#;;whatever baywatch. i’m here to stay. ➵ wally
rantceratops · 2 years
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Wally “The Wall-man is here! Let’s get this party star--! --ted?”
Artemis “Wall-man, huh? Ah, love the uniform, what exactly are your powers?
Wally “Who’s this?”
Artemis “Artemis, your new teammate.”
Wally “Kid Flash, never heard of you.”
Artemis “Whatever, Baywatch, I’m here to stay.”
Wally “WHO ARE YOU?!”
She is your future wife Wally, duh
How it all started <3
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
✨Birds of a Feather✨
Masterlist ✨ Requesting Rules
Request; Could I request a YJs1 Dick x reader with the reader being new to the team and a protege of black canary? He’s my favourite 🥰
A/N; honestly, if one robin is AT LEAST one of your favorites, if they aren’t in the top three, i don’t trust you. also, i really like the way i wrote this a stuff, if anyone wants i can make this a thing. I fucking grew up on young justice i love these characters. rock and roll buckeroo!
Pairing; Dick Grayson(Robin) x Fem!Reader
Warnings; fluff, slight cursing
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Your upbringing wasn’t pleasant, for a short backstory, Black Canary found you when she did a raid on an illegal Meta-Human fighting ring. Your parents sold you to the leader of the ring. Your power was similar to Canary’s, in which your voice was a power. You could mimic sounds around you like a mockingbird, but you had similarities with an owl in the fact that your neck could turn all the way around and you had night vision. Black Canary found you when you were ten, taking you in as her own. She took you under her wing. *dad jokehehuheh*
She had taken care of you for four years, you ever really made you debut as a hero, until Batman started the underground team of sidekicks. Robin of course knew of you, as did Batman because, duh. Well, Roy did too but that was mainly because Green Arrow was dating Canary. He was like a big brother, and he deeply cared for you. 
“And this is Black Canary’s protégé, Mockingbird.” You walked out from the shadows, a black hoodie and red jeans on. Your hoodie had your favorite band one it, whatever it may be. “Sup.” You nod your head at the boys, your hood covered your face since it was dark but you also had glasses on, kinda like Robin’s but they were reading glasses. The glasses could profile anyone and bring up their history, if it’s in the web or files on the cloud, you gotem.
Kid Flash was easy, he didn’t both with covering his face, everyone else was open with you, but not Robin. You glasses always got glitched out when you tried to activate them while looking at him. He knew this and did it on purpose. He didn’t know much about you, only you hero name, you also did that on purpose, it was a fun little battle. You were closer to Robin anyways, being close in age but that didn’t stop Wally from flirting. “Hey babe~ Wanna spar~?” The redhead would ask, before you could speak he would go pale. “Nevermind.” Then he’d run away, you guessed it was Robin, he had mastered the infamous bat-glare.
When Artemis joined the team, you were happy. Another human girl on the team, no offense to M’gann but you felt more comfortable with another human female around. Plus, she was funny. You lived in Star City with Diane and Oliver, and you met her first, it was awesome when you came with her to the Cave and saw all of them shocked.
“What’s up, birdy?” You smile as you trotted over to Robin, you didn’t really have a superhero suit, you kinda took after Black Canary, civilian clothes were your hero clothes. It was usually blood stained black leggings, a navy blue crop top hoodie and black paint around your eyes and bridge of your nose rather than a regular mask because those were itchy. “Do NOT call me that.” Boy Wonder grumbled and elbowed you playfully. You gave him a smirk and batted you eyelashes at him. “You love me.” “No I don’t.” He snorted.
“The Wallman is here!” A redhead yelled through the zeta-tubes as he entered, the loud noise made you yelp and grab onto the nearest person, which was Robin. When you both realized that you both turned red. “Yeesh...stay whelmed Mockingbird.” He finally got out after being frozen. You both had completely ignored the situation going on around you, until...
“Recognize: Speedy, B06.” The computer spoke, making you grinning like an idiot and turn towards the tubes. “Well for starters, he doesn’t go by speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow.” Your eyes lit up at your brother, well not really brother but you both looked at each other as such. “Roy-” Oliver started but you cut him off. “Roy!” You yelled happily and ran towards your redhead. “Wa to ruin his moment...” Wally grumbled but you flipped him off as you hugged Roy. “Why don’t you call anymore? I’ve been worried. So was Olly, and I guess Robin, Kaldur, and Wally, but I’m your sister!” You whined and teared up, your tears mixing with the paint you used as a mask causing black tears.
“Oh birdie...you know why.” Roy soothed causing you to sniffle and rub your tears away. “Right, sorry.” You mumble and pull away, “Sorry.” You mumbled again and walked back to your spot by Robin, the taller boy put a hand on your shoulder. “Roy, you look-” Oliver started, “Replaceable.” Roy hissed and walked over. “You know it’s not like that.” “Then why bother with a sub? Can she even use that bow?” He gestured angrily to the blonde archer. “Yes she can.” Artemis hissed back. “Who are you?!” Wally whined. “I’m his niece.” “She’s his niece.” “She’s my niece.” Artemis, you, and Green Arrow stated in a matter-of-fact like tone. “Another niece?” Robin snorted, earning an elbow from you.
“But he’s not your replacement!” You chimed in, walking over to the arrows. “We have always wanted you on the team.” Aqualad said, walking over to the now, Red Arrow. “And we have no quota on archers.” The leader continued. “And if we did, you know who we’d pick!” Wally chimed, glaring over at Artemis. “Whatever Baywatch,” Artemis glared, “I’m here to stay.” You stifled a chuckle and looked away. “Baywatch...” You snorted. “But you came here for a reason, right Roy?” You asked when you finally calmed down. “Yeah, a reason named Dr. Sterling Roquette.”
Both yours and Robin’s eyes widened before you both pulled up a file with the holographic computer. “Nano-robotics genius-” Robin started as he began typing. “And claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City! I love her!” You finished and gushed the last part. “Vanished two weeks ago.” Robin continued, earning a frown on your face. “Abducted two weeks ago, by the League of Shadows.” “Woah, you want us to rescue her from The Shadows?” Boy wonder said in a hopeful tone. “Hardcore.” Wally said in awe and fist bumped the other boy. “Dumbasses.” You scoffed and hit them both in the back of the neck. “Roy probably already did that.” You pointed out and walked over to him with a big smile. Roy smiled back and ruffled your hair. “She’s right, I already rescued her. There’s only one problem, the shadows already got her to make a weapon, ‘Doc call it the Fog.” Roy pulled up an image of a dark cylinder looking object with red buttons.
“It’s comprised of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators, capable of disintegrating anything in their path- concrete, steel, flesh, bone.- but it’s true purpose isn’t mere destruction. It’s theft. The infiltrators eat and story raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen data to the Shadows. Providing them access to weapons, strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech.” “Perfect for extortion, manipulation, and power broking.” Artemis starts, earning a groan from Wally, an admiring look from you, and a knowing look from Robin. “Yep. Sounds like The Shadows.” She finishes. “Oh like you know anything about The Shadows.” Wally groans and glares at the blonde, who just smirks. “Who ARE you?!” Wally yells obviously irritated, both you and Robin chuckled a little.
“Roquette’s working on a virus to render the Fog inert.” Roy says, ignoring the childish behavior. “But if The Shadows know she can do that...” Robin started quietly, you gasped softly. “They’ll target her.” You whisper in shock. “It’s okay, right now she’s off the grid. I stashed her in a local highschool computer lab.” Roy shrugs, opening his mouth to speak again. “You left her alone?” Green Arrow asks in shock and mild disappointment. ‘Oh great, here we go again.’ You think as you roll  you eyes. “She’s safe enough for now.” Roy spits and glares at Oliver. “Then let’s you and I take care of that together.” “You and I? Don’t you want to take your new protogé.” The redhead spits again, earning a groan from you. “Roy, you brought this to the team, we’ll talk care of it okay?” You say softly, putting your hand on his shoulder. “And she is part of the team. I promise nothing bad will happen. Trust me, big bro.” You smile, a child like glint in you e/c eyes. “Fine, Y/n. I trust you.” Roy whispered, kissing your forehead before leaving. “Speedy-” The computer started, “Change that to Red Arrow.” You spoke up before Roy could, you winked at him before he left.
Robin knew it was a platonic gesture, you both looked at each other like siblings, he knew that. He fucking knew but a piece of him was jealous. He didn’t know why, maybe he like you? No, he wouldn’t, doesn’t matter anyways. The team had a mission to do. But god damnit he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He wished he could be the one kissing your forehead, holding you, knowing your actual name like Roy did. Damn, being a teenager with feelings fucking SUCKS. 
All of a sudden you all were linked up by Miss Martian telepathy. “Everyone online?” Her voice rung inside your head, causing a giggle. “Mhm.”  You hummed in your head while you sat on a table between Kid Flash and Robin. “Woah, this is weird.” Artemis said, in her head of course, and you just giggled in response. “I know right? Prepare for a killer headache when Megan cuts it off!” You giggled more as you popped some of Wally’s fruit snacks in your mouth. Then the doctor started complaining. “Lady, I’m not really diggin your attitude right now.” You say while rolling your eyes. “You literally look like some random kid they got from the street!” The doctor replied earning a huff from you as you sat up straight. 
“You literally look like some random kid they got from the street.” You said, using your mocking power, you spoke in her exact voice, earning a shocked look from her. “Now shut the fuck up.” You hissed in your normal voice, earning a stern look from Aqualad. “Oh don’t judge my language fish boy.” You grumbled and crossed your arms, looking through a blind. “Do you always act like this when people try to help you?” Wally’s voice rung in your head. “Pot, kettle, you’ve met?” Artemis replied, you snickered slightly. “Great, now I want kettle corn. Thanks Art.” You whined and then ignored them arguing until Robin spoke. “You should give her some more credit. It was /her/ arrow that saved you from Amazo.” Robin said with a smirk, in which you practically swooned. “No, it was Spee-Red Arrow’s arrow, right?” “Not so much.” Robin snickered and you did as well. 
“God I love his voice.” You thought and then you realized that everyone was connected, SHIT. Your eyes widened and your face turned red. “I mean haha, I was thinking of something else.” You got up. “I’ll...I’ll go an patrol the halls...hall monitor duties.” You got up. “Oh god oh god. This is so embarrassing.” You though as you messed with your fingerless gloves. “Should we tell her?” Wally’s voice rang in your head, you could feel him smirking. “THEN DON’T LISTEN!” You screamed from the hallway and you could hear his laughs. Everyone basically knew you had a crush on Robin, it was obvious to everyone but him. He felt the same, it was also obvious to everyone but you. This was not the TIME.
You were walking down the hall, until you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around, punching the figure and wrapping you legs around the person’s waist as you pinned them down. “Woah woah, stay whelmed, Mockingbird.” You squeezes you legs tighter when you realized it was Robin. “What do you want?” You whisper-shouted. “You seemed to be distraught. You really should get traught.” He gave you a smirk that you always melted over. “Mind not squeezing me to death?” He asked and you flushed as you let him go from you thighs crushing him. 
“Your wordplay is so stupid...” You smiled softly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “So what? You said you love my voice.” Robin teased. “I do.” You sighed and then covered your mouth in shock. “I-I mean...shut up!” Robin bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck. “I have to head out with Superboy.” He mumbled in which you sighed and grabbed his wrist before he could leave. “Be safe okay?” You whisper softly, getting closer to him. His lips were inches away from your. Robin smiled and kissed your forehead. “I’ll try.” He smiled in which you turned so red you were sure you would’ve been glowing. “It’s Y/n...Y/n L/n.” You spoke up as he started to walk away. “That’s my name.” You mumble. He turned around, wide eyed. 
“Y/n L/n eh? That’s a pretty name.” Robin teased before running off.
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imawhelmedspitfire · 4 years
Young and Just Us
Chapter 2
Artemis wasn’t much of a party person. So she was definitely annoyed when Barbara showed up at her door to drag her to Dick’s- whatever Dick was planning.
They would’ve gotten lost looking for Dick’s room if it weren’t for detective Babs figuring it out. Apparently, Dick’s front door had two labels on it. One read B-01 while the other read B-03. Dick did it to get a kick out of people having a hard time finding his room. The little shit.
Artemis knocked on the door and waited with Barbara. A couple seconds passed and the door opened. She was inches away from a young man about her age with fiery red hair, freckles to match, green eyes and no shirt.
Wally was obviously flustered by the proximity. After a moment though, his eyes narrowed to slits.
“You.” He said it like it left a bad taste in his mouth. Wally then proceeded to promptly slam the door in Artemis’s face. Artemis was still stuck in place, eyebrows raised.
Once she gained composure, the blonde banged on the door agitated. “Open the door, Baywatch!”
She stopped and stood there waiting. Barbara broke the silence,”That must be Wally.”
Barbara answered,“Dick’s roommate,” without missing a beat.
Dick hadn’t mentioned anything about a roommate to Artemis. She didn’t even bother asking how Barbara knew. When it came to Dick, Barbara always knew.
“How do you know Wally?” Babs inquired cautiously.
It had been a couple days before. Artemis was moving her stuff into Apartment B-07. She was carrying a particularly heavy box up the stairs when something collided with the front of her stuff. The blow made her fall back and gracefully land on her butt.
Artemis looked up and saw Wally. A couple steps above her. On top of her box.
Now things could’ve turned out fine. No one was hurt. Artemis hadn’t been in a sour mood. The box was still closed. Everything would’ve been okay if Wally apologized. But what happened next dictated the rest of their relationship.
Instead of being a civil person, which he wasn’t, Wally immediately stood and picked up the box. He started looking at the box from all angles, as if he were trying to capture the perfect picture.
When he spoke. All. Hell. Broke. Loose.
“I’m so sorry? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fi-“
“Not you! The box!”
Artemis was pushed to the edge.
“What the fuck? You push me on my ass and your apologizing to my box?!”
“Jeez, I was just kidding! Can’t you take a joke?”
Artemis was ready to stick one of her arrows up his ass. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from cussing this guy out in Vietnamese.
Trying her best to stay in control, Artemis grabbed her box and stomped up the stairs. Before she could get to the top, Wally yelled from his previous position,”Why was that box so heavy anyway?!”
She hadn’t seen him since. Artemis practically seethed at the memory.
By the time she had finished telling the story, Dick opened the door.
“Mi casa es su casa,” he announced with a proud grin.
“Finally,” growled Artemis. Her and Barbara pushed past Dick into his apartment. It was lavish. Definitely fit for a billionaire’s ward.
Wally walked in just then, in a shirt thank God.
“Ladies this is Wally, my roommate from college and designated male best friend.”
“It’s about time you got one,” remarked Barbara.
Dick ignored and continued with the introduction. “Wally this is my best friend Babs I met in elementary and Artemis is my best friend I met in high school.”
“Dude, you have two other best friends?”
“Wally, face it. You’re a sidepiece. Just like me. Barbara will always be Dick’s number one,” reported Artemis.
And guess what happened next? Wally and Artemis argued. Shocker.
But what was even more shocking was when Barbara realized there’s a good chance Wally’s also seen Dick’s dick considering that comment in the hallway earlier.
A/N: Does anyone know what the apartment numbers are? Pls comment and like and I’ll tell you what they are in the next chapter. You can find more chapters here.
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sebeth · 5 years
Young Justice: “Infiltrator”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Episode 6: “Infiltrator”
August 7, Infinity Island - Roy sneaks into a fortress to rescue a scientist.
The opening scene is a nice testament to Roy’s skill.
Back at the fortress, Sensei/Silver Monkey is informed “She finished. We are good to go.”
Can someone please call this man by name?  He’s appeared in both the Young Justice cartoon and comic books and he is never identified. I know he’s either Sensei or Silver Monkey but can we please get a definite answer.  
I paused for some quick visual research.  I’m leaning towards Sensei.
Let’s detour for a quick recap of the tangled family history of the House of Al Ghul.
Ra’s al Ghul and Talia debuted in the1970s. Ra’s is “the Demon’s Head” and the founder/leader of the League of Assassins/Shadows.  Ra’s was born over 700 years ago and uses the Lazarus Pits to extend his lifestyle. Talia is torn between her duty to her father and her love of Batman.
Simple so far but that never lasts in comics.
Sensei was introduced later. Despite earlier claims of Ra’s discovering the Lazarus Pits and founding the League of Assassins it is revealed that Sensei was the original leader of the League.  Sensei is also the father of Ra’s al Ghul and has been driven insane by centuries-long use of the Lazarus Pits.
Making Ra’s a lying liar who lies about his history. But that wouldn’t surprise anyone so it’s easy to handwave away the discrepancy.
Ra’s first wife (pre-transformation into the Demon’s Head) was named Sora. No children resulted from this union. Sora’s death would start Ra’s on his world domination quest.
Ra’s has one son. Dusan, aka the White Ghost, was an albino so Ra’s down-graded his son to “servant” level. We’re never told Dusan’s age or mother. Dusan would later sacrifice himself to extend Ra’s life.  Read the “Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul” for Dusan’s story.
Ra’s eldest daughter is Nyssa. She was born in the 18th century.  Nyssa has a livid hatred for Ra’s after he left her family to die in concentration camps in World War II. Read “Batman: Death And The Maidens” for Nyssa’s story and quest for vengeance.  Nyssa has appeared in the “Arrow” show but I am way behind on the series so I can’t give you the details.
The youngest member of the Al Ghul clan is Damian/Ibn.  Damian’s been all over the place in the comic books and animation so I’m not going into his backstory.  I will recommend Kingdom Come and the Kingdom for anyone curious about Ibn.  He doesn’t play a big part but Alex Ross does an excellent job portraying the first meeting between an adult Ibn and Bruce.  You can feel Ibn’s desire to meet and curiousity about his father just from the art.
If you want to read more of Damian or the details of his conception, the following series are a good start: “Batman: Son of the Demon”, “Batman and Son”, “The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul”, Batman and Robin (both volumes), Kingdom Come, the Kingdom, and Super Sons.
There is also the Heretic – a rapidly-aged clone of Damian.  He killed Damian only to be executed by Talia.  Read “Batman Incorporated” for the Damian-Heretic story.
Back to the cartoon…
August 8: The Young Justice gang – minus Wally – are having some fun in the sun at Mount Justice. Wally, a Mid-Western boy, has started school earlier than the others.  
Dick declares “First a moment of silence for our absent comrade.”
We switch to Wally who is suffering through “the first day of sophomore year”.
The opening montage nicely demonstrates the frustration a speedster would endure at a normal human-pace day.
An X-Factor issue from the 1990’s had Quicksilver demonstrate the same frustration.  It was an excellent insight into Pietro’s head.
DC and Marvel speedsters have the same dilemma but Marvel’s turn out snarky and sarcastic and DC’s become sweet and lovable.
The YJ gang swim, cook out, and play volleyball while Wally suffers various indignities and frustrations.
Finally, the school day is over! Wally yells “Woo-hoo!” and tears out of the building.  Whether it’s work or school, we’ve all been there.
Wally, in beach attire, zooms over to Mount Justice.  Unfortunately, the beach party is over and everyone’s in costume.
“The Wallman is here.”
Wally meets the love of his life but it’s not love at first sight.
“The Wallman, huh? Love the uniform. What exactly are your powers? – Artemis, so sassy.
Green Arrow introduces Artemis as his new protégé.
Wally demands “What happened to your old one?”
Speedy chooses that moment to enter Young Justice.
“For starters, he doesn’t go by Speedy anymore. Call me Red Arrow.”
Roy and Oliver waste no time going at each other. In Oliver’s defense, Roy started it. Artemis enters the argument to defend her skills.
Wally: “Who are you?”
Oliver and Artemis both repeat the “niece” line.
Dick interjects “Another niece?”
That comment could go two ways.  The first way is Dick realizes the story is a sham and is causing trouble.  Even though Batman is five feet away from Dick!
The second interpretation…well, Oliver has as many kids as Bruce.  The majority of Bruce’s children resulting from adoption.  The majority of Ollie’s did not.  Especially if you believe Ollie to be the father of Arrowette. Does Dick feel that this is another illegitimate child of Oliver – one that he’s passing off as a niece?
Kaldur reassures Roy: “But she is not your replacement. We have always wanted you on the team and we have no quota on archers.”
Wally: “And if we did, you know who we’d pick.”
Artemis doesn’t back down: “Whatever, Baywatch. I’m here to stay.”
Artemis puts on a tough façade but you know she had to be insecure in this moment.  She’s very concerned about her teammates discovering her parentage and then the original Green Arrow protégé waltzes into the room? The much more experienced and accomplished one? The protégé that Dick, Wally, and Kaldur consider a good friend? Talk about a nightmare!
Roy tells the team about Dr. Serling Roquette, a nano-robotics expert and claytronics expert aka the scientist Roy rescued earlier in the episode.
Serling was abducted from Star City two weeks ago by the League of Shadows.
Dick’s excited: “You want us to rescue her from the League of Shadows?”
I can see Batman shaking his head from across the room: “No, Robin, you don’t get to storm the League of Shadow’s headquarters.  Young Justice is about “training wheels” missions not “put your big boy pants on” missions.
Roy admits he already rescued Serling. The problem is Serling had finished her work on “the Fog” – a weapon “comprised of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators, capable of disintergrating anything in their path. Concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But its true purpose isn’t mere destruction. It’s theft. The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system and deliver the stolen intel to the Shadows. Providing them access to strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech.”
Artemis pipes in with “It sounds like the Shadows”.
Wally counters “Like you know anything about the Shadows.”
Artemis smirks at Wally. You’d be surprised, Wally, at the depth of knowledge Artemis has on criminal organizations.
Wally doesn’t like the smirk: “Who are you?!”
Roy informs the group that Serling is working on creating a virus that renders the Fog inert.
Dick quickly realizes that would put Serling’s life in danger.
Oliver offers to help Roy keep Serling safe.  Roy bitterly rejects the offer.  Batman lays a hand on Oliver’s shoulder to stop the impending argument.
The cartoon’s creators inverted the typical Ollie-Roy positions.  In the comics, it’s Ollie who’s causing/escalating the divide.  In the cartoon, Ollie is much more level-headed and attempting to mend difference.  Roy rejects and peace offering and escalates their confrontations.  
Roy proclaims his job is done and leaves the team.  Wally glares at Artemis.
Miss Martian telepathically links us the team and Serling at Happy Harbor High School.
Wally and Artemis continue to bicker.  Wally informs Artemis that he “does not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the team”.
Dick tells Wally to cut Artemis some slack as she is the one who saved him in the battle against Amazo.
Serling, at Aqualad’s urging, goes online to track the Fog’s location. Tracking goes both ways and the League of Shadows quickly discovers Serling’s location.  Sensei orders the closest operative to assassinate Serling.
Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis are patrolling the outside of the school.  Artemis is very appreciative of Superboy’s physique: “Hmm, that boy.”
Megan does not want anyone intruding on her obsessive crush: “He can hear you. We all can hear you.”
Artemis replies “Oh, I know.”
I love the Artemis/Wally pairing but I’m Team Artemis in this encounter.  Artemis is simply appreciating Superboy’s appearance in a teenager-like way.  Megan’s pursuit of Conner is an attempt to mold and then slot him into this fantasy life she has created for herself.  Megan may love Conner but it’s not a healthy relationship.
Serling has located the Fog. Kaldur orders Superboy and Robin to pursue in the bio-ship.
This is the second episode in a row where Robin and Superboy have been partnered up.  It’s almost an homage to the close friendship in the comic books.  Except the Robin is Tim Drake.
Cheshire makes her first appearance, skulking in the bushes.
Megan confronts Artemis: “You embarrassed Superboy.”
Artemis: “Didn’t hear him say that.”
Honestly, Megan you might as well declare “Get away from my man!”
Cheshire infiltrates the school and quickly takes out Kid Flash.
Cheshire has a harder time with Kaldur – Atlantean skin is quite dense and he’s mostly immune to the jellyfish toxin she has on her shuriken.
Cheshire retreats when she has to face the entire team.
Wally blames Artemis for Cheshire gaining entrance into the school. Megan defends Artemis.
Robin and Superboy arrive in Philadelphia. STAR Labs has been completely destroyed.
Kaldur and Megan patrol the outside of the school while Wally and Artemis guard the doctor.
Wally and Artemis glare at each other.  Kaldur orders the duo: “Stop it. Both of you. I can hear you glaring.”
Cheshire has called in reinforcements – Black Spider and the Hook. The trio make quick work of Kaldur.
The trio storm the room and attack Wally and Artemis.  Readers of the comic book know that this is the second time Wally has fought the Hook and Black Spider.
Cheshire attempts to land a killing blow on Serling only to realize she’s a disguised Miss Martian.
Serling is at the Sandbox Internet Café, guarded by Kaldur, and she has discovered the Fog’s next target: WayneTech.
Robin has an “Oh, crap” moment as he realizes the Fog would end up accessing the Batcave.
Cheshire orders her comrades to keep Young Justice busy while she pursues Serling.
Artemis storms after Cheshire and orders Wally to “take the rest down”.
Wally tells Artemis “You are so not the boss of me”.
“Just do it!”
Superboy and Robin arrive at WayneTech.  Superboy attacks the League minions while Robin enters the building. A security guard attempts to lock down the building due to Robin’s unauthorized entry but Dick overrides the lockdown: “Waynetech override. Archie four.” Possible shout-out to Archie Goodwin, a writer on the Batman series. Or Dick is fan of the Riverdale gang.
Cheshire and Artemis fight. Cheshire wins.  Megan and Wally take out the Hook and Black Spider.
Cheshire decides against killing Serling as the anti-Fog virus has been completed: “After all, the Shadows may have another use for you.”
Dick’s quick hacking saves Wayne Tech.
Superboy battles Ojo and makes quick work of him.
Cheshire and Artemis have a short fight. Artemis realizes Cheshire is Jade, her older sister.
Cheshire escapes.  The rest of the team arrives. Wally claims the Cheshire mask as a souvenir.
Artemis returns to Gotham City. She is immediately confronted by Roy.  He warns her “do not hurt my friends” but assures her that “her cover is safe” as he feels Oliver and Bruce have a “good reason for lying”.
Sensei is informed of the mission’s failure but states it’s good that they “have an operative on the inside”.
The first hint of the long-running traitor storyline of season 1.
I mentioned earlier Artemis recognized Cheshire as her sister.  I should clarify that wasn’t made explicit in the episode. Cheshire simply hinted that she had information on Artemis that would weaken her position in Young Justice.  The cartoon hasn’t mentioned Artemis’s criminal parents at this point either.
Adding Cheshire into the Crock family is an interesting choice. Jade has no connection in the main DC universe.  I can’t recall a time Cheshire has even met Artemis in the DC universe.
Jade was a half-French/half-Vietnamese child who was sold into slavery in the Middle East.  She later escaped and became a mercenary/assassin. Jade married and later became the widow of Spitting Cobra, an African assassin.
Roy Harper went undercover for the United States government.  He met and fell in love with Cheshire.  Roy left Jade because he was unwilling to finish his assignment and capture her.  Roy didn’t realize Jade was pregnant.
The former lovers encountered one another on a mountain top.  The Titans were attempting to prevent Cheshire from assassinating diplomats unaware she was setting up the team to take the blame for the failed diplomatic teams.  Cheshire informed Roy that she had given birth to their child but that he would never meet said child.
Roy later tracked down Jade and begged to meet his child.  Jade relented and Roy met Lian.
The 1990s were not kind to Cheshire – she went from a scheming mercenary/assassin to a genocidal nutcase. The highlight of Jade’s insanity was unleashing a nuclear bomb on a country, killing every inhabitant.
Needless to say, Roy won full custody.
Cheshire’s portrayal improved significantly under Gail Simone.  Jade had a rivalry with Black Canary over Dinah’s role in Lian’s life.  Cheshire also played a significant role in Villains United/Secret Six.  She became pregnant- and later gave birth – to Thomas “Catman” Blake’s son.
Jade would suffer enormous tragedy when both her children were killed.  If I remember correctly, the Blake child’s death was faked in order to keep him from both Jade and Thomas’s enemies.  I could be wrong – it’s been a while since I read the issues.
Lian’s death, unfortunately, wasn’t faked.
Roy and Jade would have a short-lived, extremely toxic reunion in the aftermath of Lian’s death.
Flashpoint happened shortly afterwards and DC was reborn as the New 52. Cheshire’s made a few appearances in Red Hood & The Outlaws, Nightwing, and a few other titles.  Jade and Roy are former lovers.  Sadly, we didn’t receive a New 52 Lian. Boo!
For more of Cheshire, besides Young Justice (which is the best version of Jade), I would recommend her late 1980s Teen Titans appearances, her appearances in Birds of Prey (Gail Simone version), and Villains United and Secret Six.
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