#[ headcanons :: Blitzo ]
mrmiserymushroom · 10 months
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A DAY AT THE BEACH LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!! got inspired by hntrgurl13 on twitter who was the one to make these awesome designs! :> also live gay bird reaction as a bonus
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Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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Hello, can we have Blitzø, Husk, Rosie, Sir Pentious and Valentino(separately) as a couple, it seems that he is cheating on him but in the end it turned out that they misunderstood him, how would they react to his mistake with his S/O?
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Blitzø sat in his van, as he had for the past hour, a scowl across his face.
He'd followed you from the Cafe you always went too, then after seeing you on the phone he followed you all the way to some random ass fucking building.
He watched as you knocked, the door opening to reveal some Imp hunk, and you eagerly greeting the guy before walking in, you wrapping an arm around each other.
He was pissed.
But not just regular pissed.
He was Royally Pissed!
But more than that... he was hurt. Really hurt.
The Imp drove home depressed. Anger. Fury. Sadness and regret all sloshing around in him like too much BeelzaBrew. The Imp analysing your entire relationship.
He thought you had a happy relationship. Sure you fought, but it was never anything serious. And you always had the best Make up sex.
He drove around, with no real aim, his body on auto pilot. Just driving. Mindlessly. Completely unsure what to do.
He'd go home, of course after stopping by a drive through liquor stire, the man stumbling into your shared apartment, the man walking in before freezing.
Your calendar...
Marked on the calender was fucking (ANNIVERSARY). And sure enough, checking his phone, it was today.
Blitzø had a full breakdown, drunkenly crying as he curled up on the couch, the poor Imp crying his eyes out between heavy swigs of alcohol.
About an hour would pass until you got home, suspiciously large package in your arms.
You snuck into the apartment, getting everything set up until you found him curled up on the couch, the man grasping a bottle, with even more scattered about, the man sadly blubbering to himself.
Youd approach him, reaching out. "Babe, are you alright?"
He'd slap your hand away, man jerking up on the couch, the man glaring big sad daggers at you.
"Well, if it isn't the big faaaaat cheater!"
He was clearly drunk off his ass, so the accusation of cheating wasn't as painful as if he were sober.
He'd stumble to his feet, jabbing his finger at you. Or rather, in your general direction.
The Man was drunk off his ass.
"Ooooh yeah. Everybody thinks the Blitzø is some sorta, Uh... dumbass man!" He burped, man snifling. "But iiiiim noo a foul..."
You give him a minute, ignoring his verbal typos, before reaching out again, telling him gently.
"Blitzø. I think you need to sleep off your little drinking session before we talk."
But as soon as you placed a hand on his shoulder, he'd smack it away, and with the most righteous fury you'd ever seen in the man, screamed at you.
The man stumbling back tears in his eyes. "I saw you with that fucking bastard... I saw... I saw you..."
You stood there for a good minute before sighing, you telling him softly. "Wait here."
Youd walk into the kitchen, flipping the light on to reveal the humble spread you'd put out. And grabbing the 'package' carried it over to him.
The large 'package' was covered by a cloth, you placing it down before him, telling him simply.
"Open it."
Blitzø stared at you before looking down at the package, the man glaring daggers at you before reaching out and snatching the cloth off of it.
It revealed a magnificent portrait of Blitzø, the Imp riding a Hell-Stallion.
Blitzø's eyes bulged, the man staring dead at it for a solid minute, the man not even noticing himself dropping the bottle.
Youd set down, pulling him into the seat besides you, you taking his hands in yours.
Holding his hands you'd tell him softly. "The man you saw was an art teacher. I've been seeing him to learn how to paint."
You spoke slowly, making sure he heard you.
"I know we don't normally go big on Anniversary gifts, but I wanted to do something special, so I took some lessons so I could paint that for you."
Blitzø took a minute, looking between you and the painting before he burst into tears, the man pressing his face into your chest as he tearfully apologised.
"IIIII'mmm soooo soooorrrryyy!" He sobbed, drunkenly clinging onto you.
"I- I- I- didn't mean to!" He stuttered, blubbering. Youd just hold him close, gently patting his back as he sobbed into your chest.
You just soothed the poor man, hugging him close as he had his drunken meltdown.
He'd quickly cry himself out, soaking your shirt and apologising all the while, you just telling him it was alright, gently patting his back.
Eventually he'd pass out, man out like the dead, you carrying your drunken idiot of a S/O to bed, making sure to be prepared fortyhe inevitable hangover.
And sure enough, the next morning Blitzø endured a awful hangover, though even as he groaned and threw up he was still profusely apologising, the man feeling even worse when he saw the painting and everything you'd set up for him.
Of course, you didn't care, you were just happy the situation was resolved peacefully, you tending to your poor idiot of an S/O. Letting him curl up with you on the couch as he slept off his hangover, making sure he drank plenty of water, hand running down his spiky, bald dome of a head.
Husk felt miserable.
And the most surprising part about it, was that he was miserable.
Since you'd arrived at the hotel, he'd been in significantly better spirits. But for the past couple weeks you'd been disappearing for long swaths of time, often staying out till later in the evening.
Husk wasn't an idiot.
And while he did try to drown himself in alcohol, knowing fully well he couldn't die of liver failure.
Though he had lowered his drinking significantly since your arrival into his life, the man actually, and it was hard to say but, you'd made him a better man.
But he wasn't a stupid man.
Back when he actually cared about people, he'd been cheated on plenty, though that may have been mostly his fault as he'd always put too much attention on his drink, rather then those people he cared about. Something he had tried to change with you.
But you still found someone better...
He wasn't surprised. The drunk of a tomcat was a poor excuse of a partner.
He'd be slumped over the bar, as usual, drunkenly grumbling to himself, man downing a bottle of what he hoped wasn't paint thinner as he laid there in his drunken brooding.
The man grumbled, rubbing his eyes as tears stung his eyes, the man wondering what was wrong with him.
Why did he always lose everyone he loved?
Youd walk into the Hotel, approaching the man, in relatively good spirits. Seeing him splayed out, drunkenly grumbling to himself, you grew curious.
Walking over, youd pull up a stool, you sitting there for a long minute before you started getting concerned, so you reached out, placing your hand on his.
Husk jerked up, you jumping back in surprise.
Husk stared at you, you asking him simply.
"You alright babe?"
Husk just stared for a long, pregnant moment. Before looking away, the man sighing as he slumped forwards, man wiping his face.
He'd stand there for a fee moments, not looking at you, only for him to ask bluntly.
"What did I do...?"
You stared at him, not sure I'd you'd heard him correctly, so you asked.
"You alright-" though you didn't get to finish as he blurted out.
"What did I do?!" He snapped, man almost in tears. "What did I do? What did I fuck up?!?!"
You stared at him, genuinely unsure of what was happening.
Youd wrap your hand around his, asking him bluntly.
"What are you on about baby? What did you do?"
Hunker diiiiidnt like that response.
The man yanking his hand out of your grasp, whipping away from you, the man wiping his eyes.
"What did I do?!" He snapped. "Why wasn't I good enough for you?!"
At that things slowly started to connect.
"Baby... do you think I'm cheating on you?"
Husk paused, thinking 9ver your tmstatement before turning and staring at you.
"Your... not cheating on me?" He asked, the cat caught of guard.
You, with a gentle smile, shook your head, telling him. "Nooo baby, I'm not. I'd never cheat on you."
Husk stood there for a moment before bringing up your regular absences, the long stretches you'd spend out of the hotel.
To which you'd sigh.
After a moment, taking your seat, you'd tell him that you weren't cheating. You explained that you'd just met an exe from before you'd died. You weren't sleeping with them, but you had been spending time with them.
Not for sex but just... just to remember when you were alive. When life was good and you were in your prime, back on earth.
You apologised for keeping it a secret. It was selfish but it was kind of your escape from the constant shittyness that littered Hell, something to block out the horrors you witnessed on the daily.
You apologised for hiding it. Holding his hand tight as you sincerely apologised for not telling him.
Youd tearfully tell him you loved him, and that you were so sorry for making him think you didn't.
At this point it'd be a completely intoxicated Husker that would comfort you, the man pulling you into a hug. A hug you'd eagerly accept, you tearfully promising to never make him feel like that again.
Pulling him close before you'd share a kiss.
Said kiss would grow rapidly passionate, you eventually ending up behind the bar, you straddling the cat, the two of you pulling off manoeuvres that would make Angel Blush.
And in the end, all worked up and steamy, you'd curl up with each other behind the bar, the Kitty cat holding you close as you drifted off to sleep.
Needless to say it was awkward when Charlie found you both the next morning.
The situation not helped by Angel whining about missing out on the whole thing.
But with your tomcat close by, the both of you sharing a blush as you all pretended what had most definitely happened, did not happen, well, at least you had each other.
Rosie wasn't one to beat around the bush.
She'd wait for you at the entrance to your home, the Amazonian sized demoness, sat back in one of her beautiful sitting chairs, the sort you'd find in a Victorian manor, just waiting for you, teacup in hand.
And upon walking into your shared home, shed confront you.
"Well Hello darling, you've been out a while."
She spoke coldly, you immediately knowing you were in the shit.
With a timid smile you'd begin. "Hello dear, your up late!" You spoke, trying to hide your rapidly growing anxiety.
Rosie didn't lighten up, the lady in red telling you bluntly. "You smell like cigarettes." He leaned back, a scowl crossing her face. "And you reek of alcohol."
He'd place her cup down, frowning deeply, black pools glaring at you.
"Where have you been (Y/N)?"
Your face would contort into an awkward smile, you scratching your kneck as you released an awkward laugh.
She didn't laugh.
Instead Asking bluntly.
"Why are you laughing!?" She snapped. "You think this is some kind of joke?!"
"Running around, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes, returning at all hours of the night." She snapped before looking away, growling out. "Do I mean so little too you?"
At that you snapped to attention, gawking for a second before blurting.
"You think I'm cheating?!"
You blurted, rushing over to her.
"Baby! Sweetie! Love of my eternally damned afterlife." You reached out, cupping her cheek. "I am not cheating on you."
Rosie staring down at you, asking gently.
"Then what are you doing? Why are you out at night? Why do you reek like cigarettes and alcohol. Why have you been so secretive before disappearing all night?"
At that you sighed, nodding your head.
"Rose, my love, I have a confession." You began, running a thumb over her cheek. "Put simply, I can't drink any more tea."
You sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted.
"What?" Rosie asked, clearly bewildered.
"Rosie my love, I love you. I love our home. And the aesthetic. And all the pottery and plating and all that stuff. But well, I've been going to a sports bar."
Rosie paused, clearly confused.
"Baby, I miss TVs. I miss modern, mass produced comfy couches. I miss the depleted unsustainable economy of a life you probably never saw."
"I miss cheap beer and overly salty peanuts and wings smothered in addictive sauce." You sighed, almost shuddering.
Rosie sat there for a moment, clearly confused before asking bluntly.
"If thats all it is, then why all the secrey darling?"
You gave another awkward smile, scratching your head. "Well, I know you don't like the 'false decadence of a unurned age of self indulgent walfwits', and I don't want you to, I don't know. I didn't want you to feel like I was choosing the cheap, crapy food and drink over you."
You finished solemnly, looking to the floor.
Rosie, seeing this sighed, reaching out before pulling you in close. "I'm sorry for thinking you were cheating darling."
You chuckled, telling her in turn. "And I'm sorry for not telling you darling. I promise, I'll be more honest from now on."
Rosie chuckled, and you leaned in for a kiss.
Before your lips met however, she pressed a finger to your lips, telling you bluntly.
"I'm not kissing you while your breath stinks of beer and cigarettes."
To which you broke into laughter, stumbling to your knees, head in her lap, giggling away.
"I love you Rose baby~" You purred, looking up at her.
Rosie just smiled back, running her hand through your hair.
"I love you too darling... even if you are an idiot."
The both of you breaking into laughter, you simply laying there, a pleasant mood filling the air.
Sir Pentious
Pentious was a mess.
Bottles of wine were strewn about his airships sitting room, the snake man sobbing as he drunkenly gulped wine from a bottle.
He'd wipe his face, forearm already soaked through with tears.
"Why doth you need to be a loutous betrayer!" He yelled.
It was perhaps his most unique quirk. The man liking to incorrectly imitate old Shakespearian speech when drunk, often saying thing that sounded almost right, but most certainly weren't.
Hed lay there, wallowing in self pity for who knows how long until you'd finally find him. Having searched the house you'd find the empty wine rack, already knowing something was wrong.
And while you'd already checked every place in the manor before, the trail of wine bottles had given his 'sactuary' away.
Youd knock on the steel door before gently sliding it open.
"Hello dear..." You began, staring at the wiggling mass of snake that splaid out before you. "Is everything alright?" You asked softly.
The snake snapped towards you, grabbing you, before throwing you onto the fainting couch he had splaid out.
Youd blush as he drunkenly scowled.
"Ooooooh~ like you don't know!" He drunkenly slurred. "Like you don't know why I'm drinking, you and that *hic* man... that bastard you've been seeing."
To which you'd stare at him, blushing as he leered over you.
Rubbing your face, you'd sigh, leaning forwards and gently cupping his face.
"Penty... he's a tailor." You sighed softly. "I'd never cheat on you."
You finished, but the snake simply stared at you for several moments, processing.
"Tailor... but what about all the... well I saw you undress?" He stated, conflicted.
Youd sigh, gently slipping out from under him ast you stepped out of the room.
Pentious would gulp down the rest of his bottle before you stepped in.
Youd be wearing a rather skimpy, of seductive, version of his outfit. The piece just covering enough to be seen in public, though obviously meant for the bedroom.
"I uh, I thought it'd be fun for... ya know... the bedroom~"
Pentious, red faced, smirked. His body recoiled, priming for a strike, and with the finesse of a heavily intoxicated snake, he snatching you up once more, throwing you onto his bundles up tail, his long lower form gripping you, holding you down.
"Well... I guess I've got to punish you~" He purred, leaning in.
"P-punish me?" You stuttered, face flushed as the man pinned your arms above your head.
Pentious smirking, face flushed lightly as he leaned in, hot breath on your neck as he purred.
"Of coursssssse~" she hissed, tongue flicking your neck. "You run around, scaring me to death~ Making me think the worst. "
His hands ran down your chest, tail sizing as it held you down, leaning in close before smirking, hot, wine tainted breath on your neck as he suddenly bit you.
Youd moan, the man injecting just enough venom to get you high. A speciality of Pentious', the man having used his vemon on your more then once~
But now, he was smirking, domineering you with little effort, tail bound, venom high, he'd trail kisses down your body, kissing you all over.
Youd be at his mercy, the man teasing, torturing you with the promise of pleasure, making you submit to him.
By the end of the night, you'd be a quivering, gasping and moaning mess, Pentious smirking victoriously as you lay besides him, face red, bite marks littering your body as you softly moaned and writhed in pleasure.
With a sadistic smirk covering his face, your legs wrapped around his snake hips, he'd lean in, whispering as he always did when in control.
"Don't worry darling... I'm not halfway close to being done with you~" He purred.
Valentino was not happy.
You were deceiving him. Lying to him.
And that could not stand. He was out of the loop. And he hated being out of the loop.
Well that wasn't entirely true.
Truth was, you were telling him you were doing one thing, while you actually did something else.
Though he want sure why you bothered with the deception. He had more informants and eyes then anyone in Pentagram.
Well, except maybe Vox, man had eyes in almost every damn device in Pride, so he probably had him beat in that department.
But well, he knew you'd done something involving your anniversary. More then likely relating to a gift for him.
Though he'd intentionally not found out what it was, the man still liking some surprises in his life.
He'd watch you "sneak" into his penthouse, you smiling and giggling like an idiot. The man smiling as he watched you 'sneak' into his penthouse, covering something in your coat
"Welcome home darling." He spoke smoothly, smiling as you froze in place.
Youd turn suddenly, hiding thr gift behind your back.
"H-hey! Val! Baby! Didn't, uh, I didnt know you were home." You spoke awkwardly, scratching your cheek awkwardly.
You smiled a broad, awkward smile.
Val held back a smile, flushed with adoration, but couldn't express it, not wanting to let you on.
"I know." He spoke coldly, snuffing his cigarette before standing, you shrinking under his imposing form.
Reaching into his coat, you leaned back, eyes closed, expecting the worse.
"Happy anniversary sweetheart."
Opening your eyes, you'd find his hand extended, a white box with a big red bow atop it.
Staring at it for a moment, you'd look up at him with a cocked brow. The man simply smiling back, giving a little smile of his own.
Suddenly it snapped into place.
"OH!" You gasped, almost jumping in place.
Holding the present you'd turn rigid, before slumping, looking down you spoke glumly.
"Oh... Well... I'm guessing you know what this is then?"
Val just chuckled, reaching out and cupping your chin. "A gift. Anything else? I'm in the dark." He finished smoothly.
Youd release a relieved sigh, hand to your chest. Looking up at him you'd smile, leaning in and kissing his cheek before looking down at your present.
"Here, hold this." You told him, holding the present out to him.
Taking it from you, he watched as you turned around, lifting the rectangular present up, before carrying it into the other room.
When he tried to follow, you'd call back. "Nu-uh! No peeking! I'll tell you when you can come in."
To which he just chuckled, rolling his eyes as he leant against the door frame.
And so, standing there for a minute or two he'd wait for you, hearing you as you scrambled around, something glass shattering, your little mumbles and curses making him chuckle.
And so, after some waiting you'd call out.
"Come in."
After which hed step in, looking around the room until he spotted something on the wall. It was obviously your gift, covered in some sheet.
And so, turning to you, he'd give you your gift again, which you subsequently placed down, eagerly leading him to your gift.
Normally, he would have taken great insult at that, but given he was as interested in seeing your gift, as you were excited for him to see it, he decided to let it slide.
And so, with an eager nod from you, he'd tear the sheet off, the man stupefied.
It was him. Or well, a painting of him, and a handsome one at that. It was him sat back, his ever present luxurious coat complementing his stern face as he smoked a cigarette.
He stared at it for several moments before he turned to you, you utterly shaking in excitement.
"Do you like it?!" You asked, almost bursting at the seems.
"No." He spoke bluntly. He let it hang in the air for just a moment. Before reaching an arm out, he'd twirl you into his grasp, the man planting a deep passionate kiss. "I love it~"
Hearing it your smile came back in full force.
"Well that's good, cause I painted it." You spoke with a goofy giggle, puffing out your chest all proudly.
Now that took him off guard.
The man showing a rare flash of surprise, as he snapped between you and the portrait, That flash of surprise enough to make you giggle up a storm.
"Yyyyyep!" You grinned. "All those 'outings' were lessons. Been seeing this professional artist for lessons and now-"
You turned proudly, smiling at the present.
"I think I did the source material justice."
Val stood there for a minute, before the man scratched his cheek, telling you in a playful voice. "Well, for once I think my gift is outclassed."
Hearing that you'd release a gentle snort, rolling your eyes.
Picking up his gift, you'd step forwards, gently cupping his cheek. "Dont worry baby, its from you. I know ill love it."
Val smiled, gently kissing your palm as you pulled back, letting you open the gift.
It was a small red box, the words 'Love you forever~' etched into the top, the smooth rosey wood that expensive kind of glossy.
Opening said gift, you'd find a rather beautiful golden locket, the simple gold heart having the words 'My Love Forever~'. "Oh, babe, it's beautiful." You gushed, hand to your chest.
Val stepped forwards, still surprisingly meek as he took it from your hand, binding it around your neck before pulling up up, holding it in his palm as he showed it off. The man easily opening it open to reveal images inside.
The left was a beautiful image of you and Val in a loving embrace, you recognised it from one of your first dates. It was a good memory.
And in the right, well, let's just say it was a raunchy image of a very undressed Val, the man smiling a very Val like smile.
And so, clicking the locket closed, you smiled, taking his hand in your own.
"Ya know... I've been wanting to do one of you in your 'natural glory' for a while now~" you spoke, making sure your intention couldn't be missed.
"But first." You began, grabbing his fuzzy collar, pulling him towards the bedroom. "But first, I think I need some... physical refrences~"
Val, simply smirked, man shedding his coat as you made it to the bed, where the two of you... tried out some positions for your next piece.
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bbonbonss · 3 months
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⋆˳⁺ overdoing it ⁺˳⋆
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mintaikcorpse · 1 month
Okay, I thought this was Blitzø's hand (his hands are fucking massive), and he was opening a curtain or smthn, but I saw people point out how he's in a car and those are his feet on the dashboard and holy shit this a hole new vibe and new context that I need IMMEDIATELY
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thatstonedwriter · 5 months
⋆。「Affection Prompt 17」⋆˚
◉ Sinopsis; Getting them their favorite drink, just the way they like it
◉ Feat; poly Fizzmodeus, stolas, Blitzø
◉ A/n- I hope you all are able to have a fun and safe New Year <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
Soft blankets kept you nice and warm, despite the storm raging outside. Rain pattered against the window, threatening to lull you back to sleep. Today was perfect... but one thing was missing- your favorite drink. Sure you could go get it, but that would mean getting up. Thankfully, your partner(s) has/have made the generous offer to go pick it up for you.
"We're baaack~" you hear Fizzarolli call from the front door. Asmodeus chuckles, readjusting Fizz and the tray of drinks in his arms. "They might be sleeping, Froggy, lets not make too much noise." You were quick to prove Ozzie’s assumption wrong. Calling out, you beckon them over to the couch, patting the open seats next to you. Fizz is quick- jumping from Ozzie’s arms to your blanket-clad lap. Asmodeus isn’t far behind, morphing into his smaller form to place the drink tray on the table before joining the two of you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Once you’re all comfortable, Fizz stretches his arms, grabbing the drinks and passing them to you and Asmodeus. As Fizz grabbed the remote to put on a movie, you settled into the couch, unable to think of a better way to spend a rainy evening.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
When an episode of the Hell-a-Novella you were watching ended, you’d voiced your desire for your favorite drink. Who was Stolas to ignore the request? At the coffee shop, Stolas is careful to be specific with the drink orders. Even then, when the drinks are handed to him, he double checks the receipts and the drinks, just to be sure. As bothersome as walking in the storm was, Stolas knew it was worth it to see you happy. And of course, he couldn’t deny how cute it was hearing your excited “thank yous” and seeing you happily sip your drink. Sitting beside you, Stolas reaches up to pat your hair, giving you a kiss on the forehead before sitting back in the couch and resting his head atop yours.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Initially, Blitzø was bitching and moaning about having to go out. He was comfortable, too. Why not just order for delivery? He eventually caves when you promise you’ll let him have the comfortable side of the couch when he gets back. And the heated blanket. As cranky as Blitzø is about going out in the rain, he reasons he’ll be able to get something for himself, and he has the heated blanket to look forward to. Blitzø is in and out of the shop as fast as possible, hastily checking the contents of the order to make sure everything’s right. By the time he’s back at the apartment, Blitz is grumbling incoherently, dropping everything onto the table and making a bee-line toward the couch, forcibly scooting you over (just enough so he would fit) and curling up next to you. Guess you’ll enjoy the drinks later, then.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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blitzyisfine · 1 month
i can’t wait to see some more backstory and/or closure for verosika and blitzø
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this clip from the trailer seems like verosika’s hand holding the knife? that is chopping off a fake blitzø head while verosika shouts “you are so shitty!” (presumably at blitzø)
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followed by this clip and blitzø shouting back that “we live in hell, everyone’s shitty”
blitzø is justifies his own shitty behavior by claiming that that’s just the way everyone is in hell. but that doesn’t diminish the fact that even demons have free will to make better choices and that all choices have consequences
i am so struck by the fact that these two dated in the past but verosika hasn’t been able to move on. i don’t get the vibe that either of them were very good for each other, but the prt that interests me the most is how neither of them have moved on
blitzø hasn’t moved on because he hates himself. so he disses verosika’s ability to seduce people (which is her job as a succubus) to his coworkers and actively challenges her in Spring Broken. verosika hasn’t moved on because she hates blitzø. so she disses his abilities in bed in front of everyone in Ozzie’s, which was a huge deal there because good sex is important in the lust ring. and not to mention it was in front of stolas
i wonder if part of blitzø’s healing process this season will be him moving on from verosika in some way. maybe he can learn to make reparations for her, maybe he will learn to forgive himself, or maybe he will even see that both of them were at fault in this relationship
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jazzmasternot · 3 months
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He’s just a lil guy
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call-me-cheese · 2 months
hiiii can you do separate stolas, Blitzø, and fizzaroli relationship headcannons? Srry if that’s too much
Blitzo x reader
Stolas x reader
A/n: I did not write Fizzarolli as you did not say you want him as polyrelationship with Asmodeus or not, sorry
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Stolas is just perfect for relationships
He's literally a piece of the green flag
Yes, he had a very bad first relationship, but that's why he's willing to work in a new one
In the series itself, he said that he tried to make Stella comfortable in their relationship, and it is clear that he succeeded, it's just that Stella is a crazy bitch
He's definitely going to be fun with him, and he's generally willing to try to understand your hobbies and participate in them
He will also be quite active in trying to draw you into his
You know the names of all the colors (at least desperately pretend)
Oh and yes, you definitely have couples suits, Stolas has been wanting to try this for a very long time, so once you agree, he will literally kick his legs for joy
You will most likely have a good relationship with Octavia, she needs an adequate mother figure
You'll move in with Stolas pretty quickly since you're on a formal relationship
You'll watch TV shows all night and then sleep sweetly all day
He officially loves cuddling, so you'll be together all the time
Oh, and he has money, literally money, if you want to go somewhere, then naturally he will go with you
You will accompany him to official events and he will gladly introduce you to anyone who asks
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He will also be good in a relationship
We see how he takes care of his "family", so you are incredibly important to him
He will always be somewhere pockmarked with you, as he is a person of physical affection
You will be told about the activities of the HSM
He'll literally brag about you to Moxxie and Millie, because yes
You've got a chance to get a cop=a campaign consisting of Luna and Blitzo AND you to go to a party
He'll try to cook something for you (he's not going to succeed)
You'll get some trinkets from the human world
How safe are you? WELL, 50/50, What are the chances that you will be rescued? 100%, and very fast
You'll have to calm him down in his depressive moments
Perhaps you go to a psychologist with him several times
You are praised as a celestial, everybody else, because when you appeared, he stopped meddling with others
You'll hug with him too, but he's not going to let you go at all
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I hope you enjoyed it!
I am so sorry for doing that sooo long! My middle exams took all out of me
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voxsremotec0ck · 3 months
Romantic Blitzø Headcanons
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— cute and cliche things i think fit Blitzø
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Watching bad movies
Staying home and getting high together
Pet names like: sexy, sugar, hot stuff
Showering together
Napping on the couch
“What should I wear?” “Nothing.”
Gossiping with each other
Silly names for each other in your phones
Each other as your lockscreen
High fives after a good kill day
Saying I love you through actions
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Let me know if you want me to do this for other characters cuz these are fun
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cherryrainn · 7 months
can we get cuddle headcanons with blitz, stolas, fizz and striker?
━━ ✧ 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐯𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; blitzø + reader, stolas + reader, fizzarolli + reader, striker + reader
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; this was so fun. i love writing cuddle headcanons.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none
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blitzo may have a tough exterior, but he loves cuddling. he often initiates it by pulling you close to him when you're both lounging on the couch, and he's particularly fond of spooning.
his embrace is surprisingly warm and comforting. you can feel his red skin against yours, and it's like a cozy and slightly fiery blanket. he holds you close, making you feel safe and loved.
sometimes, after a long and tiring day at work, blitzo just wants to unwind with you. he'll plop down on the bed or the couch and pat the spot next to him, silently inviting you to join him for a cuddle session.
he enjoys running his fingers through your hair while you snuggle together, occasionally leaving kisses on the top of your head.
blitzo's horns are pretty big, but he's surprisingly gentle when he's cuddling. he's careful not to poke or scratch you with them and often rests his head on a soft pillow to ensure you're comfortable.
sometimes, blitzo murmurs sweet nothings or shares his wild stories from work while you cuddle. he loves having your undivided attention and being able to let his guard down around you.
he's not one to turn down a movie night cuddle session. he'll pick a horror flick, and you'll snuggle up in the dark.
after a cuddle session, blitzo often falls asleep with you still in his arms. there's something incredibly comforting about drifting off to sleep with the man you love holding you close.
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stolas's feathers are incredibly soft and warm, making cuddling with him feel like being wrapped in a luxurious feathered blanket.
he adores cuddling and often initiates it by gently pulling you into his embrace, his red eyes gazing at you with affection.
stolas likes to nestle his head in the crook of your neck or shoulder, nuzzling against you and leaving small kisses on your skin.
he's a big fan of cuddling in bed, especially on lazy mornings. you'll wake up to find him already snuggled up to you, his long, thin limbs wrapped around you.
stolas occasionally uses his wing to create a makeshift cocoon of comfort while you cuddle. he envelops you in his soft, feathery embrace, providing the ultimate feeling of safety.
he's a fan of bedtime stories, and sometimes he'll read you a book in his deep, melodic voice as you both cuddle, creating a soothing atmosphere that lulls you to sleep.
his tattered cape can double as an extra cozy blanket. when you're watching a movie or simply relaxing together, he'll drape it over both of you for added warmth.
cuddling with stolas is a mix of affection and elegance. he loves to make you feel like royalty, even in the simplicity of cuddling.
even with his regal appearance, stolas is incredibly down-to-earth when it comes to cuddling. he just wants to be close to you, feeling your heartbeat against his.
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fizzarolli's long, flexible limbs make cuddling an interesting experience. he can wrap them around you in playful and affectionate ways.
he enjoys incorporating his jester cap into cuddle sessions, often playfully draping the little balls over your head.
fizzarolli's scarred skin is sensitive, but he appreciates gentle touches and kisses on the unmarked areas of his face. it makes him feel cherished and loved.
he loves to make you laugh during cuddle time. fizz tells outrageous and raunchy jokes that keep the mood light and fun.
fizzarolli's tongue is forked, but he uses it for more than just jokes. he enjoys leaving teasing, butterfly-like kisses all over your skin during cuddle sessions.
fizzarolli has a penchant for over-the-top cuddle positions, like creating a sandwich with you in the middle, which always results in giggles and tickles.
despite his crude humor, fizzarolli is a sensitive demon with insecurities. cuddling helps him feel valued and loved, and he often expresses his gratitude in the form of affectionate words and kisses.
cuddle sessions might occasionally turn into tickle fights, as fizzarolli can't resist a playful opportunity to make you laugh.
fizzarolli may worry about his self-worth, but during cuddles, he's reminded that he is loved and cherished just the way he is. your presence means the world to him.
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despite striker's tough and violent exterior, he has a surprisingly soft and affectionate side reserved for those he cares about. cuddling with him is a rare glimpse of his gentler nature.
striker's touch is warm and comforting. he holds you securely, as if to protect you from the chaos of everything, and his grip is surprisingly gentle.
his sharp-toothed smile might be menacing at times, but during cuddle sessions, he often flashes a genuine and warm smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
sriker isn't one to say sweet nothings, but when you cuddle, he whispers words of affection in a low, reassuring voice that's just for your ears.
he's a big fan of physical affection (when it comes to you), so expect plenty of hugs and kisses, especially on the forehead or cheek, to show his love and appreciation.
striker enjoys having you close, often nuzzling your neck or shoulder with his serpentine-like face. it's his way of expressing his deep connection to you.
he's the big spoon no matter what, you'll never catch this man being the little spoon... but it's all about being close to you.
while striker might have a ruthless reputation, he's incredibly patient and attentive when it comes to you. he'll listen to your stories and thoughts, making cuddle time a perfect opportunity to connect on a deeper level.
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mrmiserymushroom · 10 months
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some doodles (i am hyperfixating so hard rn)
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myofrog · 2 months
stolitz domestic headcannons (some taken from my twt)
1. blitzø takes very short showers bc he knows stolas takes long showers and wants to make sure he has hot water
2. stolas will surprise blitzø with coffee every morning
3. stolas made blitzø watch an episode of his soaps and now they watch it together. same thing with blitzø and his horse shows
4. blitzø bought one of those star projector things for stolas. stolas will build a blanket fort and lay in there cuddling w blitzø for hours talking about the stars
5. stolas really cares about his skin care. he has a 10 step skin care routine while blitz barely washes his face. stolas has bought countless products for blitz to try. he’s even researched the type of skin blitz has to make sure it’s all the right ones
6. stolas will buy anything horse related he sees bc he knows blitzø obsession with horses. there is a whole horse collection in their house
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Maybe some headcanons with Blitz having an S/O who's a big volleyball fan? :o Like imagine Blitz, his S/O, Moxxie and Millie having a volleyball match for fun
(I saw in your pinned post that you wrote for Haikyuu and Helluva Boss so I combined the two :3)
Oooh! Yaaayy! Let’s gooo. I love Blitzø so much! He is my favourite from Helluva! Thank you so much!
Blitz- Guns & Volleyballs
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Blitz is a very troubled one. Having a lot of problems on the inside whilst establishing himself as a pure prick on the outside but when he finally willingly let you in, he dropped most of his self-defensive behaviours… around you
Blitz actually finds your little passion adorable. You’re a demon, you can do ANYTHING you want but yet, you chose a human sport? How precious
Blitz always falls on his face when it comes to your volleyball games as a result of him playing with you to cheer you up or to bond or to help you. He may dislike this but hearing your joy through those cute laughs makes the embarrassment change to worth
Blitz legit has a volleyball snuck away in his office so when you want to practice with him or practice in general, he’ll get it and toss it to you
Blitz is that type of boyfriend. Trust me, he may seem like the very cold and harsh type who wouldn’t be included in his partner’s hobbies but he is, even if he doesn’t get it
Blitz is already arranging a holiday for I.M.P and not even so they can enjoy a day off work, just so you five can go to the Envy Ring, go to the Beach in order for you and him can kick the M&M’s ass in a Beach Volleyball match
Blitz considers you, his lover and his daughter, Loona on the same level of importance to him, so he tries his darn best to make sure you and Loona get along. He even encourages Loona to try play volleyball with you. You’re her step-parent, you need to be liked by her
Blitz happily listens to you ramble on about all the volleyball facts you love and have memorised whilst you’re both alone and spending time together, and I swear to Satan, this man has never looked more in love in his entire life
Blitz believes himself as a good opposite hitter but he’s actually a real good libero. His childhood gymnastics and circus skills make him really flexible and let him cross long distances quickly so he can do digs effectively. His circus skills is the main reason you and him win volleyball games
Blitz will buy or make you cute little volleyball outfits. Your jersey, your professional volleyball outfit and you know it that he puts his name in a specific but noticeable corner on the inside so everybody knows you’re his
Blitz is naturally protective of you so when you accidentally collide with your teammates and it ends with you briefly concussed or when you’re genuinely accidentally hurt during the game. He is pointing his gun at your teammates to fend them off and carrying you off the court to look after you
Blitz will sneak you out to Earth, with his Asmodean Crystal wristwatch and disguise both of you, so you can play on Earth and try out human Volleyball. He’ll either play, as he honed his skills, or he’ll play your manager and take care of you after the match
Yeah. Blitz goes inbetween your partner teammate and your manager but he somewhat more prefers being the manager so you can shine in your favourite hobby
“Hey, Bae. How did the volley tournament go? Yes, of course, I went to it but I want to hear your view, ‘kay?”
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I’m a simple man
All I want is to see Blitzø and Stolas staying up late at night, laughing loudly at something stupid before covering their mouths so that they don’t wake up Via
Is that so difficult?
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months
Cuddling with...
◉ A/n- I'm stoned and in my feelings so you what that means. A New headcanon set ofc. Anyways, enjoy some mushy bullshit. Haven't proofread this, hopefully it's okay
◉ Content; romantic relationships, fluff, suggestive themes, gender neutral reader
── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
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Intimacy and vulnerability aren't really Blitzø's strong suits, but being with you breaks down his walls. Once he's comfortable with you, he's super clingy and wants to be in contact with you as much as possible.
Blitzø switches between being big or little spoon. While he doesn't usually care either way, there are some times he'll have a preference. If Blitzø is feeling vulnerable or scared, he'll want to be held. For example, after the events in the Truth Seekers episode, I think Blitzø would probably need someone to keep him grounded.
There are other times though, when Blitzø needs to know he can protect you. Too often, the people he loves are put in danger, and if you happen to work with I.M.P, you're put in dangerous situations damn near every day. On the days where you're all rattled from close calls and serious injuries, Blitzø holds you for hours. He'll have his arms around your waist, tail wrapped around one of your legs and his head rested against your back or on your shoulder (depending on how you're positioned).
Be warned, once Blitzø is comfortable, he's impossible to move. So go to the bathroom, have your water and snacks nearby, keep your phone in arm's reach, because you're not gonna be moving for a while. If you do try to get up or free yourself from his grasp, Blitzø will just hold on tighter and yell at you. He's not above biting you either. He'll put up a fight, but will let you go.. Eventually.
Blitzø makes sure cuddle sessions last as long as possible. His favorite thing to do while laying with you is watching shitty movies and making out. More often than not, Blitzø will end up starting tickle fights and playful teasing matches which may also result in making out.
Blitzø never thought he'd be able to enjoy this kind of intimacy, and despite his flippant attitude, he's terrified of losing you. He knows he doesn't always tell you how much you mean to him, so Blitzø makes it up by showering you with physical affection. For now, he hopes it can be enough.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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