nicksabat-blog · 7 years
The World We Live In...
...is dying! My questions are, what can we do to save it? What does Donald Trump, want for his youngest son and grandchildren? What do u want for yours?
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24747843-blog · 3 years
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@angerisrc-blog @sdsu94-blog @globalcommunicationproject-blog @sdsugirl22-blog @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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icrowe-blog · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Behind the scenes of President Trump and true expectations with the “Global Gag Rule.” As many Americans whom supported the Trump administration there have always been a need to “Make America Great Again” those individuals that believe in an America where our citizens come firsts. Juxtaposed to that ideas and the belief of public health, if we can help why not do so? One of our most philanthropical donors are Melinda and Bill Gates foundation; they belief that they can safe the most lives across the country in comparison to those in the U.S. Most recently, with the Trump administration and executive order he just proposed the global gag rule, which is also know as the “Mexico City Gap” where no money will be spent towards child health, maternity, HIV Services and malaria services. Although, I can understand both sides of the story it is also important to acknowledge that those in public health should always have a focus on the population interest rather than a sector of the population. This type of policies may even develop an epidemic due to the rise of a disease.  
<iframe src="//giphy.com/embed/1z82RRb9QT0T6" width="480" height="288" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://giphy.com/gifs/tlc-1z82RRb9QT0T6">via GIPHY</a></p>
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The Global Gag Rule --> GOP: 1 Humanity : 0
Just following the Women’s March on Washington, which took place on Saturday January 30th in cities around the world, President Donald J Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, also known as the Global Gag Rule. This law essentially blocks all funding to any international NGOs or non-profits that provide any sort of abortion counseling or advocacy for abortion as a family planning method. NGOs can either not accept US funding, which will render a number of international non-profits essentially defunded, and continue to promote abortion as a method of family planning, or stop mentioning abortion all together in order to maintain their funding. The likelihood of many international NGOs continuing to run without federal funding is unlikely as USAID accounts for nearly half of the funding women’s reproductive health.
As a clearly pro-life administration, it was not surprising to me that one of the first things President Trump did was reinstate this highly harmful policy. But what does baffle me is the premise upon which “pro-life”, although I would rather call them “anti-choice”, individuals support the global gag rule. If the argument is that this rule will reduce the number of abortions, which in turn will “save lives”, why is it that despite the data indicating that this policy actually increases the number of abortions, the so called “pro-lifers” are still in favor of it?
In my mind there is only one real answer. They really don’t care about the lives being “saved” or “lost”. Although I have no doubt that they have convinced themselves that they do in fact care. Many (not all) simply subscribe to a blind doctrine (religious, political, or otherwise) that somehow gives them the green light to essentially ignore the premise of their own argument and therefore ignore the hard facts and data.
So with that being said, it is not really about being pro-life or pro-choice now is it. It is simply about winning. Trump is constantly criticized for being so occupied with winning, when really isn’t that exactly what the GOP is doing? It has nothing to do with really understanding the crux of an issue and coming up with the best solution for those being affected, it’s about winning. Who is winning? That is a completely different issue, that requires at least 5-10 pages on this history of white male patriarchy in our society.
This reinstatement if the global gag rule is nothing but another move in the highly bipartisan nature of our country. It is not about saving lives. If one is truly pro-life, even in the sense that they are against abortion, it’s a logical fallacy to be in support of the Global Gag Rule. If there was one policy on which pro-life and pro-choice individuals could have found common ground it was this one, because not only does this policy increase the number of abortions, but more importantly it increases the number of unsafe abortions. Of the 36 million abortions that occur in developing countries, 21 million of them are unsafe abortions. It’s a crippling thought that such clear and simple data facts were ignored on the basis of party power and party politics. It is even more sad that we live in a country where many individuals (liberals included) have lost the ability (or so it seems) to understand indisputable facts and come to their own educated conclusions.
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Social Media Research Activity #1
I went ahead and took snapshots of the top 5 posts for each county’s page to see if there were any similarities between the high performing posts. For San Diego County it seemed like the posts concerning deals or saving money (with the exception of the Election results post) seemed to get the most likes/shares. On the other hand, San Francisco county’s page seemed to get more comments/likes on planning or events. It is interesting to see the different styles each have. Overall, San Diego county got more likes/shares on their posts and it seems like it is because they were posts with text and San Francisco county mainly posted pictures with captions.
Recommendations for San Diego County:
- posting pictures with captions (like San Francisco county)
- Target certain populations per post
- Post during a certain time (depending on target population)
- Post about county or local events
- Adding humor, most audiences appreciate it
Recommendations for San Francisco County:
- Posting more textual posts (like San Diego county)
- Post information pertaining to the area
- Target certain populations per post
- Post during a certain time (depending on target population)
- Adding humor, most audiences appreciate it
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pbuttercup18-blog · 8 years
Social Media Research Activity
For San Diego County’s page, I was a little confused on where to start looking, I have never seen this before so it’s pretty new to me. I think the county should try to make the page more engaging and easy to use. Also they should have the top stories on the top and more accessible. The website should have more pictures and color since it was pretty dull. Also more relevant and recent information that can affect people living in San Diego like the trash bag band or the incensement in rent. As for San Francisco website I was more familiar with the site because I use Facebook everyday. It was more easy to navigate and it has colorful pictures. This page also had followers where they were able to comment and like posts. I think they both need to have a better audience by actually updating the website. The Top story for San Diego regarding “Bargain Basement Prices.” how is this related? The pet adoption waived for veterans was more informative. I really like the San Francisco site better because it’s a lot easier to read and click different posts.
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dodgersme-blog · 8 years
Social Media, Research Activity #1, PH402
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Comparing the two county pages, San Diego County has the most likes, comments, shares, and the overall audience participation. San Francisco on other hand has the lowest likes, comments, shares, and less overall audience participation. Based on the likes, comments, and shares, we can infer that San Diego County is doing better than San Francisco. We can see that San Diego County uses fewer catch phrases with no hash tags. Hash tags are great for more audience exposure but too much usage can affect the message celerity. We can also see that San Diego County uses relevant simple images that are interesting to people. Both Counties need to use quality imagery, funny catch phrases, and more personal. In my opinion, I think San Diego County is doing well but it needs to use questions. San Diego County needs to use hash tags, ask questions, personalize the post, Add or run contests, and quality images. San Francisco needs to also make their posts more personal. They need more creativity in writing captions, use of eye catching images, more entertaining posts, and lastly I recommend that they tailor their posts to upcoming season or holiday.
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althea16-blog1 · 8 years
Social Media Analysis Activity 1
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Above are the top 5 post of each  county. It is good that they focus on the current events of each county. It gives up to date feed to what is going to happen and what is happening in the area. San Francisco is better than the San Diego because it gives a lot of information that is very useful to public such as any public transportation offered if they are interested in going to an event. It gives out a fair warning that the weekend will be pretty busy and mentioned all the events so the commuters know what street they have to stay away from . It also provides a link to the event which is great just in case you are interested on the event you can just click on the link and makes it super easy to navigate. There was a reminder as to where to vote but what’s best about their post is, they help you plan for your weekend, they have phrases that are inviting such as “ Weekend Movie Plan?”, they give you ideas even if you have not planned for the weekend yet, they kind of feed you into what is going on in the city. They also have a motivational post which is also very interesting.I think they should also feature new establishment that opened up this week. They should also talk about budget places where people can go to eat such as Chinatown since we all know that San Francisco is an expensive city. They should also have a post about how to get around in the city, different alternatives such Muni, Bart, cheaper options to avoid paying parking which costs a lot.  They should post more events so the visitors will have different events to choose from.  The San Diego county post are ok but it can use up more improvements.   It should post the highlight of the week such as Football game last weekend. News about the city and upcoming events. They need to promote highlights for the week so people would know about it and people will come like for example if there are festivals. They need to eliminate political news , there should be a different website for that .  It would be nice to also feature good places to eat or any restaurant that is new so they can help promote it. The posts are not as catchy as the San Francisco one. You see it and it just have announcement of some sort but not really something that you would actually click and find out more.  For example the hiking event that is featured, only people that are interested in hiking will likely try to open the page. San Diego is a small town that it has a lot to offer , we should promote all of those in the facebook page,we get s a lot of tourist here and most of the time they rely on local to feed them on what is good about the city. We should highlight more about our parks, old town, any events such as the horse racing, wine festival , beach events which we are well known for. People come to San Diego for the scenery and the weather so we should help these visitors by planning their visit. Transportation in San Diego is not that great therefore the website should have a link as to how to get around San Diego and list all the different modes of transportation we have such as the trolley, the train or rideshare programs. San Diego is a weekend destination therefore the page should have all updated weekend events from Coronado, to gaslamp all the way to North County . It should be a good reference tool for people who are visiting.
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24747843-blog · 3 years
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@angerisrc-blog @sdsu94-blog @globalcommunicationproject-blog @sdsugirl22-blog @cheezbot 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Social Media Research Activity #1, PH 402
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The top two posts for San Diego County are Pet Adoption Fees Waived for Military and Bargain Basement Prices at County Vehicle Auction.
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The top two posts for the San Francisco County are the busy weekend article tells people what is going on in San Francisco County such as Giants baseball, North Beach Festa, SF Triathlon and Sunday Streets. Page information: For San Diego’s page information section, their milestone say zero, they have linked 7 pages and website is not specified versus San Francisco’s page information section they have one milestone, liked over 10 pages and website is specified to
. Page performance: San Diego has 17,651 likes. Their likes growth is 2.56%. PTAT: 703.  Engagement rate is 3.985 and checkins is at 5986.  Meanwhile San Francisco has 255,036 likes.  Their like growth is unavailable.  PTAT is at 219. Engagement rate is at 0.09% and checkins is at 17,924. Post by Pages: San Diego County has 2.15 posts daily and has 33 for likes, comments and share per post.  Both of their timings are way off.  San Diego is not using hashtags on their posts but San Francisco does.  
I believe that San Diego should have more posts regarding local events in the community like San Francisco does such as Padre Baseball, San Diego Chargers instead of focusing on military and car auction.  It is nice that we are waving pet adoption fees for military and vets.
Five things that San Francisco should improve on their post:
1.     Don’t post too much about Giant baseball
2.     Be more diverse. Don’t  focus too much about the community events
3.     Should show the result of the election rather than tell people where to go and vote
4.     Have more posts regarding public school
5.     Provide more posts like fishing, hiking, swimming instead of just triathlon so more people can get involve
Five things that San Diego should improve on their post:
1.     Make their posts more diverse and not focusing only on auction, military and voting.
2.     They need to use more hashtags
3.     Car auction is boring; therefore, they need to post more exciting events like San Diego Chargers, San Diego State Football and Padres baseball
4.     More post to show people where to go and voting rather just showing the result of the elections
5.     More posts about incoming movies in theaters
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Class Assignment 02/01/17
1.) What would you define knowledge management under your your description?
2.) If one does not have prior experience working with USAID, what do you recommend we gain experience on?
1.) Is CX experience consider customer services experience? If not what is it and why would it not be spelled out?
2.) What would be some transferable skills that in relation to marketing and communications skills?
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Questions for RTI Staff:
What are examples of the types of communication plans a communication specialist would be working on? 
Is there any type of specific work experience that RTI is looking for in applicants for this position?
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pizzapiscis-blog · 8 years
Social Media, Research Activity 1, PH 402
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The SF County could improve on increasing it’s post since it only averages about 1 a day. It also could improve on allowing users to post on their timeline so there can be that open communication with individuals with questions. The SF County should continue to use hash tags because they are popular in the social media realm. Additionally, adding links can help the audience be more engaged. I also think that they should host events regarding public health and be involved more with the community.
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The SD County could improve on adding the county’s website that can be linked to the Facebook page to get people to click it and visit the many resources SD has to offer. It could also increase the daily post per day as it only averages about 2 a day. It also could improve on allowing users to post on their timeline so there can be that open communication with individuals with questions. They should also try and publish more photos and try to engage with the audience using links. Additionally, limiting the character count so people are more likely to read something that has fewer words. SD County should continue to use short video clips because it is visually appealing to the audience.
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Social Media, Research Activity # 1
This Facebook page analyzer is a very interesting tool that I did not know existed and it seems useful in tracking the success and popularity of certain Facebook pages. When first looking at the pages, I noticed the large number picture (San Diego 52, San Francisco 49) and do not know the significance.  The thing that I thought was odd, was that even though San Diego has a significantly larger population, it had far less total likes (SF:255,035/SD:17651). Which means, that San Francisco must have a much more active Internet community. Another thing that stuck me as odd was that San Diego also post a lot more times and had a higher engagement rate. That makes me wonder how San Francisco’s Facebook page had so many more likes. San Diego’s top post also had significantly more likes. Inferring from the likes numbers, it looks as if hashtags do influence likes as San Diego’s page uses them and San Francisco’s page does not. San Diego should definitely use hashtags. San Francisco should like, share, and post more to improve quality of its page. Both cities can like other pages more and be more involved with the community. Both pages lack community events in their top posts, which would probably increase traffic on their pages, and increase the number of likes and shares. More emphasis of pictures really hurt San Diego as where video seems to have helped San Francisco gain more likes. Overall, both pages can improve a lot, especially San Diego’s and the overall numbers prove it. Both cities need to ask more questions on their pages and have people respond. San Francisco needs to publish more picture and more posts. Also San Francisco should have an open page so people can communicate. San Diego needs longer posts and needs more engaging posts. I have seen single celebrities that average more likes on single posts than these entire cities do.  
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khadartukale · 8 years
Social Media Research Activity Analysis Activity#1 PH402
What Steps San Diego could do better:
To become even more enticing to its audience, the county of San Diego’s Facebook has to implement more hashtags to increase awareness the statuses they posted. Hashtags have now become one of the most efficient methods to promote oneself so others can find you on social media. San Diego must also always question its audience in a way that is very appealing or the audience to start a conversation. Being more on top of what is going on in the country from elections to protests should be something San Diego can majorly improve on. Last but not least, they should include their county’s website URL to their Facebook so the users can look at that as well.
what they should continue doing
Well San Diego should keep staying up to date with their posts in order to show how active they are on Facebook as a social outlet. San Diego does an exceptional job using the many pictures from the community to entice the residents.
What one county is doing better than the other
when I look their social media San Francisco can improve significantly by communicating with various other users of the platform. For example, by commenting on these other users’ pages in order to spread the awareness of their Facebook. Another example is just by being more active from commenting much more frequently to posting more statuses than before.
What San Francisco should continue doing:
when I Compare two counts, San Francisco Facebook page as a whole does very well. In order to keep this up they must progress by implementing more hashtags and statuses for more awareness. This county should also make their sure the length of their post is relatively consistent from many characters around couple hundred characters like it is currently.
Specific examples of what one county is doing better than the other:
San Francisco is using via hashtags on their columns that support them to attract more users. San Francisco promote their trademark or brand to appeal more consumers to visit. So, San Diego needs to take which represent them their product to more consumers, However, San Diego county required to develop their social media relevant to their social media channel. San Francisco has more than likes on their page, nearly 255,056 likes which they can practice to their benefit by receiving their product out there. The size of column that SF is between 100 and 500 characters. This is way better than SD’s county since their Facebook has much more substantial information, which fascinates their consumers to sponsor their needs.
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