#[[ I'm so very grateful I have playlists for them both ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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HATER & ANGST ANTHEMS — 3 songs that portray your muse’s negative side of life! Bitter, negative, sad, bad vibes. What songs portray the darker sides of your muse?
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"Breakdown" - Icon For Hire
I'm always one step away from the railing I try to hold myself back I'm always one step away from the feeling I could snap just like that Self-destruction, don't you love it? How you never rise above it? Get so high off the lows til I let go I'm always up for a breakdown The pressure's building now That beat in my brain, it's keeping me sane Make it loud
"World war me" - Theory of a Deadman
I'm the king of doubt, I fight out all on the inside I'm the poster child of denial, there is nothing I can't hide I'm punching holes in walls because, I let them build up way too long, sabotage everything I ever had, And now I'm seeing red There is no one else to blame but the voices in my head This is world war me I will never find peace I look into the mirror and I hate what I've become 'Cause I'm the only casualty from damage that I've done I'm the only enemy in world war me How do you run away when you're the enemy?
"Headache" - Motionless in White
Some days I'm narcissistic, some days I'm in my way Some days I try to sleep with pins and needles in my brain Some days I feel sadistic, a portrait of my pain Some days I live in fear that I am every fucking thing I hate Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up Shut up, shut up, shut up Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up Shut up, shut up, shut up Follow me down, under the skin, I am doubt Feeding the flies in my mouth through my eyes I know that I’m gonna be fine Swallow the pain, selling my sorrow for shame Sanity circles the drain with a smile I swear that I'm gonna be fine
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"If these scars could speak" - Citizen Soldier
Can you medicate me? Can you feel my pulse? I'm too far to find me, I'm too numb to feel these broken bones Staring from the outside All your ignorance Makes it hard to see Beneath my skin, I fight a war within If these scars could speak You would hear my hell And all the lies I use to save myself If these scars could speak You would know my pain And all the demons hiding in my rage
"Landmine" - Three Days Grace
Under the pressure I'm not okay I live in denial I've bottled the rage And I can't hold much longer It keeps getting stronger It's only a matter of time I'm living like a landmine Waiting to explode I'm ticking like a time-bomb Ready to go I'm a danger to myself And everybody else I'm living like a landmine Waiting to explode
"Point of no return" - Starset
It's uncontrollable, such a beautiful desire There's something sinister about the way it hurts When I watch it burn (Higher and higher) Because I can't go back The ashes call my name Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames Breaking the habit and melting the chains Embracing the fear, chasing the fight The glow of the fire will light up the night The bridges are burning, the heat's on my face Making the past an unreachable place Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames I know this is the point of no return
tagged by: @moonspower [for Rick] & @advnterccs [for Morty] tagging: @imprvdente @omniishambles [Mobius maybe?] @technodromes [Bishop] @modestmuses [Lain or Silco] @misstantabismuses [Jinx] @villains4hire [Ash] @vortship & whoever wants to steal it !
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delicatebarness · 2 months
i think he knows | chapter two
Summary: The reader decides to reach out to a trusted advisor and braves not getting caught.
Warnings: One use of 'Y/N'. One F-Bomb.
Word Count: 1907
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Series’ Spotify Playlist
A/N: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I had free time and wanted to write. I'm loving this story so far and I didn't want to wait another week before showing you all it.
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes
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Time blurred after the days that followed the tense cafeteria encounter. Each morning felt like you had been struggling to keep routine, classes, and emotions grounded. You found that you had stopped reading while walking the hallways, hoping you wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see him. His presence continued to linger in your thoughts, a force you could not resist: no matter your efforts. 
After confiding in Wanda and Peter about the situation at one of your study nights, they both expressed their opinions on the matter. Wanda straight-up agreed with Sharon, she explained to you that she had spent a few years now seeing how Steve’s protection has made you miss out on typical high school experiences. She didn’t want this one to be another. Peter on the other hand was worried. He spent at least half an hour going through all the rumors her had heard about Bucky, which sounded like they came straight out of a Tudor history book. He said he could understand Steve’s point of view as he also didn’t want to witness his childhood friend potentially hurt. You were grateful to have their help and honesty. Wanda would continue giving you understanding gazes and silent support. And, Peter, well he’s easily distracted, and once his opinion was out, his laughter and energy began again: A very welcomed distraction. 
But as the days passed, the unanswered questions about Bucky were tugging at your mind, and you became restless and needed answers. One afternoon, you found yourself standing outside the Robotics Lab door. This is a room you barely went into, it was Peter’s thing, you were more in the Chemistry Club’s lab. 
Pushing the door, you were greeted by the school’s smartest math, science, and everything student. He knew everything that could be taught, he also knew everything about everyone. Vision. He looked up from the robot he was tinkering with, with a neutral expression.
“Hey Y/N,” he waved, his voice was smooth and rich, carrying a depth and warmth that captivated any listener. “What can I do for you?” 
Hesitating, you looked around the room to ensure you two were alone. You took a moment to search for the right words and emotions, you let go of a breath you hadn’t realized you held. “I need your help, Vis,” you admitted, using the shortened version of his name that everyone knew he preferred over the nickname ‘The Vision’. “I know you know about almost everyone in this school, and, I, well, you know I’m not one to gossip,” Vision stared blankly at you as you rambled on. “I need to know more about Bucky Barnes.”
His expression quickly turned, lifting his eyebrows in surprise. He didn’t press for details, no, instead, he motioned for you to take a seat on the opposite side of his desk. You rushed to take a seat, as he got back to his robot’s mechanisms. 
“Bucky Barnes has a reputation,” You nodded in agreement, the information you were already aware of. “He’s a complicated figure,” Vision leaned back in his chair as he wrote you a narrative of Bucky’s childhood and early teens. He painted a picture of Bucky, piecing together fragments of rumors and half-truths along the way. He never seemed to take a side with what and if he believed them. Listening to Vision’s words, you began to realize you do have an understanding of the brooding enigma. He was, after all, just a human making mistakes, flawed as the rest of the student body. 
“Thank you so much, Vis,” You exclaimed as you started to set off back into the hallways of Brooklyn High. He might not have told you what was right or wrong, but, you now had an idea of what to expect. Thankfully, he never mentioned any of the rumors Peter had heard about. “Also, Wanda loves red,” You nodded towards the sheet of paper with drawn robot schematics, resting on the desk near them with “For Wanda.” written at the top and a stack of different color paint samples. 
With a sigh, you rested your back against the door to the Robotics Lab. It only took a beat before you noticed a group hanging around the lockers down the hallways. Leather. Bucky and his friends. Your mind was fighting itself on what to do next, walking away, or going over to them. Walking the opposite way, they’d never know you were there. Bucky wouldn’t have known. Go over to them, and risk Steve finding out you went against his direct wishes. Not only that, what would you do? Hi, Bucky, how’s your day going? You can’t ask someone like Bucky that. Hi Bucky, sorry my brother pushed you. He’d probably laugh in your face. 
While in your head, you hadn’t realized that your feet had made a decision. You were less than a few more steps away from them. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Natasha Romanoff’s voice snapped you back into reality. You suddenly felt small among the group, who were not only two years older than you but also had reputations that made them intimidating, to say the least. Bucky’s gaze flicked up, his eyes meeting yours once again. His lips turned into a smile, you half expected another smirk. It was there just not as evident as his smile. Was it genuine?
“Wait, has Little Miss Sunshine graced me with her presence?” Bucky teased as he straightened his posture, making himself seem just that tad bit taller. The feeling of his friend's eyes watching your every move felt foreign, normally everyone wouldn’t even glance over at you for more than a few seconds. Whatever confidence you had that made you come over, vanished, leaving you feeling embarrassed with flushed cheeks.
“I, um, I just wanted to,” You began to stutter as you gave another look around at his friends, your palms started sweating so much you feared your textbooks would slip right out of them. A sudden feeling of a cold hand against your cheek guiding your face and eyes slowly back to meet his Bucky’s, made your body flinch for a short moment, your mind was no longer flooded after that second. Everything seemed to calm as he rubbed his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
“Say hi?” He questioned, finishing your sentence for you though you didn’t know why you came over or how your sentence was going to finish. You whispered a quick ‘Hi.’ back at him as if he had commanded you to say it. He chuckled a “Hi Sunshine,” back at you. Feeling like a deer caught in the headlight of his motorbike, you subconsciously bit your lip. It felt like you stood there for hours, him touching you for the first time while staring into each other’s eyes. 
Bucky pushed himself off the locker, leaning in closer to you. “I think you should get going,” His breath sent chills all over your skin, and his thumb never stopped comforting your face. “We don’t need you getting caught now, do we?” You shook your head no slowly as he pulled away from you. Your thoughts couldn’t determine if you were shaking in agreement with him or pleading with him not to let you go. “Don’t worry, Sunshine, I’ll be seeing you around.” He promised as he gestured for you to continue your way down the hallway.
Your grip on your textbooks was tightening with one hand. The other, you reached up to feel your cheek where Bucky’s hand had lingered. You turned, giving a quick look behind you toward where Bucky and his friends were still gathered. Blue eyes locked onto yours while he moistened his lip with a flick of his tongue. He was watching your every move. 
Hours passed since your self-inflicted encounter with Bucky Barnes. You could still sense the feeling of his hand on your cheek, it sent waves of excitement and fear through your veins. For the first time in your life, you felt like you related to the sort of fan girls you read about that refuse to wash their hands after their favorite celebrity had grazed it. You also worried that all it took was for him to touch your skin for you to become vulnerable. Should that be what happens? Does Sharon feel like that when Steve holds her hand through the hallways? Or, if Wanda’s heart raced this way the one time Vis accidentally brushed his finger over your hand when reaching for a pen?  
A soft knock on your bedroom door startled you, waking you from your daydreams. “Lost in thought?” Steve asked, his tone was gentle. It mostly was with you. Wordlessly, you nodded at him. “Need to talk about anything?” He asked with genuine worry. 
“Just in my head, school stuff, ya know.” A faint smile appeared as you replied to your brother. Not only did you not want to burden him with your problems, but you most certainly knew you couldn’t with this one.
“I know how that feels, Sis,” His gaze softened, filled with understanding. Of course he did, he was the golden child, and he had a positive reputation to withstand. “It helps me to talk about it, sometimes.” 
His words caused a weighted feeling lift from your shoulders, he was still your brother and most trusted peer, and you knew he’d be somewhat of a support during this trying period. You motioned for him to come in, moving homework and study papers out of the way so he could sit at the bottom of your bed. 
“It’s just, um, I have this feeling that I can't seem to shake,” you confessed with a sigh. “It feels like there’s so many unanswered questions lingering.” You began picking at a loose thread on one of your throw pillows.
Nodding, Steve rested a hand on your shoulder. “Feelings tend to have a way of sticking with us,” His empathetic tone made you question yourself if you were doing the right thing. “It’s okay to not have it figured out, take your time to process them.”
“Do you ever feel like that?” You questioned, grateful that you did have his support and understanding at that moment, you wanted his guidance more.
“All the time,” He smiled at you while confessing. “That’s why I’m so grateful for Sharon. Her presence, helps me stay grounded. It’s like a constant reminder of what’s important.” This was the first time Steve had given you a glimpse into how he truly felt about Sharon. You started to feel a small sense of reassurance wash over you as you listened.
“Thank you, Stevie,” Your gratitude was sincere as you hugged him around the shoulders. You were still surprised that you managed to wrap your arms around them. “For being here.”
Steve returned the hug, “Anytime.” 
With your brother’s words and support, you felt a sense of clarity and strength overcome you. Steve knew what was right, you had to stay away from Bucky. You watched him leave your room, closing the door behind him, you couldn’t have been any more grateful to have a caring, supportive, and protective older brother.
“Thank fuck,” A voice whispered near your open window. While turning towards the sound, a fairly large figure gracefully climbed through. That cigarette and fumes scent which only came from one known source filled your bedroom. “I thought he’d never leave.”
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
15: This Side Of Paradise
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: SMUT (it's marked, if you are minor, don't read it)
a/n: hello my darlings!! I hope everyone is having an amazing week! Is everyone ready for the upcoming season? Who will watch Drive To Survive??
Official Playlist
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If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Watching him placing his clothes on my wardrobe made me feel happy and nervous.
I tried to ignore those feelings, sitting on my bed and folding his clothes the way I fold them so they could fit better. I watched him hand his formal suit, his jeans and jackets. I saw him place his shower things and creams in my bathroom.
Since I was little, I always thought that at this age I would be already married, or at least living with the love of my life, sharing an apartment and having a good life with a job I liked and with a good amount of money. And even if the picture I had in front of me, with Lando placing his toothbrush next to mine as well as the perfume I gifted him not long ago, was the one I always dreamed of, I didn't want to believe it, not yet.
Sure, I love Lando, he gives me every reason to make me think that he's the love of my life. But still, there's something that makes me want to take a step back.
Maybe it is that I already saw this picture before, that I saw men's clothes next to mine on a wardrobe, that I saw someone's toothpaste next to mine. Maybe it's the trauma, or the not so friendly reminder that I lived this once and it didn't end well. That this is not a first time experience with someone I love.
I wanted to smile, really. I wanted to smile, laugh, hug him and kiss him until both were out of breath. But the thorn of that memory was stuck on my brain, showing me glimpses of that golden haired man that I used to call the love of my life.
“I need a minute” I said, getting up from the bed and walking out of the room, going to the small balcony of the living room.
I didn't hear his answer, just sitting on the small chair outside and looking at the lights.
I should be happy. I really should. And I want to be happy, grateful. But why, suddenly, I feel this heavy weight on my chest that is not letting me breathe?
“Love, you will get cold” I heard him sigh, opening the door behind me. “Come back inside”
I swallowed thickly when I heard him call me like that. The first time he called me like that and I wasn't smiling.
“What is going on? Do you want to talk?”
I looked at him and sighed, wrapping my arms around him and I took a step to get inside the living room, breathing the scent I learned to love. He wrapped his arms around me and closed the sliding door, kissing my shoulder softly.
“What's going on inside this smart brain of yours, hm?” he whispered. “Be I know there's something, I noticed it while being in the room”
“It's just stupid” I sighed. “Don't worry”
“I do worry, Violet” he sighed. “You mean so much to me, I worry when something is bothering you”
“I can't stop thinking about Owen” I mumble against his neck. “About the day I moved in with him. About how I thought that he was the love of my life…”
“And watching me put my clothes in your wardrobe made you remember that” he ended for me.
“I'm sorry…”
“No, I understand” he said.
He took some steps back until his knees touched the couch, sitting on it and pulling me with him to sit on his lap, holding me tighter. The warm hand in my back rubbed circles while the other secured me on his lap.
“I guess I'm scared” I whispered. “Of living this over again. Of watching things that are not mine in my place and slowly getting used to it to the point that I wouldn't mind if we shared a place. I guess it terrifies me to get my guard down and repeat the same that happened with him…”
“And I promise you that it won't happen again” he interrupted me.
“You don't know that…” I whisper, sadly.
“Violet. I promise you that I will never ever hurt you” he said, firmly. “That I will never do something you don't like. That I will never touch you when you don't want it. What I said this morning was really serious. I want to settle down with you. I don't want to think of someone else that is not you, you are my favorite person in the universe”
I took a deep breath and hugged him tightly. Why do I feel this bad? Why am I letting my memories play this bad with me?
“I just want to be enough for you” I whispered.
“You are more than enough, my love” he whispered. “Just stay with me. Talk to me. And we will make this work, okay?”
“Okay” I whisper.
I pulled away from his neck, looking at him and smiling weakly. I don't deserve him, he's too good for me.
“Do you have plans tomorrow?” he asked and I tilted my head.
“I don't think so, why?” I frowned.
“Come with me to dinner” he smiled. “To McLaren. Oscar wants to meet you”
“Come on, tomorrow we'll have a shopping day” he smiled, pecking my lips quickly. “I have to get the suit from some sponsors”
I sighed and just leaned on him, getting comfortable in his embrace and closing my eyes.
“Just give me a day to get used to this” I whisper. “To make my mind understand that you will stay here longer than just a few days. I know I was the one asking you to come stay with me, but…”
“Heya I understand it” he whispered. “I get it, you lived something similar and you are getting flashbacks. And it's okay. But I'm not going to hurt you. I would rather die than hurt you”
“Please don't say that again” I whisper. “It just… it scares thinking of that. Thinking of something like that happening to you. I still feel nauseous when I see Pietra Gasly holding a flower bouquet in Belgium's race… And now I don't want to imagine myself doing the same as him”
“I'll never make you put yourself in that position” he said. “I'll always come back to you, okay? I'll always end a race and put this bracelet again”
I smile weakly, remembering the matching bracelets we have in our wrists. The promise we made that night in that house.
“Put it back always and think of me” I said, pulling back my face from his neck and looking at him.
He smiled and nodded, leaning closer to me until our lips met. And this kiss was different. It felt like the cherry on top of a cake, that sealed our feelings, like the signature on a contract. This kiss was everything we needed to start our life together after pouring our hearts out, after talking about our worries and doubts, after putting the trust in each other.
And without saying anything we understood it. We knew that when I got up from his lap and stood up, he did the same, standing in front of me and kissing my forehead. I held his hand and we both walked to the bedroom, temporary ours.
We didn't need words, we knew what was going to happen next, and the shivers over my body were just a product of how my heart was beating for him, only him. Our eyes asked each other for permission to take off each other's clothes, so slowly that it felt like our hands and fingers were dancing to the choreography of a slow song. His lips were on mines, never pulling away for at least a pair of millimeters to breathe and then to melt again on mines.
“My beautiful, beautiful Violet” he whispered, running his hands over my naked body, caressing my back and sides with his palms. “You have no idea how lucky I am”
“Make me yours” I whisper, feeling his fingers unclipping my bra.
“Oh, for sure I will” he whispered, tracing his lips over my jaw towards my neck. “I'll treat you like the queen you are”
I chuckled softly, kissing him again and again and feeling how my toes touched the edge of the bed as well as the back of his knees, making him sit with me on his lap. I moaned softly when I sat on his bulge, feeling how it touched my clothes core. His hands moved to my hips and helped me to move slowly, rocking my hips and making our intimate parts still clothed rub against the other, making him get harder and me wetter.
“Feels good” I moaned, feeling how the tip was rubbing perfectly on my clit, how his kisses were moving to my breast and his lips wrapping around my nipple.
I arched my back, giving him more access to my chest when I felt his hand cupping the breast he wasn't kissing, leaving subtle marks on my skin. He was worshiping every inch of my body like a good lover, exploring it like he wanted to make a map of it only for himself.
I felt him stand up with me in his arms just to turn us around, placing me on the bed with him on top of me.
“I need you” I whispered looking at him, cupping his cheek.
“Yeah?” he smiled, bringing his lips to the breast he didn't kiss yet while his hand cupped my core, making me gasp and moan at the same time.
I moved my hips against his hand, feeling how I clenched around nothing, needing him. At this point I didn't care what part of him, his fingers, tongue or length, I just wanted to feel him.
His hand pushed down my panties, making me moan when I felt the cold of the room, that wasn't going to last long, hit my core. But that cold was immediately away the moment his fingers traced my folds. I moaned arching my back again, burying a hand on his curls while the other held the blankets.
“Lando” I moaned, feeling his fingers tracing circles on my clit before pushing them slowly inside of me.
“Good?” he whispered looking at me, smiling and kissing my lips while pumping his fingers in and out of me, his thumb rubbing my clit.
“Fucking amazing” I moan against his lips, kissing him deeper.
He curled his fingers making me gasp, feeling how he touched my sweet spot. I stopped feeling his lips on mine to feel them on my chest, then on my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw him between my legs, watching in awe how his fingers moved inside of me, and seconds later feeling his tongue on me.
“Fuck” I cried in pleasure, feeling how the knot in.my stomach was ready to snap, making me clench around his fingers and release around them.
“My sweet girl” he moaned, pulling out his fingers just to lick my core, pushing it on me, making me gasp and hold onto his hair.
It felt like heaven, looking at his face buried between my legs, not pulling away until I came apart for the second time.
He sat on his knees after pulling away from my core, making me moan at the sight of him. I copied his posture, kneeling face to face and kissing him, making him hold me close to him.
“I have condoms on my bag” he whispered, making me chuckle.
“Did you buy them before coming home?” I said.
“Of course” he smirked, pecking my lips and getting up from the bed.
I smile looking at him, watching how he took off his boxers and came back to bed. He placed the box on the nightstand and I followed his hand with my eyes the moment he grabbed one, holding it between his heart and index finger.
“Sit straight” I said, standing on my knees and moving closer to him, placing my hands on his shoulders.
I grabbed the condom and unrolled it down on his length, hearing him sigh relieved with my touch, feeling his hands in my hips to help me sit on his lap, his length between our bodies.
“I love you” he whispered, holding me and looking into my eyes.
I smiled softly and kissed him, breathing in deeply and raising up my hips just to sink down on him slowly. I felt him all inside of me, filling me and fitting inside of me like a piece my body lost.
“I love you too” I whispered, moving my hips with his help.
It was magical, perfect. The feeling of his lips on my skin, his hands on me, his length inside of me. Everything I could think about was him, on how good his hands hold my breasts, of how good he sucks my nipples, how good it feels when we roll our hips together, skin against skin.
I just didn't know how many times we did it that night, but the only thing I know is that what we did was real, it was pure love.
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Waking up next to her in her bed felt amazing. Getting up and watching my things in her bedroom felt so real.
Yesterday, when she told me that watching me put my things inside of her wardrobe made her think about Owen, I felt angry. But not angry with her. I was angry with him. Because he destroyed her, made her be scared of things like this, of being in love again, of being touched.
And I wanted to make sure she knows she's loved. I'll make sure to remind her every day that I love her and that I adore her. I know I will never do something like what he did, I love her too much to hurt her and push her away.
“Oh, you woke up early” I heard her yawn, walking inside the kitchen.
“Mhm, yeah” I nodded looking back at her, king when I saw her wearing the shirt I had yesterday. “I wanted to make breakfast”
“You said that you won't cook” she chuckled, standing behind me and wrapping her arms around my torso.
“Toasts and tea are something I can make” I said. “I won't burn the house because the toaster is configured”
“Okay” she laughed softly, pressing her lips on my shoulder. “Last night was amazing”
“It was” I nodded, turning around and looking at her, kissing her forehead. “Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right?”
“No, I'm perfect” she smiled, standing on her tiptoes and kissing my lips.
I smile and pick her up, sitting her on the counter and standing between her legs. There's something about her that pulls me like a magnet, that makes me want to kiss her and touch her all the time. I need to hold her hand or hold her close to me. Maybe it's my subconscious mind that wants to make sure this is not a dream, just in case.
Last night I couldn't stop. I needed her, more and more. I needed to feel her, to hear her, to taste her. She's mine, now for real. I spotted every mole on her body, traced a constellation with the moles of her arms and back and kissed every inch of her skin, worshiping her and treating her how she deserves to be treated. I lost the count of times we did it, how many times I made her fall apart and how many times she did it to me. It was a night full of pleasure, and none of us cared about it.
“Why don't we stay all day here, hm?” she smiled.
“I have to get the outfit for tomorrow's dinner, love” I smile, kissing the tip of her nose.
“Then we go now in the morning and then we'll stay all day here” she reaffirmed.
“You don't want to buy something for you?” I asked.
“I mean… it's not a dinner where everyone will go with gala dresses, right?” she asked, tilting her head to the side, something she always does when she's either confused or paying attention to something.
“Oh, no” I laughed. “That kind of dinner is the one for the FIA gala. And I wasn't invited. I mean, I didn't do something relevant to be invited”
“Hey, I'm sure this new season will be better” she smiled cupping my cheek.
“Unless I'm one of the top three…” I sighed, smiling weakly. “Anyway, what we were talking about”
“Right” she sighed. “Just… You know my style. Do I have to buy something to fit in the dress code?”
“No, but…” I smiled softly. “I just wanted to spoil you, silly”
“You can spoil during the trip” she chuckled.
“Oh, right! We have to reserve things” I said, squeezing her hips.
She smiled and nodded, kissing my lips and jumping out of the counter when we heard that the toasts were ready. She went to her office and grabbed her laptop while I placed everything on the table of her kitchen.
It was perfect. This life with her, cooking and eating together, sleeping together and making plans. It felt amazing and I couldn't wait for this to be a routine and make it official, having an apartment for both of us.
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I was once in the MTC some years ago when Lando invited all of us to their car launch. It was a big place, full of cars and history decorated for the launch event, full of orange, black and blue balloons.
But now, it was decorated with Christmas things. Fairy lights around the columns, some Christmas trees, and some drawings made of fake snow on the windows.
“Hey, guys!”
I turned around, with a glass of champagne in my hand, and found Oscar with his girlfriend walking towards us. Lando smiled, unwrapping his arm from my waist and walking towards his teammate to hug him.
“Lily, hey” I smiled, recognizing Oscar's girlfriend.
“I guess I have to welcome you to the team” she smiled softly, hugging me
“Yeah” I laughed softly.
“I'm glad he finally confessed” she said.
I laughed softly, smiling when I felt Lando's hand back on my hip, holding me close to him.
We walked around, looking at all the cars, at all the trophies. It was just like the day we spent together in the museum, he explained how every car worked, who drove it, who won the trophies and where. And everytime I looked at him he had that beautiful sparkle in his eyes whenever he talked about the team, about his dream.
“I'm proud of you” I said, placing my hand on his chest.
“Oh? Where did this came from?” he chuckled, looking at me.
“Because you made your dream come true” I smiled. “This is the place you dreamed with, the team you wanted since you knew you wanted to work in this sport. And you are so focused on following that dream that you didn't notice that you already made history here, my love”
“But it's not enough” he smiled weakly. “I didn't win yet”
“But you will win this year” I said cupping his cheek. “You said it, the second half of the season was good, the team worked hard and found the missing piece and thanks to that you and Oscar had a lot of podiums. Even a Guinness record! You will have plenty of opportunities this year to win, I'm sure”
“You have no idea how much your words mean to me, Violet” he smiled, hugging me and resting his forehead against mine. “You have no idea how lucky and grateful I am to have you by my side”
“We can do this, Lando” I smiled. “We are in this together. I will be by your side every time you'll need me, cheering for you, supporting you. And I'll be in the crowd, screaming your name when you stand on the top of the podium, okay? And when I can't be there on the races, I'll wear your colors, I'll watch you on the TV or my laptop. I won't miss anything”
“God, stop it, you'll make me cry” he laughed, hugging me tightly.
“And I'm here to hold you and wipe away the tears” I giggled, hugging him, kissing his cheek.
After some minutes alone, we walked back to where the dinner was taking place. Lando introduced me to his team, and it just felt right. Watching all his mechanics welcoming me and hugging me, teasing Lando and making him blush, felt good. Watching Zak smiling at me and patting Lando's back was like looking at a father congratulating his son. The girls of the team welcomed me, happy to have a new addition and to meet Lando's girl who he couldn't stop talking about.
McLaren is Lando's second family, and feeling welcomed even if they knew me because I was at previous races, felt good.
“Where are you going to spend New Year's?” Oscar asked us, sitting on the same table with his girlfriend. “Are you going with your family?”
“Oh, no” Lando smiled, looking at me and resting his arm on the back of my chair. “We're going tomorrow to Egypt”
“Egypt?” Lily asked, surprised.
“It was my Christmas gift” I smiled looking at Lando, kissing his cheek. “I study art history and ancient languages”
“Oh, right! You work at the British Museum! I forgot that” Lily laughed softly.
“We just want to be on our own” Lando said. “And I have my personal tourist guide, so it's a win for me”
“I hope you'll pay me” I said, hitting his chest softly.
“Oh, I will” he smirked, kissing my temple.
“Gross” Oscar laughed. “But I'm happy for you, actually. It was so annoying watching how you were like a lost puppy whenever Violet came to the races and hearing your sad songs”
“I wasn't playing sad songs!” Lando gasoed, making us laugh.
“I have audios, mate” he laughed.
“Cute” I laughed looking at Lando, kissing his cheek softly.
The rest of the night was amazing. They made a speech, taking everyone for their hard work, promising that good things will come the next season. And I couldn't feel prouder when I saw Lando standing next to me, holding a mic and talking about how grateful he feels, how lucky he is to be where he is.
I was happy to be with him, to see him smile whenever he talks about his dream and about what he loves.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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bloodynereid · 5 months
okay okay hear me out. gn reader. jordan. sleepy cuddles. just the two of them in the dorm with lazy kisses and snuggles and all the fluffy love in the world (and cute pet names of course). i think it would make me melt. i want i need i love - 🧚🏻
Ice Crystals & Hot Chocolate
pairing: jordan li x gn! reader
tw: kissing, mentions of ice storms, cuddling, overall veryyy fluffy
description: a snow storm arrives on campus and you know what that means... cuddles and hot chocolate galore.
a/n: hiii ty for this request omg i loved writing it!!! this is probably the calmest i've ever felt writing something weirdly enough. sorry this is so short btw, i'm just not feeling like writing anything reallyyyy long. anyways i hope you enjoy because ahhhh i really like it. ALSO pls listen to this snowstorm ambience and spotify playlist (which i didn't make but is soooo good) while reading because it just sets the vibe so so well <33
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Howling wind roared against the windows. It was cold and dark outside, with swirling flakes of ice dancing with the air and falling in neat piles which quickly covered the ground. You were grateful to be cozied up under mounds of your favorite blankets and a cup of steaming hot tea. The one thing that didn’t let you totally relax was the fact Jordan hadn’t made it back to your dorm yet.
They had volunteered to brave the common room to try and find some hot chocolate, a must in this weather. However, she had been gone for over an hour and there wasn’t any news.
“Fuck!” A loud voice filled the room as the door was wrenched open and standing in all their glory was Jordan. You laughed in relief before bounding up from your cocoon on the bed. Just as you were about to embrace her into a hug you had the realization that Jordan was covered from head to toe in snow.
“Jordan, honey, what did you do?” You asked in both an admonishing and worried tone. They didn’t even head out with proper winter gear! She was literally wearing a leather jacket and a knitted scarf!
“I- well, you seemed so happy at the mention of hot chocolate and I couldn’t find any in the common room so I decided to go to Luke’s-” You interrupted their mini rant with a short laugh before throwing yourself into their arms, not caring about the fact your pajamas would probably be all soaked through now.
“I fucking love you so much, but you really didn’t have to do all that for me, sweetheart.”
“Of course I did, darling. Plus the mission was successful.” Jordan exclaimed as she pulled out a can of some very fancy hot chocolate from the pocket of their leather jacket. “Luke said that Vought sends their regards.”
You both laugh at that before you place a kiss on their lips, which felt like kissing an ice cube.
“Shit, Jordan. Let’s get you out of these clothes. You’re freezing!”
“Aww take me out to dinner first, darling.” Jordan said with a smirk, making you softly smack her shoulder before you started to pull off different layers of clothing.
Once you had both changed into fresh pairs of pajamas, matching ones of course, you settled back into your little nest of blankets. However, this time holding large mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate which smelled and ended up tasting like heaven.
Your legs were entwined with Jordan’s and quickly tried to warm them up with fleeting kisses to his neck. Something which was probably more of an indulgence than an actually helpful action.
‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ was playing softly in the background, it was already thirty minutes in but you carefully rewinded it so Jordan didn’t miss anything.
As the movie continued you could feel your eyelids starting to drop a few minutes after you had finished your hot chocolate. The movie, the thick chocolate and the solid warmth that was Jordan was quickly easing you into dreamland.
“Darling?” Jordan quietly asked as they pulled you closer to them and brushed his soft fingers against the skin of your cheek. 
“Are you falling asleep on me?”
“Noooo.” You murmured before cuddling closer to them, an act that was basically impossible at that point.
“Mmmhh, go to bed darling. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“I promise.” Jordan laughed out before placing a kiss on your forehead. You started to feel the weight of drowsiness really settle in at that moment that you almost missed the phrase Jordan uttered out.
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” You sleepily slurred out, you fell asleep to the sound of Jordan’s twinkling laugh. The perfect sound to end the night. A sound that you hoped to hear next to your ear forever.
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i want sleepy jordan cuddles right this instant ! i would also love some snow to start falling, we had a minor snow fall a week ago but it was like for 2 seconds.
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
vernon best friend headcanons <3
a/n: i love vernon so much platonically (and non-platonically) and i needed some serotonin at 2 am so here we are :,-) also pics not mine ofc!
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!vernon x gn!reader | requests: open
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definitely the ride-or-die type of best friend
it doesn’t matter if you met when you were younger or as adults — once he knew how much you two clicked, he became one of your most loyal and loving supporters
but i think he shows it in the silliest ways
like you tell him a bad joke, and, when you look at him for a reaction, he says “shutup, stupid” but with the softest smile on his face
he will NOT give in by laughing but you know he loves it
he is such a silly little guy himself
so y’all are frequently doing dumb shit together
not just the texting only in memes (which happens frequently since you both have developed a shared collection of reaction pics/gifs)
but you’ll both just be talking and suddenly you’re acting out this whole bit you came up with on the spot about a shirt that’s made of the shamwow
even if you don’t think of yourself as a funny person, you become a comedic genius in the presence of vernon
jokes aside, your friendship is a source of calm
he’s the type of friend you turn to for solace on your most stressful days 
even if he sometimes doesn’t know how to properly react (homeboy froze up the first time he saw you cry but he only got awkward because he felt so sad seeing you so sad :-( what a sweet angel) he ALWAYS makes you feel comforted 
and he’s always willing to learn more about what you need in terms of support because he always wants to be the best friend he can be ! 
it goes the same for you too — while it takes a lot for him to get vulnerable, when he builds that trust with you, you cherish it by gaining the tools needed to support him
and he’s so grateful for it like his heart swells with joy whenever he leans on you in hard times because he’s so lucky to have you as a rock 
speaking of rock
“black eye” is the proof i needed for my argument that vernon is in his angsty / emo / pop punk phase
so he’s totally the bestie who will jam out to pop punk with you (if you’re into it! i’m very into it and i would give everything i have to listen to neck deep with vernon like i'm being so serious rn)
in fact, he is the bestie who will jam out with you to your favorite music any time anywhere
he LOVES collaborative playlists that you two make together
and yes these sometimes become super niche and specific 
but whether you’re listening to your “top shower songs” playlist or your “standing in the back corner of a gas station deciding on which drink to buy so you can use their bathroom” playlist, this is one of vernon’s best ways to appreciate and celebrate your friendship
he thinks the best way to know each other is through sharing music and all the other things you like/enjoy, and that’s how you learned a lot about each other in the beginning of your friendship 
you of course meet the rest of seventeen and vernon has so much pride every time one of the members comments on how cool/funny/smart/etc you are
because he’s like YEAH that’s MY best friend right there!!!!!!!!
will be so down to take cool af photos of you 
even if he needs some coaching on what your best angles / preferred poses are he is taking down copious notes so he can nail it every time 
i can’t believe how long this is getting jfc i guess i really want vernon to be my buddy
he loves to just vibe with you
since you two are on the same wavelength most of the time, he thinks it’s the most fun to get food and chill at home watching movies, tv, or youtube together
like whatever you’re in the mood for you’ll do and it’ll be a great time because you’re together 
he also strikes me as the type of best friend who likes being friends with your other friends 
he doesn’t need to be super close with them, but he wants to make sure you are able to have him in a group setting too because he knows your other friends are important to you 
i think he also loves mimicking you
like if you say something he thinks is interesting/funny he will immediately repeat it 
whenever he tells stories that involve you, he impersonates you perfectly (this is also true when he is telling a story about you to you)
it’s just another way he shows how much he pays attention to you and loves you
overall he’s such a fun guy to be around and whenever you’re together it’s carefree and comfortable and secure 
he is ALWAYS by your side because he knows you’ll do the same for him
and he is ALWAYS ready to make fun of you for the same reason 
someone please give me a vernon tysm 
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Hello!! I just wanna say first I love your work and your doing amazing and if possible I'd like a to request something.
It's my birthday today, and I was wondering if you could write the bayverse tmnt boys and how they would celebrate your birthday or their birthday's if that's ok? I love you and have a great day👋
Hi lovely! Happy Birthday :] I hope it's still the right day LMAO
(Thank you BTW! You are so kind and that means a lot.)
Post-movies HCs below!
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I think they all go a little apeshit for birthdays TBH. They are very aware of mortality, risking their asses all the time, and love any excuse to celebrate life.
(Since you didn't specify romantic or platonic, I'll try to do a bit of both! I think the guys would make an effort to know their brothers' partners anyway, so if you're with one they're probably all excited to celebrate with you LMAO)
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Don's a sweetheart, okay? Like, to his core. He's sweet and thoughtful and caring, so if you're important to him then it's important to him that he do everything he can to make your big day as special as possible.
This guy totally keeps a list of all the things his loved ones mention through the year that might make good gifts. Things you need fixed, things you need replaced, stuff you want to do- he writes it all down (literally or mentally, I'm not sure). So when your birthday comes around, he's got ideas ready and waiting!
The remote for your TV that only works if it's held at a Very Specific Angle, with a muttered prayer and a sacrifice of chicken nuggets? Replaced, and it probably controls your lights now, too.
You mentioned your computer running slow? He gives you a very professional looking purple coupon for one free computer cleaning, courtesy of DuzMachines LLC, signed by the CEO himself, Donnie Tello. (He looks way too amused by it, honestly.)
Or your hidden passion for table tennis that you only brought up off-handedly six months prior? Well, you better be ready to stretch your wrists, because he assembled a table for it and found a net and paddles and he and Mikey have been practicing to kick your ass.
If you guys are dating, he makes absolutely sure that he gets some solo time with you, away from his family. He leaves all of his tech in the lair (except for his phone and an Absolute Emergency Only panic button, because he's been doing this "save the city" thing long enough to know that if he actually goes off without a way for his brothers to get a hold of him, he'll come back to something on fire or someone bleeding or some sort of bomb going off in Central Park) and takes you for a nice drive. You guys go out in the middle of the night when the traffic is as easy as it'll ever get, and he puts you on DJ duty, and you spend a couple hours just driving around and enjoying each other's company until you end up parked in a quiet spot and he's pulling out a cooler bag of your favorite dessert to share with you.
He stutters a little, but he tells you how much he loves you. How happy you make him. How grateful he is to get to be yours. He kisses you so sweetly that it's even better than the dessert, and when you finally break apart you're smiling and he looks absolutely lovestruck.
"I mean it, you know that?" he says softly, cupping your cheek is his hand and squeezing ever so gently. "I love you."
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Leo is micro managing the shit out of his family. Every inch of the lair will be cleaned and prepped for celebrating, okay? If he sees a single pizza box out of place he will be a bitch about it.
He really, really wants to have everything perfect for you.
He's really big on meaningful gifts. He works with April to get you a nice copy of one of his favorite books and writes a heartfelt little note on the first page, wishing you a happy birthday.
Or maybe he's painstakingly curating the perfect playlist of songs that make him think of you and burning them onto a CD, writing your name on the front in that perfect handwriting of his that makes it look like he cares about each letter.
He's the one coordinating all of Mikey's big plans for your big day, too. Leo makes sure everyone's at the lair and settled on time, makes sure that every gift is accounted for and wrapped, makes sure that you know exactly what to expect so you're fully prepared when you walk in to a very happy (read: loud) family gathering.
If you're dating, it's even worse. Everything gets double and triple checked. He makes himself and everyone else a little insane.
And then you come in and grin at him and suddenly the mismatched wrapping paper and clashing bows are more charming and homey than they are frustrating.
Leo makes absolute certain that he gets you alone at the end of the night. It looks like a really natural transition to you, but you know from the big fake yawn Mikey puts on that he isn't nearly as tired as he claims- and knowing your boyfriend, you suspect he had a hand in the comfortable privacy the two of you find yourselves in.
You almost call him out on it, but he's looking at you with so much love it makes your heart ache a little, so you decide to skip the teasing. (For now.)
He gave you a gift with the rest of the group, sure, but now he digs out a cute little box. When you open it, there's a bracelet in just the right metal to contrast gorgeously with your skin, lovingly shaped and formed and perfect.
He's nervous, but it only takes you looking up at him and going "Oh, Leonardo," for him to smile at you again.
"I'm happy to make adjustments to it, if you want."
"If you think I'm letting this out of my sight long enough for that, you are spectacularly incorrect."
He chuckles, and he helps you put it on, and he presses a kiss to your forehead so tenderly you think you may melt right into the floor.
He immediately gives in to you tugging him down to kiss his lips, too.
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Obviously, Mikey has exactly zero chill. He goes a lot apeshit. We're talkin' hand-painted banner with your name that goes across the entire living area, a table cloth in your favorite color, every single game and activity you have ever mentioned enjoying all stacked up nice and neat so you can pick whatever you want. You want to play Twister? You bet, baby- he'll even go easy on you. More of a Charades person? He's rounding up the whole crew to play, and Splinter is damn good at it. Mario Kart? You get first dibs on characters and cars. (He will not go easy on you, though. He has a reputation to protect, birthday or not.)
Do not get me started on food.
This guy goes ham. April gets a novel-length shopping list, with your favorite snacks and all the ingredients for your favorite meal and your favorite dessert and he's making mixed drinks that have edible glitter in them. Booze optional- he's a mocktail master, alright?
Leo happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when Mikey does a test run of your meal. Leo proceeds to be stuck because Mike needs a taste tester, and "C'mon, Leo, it's gotta be perfect!", and "No no, just one more tweak, 'kay? Then you're free to go be boring."
(It was not just one more tweak.)
Now, if you're more lowkey, he tries- really really really tries- to keep it chill for you. He does. But he doesn't know how not to do a little something, so you're still getting some Chef Mikey action. Sorry.
If you're dating? Hooooo boy. You are getting smothered in as much affection as you can stand- and he's pretty good at gauging that, so it's only good vibes here. No overload from Mikey, not on your big day! But if you're receptive, you're getting texts right at midnight (despite him being on patrol, BTW) full to the point of bursting with emojis. He follows that up with good morning texts when he gets up. Then it's you coming down to the lair and celebrating and eventually, when things start to slow down a bit, he tugs you away to a secluded corner of their home for cute smooches and big hugs and "Happy birthday, Angel."
("You have a good day?" he asks, eyes big and hopeful and sweet, and when you say yes he scoops you up and spins you just to hear you giggle.)
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Raph is actually the only one of the four with any kind of chill- mostly because he is terrified of ruining your day. Birthdays are a huge deal to him, and if he screwed up yours he would legitimately feel guilty until the day he died.
So he keeps it pretty simple. He's a crafty guy, so he might carve you a little wooden decoration for your place, or make you a bowl out of clay, or knit you a big blanket in your favorite color. It's thoughtful, it's either useful or gorgeous, and it's easy for you to carry home.
He's the one that keeps Mikey in check- tries to keep some of the bigger, crazier schemes in line, but he does it without raining on Mike's parade.
And if anybody catches an attitude on your big day? They have this guy to deal with. He takes zero shit. Seriously, Leo's getting bitchy? He gets one (1) warning look. Vern turns up and does anything even remotely annoying? Raph's behind you, silently threatening anything and everything Vern holds dear. Mikey gets too noisy? Raph's bumping his shoulder and having some silent sibling communication. It's all so subtle it's almost off-brand, but it's his way of making sure you have a good day. He's protective!
And if you're dating? Please.
He's doing whatever you want. You need a massage? You're hungry? Tired? Like two degrees too cold? He's got you.
You're having the perfect day if he has to cut his own arm off to make it happen, okay?
He's perceptive, too, so you probably don't have to ask for much.
The gang tries to sing and you look a little uncomfortable? "Happy Birthday to you, blah blah, cake time." And he's winking at you and passing you the cake cutter and it's so no-bullshit that everyone takes the hint but it makes him the center of attention long enough for you to relax again.
(And if you're not a cake person, he totally has Mikey organize another treat, just for you. He helps Mike in the kitchen, too. That shit is made with so much love.)
The night ends with the cuddles of your life. He gets kinda quiet, and it's easy to think he's just tired, but you look over at him and he's staring at you and he looks like you're built out of stardust.
"Shit," he mutters, nuzzling into you and hiding his face in the process. "Love you."
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Hey there Slug! I hope you ain't too buys and might have a lil fun with this one! Of each individual character, what are your respective favorite songs of theirs and why?
This is an easy ask to answer, so I'mma clear it from the pile and get to some older ones eventually.
I assume you mean solo songs only, right?
Under a cut for length because there are a bajillion boys in this series
Ichirou: I like his VA's rapping work in just about everything; he's really solid. Stage Ichirou also has a youthful quality I appreciate a lot, but of the main series songs... probably Break the Wall. It's high energy in a fun way. It also ties into a creative project I've been chewing on for years that's near and dear to my heart, although I'm not sure if I'll ever put it to paper and share it anywhere.
Jirou: I think Jirou's VA has a very pretty singing voice, so I like his softer songs. In general, I admire the "softer" aspects of Jirou's character and think that's where he shines best. So probably School of IKB, although I adore his choruses in Re:start.
Saburou: Requiem. I'm very, very, very into things that commit to being over the top and goofy, and I also enjoy combining classical and baroque elements with other genres. What's not to like here?
Samatoki: Gangsta's Paradise. The high speed rap is technically compelling. I generally appreciate v. fast rap since I enjoy learning and singing them. If the stage plays count, I really enjoy the emotion Samatoki's stage actor brings to Come Back to Me.
Juuto: ...There is some interesting text in the Personality section of Juuto's wiki page. (I have it pulled up to quick reference the song lists.) If anyone with wiki edit powers is reading this, you may want to clean that up... Anyway, I feel like they give Juuto great background music in just about every song, but Uncrushable takes the cake for me. I really like the BG music in that.
Riou: Move Your Body Till You Die, hands down. Goofy as fuck. Also, great workout music.
Ramuda: I find his main voice pretty grating, and his usual styles of music aren't my favorite in general. So Ramuda songs don't do a lot for me. I appreciate Pink Colored Love for plot reasons, though.
Gentarou: The slower Hypmic songs rarely do a lot for me, but I found myself enjoying Yume no Kanata a lot. Not sure I know why, necessarily...
Dice: 3$EVEN was one of the first songs I really enjoyed in Hypmic, and I still like its high energy today. In general, I'm impressed by Dice's VA's rapping ability and appreciate his parts in group songs a lot.
Jakurai: Like I said earlier, I'm not usually a fan of slow songs, so none of Jakurai's solos or duets have ever stood out to me. With that being said, I think Jakurai's speech style and slower rhythms makes him more fun and easier to translate w/ full rhyme and rhythm than many other characters. Like I think Labyrinth Wall would be fun to do a full cover of with syllable matching rhymes and line length while simultaneously trying to stick as close to the core meaning and tone as possible.
Hifumi: Both Champagne Gold and Don't Stop the Party are high-energy bops and great for working out. Slight preference for the former. I also really like his singing voice in group songs.
Doppo: Doppo's angrier verses in group songs are fun, but I'm especially fond of BLACK OR WHITE. In particular, I enjoy the DOTAMA cover. I'm a big DOTAMA fan for both his lyrical strength and considerable rapping chops. He's got a lot of songs that are really punchy and angry in this exact vein, and I love throwing on a playlist of his stuff while grinding out tedious work projects. Hahaha. Just rapping along "I don't want to work. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. BUT HERE I AM, WORKING!!!!" furiously under my breath.
Sasara: Comedian Rhapsody is really fun. This is another song I would love, love, love, love to try and do a full translation w/ preservation of rhyme/line length/jokes. Not for sharing--at that point it's just kinda showing off--but it's fun to chew on bits of it when I have moments of free time.
Roshou: Like most of the slow song characters, Roshou's solos aren't my favorite. I guess I prefer Under Sail to Own Stage for its background music.
Rei: All of Rei's songs are wild to the point of me liking them for the goofiness. If you commit to the bit, I'll enjoy it 9 times out of 10. Doesn't matter what the bit is. Shiro to Kuro is probably my favorite. LOVE the "heh heh we are up to no good" NPC villain energy of that song. But also, shout-out to his singing in Enishi, even if it's nigh-on intelligible to me. I love the hell out of Enishi in general.
Kuko: The king of goof himself. Sou Gyaran BAM is probably my favorite, but I am--to some degree--into virtually every song he's in.
Juushi: Wow, I'm listed as a source on this wiki page, lol. Anyway. Juushi's aesthetic as a whole isn't my cup of tea, but I have a soft spot for Moonlight Shadow, because the first two times I heard it were on Spotify shuffle while I just so happened to be scrubbing a toilet. So for a couple months after, I would put Bad Ass Temple on every time I cleaned the bathroom. Hahaha.
Hitoya: One and Two, and Law is so fucking goofy. I adore it. The live version with the airhorn? Chef's kiss.
Otome: Fuck it, let's do the ladies too. Out of all of her musical appearances, I like Just Do It the most. It adds such an interesting strength to her character, and the English portions are done super well.
Ichijiku: Love, love, love her part in Verbal Justice for its strength. This is yet another song I think would be fun to do a hell TL of, and then I remind myself that trying to rhyme "Kadenokouji" in English is a fool's errand.
Nemu: Her singing voice in WINK is nice, but I love her part in Femme Fatale for its energy. "I'm Nemu, and this is my masterpiece" Fuck yeah it is
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arlerts-angel · 5 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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our playlist ♡
childhood friends to lovers , sweet tooth , "this made me think of you so i bought it", late night talking, deep conversations, "i don't know who i'd be without you but i don't want to find out"
who: armin arlert
ship name: mykaru 🤍
anniversary: november 11th
zodiac: we're both scorpios
love languages: his is quality time and mine is words of affirmation
career: armin works in the tech field and i'm a writer!
first impressions: i thought he was adorable and wanted to SQUEEZE HIM. he wouldn't speak to me lol
getting closer: mikasa introduced me to armin because she thought we'd get along well. armin and i had a lot in common but he was very nervous to talk to me. he quickly realized that we were neighbors so we'd walk home together and get to know each other
notable supportive people: mikasa!! i am forever grateful for her introducing us 🥺 and i'm very thankful that eren encouraged him to "nut up and talk to me"
problems in the relationship?: i struggle with retroactive jealousy (iykyk lol)
how you approach problems: most issues that come up are resolved fairly easily and quickly but with my retroactive jealousy it takes lots of reassurance and patience on armin's end
falling in love: i fell first, and hard. armin took a while to come to terms with his feelings but one day we were just hanging out and we looked at each other and just. we just knew.
first date: we went to an art museum and got boba!!
favorite kind of date: surprise dates! armin is so thoughtful and is very good at planning dates that i'd never even think of.
first kiss: we had our first kiss on a walk home one day. we were just talking then stopped in our tracks. we looked at each other and he said "i wanna kiss you but it might suck. n-not because of you though! i-i don't think i'm a good kisser." so i leaned in and kissed him.
confession: he knew i had feelings for him early on. we didn't date until much later. years, in fact. we met in middle school and didn't start dating until our freshman year of high school. he came over to hang out and he just spilled his guts to me 🤍
favorite forms of affection: i love kissing him, he loves to cuddle 🥰
who cooks: me! he's a better baker
who gets the other to come to bed: him
ways you comfort your f/o: i like to stroke his hair and rub his back
who is more jealous/how do you handle jealousy?: i'm more jealous 100%. he knows this, and makes an effort to make me feel respected and as comfortable as possible in situations where i may not be feeling the most secure.
how you cuddle: he lays on his back and i lay my head on his chest <3
what you love most about them: god it's so hard to pick a favorite thing about him because i love everything. i'll say his patience and willingness to put in effort for us 🤍 he has such a kind heart and he's pretty nice to look at too 😍
what they love most about me: "you have a big heart and care greatly for people, strangers even. you put others before yourself without a second thought."
proposal: it was very thoughtful. he took me to our favorite musueum and proposed at my favorite exhibit. eren and mikasa were there to see it 🤍
wedding: we had a small wedding. mikasa was our maid of honor and sasha's siblings were the ring bearers/flower girls 🤍 eren was best man (of course!) levi officiated the wedding and jean and connie were groomsmen! my bridesmaids were sasha and historia.
about pregnancy: currently expecting baby no. 1!! it took a few tries with some negatives along the way, but now we're gonna be welcoming a sweet baby girl in the new year!! you can visit @arlertlife for more domestic/family self-ship content!
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art commissioned from @stoned-eren + @wiispywitch
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thelovesickbakery · 10 days
Your answer was far more than I expected, thank you very much. Not only you have a fairly wide variety of interests, but fittingly, you are actually a baker.
Since we have some common interests I would like to be more specific this time, if that's alright with you. Do you like history in general? Do you have a preference for a certain place or period? What kind of music do you usually listen to?
So you both read and write... That explains why your posts feel so properly written and are so nice to read. What literary genres do you like?
While I have more questions, I will reserve them for a further ocassion not to tire you out.
Again, have a good one, Dear Baker.
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Oh, it seems the wind has brought such a precious leaf to my door again. What a sweet delight, for I was most expecting you. I suppose one could say my own curiosity has been provoked, amidst our circumstances.
It's a relief to know my answer served its purpose, that's all I could hope for. However, I must say, and assure, that there's nothing to be thankful for, as it was a pleasure of mine to indulge in those writings and questions of yours. Yes, it has transformed into something of a hobby relatively recently (no more than a year ago now, would be a personal guess). I would adore to make a good baker out of myself, but all things considered, I still have much to learn.
I suppose it could be said that I embrace a taste for history in general, since my own desire for knowledge and unraveling takes on the most different of tones. Even so, one is allowed preferences and disinterests. I will restrain myself and avoid a chatter which will, most certainly, construct tangents in its lines, by taking a simpler approach to my response. As one would imagine fitting, I walk through obsessions, so difficulty presents itself when searching to express a preference which would not be everchanging. More recently, I've been somewhat more fixated on Japanese history, thinking mainly about the Sengoku period. Before this, I was rather deep into the time of the French Revolution. Concerning music, I'm afraid it's a mess in every sense. Usually, I find myself listening to playlists that my friends recommend to me, which are either a chaotic mix of a variety of music genres or bearers of extremely specific titles for an equally extremely specific selection of songs. If I had to say, I believe that what I listen to tends towards melancholy, more often than not. Still, I've had Alec Benjamin's If I Killed Someone For You on repeat for a day or two now.
Well, I am most grateful for the kindness of those words. It’s not common for me to get too attached to literary genres; as long as the synopsis seems interesting, it's good enough for me. Still, looking at my books now and thinking about it, I don't think I have many romantic stories in my collection; in comparison, many are thrillers and/or mysteries.
I'll be looking forward to it.
Now, thinking about satisfying this curiosity of mine… Would you be a doll and tell me about that which sparks interest within you? It's only natural that I would also search for an answer concerning the things you like—if I may, of course.
May this day/night deliver wonderful experiences and feelings to this heart of yours.
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rank acotar characters by how long you could stand to be in a car with them? important factor: they decide what music is playing
Ranking ACOTAR characters based on an 8 hour roadtrip where they control the aux. Don't forget that I alone have the only right opinions in the fandom and therefore will be taking 0 feedback.
17. Beron- AM talk radio the WHOLE way with the most HEINOUS opinions a person can have. Loudly agrees and at times is arguing back with the guest through the speakers. Is he aware they can't HEAR HIM?
16. Amren- Doesn't like music. No road games, please.
15. Jurian- Dad rock. There is only so much Every Rose Has It's Thorns we can hear before its time to drive this car off a bridge. Pour exactly NO sugar on me, I am afraid of ants.
14. Gwyn- I'm SORRY, but she's giving very strong show tunes vibes. Spends the whole time singing, and yeah her voice. is beautiful but this is not American's Got Talent. This road trip is about classic jams, not showing off.
13. Nesta- Gruesome murder podcasts. Listens without flinching as the night grows darker. Thinks we should turn down that dark road as a short cut. Why is she cutting cheese with a hunting knife?
12. Tamlin- Country music, but it's like, pop-country and not country with feeling or country for murdering men. Barefoot blue jean night? Sir we're in New Jersey.
11. Eris Vanserra- Listens to The History Of Rome podcast the whole way. Jesus Christ man can we choose another point in history? NO. We will hear of these ancient battle tactics and we will be grateful. Only upside is Mike Duncan is a great story teller. Definitely asks for a sexual favor half way through, like I'm not DRIVING HELLO SIR?
10. Azriel- 2004 best of emo jams. Its a playlist he made himself, with all the classics. Become increasingly concerned when MCR's Helena comes on and he turns it up to belt with clear, obvious feeling. You okay, bro? Want to pull over for a taquito?
9. Vassa- Whatever is on the radio, like this isn't cornfield country. There is NOTHING but the sound of me mooing at the window ("cow") or the static as she flips station to station. Occasionally finds the most banger radio station filled with songs you forgot about, only for it to vanish right at the climax of a song you're both belting. Still, the spontaneity is fun
8. Rhys- NPR podcast. God it's informative and yeah it's interesting and the conversation it opens up keeps you both busy for hours so it's hard to completely complain. Spends a lot of time staring at his phone and fact-checking guests
7. Tarquin- Apple Music? I mean...I GUESS. He did his best, but his best is questionable. It's his own playlists and his taste in music if fun, if not eclectic. No one vibe- and he brought snacks.
6. Mor- Nothing but gossip. How does she know so much? Terrified to tell her about personal life, but have to admit hearing what disasters everyone else is really fills the time.
5. Emerie- PREPARED. Downloaded a mix of playlists AND podcasts, rotates them when the mood starts to flag. Never lets her finger off the phone, but also does not take requests, so stop asking. You get what you get.
4. Elain- It's pure pop and nothing else. Bouncy and upbeat, she came to have a good time with nothing in between. Outdoes Tarquin in snacks, and has a list of road games ready to go for when everyone is burned out with music.
3. Lucien- A playlist for every mood. Oh it's raining? It's sunny? Everyone is hungover and needs quiet? He's got you covered. The vibe never drags and is always appropriate, reading the room before you even know the tone has shifted.
2. Cassian- King of the excursion. Roadside America memorized, Cassian knows where every biggest wind chime, ball of yarn, and rocking chair is located. Somehow manages to keep everyone mostly on time. Stops for snacks instead of bringing his own because everyone knows the best food is at a rural gas station. Ranking jerky flavors for fun, and in between, keeps it easy with a steady jam of road trip faves.
1. Feyre Archeron- High Lady of the Road Trip herself. Turn off that podcast, turn up the music. Feet on the dash, gossip ready to GO. Can tell a story for HOURS, knows all the deets on everyone's messy lives. Planned ahead and found a hotel with a pool AND a bar. Playlist absolute perfection, based on the friends in the car.
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nowandthane · 10 months
🎶 9 Ship Songs 🎶
Thank you @my-dumb-obsessions for tagging me ❤️ I saw this and wanted to do it too so I’m very grateful xD
Rules: List 9 songs for one (or more) of your ships. Optionally, tag 9 people.
Tagging @azurechicken @sillyliterature @ace-trash-boi @elvhencore @daedrabait @queentheirins @yurissweettooth @malabadspice @corgiofdeath only if you wanna do it! No pressure ❤️ and sorry if you’ve already been tagged 😅 Also anyone else who wants to do this ofc!
This got long so I’m putting it under the cut 😅
I can’t choose one ship lmao so, starting off with Dragon Age~
Riyaad x Fenris (for when Fenris leaves yknow. I promise they’re not this angsty all the time)
Shadow Preachers by Zella Day
I close my eyes, just close the door You want a minute, I'll give you more Maybe I don't want you either We're both unsettled, nighttime creatures Shadow preachers, nighttime creatures
Veara x Solas (though tbh this is just peak Solavellan song to me, it’s not really specific to Veara idk)
Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) - Acoustic by AURORA
He holds the gun against my head I close my eyes and bang, I am dead I know he knows that he's killing me for mercy
Garrett x Anders (two apostates against the world + religious trauma who doesn’t love it!)
Sinners by Lauren Aquilina
So lets be sinners to be saints And lets be winners by mistake The world may disapprove But my world is only you And if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me Our hearts are too ruthless to break Lets start fires for heaven's sake
Arianwen x Cullen (this was always their song for me, I listened to it all the time when I was writing Command Me to Love)
Gold by Echos
Nobody knows who I am I've got intentions of gold with my plans Nobody knows who I am I've got intentions of gold with my plans
Some polyships—
Heroes of Ferelden (Nayima x Leliana x Alistair)
Nayima x Leliana (they have issues post blight/honeymoon phase but they’ll work things out eventually. I see this as Leliana singing the song about Naya)
October Passed Me By by Girl in Red
Yeah, I got bitter when you got cold Could you really blame me though? 'Cause I'm still tied up when you go You know this song is about you, who else could it be? You were the first to make me feel like I was me
Nayima x Alistair (sometimes I think I choose this song for them/aliwarden just because it has the word ‘tainted’ in it)
Battlefield by SVRCINA
Meet me on the battlefield Even on the darkest night I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage And you will be mine
i havent made a leliana x alistair playlist yet
3 Snipers + Tali (the name started as a joke but it stuck lmao. So this is Sarani’s polycule with Tali, Thane and Garrus. Garrus is also romantically involved with the other two, Tali and Thane are queerplatonic. It’s a whole thing, I’m writing their story rn and it’s pretty complicated ngl but I’m having fun)
Sarani x Tali (yeah ok the music video I edited for them is to a different song but… *shrugs*)
Love from NGC 7318 by Tanerélle, Barnes Blvd.
I wanna tell you how I feel tonight I keep trying, but the words ain't right Nothing's fitting for a kind like you I'm never speechless when the earth's my view Killing the time Building a fort Wrapped in each other as we fall in love I've never met a girl like you, never met a girl like you
Sarani x Thane (but they WILL last, they WILL, I will MAKE IT SO)
Won’t by Tanerélle
I tell him 'Go fast' I've gotta thing for speed He tells me 'Lean back' I let him take the lead I know it won't last But he is all I need I write my name over his tongue So it is all he speaks I got a million fucking reasons I should leave him But I don't I got a million fucking reasons to stop dreaming But I won't
Sarani x Garrus (hmm, that’s a lot of Tanerélle, you might think. idk I was listening to a lot of her when this polycule was cooking in my head)
Ripe by Tanerélle
I know you been thinking that you can't But I think that you should If I can make your whole body ache I can make you feel good I'm what you need, I'm what you know Hooked on your axis You make my world go I'll keep you wild I'll keep you free Say you'll be mine I'll show you what that means
I have songs for the entire polycule too but I’m already at 9 so I’ll stop lmao
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
More thoughts🤭
It was like there were two different people.The boy he fell in love with and the man he married. They were two different people: I've been looking for a way to describe the differences between teenage Mavid and adult Mavid and this is just perfect, because if LBAF 4 had been different, less cruel to them they would've been different-saddest part is that Lance's accident has a huge part in it so Mallory isn't a canon event but them changing so much is, right? Please tell me I'm wrong
Lance appearing like a selfish cunt is Alec's fault (he tried) but he really ended up being a selfless softie because his heart is like his daddy's and papa's
I just need to see that scene with Other Max finding Other David after he ran away (it's haunting me😭) but also I'm sure it changed him a lot and maybe it was something Max had to go through here too but didn't?
Even if time travel is real, you can’t change the past…You can only manipulate the past to change the future. : Finally starting to make some sense of time travel, which just makes me even more scared,I don't know how that's possible at this point
Cute flashback:Theia squealing when she saw Lance when she was a kid, adorable-Theia that's your future husband hunny (because he'll survive)
Madeleine and Joseph:a very good choice for the "It" couple of idris. Theia and Kincaid? Absolutely not, what's wrong with that country?
Madeleine saying she's grateful she said goodbye to her parents and knowing she didn't with Joseph hurts
David had held him that night and whispered to him in the darkness. “You love so much that I sometimes forget there are those who don’t even like me.”: I knew that quote would hurt, and I was right
I will be ignoring all the angst with the trial because my brain hasn't processed yet and I would like to preserve the shreds of sanity I have left thank you very much
Could Arthur's dreams play a major role? Them coming true like Magnus' if they both have a thing with dreams? And Arthur "manifesting" is part of that?
Is the reason Arcaid isn't canon the fact that Kincaid'd existence maybe isn't canon? Since it happened because of Other Max?
Let's talk about Arthur's birth and Selena in other timeline👀
Patiently waiting for Max to kick Lance's ass for pretending to hate David
Random thought but in Arthur chapter it says David's getting sick in winter, is that like Magnus got sick because winter triggered his depression? Or is it because of Lance's birthday?
I feel like what Jackson told Lance in IALS "You're very close to becoming the villan of this story" will turn into a line that will be very important in LBAF
Is Cami close with Camilla?
Not Cami thinking shadowhunters are the superior race:damn who raised this girl?
Yes Cami Theia wants to go to her travel year for a boy-no Cami it's not Kincaid, what happened to parabatais communicating?
Theia wants to get laid Cami. And help obviously-but also get laid. I'm liking Theia more and more
Will Cami think Lance is exploiting Theia when she finds out?
At first I didn't like the idea of Cami going to New York but I couldn't tell why? And then she went all I'll find the entrance to the Pandemonium and that's not good. Thank God Max knows what she's up to
Joan drawing good runes goes to the list of things that will potentially turn into a big thing👀
I was today years old when I realised that LBAF 6 ends on Lance's bday. This is not good. Not good. Not good.
I will stop now because this is again getting very very big. And to no one's surprise I have even more notes, but I will share those another time😅
Also this song reminded me of Blackbane and I really love it: Valentine by Maneskin (Maneskin have a very Blackbane vibe I think👀) Love ya, I really really hope you get better soon🌼
First things first. Maneskin is one of Lance's fave band (and mine lmao). AND VALENTINE IS VERY BLACKBANE FOR SURE. In fact, every lbaf playlist has an important Maneskin song for an important scene. I'll keep the one LBAF 6 to myself for now hehehe.
Let's dive innnnn.
I'm legally not allowed to comment on this. But in my mind mavid is one of those couples who doesn't have a perfect life. Every life (like IALS, FMF, LBAF) has a lot of pain for them to get through as a couple and that's one of their things. It's part of their story. As one of them said (or is yet to say), it's not about living a good life, but just living a one, even a bad one, with you.
these lightwood-banes boys will be death of me sigh
Unfortunately not part of the fic but if inspiration strikes who is to say...(maybe you can give it a shot!)
I can safely say that figuring out the time travel nuances for this fic has broken my brain :)
Tincaid or Keia sounds CURSED.
Yeah. I wrote that whole thing in just because it hurt so good ngl.
Mavid angst >>>
Council trials are a different kind of trauma bro seriously
Maybe they can speak to each other in their dreams 👀
Kincaid's existence definitely isn't canon, meaning he doesn't exist in every world - or even fic. Here's some angst for you. He doesn't exist in FMF.
Not very different at all actually. At least, not in any important way - I THINK. Except that I'd say Selena, Max and a couple of other family members must have played a big role in convincing Other David to have the second kid because Other Max wasn't there to do it.
Same. REALLY. Same.
It's both. It's also all the memories associated with Lance's birth itself, not just his birthday/prophecy trigger.
Yes! We are yet to see some of these dynamics. Camila is closest to Cami and Atlas :)
The Clave :/ (but in all honestly, as we are yet to explore, Cami is exact the kind of person that will come out if you are raised in the capital city of your government and grew up in a government building constantly surrounded by politicians and your president father. Unlike Rafael, who actually had a much rounded upbringing, Cami grew up in Idris. It has influenced her personality a lot)
Parabatais communicating? Since when? Never heard of that before.
She knows what she wants and I say good for her. Also damn these blackthorns are such hoes.
I mean she's already kind of thinking it (in the latest chapter she wonders if lance only helped theia/kelpies to manipulate the clave etc)
Cami going to New York is the best that ever happened to her - and for many other people hehehe.
What do you mean it ends on Lance's birthday?...Am I missing something 👀
Thank you for all the thoughts. They really made my day - which was otherwise not so good. I really really hope I will get better soon too because I have plans for 2024 and they need me to do some work hehe.
Love you 💜
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tenderwishes2023 · 1 year
I've been following your story "Return to Sender"
I don't have an archiveofourown account so I couldn't comment, but I wanted to thank you for all your hard work... as thanks, I made a few sketches for you from your story :)
You mentioned how right now has been very difficult for you... just wanted you to know your effort means a whole lot and how grateful and blessed I feel to enjoy your writing talents... Thank you.
(Warning: This post contains vague and not-so-vague spoilers for "Return to Sender." Read the story first, trust me-- you don't want spoilers for this masterpiece)
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I wanted to draw so much more than this, there's so many great moments...
Here's what they are, in case you can't make them out:
Gaara catching Lee in his office
Picture of Gaara on Lee's desk
Gaara reading Maito Gai's letter
Lee reading Gaara's letter
Gaara flattering Lee and making him breakfast
The emotional Resurrection
MIA Lee...
Also, while I was sketching, I made a playlist for your story... they inspired me and reminded me of various things:
Careless Whisper - kinda funny but the lyrics really work with this story...
Every Breath You Take - made me think of Gaara... like one side of him is fine leaving, the other can't stop looking back...
Iris - made me think of the social constraints and Lee's longing
Hard to Say I'm Sorry - This is Lee.
Don't Dream It's Over - man I just love this one. Really expresses the hope and angst in the story...
Holding Back the Years - interesting one... really gave me the sense of time passing, especially the waiting...
Somewhere Only We Know - really speaks to me about Gaara's internal struggles, him plagued with bittersweet reminders. Also makes me think of Lee feeling incapable and frustrated to help Gaara. Especially inspired me about chapter 8 and first part of 9.
True - This is the epitome of when they write each other, n what I feel reading their letters-- like frick, they're both so poetic...
Bitter Sweet Symphony - This one isn't so much the lyrics, but the instrumental. Really captures how I feel reading your story... There is so much about one step forward two steps back, and this song is like... talks so much about changes, life, internal and environmental struggles, n such. Really captured me...
Anyway... I hope you enjoy and everyone is able to read and reread Return to Sender thank you so much, and have a great New Years...
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seeminglydark · 1 year
hey, just thought I'd drop by and let you know that I love your art and comics, they're very cool :)
like many people I suspect, I found your work through the detention fanart (love the detail on the docs and john's patch pants). I don't know if I want to be john or date john (the answer is both). loved the detail of john's killer klowns poster too!
presumably since so many of your characters are punk, you are too. if so do you have any music recommendations?
thanks for reading :)
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Hello! I'm so glad to hear that!
ahah yeah i never expected that piece to blow up like it did, im super grateful about it, it was definitely an experiment in style so im glad people like it so much and found my comics and stuff through it. (its not technically fanart though, i am raptorjules, the artist of the detention piece and creator of the comics and characters in it, though its so different than my usual and ofc i posted under this tumblr handle so i know a lot of people don't realize we are the same person!) also re: john, SAME friend. john is kind of a self portrait of a person i could have been when i was younger, if that makes sense, had i decided back then to fully transition. im really happy that people like him so much, he means so so much to me!
hahaha you got me, I was a teenager in the early to mid 90's, i listen to all things these days and punk is SUCH A BROAD GENRE and i tend to lean toward ska punk or folk punk more than crust or hardcore these days, but lets see, i'll give you some rec's of bands that inspire my art and ofc john in general. also you can head over to youtube, under raptorjules, and there should be a playlist called Johnny's Music that goes along with the song rec's on the Creaky arc in my comic Seemingly Dark, if you liked those songs!
So for more modern punk music, i love anything by The Interrupters (ska punk forever plz,) and Dog Park Dissidents for some queer punk (especially their toxic cover, fight me.) And Skatune Network for more wonderfully queer ska/skapunk.
In high school at the height of my Outwardly Studded and Spiked Punk Days i listened to a lot of Rancid (specifically the Life Won't Wait album) Descendants, Social Distortion, the Violent Femmes (the live Add it Up album if you can find it is the best one imo) Jugheads Revenge (Image is Everything album), Wizo (german queercore punk, i like the Herrenhandtasche album.) pretty much anything by The Mountain Goats, and finally, The Bouncing Souls are my all time favorite band, punk or not, any album, but the Hopeless Romantic album inspired so many of my stories and pieces plus its great driving music!
and ofc Johns theme song is Social Distortions Story of My Life. idk if this helps, ive never thought my music taste was terribly interesting or good, but i listen to what i like and what inspires me.
thanks for reading and reaching out! and id love some music recs from anyone who would like to leave them in the comments or hashtags, especially music that reminds you of my art or stories, punk or not!
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he0524 · 2 months
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I got into writing ff as a young child! My favourite TV show at the time had a canon pairing that I absolutely loved, and before I knew it, I was writing fanfiction for them.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
I love editing! Less so for my own work (because then I get sucked into the lovely hole of rewriting sentences and paragraphs), but I love editing for my partner. It makes me feel accomplished, knowing that I put my all into a piece of work (when I edit my own stuff), and bonus: a snippet into WIPs before they're published! ;)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I absolutely love @rafiel_ahi (ao3) for her JJ/Emily (Criminal Minds) work. She has such an attention to detail and her imagery that she manages to capture never ceases to amaze me. Other authors that I can't recommend enough are @jazzfordshire (Tumblr/Ao3) for their Supercorp (Supergirl) fics, and last but not least, @englishstrawbie for their Maya/Carina (Station 19) fics. Fun fact, yours (@jmflowers) was the very first work on Ao3 that I read for the Marina pairing, and I absolutely fell in love!
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I believe there's a rabbit on the moon! (Not really, haha, obvs). Instead of the traditional "man on the moon" trope, I was told as a young child that there was a rabbit on the moon, and when it's a full moon, I like to see that I can see the outline of his ears. He is apparently pounding some fermented beans up there.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I wholeheartedly believe that Maya is a bottom in their relationship, both in the bedroom and out of the bedroom ;)
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I have a lovely, incredible partner who supports me in all that I do.
I'm so!close! to getting my postgrad degree! (Although this isn't a "good" thing right now because it's making me so stressed, haha! But I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to keep studying).
I have lovely pets that always make me laugh, no matter how stressed I am (Clementine, Lemon, Fig, and Peach, my ratties, and my little doggie who's been with me since I too was a smol bean).
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Definitely dirty-talk in Italian, haha! Perks of being a smut writer *hides*
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
That I've captured the characters as they are in canon! Something about that compliment makes me so giddy and excited. I appreciate all comments so much through.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Sometimes I hear spicy-ish songs that remind me of Marina, or even love/heartbreak songs that make me internally SOB with the thought of what they went through during Maya's infidelity.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
It's a combination of letters and numbers that are of personal importance to me! :)
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Work that doesn't have the appropriate grammar, or poor spacing. Each character talking starts on a new line! If it's just a whole paragraph of multiple dialogues, my brain cannot handle it and I click away :(
Thank you so, so much for all these questions! I'm about to pop some into your own inbox too :) I had so much fun answering them (and procrastinating my write-up, haha).
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daniigrimm-blog · 1 year
Yeah Boy & Doll Face, this is Bulletproof Love so Throw a Match into Water cos Today I Saw The Whole World and it's The Jaws of Life
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Pierce the Veil did the walk of shame out of a tour with All Time Low in 2017 and that same year announced that drummer Mike Fuentes would be leaving the band; they cited that they wanted a safe feeling environment for their younger fanbase and honestly in the six or so years that the two girls that came forward with receipts and allegations really nothing has been done and that is a shame. A couple to a few years ago (not sure on exact date) they did a quarantine video featuring the drummer however and they have yet to remove his image from their Epic Win playlist but I do digress, it does seem the band has been trying to turn over a new leaf and move on sans Mike Fuentes.
That being said, let's do a deep delve into what exactly has been up with Pierce the Veil--active members are now Victor Fuentes (guitar), Tony Perry (Lead Guitar), and Jaime Preciado (Bass).
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So what have these guys been up to the last decade?! Well it seems they were busy growing and having families. That's right ladies, sorry to say--these three starling studs are currently off the market. Sad, I know, but that's not why we're fucking here. We are here for the music. I did think that it was very sweet that Vic, Jaime, AND Tony settled down with seemingly the loves of their lives and that Danielle, Vic's wife, recently gave birth to their first baby Violet Valentine Fuentes! I'm excited for them and their newest adventure together as new parents. As a parent myself I wish nothing but the very best for them and as someone who can no longer make these cute little babies, I am certainly excited for whatever pics they have to share.
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Now let's talk music.
Where were you on February 10th, 2023 when The Jaws of Life dropped? i was in my room, I know rather anticlimactic but, I am always in my room. Introversion aside, I remember putting on my headphones and gearing up to rock out to PTV's newest jams and my god was I not disappointed.
In an interview for Blabbermouth.net Fuentes says: "This album has truly brought us closer than we've ever been. It was extremely difficult for us to be off the road and apart for so long. We've never missed anything more than playing music together and never had such an strong appreciation for recording, touring, and simply being in the same room together than we do now. 'The Jaws Of Life' is about how life can sink its teeth into you and try to devour you. The negativity in the world and within your mind can be a vicious thing. We're extremely grateful for this record, our fans, and the opportunity to play live music again."
The first single release from the new album, was Pass the Nirvana--let's start here. Clowncore visuals aside (I am deathly afraid of clowns!) I'd say the music video takes me right back to a 90s grunge era when I was a stinky teenager watching TRL on my couch. Flash warning, for the sensitive.
“‘Pass the Nirvana’ is about the many horrible traumas that the youth of America have endured over the past few years. COVID, no proms, no graduations, an insurrection, school shootings. The list goes on. Their lives have been tossed around like clothes in a dryer, as the tensions within our country have infiltrated our own homes, friends, and families. To me, the song represents a euphoric detachment from all of that anxiety and stress and about finding some form of peace or nirvana.”
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That tracks. The grungy guitar riffs and metaphorical lyrics really tie this track together in a pretty plaid bow. There were a lot of things this year that made me question what year it was, but I'd relive the 90s again as adult this time--why not? could be fun, some of the trends were neat.
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The second single on the album is throwing the same vibes; albeit the song is different in many ways as the first single. For instance, both are desperate situations with meaningful lyrics. Both have underlying 90s grunge rock vibes. But Emergency Contact is essentially about a pair of lovers; one is ready to move their relationship further and is frustrated with the other who is still unsure if they should. Vic Fuentes tells you the meaning in his own words here. It's a lovely melody that I think is comparable to their collide with the sky style. Which was also very nice to hear again.
Now that brings me to their third single off their Fifth album (Fearless Records) , The Jaws of Life, Even When I'm Not With You. This is my FAVORITE out of the three singles so far, but I am as HUGE sucker for a good rock ballad.
“This song was inspired by a text my manager sent me while I was going through a rough time. I thanked her for being there for me, and she said, ‘Even when I’m not with you, I’m still with you.’ That phrase touched my heart and inspired me to write a love song dedicated to my wife about no matter how far away I am on tour, I’m still devoted to her, and we will always be connected through our love.”
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The lyrics are sweet, the looping riff is melodic and wonderful and I 100% love this track. Favorite track on the album? No, sorry--but definitely my favorite listed of the three singles. If you hate Gold Medal Ribbon or the vibes thrown on Misadventures then I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Your opinion is sadly invalid here on my blog, move along.
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How many tracks are on The Jaws of Life? 12.
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So we've already been over tracks 2-4, no need to readdress those. Let's go back to the Death Of An Executioner.
“The visual of this song, to me, is a car that’s following you—like the video for ‘Karma Police’ by Radiohead. It’s got its headlights on your back, and it’s just kind of slowly creeping on you. To me, it represents social media and people expecting perfection out of you and always waiting for you to make a mistake so they can run you down and destroy you. I like the title ‘Death of an Executioner’ because it describes killing the person who’s trying to kill you.”
Hello Alt Rock/Rock Electronica Radiohead influences! YES, I am HERE for it 100%. The harmonizing laid over vocals just work. And the filter effect over Fuentes' voice is mesmerizing. Kinda partial to the repeating of "blood red moonlight" as a good scene setter too--just GREAT imagery here. Plus, have you listened to it yet? You should--the song goes really hard.
Flawless Execution. It's the fifth track. on the fifth album.
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“This one’s kind of hard to describe. I feel like it’s about people blurring the lines between love and sex and vice versa. It’s almost about when you’re OK with being used because you want to be close to the person so badly. You want love so badly that you’re actually OK with being used or abused, kind of like the Bill Withers song ‘Use Me.’ So, it’s about those extremes that we go to just to be validated. If you’re always desiring someone’s approval, it can go to some toxic places.”
"I'll scar you with my flawless execution every time." This. is actually one song that really caught my ear the first time I heard it. Man what a smooth earworm it really is! And that chorus really hooks you. Not sure what that says about me, now knowing the meaning of the song (fuck it I already kinda knew what it implied), nah--it really doesn't change my mind. This song slaps. It's definitely one to put on and really enjoy.
So far, I really think that consistently this band has grown with each album release and that really says something. Personally, their Dance Gavin Dance/Myspace screamcore on A Flair for the Dramatic wasn't my favorite (I know Ill get hate for that) but they were still growing as people and as a band. After doing infinite amount of touring and getting to know other musicians/bands they did some dabbling and grew into Selfish Machines--Besitos really hooked me. And it just got better from there my dudes! Hold the freaking phone! When Collide With The Sky and new doors and opportunities were opening for them--that was it for me. I was a fan. Misadventures , which won album of the year in 2017 circulated so many times on my playlist that I lost count. And then--radio silence. Man, when the allegations dropped I was heartbroken.
For a long time I did not support a band that I loved because of one person doing a misdeed and that was not fair. Not fair to the people who weren't involved, and not fair to me personally because of what their art does for me. When they finally addressed things and booted that rootie tootie from the band, I almost threw confetti into the air! They did the right thing, for those girls, for the fandom, and for the band. Now, they could begin to grow--and GROW THEY DID.
It took just short of a decade but we finally got NEW Pierce the Veil, and man am I just so happy with what they have given us. That finally brings me to the title track, The Jaws of Life.
“It’s about trying to get released from life’s grip and finding your way. There’s a line in it where I say I’m having the time of my life rotting in the sun, inside the jaws of life. It’s trying to be OK with where you are and starting to feel happy again—I’m making my way, and I know that I can see some light. There’s a lot of ’90s influence in this song musically, which I’m super stoked on. The verse feels like Tripping Daisy or Superdrag—I was thinking about their song ‘Sucked Out’ a lot when I was writing this one.”
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That is super befitting because so far I can hear all the 90s undertones and influences from track 1 to the title track. Superdrag, Tripping Daisy, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Bush, Soundgarden, and a little Nirvana. These are great fucking influences to have and man, I love that they are just spinning them into their own modern grunge pop and I am here for it. As a fan of many different types of rock and pop I have to say this is taken and done--and it is done well. Kudos to production and underlying bts workers/musicians that put their time and effort into this. This album is fully flushed out, very well produced, and thematic from track one to track twelve. Just pure perfection.
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This is what went into the Production of PTV's fifth studio album.
The seventh track on the album is quite possibly my favorite. It's consistently stuck in my head no matter what I do to get it out but I'm not even really trying at this point--it's too good. It can take up rent free space in my head for as long as it possibly desires to--because jesus fuck it is glorious! It's called Damn The Man, Save The Empire.
“I’ve been trying to use this title for years, but it’s never felt right until now. It’s a quote from one of my favorite movies, Empire Records. Lyrically, it’s about how no one can really know who you are until they’ve really spent some time with you. I feel that way sometimes when people follow our band on social media and think they have me pegged, but you’re seeing what I want you to see, not who I fully am. So, it’s just reminding people about that superficial experience.”
Instrumentally this combines grungey hard guitars with dreamy vocals that portray that same kind of dreamy vibe that social media gives you with a filter on it. "No one like us anyway..." is another relatable vibe but im starting to get that not everyone is built to be an extrovert and you only live one life--so why spend it trying to please people that don't like you when they don't matter? Great song. Even better message.
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Track 8 is called Resilience.
“With this song, I had this vision of that classic scene in the movies when the hand pops out of the dirt after they’ve been buried alive, and the person starts pulling their body up to the surface. It’s like when you’re digging your way out of this hole, and your eyes finally see the sun and they adjust. Also, one of my most proud moments on this record is that we got to use a quote from Dazed and Confused to start the song. We actually had to have the actors approve that. It was such a win for the album.”
It starts off with a familiar scene from a movie most of us grew up with. I don't know about the children today, but I don't really care. It's a cult classic and Idgaf what the kids younger than me have to say about it really. The acoustic guitar is melodic and almost waltz like, and vic's crooning swoony voice wraps this song up nicely. "It's odd that I-keep runnin into spiderwebs, runnin into spiderwebs at night." was a really neat lyric I picked up on in that song. Very neat visuals.
Track 9 is called Irrational Fears . It's a 20 second interlude of an air flight assistant talking over an intercom. I don't really have much to say about this.
Vic said this:
“This is an interlude that sets up the next song. It was inspired by that first scene in the movie Garden State, with Zach Braff, where he’s on a plane that’s going down and everyone is freaking out around him, but he’s perfectly calm. We wanted to set the scene with this British flight attendant being all chipper but saying really dark things. Jaime made the music, and then my friend who’s a voice actor recorded the voiceover in London. It was a fun challenge, and I’m really proud of how it came out.”
Track 10 is called Shared Trauma and it's vapidly becoming one of my favorite PTV tracks. I guess personally, it touches very close to home. My family hasn't had the easiest life up until now, we have a lot of shared trauma but it's made us closer because of it--and it's certainly helped us grow knowing that.
“The title kind of speaks for itself. I’ve always felt that shared trauma and going through a traumatic experience with somebody can be one of the strongest bonds in human existence. Knowing that you’ve both been through something together will always connect you in such a powerful way. I think that’s beautiful—it’s the good that can come out of the bad. Musically, it was very much a collaborative band effort that came out of this loopy analog beat that Jaime sent me. It was really fun to write.”
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So Far, So Fake starts off with couple of slow arpeggios that set the mood for the song which is cut into like a knife by Vic's sharp vocals to form a smooth even climb through the rest of the melody. The chorus is catchy, man, and does it stick if you let it. It's a hit. 100%. If they were to make another music video off this album, I would get in line to watch this one (but who are we kidding? I would get in line to watch any videos they decided to make as long as Mike isn't in them.)
“This song was written in 2017, so we’ve had it for a long time. It was one of the only ones that made it from some of the first writing sessions we did before the pandemic. It’s about if you’ve ever been betrayed by somebody you felt was a friend, and the wound never really mended—where even an apology doesn’t feel like it’s enough. It feels like it can never really be resolved. So, it’s a bit angry, a bit sour, a bit difficult to think about. But I always want to write about things that are affecting my life.”
I do recall a time where Vic had mentioned he was cheated on by someone who wasn't exactly exclusive with him? I don't remember the interview exactly but I do remember hearing it. Maybe that applies here. Maybe and I'm not saying this to start anything--it hits even closer to home and it's about Mike and what he did. They are family, and the band did lose out on a member. I imagine that would affect everyone very deeply and there would be wound that needed healing. I'm glad though, whatever the case, that Vic was able to get this out--it seemed he needed to. Music can be very therapeutic. Not just to us but to the artists who create it especially.
The final track on the album is called 12 Fractures and it is a lovely duet between Victor and an artist named Chloe Moriondo. She/They have never come up on my radar before but some how are an active member on the emo scene. She's/They've hung out with everyone from the likes of All Time Low, and Simple Plan, and now to Pierce the Veil and I love her/them for it. And can I just say that Her/Their voice is just wonderful. It's safe to say, I love this song.
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Shout out to all the legal smokers of medicinal 420. I cannot wait til they federally legalize. We just need to move forward as a society but I digress, "Oh thank god for THC" is one lyric grab I loved from this song but it's just one. And it makes it all that more relatable.
“The song was called ‘12 Fractures’ before it became the 12th song on the album. We didn’t plan it like that. I’m glad it worked out that way, but it also makes things confusing. I’m actually looking at our vinyl right now to make sure it doesn’t just say ‘Fractures.’ But this one came from a deeply personal story about a friend of mine who went through a divorce. I watched two of my favorite people in the world just fall apart. When friends break apart like that, it’s like losing a family member. It’s super difficult, even as a bystander. It was cool to get Chloe on the song to bring the story to life. I’m a big fan of hers, and I think she did an amazing job.”
Now that I heard her/them on this song I will certainly be looking into her music because to be quite frank I just hadn't heard of her. I do love getting new music on my radar all the time though and this is usually how I find it. Artist collabs are SO so good for expanding the playlist repertoire-just trust me.
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Did this convince you to go get The Jaws of Life and give it a listen? I sure hope so. It's fucking amazing on many levels. They did grow, they did change, and what they created is something I'll be blasting on my playlists for the next few years--but hey, let's maybe not make us wait another decade for new tunes next time guys? Pretty please?
D. Grimm
Some may not be linked because of space in the post my apologies, they can be found with a simple google search.
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