#:D ty for prompts!
blackjackkent · 1 month
Hector: 1
Karlach: 18
Jaheira: 3
Astarion: 17
All the faves, and Astarion for variety, haha.
(Headcanon Meme)
Excellent :D
1. Holiday headcanon for Hector
As I explored a bit in The Mystery of the Night, Selunite worship has a lot of rituals but don't really seem to have too much in the way of real celebratory holidays - and certainly not any that were celebrated with particular festivity in the monastery where Hector grew up. Karlach, conversely, grew up in the Outer City which had plenty of official holidays and probably lots of less official block parties and general celebration. They talk a lot about this during their time fighting the Absolute and afterwards in Avernus; Karlach always points up when it's a holiday back in the Gate, no matter where they happen to be, and finds some way to celebrate. Hector doesn't have many ideas in this regard but is always excited to help her with whatever she comes up with because it makes her so happy to think about.
18. Favorite possession headcanon for Karlach
Oh. This one has the potential to be sad, because anything Karlach considered a favorite possession prior to the Hells is lost to her now.
I'm gonna go with a fluffy idea instead though. Living in Avernus with Hector and Wyll is a pretty rough time sometimes, especially given the heat - Hector commented at one point that it makes cuddling with her feel like they're sitting in a blast furnace, and all of them spend basically every moment sweat-soaked and feeling gross.
However, they are also friends with one of the greatest evocation wizards of the Forgotten Realms. Sometime after the epilogue party, a courier comes along the tenuous supply line they manage to set up from the material plane, bearing a gift from Gale - an enchanted stone which can produce a liter of cold water and keep it chilled for an hour, or chill the air of a room for an hour, once per day. This immediately becomes the most treasured possession of their little guerilla hideout in the House of Hope; each person gets it for one day on a cycle, and Karlach only semi-jokingly states that she will go on a mad rampage if her turn is ever skipped.
3. Sleeping headcanon for Jaheira
"One day, I will sit down," Jaheira says occasionally in her ambient dialogue, and she's only half joking. She's a half-elf so her long rests are officially the full 8 hours but even on her best days she rarely gets more than six hours of sleep, and more often four to five. Her sleep is relatively peaceful - though occasionally plagued by brutal nightmares that seem to come out of nowhere and leave as rapidly as they came - but once she wakes, she can rarely get back to sleep. She and Astarion are often both up in the middle of the night as a result; he steers clear of her as a general rule but does watch her with a certain amount of curiosity when he thinks she isn't paying attention.
17. Soft spot headcanon for Astarion
Buddy the owlbear cub is Astarion's first actual experience of softness. (Certainly in Hector's worldstate he doesn't really get any from Hector until late Act 1 when Hector starts to feel more comfortable with everything.) At first, Astarion sees him as a potential meal, but the kibosh is put on that immediately when Hector makes it clear that the beast is staying as a pet. So Astarion mostly tries to avoid Buddy until he realizes that Buddy can help him hunt other animals to feed on, but even then he sees it as a more transactional partnership.
Buddy doesn't see it that way though. Buddy thinks they are friends! So Astarion starts waking up from his trances finding Buddy all fluffed up at his side or next to his head or under his leg. And he realizes that it's oddly comforting and reminds him of some pet he had in the life he has almost forgotten, before he knew the name Cazador.
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okay okay so I had a dream about a robin hood-style band of outlaws who were captured in a group by royal guards.
The leader was interrogated in front of his men by having arrows driven into his legs, which were then tugged on and moved around while embedded there to cause more pain and damage. When threatened to have it done to his arms too, he cracked, spilling vital information/confessing to the group's crimes in front of his men.
The rest of the outlaws were pretty pissed off, and shunned him, even when he was begging for help/water after the guards left.
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greglow03 · 1 month
Day 05.05. - VanWeek Art👱‍♀️
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SUNRISE!!🌄 Hope you guys like it!! It's my only contribution to the VanWeek😔, but it was fun seeing others' creations!!😄
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cyberslam · 3 months
they didn't tell you?
IT'S a little short. but enjoy
Adam Page stared at the man in front of him, which should've been impossible. He shouldn't have been there. He shouldn't have been alive at all to start.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Adam Cole's voice was steady, solid, despite everything. Despite the fact that he shouldn't even be alive to start.
"Like what?" Maybe if Page played dumb enough, Cole wouldn't clue into anything.
"No, c'mon Hanger, don't give me that. What's up?"
"You're back? For real?"
"...Yeah? In the flesh!" Cole grinned and Page winced.
"...They didn't tell you?" He offered, shrugging a little bit.
"They? Like...?"
"The Bucks...Kenny..."
"Tell me what?" Cole looks completely clueless, and Adam hates being the one to deliver the news.
Page hesitated before speaking, "...Well, you should be dead, Adam."
The two men stared at each other, and suddenly Cole's face grew grim.
"I know." His voice was a whisper. "So why didn't you stop them?"
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lilac-hecox · 9 months
Hello! I love your twin au! I was wondering if I could get some Daniel/Ian with some pining Anthony/one sided Ianthony on the side? The ending is all up to you!
Ian/Daniel + (one sided Ian/Anthony) - Twins
Anthony wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t. Anyone on Earth would be weirded out by the fact that their identical twin brother was suddenly dating their best friend. The best friend Anthony has had for years and grew up alongside Anthony and his identical twin Daniel. The best friend that previously spent all his time with Anthony and now spent the majority of the time with Daniel, leaving Anthony feeling like a footnote in his own life. Ian was his best friend. He wasn’t jealous. He was bothered. He missed his best friend. But he wasn’t jealous.
Anthony wakes up late one Saturday afternoon and pads sleepily out into the living room, intent on heading into the kitchen and making himself a bowl of cereal. Instead, he finds Ian and Daniel sitting together on the couch, Daniel’s hand open along Ian’s jaw, the two of them kissing like the world was about to end.
“Come on!” Anthony says, his voice raised, “I just got up.”
The two of them jerk apart, and Ian blinks wide blue eyes at Anthony. His eyes look darker, hazier, and something about them makes Anthony want to shiver. He’s got a flush over his cheeks, pink and stupid.
Daniel turns to look at Anthony, an eyebrow raised and his lips red and shiny.
“Good morning to you too,” he says coolly.
“Can you two please stop acting like animals for, like, two seconds?” Anthony asks, “I lost my damn appetite now.”
Ian clears his throat, “I, uh, actually did come over to hang out with you. You were sleeping so- “
“So, you decided to make out with Daniel in the meantime,” Anthony says, a little bitterly. He crosses his arms across his chest. He’s being childish, he knows, but he can’t stop. What the hell did Ian see in Daniel anyway? Daniel was pretentious. He liked to read, acted like he was too good to watch Pokémon with Ian and Anthony or play Halo or Call of Duty like they used to. He listened to weird music; he wasn’t funny at all. Anthony couldn’t see why Ian liked him as a friend, let alone anything more than that.
When Anthony had first started noticing Daniel flirting with Ian, he hadn’t been worried. Ian was as straight as they come, plus, Ian would never date someone who looked exactly like his best friend. Surely, it would be too weird for him to kiss someone that looked identical to Anthony.
Apparently, he was wrong.
“Stop being a jealous bitch,” Daniel says, rolling his eyes. “Ian really did come to see you. Is it my fault if I capitalize on how lazy you are?”
Daniel furthers his point by linking his and Ian’s hands together, intertwining their fingers.
Anthony sighs, “Whatever. I’ll be in my room.”
He’s aware he’s acting petty, but Anthony can’t help but slam the door shut behind him. Thank God he and Daniel had separate bedrooms. Anthony needed space away from his twin. People always asked him if he and Daniel were best friends, or they assumed that it would be that way, but most of the time Anthony was desperate for space from his twin brother. They used to be close when they were younger. Anthony, painfully shy, and Daniel, more outgoing, it was easy to follow Daniel’s lead and feel confident that someone always had Anthony’s back.
Somewhere around middle school, their dynamic began to change. Daniel started liking new stuff, started making a lot of friends. He asked their mom if she could request that their middle school put them in separate sixth grade classes because Daniel ‘wanted a chance to grow outside of always being with Anthony’. At first, Anthony was hurt, but it was for the best in the long run because being in that other sixth grade class meant that Anthony got to meet Ian, his best friend.
Except now Daniel was trying to take him too.
There’s a knock on the door and Anthony huffs.
One second, two, then a quiet, “Anthony?”
“Yeah, you can come in, Ian.”
The door opens and Ian is there, looking sheepishly at the carpeted floor of Anthony’s bedroom. Ian shuts the door behind him which thank God means that he and Daniel have stopped sucking face long enough for Ian to come talk to him.
“Look,” Ian says, “I’m sorry. I know you don’t like seeing me with him and-“
“I don’t care what you do,” Anthony says, turning away from Ian and to his computer. He turns on the monitor, intent on fucking around the Smosh website and ignoring Ian.
Ian sighs from behind him and Anthony hears him pad over to the bed.
“You sure? You really looked like you cared out there.”
Anthony rolls his eyes and spins in his chair, so he is facing Ian.
“Fine, I do care. It’s weird, Ian! It’s weird because he looks just like me! He’s, my brother! He’s a guy! You barely ever want to hang out with me anymore, you would rather spend all your time with my dumb ass brother and you’re my best friend, and I met you first! I’m the whole reason Daniel even knows who you are!”
Anthony spills his guts, all the thoughts he has been keeping pent up, he lets them go on Ian.
Ian blinks, his mouth frowns. Ian shrugs, “I don’t know what to say.”
“Why do you even like him?”
Ian’s eyes show traces of hurt and Anthony ignores that, ignores how it hurts him in exchange.
“I don’t know! He’s smart, and he’s cool, he knows all this shit I’ve never heard of. He makes me laugh...he makes me happy…” Ian says weakly.
Anthony feels like he’s going to throw up, but he can’t (or won’t) pinpoint exactly why.
“Of all the guys to go homo for, you pick my brother…”
Ian is quiet, he smooths out Anthony’s bedspread under him with his palms.
“I’m sorry,” Ian says, and he sounds like he means it.
Guilt pangs through Anthony. God damn, Ian. God damn him and his stupid blue eyes, and his idiotic sad face, and the way that Daniel makes him fucking happy.
Anthony sighs, “I just…guess I’ll have to get used to it or…whatever…” he says weakly.
Ian eyes him like he’s not quite sure how to take that.
“Can you make, like, more of an effort to still hang out with me too or whatever?” Anthony asks, his face flushing at how he’s asking for more time with Ian, scared that it’s the one thing Ian won’t be able to give him.
Ian though, he smiles, and he nods.
“Yeah, man. I have to go and do my daily conditioning run, but I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to the park later and hang out? Fuck around, you know?”
“Just you and me?” Anthony asks hesitantly.
“Yeah, dude,” Ian says with his crooked little smile.
Anthony nods, “Sounds good. Have fun at your run or whatever, don’t get hit by a car.”
Ian laughs, he stands and nods at Anthony, “See you in a bit, dude.”
Anthony nods back, watching Ian go. “See you.”
He ignores how he knows that Ian is going to say goodbye to Daniel before he leaves, that he’ll probably lean up and kiss him, that Daniel will wrap his hands that look just like Anthony’s, around Ian’s waist and kiss him like he needs Ian to breathe.
Maybe he and Daniel really are the same.
Then, Ian is gone, and Daniel is in Anthony’s doorway.
“Get lost,” Anthony mumbles.
“Hey, don’t get pissy at me because you’re jealous.”
Anthony flushes. “I’m not jealous. I’ve had a girlfriend before you did, and my first kiss.”
Daniel rolls his eyes, the same dark brown as Anthony’s. He hates it. It’s like looking in the mirror and hating his reflection.
“I’m talking about you being jealous because it is Ian.”
Anthony feels his cheeks go pink.
“I just don’t like seeing you make out with my best friend.”
Daniel leans against the doorframe. They are nearly identical, but Daniel has hit a minor growth spurt and he’s gained about one inch in height over Anthony. Anthony hates that too.
“And is that because you wish it was you, he was making out with?”
 Anthony flushes and crinkles his nose, “Stop,” he says flatly. He doesn’t even want Daniel to broach this topic, “get the hell out of my room.”
“I’m serious. Don’t be fucking jealous because you didn’t have the balls to make a move like I did,” Daniel says, his voice firm, hurtful in the way that only a sibling can be.
Anthony remembers reading something, some stupid thing online that talked about how a sibling knows you better than anyone and because of that, they can hurt you more than anyone else on this planet. He feels that in this moment. He can practically feel the knife leave Daniel’s hand and enter Anthony’s back.
“Shut the fuck up,” Anthony says, louder, standing from his chair.
Daniel watches him with dark eyes, a firm line across his mouth.
“I like Ian, a lot. He likes me. I’m not going to stop seeing him because you fucked up and missed your chance.”
“Get the fuck out, I said!” Anthony shouts at his twin.
Daniel, he relents. He takes a step back, far enough for Anthony to be able to slam the door in his face. He knows the conversation is only over for now. He knows he can’t avoid Daniel when they share a house, a school, when they both have an unhealthy attachment to the same dumb ass, blue-eyed, brown-haired boy.
Anthony goes to his bed and flops down on to the mattress, ignoring the pain in his heart and the hunger in his stomach. He presses his face into his bed, and distantly, like an echo, he can still smell Ian there.
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saimatsu-week · 2 months
the form is officially closed now, thank you so much for all the responses!! i will (tentatively) have the final prompt list and dates and stuff up next week on april 22 (it's finals season)
responses to a couple questions:
a concern about running out of time to participate; there'll be at least 3 months from the time prompts are posted to the event starting, and late entries will be accepted indefinitely! so don't worry if you miss the actual week, and even if you can only make one day i would be overjoyed to see your work
and one suggestion for the event to be held close to shuichi's birthday; i appreciate the idea but the last saimatsu week i know of that ran from 2021-2023 had the day seven prompt as shuichi's birthday, so i wanted to do something different! and most of you voted for august
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moonlitkilljoy · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | day 15: one object
Mr. Reachy from The Venture Bros.
+ BONUS Mr. Reachmore
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Can I interest you in a platonic #26 (the forehead/top of head kiss) of maybe Merrill and either Isabela or whoever you prefer?🤲🏻🥹
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absolutely you can!! <3
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hannahshiii · 1 year
char 1: “She wants me.”
char 2: “...she just stabbed you.”
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honeydots · 10 months
"Who did this to you?" 1.3k, leokumi twitter request, from this ask game
Ryoma put out a formal invitation towards the Nohrian royals, asking them to come enjoy Hoshidan hot springs in the mountains. Takumi was only kind of looking forward to it, especially once he heard someone couldn’t it make it—but that someone ended up being Princess Camilla, so Takumi figured he could deal.
It’s been… Weird, hanging out with Prince Leo more often. It’s annoying everyone thinks they should get along since they stand in similar places in their royal lines, and even worse because they do. They hiked up to a spring together early this morning, and it sucks, because Takumi’s actually been enjoying himself. Leo almost looks like he is, too.
Takumi left for a short bit, pulling on his robe and narrowing his eyes towards the trail to the spring. Sakura said she was going to come up later, possibly with her retainers, but Takumi isn’t sure when. So he’s been keeping an eye out, while also getting frustrated with himself. He's way too worried about her, but it's such a habit at this point.
He gets a whole new worry when he hears a very loud splash and what has to be Leo yelling from back at the spring. Takumi jolts and runs straight to the sound, not expecting the worst but not expecting anything great, either.
And he finds Leo out of the spring, robe also on, a few healthy paces back and sitting on the ground. There are puddles of water and wet patches all around, and their stuff’s been completely scattered from where they put it. Leo has his hands out in front of him, cringing at his fingers—and Takumi sees they’re bright pink and beginning to blister.
“Oh, hell, is that a burn?” Takumi asks, mostly instinctively, and Leo’s expression is all he needs as confirmation. Takumi glances over the mess and finds an overturned wooden bucket, then scoops it up. “One second, don’t move.”
There’s a river nearby, and Takumi gathers some cool water into the bucket and brings it back. He sets it next to Leo, who dips his fingers in, exhaling sharply as Takumi watches with a frown.
“What happened?” Takumi says, crouching down. “Who did this?”
Leo scowls at him. He still looks uncomfortable, understandably, and he glares off to the side. “It was more of a what than a who,” he begins, then clears his throat. “But it… Was my fault, regardless.”
Which is kind of relieving in it’s own way, Takumi guesses, and he raises an eyebrow. “Okay. So what did you do?”
Leo takes a big breath, looking irritated. “I was just—“ he tries, and then winces. He squints at his fingers. “I was trying to see if I could, just. Cool down the spring, some. But my efforts had the opposite effect.”
“Cool it down?” Takumi asks slowly, and Leo rolls his eyes.
“I don’t need any comments,” he snaps. Which is funny, because if Takumi was making a comment then Leo would know it. “I tested with just my hands, and it was fine. But the water was scalding a moment later, and it started overflowing, and—ugh. It should be normal again, now.”
Takumi glances to the spring, which doesn’t look any more out of order than it usually does, except for all the added water surrounding it. It’d be a lot more out of place if Leo actually succeeded, he thinks, since the point of hot springs is kind of that they’re hot.
“Well—that was stupid,” Takumi says flatly, and Leo doesn’t look amused, which isn’t a problem for Takumi. “Sakura’s coming by soon. I’m sure she can help with your hands.”
Takumi would go and check for her again, but he’s slightly reluctant to leave Leo like this. Which feels extremely weird. He’s been getting over, and is over, a lot of things now, but it’s still new territory.
Leo scoffs quietly to himself. “Who did this,” he repeats mockingly. “What were you going to do about it? Chase them down?”
“Oh, shut up. I just helped you, be a little more grateful.” Takumi huffs, and he tightens the ties of his robe. Leo gives him an expectant look, and if he didn’t also look so pathetic with his fingers in the bucket, Takumi would’ve ignored it.
“I don’t know,” Takumi continues. “I’m still—paranoid, I guess. I hate being unarmed out in the open like this. So, whatever if I thought something happened. And to be fair, something did happen.”
Leo pauses. He swishes his hands around in the water. “I know what you mean.”
The both go quiet. It really is hard to adjust. Takumi, like he said, was kind of uneasy when Ryoma decided to invite the Nohrian royals over. And, like, Takumi gets why they should. He gets why this is a good thing. He even agrees. But some things are hard to shake,and the feelings usually tend to get mixed up. It’s mostly just annoying.
Takumi leans back, propping himself up on his palms. “So. How’d you manage to mess up this bad?”
Instead of glaring at Takumi again, Leo eyes the spring instead, scrunching his nose. “I was trying to put the water into a… You could call it a repressed state, in order to cool it. I underestimated, however, both how quickly it would return to it’s proper order, as well as the intensity at which it would do so.” He pauses, swallowing. “It overcompensated for itself. Which left me like this.”
Sounds like overconfidence to Takumi, but he’s not going to say anything, because Leo will definitely say something right back. “I’m pretty sure these springs are already enchanted, you know.”
“Ugh. I should’ve checked first.” Leo sighs. “It’s too hot for me to think properly.”
He does look pretty flustered. Maybe hot springs weren’t the best idea for a bunch of Nohrians who literally never see the sun. Leo was already baking on the walk here, complaining the whole way, if not with his words then with his face. It’s fall, so it’s not even the hottest Hoshido can get—but apparently this is still pretty uncomfortable compared to Nohrian temperatures.
“I would… Appreciate if you didn’t tell anyone else about this,” Leo says, practically muttering. Takumi shrugs.
“I mean, sure. Secret’s safe with me,” he says. “Though maybe I’m already the last person you’d like to know.”
“The last person would be my brother,” Leo corrects. Takumi nods with a smirk, thinking that’s pretty predictable. “You’re… Hm. Well, you’re above him at least.”
Takumi gives half a laugh. “I don’t make it much of a habit to talk to him, so I think you’ll be fine.” Takumi waits for a beat, then scratches his bangs. “Sakura isn’t going to say anything, either. I doubt she’ll even care.”
“…Thank you,” Leo says, staring down at his fingers. They might need to replace the water soon, since it won’t do much good lukewarm.
“Yeah,” Takumi says back. “That really was stupid, though.”
“You don’t need to remind me.”
“That’s true. I'm still going to.”
Leo just rolls his eyes again, stuck sitting next to Takumi while he harasses him about being an idiot. And it’s almost kind of nice. Leo acts pretty high and mighty, but he does a lot of stupid things, too. Takumi feels like an idiot basically every second of the day—he hates it, and he wishes he didn’t, but it is what it is—so. It's an alright feeling to not be the only one.
And it’s also nice that, for once, being an idiot isn’t going to come with possibly fatal consequences. They’re just relaxing at a spring. It’s more of a mild inconvenience than anything else.
And yeah, being inconvenienced is being inconvenienced. But it’s more okay this time. Takumi guesses he isn’t the one with burned fingers in a bucket so really he can’t say much, but—
It’s kind of nice.
Just kind of.
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blackjackkent · 1 month
Fic request, BG3: Karlach/fem Tav, where Tav has died. After the reserection scroll is used, Karlach goes to pieces. Hurt/comfort.
Eyyyy, ty for the prompt! Sorry this took me a little while to turn around. :D Was fun to write, though; I do love me some Karlach romance and some hurt/comfort. <3 I hope you like!
“You hear that?” Tav asks. The half-elf’s eyes narrow, glinting in the pale light of the moonlantern that is all that protects them from the cursed shadows. “Hold on a sec.”
Karlach halts obediently with the others and listens intently. Her head tips slowly to one side like a dog pricking up its ears, and her eyes drift half-closed in focus. But there's nothing. 
The shadow-cursed lands are, in fact, eerily quiet. The place is not only devoid of civilization but life - there's no sound of birdsong, no creatures creeping through underbrush, no leaves or plants of any kind. There's not even a stirring of breeze to knock together the dried branches of the long-dead trees. 
Karlach hates it. It reminds her too fucking much of the desolation of the Hells, dead and dry and full of dangers. Not nearly as hot as Avernus, she'll say that much for it, and dark as the inside of her boot. But still a little too close for comfort. 
“Don't hear anything, Soldier,” she says in a low voice. Astarion and Shadowheart both shake their heads as well. Then Karlach grins, an automatic reaction to the brief moment of tension. “Must've been my heart pounding, eh?” 
Astarion rolls his eyes. “Ugh. Gods,” he murmurs tauntingly. “Is that what passes for smooth in Zariel's army?”
Tav grins. “Shut up, Astarion,” she says, giving him a casual punch in the shoulder. 
“I'm just saying,” Astarion quips, “if we're going to have to watch the two of you give each other cow eyes every day of the week, you're going to have to come up with some better material.”
Karlach sticks her tongue out at him. “No one asked you, Fangs,” she shoots back. But she's laughing. It's really hard not to laugh these days, in spite of all the terrible shit happening to them. Astarion can mock all he wants - but she's in love, real love, for the first time in ten years. The first time maybe ever, truth told, because she can't remember any quick fuck back in the Gate that ever made her feel like Tav does. 
Tav is… gentle. Kind. When she touches Karlach it feels like the whole world is opening up to her, a feeling of hope like everything is gonna be okay. So yeah, Astarion can laugh all he wants, if it makes him feel better. Karlach really couldn't give less of a shit. 
She's happy. 
Too happy, as it turns out, because she's so lost in thinking these thoughts and watching the way Tav's smile looks in the lanternlight that she doesn't notice the first arrow coming in. 
Tav’s scream is like a knife. Blood spatters across the dark ground as the arrow punctures her shoulder. 
A lithe, pale figure darts out of the shadows with a high-pitched giggle and throws something around Tav’s neck. Then in an instant she’s gone, vanished with the creature into thin air.
“Tav!” Karlach starts to shout - but it's choked off as another garrote bites sharply under her jaw and she's yanked backwards into the dark. 
It’s a horrific battle, one of the worst they’ve faced since the nautiloid. The meazels - little shits, every one of them - are quick and cunning, separating the party out into the searing darkness, silencing spells, bleeding them dry. Karlach doesn’t need spells, though, and her usual battle-rage is bolstered by a stunning degree of pain and an entirely unexpected violent panic. 
She wrenches her axe from the corpse of the meazel that grabbed her and tears off through the dark. Unheeding of both the blood pouring from her neck and the necrotic energy chewing into her skin, uncaring of what other enemies might hear her, she bellows at the top of her lungs. “Tav! TAV!”
“She’s here!” That’s Shadowheart, her voice weak. “Karlach, over here!”
Karlach almost trips, so quickly does she change direction towards the cleric’s call. Like a rothe maddened with fear, she leaves the path and crashes directly through the desiccated underbrush, dead plants shattering apart around her with every step.
Tav is dead when she gets there. 
Shadowheart is crouched over her, a useless healing spell in the process of drifting off her fingers. Astarion, blood dripping from his lips, crawls from the darkness opposite her. But Karlach’s eyes are locked on the form of Tav’s body in the dim light from her torch, the eyes blank and staring, the garrote wound flowing freely.
“Oh, no,” she whispers. “No, no, no, no--”
“It’s all right.” Shadowheart’s voice feels oddly far away. “I have a scroll, I’ll revive her-- Karlach, for gods’ sake, breathe!”
She is breathing - too fast, too shallow. The cut at her own throat throbs with each pulse of her heart. She drops the axe with a clang onto the ground and she falls on her knees at Tav’s side, grabbing the smaller woman’s hand and holding it between both of hers. “No, darling, no…” she mumbles. “Gods, don’t-- don’t look at me like that…”
How many dead people has she seen in her life? Could fill a library writing all their names down… But none of them have been her… those blank eyes are so wrong in her face which is always so full of life and humor and warmth… nothing like Karlach’s inferno heat but warmth and safety and home…
“Bring her back…” she rasps out desperately. “Please…”
The magic of the revivify scroll swirls around them as Shadowheart murmurs the words. There’s an achingly long pause during which Karlach finds herself reviewing every single moment of their brief time together and passing through every stage of grief in order; she’s just about reached “depression” when Tav’s eyes flicker open.
“K-Karlach?” she whispers, and then her body spasms around a sudden fit of coughing as she gasps for breath. 
“Oh, gods.” Karlach’s whole body sags with a relief as overwhelming as the grief was. Without thinking, she reaches out and pulls Tav up and into her arms, tight against the heat of her chest. “Oh, fuck… Soldier… Tav… shit…”
The words tumble out, one after the other, and she’s startled to realize that each of them is a sob, raggedly dragging out of her throat between hiccuped, jerky breaths. She’s alive. It’s not over. It’s not over. Oh, thank the gods…
“Hey. Ow. Hey…” Tav mumbles. It’s muffled from how Karlach has her pulled close; her face is sort of squished into Karlach’s shoulder. “It’s all right. Darling, it’s all right, but I can’t breathe.”
“Oh. Right.” She forces herself to loosen her embrace enough for Tav to draw her head back. “You-- sorry. Fuck. You scared me. I thought… I thought…” She can’t say it out loud. The words don’t come out.
“You’re hurt.” Tav gently touches the garotte wound in Karlach’s neck, wiping at the blood there.
“You died!” Karlach says with a sudden, hysterical laugh, flinching backwards. “Don’t worry about me! Just… you just sit there and… and breathe, or whatever, and… oh gods…” The tears blind her.
“Karlach…” Tav sits up in her lap. She’s unsteady, of course, because revivification is a brutal process at the best of times, but her eyes are clear. That hideous blankness is gone from them and they’re full again with the light that drew Karlach to her first. “Shhh.” She cups Karlach’s face gently with both hands and kisses her. “It’s all right… I promise. I’m here. All limbs attached, everything accounted for. And heart very much beating.”
Karlach gives her a watery smile, tries and fails to quiet her choked breathing into something manageable. “I just-- I saw you there… like that… and I suddenly realized… how much shit has gone wrong in my life… how it all changes so fast… but you’ve been good… you’ve been so fucking good, Tav…”
“I’m here. I’m here…” Tav presses her forehead to Karlach’s and draws a slow, shaky breath. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I promise…”
Slowly Karlach begins to settle again, feeling the gentle brush of Tav’s breath on her lips. It’s not over. “You’d better not,” she mumbles.
She realizes suddenly that they’re alone. Shadowheart has taken one of the torches and bodily dragged Astarion off some distance away, leaving them more or less in private. Karlach’s grateful for that; she’s not sure she could handle Astarion’s acerbic wit right at this moment.
“Fuck,” she whispers after a short pause, a little more calmly now. “Sorry, I--”
“Hey. Don’t you ever apologize for anything,” Tav says softly. “Least of all for loving me. You don’t get to say sorry for that.” She kisses Karlach again gently. “You ready to get Shadowheart to clean up that cut?”
“I… yeah. Yeah.” But it takes her a moment to loosen her arms and let Tav out of her embrace. “I do love you,” she says quietly. “So much. And I just got scared as shit about it.”
Tav smiles. “Best kind of scared I know,” she says. 
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icehearts · 5 months
(from sealrock)
#6 for the sexuality prompt :)
HIII thank you @sealrock for the ask. <3
[ sexuality headcanons & prompts ]
6. what are some more situational or contextual turn-ons?
Any time someone is able to take command of a situation that's spinning wildly out of control, it's a turn-on. Handling an unruly crowd, calming a flock of chocobos that've been spooked, or even smooth-talking their way out of a potentially violent confrontation. Remember that one Radz-at-Han scene with G'raha Tia when shit is hitting the fan? That sort of thing. It's the confidence and capability in the face of danger that really lights her fire.
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fallencomrade · 9 months
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𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽    ↦    peaky blinders sentence starters  ( accepting )   𝚂𝙾𝚄𝚁𝙲𝙴 𝚂𝚈𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙼 : @luposcainus​​ 𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻  𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙸𝙿𝚃   //    ❝ the truth?  you’re unlike any person i’ve ever met. ❞  
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     𝑰𝑺 𝑰𝑻 𝑨 𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻 ?  acclamation  is  not  something  the  soldier  is  accustomed  to  and  so,     he  finds  himself  narrowing  his  eyes  at  the  other  man  with  suspicion.       its  presence  is  brief,    fleeting  and  gone  before  any  watchful  eyes  can  take  notice,   reign  back  under  control  by  his  default  deadened  expression.  he  is  not  exactly  sure  how  to  respond  to  the  statement,     either  externally  or  internally.             it  sits  strangely  within,  wriggling  like  worms,   an  aroma  of  DEATH  rising  in  his  throat  and  sitting  on  the  back  of  his  tongue.
     even  if  his  words  are  that  of  genuine  applaud,      barnes  does  not  consider  either  himself  or  his  abilities  subjects  worthy  of  praise.          he  is  not  something  spectacular.  certainly  not  something  to  be  in  awe  of  or  envied.    not  unless  the  eyes  probing  him  finds  worth  in  VIOLENCE,  beauty  in  blood  ;;  artistry  in  DEVASTATION.  no  one  good  has  ever  praised  him  ( except  perhaps  one  stupid  punk ),    but  many  corrupted  souls  have  stared  at  him  with  a  look  of  depravity,  excited  by  the  potential  and  promise  of  his  skills.  so  the  words  leave  him  suspicious  and  tense.  he  remains  unimpressed  and  apathetic  as  he  steps  over  the  dead  body  of  the  hydra  soldier  at  his  feet,  ignores  the  blood  on  his  hands  and  volleys  back.  
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     ❛  i’m  just  a  soldier,  ❜   he  mumbles.  ❛  you’re  the ...  ODDITY.  ❜
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duskofendflame · 7 months
[CLEAN]: sender affectionately wipes a smudge of sauce from the corner of the receiver's mouth, cupping their face in the process.
face cupping (still accepting)
Corrin didn't even notice that he had gotten food all over his face in his vigor to gobble it all down until the woman across from him has already leaned over to begin to wipe it off.
Her hands remind him a bit of an older sister's, teasing while she wiped food off a young boy's face, gentle and kind. He laughs softly, giggling from where her hand tickles against his eyelashes as she ends up cupping his face while cleaning it off.
"Ah! Thank you! I would have never noticed myself!"
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slightlyplant · 2 years
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@inklysalad hole in one!! :D
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40 for the saeblings perhap?
40 mirror - saeblings! or; fey stretches a prompt by a Lot but it's fine
Dirhaval is thirteen, and Saelinriel is one and a half when it happens the first time.
She's been toddling through the house as she is wont to do, their parents keeping a watchful eye on her from the kitchen – when Andreth and Enerdhil start shrieking at each other. 
He’s not quite sure what started the argument, but those two have been at each other’s throats since they’ve been able to talk, and he only hopes that Saelinriel and Adanel aren’t as argumentative when they get older.
As if summoned by the thought of her name, Saelinriel comes wobbling into view in the playroom before coming to a shaky stop before him.
She seems to take a moment to collect herself before she tugs on his pant leg before lifting her arms – the most imperious look on her face that he nearly bursts out laughing – and he picks her up.
The imperious expression hasn’t gone away and she looks like a queen surveying the carnage of the playroom that Enerdhil and Andreth left in their wake as if it were a battlefield, as the two are in the center of the playroom, yelling still.
Dirhaval winces. 
Then he turns to Saelinriel, shaking his head. 
“You better not be like this,” he warns playfully, and her eyes go wide as if offended by the very thought. “Good.”
Enerdhil snatches something from Andreth’s fingers with a triumphant cry, and a stormy look crosses her face before she lets out an ear-splitting shriek and tries to yank it back.
At this point, their parents come into the room and try to calm the situation, but Dirhaval thinks that will take ages.
He sighs.
Saelinriel looks at him, her eyebrows and mouth quivering and for a moment he thinks she might start crying. 
Oh Valar please no.
It seems his worries are in vain – instead she puts her little arms on top of each other, and lets out the most utterly defeated, bone-weary sigh that he's ever heard.
When he turns from their siblings to her, she does it again, and again, and each time his self-control crumbles a little bit more until he's laughing until he can barely breathe.
"Nana!" Dirhaval manages between gales of laughter, and their mother turns. That at least surprises Andreth and Enerdhil out of their spat, and the house is - for once - mostly quiet.
(Mostly, because Adanel is plinking away on the music-toy their grandparents brought her for her birthday, completely unconcerned.)
"Look at this," he says, shifting a little to adjust Saelinriel's weight and keep from dropping her. He looks back at her. "Go on, do it again."
She blinks at him, as if to say: I have no idea what you're talking about. 
He frowns. "Seriously, alpheg?" 
Then he gets an idea. 
He turns away from his baby sister completely, and sighs, shaking his head. A few moments pass, but then she does it again, and it has the intended effect.
“She sounds like Daerada!” Enerdhil manages through giggles and Andreth can barely speak through laughing so hard. Even their parents are laughing, but eventually things calm down, leaving happy silence. 
At that point, their mother holds out her arms, and Dirhaval passes the baby back – sighing again as if she were displeased – and this only sets the children off again, all woes and arguments forgotten.
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