if there's anything cool please tag me my dadh keePS SENDING ME INTO THE FUCKING PAST
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nebulous-lalochezia · 10 months
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This is why I hate tumblr.
I’m not mad at the lack of engagement. I’m pissed because it’s just porn bots.
People still want this website to be usable. Then staff need to actually take care of the fucking problems and listen to what the users want. I want the goddamn porn bots to not be a problem after all these years!
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Ok, the porn bots showing up to follow me is bad enough, but my ask box? Seriously? Y’all aren’t meant to be in there please leave this is not your land
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legacysam · 2 years
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nerdgeekcc · 1 year
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@staff @changes @wip @support
Give me back my house, you heathens—
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caughtupintherain · 1 year
So @staff are we just going to have to snooze tumblr live every week if we don’t want to use it from now until eternity?
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Fake It Till You Make It
Chapter Six - Where Is The Party Princess?
The Princess of Monaco is wild and out of control. She needs to stop being in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons. Charles Leclerc has had a spot of bad press since his very public break up. He needs some good PR. What better way to fix their problems than to pair them up?
Series Masterlist
a/n: thank you so much to @nirrahbrii for help with some translations! i don't think this chapter would have been the same without that little world lol
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Where Is The Party Princess?
The Monaco Post prides themselves on their ability to keep the public updated on the whereabouts of our favourite royal. We've documented every one of her scandals, from the time where she was fifteen years old and found herself detained by the police, to last year, when she was caught in bed with American actor, Glen Powell.
For the past few years, we have thanked the Princess of Monaco for providing us with such stories. She was a royal like no other, one we found our readers could relate to.
So, that leaves us to wonder, where is the party princess now? It has been a week since we've last seen Princess Y/N. Our sources have reached out to members of the royal family and staff for comment, but only managed to get one reply.
It seems, dear readers, that our beloved party Princess has run away.
"Are you sure you want the party princess to drag you down to her level? Because that's what's going to happen next time we're pictured together."
Charles turned his full body towards her. "What're you saying?" He wore a frown on his face, one that didn't suit him. She realised it immediately. He looked so downtrodden when he frowned. "Do you want to break this arrangement off?"
Once again she shrugged. "Just giving you the option to get out before you end up like Frédéric Archambeau," she said.
"Who is Frédéric Archambeau?"
Charles sucked in a breath. He drummed his fingers against the arm of the chair and stood up. "That's it," he said, striding towards her. "We can break off this arrangement, if you want, but I'm not going to leave you to here to rot."
She scoffed. "Stop pretending to care."
Immediately, Charles took a hold of her mug and placed it down onto the coffee table. "Come on," he said, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. "We're going away."
She couldn't stop the laugh that was pulled from her lips. "Fuck off, Charles," she said and pulled her hand out of his.
But Charles grabbed her again. He pulled her towards her bedroom. "Pack a bag, we're going somewhere warm," he said and pulled open her wardrobe.
"Where?" It wasn't a genuine question, more of a challenge. She sat on the bed and folded her legs under her body, watching him. "Where the fuck are you taking me?" Her voice was bitter, filled with venom as she watched Charles.
He found a suitcase under her bed and began throwing clothes in. It was impossible to sort out what was clean and what wasn't, so Charles just threw it all in. "Australia," he said. "Or Spain. We can go wherever."
"I don't want to go with you," she said immediately.
Charles released an exasperated sigh. "I am begging you to go along with this," he said as he crouched in front of her. "Don't even do this for me. Do it for yourself!"
"Why?" She cried. "Why the fuck do you care about me?!"
Charles dropped his head into his hands. "Please," he said quietly. "Just, let me help you."
It wasn't for her, she realised quickly. For some reason, Charles needed this. He needed this trip, she just didn't know why he needed her. "Fine," she said and began filling her suitcase with everything she'd need for a trip away.
A relieved breath left his lips. "Thank you," he whispered.
That was how she found herself in Greece with Charles Leclerc. For the first few days, the tabloids had left them alone. The Monaco press wasn't around to write new crap about her (so they'd been recycling the same old crap).
It took a few days for her to really warm up to him. She knew Charles, sure, but she knew the Charles the world saw. She knew the rich kid from Monaco, the one that the tabloids wrote about, the one that had the tiktok edits made about him.
She didn't know the real Charles. The Charles that loved his friends. The Charles that had so much he wanted to do with his life. The Charles that was genuinely so funny. She knew the F1 driver that doubled as a super model, she knew CL16, not Cha.
Cha. When had she taken to calling him that? It had happened all at once, but she hadn't stopped. It was maybe their second day in Greece, their second day of peace, their second day of getting away from it all.
Every call she'd gotten from Henri, she'd ignored. She didn't need her brother's constant scrutiny. He didn't approve of the trip, that much was clear, but she didn't care. Henri had tried calling Charles, but, at her request, he didn't pick up the phone.
Both the Princess and Charles were used to being waited on through their vacations. They were rich enough that it had become expected. But, for this vacation, Charles wanted it to just be the two of them. No interruptions, nobody to report back to the press.
Just the both of them making the most of it.
She stepped out of her bedroom in the villa and yawned. Her body was adorned in nothing but shorts and a vest top as she walked across the cold stone flooring, heading towards the kitchen.
Charles was already sitting there. He sat in just his swimming trunks, a coffee in front of him as he went through his emails. (As embarrassing as it was to admit, it had taken the two of them two days to work out how to use the coffee machine. She and Charles each had a coffee machine, but this one was different, not as simple as having a 'go' button.)
"Wanna go out for drinks tonight?" She asked as she sat opposite him. Her body was turned towards the kitchen doors, looking towards the pool.
She hadn't had a drink since they'd gotten to Greece. Charles was incredibly proud of her, although he hadn't said anything. "We can go for a few," he answered. Nothing too crazy, Charles wasn't sure what to do with her if she got too crazy.
He was barely able to take care of her after they'd gone to The Hole In The Wall.
Maybe that was what led Charles to suggest something else. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't in good conscience take her out for a night on the town. They'd managed to stay out of the spotlight for this long, and Charles could see how much good it was doing her. Doing both of them.
He wasn't ready to drag her back into it.
"What if we stay here?" He asked, standing up and walking towards the glass doors. He carried his coffee mug with him as he looked at the pool sparkling in the morning sun. "We could have drinks around the pool."
She let out a snort, one she assumed he would have found unattractive. "You still that embarrassed to be seen with me?" She asked through her snort. But then she saw the way his face fell. "I'm joking, Cha. Yes, I'd love to have drinks with you around the pool."
They went about their day, swimming in the pool, lounging in the sun, going out for lunch together (always in big hats and sunglasses. It wasn't the most covert operation, but it was working).
In the evening, Charles attempted to make dinner. He wasn't the best cook out there, but it was something he enjoyed. They'd gotten drinks on their way back from lunch, shopping in the little supermarket on their way back to the villa.
It wasn't supposed to be anything fancy, but she still dressed up. Charles had the nicest shirt and shorts combo that he'd brought with him and she wore a pretty little dress.
He wasn't going to admit that the sight of her walking down the stairs, sitting in the little out by the pool in that pretty little dress, it would have had a weaker man on his knees. Charles didn't know how he was still standing. Maybe because he wanted to help her, maybe because he respected her brother too much to try anything on.
She sang his praises while she ate, a far cry from the girl he'd practically forced to pack a bag just a few days ago. This was a side of her that the world had forced to hide away. This was the side of her he wanted to see, the real her that he wanted the world to fall in love with. Not the her that the world had decided to hate.
When they finished eating, they just sat there, drinking and talking as they looked at the pool. "So, are you actually friends with my brother, or is it just because he's the princess?" She asked as she drank from her wine glass.
Charles let out a laugh. That was exactly the kind of question he'd expected from her. "Henri and I are actually friends," he answered, not paying attention to the way her toe hit his knee (he didn't mind it, not one bit). "I'll admit, I felt bad when people called me the Prince of Monaco, and that may have contributed to me wanting to be friends with him. But our friendship is real."
She nodded as she sipped. "Must be nice having the Prince of Monaco at your every beck and call," she mumbled.
"You're saying that like you don't."
That dry laugh he'd heard so many times before, that dry laugh that Charles hated to hear, left her lips. "Trust me, Cha, I don't." She finished her drink and stood up. "At least, not the real Prince of Monaco."
He couldn't tell whether it was the alcohol that controlled her. But she hiked up her skirt and sat himself in her lap. It was so sudden, so unexpected, he had no idea what to do. Her hands were around his neck. "I'd rather have the unofficial Prince of Monaco at my beck and call. What do you think of that?"
Charles couldn't react. He didn't get a chance to, not when she pressed her lips to his own.
It wasn't slow, it wasn't full of passion. No, it was quick and clumsy. One taste of her lips against his own. And, when she pulled away, she laid her head against his shoulder. "I shouldn't have done that," she whispered as she played with his hair. "Oh, crotte."
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED) @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @not-nyasa
Taglist (OPEN): @charizznorizz @rafaaoli @myescapefromthislife @spilled-coffee-cup @janeholt3 @mamako23 @randomgirlnumber13 @booksobsess @chonkybonky @mindflay3r @ananyasr1bughead @sltwins @lordpercevalcharles @jaydensluv @shobaes @leclercdream @iamkaku @st-ev-ie @heavengirls111 @arrowheadleadingushome13 @halleest
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deletedstimgifs · 1 year
So recently, Tumblr broke their ability to follow a reblog chain. This is a problem.
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Following a reblog chain now takes you to a popup of that post alone on web, and a permalink view of it alone on mobile.
This is not only a stupid update that nobody asked for, but it also removes a core function necessary for my work here as an archiving blog.
As a blog who collects gifs from deleted blogs, I rely on the ability to go back to people's reblog and then continue to scroll back in time through their blog, where they've likely reblogged more gifs from other deleted blogs! I need this function to do my archiving work, and they've removed it!
And for what? To make things more "intuitive and consistent"?
@staff @changes Please, I am begging you to reverse this update. I can't do my work properly like this. I'm not the only one who's unhappy about this...
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[ID a series of screenshots of various Tumblr users commenting asking Staff to fix the reblog chain]
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
the ache
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billy hargrove x gn!byers!reader
word count: 625
warnings: grieving, mentions of death, post the battle of starcourt
a/n: um, so…i just wrote this in thirty minutes, give or take. it’s a bit of dialogue that i’ve been kind of toying with in my head for a few days, and here i am, at one in the fucking morning, writing this. i’m sorry in advance. (also for context, none of the season three hopper death shit happened.) i love you all. <3333
When you don’t show for dinner, Joyce knows exactly where you are.
There’s no guesswork, or calling around. She knows.
She knows because she’s been where you are. And she knows you shouldn’t be alone.
She remembers when Hopper had come and sat on the floor in front of her without a word. It had settled something inside of her, that small gesture. Sure, it hadn’t soothed the ache—nothing could do that, nothing but time—yet it had helped. It felt like a breath of fresh air.
Joyce parks the car, and makes her way to where she stood all those months ago as they lowered him into the ground.
You’d been silent then. She wasn’t sure you were breathing, really. And when they’d finished, when the funeral was over, you’d just stood there. And she’d waited until you made your way to the car, and she took you home. Anything for her baby.
The grass is chilly under your palms, where you’re desperately ripping the blades up and flinging them to the sides. There might be two sparse patches left by the time you’re finished, but that’s okay. It’ll grow back.
Your face is wet. You gave up on wiping it dry long ago.
When you hear footsteps behind you, you don’t even have to turn because you know exactly who it is. Who’s come for you.
You start to cry again, but this time it’s worse. This time you’re sobbing.
Joyce sits down beside you, settling on her knees.
You look up at her, but you can’t really see her because your eyes are filling with tears and blurring your vision.
“Oh, baby,” Joyce says. She runs her hand over your leg.
You cry out. You’re practically wailing. It hurts, you’ve noticed. It’s like an ache, and it won’t leave. It stays.
You look away from her and at his headstone. William Hargrove, it reads.
That’s all he is now, a plot. A marker. A memory.
“Mama.” Joyce never takes her eyes off of you. Seeing you like this fills her with an immense grief, and she wants nothing more than to make it all go away. To fix it. To kiss it better.
“Mama, I miss him.”
A sob wrenches free from your throat, and you’re wiping desperately at your face again because now she’s here and she can see you at your weakest. But it’s no use, so you let it come.
“My baby,” you cry.
Images of Billy flash through your mind: sitting with him in the staff room while it rained one day at the pool and no one could swim, helping him get a tangle out of his hair, kissing him on the cheeks just to see him blush.
He’s gone. He’s never coming back. Your Billy is dead.
“Mama, please.”
You don’t know why you’re begging, but you are. And you keep begging, like it’s going to fix something. It’s not.
Please what? Please bring my boyfriend back. Please undo what happened that night. Please let him be safe. Please.
Joyce wraps her arms around your shoulders and you cling to her like you’re afraid she’ll disappear too. Like she’ll be in the ground and you’ll be sitting and crying out for her just as you are now.
You’re not sure how long you cry for, but she lets you for as long as you need.
And when you’re done, you go home and lay in bed. You slip on one of his shirts, and you think about him.
You cry some more, and try to remember something Hopper told you after he’d taken you out of the mall that night.
“That feeling never goes away. But everyday it does get a little easier.”
You hope he’s right.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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miley1442111 · 14 days
i can fix him (no really i can)- c.berzatto
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a/n: yes, i am a swifty.
summary: based off of i can fix him (no really i can) by taylor swift
pairings: carmen berzatto x fem! reader
warnings: carmen is an asshole, reader gets her revenge, sex tapes being sent around, revenge p!rn, smut, subcarmy (if you squint), 18+,
The smoke cloud billows out his mouth
Like a freight train through a small town
The jokes that he told across the bar
Were revolting and far too loud
Carmen had a few bad habits, mainly smoking, a low eq, and a tendency to overshare when he got drunk. One of the new line chefs had come up to you in recent weeks, joking about how you sounded when you had sex. Carmen had shown him the video he promised he wouldn’t show anyone. Not just that, he’d sent the video into the staff group chat for everyone to see.
They shake their heads sayin', "God, help her"
When I tell 'em he's my man
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can
And only I can
“I feel bad for her,” Richie sighed as he brought the cigarette to his lips. “You’re a fucking jagoff.”
“I was drunk,” Carmen groaned. “It was a mistake!”
“She still talkin’ to you?” He asked. 
“‘Is she still talkin’ to me’? What kind of asshole question is that, yes, you dumbfuck,” He hit the back of Richie’s head, sending his cigarette flying. 
“Fucking asshole,” Richie mumbled under his breath as he walked back inside. 
The dopamine races through his brain
On a six-lane Texas highway
His hand so calloused from his pistol
Softly traces hearts on my face
And I could see it from a mile away
A perfect case for my certain skill set
He had a halo of the highest gradе
He just hadn't met me yеt
As Carmen drove home he thought about the reaction you’d give, whether you’d be mad, or if you’d break up with him or something even worse. 
He had no idea. 
He remebered what he'd done when you told him first.
"Carm, what the fuck did you post on the Bear groupchat?" you questioned, humiliation and anger bubbling in your blood.
"Huh?" he asked.
"Carmen, fucking look at your phone!" You shouted. Carmen immediately fumbled for his phone, opening it and seeing the private thing he'd shared.
"Fuck," he groaned.
"Yeah, fuck indeed. You're barely in that video and you swore to me that you'd never show it to anyone!" You shouted.
"Baby, it was a mistake-"
"Fuck a mistake! A mistake is forgetting your keys, a mistake is not locking the backdoor of the restaurant up, this was no fucking mistake!" you screamed. "Take it down now."
Carmen was getting angry now, he felt controlled and he could feel the weight and consequences of his actions.
"Why? It's the only fucking thing you're good for."
They shake their heads sayin', "God, help her"
When I tell 'em he's my man
But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can
And only I can
He opened the front door of your shared apartment and saw the light on in the bedroom. He dropped his bags, tired as he sauntered into the bedroom. There you were, a vision in a set of red lingerie, a set he’d bought you a few weeks back. His mouth watered when he heard your small whimpers as you worked the toy over your aching core. He immediately pulled off his shirt, and you didn’t even notice him. He lay beside you, grabbing a condom out of the drawer but you stopped him.
“You’re not touching me tonight,” you smirked. Carm’s face dropped. 
“Baby-” He whined. “Please, I’m so sorry-”
“I don’t wanna hear it,” your sentence was interrupted by a groan, the toy hitting a new spot that triggered your climax. 
“Please baby-”
“Beg for it then,” you smirked, coming down from your high. 
Good boy, that's right, come close
I'll show you Heaven if you'll be an angel, all night
Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man
No, really, I can
“Please,” he began. “I’m so sorry, I was drunk and stupid and you look so pretty, so, so pretty and I need to touch you, I-I need you, p-please,” he groaned when your hand surpassed his waistband. 
“Don’t stop,” you smirked. 
“I’m so sorry, y-you’re just so perfect, I-I wanted to share you-” 
“You want someone else in here fucking me?” You asked, a giggle in your voice. 
“No! No. I-I wanna fuck you, I do, please let me fuck you,” he begged as you laughed at his sudden reaction. You dragged your hand up and down his length as he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. 
“I’m sure you’d love to have another person in here, watching you get fucked. Or you get fucked by two people, god you’re such a slut,” you laughed at him as beads of sweat dripped down his chest. “Not my good boy anymore, no?”
“Yes! Yes! Just you, just you-” He clapped a hand over his mouth as he came, biting into the skin. 
As he came down he kissed you, and apologised, you accepted with a promise from him to never show the videos to anyone ever again, to be careful when he was drunk. 
They shook their heads sayin', "God, help her"
When I told 'em he's my man (I told 'em he's my man)
But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger
I can fix him, no, really, I can (No, really, I can)
When he walked into work the next day, he was confused by the laughs and jokes sent his way. That was until he saw your letter of resignation with a note beside it, reading: 
You should’ve been more careful ;)
He opened his phone to find the video of that night sent to the staff group chat, just like yours had been. 
Woah, maybe I can't
the bear masterlist :)
tortured poets department masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, obx+)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
You’re rightful place 18+
*A/n~ Another attempt at a smut fic. Also may start uploading these to tumblr if I can be brave enough. I have a train to catch at like 9 am and yet here I am at 3 in the morning writing smut for y'all. 4th attempt to get a smut fic I'm happy with. *
Trigger warnings ~ sub reader, mommy k!nk dom Larissa f!ger!ng edg!ng overst!m? Degradation sub space language? Strap
Prompt~ "look at you just begging to be put in your place."
"You're cute if you think you can handle me"
"You're joking right love? I could have you on your knees for me whenever I demand it and believe me it would suit you"
"You think about that a lot?"
"I uh what? You're the one who brought it up"
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Staff meetings always tended to drag. Your shy and reserved nature meant you spent most your time day dreaming, eyes glued to your lover as she hosted said meetings. Watching her work was always fascinating to you, the dedication she had for her job and the passion she had for the students. Well that was just damn well admirable. Once again you had drifted off into your own world. One where you and Larissa were otherwise occupied and there was a lot less people involved. Ultimately much preferring your own thoughts to the actual discussions of what to do with the one and only Wednesday Addams.
"Y/n dear? Are you still with us?" Your lovers voice rang through, pulling you from your own thoughts just as they were getting rather intriguing. Her eyes showed a knowing glance. Shit she knew you were fantasising about her... again.
"Mmm sorry my mind seemed to be else where what were we discussing?" You mumbled feeling the heat of embarrassment flushing your cheeks.  From that moment you really tried to focus. You really did but when Larissa's tongue would come over to wet her lips slighting in between her turns of talking, when she stood up to punctuate her point showing off those readily curves and hell even when her voice floated to your ears saying something so mundane and normal that your mind would interpret into a sexual nature. Yeah concentration wasn't coming easily to you today. She's just a whole lot of women you told yourself. Honestly, it should be so illegal to be and look like Larissa Weems. You knew by the end of the meeting your underwear would be absolutely ruined.
The meeting seemingly ended not that you were paying any attention to the other staff members flocking from the room. You remained sat in your chair, drooling slightly at the thought of your girlfriend fixing the ache between your thighs that were snuggly squeezed together in a desperate attempt to quell the ache. A hand on your lower thigh got your attention causing you to stare right into the sapphire irises you adored so much. Larissa crouched down in front of you a gentle hand not too spoke you but wanting your full and undivided attention.
"Little one, you weren't focusing in that meeting at all. For all you know it could've been really important love. It's like your acting up just begging to put in your place." She all but hummed out at you. The sweet tone attempting to cover up the lustful intent behind the last sentence. 
"You're cute Isa If you think you could handle me" you quipped back too far gone into your own head to realise your grave error.
"Oh please y/n I could have you on your knees for me whenever I truly desired it. All I have to do is demand it and you'll do what your told like a good girl." She stated as if it was a well known fact. It was but still Larissa knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself and would retaliate even further.
"Oh Isa do you think about that a lot?" The question spilled out of your mouth before you could catch it. Brain and mouth on completely different pages of the same book.
"Oh my darling girl why do I need to think when I can have it right now?" She smirked before standing up and turning on her heels and walking to her room, doing god knows what before returning back to her office desk.  "Little one. Come here" she demanded and you couldn't help yourself as your body willingly complied.
You were knelt in front of Larissa studying the smug smirk adorning her beautiful lips. God those lips if she would just give you a kiss maybe that would state you? You internally laughed at yourself. A kiss would only add fuel to the fire. You knew that and so did Larissa.
"Now darling mommy has work to do can you be a good girl and stay put till I'm done? Hmm?"she questioned you with a slight glint in her eyes. She knew you were driven mad by being knelt near her unable to do anything but sit alone with your thoughts. "Yes mommy" you whimpered out. Already sounding so pathetic for her.  Larissa shifted in her chair allowing her dress to rise up to her hips allowing you to see she'd removed her underwear in the bedroom. You tried to stifle a groan which only earned a chuckle from the principle. "Darling do try to stay quiet, we wouldn't want everyone hearing what a slut you are for me now would we?" She commanded not even sparing you a glance. Completely laser focused on her work.
God knows how long you had been knelt down by her side. You're knees were starting to ache desperate for a shift in position, thighs uncomfortably damp with your arousal and your cheeks flushed from all the thoughts swirling in your brain. You could've cried when you saw Larissa close her laptop. Maybe she'd touch you now? God you wished for it.
"Y/n I can practically feel you undressing me with your eyes. Why don't you be a good girl and stop imagining and start doing hmm?" You almost missed it but wasted no time in coming closer and starting to remove your lovers clothing. A gasp of excitement left your lips at her fully naked body.
"Mommy- I um please uh" you struggled to string the sentence together as your eyes drank in her naked form.
"Oh I know you want to be a good girl and make mommy cum hmm?" She caught your graze as you nodded eagerly. "So eager for me love. Now don't keep me waiting" with a flick of her wrist she gestured for you to start. You couldn't help the overwhelming desire to kiss every accessible inch of her body without breaking your position. By the time you gently licked her aching core your lover was dripping down her thighs in anticipation. This fact only spurring you on. Licks getting stronger lapping up everything Larissa was providing you with. Her hand tangled itself in your hair, pushing your head impossibly closer to her heat. She was needy and desperate. You could tell by the way she moaned your name. Only then did you add two fingers into her aching core setting the pace you knew would drive her wild. With a nip to her thighs you watched as Larissa tipped her head back on the chair.
"Oh little one... more. Right there good girl. Fuck y/n make me cum make mommy cum" the women was writhing underneath your ministrations and who were you to deny such a beauty. You moved your mouth back to her bundle of aching nerves sucking down hard and lightly scraping your teeth across it which caused her to cum for you and hard. Your name spilling from her lips as you helped her ride her high. Loving the taste you couldn't help but moan as you continued your job wanting to please. The tug at your hair was what made you withdraw your mouth with an unhappy whine sucking your fingers dry desperate to keep tasting her.
"Fuck little one. Such a good girl for mommy but it's my turn now. " she groaned at the sight of you sucking her essence off your own fingers like a needy whore while her breathing was still faster than what it normally was which caused her to take breathes between the words. Only when she'd calmed her breathing did she ponder out loud. "What to do with you hmmm"
Without a warning you were being tugged to your feet, fully clothed still as she positioned you to sit on her thigh. A hiss of pleasure as your centre hit her toned thigh. "Now little one your going to fuck your self on my thigh like the slut you are for me. You won't cum little one and If you do I promise you won't like the consequences." She husked into your ear nipping at the lobe. A tap of your clothed hip signalled to you that she wanted you to rut against her thigh.
Riding her thigh moans replaying on a loop as you continued to become more desperate and needy every second that past. It wasn't long before you could feel the familiar climb to your peak. "Mo-mommy please fuck can I please mommy I need fuck oh god" you moaned only to have your pleasure ripped away at the last minute. A cry left your lips out of frustration.
"Oh darling you thought I'd make it that easy? No I want to absolutely ruin you. Fuck you dumb. You'd like that wouldn't you my love. Mommy to fuck you so hard you don't even know your own name?" She taunted knowing that this was one of your biggest fantasies. Stunned into a silence you watched as she simply got up and left the office. Walking into the bedroom adding an extra sway to her hips for the effect. "Little one come here and knell" she called out to you.
Kneeling in your agreed upon spot you watched as Larissa gathered items she was going to need. There was fresh waves of arousal between your thighs at ever glimpse of the items. It was a relief to be off your knees when Larissa told you to get up on the bed. You sat there clothed trying to ease the ache between your thighs subtly. Of course she saw that though. Nothing could pass by Larissa especially in moments where her little one was a squirming mess just for her.  The clothing hiding what's hers was becoming maddening which is why you gasped out in shock as the older women tore through the clothing. Desperately seeking your skin. Only when you were fully accessible did she start to place a trail of kisses up and down your neck before sucking down on your pulse point eliciting the most delicious noise from you.
In one swift motion you went from moaning from pleasure to being tied up and baffled. When did she ? Fuck. Only then did you feel how your lover had attached the vibrator to your clit. The strong vibrations bring you back to chase your high. Through hooded eyes you could see your lover. Her eyes fixated on your aching core. Moans tearing through your body as she just watched. "Mommy fuck please oh mommy can I please I" you mewled out.
"Cum for me darling." Was all the permission you needed to fall from your high. Riding it out against the toy as much as your restraints allowed. Your lovers gaze  still unwavering as you squirmed on the bed.  "M-m-mommy fuck I can't oh god" your cries seem to fall on deaf ears as you rapidly began your climb to a second climax. Once again you came with her name on your lips.
You'd lost count how many times you'd came. Everything was too much. The vibrations causing a delicious mix of pain and pleasure causing you to scream out for your lover. "Mommy fuck I can't please I can't no more" you all but sobbed out.
"You can darling you're doing so well for me. My good girl hmm?" She murmured still transfixed on the sight of the toy bringing you to the edge once more. The bed absolutely soaked in your slick. Your thighs glistened with it. The high crashed through your body as Larissa took a slow deliberate swipe of your core to taste you. Only when she was sure you were fully down from your high was the toy shut off and your limbs untied as you lay there spent and sobbing yet still craving more.
"Oh my darling girl you look so beautiful like this. A mess just for mommy. How about we force one more from you hmm? Mommy wants more. You'll give me more right y/n" she all but purred into your ear causing you to shiver in response to the words. "Will you be my good girl?"
You nodded slightly watching as she attached the harness to her hips. The satisfying click as it locked into place had you squirming in anticipation. "Ready love?" The concern In her eyes was there but soon taken over by lust when you nodded. She liked the fake cock up with your centre before thrusting in. Knowing how sensitive you would be she stilled allowing you to adjust while she peppered kisses over your face cheeks forehand anywhere in reach. Only pulling out to thrust back in after your hips bucked up begging for more.
The fast and brutal pace was dizzying both of your breathing was irregular. Moans tearing from you as your legs quacked with pleasure. "So close darling cum with mommy" was all it took for you fly over the edge with Larissa. You both rode your peaks out before Larissa slipped out of you watching as you hissed in pain with a slither of pleasure. The strap now placed aside your lover was looking down at the masterpiece she made. You were absolutely ruined. Tear stains all over your cheeks. Flushed cheeks hooded eyes limbs shaking from the brutal assault of pleasure it had been subjected too.
"Oh little one you're fucked dumb for mommy huh?"
"Mmmmm?" You managed to get out.
"You did so well for me my love. Such a good girl. Come let's be sleepyheads hmm? Are you sore? Do you need something?" Concern running through her at the lack of replying. Aftercare was something Larissa introduced you too and you knew how important it was to her. Also you loved the way she doted on you after sex. It made you feel special and loved. And when you dropped from sub space she was always the most amazing human holding you as you cried. Unable to word a sentence all you could do is reach your hands out and flex them. Effectively acting like a toddler who wanted to be picked up. Your lover knew what was needed of her and came to gently scoop you up and cradle you in her arms. Kisses dropped to your forehead as an onslaught of praise was directed at you. Your body finally gave into the exhaustion curled up safely in her arms.
Word count~ 2551
*Authors note~ I don't know how I feel of this one any feedback is appreciated thank you for reading"
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tinyidle · 1 year
Alr I've thought about this a lot: Dom Yuqi x Fem reader smut fic (Yuqi is g!p only if your comfortable with it) where R is a former stylist and is now manager for G-idle and during a concert, (can't decide between Nxde era or Tomboy era so your pick) there's a wardrobe malfunction with Yuqi's outfit and all stylists already left so R has to help her and Yuqi seduces her and it ends with the members going where tf are they and they see both of them and realize what actually went down cus it sure as hell wasn't R helping Yuqi (not in that way at least ;) )
(Also R calling Yuqi mommy bcs she is and no one can tell me otherwise)
degradation kink if possible
word goal: 1000
goal accomplished?: yupp; 1.3 k
I Just Know You Did This On Purpose - SYQ
WARNING: smut ofc, public-ish sex (they sort of get caught), begging, inappropriate horniness, mommy kink, praising degradation bratty!yuqi, switchdom!yuqi, g!p yuqi, b!g d¡ck gigi all my 'characters' with d*cks will never have small ones, bratty-yet-compliant reader, switchsub!reader, fem reader, fiction
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it was the 'tomboy' promotions, the first comeback they had in over a year, yet (g)i-dle were being warmly welcomed by all the loving support from fans and idol counterparts alike. you especially liked it since you get to see your girlfriend in action while in korea, not just china.
they had tons of gigs and shows to do, and were to have a world tour soon. what you loved about all this was that you were managing the entirety of their schedules, making sure they got adequate rest and had tons of fun while practicing and performing.
in one college concert, the staff were running back and forth for yuqi-- specifically the stylists. one by one each one was leaving for their lunch break, while one was particularly struggling with the costume piece.
"ugh! i cant find shorts that'll fix this problem," you heard one of the stylists exclaim. you were about to walk over to ask what the problem was until you saw the stylists towards you. "can you please help us with this problem, sunbaenim?" you nodded and headed towards yuqi.
checking to see what the problem was, you asked the rest of the members and staff to clear the room. "i can handle this, but i need everyone to leave and go to the practice stage and monitor the girls as they dance to make sure their clothes don't malfunction. got it?"
idle and the staff politely agreed, bowed, and left to do practice. when the room was silent with only the two of you, you kneeled down. "okay, let's see what's the pro-
-blem," you rolled your eyes.
what made you and the stylists concerned was literally nothing more than a yuqi-problem than an actual wardrobe malfunction.
your girlfriend was horny.
unfortunately, when the brightly-colored haired girl got hard, her bulge would be all but unnoticeable. and no other place would be appropriate for her to be having thoughts to encourage her current wood than here, but alas, here it was, straining against her jeans.
you frowned and began to scold the taller woman. "how the fuck am i supposed to get this fixed before your stage?" as you felt a hand come and caress your face, you quickly swatted it away. "not now gigi," you warned.
yuqi pouted as you snorted at your cockblocking your girlfriend. "pleaseee," she tried pleading with you. "i need my baby in order for this to go away."
you weren't having it. "go rub one off and then ill see you later." you got up and attempted to head out the door. until you found out it was locked. you turned around and saw yuqi's pants to her knees, panties also down; her thick, long shaft slightly swinging back and forth like a pendulum. "did you-"
"i told shuhua to lock the door on the way out," yuqi explained. with a stretch of her hand and a curl of her finger, she motioned you to 'come hither', or, in layman's terms, come towards her. there was no way you could get out of this now, so you decide to heed to the action and, well, hither.
"you know that my cock's too big to 'rub one off,'" yuqi quoted you mockingly with air quotes as you scoffed. "besides, the only thing that get me off is your, tight, warm pussy."
you, getting instantly turned on by yuqi's expletive seduction, tried hard to not show it. but it failed because you found yourself kneeling down, pumping yuqi's aching cock.
"mmh, just like that, sweetie," she praised you. "stroke it just like that. my perfect whore." you were swift yet precise: not a crevice of skin was left untouched, the base was given as much care as the meaty tip, and your hands felt like baby's skin to yuqi.
she was soon to bust on your face if you didn't put it in your mouth. "put my dick in your mouth, sweetie," yuqi instructed you. and so you did. at first you struggled to get her girth in, but with tons of practice (which is what the chinese woman should have been doing with her members at the moment), you were deepthroating her within the one minute it took for yuqi to lose it and nut in your tight mouth.
as you pumped yuqi back to full hardness, yuqi whined. "let me taste you," yuqi begged, her hands going up and down your smooth legs through your tight-fitted jeans..
"oh no, yuqi. i gave you a blowjob; that's all you're getting from me." and yet, here you are now, bent over while yuqi was equally bent over your backside. she held each side of your ass cheeks, spreading them open to plunge her tongue deeper into your fluttering hole. you found yourself whimpering when you felt a manicured finger glide unto your clit and started rubbing small circles.
"s-ss-shit," you gasped, your essence pouring out of you as yuqi started kissing around your cunt and under-part of your thighs. after gaining your breath back, you turned your head around to look at your girlfriend who was still kissing you all over your bottom. "im done, gigi. now let's get you ready to practice. you only have about ten more minutes before- HEY!"
the woman wasn't having any of it, pushing you back down and putting your hands behind your back, securing it with her own two hands. "no way, sweetie," she said smugly, letting one hand go to hold her still-hard cock, rubbing it along your slit. "i need you. all of you."
you felt the surge of her dick into your hole, making you moan louder than you wanted. you did your best to whisper, "you planned this all along, did you?" instead of getting an immediate answer, you got to hear the frantic and pacing thrusts of yuqi into you, which made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
your girlfriend chuckled as she was hearing you fall apart for her. "maybe it was, maybe it wasn't," she finally answered, right when your mouth started quivering at your impending orgasm. "but it's worth it if i get to stuff you full, isn't it?"
using one of her hands again, she went to rub your clit, lowering her mouth down to suck marks into your skin. you started panting heavily. yuqi started to breathe heavily too, nearing her release, but she needed you to break first. "look at my perfect whore, all worked up because of my cock," she degraded towards you. you started whining. "aw, is she getting impatient? maybe you should beg for what you want."
as much as you wanted to scoff and tell the woman to 'fuck off', you couldn't take how your bud was being abused by her skillful slim fingers. not to mention her huge cock practically pounding in your hole. you decided to put your pride to the side and break. "please, mommy. please let me cum! i need it," you cried.
with a smile and a couple of angled thrusts, yuqi was satisfied. "good job, baby. now cum for mommy like the perfect whore you are."
by the time it was time to get ready for the show, the girls didn't see yuqi and was worried.
"shuhua, go get yuqi, please," soyeon instructed the maknae. bowing slightly, she practically ran to the dressing room, stunned to see both you and yuqi looking as if you were getting dressed.
when yuqi was about to explain herself, shuhua just put her hand up while closing her eyes. "it doesn't matter," she said, her eyes squeezing tight. "just get ready. we're all waiting for you."
both of you laughing, yuqi nodded and went outside. you, on the other hand, had to head to the bathroom as you felt your girlfriend's cum soaking through your panties.
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might as well have titled it "perfect whore" or simply "no" lol. hopefully this gives anon what they wanted
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motions1ckness · 11 months
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This is pt 2 to my last story “Don’t Call me Kid”!! Read that first so this’ll make sense! ♡
Summary: After Kendall’s birthday, your relationship with Roman seemed beyond repair. Until he comes into your office to talk about Caroline’s wedding. (3x08)
Content: Established relationship, f!reader, insecurity, repressing emotions, bit of angst, implied body image issues, mention of age gap, dom/sub relationship dynamics, fluff?, roman hating himself
It’s been almost a week since Ken's birthday, and you've been doing your best to avoid Roman Roy. I mean, you work with him since he’s technically your boss. Luckily, you have your own office, helping you isolate until he apologizes, which he hasn’t yet. He hated talking about his feelings. But, he hated your absence more. Before all this, Roman had invited you to Caroline's second wedding as a plus-one. The thought of having to brush off Roman's actions and show up as his date made your stomach knot.
But the wedding was in two days, meaning the flight was later today. The miscommunication between you two made it unclear if you were still going. While wrapping up an email, you heard a patterned knock at your door. To no surprise, you saw Roman through the glass with his head hanging low. Great. You slightly rolled your eyes as you signaled him to enter. This will be swell.
He shuffled to the couch, indirectly facing you. He seemed anxious. You took notice of his abnormal behavior the past week, being less involved in conferences and more in his head. Like someone turned off his neuro receptors. He started picking at his nail beds, refusing eye contact with you. Again.
You scooted your chair, making him clear in your eye line, “So, what’s up?” acting oblivious. Of course, you knew why he was there. You both did. But perhaps he could dumb it down because 'you’re so young.'
He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head “ I was just, uh, checking in. Like seeing if you were going to Italy still? You know, with me? Like is that still a thing?” On the last question, he eventually met your gaze. His delicate eyes made you empathetic. You can't shun him out completely? He needs to apologize. He needs to apologize.
Cocking your neck, “I don’t know ‘sweetheart.’ I might try to fix you with my terrible, aching savior complex because ‘I’m just so young and naive.’” Using his own words against him. Making it evident you were not over that night.
Roman shuddered at your response, darting a remorseful expression your way. You didn’t like fighting with him, and the last thing you wanted to do was argue. But you couldn’t let him get away with this. “Y-yea, whatever y/n, I’m a piece of shit. Okay? Fuck, is that what you want me to say?” He stood, throwing his hands up, peering down at you.
You scoffed, “Yea, whatever Roman, you’ve answered your question,” you fixed your attention back to the computer until Roman angled the screen towards the window, forcing you to stare at him.
“No, c’mon y/n. Fuck,” fighting with himself, if he could be vulnerable. “I just, don’t want to fight anymore. I mean c-c’mon. F-fine I’m sorry, there. Y/n, I'm serious. I am sorry. P-Please.”
Reconciliation isn't recurring between you two, especially when he’s begging for your forgiveness. His puppy dog expression helped his apology, “Okay. Thank you for apologizing. I just, I think I need some space. Maybe I'll fly separately,” you attempted to put on a sincere smile. Trying to ease the blow, hoping this doesn’t cause his insecurity to run rampant. You weren’t rejecting the invite, but you worried how Roman would react.
His face dropped a bit, not completely satisfied with your response, “Okay, I, uh, I guess I’ll see you there then.” He thumped on the top of the door frame as he left your office. Shit. Is he disappointed?
You flew in with the rest of the staff. Gerri kept you company, talking strategy about GoJo. Your flight arrived first, beating Roman to the shared room in the Villa. It was beautiful. You threw yourself onto the massive mattress, allowing your brain to rest for the first time since the party. You could’ve fallen asleep; until you heard a gentle knock at the door, followed by an entrance.
“I can see you had a lovely flight,” you turned your head to see Roman shutting the door behind him. A faint smile appeared on your face. “C’mon, we need to walk down for welcome drinks and see this, Peter Onion motherfucker,” having a slight smile, he stepped to the edge of the bed, holding his hand out for you to latch onto.
You pull yourself up while fixing your hair. You two were close, still holding hands, his other resting on your hip. He scanned your body, “You look fucking hot y/n, but maybe less ‘I want to fuck my boss’ and more ‘I'm meeting my boss's mom.’” You smirked at his comment, pulling away to get your bags left outside the door.
The two of you faced away from each other and started to change, “You know, I like spending time with you Rome,” turning your head to meet his gaze. You didn’t want to say love. Worried he’d freak out at the phrase.
He adjusted his shirt, smiling to himself, “Yea, I like spending time with you too.”
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Don't go (meet me in the afterglow)
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Sometimes things can be fixed. Would your relationship with Wanda be fixed or is it too late?
A/N: I AM BACK!! At least I'll try to be more active now. I hope you enjoy this request I've got from @wandabear and don't hate me much? I meaaaan.. if you squint, you have the answer.
I've might end it like this in case you guys want a continuation? I just.. AAHHHHH! Anyways. Enjoy!
All in Wanda's body itched as if a colony of red ants settled camp in her skin, and the fact you've been staring at her for the last 20 minutes did nothing to placate the itch.
But instead of facing you like her brain ordered her to, she just ignored your presence, tending to other tables and refilling whatever empty contaner she found, working extra hard to forget about your burning eyes on her every move. Because no matter how her heart hurted to know the truth, her soul wasn't ready to face such sorrow.
Maybe she's fooled herself from the beginning. Maybe you were simply a player in this game her life was, but her desperation to have something that belonged to her was stronger than whatever red alert her brain sent her. After all, Wanda wasn't one to think things through when it came to her heart.
If only she'd paid attention to the crooked path you've lead her through.
But how could she notice the red flags when all it took was a smile or a small, yet burning touch in the right place for her brain to become mushy goo?
All the secrets you both shared in the intimacy of her bed with only the moonlight lightening your naked bodies and all the tears of laughter taking over you, did nothing but to heal her wounded heart. 
"I'm getting uncomfortable with her staring at you like that for so long," Mag grunted, taking her out of her reverie. "Make her go or I'll call Eric."
Wanda could only look blankly at the black eyes staring back disaprovingly at her before her feet started to move.
Closing her eyes momentarily, Wanda inhaled deeply twice, thrice, gathering the courage to face you after all the weeks of radio silence.
"If you're not ordering anything else, you must go." Wanda felt the bile reaching her troath at the venom she heard in her voice.
"We need to talk," your burning gaze on her had Wanda's skin burning in that warm way she loved oh, so much.
"Not today." The brunette nodded in the negative, rushing to gather your remainings before cleaning the table you somehonow keept immaculately clean.
The burning in her hand had her inhaling sharply, all the while fighting with her body not to melt at your soft skin on hers. 
"Please," you begged honestly, and Wanda was never someone to deny you.
"There's nothing to say, Y/N." She removed her hand from your grip, already missing the warm feeling. After all, she had to fend for herself.
Gasping, Wanda's legs trembled as she felt your hands finding home at both sides of her hips, you right thumb taking advantage of her riddled shirt as it graced the soft patch of skin under its reach.
"Wands, I need to-"
"Hey! You better back off." 
Wanda almost cried at the loss, but silently thanked the big guy for rescuing her.
"Easy, dude. I'm not doing anything," you raised your hands as you stepped back just enough to be outside her personal space.
"Touching the staff is forbidden," the tall, ginger cooker frowned upon you, and Wanda didn't know how to react. She's never seen him so serious before.
"It's okay, Eric. She's going now." The brunette took the tray while faking her best poker face as you took your coat and walked away defeatedly, not without sending her one last look.  
"You can do better, kid." Eric squeezed her shoulder before walking away, leaving her to detangle the knot of mixed emotions inside her chest.
But just when she thought the worst had passed, Wanda's heart froze as she saw the figure of someone standing by her car, only iluminated by the street lamp a few feet away.
With her car keys between her fingers in a tightened grip, Wanda walked with firm steps, yet quietly, ready to attack if needed. 
But all the uncertainty she felt started to disipate when, with every step closer to her car, the misterious person showed itself to be... you.
"You don't know how to give up. Do you?" Wanda bit her cheek not to laugh at your exaltation.
"Not when it comes to you. No." You smiled something shy, and Wanda would be lying if it didn't affect her. "I just need you to hear me out," you explained. "Preferably somewhere warmer than here," your sheepish expresion had her smiling something warm.
"I normally wouldn't do this, but I worked a double and I don't feel like going out. I'll meet you at my apartment." Wanda knew it was a risky move. But truth be told, she still trusted you with her soul, so she had nothing to fear.
"Uhm, I don't have my car."
"Get in, then." She ordered when the alarm deactivated.
The ride to her place was filled with a tangible silence, only disturbed by the soft tune comming from the stereo.
Looking trough her periferal vision, Wanda could notice your anxious demeanor, and she secretly smiled triumphantly at knowing she still had some effect on you, which she'd clearly take some advantage of. After all, two can play this game.
"We can either have reheated spaguetti or we can ask for take out." Wanda informer as she turned the steeringwheel towards her street.
"If you cooked it, spaguetti is okay for me," you smiled shily and Wanda nodded, smirking internally.
Stoping the car in her parkinglot, Wanda stepped off her car with her key ready to lock it up as soon as you exited ass well.
"You know the place. I'm gonna shower quickly before we talk. Yes?" She informed as she walked to her apartment.
"Yes, boss," you joked, hot on her heels.
To say your heart has been threatening to get out of your chest all day was an understatement. The mixed emotions of regret, fear and hope had you trusting your body to act on autopilot as the wires on your brain hadn't been able to work properly for the last few days, when you decided to just bit the bullet and fight to win her back.
Hopefully, this time you'd be a better version of yourself. Your story with Wanda was only meant to be, as any true love was. 
Looking around you, it was impossible to stop your mind from reviving the memories you shared in this same apartment. Every corner in these four walls had a special moment that will forever live in you.
"I still don't get why you like this one," you smiled tenderly at the picture you held in your hands.
"Well, it's the first picture we had together," Wanda shrugged as her arms closed around your middle.
"I'm sure there are better ones," you scrunched your nose as your eyes analized the portrait doing your best to ignore Wanda's hot breath in your neck as she placed soft kisses on your skin.
"Not everyone has phisical proof of the love of their life staring at them so whippedly," you could feel the smirk in her voice, sending shivers down your spine.
Turning in her hold, you could only kiss her nose. "What can I say? I'm just a woman who's been struck by the beauty of a Goddess."
"Is that your way to get into my pants?" Wanda's brow rised mischeviously and you could only swallow hard.
"I'm hurt you think so poorly of me, ma'am,"
"I couldn't find it in me to throw it away," Wanda's voice brought you back to the present.
"To be honest, I'm glad you didn't," you mumbled as you placed the portrait back in its place before you followed her to the kitchen, where she busied herself with dinner.
"Part of me hoped I'd see you again," the shaking in her voice had your heart cracking.
"I'm sorry it took me so long," you offered in vain.
"At least it served to help you see the truth?" 
As your eyes never left Wanda's movements, you noticed how her body shaked almost imperciptibly as she spoke those words.
Closing the distance, your hand reached hers, linking your fingers together like you used to do all the time. 
"Please, look at me?" You begged heartfully, releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding when she complied.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I'm the one who ruined us," you spoke your heart's contents, ready to fight back if you were allowed the chance.
"I thought you trusted me better than that," Wanda's green eyes shone with pain, and you felt a thousand knives stabbing your heart.
"I did, I do, and I always will," you cupped her face, choking on a sob when she leaned against your touch so trusting yet painfully. 
"I just surrendered to my demons," you confessed, hoping she could see the truth. "I let my fears take over our love and I hurted us, you, in the process. And I couldn't be more sorry for that."
At the silence you were met with, your thumb brushed the few tears rolling down Wanda's cheek.
"I never meant to break us, Wands. All I wanted was to feel the love you vowed to me. All I wanted was for your touch to disipate the dark fog in my soul." You cried, showing your hand for the first time over the table, hoping to win the game. Hoping Wanda saw your heart beating with no filter in it. Just your scars and cracks on display for her to see. 
All you wanted right here, right now, was for the love of your life to see how her love healed every single corner of your heart.
All you wanted for her was to meet you in the afterglow.
Taglist: @summergeezburr @red1culous @wandabear (If you want to be tagged in a possible continuation or I'm all of my fics, let me know!)
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
the only reason
warnings. couple of swears, alcohol mention
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your leg bouncing up and down caused the whole table to shake, drawing judging looks from other people (staff included). taking a deep sigh you tried to calm yourself, including the shaking of your hands and animalistic alike beat of your heart. it didn’t help. you tapped the screen of your phone again, a lump forming in your throat when you saw it. 11:30am. he should be there any minute. why did you even agree on this?
yeonjun and you broke up. almost five months ago. so long have passed but… you didn’t fully part ways. both of you seemed not to recover, yearning each other. drunk calls, bumping into each other’s friends, still liking each other’s posts.
that’s why when a week ago yeonjun called you, clearly drunk and sobbed into the phone, begging you to meet up with him… you agreed. you didn’t know why, your friends wanted to beat you up but your heart’s desire was stronger.
so here you were, at a cafe nearby your place where you used to hang out. you were nervous and it only hit you once you were waiting impatiently for your ex to arrive. why did he want to meet? do you surely want to get back together with him? you loved him dearly but the reason of your breakup was his work… did he change it? will he be willing to? is he expecting you’ll do something about it? besides, you haven’t seen him in person ever since. that made you anxious as well. is he a wrack of a human, just like you?
the door suddenly opened and he came in. distress all over his face as he scanned through the room to see if you’re here. the way his features softened immediately upon noticing you caused a sting in your heart, knowing you’re all done for.
yeonjun sat down, a tender smile on his lip.
“hi” he breathed out, scanning your features as if he didn’t see you for ages. you gulped shyly, pushing closer a glass of iced americano with a little bit of vanilla syrup.
“hi… i ordered already, hope you don’t mind” you mumbled. yeonjun’s heart skipped a beat, fighting his urge to grin. you ordered his favourite… you still remembered.
“no, not at all. thank you…” his voice died out, preventing himself from adding baby at the end of the sentence “so… how have you been?”
you gulp again, a tender smile on your lips.
“good” you nod, reaching for your drink.
for the past two years of dating yeonjun, you got to know each other like the back of your own hand. normally, you’d consider it as a good thing but now… now you two know you’re lying.
“listen i… i’ve been thinking” yeonjun blurted out. you wiped your sweaty palms against your legs underneath the table, heart skipping a beat “looking for a straight line, taking back the time we can't replace… tell me, was it even worth it?”
you frown, shaking your head.
“what do you–“ you start and as you put back your hands on the table, he grabs your left hand.
“don't talk, let me think it over… how we gonna fix this? how we gonna undo all the pain?” he asks quietly, guilt in his eyes “i know it was my own fault but please… you’re the only reason why i… why i am who i am, why i am where i am… right now”
“it seems… we just can’t stay away from each other, can we?” you scoffed helplessly, a small smile on your lips. a heavy burden was taken off your heart: he wanted the same. but are you ready? to put yourself on the risk of possibly being hurt again? the last couple months with yeonjun before you broke off we’re nothing but filled with pain. but…
“i can’t help but have an attraction towards you” he let out a quiet chuckle and all you could do is mirror his action.
god, you missed his laugh so much.
“i know that bitter words were spoken and everything is broken but… it’s never too late to bring us back to life” he hummed, hope sparkling in his eyes.
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you let out a deep sigh when you realised another fifteen minutes passed by. the waiter gave you an apologetic look before approaching you.
“i uh… i’ll pay now” you smiled weakly. during the hour and forty five minutes of waiting you ordered a dish so it didn’t look like you were stood up.
after paying you stormed out of the restaurant, your cheeks burning with embarrassment and your eyes watering. you dialed your boyfriend’s number for the twelfth time that night and honestly, weren’t expecting him to pick up. but…
“what do you want, y/n?” his voice was filled with venom, your heart stinging at the sound of it.
“what do i want? well, maybe a better boyfriend” you grunted, sitting at a nearby bench.
“cut the bullshit, i don’t have time for this. and i’m certainly not in the mood” he grunted and you heard some voices in the background. was it… his friends’ voices?
“choi yeonjun, i’ve been waiting for you for almost two hours. where are you?” you asked coldly. he fell quiet “because certainly not at the restaurant where we were supposed to meet for a date”
“listen, i…” yeonjun let out a deep sigh, the voices on his side becoming quiet.
“you forgot? that’s normal, huh? and what are you doing? you’re with your friends right now?” you couldn’t help but ask. it wasn’t the best thing to say but anger was rushing through your veins and your mind was thinking rationally.
“and what if i am? for god’s sake! okay, i forgot but i had some free time and wanted to spend it with my friends, is it that bad? it’s just a stupid date, y/n!” he bursted out, leaving your speechless.
“i see…” you murmured quietly after a moment, trying your best to prevent your tears from spilling out of your eyes “it’s nice to know that you still choose your friends over me. especially that we set a date beforehand. and it wasn’t ‘just a date’, yeonjun. it was our anniversary date”
he fell silent.
“before you say anything else… we’re done. i can’t do this anymore. you put everything else before me, then you get it out on me. it’s exhausting” you said slowly “i’ll pack my things today. don’t bother coming home early. wait, you never do… so i guess it’s not a problem for you”
and with that you hung up, breaking down. on a bench in the park.
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“i don’t know if it isn’t too late, yeonjun… but… why?” you asked quietly. his thumb started brushing your hand soothingly.
“i… even though my dizzy head is numb, i swear my heart is never givin' up. when i close my eyes and try to sleep i fall apart, i find it hard to breathe” he mumbled, eyes becoming glossy. the pure pain in yeonjun’s voice made you realise that you felt the same, it was hard to fall asleep without him next to you “i feel you burning under my skin, i swear i see you shinin' brighter than the flame inside your eyes”
you let out a shaky breath.
“you’re the only reason” he said, his gaze focused on you. you leaned over and wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek and yeonjun just melted into your tender touch “the only reason why i kept going. and i realised that only after i fucked up. i’m so, so sorry. for everything i said and i did. i know i hurt you and i’ll understand if you don’t forgive me”
you sat back down and bit the inside of your cheek in thought. you missed him like a crazy, you still loved him. but did he truly change? won’t you get hurt again?
you made your mind. and then you spoke out the words…
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taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @elviransworld  ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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terra-tortoise · 4 months
i certainly dont have a dog in this race but from what im seeing a lot of these changes dont seem like bugs just artistic changes which begs the question of why these weren't caught before release. something being slightly off is a bug sure, like highlights intensity one specific color+gene combo etc, but redrawing a gene isnt a bug thats an art choice that was retroactively deemed a mistake. i dont care about staff making these choices, i care that theyre happening 3 months after the breed was made public, especially when the bug thread isnt stickied to the front page or bumped up when things get fixed--if i didnt use tumblr i wouldnt even know about it. and i care that it took 2.5 years to fix runes on obelisks (obs were released june 2021 and runes was fixed dec 2023) but ancients keep getting released with bugged genes, and genes staff decides they dont like the look of. i know im not the first to suggest slowing down and i understand its a situation of wanting to get all the ancients out of the way so they can work on other things but its happening so quickly it doesnt seem like they can do propper thorough screening of them before release. i am saying this because i love this game and because i dont want to stop seeing any ancients at all, but this cannot be how every ancient release goes.
edit to be clear i am primarily on staffs side. this is there site, their game, it sucks when this sort of thing happens but ultimately thats how it goes. my problem is that these should be caught before release and not after players have spent time effort and in game currency on genes. please do not use this post as an excuse to be vicious to staff
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