seeyouspacecoyote · 1 hour
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seeyouspacecoyote · 1 hour
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seeyouspacecoyote · 1 hour
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
Two lovers have reincarnated throughout history, destined to find each other and fall in love all over again. There’s also this third guy that reincarnates alongside them… we don’t really know what he does.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
Man, if any other race amalgamation was as self flaggellating as whites it'd be the wildest shit. Imagine South Koreans apologizing to the Chinese for the actions of Unit 731, or a Navajo seeking forgiveness for the human sacrifices of the Aztecs. Nah, but I gotta apologize for Belgian war crimes in the Congo despite the only similarity that I have to the Waffle French is being pale. Aight bro.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
completely insane how 150 years ago you could just be a shitty craftsman from the middle of nowhere and become the president of the united states but now I need a bachelors degree to work for the park service
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
Voting for Democrats, as shitty as they are, will be slightly less bad for LGBT people than not voting at all and letting the Republicans win. Also, voting for Democrats makes the worst, most annoying leftists on the internet mad as hell and that's always a bonus.
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
who draws these anyways.. these r kind of the backbone of reaction pics rn
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
Anti-voting rhetoric will be the death of the left. Literally.
Not a single fucking Republican voted to protect roe. It was fucking overturned in the first place bc trump got three Supreme Court appointments.
Every fucking thing wrong in this country is almost certainly the result of Republicans being in power. In 2020, Texas cut half of the polling places in black neighborhoods, and doubled them in white ones, regardless of population. It was Republicans bitching about mail in voting, and constantly, constantly fearmonger about voter fraud. Literally, their platform is about making civil rights harder to practice.
Would you like to know why? It’s because Republican politicians know better than anyone that higher voter participation means higher republican loss.
But what do I see from the online left, champions of the oppressed?
“Voting doesn’t do anything, the parties are the same, the system is rigged, etc, etc”
Don’t sit here and tell me you give a fuck about marginalized people if you aren’t ready to march your ass to the voting booth and vote out the party actively stripping their rights away.
Protest, donate, community build, unionize, and vote, vote, vote.
By the time direct action is the only option, it will be too fucking late.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
It is not brave or edgy. I consider it a baseline moral duty to make fun of the Catholic Church.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
i really hate how online queer discourse has become “which flavor of trans person is most acceptable to treat like absolute shit”
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
It's fine to hate certain fictional stuff, but getting angry at other people for liking it is lame as fuck.
hey do you guys remember when like. brother/brother and sister/sister and brother/sister ships werent just normal, they were really common? parent/child ships werent as widespread as sibling ships but you still saw both of them a lot. like you used to see incest ships all the fucking time.
like you couldnt go five minutes on this hellsite without scrolling past wincest or thorki or any number of the dozens of popular hp incest ships. do people not remember the onecest takeover? the onecest dynasty? what about elsanna? what about all the fontcest that came out of the undertale fandom? mha fans loved shipping the entire todoroki family together. what about game of thrones just in general? the hitachiin twincest? literally everyone from osomatsu-san? usuk and all the other incest ships from hetalia? fucking HOMESTUCK?
it used to be that you couldnt throw a rock in ANY fandom without hitting a whole bunch of super popular incest ships. it was everywhere. it was NORMAL. because people didnt care about what anyone else liked in fiction, because everyone knew the difference between fantasy and reality. and its not like incest hasnt been one of the most popular porn categories all over the world for years.
now though, with the huge resurgence of evangelical puritanism in western fandom and the massive influx of alt-right christofascist antishippers, nothing is allowed to just be fiction any more. braindead little conservative assholes and bigots will scream and shit themselves over people shipping the elric brothers because fandom isnt allowed to be fun any more. antis will see someone talking about sebaciel and start spewing their disgusting rhetoric at everyone and being TERFS and wannabe cops until nobody wants to participate in fandom any more.
fandoms are dying and its antis fault
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
you do not need to watch graphic uncensored footage to be aware of and opposed to bad things happening in the world, come on.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 2 hours
bad dancer. can-can-cancel him
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