#;; & chat : bertram aubrey
ashboilol · 6 months
Snape haters: James wasn't a bully, he was fighting prejudiced people!
Bertram Aubrey: *crying in the corner*
Rowling: Wtf am I, a fan?
Lily: *left the chat*
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morallyblack · 4 years
sirius & bertram // @bertram--aubrey // january. the great hall.
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He finally managed to make it down for dinner. There had been a moment where Sirius debated whether or not showing up to the Great Hall, he could have easily gone off to the Kitchens instead. It would have been safer. But maybe it was the biggest fuck you to everyone who thought of him as a monster, to continue going to things as scheduled, even if they made him leave suddenly. He still wanted to shut Rabastan up but after the fight with Damon, the points lost and the detentions served, it wouldn’t be the smartest move. Sirius thought he could get away with sitting away from certain people, not feel their stares and glares on him, but he, unfortunately, sat down across from Bertram Aubrey. The number one fan in the Hate Sirius & James club. 
“Aubrey if you’re going to stare at me this whole time, I’d prefer you to take a picture, it will last longer and won’t throw mashed potatoes in your face.” 
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chdarling-tle · 4 years
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David Montgomery, Quidditch Captain, licked his finger and held it up to the windless sky. “Perfect flying conditions,” he announced to James, who stood beside him in the center of the Quidditch pitch. There was always such an energy here, a buzzing, thrumming thrill of kinetic potential. It was a beautiful morning to boot. Swaths of soft sunshine fell across the pitch while filmy white clouds hung high over the castle. The wind barely whispered.
“Of course,” continued Montgomery, “I’d prefer to hold trials in a bad storm or at least a bit of rain to see what they’ve really got, but this will do.”
James gave a grunt of agreement, slouching over his broom as he surveyed the stands. Quite a few people had come out to watch, including his mates, who had ribbed him about trials the whole way there. He hoped they couldn’t tell how nervous he actually was. James knew that he was twice as good as any would-be Chaser Montgomery might throw at him, but that didn’t mean the thirst to prove himself wasn’t all consuming and just a little bit nauseating. It hadn’t been his fault they’d lost the cup last year. He’d just barely escaped that Bludger, after all…
Shunting this memory aside, James mounted his broom and kicked off, a nervous knot in his stomach. Montgomery had decided to start with the Beaters, so James flew over to the group of hopeful Chasers hovering near the stands, laughing and cheering as Kingsley Shacklebolt knocked Bludger after Bludger across the field.
The hopefuls were predominately sixth and seventh years that James didn’t know. Aisha Collins floated a few feet away, chatting with a group of unfamiliar girls. A tall, black girl with long braids and a bright grin, she had been on the team last year and had a really excellent feint he admired. If Aisha was insulted to have to try out again, she didn’t show it, offering him a cheerful wave before turning back to her friends.
“Potter,” said one of the sixth years as James drifted over. “Good to see you.”
“Er, you too—”
“Bertram. Bertram Aubrey.” The boy offered his hand and James shook it.
Read it on AO3 | FFN
From the beginning: AO3 | FFN
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incalescenthq · 6 years
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congratulations, DEE! you’ve just been accepted as bertram aubrey with the faceclaim of park hyungsik! i love characters like bertram; characters we know practically nothing about, but that we have the possibility to truly make our own. and wow, i love how you made bertram yours! he’s such an interesting character to me, and i feel like he’s not the typical order member, which will make for an interesting group dynamic! plus, i love the arithmancy side of things, and the thing about his friend (which makes me really sad, but i love being sad when i read apps, so). so, yes! i absolutely can’t want to see bertram on the dash!
please make sure to make your blog(s) accessible, and to send it (or them) in within the next 48 hours! as soon as you send it in, you’ll get a link to the discord chat! then, please send me your triggers so i can add them to the list! also, please make sure that you’re following everyone on the follow list right here, and that you’re tracking all the tags listed here. finally, thank you so much for applying to incalescent!
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You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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siriusblacksgirl · 7 years
Year 5: Sirius Black x Reader
Ok I have like a series of this for every year but basically reader is pureblood with a powerful father, and started learning magic early on bc of that. She knows Sirius likes her but wants to encourage him to ask her out properly, since hes always sabotaging her dates.
There’s something about her, he thought to himself. There’s something bewitching about watching her when she’s unaware, engrossed in a book, lost in the tales of worlds more enticing than her own. Her eyes squinted from the effort of focusing on words lit only by the dim glow of the crackling fireplace. He admired the way a strand freed itself from the make-shift bun she had created, held weakly together by a pencil, and curled around her face. He couldn’t help but smile softly as she scrunched up her nose in frustration, swatting the strand away from her face with the back of her hand, eyes hungrily scanning the page for her spot.  From the way she curled up on the armchair in the otherwise empty Common Room, a tiny ball wrapped in a red Christmas sweater two sizes too big for her, a half empty cup of hot chocolate forgotten on the side table, he could tell he was witnessing a rare moment; a moment in which the flame that burned so bright inside her seemed tamed, her usual self, fierce and burning with energy, enjoying settling down into embers for a night.
A  stinging sensation startled Sirius out of his thoughts as James’s hand collided with his back.
“Oi what was that for?!” Sirius exclaimed.
“Did you hear any of what I just said? I’ve been wasting my breath for a solid ten minutes!”, retorted James.
Sirius rolled his eyes, a smirk creeping its way onto his face.
“Let me guess. Hmmm let’s see here, could you possibly be whining about a certain red-headed Gryffindor who has a knack for ignoring you?”
James huffed, clearly annoyed at the accurate analyzation of a story that even more clearly had passed completely over his best mate’s head.
“At least I don’t watch her when she’s not looking”, he teased, smiling slyly, gesturing towards the brunette lost in the pages of her novel.
“Yes Prongs, yes you do”, Sirius shot back, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, “And for your information, I was not watching her, I was just shocked at how quiet she’s being tonight. A bit odd for someone who never shuts up.” He declared the last bit louder than necessary, eliciting a glare from the subject of the conversation, Y/N. She contemplated for a second whether Sirius’s goading deserved a reaction, decided against it, and with a roll of her eyes, returned her attention to the adventures of her favorite fantasy, much to Sirius’s chagrin.
“Besides, you know I’m a lone wolf Prongs”, his eyes glinted mischievously, his voice still a touch louder than necessary.
“That’s funny, I thought Moony was the wolf here. You’re more of a dog, really. Have you ever thought about making your transformations permanent?”, Y/N piped up lazily, her eyes still trained on the book in her lap. At this, James choked with laughter as Sirius’s gaze returned to her, amused, his lips tugging upwards.
“Unfortunately, staying in my Animagus form would cause Hogwarts to have a bestiality problem on its hands. Even as a dog, I’m irresistible. You, on the other hand, can’t even seem to find a guy to want you in your human form”, Sirius countered, knowing he’d strike a chord with Y/N .
A loud bang echoed in the Gryffindor Common Room as Y/N ’s book landed on the ground and she leapt to her feet, whirling to face Sirius.
“Maybe if you lot stayed out of my business, boys would stick around for longer than a month”, she shrieked.
“Yeah, and maybe you’re the problem. Or wow, here’s another thought, maybe the guys you’re interested in are prats.”, he countered.
She narrowed her eyes, a dangerous look flashing through them before she clenched her jaws, knelt down to retrieve her book, and without another word, stomped up the spiralling stone staircase towards the girls dormitories.
James watched his best friend curiously. Sirius’s expression was one of quiet anger as he struggled to maintain a nonchalant demeanor, betrayed only by his clenched fists.
Treading carefully, James murmured, “She’s right to be angry you know. How is it that you have a ‘run in’ with every boy that’s ever asked her out?”
Sirius closed his eyes and breathed in, before opening them to study his friend who was watching him with a look of concern.
“I care about her”, he whispered. Breathing out, his confident exterior returned and he stood up to stretch, turning his back to James. “But not the way that you think”.
“Yeah? ‘Cuz we all care about her too but it’s Y/N we’re talking about here. If anyone can take care of themselves, it’s her. She’s the most talented witch in our year and you know it as well as I do Pads. Besides, you know how much she hates people treating her like she’s helpless. She probably hasn’t backed down from a fight since the day she was born”
“Whatever. She’ll get over it by tomorrow morning. She always does.” he sighed. He turned back around to face James, running a hand through his long black locks. “Wanna head upstairs? I bet Moony and Wormtail are done their Potions assignment by now”
Unappeased but left with no choice, James followed his friend up the other stone staircase, hoping that Sirius was right. While Sirius and Y/N were usually partners in crime, their fights could certainly get dirty.
Y/N whined in protest as the curtains were ripped out of the way, streaming sunshine into the room and startling  her awake.
“Get up or we’re gonna miss breakfast!”, Lily cried, tugging Y/N until her upper body was sprawled on the ground, her legs still wrapped around the blankets in her bed. Y/N groaned, shoving her head in her hand and pushing her curls out of her eyes. The events of the previous day returned to her, anger once again bubbling to the surface. Dragging her legs into the shower, she brooded over the events of the past year in the solace of the warm water and the quiet of the bathroom. Sirius had stumbled upon the hobby of tormenting every guy who asked Y/N to Hogsmeade, or danced with her at parties, or flirted with her in class. He’d hexed poor Bertram Aubrey’s head to twice its original size, and Lucius Malfoy’s hair had been dyed bright pink for weeks. Because of his pesky interference coupled with her father’s reputation, Y/N was now 16 with no real experience in a relationship. She fumed at Sirius’s childish, and pathetically transparent, antics.
She recalled with a soft smile the time he had asked her out in 4th year. Y/N and Sirius had gotten remarkably close over the past 4 years. They both had revelled in spreading mischief, easing the tension in the air when exams rolled around, or giving the students staying back during holiday something to laugh about. They also kept each other in check. Y/N seemed to excel in her classes effortlessly, having knowledge of spells and charms well above her level, challenging Sirius’s natural talent. Sirius, despite having no taste for the glory quidditch could provide, gave her a run for her money as he’d learnt to fly at a remarkably young age. It came as no shock to anyone when the two started displaying more than typical, friendly affection for one another.
It was common knowledge that, with his long, dark hair, contrasted against his creamy complexion, highlighting his high cheek bones,  and stormy grey eyes, Sirius was no stranger to girls’ attention. He could often be found chatting up a girl in the corner of a quidditch after-party, her too-loud giggles a source of envy for the many other girls in the room. He never, however, took it past innocent flirting.  When questioned, he’d simply shrug and with a lazy smile claim that he wasn’t ready to be tied down just yet. He didn’t think he ever would be, as relationships seemed to be too many rules, too much tiptoeing around one another, for his liking.
“Guess how many girls have asked me to Hogsmeade”, he had mused, happily.
Y/N turned to glare at him, annoyance spelled out across her face. He had recently become aware of the affect he was having on girls, and their usefulness in filling the hole in his heart his parents had carved.
“I’ll pass”
“Don’t be jealous, Y/N . I, for one, plan on taking you to Hogsmeade.”
Y/N felt her stomach flip, as she sucked her lips into her mouth to conceal the smile making her way on to her face. She wasn’t immune to Sirius’s charm, but it was different for her. She didn’t care for what he looked like; she liked him for the twinkle of anticipation in his eyes just before a prank, or the way he looked with his hair falling forward onto his face when he’s on the ground, clutching his stomach in hysteric laughter. She liked him for the pout his lips would form when he concentrated really hard on learning a charm, or the glint of playfulness in his eyes when he spiralled on his broom, cutting her off from reaching the snitch during practices. More than anything else, however, she liked him for the soft side of him that he seemed to reserve for after dark. The way he’d timidly slink down the stairs from his dormitory, knowing Y/N slept almost as little as him, wrapping the both of them in blankets and spending the early hours of the night talking about their hearts desires; the soft light the fire cast on his face making her melt, as he whispered to her how he hoped to change the world, how he desperately hoped to be different. The rare show of shyness as he talked about his fears, his constant battle between his love for his brother Regulus, and his hate for his family’s ways. It warmed her heart the most to discover him on the astronomy tower the nights after Remus’s transformation, eyes filled to the brim with the frustration of not being able to do anything to quell his friend’s pain; the way he’d reach out to her, his body hungry for any source of comfort.
So, when he seemed to ask her out on a date, her heart had soared, and then plummeted. She searched desperately in his eyes for the warmth she had fallen for, and came out empty handed. She was one of the few girls in the school who refused to throw herself at him, refused to acknowledge or react to his incessant flirting. She wasn’t a quest; to be conquered and then boasted about, like the rest of his girls, and she refused to be another number. She refused to come as easy as everyone else to him. She was worth more than that. So, ignoring the ache of longing her heart, she turned back towards her food.
“Who says I don’t already have a date?”, she asked, raising an eyebrow at her friend, aware of Remus and James whistling in the background. Sirius frowned, clearly taken by surprise.
“Who’s taking you?”, he questioned, eyes devoid of his usual humour.
“Alphard”, she stated casually, picking at her food.
Alphard McLaggen ended up being the first victim to the line of guys who had attempted their chance with Y/N , and then mysteriously had a terrifying encounter with the marauders’ infamous pranks. At the end of the day, when forced to choose between her friends and her not-yet boyfriend, she chose her friends. Sirius never asked her out again.
Turning off the shower, Y/N was struck with an idea. What if, Sirius couldn’t make her choose between the boy she chose to see and her best friends? What if he was one and the same? With the gears in her head churning, she pulled on her black and red robes and skipped down to breakfast.
She spotted the familiar flame of red hair surrounded by 4 boys immediately, and made her way to their table. Instead of assuming her usual spot in between Sirius and Lily, she approached Remus, hugging him from behind and placing her head on his. Remus looked up in surprise, choking on the milk he was downing, and Sirius raised an eyebrow in their direction.
“Reemmmm”, she whined, pouting her lower lip.
Just as she’d hoped, he grabbed her hand pulling her into the seat next to him. Confused, he turned towards her.  “What’s going on, Y/N ?”
“Will you accompany me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?”, she asked, her voice bouncing musically, laced with a sickly sweetness. She used one hand to tuck a piece of her wet hair behind her ear, as she squeezed his hand, willing him just this once to use that witty mind of his and side with her.
“I thought you were going with Amos”, he said cautiously. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Peter watching the two of them with a mixture of awe and confusion, Lily smirking at her knowingly, and James glaring at her. Sirius’s stance, though tense before, relaxed slightly at the mention of Amos and Remus’s apparent rejection.
Shifting herself closer to Remus so that she was almost on his lap, she rested her head in her hand, giving him her undivided attention, and biting her lip.
“Yeah…but when Sirius set his robes on fire, I realized I wasn’t even disappointed. He isn’t the person I really wanted to go with anyway”, she declared, boring her eyes into his, willing him to understand.
A flicker of recognition, and then mischief flashed in Remus’s eyes before he gasped, engulfing Y/N in a hug.
“And here I thought I didn’t stand a chance”, Remus fake whispered, loud enough for their friends to hear.
She finally detached herself from Remus, daring to look at Sirius. The sight she was met with caused her stomach to knot in a mixture of anxiety and hope. His jaw was clenched, his complexion paler than usual. His grey eyes seemed to darken as the two of them made eye contact, and her heart leapt.
“I should thank you I guess Siri. I know you’re a prat, but if you hadn’t pranked Amos, I’d never have the courage to ask Remus. So, thanks Pads.”
Lily snickered across from her, shooting James a warning glance just as Y/N got up, throwing her hair behind her as she turned to leave. She hadn’t made it far before she felt a tug on her wrist, and looked down to meet the eyes of Remus, a sly smile adorning his face. He held out a muffin.
“Don’t forget breakfast, love”
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, forcing back the giggle of amusement that threatened to escape. She swooped down, placing a kiss on Remus’s cheek, whispering a quick thank you in his ear, before waving good bye to the rest of the crew.
Sirius watched the back of Y/N ’s head, her hair swaying slightly as she strutted away. He was clutching the fork in his hand so hard, his knuckles had started to turn white from the strain. It wasn’t until Peter coughed that Sirius’s attention was brought back to the table.
“Wow! Remus, I didn’t know you and Y/N were a thing! This is great, she’s beautiful, you deserve this buddy”, Peter erupted, beaming with happiness.
“Yeah”, let out Sirius, carefully measuring his next words on his tongue. “I didn’t know you and Y/N were a thing. Why didn’t I know? James, did you know?”
“I-er-no I guess not but-“
“Lily, did you know?”
“Actually,” Lily started, grinning evilly as her eyes connected with Remus’s. “I did, know. Y/N talks about him nonstop.”
Sirius returned his intense gaze to Remus, unaware of James shaking his head and hiding it in between his hands as Lily leaned down to whisper a warning in his ear.
Remus grinned. It wasn’t every day he discovered a way to actually get to his friend. This was going to be fun.
“They’re just doing it mess with you. Don’t do something you’ll regret!”
“You’ve been saying that for days now! How is it they’re still together then, huh?.”
It had been three days since Y/N ’s brilliant plan, which was losing it’s appeal rapidly. James, unable to hide anything from his best friend, had told Sirius about his hunch regarding Y/N ’s relationship, encouraging him to withhold any sort of reaction. Remus and Y/N had met up with Lily in the library in between classes that first day, making sure they all had their backstories in check and understood that as soon as anyone’s feelings were in genuine danger, the plan gets called off. However, Sirius had actively avoided being in the presence of the supposed couple since their initial meeting at breakfast, putting a damper on their little project. In desperation, Y/N found herself at a new low: eavesdropping outside the boys’ dorm in hopes of finding the inspiration to continue on with their little charade.
She heard steps making their way up to the door she was crouching in front of and, opting to face the boys inside the dorm rather than be caught outside, she pushed open the door. She found Sirius sitting cross-legged on his bed, his hair hanging messily around his shoulders, red and gold tie swaying loosely on his untucked shirt. James sat on the opposite bed, his legs swinging underneath him, a snitch hovering in the air above him.
Sirius turned to look at Y/N momentarily, before growling, “Get. Out.”
“This is my boyfriend’s dorm as much as yours, and, seeing as how I can’t seem to find him, I’m going to wait for him here.”
“Like hell you are,” muttered Sirius. Y/N almost felt bad for him, before his eyes lit up and swiveled around once again to meet her own. “You wanna know something odd that James here was just telling me, Y/N ?”
Y/N felt her cheeks grow hot, knowing perfectly well what the pair had just been discussing. Slowly, she nodded her head, eyes jumping from Sirius to a very nervous-looking James.
Sirius jumped up from his bed, pushing a hand through his hair before approaching Y/N , eyes glinting with malice. “James here seems to be under the impression that you and Moony are only pretending to date.”
Y/N refused to let her gaze falter, raising her chin defiantly and narrowing her eyes, answering in a voice so dangerously low that James had to physically lean forward to catch the next few words. “Yeah? And why, exactly, would I be doing that?”
“Well”, drawled Sirius, voice dripping with hostility. His eyes flickered momentarily to the door behind you, but he continued. “James thinks it’s because you’re trying to make me jealous.”
Frozen in place, Y/N ’s voice trembled as she choked out her response. “What do you think Sirius?”
At this, Sirius laughed, a bark-like, bitter laugh. Taking another step closer to her so that they were standing so close she could see the rapid rise and fall of his chest, and had to tilt her head slightly to meet the icy grey of his eyes.
“Well, I think you can’t possibly be stupid enough to think going out with Remus would make me jealous. I mean, just look at me”, he stated, hands gesturing up and down his body. “I have all the most beautiful girls of the student body at my disposal, and you really think I could possibly be looking at you? Please, you may not be a looker but you have brains, I’ll give you that. There’s no way you think you can make me jealous.”
Y/N had to restrain herself from clutching her chest at the effect his words had had on her. She could feel her heart breaking, could feel each and every crack, his words like a hammer landing blow after blow on her porcelain heart, the pain spreading across her chest. She clenched her fists so tightly, blood stained the places her nails met the flesh of her palm. Against her will, her breathing quickened, the large lump in her throat and unease in her stomach pulling her into a wave of nausea. She couldn’t remember the last time she cried. It wasn’t when she found out her brother, her closest family, was moving away indefinitely to Bulgaria, it wasn’t when her father told her not to come home for the holidays as he didn’t have time-nor the desire, as she knew all too well- to be with her. It wasn’t even when she herself had been shipped off to Belgium at the ripe age of 7, nobody asking her how she felt about leaving her friends and family behind, her only contact being a rare letter once every couple months. No, Y/N was not one to cry, so it came as an unpleasant shock to her when, despite her attempts to dispel the tears pricking her eyes, grinding her teeth in determination to not let Sirius see her so weak, she still felt the warm, wetness on her cheek seconds later. Shutting her eyes, swallowing back a sob, she turned to leave the room, running straight into the chest of Remus, who had been standing in the doorway during Sirius’s rampage. He looked at her, eyes full of concern, opening his mouth to say something but Y/N didn’t give him a chance. She shoved him out of the way before sprinting down the stone stairwell. Moments later, the trio of boys heard the portrait door slam shut, leaving them in a stunned silence.
“You really are a twat Sirius, you know that?”, Remus claimed angrily.
Remorse bloomed in Sirius’s stomach. Y/N was the strongest person he knew. Despite the nights the two had spent discussing his life, his dilemmas and goals, she had never once disclosed any real personal pains of her own. She always sported a bright smile, her face glowing with happiness, her person radiating warmth. In their 4 years of friendship, he’d never once seen her cry, never once seen such raw pain coloring her face.
“Aren’t you going to go after your girlfriend?”, Sirius responded weakly, all the animosity drained from his voice, replaced by regret.
Remus felt around under his bed for chocolate, stuffing some in his mouth before casually responding with, “She’s not my girlfriend”, causing James to smirk with triumph.
Sirius stared at him in a mixture of shock, relief, and guilt, waiting for him to elaborate. Instead, Remus raised his eyebrows towards the door, then looked back at Sirius expectantly.
He found her in her usual sanctuary, sitting in the windowsill of the astronomy tower, looking out into a courtyard. Her knees were brought up to her chest wrapped under her arms, chin resting on them. She  was no longer crying but there was no mistaking the puffiness of her sorrowful eyes. She really was quite radiant, with her curls gathered on one side of her body, the half-moon illuminating her golden eyes, casting a enchanting glow on her. She turned slightly at the sound of shoes scraping against the cold ground.
“Go away”, she whispered, her voice stripped of conviction.
Instead, Sirius took his place opposite her on the same windowsill, watching her with large, puppy dog eyes.
They sat in silence, Y/N determined to keep her eyes focused on the uncanny stillness of a Hogwarts courtyard after hours. After what seemed like ages, Sirius leaned forward slowly, afraid any sudden action would compromise his next move. Gently, he took her hand in his, pulling her closer to him. She let him, stopping herself just before their bodies touched. This time, she studied the pattern of the stones on the ground. She had no doubt in her mind that Remus had told Sirius the truth already.
“I’m kind of an idiot aren’t I?”, he whispered.
Y/N let out a soft, sad laugh. “Kind of.”
“I’m sorry Y/N ”, he started, squeezing her hand slightly. “You know I didn’t mean any of that right?”
She didn’t respond, so he continued, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“I’d be the luckiest boy in this school if you had agreed to go out with me last year. I just-you rejected me, so seeing you with Remus, I felt jealous and inadequate and-“
“I didn’t want to be one of them”, Y/N squeaked out, so quietly that Sirius almost missed it.
“What was that?”, he asked, nose scrunching in confusion.
“Every girl in this castle throws herself at you. I didn’t want to be one of them; I didn’t want to turn into just another girl on your list. I want to be more than stolen kisses and hands held under the cover of the night”, she breathed out.
“Okay, first of all, I haven’t graced any girls with my lips just yet”, he teased, earning an amused glare from Y/N.
“-and second of all, you could never be just another anything. You burn brighter than anyone I’ve ever met, Y/N. You’re the wild of a storm and the calm after the storm, all bundled into one person. You’re the arms that rocked me softly on nights I didn’t know how to be me anymore, and you’re the arms that steadied mine when they shook from excitement those moments before a prank. You’re as big a part of me as my own lungs. And I’m sorry.” He took a breath. “I’m sorry for ever hurting you. There’s absolutely no excuse for me to behave like that, no matter how I feel about you. But for whatever it’s worth, I think you’re breathtaking. inside and out.” He looked at her with pleading eyes. Y/N stared back, wide eyed, a slight pink blush decorating her face. She bit her lip trying to contain her joy.
Gaining courage from her positive response, Sirius scooted closer, holding both her hands in his. “Do you forgive me?”
Smiling slyly, Y/N looked out into the courtyard once more. “Oh, I don’t know, You hurt me pretty bad back there, I feel like you owe me.”
At this, Sirius pulled her even closer, one of his hands making its way down to her waist, the other cradling her head.
“What do you want?”, he whispered, lips so close she could feel his hot breath on her own, the hairs at the back of her neck rising in anticipation. She was sure he could hear the pounding of her heart and the way her eyes struggled to stay open. She parted her lips slightly, wracking her brain for a witty answer, but before she could say anything, Sirius closed the distance between them.
His lips were soft and warm, sparking a shiver up her spine. She responded immediately, burying her hands in his silky black locks, pulling him even closer as her lips moved rhythmically against his. She felt his hand clutch her waist tightly as he poured all the unexpressed emotion into her lips, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. He’d wanted this for so long, his body hungered for hers. Y/N smiled into the kiss, pulling away and resting her forehead against his, every atom in her body conscious of how close they were, of the way her lips burned with desire as Sirius’s thumb traced them softly.
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morsmrdpromo · 5 years
quais os canon disponíveis??
Olha, essa é a nossa listinha atualizada (18/05). Mas além dos canon, também temos os semi-canons, que podem estar relacionados com personagens da golden era, como mãe/pai da Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe e Goyle, e por aí vai. Temos várias sugestões de semi canons, e íamos amar que vocês viessem até nosso chat pra gente poder conversar sobre!
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Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Bertram Aubrey, Arthur Weasley, Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, Rodolphus Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr., Gilderoy Lockhart, Avery II, Mulciber II, Evan Rosier, Mundungus Fletcher, Edgar Bones, Amycus Carrow, Amos Diggory, Dedalus Diggle, Benjy Fenwick, Alastor Moody, Edward Tonks.
Alecto Carrow, Emmeline Vance, Emma Vanity, Molly Prewett, Mary McDonald, Greta Catchlove, Glenda Chittock, Patricia Rakenpick, Bertha Jorkins, Amelia Bones, Hestia Jones, Wendy Slinkhard, Mafalda Hopkirk, Sybill Trelawney.
PS. Em negrito são os nossos most wanted. Lembrando também que estamos precisando de comensais da morte *piscadela marota*.
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oyevans · 7 years
Why I hate... #1
“The headcanon that James changed for Lily" 
 There is no evidence whatsoever that James Potter changed for Lily Evans. It’s something that fans have decided is ideal to want. 
The main quote–if not the only–referencing James changing is from Order and the Phoenix, Career Advice (The chapter after Harry finds out Lily ‘hated’ James). 
[my thoughts]
The conversation goes as follows:
When he had finished, neither Sirius nor Lupin spoke for a moment. Then Lupin said quietly, “I wouldn’t like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry. He was only fifteen–” [He was actually sixteen at that point since his birthday is in March, but whatever.]
“I’m fifteen!” said Harry heatedly.
“Look, Harry,” said Sirius placatingly, “James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can’t you? [We know this is true from the flashback of them meeting in Deathly Hallows.] I think James was everything Snape wanted to be–he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything. [Snape does complain to Lily about how great everyone thinks James is in DH.] And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts and James–whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry–always hated the Dark Arts.” 
{Harry says James attacked Snape for no good reason. Lupin explains how they were the height of cool and sometimes got a bit carried away. Sirius and Lupin reminisce, and Harry says he thought James was a bit of an idiot. Sirius replies they were all idiots, “Well–not Moony so much.” Remus says how he never told them to lay off, and Sirius says he made them feel guilty sometimes.} 
“And,” said Harry doggedly, determined to say everything that was on his mind now he was here, “he kept looking over at the girls by the lake, hoping they were watching him!”
“Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around,” said Sirius, shrugging. “He couldn’t stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.” 
“How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!” 
“Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.
“She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin.
“Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius. [Notice he says “a bit,” and not had a change of personality like in a numerous amount of fanfics.]
“And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin.
{Then they start talking about James and Snape and them hexing each other and whether Lily was okay with it.} 
The point is James had more important things to worry about than if a girl he fancied didn’t like him. Also, nowhere in that passage does anyone refer to him as changing, I mean he stopped doing things and deflated his head a bit but his essence was still the same (hated the Dark Arts, didn’t care about blood status, a good friend), he just grew up. 
Such things being:
Sirius said he (as in Sirius not James) ran away when he “was about sixteen.” When Harry asked where he went he told him he went to James’ place and that James’ parents “sort of adopted [him] as a second son.” Sirius' birthday, according to Rowling, is November third meaning he turned sixteen two months into fifth year, so ran away before sixth year started seeing as he has no chance to runaway after he returning to Hogwarts for sixth year but before he turns seventeen. He either ran away during Christmas or Easter break during fifth year or the summer before sixth year. But seeing he could have stayed at Hogwarts or just stayed at James’ (Harry never needed his guardians’ permissions to stay at Ron’s house during breaks), it’s more likely he ran away during the summer. And James grew up after fifth year but prior to dating Lily in seventh year. And Sirius running away could be part of the reason.
Also, Voldemort was on the rise (knowingly and not) while they were students at Hogwarts:
By the time that Remus was four years old, the amount of Dark magical activity across the country was increasing steadily. While few yet knew what lay behind the mounting attacks and sightings, Lord Voldemort’s first ascent to power was in progress and Death Eaters were recruiting all kinds of Dark creatures to join them in their quest to overthrow the Ministry of Magic. 
Eugenia Jenkins (1968-1975) Jenkins dealt competently with pure-blood riots during Squib Rights marches in the late sixties, but was soon confronted with the first rise of Lord Voldemort. Jenkins was soon ousted from office as inadequate to the challenge.
So Voldemort was known to be on the rise at latest late in their fourth year or early in their fifth year (between January 1975–fourth year–to December 1975–their fifth year). 
If the roles were reverse:
If Lily and James switched roles no one would say Lily changed for James, Meaning if Lily was the bully who hated the Dark Arts and taunted James’ non-popular Dark Arts obsessed friend who hated Lily and followed her and her friends around to get them in trouble and fancied James, and James was the mature one who stood by that friend no matter what his other friends said until that friend called him a slur because Lily was humiliating them and made James realize (after years of denial) what that friend was becoming. If James rejected her because he didn’t like how they hexed people and acted like they owned the place. If James was the one who ‘hated’ Lily, then Lily changed and stopped hexing people (except for the ex-friend who also hexed her) no one would say Lily changed for James.
No there would be an uproar about how a woman doesn’t have to/shouldn’t change for a guy to like her. And people would say Lily didn’t change for James but grew up for the war and her friend who ran away from a family who believed in pureblood mania. Which is what likely happened in James’ case.
Why it Matters:
It matters because (as far as canon goes) James did not change for Lily. By saying James changed for Lily, you’re implying that he changed specifically for someone to like him. You’re diminishing his character; James fancied Lily (he wasn’t in love with her as far as we know, prior to dating her), and at the age of fifteen/sixteen he was an idiot and a bully. But you know what, a lot of teenagers are (not that that makes it okay), I was a victim of bullying for several years by various people, and I witnessed some of those people grow up and become nicer people than when the younger version of me knew them. You know why? Because people grow up. Are you the same person at the age of seventeen that you were at fifteen, at eleven? Likely not, because we go through experiences that change us and make us grow up. There was a war and people dying, they wouldn’t have stayed the same people. 
Harry at eleven befriends people others wouldn’t (Hermione “know-it-all” Granger, and Ron “Poor Pureblood” Weasley) and makes a rival.
James at eleven befriends people others wouldn’t (Remus “werewolf-but-just-says-his-mum-is-sick” Lupin, Sirius “I-come-from-a-pureblood-family-that-believes-in-pureblood-mania-and-are-always-in-Slytherin” Black–also keep in mind that James hated Slytherin yet continued chatting well with Sirius despite knowing his whole family was from Slytherin, and Peter “I-look-like-a-nobody-and-people-overlook-me” Pettigrew) and makes a rival.
Harry at twelve gets annoyed with a fanboy of his following him. Saves Ginny Weasley.
James at twelve finds out his friend is a werewolf and continues to be his friend and tries to find a way to help him (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at thirteen Harry uses his invisibility cloak to throw mud at Malfoy for taunting Ron about being poor and for Hagrid. Spends most of it (along with Ron) mad at Hermione. Time travels to save Sirius and Buckbeak. 
James at thirteen, tries to become an animagus (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at fourteen gets jealous and avoids using Cedric’s advice as long as possible because they fancied the same girl–which would have come back to bite Harry in the arse if it hadn’t been for Dobby. Saves Fleur’s little sister along with Ron (and waited until Cedric and Krum had already rescued Cho and Hermione respectively before taking them up) even though it wasn’t his responsibility. 
James at fourteen, tries to become an animagus (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at fifteen attempts to use “Crucio” after his godfather dies and is constantly going through teen angst. Tries to save his godfather and stands up to authority no matter what it cost him.
James at fifteen saves a guy that he hates (Snape) and had been following him and his friends around in hopes of getting them expelled from a werewolf (after his other friend told him where to go, but it was partly Snape’s fault for going even when he already suspected Remus of being a werewolf). Became an animagus (along with Sirius and Peter) to help Remus. May have used an illegal hex (along with Sirius) on Bertram Aubrey–I say “may” in terms of James’ age, since we don’t know how old he was when it happened. Fancies Lily Evans. May have made the Marauder’s Map along with Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot–again, I say “may” in terms of his age.
Harry at sixteen, has to handle his godfather’s death. Used sectumsempra on Draco not knowing what the spell did only that it was “for enemies.” Saves his mate's life. Fancies and later starts dating Ginny Weasley, and then breaks up with her for a noble reason. 
James at sixteen, was a bully (I’m talking about the SWM scene, since it happens when he’s in fifth year, but he’d be sixteen at that point in time). Takes in his best friend who ran away from home. Began to deflate his head. 
Harry at seventeen, used Crucio and Imperio. Lost more of his friends. Sacrificed himself for the wizarding world.
James at seventeen, became Head Boy. Began dating Lily Evans. Had his head deflated. Still hexed Severus Snape (who hexed him as well).
Also note that I wasn’t going to explain everything good and bad James and Harry did at their different ages because respectively we don’t know everything about one of them in canon and it would be too long if I wrote everything good and bad the other did.
At any age we do things we regret and things we don’t. Do you think James or Lily would have used Dark Spells? No. Yet Harry does. Younger Harry wouldn’t have even considered it, but older Harry didn’t feel like he had a choice if he was going to save the world (he uses Crucio on one of the Carrow siblings after they spat in McGonagall’s face and Imperio in Gringotts on one of the goblins when they were close to losing their covers–as Hermione was disguised as Bellatrix). 
Back to James, by saying he changes for Lily you diminish the character he became. Sure it’s a romantic thought (although, I’ve always found it annoying in books), but you’re giving Lily too much credit and power over James. And it sends the wrong message of ”change for someone and they’ll fall in love with you” rather than “be yourself, whoever doesn’t like you is obviously not the right person for you.” You may ask: but he changed (grew up), so did Lily not really love him (or a variant)? Yes and no, yes he changed (grew up), but not for her. I’m not saying he didn’t take Lily’s comment to heart, but changing for someone and changing because you realize you don’t want to be a certain kind of person is different. Lily didn’t like the former James because of his former ill-behaved mannerisms, but he grew up and realized he likely didn’t want to be this person and again there was a war. He stopped being arrogant all the time (but he was likely still a bit arrogant, he’s James Potter) and acted more mature but kept a playful and loving manner–even if he still hexed Severus Snape who hexed him as well. 
James Potter didn’t change for Lily Evans to love him. 
Rowling, JK. "Remus Lupin.” Pottermore. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2017. <https://www.pottermore.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/remus-lupin>.
Rowling, JK. “Ministers for Magic.” Pottermore. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2017. <https://www.pottermore.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/ministers-for-magic>.
Rowling, JK. “The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. New York: Scholastic, 2013. 111 . Print.
Rowling, JK. “Career Advice.” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. New York: Scholastic, 2013. 670-71. Print.
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You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
0 notes
Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
0 notes
Tumblr media
You know their lives. You know their stories.
But you haven’t seen them like this.
If the Marauders Era characters lived in present-day United Kingdom, you know for a fact that Sirius Black would be leaving plenty of people on “Read.” Narcissa Black would be a Snapchat queen. And Bertram Aubrey would be a total Twitter troll.
Maybe the Order and the Death Eaters have their own GroupMe chats. Maybe Severus Snape runs his own moody Tumblr blog. And I don’t even want to know what a Marlene McKinnon “Finsta” account would like (JK. I would love to see it).
If the mix of modern technology and post-grad Marauders Era characters doesn’t entice you, let’s throw in the threat of a looming war, and you have the ultimate AU Marauders Era roleplay.
Check out:
And join MODERN MISCHIEF today!
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