#<*| ned O2
thebirdmanhewatches · 8 months
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Prompt 11: yandere
Not the original idea I had but it’s still the original four armed Ned (as apposed to the original ned(two arms)) who stalked joshA2(I think(he wasn’t called that at the time he was probably called Louie because josh as a name for the central fagboy of a story was short lived)) personally I think the reason she did it is because he has magic fish eyes and she got high on his magic fish eyes
Edit:Ned is a girl
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random-racehorses · 3 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: NED O
NED O is a horse born in 2005. By E DUBAI out of CLASSIC IMP. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/ned+o2
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starksvinyls · 8 months
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Flash thought it would be a funny joke to slip Parker some of the "love potion" he picked up at some fake tourist trap witch doctor shop when he was in New Orleans with his father on a business trip. He was sure nothing would happen, maybe Parker doing something embarrassing he could use to make fun of him for awhile.
He didn't think the embarrassing thing would be Peter spending the rest of the week convinced he's deeply in love with Ned Leeds.
for @pparkerbingo square O2 'love potion' (card below the cut)
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bugthrillers · 4 months
Ved indånding blive ilt(O2) trukket ind i kroppen. Det kommer via åndedrætssystemet ned i lungerne. Ilten endee i i alveolerne. Hvor der diffunderes til kapillærerne, i kapillærerne er blodet, ilten bindes til de røde blodlegemer, og transporteres herfra til højre forkammer i hjertet, så igennem en ventrikel i højre hjertekammer. Herfra pumpes det ud i aoarta, til arterierne, til kapillærerne hvor det diffunderes til cellerne. For at producere ATP i respirationen. Som et biprodukt i denne proces. Afgives co2(kuldioxid) det kommer med blodkredslæbet fra kapillærerne, til venerne, til hjerter hvor det samles. Herfra pumpes det gennem lungepulsåren til kapillæerne ved alveola. Hvor der diffunderes til alveolerne og udåndes igennem åndetrætssystem. Dette samme blod, bliver så oxygeneret igen ved indånding. Og processens genoptages
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xegofoxacup · 2 years
B390s 2 handbuch windows
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  fulociceri.tumblr.com/post/692264743880245248/handbuch- RS 119 II überträgt älteste LTE-800-Router überhaupt, der Huawei B390s- 2 alias VodafoneDer Speedport LTE II ist ein Breitband-Router mit integriertem 3G und LTE Damit können Sie USB-Speicher als Netzlaufwerk(e) im Windows-Netzwerk. Auf diese Weise haben alle Windows-7-Rechner Zugriff auf die eigenen Multimedia-Dateien. MODELL Huawei B390s-2 TARIFE O2 LTE für Ihr Zuhause Speedport Lte B390S-2 Router Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. die mit Windows Betriebssystemen laufen: Filter für lokale IP-Adresse aktivieren ist im 2. 3 .nebah nedeihcstne GA mokeleT nehcstueD red ETL tropdeepS ned r üf hcis eiS ssad B390s-2. WAN-Standard. LTE 3GPP Release 8. WAN-Frequenzbereich:. Tabelle 5-2 Items in the System Settings window. Symbol. Beschreibung. Das Anmeldekennwort ändern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im.
https://vubofepage.tumblr.com/post/693074613639512064/bauknecht-wa-7763-fuzzy-logic-bedienungsanleitung, https://vubofepage.tumblr.com/post/693074363196620800/saeco-royal-professional-bedienungsanleitung, https://vubofepage.tumblr.com/post/693074735955902464/omron-elite-plus-bedienungsanleitung, https://dahutesucu.tumblr.com/post/693074554808090624/lamello-top-20-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://bohoxugowo.tumblr.com/post/693074981333172224/ekd-300-bedienungsanleitung-polar.
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hale-13 · 3 years
Happy FanFic Writer Friday!
Can you give us three of the most angsty and three of the fluffiest fanfics/one-shots you have along with sharing a few lines from them? They can either be a posted story or wip you're working on :) 
Happy (beyond late because I have been a hot mess recently) FFWF! <3
So sorry this took so long - I wanted to give it the time it deserved and, since my job consists of staring at a dog in an O2 cage all night, I happen to have plenty of time! For the sake of everyone’s dash, I’ve added a cut below :)
99.99% of what I write is angst so this is a little difficult but lets put this from least to most (in my opinion anyway lol)
Slipping Through the Cracks
“Better if he leaves you now,” a little voice in his head whispered. “It’s better to be alone.” And maybe at one point he would have fought against that mindset but now he couldn’t help but agree. Peter destroyed everything he touched and everyone around him was doomed for misery. Better for Ned to get out while he could.
I’m not going to share any lines from this as it may be triggering to some. I’ve wanted to cover gun violence for a long time - I don’t often get political on the internet/in my fics but this is a cause I believe in strongly. I could get on a massive rant about common sense gun regulations and how America is failing our youth but I’ll spare you. This fic is not the best and it was hard for me to read through again and again to proof it but I plan on revisiting it at a later point to improve it some.
Crimes of Opportunity
Peter wakes up with a gasp that quickly disintegrates into a series of painful coughs. His entire body aches and pulses like a giant bruise and his chest feels like its on fire. When he’s finally able to kind of catch his breath he tries to look around. Wherever he is is pitch black. The distinct smell of rot surrounds him and he shivers. He’s on his side, crammed in an uncomfortable position with something cold and damp resting over his legs and against his back.
He tries to shift his legs, tries to move the weight off of them and feels it shift sickeningly against his bare calves, the sound of skin brushing skin echoing in the small space and Peter gags in realization.
“Not right now,” he tells himself as bile rises, burning his esophagus and the back of his tongue before he can swallow it down. “You can’t right now.”
He should have listened to Tony, Peter realizes, and it may be one of the biggest regrets of his life. He should have listened when Tony told him to stay out of it.
“If I get out of here,” he bargains with himself, “If I get out of here.”
Ugh this was the hard part! I have very little fluff so I’m picking my fav fluffy scenes in no particular order :)
We Can’t Have Faith for Everybody - Chapter 9
“I trust you,” Peter’s voice is still a little hoarse and he’s sure his own eyes are red rimmed but he does trust and believe her.
MJ suddenly lets out a snort of laughter and grabs his other hand in hers, leaning in to peck him on the lips. “We have this whole penthouse to ourselves with no parental supervision and we’re literally crying in the doorway,” she cackles out and Peter starts laughing with her, both of them a little hysterical and leaning on each other for support as they crack up. It takes a few minutes for it to die down to giggles but they do eventually collect themselves. Peter pulls her in the direction of the living room.
“Want to watch The Office and make out?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and causing Michelle to laugh at him again.
“Duh loser,” she answers with a smile.
The Softest of Endings
As the intro to Finding Nemo started, Tony reached over to snake his arm around Peter’s shoulders to carefully pull him into his side. Peter went willingly and then went nearly boneless when Tony threaded his fingers into Peter’s hair and started untangling it. They watched the movie in silence for a bit, Peter resting more and more into Tony’s side before it fell asleep – all before the school of fish even went on their field trip.
Tony continued to massage Peter’s head as the movie played quietly in the background and couldn’t help but think about how lucky he was to have the kid in his life. Sure, Peter had definitely shaved a few years of his life and was the reason his hair stylist still had a job but Tony wouldn’t trade it for anything. And, as much as he may bitch, the recovery may be his favorite part. Days spent lounging around watching movies and cuddled up with his kid?
Repressing the urge to grin, Tony leant over and gave Peter and gentle kiss on the side of the head before relaxing back and letting his own eyes slip shut. An afternoon nap sounded just about perfect to him.
Tony let out a soft chuckle, squirting a healthy dollop of the shampoo into his hands and lathering it up before applying it to Peter’s hair, working through the snarls and tangles with care and scrubbing the leftover blood out of the curls. Peter went nearly boneless under his ministrations and Tony would definitely be lying if he said he didn’t milk the washing and conditioning portion at least a little bit. He knew that Peter had to be feeling pretty miserable and it settled something buried deep inside him to provide just a little extra comfort.
All too soon, though, he had rinsed out the last of the conditioner leaving Peter’s hair clean and dripping as he turned off the water. Peter made no move to get up or to open his eyes, breathing deeply and seemingly on the very verge of sleep, so Tony grabbed one of the towels and started to wring the extra water out of the kid’s hair, running the towel through it cautiously. “Just need you to sit up for a second here kiddo okay? Then you can nap, scout’s honor.”
Sorry this took so long!!
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aceofwhump · 4 years
hi! i've seen you've done lists of fic recs (which have been amazing i've found so many hidden gems) and i was wondering if you had a list of marvel + pneumonia fics? you just know i love to see my boys stuggling to breathe cause when you wanna be strong but gotta rely on supplemental o2 is just precious
hey Nonny! Sorry for the delay! It was surprisingly difficult to find fics directly focusing on pneumonia. Which is sad because I too LOVE a good pneumonia/difficulty breathing fic. So good. But I did find a few for you!
If anyone has any other recs please add on! I’d love to read them :D
One of Those Days by kerravon
Summary: The arc reactor, despite being a technical marvel, is quite invasive. There have to be side effects to its presence in Tony’s chest beyond the now-resolved Palladium poisoning. The team are about to find out just how debilitating it can be. This would be easier if Tony didn’t feel the compulsion to hide the fact that he’s sick. Misunderstandings all around, especially given Stark’s reputation.
in extremis by whitchry9
Summary: Tony survives Afghanistan, but he doesn’t expect the thing in his chest to be what nearly kills him. Over and over and over. But it turns out that having an arc reactor in your chest is really hazardous to your health. If the pneumonia doesn’t kill him, the flu sure might.
This lovely little ficlet written by @starspangledsprocket
Summary: Tony has pneumonia and Steve worries about him
This ficlet written by @toosicktoocare
Summary: Peter Parker gets pneumonia after falling into the Hudson and Tony comes to pick him up at school and takes care of him
Fight Me by squadrickchestopher
Summary: Clint's usual MO when he's sick is to make everyone else around him as miserable as he is. So when he winds up in the hospital with pneumonia, he manages to scare away every nurse except one—a tall, handsome guy with a metal arm and a seemingly endless amount of patience for Clint's shenanigans.
Air I Breathe by heartofcathedrals
Summary: Peter licks his dry lips and tries to get his eyes to adjust to the brightness, his chest muscles pulling as he struggles to breathe against gravity. “Tony?” His voice is weak, full of fear and confusion and Jesus, he feels like his body is on fire. Why is everything on fire?“Right here, bud.”“Wha’s goin’ on? Where’s May?”“Still on her business trip. You’ve got a pretty high fever and your heart rate is through the roof. Gonna get you home and get both of them down, okay?”“Did I pass out?” He closes his eyes in embarrassment because he knows he did, knows that he’s scared the shit out of Ned and Mrs. Benninger and MJ.MJ.Ugh.---------------------Peter gets sick with pneumonia right before Christmas and May’s on a business trip, which leaves Tony in Dad Mode.
Break the Frayed-End Pieces by @taylortut
Summary: Tony and Bucky aren't on the best of terms, but they're working on it. Bucky tries (and fails) not to be irritated at Tony for being whiny and dramatic about the cold that he and the other human Avengers have come down with, but things go south when they find themselves suddenly captured, just the two of them, in a prison cell, Bucky with no metal arm and Stark with no arc reactor. Even under such extreme circumstances, it's impossible, maybe even more so than normal, for them to get along. If they could just cooperate for a minute; if they hadn't been too busy arguing to avoid capture; if Tony could just stop whining for long enough to think of a plan—they could be out of here in no time.Until it turns out that Tony's got what looks to be pneumonia.Maybe it wasn't all Stark's fault. If they'd just let him stay behind when he'd asked; if Bucky could just remember how to take care of another person; if only someone knew where they were—they wouldn't be in here in the first place. Now, it's a race against the clock to escape and it's up to Bucky to win for both of them.
a place to lay my head by Beguile
Summary: Matt gets pneumonia. His friends try to help.
More Than Just A Cold by Groot_Is_God
Summary: When Tony gets a cold that's been going around the tower, everything seems fine until the Arc Reactor messes things up.
Breathe by ancalime8301
Summary: Tony catches the cold making the rounds of the compound, but for him it's not as simple as a common cold.
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hippoarchive · 6 years
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Hippo Campus 2018/2019 Bambi Tour
Oct 5  Pabst Theater - Milwaukee, WI Oct 6  Riviera - Chicago, IL Oct 9  Pageant - St. Louis, MO Oct 10  Madison Theater - Covington, KY Oct 12  Marathon Music Works - Nashville, TN Oct 13  Masquerade - Atlanta, GA Oct 15  Orange Peel - Asheville, NC Oct 16  Newport Music Hall - Columbus, OH Oct 18  Union Transfer - Philadelphia, PA Oct 19  Terminal 5 - New York, NY Oct 21  Town Ballroom - Buffalo, NY Oct 22  Stage AE - Pittsburgh, PA Oct 24  9:30 club - Washington, DC Oct 27  House of Blues - Boston, MA Oct 28  College Street Music Hall - New Haven, CT Oct 30  Cat’s Cradle - Carrboro, NC Nov 2  Iron City Music Hall - Birmingham, AL Nov 3  House of Blues - New Orleans, LA Nov 5  Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City, OK Nov 6  Paper Tiger - San Antonio, TX Nov 7  Canton Hall - Dallas, TX Nov 9  Stubb’s - Austin, TX Nov 10  White Oak Music Hall - Houston, TX Nov 23  Palace Theatre - Saint Paul, MN Nov 24  Palace Theatre - Saint Paul, MN
Jan 25  The Truman - Kansas City, MO Jan 26  Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO      Jan 28  Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque, NM      Jan 29  The Van Buren - Phoenix, AZ      Feb 01  The Novo - Los Angeles, CA      Feb 02  Fox Theater - Oakland, CA      Feb 04  Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR      Feb 06  Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA      Feb 07  Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA      Feb 08  Imperial - Vancouver, BC     
Feb 14  O2 Ritz - Manchester, UK   Feb 15  The Garage - Glasgow, UK   Feb 16  The Riverside - Newcastle, UK   Feb 18  Institute - Birmingham, UK   Feb 19  Dublin Academy Green Room - Dublin, IRE   Feb 21  O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire - London, UK   Feb 23  SXW - Bristol, UK  Feb 24  Concorde 2 - Brighton, UK Feb 26  Botanique/rotonde - Brussels, BEL   Feb 27  Luxor - Cologne, GER Feb 28  La Maroquinerie - Paris, FRA
Mar 01  Tolhuis (Paradiso Noord) - Amsterdam, NED    Mar 03  Lido - Berlin, GER    Mar 04  Molotow - Hamburg, GER   Mar 05  Hotel Cecil - Copenhagen, DEN
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oomphband · 6 years
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Dear friends, on January 18th, 2019 our new album will be released! We are very happy to announce our European Tour to you today!!! From 01. March 2019 we rock with you all over Europe for a whole month!!! tour dates and ticket links: 01.03.2019 GER Hannover / Capitol https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 02.03.2019 GER Berlin Astra https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 03.03.2019 GER Hamburg / Markthalle https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 05.03.2019 GER Bochum / Zeche https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 06.03.2019 GER Wiesbaden / Schlachthof https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 08.03.2019 GER Stuttgart / Im Wizemann https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 09.03.2019 GER München / Backstage Werk https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 10.03.2019 GER Dresden / Kraftwerk Mitte https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 12.03.2019 GER Leipzig / Täubchenthal https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 13.03.2019 GER Nürnberg / Hirsch https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 15.03.2019 GER Köln / Live Music Hall https://www.metaltix.com/oomph-tickets-4882.html 16.03.2019 NED Drachten / Iduna Ticket link will follow soon 17.03.2019 FRA Strasbourg / La Laiterie https://www.artefact.org/la-laiterie/programmation/oomph-guest 19.03.2019 GBR London / O2 Academy Islington http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/1F0054BE9F0A4F52?did=oomphartpre 20.03.2019 FRA Paris / La Machine https://www.weezevent.com/oomph-guest 22.03.2019 ESP Madrid / Sala Mon https://ticketmadness.es/190-oomph-madrid.html 23.03.2019 ESP Barcelona / Razzmatazz 2 https://ticketmadness.es/inicio/191-oomph-barcelona.html 24.03.2019 FRA Lyon / Ninkasi Kao https://www.weezevent.com/oomph-ninkasi 26.03.2019 SWI Solothurn / Kofmehl http://www.ticketcorner.ch/tickets.html?fun=evdetail&affiliate=tcs&doc=evdetailb&key=2204895$10859171 28.03.2019 AUT Dornbirn / Conrad-Sohm https://zen.eventjet.at/shop/event/11189 29.03.2019 CZE Praha / Nová Chmelnice http://www.ticketpro.cz 30.03.2019 POL Warszawa / Dark Electro Festival https://progresja.com/events/warsaw-dark-electro-festival-vol-4/
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The Simpsons Epsiodes that I would rewatch over and over (the list will keep growing after the start of the 30th season …. plus the order will change due to this fact).
Bart the General
The Crepes of Warth
Left Behind
Bart the Genius
Cape Feare
Flandder's Ladder
Hormer vs. The Eighteenth Amendent
Looking For Mr. Goodbart
Marge vs. the Montrail
The Devil Wears Nada
Jazzy and the Pussy Cats
Hormer's Phobia
I Won't Be Home For Christmas
Special Edna
Lemon of Troy
The City of New York vs. Hormer Simpson
Itchy & Scartchy Land
The Food Wife
Behind the Laughter
Bart vs. Australia
I, (Annoyed Grunt) – Bot
The D'oh-ical Network
22 for 30
Super Franchise Me
The Great Phatsby Parts 1 & 2
Smmer of 4ft. 2
The Wreck of an Relationship
Ned 'n Edna's Bend
Holidays of Future Past
Mr. Lisa Opus
Hormer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Mommy Beerest
The Kids Are All Fight
Them, Roborts
Moho House
You Only Move Twice
Frink Gets Testy
The Kids Are All Right
A Father's Watch
Flaming Moe
Reality Bites
Haw-Haw Land
Caper Chase
In The Name Of The Grandfather
Helter Shelter
A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Would Never Do Again
Please Hormer Don't Hammer 'Em
The Days of Furture Furture
The Man In The Blue Flannel Pants
Bart vs. Lisa vs. The Third Grade
Two Bad Neighbores
The Book Job
Singin' in the  Lane
Hardly Kirk-ing
The Cad and the Hat
I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can
Treehouse of Horror XX
Replaceable You
Gone Boy
Bart Gets An F
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Treehouse of Horror V
Fears of a Clown
Chief of Hearts
Home Away From Hormer
The Wife Aquatic
Dark Knight Court
3 Scenes Plus a Tag from a Marriage
The Winter of His Content
Funeral for a Fiend
King Leer
Burns Cage
The War of Art
Mathele's Feat
Friends and Family
Hormer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
The Bart of War
Tree House of Horror
Bart's Dog gets an F
The Ned-Liest Catch
White Christmas Blues
American History X-cellent
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Fraudcast News
Springfield Splendor
Bart Stops To Smell the Roosevelts
Treehouse of Horror VII
The Last of the Red Hat Mama's
The Falcon and the D'ohman
The President Wore Pearls
Bart the Murderer
The Italian Bob
Wavery Hills 9-0-2-1 D'Oh
Midnight RX
Throw Grampa from the Dane
Hormer Is Where the Art Isn't
Treehouse of Horror VI
This Little Wiggy
Treehouse of Horror XXII
The Great Simpisna
Four Regrettings and a Funeral
Judge Me Tender
Lisa Gets the Blues
Bart Gets Famous
Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Hormer's Enemy
Treehouse of Horror XVIII
He Loves to Fly and  He D'oh's
Bart Has Two Mommies
Hormer Goes To Prep School
Treehouse of Horrow XIX
Coming To Homerica
The Town
Whistler's Father
Treehouse of Horror XXVI
Dangers on a Train
Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-NE-HE-CH4
Waiting For Duffman
Three Gay's In A Condo
Wedding For Disaster
The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
Lisa with an 'S'
Monty Burns 'Fleeing Circus
Grampy Can You Hear Me
Treehouse of Horror XXV
The PTA Disbands
Dad Behavior
G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)
There Will Be Buds
Children of a Lesser Clod
Nightmare After Krustmas
Moms I'd Like To Forget
Treehouse of Horror XXIV
Much Apu About Something
Lost Verizon
The Serferns
E Pluribus Wiggum
The Simpsons Roasting Over A Fire
The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used To Be
Bart-Mangled Banner
Springfield Up
Treehouse of Horror XXI
Hormer Scissorhands
All About Lisa
Halloween of Horror
The Bob Next Door
Havana Wild Weekend
Treehouse of Horror IV
You Kent Always Say What You Want
Today I Am A Clown
Thursdays with Abie
Treehouse of Horrow XI
The Saga of Carl
Brick Like Me
Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
Regarding Margie
Treehouse of Horror XIII
Yellow Subterfuge
Forgive and Forget
The Last Traction Hero
Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Kill Gil Volumes I & II
Bart the Fink
Hormer's Paternity Coot
Marge's Son Posioning
The Mook, The Chef, and the Wife Her Hormer
Don't Fear the Roofer
Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)
A Tale of Two Springfield
The Spy Whom Learned Me
Treehouse of Horror XV
The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
The Yellow Badge of Cowardge
Treehouse of Horror XVII
To Couirer With Love
Pranksta Rap
Treehouse of Horror II
Pulpit Fiction
Specs and the City
Hormer's Night Out
Trust and Clarity
That 90's Show
Treehouse of Horror IV
Life on the Fast Lane
Mr. Spritz Goes To Washington
Treehouse of Horror XVI
Angry Dad, The Movie
The Bart Wants What It Wants
Krusty Gets Busted
To Cur With Love
The Father, The Son, and the Holy Guest Star
Treehouse of Horror III
Pranks and Greens
Adventures In Baby Getting
The Color Yellow
The Mansion Family
Brother From Another Series
There's No Disgrace Like Home
The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Midnight Towboys
What Animated Women Want
Co-Depenedent's Day
Gal of Constant Sorrow
Penny Wiseguys
My Fair Laddie
Dial 'N' For Nerder
Girly Edition
Orange is the New Yellow
Lisa the Veterinarian
Treehouse of Horror VIII
Father Knows Worst
Friend With Benefit
Homer's Odyessey
The Daughter Also Rises
Stealing First Base
Thank God It's Doomsday
Opposite A-Frack
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
All Fair In Oven War
Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life
Stop! Or My Dog Will Shoot
Das Bus
Fland Canyon
Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapers
The Ha-Hawed Couple
Mobile Hormer
Scuse Me While I Miss The Sky
Lisa on Ice
There's Something About Marrying
The Ziff Whom Came To Dinner
Little Girl In The Big Ten
One Hurndred and One Greyhounds
Smoke On The Daughter
On A Clear Day I Can See My Sister
The Curse of the Flying Hellfish
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teens and Gays
The Man Whom Came To Be Dinner
Hurricane Neddy
Weekend ot Burnsie's
Girl's Just Want To Have Sums
Brake My Wife, Please
Sky Police
How Much Is That Birdie In The Window?
Politcally Inept, with Hormer Simpson
Call of the Simpsons
Bart's Comet
Simpsons Tide
The Marge-ian Chronicles
Hormer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Faith Off
Grade School Confidental
Lisa's Wedding
Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(ANNOYED GRUNT)cious
Bart After Dark
Little Big Girl
Dead Putting Society
How The Test Was Won
Skinner's Sense of Snow
How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
Elemetary School Musical
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Lost our Lisa
Girl Code
Who Shot Mr Burns (½)
The Musk Whom Feel From The Sky
To Surviel with Love
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
Every Man's Dream
Tell Tale Head
Moaning Lisa
Half Decent Proposal
Hormer the Moe
Trash of Titans
The Great Wife Hope
The Man Who Grew To Much
24 Minutes
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
You Don't Have To Live Like A Refree
Boy Meets Curl
The Fight Before Christmas
Team Hormer
The Great Money Caper
Margical Histroy Tour
Some Enchanted Evening
Treehoue of Horror XII
Peeping Mom
Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Moe From Rags to Riches
Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
Hormer Badman
At Long Last Leave
Treehouse of Horror X
Cue Detective
Worst Episode Ever
Treehouse of Horror IX
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stevesarnott · 6 years
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Ned Porteous attends the National Television Awards 2018 at The O2 Arena on January 23, 2018 in London, England.
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rocksbackpages · 3 years
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cassidyslair · 4 years
City of God (2002)
Genre: Crime, drama
Date watched: --
Directors: Fernando Meirelles, Katia Lund
Production Companies: O2 Filmes, VideoFilmes, Globo Filmes
Age Certificate: 18
Awards Won: BAFTA Award for Best Editing, British Independent Film Award for Best International Independent Film, Satellite Award for Best Motion Picture- International.
Favourite scene(s) and why: I don’t necessarily have a scene that I liked the most, but the one that stuck with me the most was the attack on Knockout Ned’s family home. I think it made me realise how savage life in the favelas must be, and how hard it is for even a good person like Knockout Ned to stay out of trouble. The fact that he was hurt because of Lil Ze’s wrongdoing is not fair. It shows the cold-blooded violence which was effectively the fuel to living in slums. It also gives the narrative the switch it needs when Knockout Ned finally decides it’s time for him to get his revenge on those who hurt him.
Another scene which sticks out to me is the first kills we see from Lil Dice (alternatively known as Lil Ze). It immediately establishes him as a detestable and violent character through his maniacal grin. His first experience of murder seems to bring thorough joy and satisfaction to him, which seems to be a distinguishing trait throughout the rest of the film, when he becomes Lil Ze. 
Favourite character(s) and why: My favourite character is Benny because he seems different to all the other hoodlums. It is refreshing to see someone with non-violent intentions and with a kind heart. Benny, like Rocket (the narrator) desires to escape the harsh life in the favela, and always tries his best to keep Lil Ze as rational and reasonable as possible. If Benny hadn’t have been there, as we see after his death, there would have been a lot more innocent lives taken by Lil Ze. 
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Overall thoughts on the film: Overall, I actually enjoyed the film. I wasn’t expecting to, because action and gangster films usually aren’t my pick (I prefer fantasy), but this one really surprised me. My favourite thing about it was the fact that Rocket, who is our narrator, is in a neutral position, so we aren’t actually expected to pick a side, we are simply observing.
This relates to the theme of observation in the film. In many different shots we see things which position us as observers, meaning we are watching all the action unfold without intervening. This is seen in the flat scene, where the camera stays in a fixed position, making it look like we are sat watching the apartment slowly change over time, as different people occupy it. It also helps that the story is narrated by someone like Rocket, who remains neutral throughout the film and constantly observes events (as symbolised by his camera and his interest in photography). It shows City of God to be an unconventional gangster film because usually, we are positioned to favour one of the opposing teams. I like that it has a sort of individuality in that sense. Another relevant theme is obviously violence, which is constantly before us when watching the film. Almost everything we see is an example which feeds into the theme of violence. 
The film made me think about how fortunate I am to have white privilege and to live in an area where I don’t have to fear for my life every single day. It really made me realise how awful other people’s lives are, and how lucky I am.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars.
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alimorattab · 5 years
لیست مناطق و کد CSC گوشی های سامسونگ
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لیست مناطق و کد CSC گوشی های سامسونگ
Samsung CSC code & Region list/check CSC چیست؟ CSC کد کوتاه مانند یک شماره تلفن است اما ارقام آن فقط 3 رقم است (مثل THR) و فقط برای پیام رسانی استفاده می شود . کدهای کوتاه فقط از گوشی های موبایل مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند و از آنها نمی توان برای مکالمات صوتی استفاده کرد . کدهای کوتاه خاص یک کشور هستند و از آنها عمدتا توسط کمپانی ها به منظور اهداف تبلیغاتی استفاده می شود . برای مثال بعضی از برنامه های تلویزیونی از بینندگان خود می خواهند که نظرات خود را با پیام های متنی خاص به کدهای کوتاه تعیین شده بفرستند . کمپانی ها باید کدهای کوتاه را از یک سازمان ملی که این کدها را فراهم می کند اجاره نمایند . وظیفه این سازمان هماهنگی کدهای کوتاه برای اپراتورهای بی سیم است.اگر برای مثال رام گوشی شما دارای CSC WIN باشد که مربوط به کشور ایتالیا است و بخواهید با استفاده از آن پیامی به زبان پارسی ارسال کنید،بصورت ناقص و ؟؟؟؟؟ به شخص گیرنده ارسال میشود که در این صورت باید رام یا CSC آن را تغییر داد... CSC CODE Region/Country/Provider 3IE (Ireland (3 ABS (Tunisia (Tunisie Telecom, Tunisiana, Orange ACA Ghana (MTN GH, Vodafone, Airtel, GLO, TIGO, MTN CM, Orange CM, Orange CI, MTN CI, MOOV, KOZ (Comium), Greenn ACG (United States of America (ACG CSpire ACR (Ghana (MTN, Vodafone, Tigo, Airtel, Expresso, Glo, Orange, Moov, KoZ AFG Afghanistan (Zain JO, Umniah, Orange, Alfa, MTC-Touch, Jawwal, Wataniya, Syriatel, MTN, Zain IQ, Asia Cell, Korek, Etisalat, du) AFR (Kenya (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom AIO (United States of America (Anritsu AIR (Zambia (Airtel ALB (Albania (Vodafone AL, EAGLE, PLUS AL ALE (Ecuador (Alegro ALO (Ukraine (MTS UKR, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline UA, Utel, Jeans, Kyivstar A&B, Djuice ALT (Kazakhstan (Altel 4G AMN (Spain (Orange AMO Spain (Movistar, Vodafone ES, Orange, Yoigo, mobil R, Euskaltel, telecable, Jazztel, Carrefour, Pepephone, RACC, ONO, (Tuenti, Eroski Movil, Neo, PTV Telecom, Ibercom, TPH Movil ANC (Uruguay (ANTEL AND (Nigeria (MTN Nigeria, Glo Mobile, Zain Nigeria, Etisalat Nigeria ANY (Korea (ANY ARB (United Arab Emirat (ETISALAT, du ARO (Argentina (Personal, Claro, Movistar, Ancel, Vox, Tigo ATL (Spain (Vodafone ES ATO (Austria (A1, bob, T-Mobile A, Orange AT, Tele.Ring, 3, Yesss!, AON ATT (United States of America (AT&T AUO (Switzerland (Orange AUT (Switzerland (Sunrise, Swisscom, Orange CH AVF (Albania (Vodafone AL BGD (Bangladesh (SEC Test BGL (Bulgaria (M-Tel BG, BG Globul, Vivacom BHT (Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH Mobile BLA (Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Ooredoo BLR Russia (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Yota, TELE2, Velcom, MTS.BY, Life, Azercell, Bakcell, Nar, Geocell, Magticom, VivaCell-MTS, Orange) BMC (Canada (Bell-Internet BNG (Bangladesh (Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, Robi, Airtel BNN ([USA ([T230 BOG (France (Bouygues BRI (Taiwan (Chunghwa, FarEastTone, KGT, TWM Mobile, VIBO BSE (Belgium (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Tango, LUXGSM, Vox Mobile BST (Australia (Boost Mobile BTC (Libya (Almadar, Libyana BTU UK & IRE (O2, Orange, Life Mobile, EE/T-Mobile, Virgin, Vodafone, BT Mobile, H3G, Asda, Meteor, Tesco Mobile Ireland, Talkmobile, TalkTalk) BVE (Bolivia (Entel BVO (Bolivia (Movistar, ENTEL, Claro, GTD Movil, Viva, entel movil, Tigo, virgin mobile, GTEL Netline, VTR, Nextel, Falabella BWA (Canada (SaskTel CAC (Uzbekistan Central Asia (UCELL, BEELINE, MTS, Megacom, Tcell, MobiCom CAU Caucasus (UCELL, Beeline UZ KG TJ GE AM, O!, Megacom, Babylon-Mobile, Tcell, MobiCom, G-Mobile, Unitel, Azercell, Bakcell, Nar, Geocell, Magtico m, Orange, VivaCell-MTS) CAM (THAILAND (Cellcard, Smart, qb, Metfone, Beeline KH CCM (Malaysia (Celcom CDR (Dominican Republic (Claro_DR CEL (Israel (Cellcom CGU (Guatemala (Tigo CHC China CHE (Chile (Entel CHF Chile (Entel Falabella) CHG (Chile (Virgin Mobile CHL (Chile (Claro CHM China CHN China CHO (Chile (Movistar, ENTEL, Claro CHT (Chile (Movistar CHU China CHV (Chile (VTR CHX (Chile (Nextel CIT (Italy (TIM, Vodafone, WIND, WIND BIZ, H3G CLN (Canada (Clearnet CMF (Macedonia (Cosmofon CNX (Romania (Vodafone RO Postpaid, Vodafone RO Prepaid COA (Romania (Cosmote COB (Colombia (Movistar COD Colombia Avancel (Avantel, Claro, Movistar, TIGO, ETB 4G, EXIT01, EXIT02, UFF1, UFF2, UNE, Virgin Mobile1, Virgin Mobile2) COE Colombia ETB (ETB, Claro, Movistar, TIGO, ETB 4G, EXIT01, EXIT02, UFF1, UFF2, UNE, Virgin Mobile1, Virgin Mobile2, AVANCEL) COL (Colombia (Tigo COM (Colombia (Comcel COO Colombia (Claro, Movistar, TIGO, ETB, EXITO1, EXITO2, UFF1, UFF2, U NE1, UNE2, UNE3, UNE4, Virgin Mobile1, Virgin Mobile2,) COS (Greece (Cosmote COV (Sweden (Tele2 CPA (Panama (Claro PA CPW (United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse CRC (Costa Rica (Claro CR CRI (United States of America (CRI:Cricket CRM (Open South America (Movistar PE, MX, AR, UR, CO, CH, VE, GT, SV, NI, PA, EC, CR, GT, SV, MX, AR) CRO (Croatia (T-Mobile HR CTC (China (China Telecom CTE (Honduras (Tigo CTI (Argentina (Claro AR CTP (Paraguay (Claro PY CTU (Argentina Uruguay (Claro UY CWT (Taiwan (Chunghwa, FarEasTone, KGT, TWM Mobile, VIBO CWW (Jamaica (LIME CYO (Cyprus (MTN, CytaVoda CYV (Cyprus (CytaVoda DAM Lebanon (Zain JO, Umniah, Orange, Alfa, MTC-Touch, Jawwal, Wataniya, Syriatel, MTN, Zain IQ, Asia Cell, Korek, Etisalat, du) DBE (Netherlands (T-Mobile NL, Ben NL DBT (Germany (Telekom.de, Vodafone.de, E-Plus, O2 DE DCM (Japan (Docomo, SP Mode, Mopera DDE (Germany (Congstar DGI (Malaysia (Digi DGT (Venezuela (Digitel DHR (Croatia (Bonbon DKR (Senegal (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom DNF (Finland (DNA DNL (Netherlands (Ben NL DOR (Dominican Republic (Orange DPL (Poland (Heyah DRC (Kenya (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom DRE (Austria (3 Hutchinson DTM (Germany (T-Mobile DTR (Germany (TeleKom.de EBE (Ecuador (Movistar ECO (Ecuador (Claro ECT (Nigeria (MTN Nigeria, Glo Mobile, Zain Nigeria, Etisalat Nigeria EGY (Egypt (Mobinil, Vodafone, Etisalat EIR (Ireland (eMobile EON (Ecuador (Claro, Movistar, ALE EC EPL (Germany (E-Plus ERA (Poland (Era ERO (Bosnia and Herzegovina (HT Eronet ESK (Canada (EastLink ETE (El Salvador (Tigo ETL (Czech Rebublic (T-Mobile CZ, O2 CZ, Vodafone CZ ETR (Bangladesh (Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, Robi, Airtel ETT (Kenya (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom EUR (Greece (WIND GR, Vodafone GR, Cosmote EVR (United Kingdom (T-Mobile UK, Orange UK FET (Taiwan (CSL, 3, PCCW, CMHK, SMC-Voda, CTM, SmarTone, Chunghwa, FarEastTone, KGT, TWM Mobile, VIBO FMC (Canada (Fido FNC (France (FNC FOP (Spain (Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo, Mobil R, EUSKALTEL, Telecable, Blau, Simyo FRE (France (Free Mobile FTD Ukraine (MTS UKR, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline UA, Utel, Jeans, Kyivstar A&B, Djuice FTM (France (Orange FWD (Morocco (Meditel, WANA GSM, Vodafone, IAM GBL (Bulgaria (BG Globul GHA (GHANA (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom GLB (Philippines (Globe GLW (Canada (Wind Mobile GWL Korea CSC Test HAJ (Saudi Arabia (ETISALAT, du H3G (United Kingdom (H3G HAT (Romania (Orange RO, Vodafone RO, Cosmote HME (Honduras (Claro HN HTD (Denmark (3 HTS (Sweden (3 SE HUI (Italy (H3G HUT (Australia (3 ICE (Costa Rica (ICE CR = Kolbi IDE (Poland (Orange IEL (Nigeria (Etisalat, MTN Nigeria, Glo Mobile, Zain Nigeria ILO (Israel (Orange, Cellcom, PCL, MIR, PTR INS (India (Cheers, STEL, TataDocomo, Airtel, CellOne, Vodafone IN, Dolphin Delhi, IDEA, Reliance RTel, Uninor, Videocon INU (India (Cheers, STEL, TataDocomo, Airtel, CellOne, Vodafone IN, Dolphin Delhi, IDEA, Reliance RTel, Uninor, Videocon IRD (Slovakia (Orange, T-Mobile SK, O2 SK ITA (Italy (H3G ITV (Italy (TIM, Vodafone, WIND, H3G, Fastweb IUS (Mexico (Iusacell JDI (Jamaica (Digicel JED (Saudi Arabia (STC, Mobily, Zain KCL (Kazakhstan (Beeline, Kcell, Activ, NEO KDI (Japan (KDDI KDO (Canada (Telus, Koodo, Rockhopper KEN (Kenya (Safaricom, Zain, Orange, Econet, Vodacom KOO (Korea (KOO KOR (Korea (Gumi, Suwon KPN (Netherlands (NL KPN, NL Telfort KPP (Netherlands (NL KPN, Telfort KSA (Saudi Arabia (STC, Mobily, Zain KSG Unknown KSS (United Arab Emirat (STC KSZ (Saudi Arabia (Zain KTC (Korea (KT Roaming KTO (Korea (KTO KTT (Korea (KT Roaming LEB LEBANON (Zain JO, Umniah, Orange JO, Alfa, MTC-Touch, Jawwal, Wataniya, Syriatel, MTN, Zain IQ, Asia Cell, Korek, Mobitel) LEV (Jordan (ETISALAT, du LGT (Korea (LG U+ LPM (France (La Poste Mobile LRA (United States of America (VZW LUC (Korea (LG U+ LUO (Korea (LUO LUX (Luxemburg (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Telenet, Tango, LUXGSM, Orang e LUX LYS (Libya (Almadar, Libyana MAT (Morocco (IAM MAX (Austria (T-Mobile A MBC (Mongolia (MobiCom MBM (Macedonia (T-Mobile MK MCT (Canada (Mobilicity MED (Morocco (MEDITEL MEO (Portugal (P TMN MET (Ireland (Meteor MGF (Russia (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, TELE2 MID IRAQ (Zain JO, Umniah, Orange, Alfa, MTC-Touch, Jawwal, Wataniya, Syriatel, MTN, Zain IQ, Asia Cell, Korek, ETISALAT, du) MIG (Switzerland (Sunrise, Swisscom, Orange CH, Mobilko MIR (Israel (MIR, PCL MIS (Malaysia (Maxis MKO (Macedonia (T-Mobile MK, ONE MK, Vip MK MM1 (SINGAPORE (SGP-M1-3GSM MMC (Libya (Almadar, Libyana MNX (Mexico (Nextel MOB (Austria (A1 MOT (Slovenia (Mobitel MOZ (Switzerland (Sunrise Swisscom Orange CH MRT (Mauritania (Zain Sudan MRU (Mauritius (Orange MSG (Ukraine (MTS UKR, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline UA, Utel, Jeans, Kyivstar A&B, Djuice MSR (Serbia (Telenor MST (Belgium (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Telenet, Tango, LUXGSM, Orange LUX MTA (Canada (MTA MTS, CTF Cityfone, TBT Tbaytel MTL (Bulgaria (M-Tel BG MTN (Uganda (MTN MTR (Canada (Metro PCS MTZ (Zambia (MTN Zambia MVL (Venezuela (Movilnet MWD (Morocco (Meditel, WANA GSM, Vodafone, IAM MYM (Thailand (MPT, Mectel NBS (Nicaragua (Movistar NED (Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Nedjma NEE Nordic (Halebop, Aina, Spring, Telenor, NetCom, Mobile Norway, Tele2 No, DNA, Elisa, FIN SONERA, Saunalahti, Telia, DK TDC, Call Me & DLG, Telenor, Telmore, Tele2comviq, 3, Nova, Vodafone Iceland, Siminn, Tele Reenland, Ventelo) NEN (Nicaragua (Claro NI NEN NPL (Nepal (Nepal Telecom, NCELL NRJ (France (NRJ Mobile NZC (New Zealand (2 Degrees O2C (Czech Rebublic (O2 CZ O2I (Ireland (O2I O2U (United Kingdom (O2 ODD INU, INS, ETR, TML, SLK, NPL ODK (Denmark (TELIA OJK ILO, MIR, PCL, PTR OJP (Middle East (BTC, EGY, JED, KOR, KSA, MAT, MED, MID, MMV, MWD, PAK, THR, WA N, XSG, XSS OJV Middle East (ABS, ACR, AFG, AFR, ARB, BTC, ECT, EGY, FWD, JED, KEN, KSA, LY S, MAT, MED, MID, MMC, MRT, MWD, PAK, THR, TMC, TUN, TUR, WAN, WTL, XFA, XFC, XFE, XFM, XFV, XSG) OLB GLB, MM1, SIN, SMA, STH, THL, XEV, XME, XSE, XSP, XTC, XTE, XXV OLC MM1, SIN, STH, XSP OMD (Ukraine (Orange MD OMN (Italy (Vodafone ONE (Austria (Orange AT OPP (Australia (YES Optus, Virgin Mobile OPS (Australia (YES Optus OPT (Portugal (Optimus ORA (United Kingdom (Orange ORL (Romania (Orange RO ORO (Romania (Orange RO ORR (Switzerland (Orange CH ORS (Slovakia (Orange, T-Mobile SK, O2 SK ORX (Slovakia (Orange, T-Mobile SK, O2 SK OTU (Tunisia (Orange OXA BTU, CPW, DBT, ITV, KOR, XEF, XEO OXE CAC, RTL, SEK, SER, SKZ OXF ALB, BGL, CMF, ORL, SEB, TMT, TOP, TRA, XEH OXI (Italia (ITV, OMN OXX BGL, CYO, ERO, EUR, MSR, ORS, PHE, SEE, SIO, TPH, TSR, TWO, VVT, XEF, XEO, XEZ, XSK OYA BMC, BWA, FMC, KDO, MTA, PCM, RWC, SOL, SPC, TLS, VMC OZS TGY, BRI PAK (Pakistan (Mobilink, Ufone, ZONG, Telenor, Warid PAN (Hungary (Telenor PAP (Europe (PAP PBS (Panama (Movistar PCI (Costa Rica (PCI PCL (Israel (Pelephone PCM (Canada (Bell-Internet PCT (Puerto Rico (Claro PR & DR PCW (Panama (+Movil PEO (Peru (Claro, Movistar, Nexel PER (El Salvador (Claro SV PET (Peru (Claro PGU (Guatemala (Claro GT PHB (Belgium (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Telenet, Tango, LUXGSM, Vox Mobile PHE Spain (Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo, Mobil R, EUSKALTEL, TeleCable, Jazztel, Carrefour, Pepephone, RACC, ONO, (Tuenti, Eroski Movil, Neo, PTV Telecom, Ibercom, TPH Movil PHN (Netherlands (Vodafone NL, Telfort, T-Mobile, KPN, Tele2 PLS (Poland (Plus PNG (Papua New Guinea (Digicel PNG, Fiji, Nauru, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu PNT (PERU (Nextel POL (Poland (Plus, T-Mobile.pl, Heyah, Orange, Play, Cyfrowy Polsat PRO (Belgium (Proximus, Telenet PRT (Poland (Play PSN (Argentina (Personal PTR (Israel (Orange/Partner PVT (PERU (Viettel QAT Unknown QTO ATO Lafleur QXX OXX Lafleur QXE OXE Lafleur ROM (Romania (Orange RO, Vodafone RO, COSMOTE RTL Ukraine (MTS UKR, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline UA, Utel, Jeans, Kyivstar A&B, Djuice) RWC (Canada (Rogers SAC (Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Ooredoo SAF (Kenya (Safaricom SAL (El Salvador (Movistar SAM (Peru (Movista SBM (Japan (SBM SCA Russia (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE2, AZERCELL, Bakcell, Nar, Ge Ocell, Magticom, VivaCell-MTS, Orange) SEB Baltick (LMT GSM, LV TELE2, LV BITE, LV Omnitel, LT BITE, LT TELE2, EE EMT, EE ELISA, EE TELE2) SEE SEAD Serbia (MT:S, Telenor, Vip SRB, M:Tel, T-Mobile MK, ONE MK, VIP MK, HT HR, HR VIP, TELE2) SEK Ukraine (MTS, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline, Utel, Jeans, Djuice SER (Russia (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE2 SFR (France (SFR SIM (Slovenia (Mobil SIN (Singapore (SingTel SIO (Slovenia (TUSMOBIL, Mobitel, mobil, T-2 SKC (Korea (SK Telecom SKO (Korea (SKO SKT (Korea (SKT, KT, Gumi, Suwon 2G, Suwon 3G SKZ (Kazakhstan (Beeline, Kcell, Activ, NEO SLK (Srilanka (Dialog, Mobitel, Etisalat, Airtel, Hutch SMA (Philippines (Red Mobile, Smart, SUN SMO (Serbia (MT:S, Telenor, Vip SRB SOL (Canada (Bell-Internet SPC (Canada (Telus, Rockhopper, Koodo SPR (United States of America (Sprint STH (Singapore (StarHub SUN (Switzerland (Sunrise, Swisscom, Orange CH SUW (Switzerland (Sunrise SVZ (Russia (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, TELE2, AZERCELL, Bakcell, Nar, Ge ocell, Magticom, VivaCell-MTS, Orange SWC (Switzerland (Swisscom SWR (Switzerland (Swisscom TCE Mexico (TELCEL GSM) TCL Portugal (Vodafone P) TDC Denmark (DK TDC) TDR Dominican Republic (VIVA) TEB Bosnia and Herzegovina (M:Tel) TEE Spain (Movistar, Vodafone ES, Orange, Yoigo, mobil R, EUSKALTEL, TeleCable, Blau, Simyo) TEL Australia (Telstra) TEM Montenegro (Tel) TEN Norway (Telenor) TFG South America Movistar (PE, MX, AR, UR, CO, CH, VE, GT, SV, NI, PA, EC, CR) TFN United States of America (Anritsu, ATT) TGP Paraguay (Tigo) TGU Guatemala (Movistar) TGY Hong Kong (CSL, 3, PCCW, CMHK, SMC, CTM, SmarTone) THL Thailand (AIS, DTAC, True Move, Real Future, CAT, Cellcard, Smart, Qb, Metfone, Beeline KH) THO Thailand (CELCOM, MAXIS, DIGI, U MOBILE) THR Iran (IR MCI, IRANCELL, Taliya, TKC, MTCE) THW THAILAND (AIS, DTAC, True Move, Real Future, CAT) TIM Italy (TIM) TLA Sweden (Telia, Call Me, FIN SONERA, NetCom) TLB Belgium (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Telenet, Tango, LUXGSM, Vox Mobile) TLP Australia (Telstra) TLS Canada (Telus) TMA Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Nedjma) TMB United States of America (T-Mobile) TMC Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Nedjma) TMH Hungary (T-Mobile H) TML Bangladesh (Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, Robi, Airtel) TMM Mexico (Movistar) TMN Portugal (P TMN) TMS Slovakia (T-Mobile SK) TMT Montenegro (T-Mobile CG) TMU United Kingdom (T-Mobile UK) TMZ Czech Rebublic (T-Mobile CZ) TNL Netherlands (T-Mobile NL) TNO Norway (Tele2 No) TNX New Zealand (Spark NZ) TNZ New Zealand (Telecom NZ) TOP Serbia Montenegro (Vip SRB) TPA Panama (TPA PA) TPD Netherlands (Vodafone NL, NL Telfort, T-Mobile NL, NL KPN, Tele2, UPC NL, Ziggo) TPH Portugal (P TMN, Vodafone, Optimus) TPL Poland (T-Mobile PL) TRA Croatia (T-Mobile HR, HR VIP, TELE2) TRC Turkey (Turkcell, Vodafone TR, TR AVEA) TRG Austria (Tele.Ring) TRO Turkey (Turkcell, Vodafone, AVEA) TSI Ireland (Tesco Mobile Ireland) TSC United Kingdom (TESCO) TSR Serbia (MT:S) TTR Austria (Default) TTT Trinidad & Tobago (TSTT, LIME, Orange, VIVA) TUN Tunisia (Tunisie Telecom, Tunisiana) TUR (Turkey (Turkcell, Vodafone, AVEA TWM (Taiwan (Chunghwa, FarEasTone, KGT, TWM Mobile, VIBO TWO (Croatia (TELE2 UBL (Uzbekistan (Beeline UCL (Uzbekistan (UCELL UFN (Argentina (Movistar UFU (Uruguay (Movistar UMB (Malaysia (U Mobile UNE (Mexico (Unefon UPO (Paraguay (Personal, Claro, Movistar, Ancel, Vox, Tigo USC (United States of America (US Cellular UWA CDR, PCT UWE (Claro (CPA HME NEN PER PGU UVC CTI, CTP, CTU UVY IUS, UNE VAP (Australia (Vodafone AU VAU (Australia (Vodafone VD2 (Germany (Vodafone VDC (Czech Rebublic (Vodafone CZ VDF (Netherlands (Vodafone NL VDH (Hungary (Vodafone HU, Vodafone HU VMAX VDI (Ireland (Vodafone VDP (Netherlands (Vodafone NL VDR (Germany (Vodafone.de VDS (Sweden (Telenor SE VFG Vodafone (ATL, CNX, CYV, MOB, MTL, OMN, PRO, SFR, SIM, SWC, TCL, TOP, V D2, VDC, VDF, VDH, VDI, VDP, VDR, VGR, VIP, VOD, VOP) VFJ (Fiji (Vodafone FJ, Digicel Fiji VGF (France (Virgin VFR (Vodafone (ATL, OMN, VD2, VDF, VOD VGR (Greece (Vodafone VHC Ukraine (MTS UKR, Kyivstar, Life:), Beeline UA, Utel, Jeans, Kyivstar A&B, Djuice) VIA (Germany (O2-de VIM (Macedonia (Vip MK VIP (Croatia (HR VIP VIT (Germany (O2-de VMC (Canada (Bell-Internet VMT (Venezuela (Movistar VMU United States of America (VMU Sprint) VNO Venezuela (Digitel, Movistar, MOVILNET) VNX New Zealand (Vodafone NZ) VNZ New Zealand (Vodafone NZ) VOD United Kingdom (Vodafone) VOM Malta (Vodafone MT) VOP United Kingdom (Vodafone UK Prepaid) VOX Paraguay (VOX) VTR Canada (Video Tron) VVT Bulgaria (Vivacom) VZW United States of America (Verizon VZW) WAN Morocco (Inwi, Vodafone) WIN Italy (WIND) WTL Algeria (Mobilis, Djezzy, Nedjma) XAC Canada (XAC) XAR United States of America (XAR) XAS United States of America (XAS Sprint) XEB Belgium (Mobistar, Proximus, Base, Telenet, Tango, LUXGSM, Vox Mobile) XEC Spain (Movistar) XEF France (Orange, SFR, BOUYGTEL, FREE) XEG Germany (Telekom.de, Vodafone.de, E-Plus, O2-de) XEH Hungary (T-Mobile, Telenor, Vodafone, Vodafone Vmax) XEN Netherlands (Vodafone, Telfort, T-Mobile, KPN) XEO Poland (Plus, T-Mobile, Heyah, Orange, Play Cyfrowy Polsat) XET Italy (ITV) XEU United Kingdom (O2, Orange, T-Mobile, Virgin, Vodafone, TESCO, BT Mobile, H3G, Asda, Meteor, Tesco Mobile Ireland, Talk Mobile) XEV Vietnam (Beeline VN, VN Mobifone, Vinaphone, Vietnamobile, EVN Telecom 3G, Viettel) XEZ Czech Republic (T-Mobile CZ, O2 CZ, Vodafone CZ) XFA South Africa (Vodacom, 8ta, MTN, Vodacom Lesotho, Cell C, Virgin) XFC South Africa (Vodacom, Vodacom Lesotho, MTN, Cell C, Virgin) XFE South Africa (Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Virgin) XFM South Africa (Vodacom, Vodacom Lesotho, MTN, Cell C, Virgin, Telkom SA) XFN Namibia (MTC NAM) XFU Angola (Unitel) XFV South Africa (Vodacom, 8ta, Vodacom Lesotho, MTN, Cell C, Virgin) XFV South Africa (Vodacom, TelkomSA, Vodacom Lesotho, MTN, Cell C, Virgin, Red Bull Mobile) XID Indonesia (Indosat, Indosat M3, Telkomsel, XL, 3, Axis) XJP Japan (XJP) XME Malaysia (CELCOM, MAXIS, DIGI, U Mobile) XSA Australia (Telstra, YES Optus, Vodafone AU, Virgin Mobile, 3, Crazy Johns) XSB United Arab Emirat (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, nawras, ZAIN BH, BATELCO, VIVA BH, Ooredoo, Vodafone Qatar) XSD United Arab Emirat (du) XSE Indonesia (Indosat, Telkomsel, XL, 3, Axis) XSG United Arab Emirat (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, Nawras, ZAIN BH, Batelco, VIVA BH, Qatarnet, Vodafone Qatar) XSI United Arab Emirat (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, Nawras, ZAIN BH, Batelco, VIVA BH, Ooredoo, Vodafone Qatar) XSK Slovakia (Orange, T-Mobile SK, O2 SK) XSM XSG (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, Nawras, ZAIN BH, Batelco, VIVA BH, Qatarnet, Vodafone Qatar) XSN United Arab Emirat (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, Nawras, ZAIN BH, Batelco, VIVA BH, Ooredoo, Vodafone Qatar) XSO Singapore (SingTel) XSP Singapore (SGP-M1, SingTel, StarHub, B-Mobile, DSTCom) XSS United Arab Emirat (XSG with Arabic default language or Etisalat, du English default language) XST United Arab Emirat (Etisalat) XSW United Arab Emirat (Etisalat, du, VIVA, Wataniya, ZAIN KW, Oman Mobile, Nawras, ZAIN BH, Batelco, VIVA BH, Ooredoo, Vodafone Qatar) XSZ Kuwait (Zain KW) XTC Philippines (Globe, ABS-CBN, Smart, SUN) XTE Philippines (SUN, Red Mobile, Smart) XXV Vietnam (Beeline VN, VN Mobifone, Vinaphone, Vietnamobile, EVN Telecom 3G, Viettel) YOG (Spain (Yoigo YFG VFG Black Edition YXX OXX Black Edition YXY ATO, AUO, AUT, BOG, BTU, EUR, GBL, ITV, MOT Black Edition ZTA (Brazil (Claro ZTM (Brazil (TIM ZTO (Brazil (TIM, Claro, Vivo, Oi, Sercomtel, CTBC, Nextel, AEIOU ZTR (Brasil (Oi ZVV (Brazil (VIVO Read the full article
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cloudyontour · 7 years
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Zäck da bini wieder! Und zwar simmer vo armenia us is 'valle de cocora' go wandara. Mit me dänische päärli hemmer de weg eus de weg dur meterhöchi palme bahnt um irgendwo denn zu me ussichtspunkt glange. Nach 10km simmer denn imne 2 mensche- und 2 hunde-seele dorf acho wos es chlises brötli zur stärchig geh het. Het mi dunkt als wär no nie em andere mensch det gsi. Kei ahnig womer falsch abboge sind. Mer hend denn euses glück wiiterhin versuecht - leider nomal ohni erfolg. Nach 20km zfuess simmer denn wieder bim startpunkt acho - ohni e geili ussicht und mit hunger. De nechschti tag het eigentlich nur us busfahre bestande. 9 anstatt 6 stund simmer det dine verrottet. Weg me umfall ufnere passtrass hemmer also s'spiel vo independiente medellin verpasst :( Als wer das ned scho gnueg schwer z'verdaue gsi sind denn am 10i langsam die andere hostelgäst itrudled. Die einte mit me medellin libli, die andere fangsäng am singe. Ihr chönd eu vorstelle wimmer eus gfühlt hend. I de nechschte paar täg hemmer medellin uf verschidnige weg erkundet. Z'fuess, velo, bus, tram, metro, und gondle. Ja, mer sind ohni ski ine gondle igstige. Es git drü verschidnigi telefericos wo die ärmere viertel mitem stadtzentrum verbindet. Wemmer us de gondle abegluegt het, hettemer au guet in rio überd favela schwebe chöne. Eis huus unstabiler als andere. Blechdach. 2/3-stöckig. Wüki zimli unschöni aber spannendi szenerie. Uf de biktetour hemmer denn aber au no schöni gegende gse wie z.b. de jardín botanico oder früchtemärkt. Was mer uh gfalle het isch es projekt vo 'epm'. Die hend en airbol finanziert. (Air = luft , 'bol' vo 'arbol' = baum -> 'luftbaum'). De wandlet co2 usem umchreis vo 80m i o2 um und betrifft so öppe 60k mensche. Das isch au en mitgrund wieso die stadt zu de innovativschte städt vo de welt zellt. Au öv isch sehr fortgschritte und guet organisiert. Besser als in bogota ^^ A eim tag hemmer no en usflug uf guatape und em piedra del peñol gmacht. Das isch en fels vo wo mer mit 679 steggetritt eh wunderbari ussicht uf de ursprünglich künstlich agleiti stausee het. Wemmer ned zersch holländer, amis und kasache usem weg bitte müsst. Sehr sehr touristisch. S'städtli guatape isch sau schön. Jedes einzelne huus isch bemalt und verziert mit bluemestrüss. Sehr iladend für die touris ... Nach paar täg luege, esse, fäschte in medellin simmer is flugi istige und hocked jetzt i de karibik. De flug hettemer aber fasch um paar minute verpasst. Wenn kolumbianer eimal pünktlich sind denn isches de flugverchehr. Hemmer leider ned drahdenkt :) Also, villicht schribi nachme piña colada am strand nomal en iitrag. Susch bis bald :)
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astroimages · 4 years
Obrigado World of Warships por patrocinar esse vídeo! Façam o download aqui: https://wo.ws/2Sd1tW7   E utilizem o código BATTLESTATIONS2020 para ganharem diversos brindes: * 250 Dobrões * 3 Dias de Premium * Barco USS Charleston * +1 Vaga no porto ----------------------------------------------------- VENHA PARTICIPAR DO CURSO DE ASTRONOMIA DO SPACE TODAY: http://academyspace.com.br/bigbang ----------------------------------------------------- ASSISTA O VÍDEO DA NED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywmXvsHBBp4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- VISITE A LOJA DO SPACETODAY: https://www.spacetodaystore.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- SEJA MEMBRO DO SPACE TODAY E AJUDE COM A CRIAÇÃO DE CONTEÚDO SÉRIA NA ÁREA DE ASTRONOMIA: https://www.patreon.com/spacetoday https://apoia.se/spacetoday https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Fk7hHbl7vv_7K8tYqJd5A/join -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pela primeira vez, os astrônomos encontraram oxigênio molecular, o mesmo gás que nós, seres humanos precisamos para respirar, numa outra galáxia que não é a Via Láctea. O oxigênio é o terceiro elemento mais comum no cosmos, só fica atrás do hidrogênio e do hélio. Então os astrônomos pensaram que o oxigênio molecular, o O2 poderia ser comum no espaço entre as estrelas. Mas apesar de repetidas buscas, eles nunca tinham encontrado o oxigênio molecular, em outras galáxias, mas isso era até agora. Astrônomos do Observatório Astronômico de Shanghai na China, registraram a molécula na galáxia Markarian 231 localizada a aproximadamente 560 milhões de anos-luz de distância da Terra, na constelação de Ursa Maior. Essa galáxia tem no seu núcleo um buraco negro supermassivo, que está se alimentando violentamente e por isso ela recebe a denominação de quasar, na verdade esse é o quasar mais próximo da Terra. Usando radio-telescópios na Espanha e na França, os astrônomos observaram a radiação no comprimento de onda de 2.52 milímetros, uma assinatura da presença de O2. FONTE: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/molecular-oxygen-spotted-beyond-milky-way-first-time #MolecularOxygen #FirstTime #SpaceToday
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