#//Does it stop them tho? no it heckin doesn't
redxriiot · 2 years
No thoughts, just Bakugou and Kiri having a comedic (to them at least) way to convey when Bakugou doesn't want to hang out or simply a way for him to destress by having Kacchan heckin' HURL KIRI DOWN THE DORM STAIRS VIA EXPLOSION like how Geoffrey got in Fresh Prince
#;mun has spoken#//If there's one thing Kiri loves; it's getting YEETED#//And hey; if that can be incorporated into destressing his best bro; even BETTER#//Idk of it's better to have it happen via them talking it over then enacting and spooking the HELL outta their classmates#//Or it happen by accident bc Kacchan's tolerance was REAL LOW one day and Kiri accidentally set it off and got CHUCKED#//Kat panicking a bit and going to check on him; and Kiri asking him smth along the lines of Holy shit; can we do that AGAIN???#//THEN talking through things and beginning the habit#//But ye#//Aizawa and Iida are Not Amused to find this out#//Does it stop them tho? no it heckin doesn't#//The one who takes the most convincing into this is actually Kacchan#//Bc mans is tryna NOT have bully behavior anymore meanwhile Kiri's all 'cmon dude; kick me down the stairs; it's FUNNY; pls bro-'#//Like 'I CAN TAKE ITTTT; COME AT ME BROOOOOO'#//The day he's happiest is when he can convince the Kacchan to casually kick him down stairs in greeting or in surprise#//thinks it'll help keep him on his toes; Ei does. like sure; maybe with SOME warning if it'll make Kat more willing#//but part of the fun is the brief moment of panic in feeling a foot plant on his back and YEET him down like 'op there i go: down to hell'#//Kiri's got a bit of an odd sense of fun. and is an eager Enabler for possibly dangerous clownery times#//Specifically ones where HE is the one most at risk for injury#//Adrenaline junkie and a clown; he is
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knowlessman · 1 year
bunko no hunko idkmia (bnha) at ten past midnight cuz why not, s3e8-10
♪ I don't remember nuffin that was goin on… ♪ -- OP: "what's going on" yeah that's what I'm wondering. team stain's gate or whatnot, the league of villains… oh yeah that was like resolved.
oh yeah, bakugo got sasuke'd. this is a GOOD show tho, so he'll probably be showing up again in fewer than [undefined] episodes
"my body… wouldn't move" it was BROKEN, you had SPENT it, you'd done a heckin Rock Lee to it -- "deku, your hand [which is in a cast the size of All Might's buttcheek] can still reach!" yes thank you, mr self-destructive masculinity shonen character
"so, you're going to get the receiver from yao-momo and go save him yourselves?" …has momo weighed in on this? can't remember. interested to hear her view. -- "we shouldn't just act on emotions here" shoji (choji?) with the level head -- "breaking the rules would make you villains" weird take from froppy tho
…oh. so momo is up for it. hm. -- looking like iida's got some harrowing character development left to go : /
"a human body has limiters that keep us from using more than 80% of its power" thought that was brains. oh wait no, yeah, I know this one, it's the Mama Bear thing. and Dead Man's Grip, iirc, from that one Eoin Colfer book -- "hysterical strength" rolls eyes it WOULD be called that -- could make a drinking game out of deku being warned to stop breakin' hisself. he can't be forcibly retired, he's the hero!
"dear mr deku, I'm sorry I punched you in the dick" yeah you did 'XD that was so far out of left field it was from a different game
ah. momo doesn't know if she's for it yet. thought it'd be surprising if she was. shame she has such a big decision on her shoulders; she okays or vetos the whole operation.
"don't worry iida, the guy whose specialty is freezing an entire building at once and the two guys who are good at punching and not a whole lot else are gonna make a stealth mission out of it!" at least try to recruit hagukure and maybe shoji or jiro, damn. heck, even Worst Character's powers have utility to them. -- (okay maybe zuko could make a decent lockpick out of himself by quietly melting locks and quietly freezing doors shut etc, but he's the closest thing to a skill monkey here. 'cept I guess Momo, if she went)
okay momo's going to chaperone, figures
"after hearing that I could still reach, I couldn't just sit still" Kirishima goddammit -- all might via voiceover: "their bodies moved before they had a chance to think" THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO THINK, AND THIS IS YOUR FRIEND NOISILY ATTEMPTING TO HELP YOU TAKE THAT CHANCE
okay they get two chaperones then. one of whom adds, I guess, super speed to the team comp for this ostensible stealth mission (I mean, like, granted, I would expect maybe everybody here but kirishima to have some capacity to move quietly, at least deku and, idk, maybe todoroki, maybe momo, possibly iida)
Bakugo: "If you're gonna talk in your sleep, you should just go to sleep and [stuff that'll get me suspended again]" …wtf does that mean? it didn't take him long to say all that, either, is that just a saying in Japanese?
halfway through a single episode and it's already 1. …yup.
momo: "these guys are idiots, but once they see how hard stealth missions are, we can go home" …momo, I don't know if there IS a genre where that line of thinking would be any more realistic than theirs -- (unless she's just resolved to the idea that it's gonna be combat)
kirishima, without even a heading: "awright, lemme at em!" stealth mission. yeah. -- momo: "be vewy, vewy quiet. we're being hunted by villains"
there are no words
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dang, they let momo wear clothes for once? …OH.
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something something team rocket idfk
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iida in deep cover as the guy who runs the bumper cars at a segregation-themed amusement park
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and kirishima as… mostly himself I guess
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well done, everyone. you blend in like a sore hand. -- 'XD momo just wanted to see what the inside of a Goodwill looked like apparently -- wait is deku sposed to be cosplaying tatsu from Househusband? cool
yeah, had a feeling the villains were overestimating bakugo. surprised if he listened to a word of any of it. -- "I want to win like All Might!" called it. kid wouldn't know an ideal or ideology if it slapped him; he wants his will to be the only will that matters and has no capacity to settle for less.
(news guy is talking about how bakugo is vegeta) …bakugo IS a weird character. like, this is a weird show to begin with, but… I mean, I guess it holds up that in an environment like this, people would get hooked on supervillain mentalities more often and from younger ages. come to think of it, it's an easy mentality to project onto someone; think it's rare for it to actually stick to a character consistently, except for villains with exceedingly simple motivations. vegeta just stands out even more when he's not in something like DBZ, I guess (or, well, dbza, which I've actually seen) -- "as an educator, I take full responsibility for vegeta's behavior" mrs puff said the same thing, and look where it got her
bakugo: "since they're trying to win me over, they won't seriously try to kill me" proud of you for trying thinking for once, but you're selling yourself some pretty good news on some pretty shaky premises
deku: "let's see, our team comp sucks, we have very little intel, we can't get any free intel because our team comp sucks…" for some reason I predict Looney Tunes bullshit, I don't see what they could accomplish with anything inside-the-box.
"please give a shit about people who aren't you, endeavor" why did you invite this guy again? cuz he would've burned the place down if he thought he was being left out, probably? -- "we had the president feign distress during the press conference" …oh yeah, he's sposed to be a brainiac n stuff. …oh shit, team deku is probably gonna fuck up a perfectly good operation then 'XD
hm. …I wanna say, left to right, Poison-type gym, maybe Steel-type gym (or Electric, not sure), Psychic-type gym, definitely Fire-type gym, Normal-type gym. Sorry, what's that you were saying, Momo?
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"how did you afford a night-vision scope?" …kirishima's loaded too? also damn, how is he the only one who brought anything? -- ♪ BWAM BWAM BWAM, BWAM, BWABWAM, BWAM, BWABWAM ♪ (march of the empire, geddit, cuz clones, they done found - … FUCKING HELL ON A FUCK THAT'S WHY THEY CALLED THE TOWN CAMINO GODDAMMIT 'XDDDDD Christopher Paolini didn't reference star wars this blatantly)
…hm. -- hm. -- wtf was ragdoll's quirk again?
"there's a way. but this plan also relies on kacchan" I hope you mean it relies on him being predictable -- oh no, he's narrating the plan, this is gonna go so wrong… -- …well fuck me, it's working so far
"bakugo, set off a blast on my mark" "no, you follow MY mark" and then bakugeta's stupid ass fell out of the sky and died, probably saving a shitload of innocent lives by doing so
idk if all might recognized the face behind vader's mask or what, but anyway, that's gonna be next time
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Okay, but Team Free Will and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I can't stop thinking about this idea. It would be so fantastic and they would get along so well. Don't get me wrong, it would be wonderfully bumpy at first but just hear me out on this okay?
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*couldn't find a good gif of the whole team*
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Daisy Johnson and Jack Kline
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(⬇⏬gif not mine⏬⬇)
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"Are you Inhuman or alien?"
"I'm nephilim."
Daisy would be weary of Jack at first.
She would wonder what he is and what he's capable of.
But upon seeing his heart of gold, she would grow to adore him.
Daisy would reassure him that having powers doesn't make him bad or wrong.
It just makes him awesome.
"You know - what you can do - that's pretty badass."
As for Jack
Jack would adore Daisy.
He would think she is just THE COOLEST.
"Sam, Dean, Cas! Look what she can do! Isn't she amazing?"
(He would think Yo-Yo is awesome two but Daisy is his favorite)
Besides, those two walking down a hallway and throwing people around left and right?
Castiel and Fitzsimmons
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"No, uh-uh. There are no such things as angels."
"Just hear him out, Fitz!"
"But, Jemma-"
They would talk about science!!!
Cas wouldn't understand 90% of the stuff Fitzsimmons say
But then there would be times when-
"Oh. Did you not know that?"
Cas and Jemma would talk about bugs!
Cas would tell Fitz anything he could ever want to know about monkeys!
Cas could help Fitz with dealing with The Doctor persona.
I can see Fitzsimmons designing some cool gadget powered by angel grace and that would be so flipping cool!
They would be great friends!
Alphonzo Mackenzie and Sam Winchester
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"Yeah, okay so we're both tall."
6'4'' buddies!!!!
Gentle giants
They're both nerds too!
They would get along so well and I can't even explain why
Their personalities are just so similar
They would just sit around drinking with that silently-judgeing-everybody-else face that they do
"Hey, you think I could ask your brother about peaking under the hood of that impala of his? Maybe givin' her a tune up?"
"Depends, do you wanna lose a hand?"
"Uh... no."
"Then I wouldn't ask."
Those two would be one heckin' awesome duo.
Elena (Yo-Yo) Rodriguez and Dean Winchester
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"There's one o' you and four of us. Also, we have guns."
"Guns? Not a problem."
She would snatch all their weapons and leave them there like: 😨😱
Oh my gosh
These two tho
Dean would think Yo-Yo is so cool
Yo-Yo would detest him
Dean would try to flirt
He'd try so hard
And he'd fail
So, so, bad
"So, they call you Yo-Yo huh? Does that mean-"
But after a while Yo-Yo would warm up to Dean
Not in a romantic way
In the you-are-just-like-me-and-now-we're-best-friends way
They both get hot-headed when it comes to people they care about.
Shoot first ask questions later
These two would be the bestest of best friends and nobody can tell me otherwise!
"And maybe you shouldn't tell us your bad guy plans!"
"What she said!"
Feel free to add to this!
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fanfic-hoe · 4 years
Falling Asleep On Them HCs
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Summary: Just some fluffy naptime shenanigans ig lol
sorry it’s taken me a little while since i’ve posted anything but please enjoy anyways lol :)
so daichi is not one to show you off
he will brag about you and he always shows you how proud he is of you and how much he loves you
but he doesn't really like to show you off
He wants to keep you all to himself for the most part
he will kiss your forehead and hold you hand if you want but other than that he’s not a huge fan of PDA
this is why when you fall asleep on his shoulder during your lunch break his face flushes a bit 
as soon as he feels your head come to rest on his shoulder he looks down at you for an explanation when he sees your eyes are closed 
he squeezes your hand and whispers your name and when you don’t respond he know you’re asleep
his face goes a red and he bites back a smile
suga and asahi smile, silently laughing a bit, but for the most part they’re pretty chill about it and don’t tease him too much
pretty quickly their conversation is back to normal, quieter if anything but that’s only because they wanted to let you sleep lol
however this was nearly interupted when tanaka and noya came running into the third year classrom because they had a question for dachi 
but he glared at them and scared them away 
just for you
safest place to sleep is in his arms 
10/10 would reccomend
now Suga on the other hand i feel is pretty big on pda 
he loves to hold your hand
he kisses your cheek whenever you two meet up 
kisses your forehead whenever you have to leave 
hugs you from behing when you’re like standing in line and stuff
he’s just a very affectonate person and he does it in such a way that its not cringey 
hes too cute for that 
so all this being said he’s not very put off when your head falls on his shoulder when you’re sitting next to him on the bus 
he’s kind of happy about it actually 
he smiles and presses a soft kiss to your head
hes so! warm !! 
and !!!
smells so !!!! heckin !!!!! good !!!!!!
definitely takes out his phone and snaps a picture because he thinks your cute 
will smack anyone that tries to wake you up with his free arm
he’s just so cute 
fall asleep on this boy once and you won’t be able to sleep anywhere else 
now this boy gets nervous to hold your hand
he couldn’t bring himself to kiss you for awhile because he was scared he wouldn’t be good at it and that you would hate him
pls protect him
so when you’re sitting under a tree during a break 
and you pull his arm around your shoulders and curl up into his side 
he almost passes out
his face is so red
he’s looking around like crazy
is he looking for help or is he looking to make sure no one’s watching ?
after awhile though when your body heat starts to warm him up and he smells your perfume/colgone and he sees how peaceful you look
he starts to like it 
he’ll gently kiss your forehead and smile to himself thinking about how lucky he is to have you
fall asleep on this boy once and he won’t let you out of his arms lol 
now we all know this one is a huge fan of pda and showing you off
his hand is always either holding yours, or in your back pocket or something like that 
kisses you whenever he gets the chance
all of that 
so when you two are sitting in the gym on a break and you lay down next to him and place your head in his lap
and he looks down at you and see how calm you are
his heart nearly bursts
he’s so excited that you decided to sleep on him
he whisper yells at Noya to bring his phone over 
takes a million frickin pictures
sends his favorites to the team gc lol
is almost scared to touch you because he can’t bring himself to wake his precious Y/n
eventually goes quiet and just stares at you 
hes like ‘wow this human is all mine. i love them so much and they love me too.’
he’s the luckiest person in the world 
refuses to get up when it’s time to get back to practice until daichi makes him
pouts for the rest of practice 
now as much as Noya loves pda he’s actually more chill about it than you might think
he just feels like he gets you all to himself when the two of you are alone that, even though he’s holding your hand, there’s no need for it 
but he’s definitely down for literally anything you want to do
you want him to keeps arms around you? a-ok
you want him to give you a kiss? why of course
you want a hug? dont even need to ask
you want it, he’ll do it no questions asked but the only thing he really does of his own accord is hold your hand
so when you pull him down onto the bench next to you so you can put your head on his shoulder he goes so soft 
only blushes a little bit 
‘this is why you called me over here? cute’
makes Hinata take a picture for him lol 
sets it as his lock screen because you’re so darn cute 
now this salty piece of boy is not very affectionate
but we been knew
so if you want to so much as hold his hand you’d better be prepared with arguments and your strongest puppydog eyes or something
this boy just doesn’t see the point or appeal of all the clingy cuddly stuff
he lies when he says this of course but we let it slide for the sake of appearances
when you’re sitting with him on the bus back from Tokyo and you pull his arm around your shoulders and rest your head on his chest
his face turns into a tomato
homeboy said blood moon tings
he looks down at you and how calm you look and falls in love with you all over again
smiles just a bit
the definitely see it and tease him to heck and back
this eventually wakes you back up
much to Tsuki’s dismay
“tch nice going you guys you woke them up”
puts his headphones over your ears and puts on a playlist he made just for you before pulling your head back down to his chest
if it weren’t for the headphones you’d hear just how fast his heart was beating
please give this boy affection
he says he doesn’t want it but he’s secretly so touch starved the poor bb :(
10/10 a secret softie
now this bean is somewhat similarly Asahi’s situation
his case is not quite so severe though
like he’ll hold your hand and kiss your cheek but it’s never with out a little blush
he actually took to physical affection pretty quickly but he’s still shy about it
so when you pull up a chair next to where him and Tsukishima are sitting during lunch and then wrap your arms around his torso and lean on his shoulder
oof this boy goes very very red
Tsuki snickers at him a bit but doesn’t say anything
they keep talking tho just a little softer now
whenever you shift and he’s reminded of how your holding him he’ll stutter a bit🥺
overall just very cute times
please cuddle this boy
now this stiff lil mans
oof he’s so sweet but he doesn’t really know how to express it
he doesn’t really go very red whenever you take his hand in yours but he gets all the butterflies
he’s so touch starved but he doesn’tknow what to do about it so he just kinda stands right next to you until you get the hint lol
so as you can imagine when you fall asleep on him for the first time he actually does go very red for once and his heart sort of races
you definitely hear it
you’re sitting with him at a tournament and he’s just talking to Hinata about the match they’re watching when you prop your feet up on the seat in front of you and lean your head on his shoulder
he just sorta stops as his face goes red
Hinata, the lil baby oh my goodness, just kinda pesters him about it before he finally comes to and calls him a dumbass and tells him to shut up before he wakes you
slowly relaxes and grabs your hand and rubs his thumb over your knuckles
realises how much he likes being this close to you and asks for more cuddles when you’re alone
oh my gosh this little bean
he’s so cute
he invited you to the tournament and they had just won a match against another powerhouse school
he was very excited that you were there for him and the team but for once he was actually kind of tired
so as the two of you sat, watching another match, you both kinda just feel alseep in each other 🥺
at first it was just you, he kept you up all night because he was “just too excited to sleep”
he’s such a child oh my goodness
so, as happy as you were for him, you were also ready to pass out
so you did
you took his hand and snaked your arms around his arm closest to you and put your head on his shoulder
he went a little red but he’s pretty clingy himself so it’s not really anything new
and he was tired too so he just decided to rest his head on top of yours after pressing a kiss to your forehead
the guys would’ve teased him then and there but Suga made them be quiet because “Come on guys this is the quietest he’s ever been”
so they tease him on the bus instead
thanks so much for reading i hope you liked it! here’s som of my other stuff if you feel like it :) and please feel free to send in a request ! :)
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