ink maybe?, salmonids migration, probably more but thats all i got (infodump under the cut)
SO music has been canon magic since splatoon 1 and actually its linked to the DNA part!! ,,,I probably need to explain human technology part first to understand that but it's basically all the Alterna logs basically.
Quick recap tho: the earth is fucked > some humans go live underground in giant domes all over the globe(unsure) > in one of them they devellop crystals out of molluscs like squids n octopus ability to change color based on emotions and use those to make giant LCD screens to line the dome > fast forward 2 generations of underground humans > the next gen scientists who want to go out even if thats a fucked up idea > rocket go poof n destroys the screen > the squid LCD crystals seep into the ocean n evolution happens for every creature to turn into anthros
also most impportantly the crystals retained the hopes of dreams of all of humanity down there* (important)
now fast forward 10 000 years and we find this scroll in splatoon 1
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and that melody famously created a revolution by every single octarian realising they actually have free will at once (it did NOT break any kind of mind control they just lived all their live in an authoritarian society) so already we can tell theres something up with.
another time we find that melody thats important is the end credit for splatoon 3 (wave goodbye) at around the 3:00 mark
,,,now im realizing this isnt exactly what i had in mind but the first time i heard it i thought the voice had no gargling like inkfish voices n instead it was the voices of all humanitys ghosts coming together to sing that part. But if we still go with that then (my headcannon) that means that melody thats been etched into sea life DNA was actually a human anthem that was kept in the memories of the LCD crystal
Now in splatoon 3 theres a lot of magic anyway lol but idk how to even explain that (the 3 lights, lil buddy becoming a kaiju, big man making ink) so use ur imagination for that lol but its there.
other human technology that's also magic: the machine to keep judd alive that somehow made him immortal AND clone him
There's more magic hidden in the game (like however the ink from the ink tanks fuels our weapon via bluetooth and how some non-inkfish characters can somehow use ink for turf wars) but thats why i tagged sasha lol
oh yea for the salmon migration bit i'm specifically talking about the 7 rings when a big run happens. idk how to explain that so therefore its magic
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doodle17 · 6 months
Could you maybe tell us what future Raz and Lilis relationship is like now?
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*vibrating with excitement*
Putting this under a read more because it might be really long hemngh
So I'd decided to study their characters and how they interact a little more (mostly from the second game, but a little bit of the first too) and think about how their relationship would develop as they got older.
I came to the conclusion that I want to portray them as two people who have some level of affection for the other, but don't have time to focus on being sappy "boyfriend and girlfriend" because of work. The "fun" part their relationship ended waaaay back when they were 18-ish and went from Junior Agents to Official Psychonauts. It ain't exactly easy to go on dates and save the world at the same time y'know, and both of them have a lot of personal stuff going on.
Raz is almost always busy. Constantly filling out paperwork, running around in Sasha's lab, doing agent stuff, Circus stuff, the WHOLE shebang. Lili, is still trying to get over her dad's retirement, as the while thing still feels very surreal to her. Not to mention Hollis and her dad trying to push her to become the next Grand Head, much to her dismay. It's not very easy to have a social life with that much going on to be 100% honest.
Theres also taking their very different personalities into account. Lili's "Fuck around and find out" and Raz's sticking to a solid plan type of methods tend to clash quite often, and many newcomers have a hard time telling whether or not they're dating or competing with eachother.
Lili is probably the most complicated woman Raz has ever worked with, and while he finds it endearing he also finds it incredibly exhausting. Sometimes, It feels like she'll do the exact opposite of what he tells her just to get a reaction out of him, out of spite. But it's not like she can help it. She absolutely hates being told what to do, and one of her least favorite things about Raz is when he decides to become "Mr. Boss man" and order everyone around during missions. Despite all of- that- however, they do end up having very successful missions!... Most of the time.
There's also the pressure to keep up professional appearances for their fellow agents and new interns. One thing the both of them can agree on, is that they'll avoid showing any PDA in front of their coworkers. They still cringe thinking about how a little too comfortable they were as kids, and how almost EVERYONE in the Motherlobe knew about it. Luckily, most of those people are retired, quit or fired, and gives the two a better chance to be a little more professional with their relationship in front of the newcomers, because if they have to hear, "You guys are like the next Sasha and Milla!" One more time...
This isn't to say that things are always rough and gloomy for them. They still have a very special connection, and after knowing eachother for half of their lives, it's not like they're going to get rid of the other anytime soon. So might as well make the most of it, eh? She'll never admit it out loud, but there's really no other person Lili would rather be tied up and dangling over a pool of pyrokenetic sharks with than Raz (which has actually happened before btw) There's no way you won't catch them holding hands or sneaking a quick kiss at least once.
Anyways, to sum all of this shishkabable up best I can: They're WAY too close to be considered "just coworkers", but they also have way too much going on to focus on a serious relationship at this time.
Good on you if you managed to read my nonsensical ramblings all the way through! Take a prize from the prize bin you deserve it 👏 👏👏
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