#: crab of the woods :
mycoblogg · 10 months
FOTD #092 : crab of the woods! (laetiporus sulphureus)
the crab of the woods (also sulphur shelf / polypore) is a bracket fungus of the family fomitopsidaceae. it is a saprophyte & weak parasite that often causes brown cubical rot !! it grows across europe & north america :-)
the big question : can i bite it?? yes & it is quite delicious :-) it has been compared to the taste of crab, lobster & chicken. some deer also eat it !! however, humans should not eat it raw.
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l. sulphureus description :
"the fruiting body emerges directly from the trunk of a tree & is initially knob-shaped, but soon expands to fan-shaped shelves, typically growing in overlapping tiers. it is sulphur-yellow to bright orange in colour & has a suede-like texture. old fruitbodies fade to tan or whitish. each shelf may be anywhere from 5 to 60 centimetres (2 to 23+1⁄2 inches) across up to 4 cm (1+1⁄2 in) thick. the fertile surface is sulphur-yellow with small pores or tubes & produces a white spore print. when fresh, the flesh is succulent with a strong fungal aroma & exudes a yellowish, transparent juice, but soon becomes dry & brittle."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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sweaty-confetti · 8 months
look what my friend found !!!
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laetiporus my dearly beloved <3
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moe-mycelium · 8 months
Mmmmmm chickennnn
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Based upon location (North-Eastern Forest) and observable features, I’d strongly wager these are (Laetiporus Sulphureus), common names being Chicken-of-the-woods, crab-of-the-woods, sulphur polypore, or sulfur shelf.
The bright yellow underside helps distinguish it from it’s also edible cousin, (Laetiporus Cincinnatus), which has a creamy white underside. These guys were a little too bug-infested to eat, it’s better to pick them when they first emerge, but a very cool find!
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soencersocks · 3 days
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more 🪤
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realfuurikuuri · 24 days
These games are really good! I promise!
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crabofthewoods · 5 months
she tomcat on my disposables till spring blooms in the kitchen
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joeyclaire · 1 year
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paranatellonta · 3 months
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A New Bookcase for the Library (The Adventures of Mr Cube #11)
Whenever Mr Cube was volunteering at the local library, he imagined he was guarding a valuable treasure—because, in his opinion, he really was.
One of the regular staff was another, even smaller wooden robot of the name Sharpie, who’d involved Mr Cube in friendly conversations since his very first day. Learning that Mr Cube was full of dreams, Sharpie appointed him to present an idea for the library’s new bookcase.
Penny, the library’s carpenter and general handycrab, listened attentively to Mr Cube’s presentation and confirmed that xe could make everything just the way he had envisioned it. On certain points xe further improved the initial design, and it turned out xe would even add the decorative bunnies that Mr Cube had added to his picture in a bout of whimsy.
Penny was such a skilful craftscrab that xe left Mr Cube feeling a little flushed, floaty, as if his circuits would enjoy circling around Penny more often in the future.
But then the actual work started. Sharpie had seen it coming and donned a pair of goggles, but Mr Cube only realised that he wouldn’t be able to keep watching the bookcase’s manufacturing when wood chips were whizzing right by his face. His wooden face.
If Mr Cube couldn’t stomach being around Penny when xe was doing the work xe loved so much, how would he ever manage to get to know xem better?
[Image description: On the left of the photo, there’s a pencil sharpener encased in a small wooden robot with its mouth open and an antenna on its head. Next to it, a black card, lino printed with golden ink depicting a bookcase that holds, aside from books, a globe, a bear, some potted plants, some quartz crystals, and two rabbits, is upright against a stand that holds up a pair of golden goggles. To the right of that is Mr Cube, the wooden Cubebot, who’s holding up a white heart. In front of the card, a penknife in the shape of a crab, also with a wooden body, holds up its bottle opener arm in a wave.]
The black-and-gold card on the photo was made by the amazing @tanouska.
There are already 10 more Mr Cube adventures here on Paranatellonta! [Click here] to read the older ones.
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Are you…
over 18?
a literate, character-driven writer?
searching for a laid-back group of AA superfans and/or a detailed plot which is — we promise! — shockingly easy to jump into?
(bonus point) a fan of the glorious cast of more minor characters who give the series life?
TURNABOUT COSMIC CLOCKWORK is a small but passionately active AA Discord server covering all of the games (yes, even PLvsPW). We’re strictly 18+ but prohibit ERP, though other mature themes do occur in line with the theme of the series.
Something has gone wrong with time itself. Many of the famous faces you recognise have been caught up in it, having found a mysterious new phone about their person which allows them to enter a chatroom full of familiar and new people in the same situation. Moreover, there are these weird blue portals showing up. Step into one, and you can find yourself in another part of the timeline entirely.
Rayfa’s found out about the revolution early and somehow wound up friends with Matt Engarde. Kay (2019) has adopted Miles (2027). Athena (2028) and Metis (from mere days before her demise) had a mother-daughter dinner while Aura (days after Metis’ death) tries to come to terms with what her grief made her do will do? Might have done? Tenses have become kind of hard to manage. Especially with Esmeralda Tuspells time-hopping to capture the likeness of all the most interesting future criminals, and Apollo briefly finding himself in the midst of Sholmes’ experiments in 1900…
Come and join the party: can you help us figure out what’s gone wrong with reality, and hopefully stay vaguely sane along the way? Or add to the madness… we’re open to that too.
Vital stats
18+, mature themes (no ERP or drug use)
No upper or lower word counts; we ask that you’re literate and happy to meet prose partners’ word count and play speed
No strict activity checks: we like to see you regularly, but don’t prescribe X posts per week
Up to 6 characters per writer
Reserve characters for two weeks while you whip up a sheet for them
Hop into the IC chatrooms any time for casual fun, start up DMs with friends or to make introductions to someone new, and write narrative threads 1:1 or in groups in our well-organised IC forum.
Many of the main characters are taken but anyone else you can think of is wide open. The list below is extremely non-exhaustive, but we’d especially love…
Dick Gumshoe — Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth hasn’t given anyone a pay cut in too long
Pearl Fey — Trucy would love a friend of similar age
Adrian Andrews — Matt like, seriously needs to call his manager, dude
Mike Meekins — we miss(??!) the tinnitus from the megaphone
Diego Armando - where would we be without our coffee-loving tragedy?
Apollo Justice — Klavier misses Herr Forehead, and we probably need someone to tell us WE’RE FINE.
Amara Sigatur Khura’in — Nahyuta and Rayfa need their mom; Dhurke misses his wife; and Thalassa and Datz are capable of making new friends just fine, but they’d love to see her again too
Juniper Woods — Athena’s got her mom back, but she’d still love to talk to her bestie
Herman Crab — we don't have a modern doctor… but will a vet suffice?
Justine Courtney — Sebastian needs a good (?) influence on his side!
Shi Long Lang - Bring us the wolf!
Great Ace Attorney
Mael Stronghart — Londoners feel like everything is out of order without their fearless legal leader
Genshin Asogi — the Professor has returned. One Asogi may not be enough
Rei Membami — Susato is perfectly capable of taking down wrongdoers on her own, but a combo attack with her dear friend is far more powerful
Herlock Sholmes — the game is afoot! There are mysteries yet to solve here. Iris Wilson - we need our little lady genius!
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geckomeleon · 10 days
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Ashley an Air Flower. She spends most of her time in the Cloud Sea hunting aquatic monruits. Her body is extremely flexible and durable despite its extreme toughness giving her great advantages in combat and her claw strength can smash boulders and slice trees with little trouble.
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happycrabitat · 16 days
How to forage driftwood for your hermit crabs!
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Hermit-Crabs. (1898). John George Wood (English, 1827 – 1889)
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soencersocks · 8 months
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wake up gang I posted
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void-botanist · 11 months
Last line tag
Thank you @duckingwriting for the tag! I haven't written at all for the last few days but now I'm rewriting/expanding the scenes with Michael, so have a long last line:
“Just a crab. We have a few different species of terrestrial crab out here.” “And they just casually drop out of the sky?” Michael laughed. “They’re great climbers. They climb trees and then just drop out of them to get back to the ground. Normally they don’t land on my car, but it happens.”
I'll tag @sleepyowlwrites, @outpost51, and @kingkendrick7 plus anyone who wants to join in.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7
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mechaffeine · 8 months
The plant and insect ID stuff is really so I can aim my anger and rage at things that I can safely identify as invasive. It is also, more importantly, about knowing what is growing around me; I enjoy tending the little things, like sprouts and crawlies.
But a good bit of it is so I can aim my rage at known invasive species and go apeshit, because I am not permitted to take it out on the humans that frustrate me.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
You Will Come Crawling Back
You Will Come Crawling Back by Steve Taylor
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