#& some stuff with this pack rlly fits that vibe it looks like!!
aridridge · 1 year
i think when the new ep releases the vibe im gonna go for when finding a house for my family is like... bay area/california colorful scandi ?? the triangular windows rlly give that to me. but also i wanna find a way to work in the more traditional craftsman stained-glass windows so idk
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
How about Benny in SAGAU? Like a continuation with Razor?? We do not talk about your growing found family 😤
Like, how would be his 'unluckiness'? Dya cancel it or you get pulled with his shenanigans? I feel like he might introduce you to his Dads no, we are still not going to talk about it 😤😤
A little scenario kept getting into my head when Benny applies Pyro and then Razor used his Electro and y'all got yer asses pounded on the ground 💀👌🏻and just taking care of each other's wounds 🥺🥺
You better be with him whenever he opens a chest so it wouldn't only spawn veggies, but decent weapon AND mora as well! You know, actual treasures, HOYO!!
This kid also arguably needs more parental supervision just bc of his sheer bad luck, poor kid
(i adore the headcanon that no matter the person's gender, he calls them dad lol)
Like,, hoyo cursed him and he's in a world with traps, monsters, fatui, MAGIC?? 💀 bro how is Benny still alive??!!
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Okay but the fact that Benny calls so many ppl dad just proves his desire for parental/sibling affection 💔
Aight since u phrased this as a continuation of this post <3 RAZOR MY BOYYYY
That is what we shall do :) ! ! !
So ur running with the wolves still lol
Also ur symbol as the Creator reader is 🦄 or 🌈, bc ur gay and special, jk its bc elements i promise lol
Or even 😑 / 😶 for language reader shenanigans
EDIT 4/11/24: HELLA forgot to say theres a sorta Part 3, its more focused on Razor living, rather than Benny tho fair warning!
Lupical for life bro
U r chillin with the pack now
Razor now has a sweet new digs, fits, and now a crazy amount of power
Bc ur just that great 💅
You have officially moved on to purchasing some leftover amenities/new furniture etc. for him and you :D
And while u could get some stuff in Springvale, like lanterns and soap and perfume and whatnot
Ur still not rlly getting furniture like a bedframe or some storage space, like a nightstand, from them
Which u dont need bc u still got an inventory
...but Razor definitely needs to store all his goodies somewhere that isnt up a tree or buried in a hole 😃
Yes, u did have to tell him to stop doing that.
So yall (u and Razor) are in Mondstadt a lot these days, and ur routine consists of grinding domains, hunting for food, hanging with cute Lupical puppies, playing giant tic-tac-toe w/ Andrius bc poor guy is pretty bored these days etc.
So you figured you run into ppl eventually, afterall you'd already re-met Lisa :)
(who at first was kind of taken aback to Razor having made a random adult friend in the woods, but after vibe checking her , and her vibe checking you, yall were cool, tho she did start reading these new lore books you didnt recognize called "Immortal They Return: A Series of Prophesies", she avoided ur questions abt it too..)
It was inevitable that after introducing you to Lisa, he'd gotten all excited at seeing two familiar figures hanging around Kathryne one day
Fischl and Bennett !! :D the cutest adventurers in all of Mondstadt ! (besides Klee)
The two take one look at you and Razor and coming running
....well mostly Fischl,
Bennett got his boot laces tangled together somehow? And is kinda hopping his way over
Immediately the electro vision royalty launches into their quintessential speech (they/them fischl SUPREMACY)
And as u get introduced,
U watch the pyro boy hop and trip over while trying to untie the laces
And just as he's about to go down, and ur debating reaching out and supporting the poor guy bc geez this looks sm worse in person-
Bennett has finally gotten his shoes untied!
Even he looks shocked 💀
And he like, apruptly stops falling over too?
And walks over with no issue??
Theres even a few out of place cobblestones in his path which he sees and moves to avoid
You dont know who looks more shocked and kinda scared you, him, or Fischl/Oz or Razor
Fischl and Razor have stopped talking bc it was more distracting Bennett didnt fall 😭
...yall all just kinda,, stand in a circle of silence (well fly in oz's case)
Staring at Bennett.
(Even Katheryne looks impressed😭)
After a couple of shook seconds, Fischl is nearly yelling about some kind of curse being lifted?? , Razor is like, sniffing Bennett's immediate area for sus scents, Bennett is kicking rocks to see if any of them hit him anymore, and poor Oz is trying to calm them down
(none of the rocks hit Bennett btw, or anything valuable around him)
So after that fiasco, u offer to take them around to the parts of Mondstadt they weren't allowed to go to w/o at least 1 adult :)
Theyre pumped and yall set off!
At first, Bennett hangs back, as Fischl and Razor throw themselves into monster battles yall encounter, as per what seems like a routine u assume bc of his bad luck
Eh, u figure while hes here, u might as well reveal u can make him stronger, u think he definitely needs the HP...
If there were any characters youd be worried about needing more power/HP in Mondstadt that u could level up besides Razor, itd be Bennett, hands down.
Between his adventuring, unnatural bad luck, and no parental supervision..
(even Klee seems better off than him, and shes like 7 💀)
Yeah, needless to say u were worried abt the guy
So he looks adorably fascinated <3, bc turns out they can see some of ur interface!
Mostly it looks like floating magical icons and that weird Teyvat language u saw in game, like that Abyss/ruins language u see all the time?
Bennett showed u his perspective in a sand drawing, hes actually pretty good at art wow
Razor couldnt rlly find the words to describe it before which is why u werent sure what they saw before now
And with that hes called into battle last by the others, mostly to apply pyro 🔥
and he fights at the edges to be further away from ppl u notice so he wont affect their luck..
aw Benny </3 :(
But as he draws his sword and ur getting ready trying to become a cheerleader for both Razor and Fischl but particularly Bennett,
He full on takes out 3 hilichurls at once 💀
...then with the dramatic down swing he does, he accidentally launches a rock right at the bigger hilichurl's foot..
...which trips him out of his axe swing...
...which makes it let go of the axe...
...which goes flying...
....breaks the last bit of the cryo abyss mage's shield bubble...
........and smacks it on the head too.
..fischl, oz, and razor halfway thru this insanity just like,, lower their weapons and stop to watch
Even the abyss mage is looking at Bennett surprised 😭😭
Bro, an achievement pops up-
"Lucky Day!!!"
Its little description says, "As Teyvat's God, you give the unluckiest person in Teyvat the luckiest day ever!"
Bennett just sits down on the ground.
(Same Benny because, this is where I lost it all, guys. All of that writing. Gone. Forever. I'm putting this here as both a gravestone for it, and a call out to tumblr. I'm not afraid of this website or its shitty admins, meet me in my dms for a real fight you fucks 🥊🥋🧍‍♂️you took what mattered to me, I'll take what matters to you, you god awful programmers. 🥲😐)
And it just keeps happening like that for the rest of the day you guys are together.
Every chest Benny opens are way higher quality than they should be
Especially for him.
(also u have gotten so comfy from before when u were playing Genshin that u r physically struggling not to call him Benny, so when u do accidentally call him that, u try to apologize politely, but he just talks about finally having a nickname so giddy that u just stick with Benny, what a cutie)
Common chests, Razor/Fischl gets what u expect, you personally maybe get a little extra materials and money,
But Benny?
He opens a common chest and suddenly it's a secret Precious chest
The pyro boy honestly looks a little afraid
You guys have a picnic later on for lunch together, partially bc Razor rlly wanted them to try ur food !! :D
Fischl and Benny were drooling over garlic salt, jesus- Teyvat's been deprived-
The blanket u used was a custom one u got made for Razor for his bday awhile back, all diff shades of purple and some silver wolf puppies and pawprints on it, 10/10 vv cute he loves it :)
(and also showed it off to his friends, Benny in particular looks smitten by it..)
Fischl eventually gets herded by Oz back to Mondstadt bc of their parents wanting them back by dinner,
So u Razor and Benny r left to wander around :]
As u guys explore and get chests and talk,
U all begin to gather ingredients for dinner (not that u dont have an inventory but the boys dont wanna cut into ur supplies, the sweethearts)
... Benny slowly starts to find and accumulate foodstuffs
Those Phileano? mushrooms (the white toasty looking ones that r always on roofs or windmills?)
He finds at eye level on nearly any building u come across.
Benny currently has his shirt turned into a basket trying to contain them, and more are flocking to him lol
Snap dragons? Calla lilies?? Even violetgrass, those purple horsetails, lotus heads, and a few qingqin from Liyue somehow make it into his bag 💀
The real question to ask at this point is, when wasn't Bennett lucky today??
(wow never thought youd hear that one)
So its a few weeks later, and Benny is like spending, every day with yall now lol
Ur getting dinner ready for u guys, and ur hopefully gonna make enough to leave leftovers for Lupical and Andrius,
So Razor has gone off to get some water to boil,
And Benny is climbing this huge tree to reach some eggs
And as he gets farther and farther up the tree away from you, he starts to slip more often 😬
Finally as he reaches the top, u realize after weeks without even a trip from him whenever hes around yall, why he wasnt unlucky-
...the closer he is to you, the luckier he is, and the farther Benny is-
He steps on a dead branch and it snaps :0 !!
Just as he falls, he screams and yells,
U push together some thick bushes and vines to catch him luckily
(lord knows u couldnt have caught him no matter how light he is, rip benny)
..Benny is okay, but he does go red in the face, and when u ask if he wants u to get one of his dads from the guild to check him over/make him feel better?
He says quickly "NO THANKS!"
Then Razor comes back like, "You call Lupical dad now?"
Benny: "What? No!"
You: "Do u see me as a, father figure, Bennett?"
Benny: "NO- more like I see u as a BOTHER figure bc ur always BOTHERING ME-"
Lol anyways jk
what a cutie tho,
(Ur Creator vibes made him feel vv at home in a way he hasnt felt before, so u got the honors early <3)
so ur a Dad™️ now (regardless of ur gender btw)
hope u like having a pack of puppies, a wolf spirit god, a wild wolf raised boy, and another wild but adventurer guild raised boy as ur family now 🤷‍♂️
You may or may not have also gotten onto Benny for charging straight into battle at other times, bc hes so used to bad luck happening anyway, apparently its canon he will just run in???
(to the point Grand Master VARKAS commented on it??!!)
U were pissed, bonked his head and everything-
He looked sufficiently chastised, but when u originally found out Fischl and Razor were nearby,
And u just hear snickering behind u as u bop him
(U bop them later too for that lol)
Benny is also very good at treating injuries bc of this too apparantly,
So one time when you Razor and him were engaging with a couple hilichurls again on the way to Windrise,
Benny applied pyro, and bc u were standing father away than usual (there was an archer earlier u were dodging)
His bad luck crept in and when Razor went to charge up his wolf spirit electro ult-
...everyone went flying back.
...Including Benny and Razor 💀
You heard a really sick pop!
From Benny's shoulder :(
You quickly start pullin out the healing foods lol shove a fishstick in his mouth screaming IT HEALS like a crazed grandparent lmao
But Benny has already sighed and sat up, popping his arm back into place
While u do praise his healing??? skills,
U have found out thru him that apparently ur food also gives some pain killer effects
So u scold him and bop him on the head with some dango 🍡
For not waiting on u to help him lol
Which btw-
Any healing food u give him, he treats like the bandages many others give him, like Barbara, Katheryne, his guild dads, etc.
And holds onto them, rarely eating them
(Ur stuff preserves until needed bc its magical Creator powers surprise, surprise)
Benny feels like its a tangible piece of your care he can keep with him <3 sobs
"Well, since you're by my side, I guess I'm not that unlucky after all!"
proud of you son :')
Ok so youve been getting Razor and u furnishings right
And youve been asking him what he wants to add to the caves digs ! :]
(U made a more fortified "front door" to the cave entrance, its also not that deep of a cave so there r only like 3 other "rooms" besides the main entrance area)
U improved both of u guys beds (tho razor will crash urs if he has a nightmare)
Along with some new outfits for him!
And so he has requested some stuff, but as time goes on,
Slowly, Razor goes from telling Benny about what new thing u added or telling his friend abt what he wants for the cave/himself,
To asking Benny what he wants bc he stays over so often 😭
(Youve gotten Benny factored into ur finances now lol, u gave him new clothes, new gear, amenities, etc. It also helps him bc he doesnt rlly have a main caretaker, so if he needs money he has to take commissions, which can be dangerous to him alone bc if u dont know, Benny's Adventuring Team only has him as the single member of it, plus thats not good if he is too sick or too injured to work, so a 2nd source of lowkey income is good for him <3 )
U now have a coffee table as the dinner table (razor was used to sitting on the ground to eat so a high table felt weird to him)
And it has a few pillow chair thingys?
For you, Razor, Benny, and a guest aw 💘
Benny also originally wanted to help make smth for u guys as a house warming gift
but bc he would try to work on it away from ur influence, it would break everytime :(
Eventually u just coninvced the poor kid to help u pick out some nice rugs and stuff lol
He also has surprisingly good interior design tastes, huh, who knew?
(cough when benny stays over he usually stays in razors bed, but occasionally theyre both lonely had nightmares and ask to crash with u, i love these kids sm cough)
Recently youve been visiting Benny in town even w/o Razor sometimes (rare as it is lol)
Mostly bc it seems like he needs the attention too <3
U gotta make sure hes eating real food okay
U dont want him to end up like u in ur world where u ate snacks for dinner when u were his age...
And Benny gets super hype about it every time, hes grabbing u by the arm, hauling u around to talk to ppl etc.
(Did i mention ur one of the few or not at all ppl who he can freely hold onto no matter the weather/situation bc his bad luck doesnt happen to you?? Oh no??? Well there u go :)
Most notably, to talk to the other Guild Dads™️
They deadass lowkey postured at you for an hour at you before giving in bc u seemed to be the only good luck charm the kid's ever gotten in his entire life 😭
They also r rlly happy someone is able to bc of his rlly bad luck willing to look out for him when they cant :)
For his birthday, you guys all celebrated by doing a picnic again like when u first met them, and you made him a cake
Benny's face rlly said " :'D !! "
Later on, for presents, you got him a blanket matching Razor's !!
Shades of red, with some good luck symbols thruout to maybe make up for when ur not there, and puppies all over <3
And at the top, you yourself embroidered (attempted, so its kinda sloppy but still readable, its endearing you like to think)
"Benny's Adventure Team"
With your name, Razor, Fischl, and even Oz and Andrius lol, all embroidered (not by u bc u stabbed urself enough times making the title thx) as team members down below 👍
You also show him a copy of the book record Katheryne keeps of adventuring teams, telling him that you snuck into Mondstadt one day w/o him knowing and officially signed you guys together (the others agreed too ofc)
...Benny cried, straight up.
And just like held onto you for bascially the rest of the day ❤️
(you also may or may not have signed the corner with "love, dad" haha what)
I just want y'all to know.
I had like this whole thing ready to post.
Then tumblr decided it didn't like any of my writing, and deleted half of this post.
U probably saw the spot i marked where i lost it all :'/
I think it took an hour? Or at least 30 minutes to write.
Guess tumblr didn't like that I was adding so much in one go.
So now it's gone.
Doin smth ballsy bc in order to avoid that, ive just rewritten that lost half, and am just going to post it straight up rather than expecting it to save my draft 🥲
Those beautiful moments between Bennett and us, are gone forever. My memory isn't good enough to rewrite it all. ;-;
If you don't mind, I'll be crying somewhere over those lost Benny moments that I drafted on here and can no longer remember to add.
I guess that's tumblr's cruel way of telling me to go the extra mile and draft my bullshit on a literal Google Doc then come back here and deal with the formatting transition hell.
Thanks tumblr.
Appreciate the writing advice.
(Oz translation: hey its aquarius here! I hope you gods enjoyed my writing! Feel free to check out my Masterpost/Writing Rules List if you guys ever wanna request something, including non-Sagau/Isekai stuff! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Hey not sure if yall will see this, but while this does have influences of Sagau/Isekai genshin, its still pretty just platonic genshin stuff, so let me know if thats not what u wanna be tagged for - just dm me!!)
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pluto-sims-cc-finds · 11 months
Just wanted to ask what your *favorite* like, Top 10 furniture/build cc is? also where we could get it? sry if you dont do asks i just like your stuff
Hey! Okay, this is SUCH a hard question asdfghjhgfd so i'm gonna be super annoying and do a broader version with some of my favourite buildbuy creators. because i am not joking when i say i could easily list like hundreds of my top cc asdfghjkjhgfdfghjjhgf i hope thats okay!!!
asdfghjjhgf this post uhm. got away from me and ended up being SO LONG lmao but i think its worth it!
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If you like retro/mid century modern style cc, then teekalu's stuff is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
literally obsessed with their colour palettes! everything matches SO nicely and you could easily decorate whole rooms/houses with just their stuff alone
THE WALLPAPERSSSSSSSSSSSSS argh my ultimate favourite!!!! like, i mean it when i say that if i could only have one set of CC in my mods folder and nothing else, it would be teekalu's wallpapers. i use them in every single build ever and would actually be bereft without them
not JUST build buy cc but also lots and cas cc!!!! and its all amazing and such a vibe!!!!
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did somebody say colour options? because there's COLOUR OPTIONS GALORE!!!!!!
MATCHING!!!!!!!!! leading on from the point about colour options, most of her cc comes in MULTIPLE colour palette options, so the options for matching different sets is ENDLESS. seriously, it's like, incredible and sooooooo appreciated
awesome mix of build AND buy!!! i must admit that i go ham mostly on her wallpaper cc (are we sensing a theme here? listen i hoard wallpaper cc like there's no tomorrow i cant help it) BUT the buy items are ALSO AMAZING???? and again, everything MATCHES!!!!!!!! oh, AND there's some incredible builds, too?!?!? the talent!!! and it would be remiss not to mention that pictureamoebae is like, the reshade master
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as we all know by now, i LOVE quirky cc. if it's colourful and fun, i'm THERE, and kiwisim4's content totally fits that bill
the tui series is my FAVOURITE!!! the COLOUR! the STYLE! the PIZAZZ!
ANDDDDD for those who want something a lil' more mainstream and less super specific, there's also a bunch of other sets in different styles that can fit any type of aesthetic and decor choice!
FOR EVERY ROOM TOO! kitchens? bathrooms? studies? living rooms? kids bedrooms? check, check, check, check and CHECK!
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aight buckle up y'all because i am constantly perplexed that zx-ta doesn't receive more love because LET ME TELL YOU, her cc is SO! FREAKING! GOOD! STOP READING MY POST RN AND GO CHECK OUT HER CREATIONS!!!!!
truly consider this to be the swiss army knife of cc creation - you want ts3 and ts2 to ts4 conversions? what about medieval and historical cc? genius additions to existing game content like separated sinks? wall art? planters? WELL HERE IT IS! literally every style/aesthetic/era/furniture type you could ever wish for
ik i mentioned it already but the SEPERATED SINKS!!!!! GENIUS! GALAXY BRAINED! also the movie hangout kitchen set IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOD
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aaaaaaaand no build/buy cc list of mine would be complete without mentioning the incredible sforzinda. listen, if you see cool clutter in any of my pics, there's a 90% chance its by them
aight they do truly chefs kiss CAS cc, BUT, i am OBSESSED with their separated clutter sets in particular. how many times have you looked at game asset and thought, hey, there's some rlly cute bits in this but then its like, part of a MASSIVE object that you never really use. well, sforzinda basically solves that time and time again and me and my mods folder are SO thankful. AND THE WALL ART ITEMS!!!!! THE MESH EDITS!!!!!!!!!
my most favourite one is undoubtedly the separated little campers clutter set, but also THE HIGH SCHOOL YEARS BED PACK!!!! ARGH!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry i didnt like answer your question really asdfghjhgfds i just, i have SO many favourites id never be able to narrow it down asdfghjhgfds. if you (or anyone else!) ever wants like a specific idk top beds, top coffee tables, top floors etc tho pls let me know because i'd definitely be able to make myself be SLIGHTLY more specific then asdfghjhgfdsdfghj. this was rlly fun tho!!! thank you so much for your ask, I hope this was at least a wee bit useful asdfghjkjhgfdfghjkjhg
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gerberbabey · 4 years
euphoric | one | JJ Maybank
a/n: this post isn’t showing up in the tags and idk why😔😭
ive linked both the outfit and the makeup look, and will continue to do so in the future. this is mostly bc im not rlly good at being descriptive sorry 😔 . For the aesthetic and looks in particular i might link a lot of Cierra Nia, cus her vibe and fits are very much what i had in mind. (when it comes down to it a lot of the inspiration im going off of is very Kali Uchis, Princess Nokia, and SZA.)
ik that this kinda cuts into the inclusivity (w aesthetics and fashion sense at least, bc i understand that some of these outfits might not be smth other people are comfortable wearing), but even w the concept ill try my best to widen the range of outfits as i go forward
the chad bit is inspired by @yourlocalauthor
also... im lowkey loving Isaiah as a character and i might invest in him more than i planned to lmao. 
summary: You get ready for dinner with the Cameron’s but you meet a certain Pogue instead. 
masterlist | previous | next
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warnings : cursing, lack of pogues and action (i gotchu next part tho), also terrible writing
one - ♫ Only in the West by Yeek  ♫
After being told that you would be interacting with people in just a few short hours you’d rushed off to your designated room. Your parents were generous enough to leave name signs on the doors (likely for the movers to put your belongings in the correct rooms) and you tore yours off the front before you slipped into the room, closing the door and locking it behind you. 
You took in the room for a moment. It was already pretty much furnished, just not decorated or arranged in a way that you would like it to be. Everything was just kind of there, from the bed sheets to the vanity that you actually couldn’t really complain about.
Your suitcases had been placed at the foot of the bed and you moved to open the one that contained your makeup. You transferred your makeup products onto the vanity before a buzzing at your waist made you pause. 
“Oh shit,” you pulled your phone from where it was being held against you by the waistband of your shorts. The FaceTime caller ID had “that bitch maddy ” displayed at the top of the screen and you cringed because she was probably pissed that you hadn’t been responding to any of their texts. Pressing the answer button you pulled out the little seat of your vanity and leaned your phone against the mirror. 
“Oh shit, she answered!” BB’s voice echoed out of the speaker of your phone and you let out a laugh. 
“Are you serious dude, we’ve been trying to contact you for hours,” Maddy drawled out, clearly annoyed.
“I just got to the house Maddy.”
When it came to your group of friends, Maddy Perez was someone who constantly sought for attention. This wasn’t shit talk either, it was just the fact of it. You’d been friends with Maddy for nearly your whole lives and something that she loved was praise and attention. You were one of the few people who knew how to keep up with some of her antics. You were also one of the few people capable of calling her out on her shit without her lashing out at you for it (Although the topic of Nathaniel Jacobs was one she seemed to be especially hard headed on). 
The girls started to talk over one another, Kat’s voice drowned by the energy of Maddy and BB. You nodded along as you moved around in preparation. You’d stripped off the top you had flown in, tossing it aside in irritation and instant relief as the sweat that was being trapped in by the fabric immediately began to be cooled by the touch of the air conditioned room. 
“I mean what the fuck right?” Maddy concluded her story and you could only imagine Kat rolling her eyes. 
“Maddy the longer you complain about Nathaniel the more I begin to tone you out,” you admitted and Kat let out a laugh. 
“Daaaamn,” BB drawled out from somewhere off screen. 
“What the fuck (Y/N) you’re supposed to be on my side,” Maddy was clearly angered by your comment, you could hear it in her tone. 
“Babe I am on your side. I’m on your side no matter what the fuck that psycho does. I just really don’t need to hear about what he does because it doesn’t change anything,” you leaned in close to the mirror to focus on your eye make up. You looked over at your screen for a split second and from Maddy’s body language alone you knew you’d eased her irritation.
“So (Y/N) how’s North Carolina,” Kat question, emphasizing North Carolina with a misplaced old-time cowboy-like accent. You’d only spoken to the movers from earlier so far but people from North Carolina and the Outer Banks in particular didn’t seem to have a distinct type of accent. 
“It’s…” you leaned back to look at yourself and shrugged, “sticky.”
“Sticky?” Kat laughed and Maddy let out a small ‘ew’. 
“Yeah. Yeah it’s sticky.” 
It took nearly two hours but you’d finished getting ready and damn did you look good. You’d ended the call with the girls after they showered you with compliments and sentiment and you find yourself letting out a heavy sigh to try and release the tension in your chest. You missed your friends. You missed being a short drive away from Maddy’s house. You missed Kat and BB laying around in your room arguing about one thing or another. You missed sleepovers at Cassie and Lexi’s house. You missed heading out to the gas station and talking to Fez and Ashtray (which was an experience mind you). You missed the suburbs and not being on an island all the way across the country.
You missed all of this and you hadn’t even been on this island for a day. 
A knock on your door interrupted the growing weight you could feel throughout your body. 
“(Y/N), are you ready? We’re gonna head out soon,” your mother’s muffled voice called to you and you nodded before realizing she definitely could not see you. 
“Yeah I’m good just give me a second!” you called back. 
“Ok,” her voice drifted off and you took one last look in the vanity mirror, concluding that you definitely needed a full body mirror in this room. 
For tonight you were dressed to ensure the weather on the island knew it could fuck off. Maddy had pleaded for you to wear one of the dresses/outfits she’d gifted you at your farewell party (although you’d specifically told her not to get you anything, you also weren’t gonna complain about the amount of money she’d made Nate drop just to get you presents). So there you were, dressed in a dark purple, suede-textured, bra top with a long pleated skirt that was a lighter, softer shade of purple. You accessorized with two different chains hung around around your neck, a purple bucket hat, a small light purple shoulder bag, white socks bunched at your ankles and silver sneakers. The look was topped off with your makeup matching the purple color scheme. 
Concluding that you were good to go, you made your way out of your room and then out of the house. You took in everything as you passed it, from boxes that were yet to be unpacked to new pieces of decorations your old house definitely did not have. 
“Y’know sometimes I wonder how it feels to need to take 3 hours getting ready,” Isaiah drawled from where he was leaning against the car, scrolling through his phone. He’d dressed in some cutoff tan pants and a polo with a logo that you couldn’t make out on the left breast. 
“It would really help you out,” you shot back and he scoffed. 
“My look is effortless ok, I have natural beauty-”
“Oh, natural beauty bullshit-” 
“I’m not the one with layers on my face-” 
“Say that the next time you wanna use my face masks-”
“Ok ladies! You’re both absolutely gorgeous,” your mother interrupted your bickering as she made her way outside, “Do you wanna know how I know because you both got it from me,” she struck a pose and you let out a laugh while your brother rolled his eyes. 
“(Y/N) are you not gonna bring a jacket?” your dad questioned as you slid into the car. You blinked at him before turning to Isaiah who shrugged. 
“You’re not serious,” you stated and your jaw dropped at the serious look on your dad’s face, “Dad you can’t be serious, it’s so hot.” 
“(Y/N) you’re not even wearing a shirt, it would give me peace of mind if you had something to cover yourself up.” 
See now, while your family got along well, there always was something within families wasn’t there.Your dad’s opinions always seemed to clash heavily with you and your brother’s (yours especially). The man disapproved of Isaiah’s group of friends and lack of participation in sports. The man also disapproved of your friends (aside from Kat and Lexi) and heavily disapproved of your fashion sense and the outfits you tended to wear. He usually didn’t have to see any of the outfits you wore considering he was at work practically all the time, but he always had something to say when he was present. 
“Man people are walking around shirtless and stuff dad it’s fine,” Isaiah tried to defend you. 
“I wasn’t talking to you Isaiah.” 
Your dad was also the only person who didn’t call you or your siblings by your nicknames. 
Isaiah rolled his eyes. 
“Ok ok, it’s fine,” you’re mother piped in, “here (Y/N), you can have this cardigan,” You gave her a look of disbelief and she only shot you a pleading one back. Her expression alone told you, ‘please, just leave it’. You grit your teeth and snatched the cardigan from her, slouching into your seat aggressively as your dad nodded and started the car. Bea continued to watch whatever show she had preoccupied herself with and from the corner of your eye you could see Isaiah’s hand clenching and unclenching on his lap. You couldn’t see his face but you wouldn’t doubt he was as pissed as you. 
The Cameron house was packed with people. 
Well, not the house itself, but their large backyard was crawling with people. When Bea had told you that you guys would be heading to the Cameron’s for dinner you thought it would’ve been with the Cameron’s and the Cameron’s alone. 
“Welcome to your welcome party!” a man walked up to you and your family and you and Isaiah shared a look. 
“Ward, you didn’t have to do all this,” your mother laughed and the man waved off her concerns before giving her a hug in greeting. 
“This was the least I could do for my new business partners. Now, this must be the (L/N) kids,” the man, Ward, turned to the three of you and Bea stepped up with the confidence that surpassed you and your brother’s. 
“Hi I’m Bethany, but everyone calls me Bea!” she introduced and Ward let out a joyful chuckle. 
“Nice to meet you Bea, I’m Ward Cameron. I work with your daddy.” 
“I know,” Bea said matter of factly. 
“Oh, well then, it’s still great to meet you. And you two are…?” He trailed off offering a hand out for your brother. Isaiah stepped forward, taking his hands out of his pockets and shaking his hand firmly. 
“Isaiah,” he greeted with a nod and Ward nodded back.
“Then you must be (Y/N),” Ward guessed and you nodded with a polite smile. 
“It’s great to meet you three. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you kids,” Ward praised and you tried not to roll your eyes. There was no way your dad was bragging about his kids and you assumed your mom just talked about your antics. She loved talking about your guys’s antics. Bea was likely the only one who actually got any praise from either of your parents at this point. 
“Well there’s food on those tables, take as much as you want. Seconds, thirds, go crazy,” Ward motioned to the long tables displayed with food, buffet style, “Bea there’s a few kids over there who I know would love to make a new friend,” Bea ran off at that, “and you two. My daughter Sarah and my son Rafe are somewhere over there with some others your guys’s age. I know you guys definitely don’t wanna hang around when the old people start talking,” Ward laughed and your parents chuckled while you tried to hide your wince with a smile. 
Ward ushered your parents off, leaving you and Isaiah to stand awkwardly looking over the crowd of people. 
“Wanna go get food?” Isaiah offered and you nodded eagerly. 
Kiara was on enemy territory. If there was one thing she definitely had not wanted to do, it was go to a Kook party (in Sarah Cameron’s house nonetheless) to welcome a new Kook family, but her parents practically threatened her. Now she was here, trying to avoid all the Kooks (i.e Sarah) while her parents mingled with other parents. Kie had done a pretty good job slipping off so that she wasn’t forced to talk to any one and was sitting on a chair that was basically hidden away from the rest of the crowd.
‘SOS. god pls get me out of here’ She texted her group chat with the other Pogues and threw her head back in irritation as she waited for a response. 
“Y’know I think I just saw Chad, Brad, Tanner, and Hunter over there,” a voice she didn’t recognize startled her and Kie looked up as you and a tall boy made your way over to the spot she’d claimed. You were laughing, your cardigan sliding off your shoulders and both of you had a plate of food each.
“Yeah, they’re waiting for their homeboys Bryce, Brock, and Tucker,” you shot back and the boy barked out a laugh. 
Kie smiled as she caught onto the jokes you guys were making. Yet her smile dropped as she realized that from your unfamiliar faces and your unique sense of style she could tell you two were two of the new kids from the new family. Aka the new Kooks who moved into Figure 8. Kiara’s phone buzzed and she looked down at it. 
‘want us to crash?’ Pope had responded, though from how it was worded, Kie could bet that JJ had sent the message. 
As down as she was for that, her parents were in attendance and they’d probably ban her from ever seeing her friends again (not that something like that would stop her). 
“Hey uh,” Kiara jumped and looked up, making eye contact with you and your brother, “Oh shit sorry, we were just wondering if we could sit here?” 
“Yeah no, go ahead,” Kiara motioned to the empty chairs.
“Thanks,” you smiled at her and Kiara admired your makeup now that you were much closer. 
“I’m Isaiah by the way, but call me Zaya,” Isaiah raised his hand before motioning to you, “This is my sister, (Y/N).” 
“I’m Kiara, but most people call me Kie,” Kie introduced and you and your brother nodded. Kiara’s phone buzzed again, drawing attention to it. 
‘kie want us to come get u?’ John B texted. Kie quickly picked up her phone so she could respond, she glanced between her phone and you and Isaiah before deciding. 
‘nah it’s ok’ 
‘?’ was the immediate response from Pope and Kie could almost hear the confusion. 
‘met the new kids. theyre cool so far’ 
‘If you say so. But jj says dont fall for it’ 
Kie rolled her eyes but could understand the sentiment. She told them not to worry about it before putting her phone off to the side. You and your brother had started a different conversation while Kie had been otherwise preoccupied. Kie watched and listened to you two talk, justifying that it wasn’t eavesdropping since you’d come and sat with her in the first place. 
“That sounds dumb but ok,” you offered and Isaiah scoffed. 
“I mean I looked up if there was one around here but there isn’t so what else am I gonna do.” 
“Sorry, what isn’t here?” Kie interrupted, curious about the context of the topic. Isaiah glanced at you before turning to Kie. 
“Skate park,” he answered, “There isn’t one in the Outer Banks so I could just street skate, but there’s nowhere to drop in. But I was also thinking of just going somewhere and bombing a hill.”
Kie wondered if she was losing her mind. She knew there wasn’t a skate park on the island, the closest one was on the mainland. Most people who skated rode on longboards rather than actual skateboards and as far as she knew most people in the OBX just preferred to surf. But what had lost her was “drop in” and “bombing a hill”. 
“Closest skate park’s on the mainland,” Kie confirmed and your brother seemed to deflate. 
“You skate?” You questioned and Kie shook her head. 
“I’m a surfer. Not much to do when you live out here,” she joked. 
“No shit?” you asked and Kie looked up in thought but shrugged. 
“Well me and my friends, we usually either surf, or we go out to the marsh. We swim, drink, smoke. Either out at the marsh or just at my friend, John B’s, house. Sometimes we throw keggers. Have bonfires. We usually know how to occupy our time,” Kie wondered why she was speaking to these two so comfortably. 
“Parties?” Isaiah questioned and Kie winced. 
“Aside from keggers, people on the Cut don’t really throw house parties. The Kooks are always throwing stuff like this though,” Kie nodded over to the event that was meant to welcome you and your family in the first place. You glanced back at the party/gathering that you’d practically forgotten about. Since you’d arrived you and your brother actively avoided interacting with the teenagers all dressed like they were pledged into Kappa Beta Who Gives a Shit. 
“Sorry, Kooks?” Isaiah questioned. 
“Oh um...Kooks are like the rich people, anyone who lives in Figure 8. Boarding schools, trust fund money, private tutors,” Kie explained. 
“So...we’re Kooks? Because we live out here?” you questioned incredulously. Kie nodded her head and you raised a brow. Sure, you weren’t poor, you’d already established that. Back in California you lived just a few houses down from Cal Jacobs, who owned practically the entire town. You acknowledged that you were definitely more financially privileged than some people, but you’d never had the luxury of going to a private school (shoutout to East Highland) or having a private tutor. And even with as much money as your parents seemed to make, the idea of a trust fund was laughable. 
“OBX is kinda split. John B always described it like...two tribes, one island,” Kie smiled as you and your brother gave her deadpanned expressions, “So y’know who the kooks are, but the other half are the Pogues. Basically the bottom of the food chain. Pogues live on the Cut, the poorer side of the island. Kooks and Pogues don’t really get along.” 
“I’m gonna be completely honest with you, that’s like the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” you stated bluntly. 
“Wait is this like...Soc’s versus Greasers? Like The Outsiders?” Isaiah questioned and Kie’s eyebrows furrowed at the comparison. 
“You're telling me your whole island follows basic labelling like it’s an 80s high school movie?” you questioned in a state of shock and all Kie could do was nod. Kooks and Pogues and even Tourons were just something people knew growing up in the Outer Banks. She’d never really let it sink that other people probably found the concept ridiculous. 
“Do you have bad experiences with...Pogues or something,” you questioned and Kie shook her head firmly.
“Nah, I’m no Kook. They’re entitled, narcissistic, assholes.” 
“So you’re a Pogue? Then why are you here?” Isaiah laughed and Kie slumped in her seat. 
“My parents forced me here. I go to school with these assholes...but I’d never be like them,” Kie shook her head as she caught sight of kids she recognized from the Kook academy. Her family was less upper class, and more working middle class if she really thought about it. Unlike a lot of the highly privileged Kooks, Kie knew what it was like to need to work for the money they had. 
“So then how’s being a Pogue going for you exactly?” you questioned. Deep down you knew that  you probably shouldn’t have been entertaining this whole Kook vs. Pogue thing but you’d also never encountered an entire county of people that was so blatantly classist. 
“Literally great. I surf all day, I get to hang with my friends. The best part is that it’s away from all of...this,” Kie motioned to the crowd that you had separated yourselves from, “Speaking of, we’re actually having a kegger tomorrow. Would you guys be down to come?” Kie looked between you and your brother. 
“Uh yes, please,” you were quick to answer and Kie laughed, “Honestly I was preparing myself for the most boring fucking summer of my life, but I’m really glad we met you,” you admitted.
“Definitely won’t beat back home though,” Isaiah mentioned and you groaned. The thought of missing all the parties that were probably being thrown back in California made you frustrated. 
“Man don’t remind me.”
“You guys moved here from California right?” Kie asked so that she could keep herself in the loop. It wasn’t hard to pick up that you and your brother tended to go off into little conversations of your own but she understood that it was probably because neither of you knew Kie and therefore didn’t know what to bring up in conversation. Kie was an extroverted person but this was something she noticed Pope doing a lot.  
“Yeah, LA actually,” Isaiah confirmed, “Definitely not ‘Paradise on Earth,’ but...” 
“There’s no place like the Outer Banks,” Kie said, though the sarcasm dripped from her entire being. 
“Meh,” you shrugged off with a tone of disinterest and Kie laughed wholeheartedly. 
The three of you ended up talking for the entirety of the night. Kie was determined to stay completely hidden away from the rest of the party’s residents, meaning she had kept herself planted in her chair for quite literally the entire time you guys were there. Isaiah, being how he was, had gotten up a few times to get more food or to grab something new to drink. He had come back with something for Kie each time. 
Kie was interesting, she led the conversation a majority of the time and constantly kept it flowing. You appreciated someone who could work past awkwardness and still keep up a conversation. You ended up exchanging phone numbers and social media and had talked about a whole lot of shit; from keggers, to your outfit, to how moving felt. Isaiah and Kie had even gone on a pretty long debate about music, (something about the top 5 albums of all time, or was it how meaningful a playlist was? or maybe it was about whether it was ok to separate an artist’s actions from their music?). 
Kie was a down to earth, do shit for herself, actions speak louder than words kind of girl. She spoke her mind about everything she was passionate about and though you weren’t preaching about sea life and turtles, you could obviously understand where she came from with her frustrations, you’d just never really met anyone who was so deeply passionate about it. 
The feeling of your phone vibrating against your leg took your attention off of Kie. 
“Hello?” you answered it and Kie paused.
“(N/N)! Where are you?!” Bea’s voice screeched and you furrowed your eyebrows in annoyance. 
“I’m with Zaya, we’re sitting by like some trees, I don’t know.”
“Mom says we’re leaving right now!” 
“Bea stop yelling,” you said firmly, “Ok, we’ll just meet you guys by the car then.” 
“Ok!” your sister yelled and before you could snap at her she ended the call. You shook your head and put your phone into your bag.
“We leaving?” Isaiah asked and you nodded as you gathered yourself and your belongings. Kie began to clean up as well, standing up and helping you and your brother out while you gathered up the empty water bottles and cans of soda. Now that Kie was standing you could see that she was actually a little taller than you originally thought.
“It was really nice meeting you Kie,” you said sincerely and Kie smiled. After the three of you cleaned up she helped lead you guys toward the front of the house without having to deal with whoever was left over at the party. You wondered for a moment about how she was pretty familiar with the layout of the home.
“I’ll see you guys at the kegger tomorrow?” Kie asked. 
“Uh, where’s that gonna be again?” you questioned as you spotted your family’s car.
“Oh it’s on the Boneyard,” Kie explained and you only stared at her blankly, “Ummm, y’know what. I could just pick you guys up?” 
“Yeah for sure,” Isaiah said and you tried not to think about how weird it was going to be arriving at a party at the same time as your brother. That was something you tended to avoid doing when you were back home considering you usually went with your friends. 
You and your brother bid Kie goodbye. You’d never been the type of person to initiate hugging, so when she gave the two of you a wave you found yourself just waving back awkwardly.
Now you were settled in the car, heading back home after a ridiculously tiring day. Bea was going off on a tangent about one thing or another and Isaiah had fallen asleep, wedged rather uncomfortably against the car door. You were texting in your group chat, telling them all about Kie, Kooks, Pogues, and everything in between. 
You wondered if you could finally get a dog.
taglist: @sspidermanss​
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firesfelt · 3 years
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hi hello ! i’m pace ( she/her ) and i have really horrible timing, as i need to go to bed like asap and also have a packed day tomorrow so can’t be on then either ( rip ) but i rlly wanted to get at least one thing posted before i go ! i’m in the gmt, and am just realising now while i think about intros that all my fcs ( for the moment ) have names beginning with ‘a’ ? inch resting. but i’ll hopefully be able to get intros up for my gals too asap & i rlly wanna do the tasks for everyone and get writing and just have a Hoot. this is the exact environment i need, u know ? exciting !!! anyway, lemme introduce my first character before i end up writing some rambled essay about,,, literally nothing.
( asami zdrenka, 26, demigirl, she/her/they/them ) EMIKA BLAKE was seen listening to HEARTBEAT BY SCOUTING FOR GIRLS on their way to TATTOO ARTIST. EM is known to be CREATIVE & STANDOFFISH.
➜ i always find emika’s personality hard to describe, but i think the best way to begin is ‘misunderstood’ ? she has good intentions, and a kind soul, but the social skills of a wet trout. she’s quiet, and reserved, and has a serious case of resting-grump-face, and it very much leads people to get the wrong sort of impression of her, through no fault of their own. the sarcasm doesn’t help, either. she’s very much a loner ( and therefore a pain in the arse to plot with ) but i always enjoy developing relationships of any kind with her and seeing how things unfold.
➜ obviously, her job has a very social side, and that’s the one thing she can manage. she has no problems communicating in a consultation, getting ideas out there, easing the nerves of an anxious first-timer, expressing herself and what could be best, but that’s often because she knows exactly what to do. she does it day in, day out, and can almost follow a script in a way. sit the same person she had the consult with down for six hours to actually have the tattoo done, and unless they make the effort to keep the conversation going, em has nothing. it’s not even that she doesn’t want to talk, either, she just struggles. and then when she does think of something to say, it can come out abrupt or abrasive, so it’s often best to just keep her mouth shut.
➜ is it obvious yet that emika’s autistic ? she has no idea of this, herself, but it’s canon, just undiagnosed. and it was, admittedly, unintentional. i’ve revamped em from a character from long ago, and the first time i played her, i didn’t set out for her to have autism, and then when i realised that she’s definitely, definitely autistic, everything made sense. it just never got picked up on at school for her, and her mother never paid enough attention to notice or care to do anything in terms of getting a diagnosis or trying to help, so it’s gone undetected. thus far, anyway, who knows ? that could be interesting.
➜ speaking of her mum, let’s talk upbringing. emika was actually born in brighton, england, to her mother, mayumi, and father, stephen. on account of him being a cheating bastard, their relationship fell apart when em was seven. stephen made an attempt with his daughter, but he was in and out of her life for the following five years. at aged twelve, she realised that he really wasn’t worth the effort it took to force a relationship with him, and told him where to stick it. three years later, mayumi would want to uproot to huntsville to follow the latest in a long line of boyfriends --- and stephen didn’t so much as protest. the relationship between mayumi and her canadian lover didn’t last ( here is where em would bitterly mutter ‘they never do’ ) but they never went home.
➜ growing up, she had two escapes: art, and books. she’d always been creative, and always been trouble. think drawing on the hallway walls in crayon at four, getting paint on the living room carpet while creating a ‘masterpiece’ at seven. aka, not trouble, just a kid being a kid, but w/e. try telling her mum that. it was easy to get lost in a drawing or a painting, and she found comfort in reading, too. she’s still a bookworm now, despite not having much free time.
➜ em works too hard. she adores her job, and doesn’t take a single day of it for granted, but she works too hard. there’s nothing she’d rather be doing, and it’s by her own choice, but her time isn’t filled with much else. she specialises in neotrad, but likes to dabble a little and expand her styles when she can. she’s so unbelievably grateful to be doing what she does, especially as it very easily could never have happened for her.
➜ with a home life that was rocky at best, em definitely struggled. as a teenager, she turned to alcohol, and long before she was even legally allowed to drink, she developed a dependency on it. even now, she’d never say she was an alcoholic, but she’d definitely admit that it was a problem, and steers clear from the stuff now. wanting nothing more than to become a tattoo artist was the motivation she needed to get sober, and she knows it very easily could’ve gone in the opposite direction. she got an apprenticeship in the end, and the rest is history.
➜ but ! she’s still young !!!! like super young !! i always like to pick a fc a couple of years younger than however old i’m playing her, because it’s kind of a thing that emika looks even younger than she is. but where a lot of asami’s resources are from a couple of years ago, i thought a year’s difference would do ! but em knows she’s young and still has so much room to learn, and she’s eager to. she just wants to get better and better.
➜ so as an individual who speaks to her mum as little as possible, has no other family in canada, and has very few friends ( if any ? ) who keeps emika company, i hear you ask ? why, it’s her two goldfish and  her chinese softshell turtle, of course. named fred, george, and dobby, respectively. she loves her tank full of friends far more than she’d ever care to admit. ideally, she’d love a dog, but doesn’t have the time to dedicate to caring for one, nor does she have the space. emika moved out at eighteen, the second she could scrape enough money together to do so, and moved into the tiniest box of an apartment, and hasn’t moved since. despite its size, she truly loves her little flat ---- and hates change.
➜ going forward, i’m open to,,, anything. with all three of my goblins, i’m really open to absolutely anything. including just vibing and seeing what happens, but i’m coming in really open and just wanting to Explore. i have an idea for a wc for em, which should be super interesting, but other than that, it’s all just vibes and goin with the flow !!
➜ i hate to wrap things up abruptly, but i really gotta go to bed lmao ( i should’ve written my intros out earlier, rip. isn’t hindsight amazing ? ) so just some things to note: when it comes to gender, em mostly idenifies as ‘ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ‘ and really just doesn’t think about it. she’s probably never talked to anyone about it, either, not properly/in depth. she doesn’t really think about it, and it doesn’t really,,,, matter ?? to her ?? it just sort of,,, Is. she/her absolutely flies with her, they/them is also appreciated, she really just,,, doesn’t mind. sexuality is one she did have a big crisis over ( and is it still ongoing ? kinda ) but eventually just decided that bi was the label that fit best so that’s what she goes with. she still,,, has no idea. and doesn’t know if it even matters. she split her life between brighton and huntsville, so it was never like she’d never be accepted, but it was all a big Internal Yikes for her.
➜ tldr: dog loving, artistic book enthusiast, who has more coffee in her system than blood and loves her job and her fish more than anything. a total pain in the arse, but a hard worker and bringer of sarcasm. and bitterness. but also bad jokes and gossip --- it’s easy to forget she’s there when she’s so quiet; she hears all kinds of shit.
➜ ooh ! one thing to note ! while em is obviously covered in tattoos, she doesn’t actually share any of asami’s irl ones, so pls keep that in mind ! and ignore in photos/gifs ! will have more details when i do her stats/first task, but for now i really have to go bed !! i’m v excited to be here though, ty for having me and i’ll be here properly soon <3
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m0onbean · 6 years
Can I please get a Wonwoo from Seventeen college AU (maybe he helps you study for exams), fluff please
ok but imagine wonwoo tutoring you.... 
when they say that college students are dead inside, they really are
because here we have you studying on your bed, papers literally everywhere, and some sad music in the background that really fits your mood
and when your roommate barges in your room and is like "(y/n) i can feel ur bad vibes from my room " ur just kinda like "yeah i just pulled two all-nighters and i have an exam tomorrow and i haven't eaten anything except for a gallon of coffee. how are u today, Karen. :)))))"
it's not like you're not smart,,, you're just hella stressed bc your professor doesn't teach that well and the material is rlly hard to understand
and your exam for your biochemistry class is TOMORROW nd no matter how much you try to understand enzymatic reactions u just can't fully comprehend it
the next morning u arrive in class with hella eyebags and u just sit in your seat and lay your head down on the desk
nd ur best friend & annoying seat partner Mingyu is like "wow Mood"
mingyu is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's only taking the class to "explore his options" so honestly he just stopped trying
nd u just kinda face him and ur like "bro i honestly don't understand these past chapters and if i dont im gonna fail this class and im gonna have to retake it."
so mingyu pulls out his thinking face and he's like "hmmmm i know somebody who can tutor you" and you're like "Mingyu,,,,, i'm not going to let seungkwan tutor me Last time we met at the library and he was wearing a flower costume nd told me that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"
and mingyu just,,,, well damn i can't help u then
so the tests are passed out and as expected, you didn't know a lot of the answers and had to use your common sense
after u turn your test in you leave the classroom with a real heavy heart nd it rlly do feel like you have no more hope
nd when you leave the room mingyu is waiting for you outside while talking to this guy
the guy was about the same height as mingyu but had darker hair and was wearing these round glasses. he was also wearing these dark skinny jeans and leather jacket and ur like Who is This Edgy Dude
when mingyu sees you he's like :D and he's like "shoo" to the Edgy guy and the guy just kinda gives u a blank look and walks away
and you're like who is that guy you were talking to? nd Mingyu immediately "uHHH don't even try (y/n) he is not interested in relationships"
u're just like "OK I WASN'T- nevermind." bc YES he's kinda cute but u need to worry about ur studies too
then suddenly mingyu face lights up like he got an idea and he's like "WAIT. WAIT. OH my god i'm such a genius wow-"
",,so r u going to share ur good idea" and mingyu's like
and you're ?????????????????????????????????who?
without even answering your question mingyu just goes off and is like omg this is perfect oK wonwoo is actually hella smart and already took this class wow oh my god maybe a romance will bud from this-
next thing you know, you're waiting at the library with mingyu and you're just liKE are you Sure he's okay with tutoring me?? and mingyu's just like Okay i know he looks really edgy but he's smart
nd being the little doubtful bean u are u're just What If I'm too Dumb for Him????????? What If he gets frustrated with me????????????????? What if-
"do u want me to call seungkwan instead?"
"no. thisis perfect."
wonwoo arrives after a few minutes and u both introduce yourself and dang he's really good-looking up close
(in the back mingyu is staring at his two best friends proudly)
and mingyu just like... Ok, Gotta blast! and you and wonwoo are like WHAT
so now it's just you and wonwoo at a study table nd he doesn't even hesitate and starts from Lesson 1 (even though you're on Lesson 5)
his voice is really deep and soothing nd he's kinda quiet and doesn't make a lot of jokes
basically he's an alternate version of mingyu
nd as wonwoo goes over the lessons u realize how much stuff you overlooked and how things that used to not make sense suddenly become so clear!!!!!!!
and you're like Oh My God!!!!!!!!! you're so smart wow
and u can see wonwoo's ears turn a lil' red at the compliment
and before you know it??? u're caught up to Lesson 3 already
even tho he's kinda quiet, u can tell that he's hella sophisticated and whenever u have questions he explains the answers in great detail
nd at the end of the tutor session, you both pack your bags and you're shyly like "can we meet tomorrow at the same time?"
wonwoo just gives u a small smile and nods ur head and ur like wow...... he's really cute
and so it just kinda goes like that
you two meet up everyday at the library and he helps you study
nd ur always worried bc like doesn't he need to study.. too??
whenever u try to ask him that he just brushes it off and insists he's fine
and after a couple weeks you start to know him better like even tho he seems rly cold and reserved on the inside he's actually just a lame ass beanpole that lpves puns
u'd be like "Ok so nucleic acids convey genetic information....." nd wonwoo would just "... nucleic ASSid"
like e??efaleihfal??? that doesn'T MAKE ANY SENSE WONWOO BUT  GO OFF I GUESS
sometimes u two can go offtrack and start talking about the possibility of dogs conquering the government
nd sometimes u see him on campus and u wave vigorously @ him
and wonwoo's cute lil' nose will scrunch up and ohmygod he's so adorable!!!
so as time passes a rlly huge exam comes up for your biochemistry class and you're AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCREAMING
but!! wonwoo saves ur life bc he helps u with every single thing
nd for once? u feel really confident!
on the night before the exam u're like calling mingyu and ur like "wow... wonwoo is actually really helpful. he's the best thing u've given me honestly"
and mingyu would be all smug nd proud of himself like istg do not feed this boy's ego
then suddenly mingyu would be like "..... do you like wonwoo" and you ????????????????????????????? NO
*insert panic*
but you actually kind of do
nd the morning of ur exam u're all pumped up and in class mingyu is like actually jealous annoyed at how motivated u are
"mayb i should've kept wonwoo to myself.." he'd mutter
and guess what? u're pretty sure you aced your exam!!
so u exit the classroom not feeling dead for once and u see wonwoo waiting outside without mingyu which!! is a first
like u two barely talk outside of tutoring
nd ur like "waiting for mingyu?" and he turns to u with a kinda flustered expression and is like... actually i came to see you
and you're Oh...... but then you get really happy and you're like "WONWOO THANK YOU SO MUCH"
nd without thinking you just hug him rlly tightly and he's OOF but hugs u back
and when you let go he's blushing really hard and he's like "so did you do well on the test?" and ur like "yep i'm pretty sure... thanks to u"
and you two are smiling at eachother until you ask him to have lunch with you so now you're both walking off while holding hands happily
nd maybe... just maybe u had big feelings for his cute ass
and mingyu is watching you guys from a distance while smiling at himself bc WoW he really matched his two best friends together
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vicccwrites · 6 years
9% as Common College Majors
(A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts since before I even created this blog so I figured I would play around with the idea a bit more and finally post it!! Let me know if you want to see more of these “9% as...” or if I should just stick to fics lol ^^ I hope you enjoy it~ <33)
- Photo(s) Source : Google -
Cai Xukun - Photography
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I just have this vision in my head?? Of like xukun holding a camera and building this vast portfolio of aesthetic greatness
I mean he’s already so aesthetically pleasing and has an amazing insta feed so is it really that much of stretch??
Is like that one kid on campus who’s always around
Party at the frat house? He’s the center of the show
Charity event at campus square? weLL guess who decided to show up???
Definitely hella popular and totally has a fan club
Gets teased about it by all his friends
He secretly thinks it’s really cute though
Chen Linong- Animal Biology
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Nongnong with animals
What a concept amiright
But anyway he’s such a sweet and caring ball of sunshine and I think that would really show through in the way he cares for and loves all of the animals he works with
Really interested in learning about different types of animals and how he can improve their quality of life!!!
I now have the picture of vet!nongnong in my head and it’s so adorable omg
Linong with that dog?? Ugh my heart can’t handle this cuteness
There was this gifset of him with a cat on my dash a while back and now I need to dig it out of the depths because ughhhh it was so cuteee
Fan Chengcheng - Journalism
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Alskdosos this one was hard
I can just imagine him staying up, furiously trying to write and make his deadlines
Also I get that Agent J was a spy concept but it gave me investigative journalist vibes so here we are
Definitely procrastinates on all of his assignments
Highkey jealous of Justin because his major seems “easier” and he doesn’t have to write as many essays and stuff
bOI you are literally a journalism major ok that means WRITING
Justin - Theater
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Ok I know that ruibin is the true theater kid of idol producer but
Can you imagine Justin prancing around on stage reciting like Hamilton or something (can you tell I don’t do theater at all)
(I have no idea what I’m talking about)
Anyway him trying to sing the songs would be hilariously great
And I think he’d actually turn out to be an amazing performer?? Even though he probably only chose to major in theater because he thought it’d be easy or something
He grows to really have a passion for the stage and looks forward to every performance
Aims for the lead role like every single time; usually ends up getting it, too
Totally steals the spotlight and is the star of every show ✨
Lin Yanjun - Marketing/Advertising
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I was so tempted to say English since that was his actual major (I’m pretty sure)
But then I remembered than one scene in ip when they were like “selling” the ice pack or smth?? It was in one of those unreleased extra content footage compilations welp now I gotta find it again 
Actually I can’t find it so nvm but I remember seeing it for sure!!
(Literally this whole thing is me trying and failing to find gifsets someone please help)
If Lin Yanjun was tryna get you to buy something, would you really say no??
All of his professors probably love him
Has like a 100% in practicals with his winks and flirting
Even though he’s hella confused and never has any idea what’s going on
Probably models for xukun on the side for extra cash too the boy can do it all
Zhu Zhengting - Dance
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Literally the only one that I was 100% set on
I mean come on
He’s like the dancing king of 9%
Can do basically any genre of dance, from modern to hip-hop
Would be super dedicated
Lives in the college dance studio tbh he practically never leaves
BFFs with the other dance majors like zeren and chaoze
They always hang out together and are definitely the type to break into an impromptu dance sesh in like the middle of starbucks
Or some equally random location
Is part of the committee that organises weekly dance mobs on the campus square
He definitely drags Justin and Chengcheng to almost every one
Wang Ziyi - Nutrition
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Very healthy bOI,,, a fit boy too
That bag scene where they were like going through what was in their bags?? Didn’t he have juice or smth he just seems vv health-obsessed
also sorry the gif is a weird size
Had like a literal DRAWER of supplements, vitamins, and medicine under his bed during ip,,, I’ll let that speak for itself
Also seems really chill and nutrition gives me a chill vibe for some reason
Probably has the best grades with the exception of yanjun’s charming practicals
Probably is also the only one who actually studies for finals
Xiao Gui - Film and Video
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Nearly majored in nuclear engineering for the lols but then realised he didn’t have the grades to make it into the program
Also didn’t feel like doing science
So xingjie convinced him to go into film
Which at first he thought he would hate, but he actually turned out to quite like
Xingjie does musical production and sometimes makes little soundtracks to go along with gui’s mini-films
Lowkey the only thing that keeps linkai’s grade from bombing is the humor that’s always mixed into his scripts
Rlly funny
Also totally the type to waltz into class like half an hour late can anyone see this too or is it just me
You Zhangjing - Vocal Music
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I sort of see zhangjing going into the sciences for some reason??
Erin - who’s the local yzj expert around here - sent me this photo a while ago?? (I just saved it from there so the size is weird again oops)
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And I get that he’s supposed to be a “doctor” or something in the photo but it’s a lab coat ok
He looks really good akdjdksjsj
And he mentioned in that interview that he did accounting before going to China to train
So that could be an option too
Maybe he did that for a bit but then didn’t end up enjoying it so he switched majors? Idk
Anyway I chose vocal because obvs our nasi lemak can sing very very well
And he loves singing very very much
So he would major in it!!! Ok I lied about Zhengting I was also like 100% sure on this one
Plus I mean it’s common knowledge that he’s talented af so like,,, there you go
All his vocal teachers probably love him a lot
But can you really blame them?? Like he’s so hardworking and talented, so who wouldn’t love him + his awesome vocals? 💕
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hwallsgrl-archive · 7 years
kconla ‘17
this is more or less a post for my own reference bc i tend to forget things rlly easily... and i really don’t want to forget this weekend!! sorry if this is unreadable.. like i said, it’s mainly for my own reference ghfjdksn
friday convention: pretty uneventful seeing as it’s only the first day... me n my friend lined up to try for the w1 hitouch but we were told to come back at 2pm. we had heize’s audience engagement to go to at that time, so we just ended up buying w1 banners and nametags anyways bc tbh.. we didn’t have a chance at winning LOL.. (i heard fansites bought all the merch tho? so at least we got our stuff before that madness). a lot of people were selling their heize passes, so the rest of our party bought them to go in and honestly.. it’s a loss for the people who sold them !! heize is one of the sweetest n down to earth people i’ve ever met/seen... someone in the hi-touch area got her an olaf backpack and she was so excited!! she also said she really liked the vibe of la and that more people showed up than she expected (which broke my heart HJKDS). she also describes herself as a “srapper/ringer” bc she says she likes both singing and rapping... im gna fast forward to the cosmic girls audience engagement which was.. life changing tbh.. they’re all so pretty and cute irl, but bona couldn’t make it for some reason :( yeonjung sang miracle + secret, dawon did eunseo’s “hing~”, and meiqi did luda’s “mollah-ah”. they were also asked who they wanted to switch bodies with and from what i can remember, dayoung wanted to switch bodies with dawon (bc in her words, dawon is “hot, tall, and sexy” HJFSHLJ), and luda wanted to switch bodies with seola (bc she’s really pretty.. and i agree!! all of them are!!!) cheng xiao is my bias but unfortunately she didn’t say much..... also every idol whose never been to la wants in n out but i don’t blame them, it’s good!! i didn’t have that great of a view either bc the people in front of me were already tall + they were against the barrier which adds another inch or so to their height.. but overall it was a cute n fun audience engagement!! we went home afterwards bc there was nothing else left to do..
saturday convention: we went early bc my friend had sf9′s audience engagement so while we waited for her to finish that, me n the rest of the party just went around the convention hall and got free stuff :’)) when she came back, we went to juncurryahn’s meet and greet. he’s rly nice and talented, but i don’t watch his videos so i didn’t know what was going on majority of the time... afterwards we were going to get food and i was going to line up for seventeen’s audience engagement, but on the way out i saw people already lining up outside? when i asked what was going on, a guard told me to wait in the indoor waiting area but when i went there, vixx’s audience engagement hadn’t gone in yet. i asked the woman scanning bracelets but she told me to go outside. when i told her the situation, she then said i could stay inside. thirty minutes later, more people came in and started complaining so she told us all to.. go back outside lmfao... when i headed back outside the guard said the waiting area was full, so i’d just have to sit around until they started letting people line up again... i did meet a few more carats in line tho so i guess? it’s fine.. i also got a mingyu fan from one of his fansites, like u! it was super hectic inside bc a lot of people were crowding me and i was getting anxious, but the carats i met in line were nice enough to check up on me every few minutes to make sure i was okay... and seeing seventeen..... made my heart stop.... i couldn’t get a good view bc 1) im short and 2) people brought posters and constantly held them up whenever their biases talked.. it was a good experience but the only thing that bothered me was people screaming whenever a member tried to talk... i’d hate to be biased but seeing dino in the same room as me was the most memorable.. like he actually glows irl and he’s so handsome and pictures don’t do him justice!!!!!!! also junhui? ethereal. he can’t exist like.. he’s too handsome. they then played a dice game where each number means they have to do a certain thing.. dino got freestyle dance (how fitting...), seungkwan and wonwoo got fav pop song (when we were young + see you again, respectively), jeonghan and joshua both got aegyo, dk got random dance (and he threw the dice inflatable into the crowd and.. mightve hit someone ? idk i only heard him apologizing!!), and mingyu got sexy dance (hgfjdkl it was funny bc he started off fine but got rlly awkward n shy). everyone and their mothers are hip hop team stans btw... after that i left to go find my friends at the mwave stage, where they were doing signed album giveaways. oh my girl was having a fansign at star square in thirty minutes and i happened to be near the barrier where they walked by... in the midst of waiting for oh my girl to come out, my friend’s number was called for an album and he got the night version of astro’s dream pt 01 signed by all members!! literally 3 minutes later oh my girl came out and??????? they’re so pretty i was FLOORED.. i could only get a good look at jiho’s face before a guard stepped in front of me tho.. but i did see all the other member’s side profiles and? i love girls. wow. once that was over, we went to go get food and line up for the concert when the friend who won the album said he didn’t listen to astro.. and he gave it to me....... i started crying
saturday concert: HJFKDSLHJFK IT WAS WILD TBH!! the pre show was really good w/ juncurryahn playing crush’s beautiful on the violin and dancing to not today.. then it was krnfx and he beatboxed a few songs.. also lydia paek joined him for bs&t which was cool!! the first mc’s for the night were scoups, joshua, and vernon and i kind of.. lost my shit HJKDSLHJFK.... i don’t rmr the exact order but i do know that sf9 was the first act and they performed fanfare, jungle game, and easy love. also when they did the whole robot acrobatics thing in jungle game? my face was like :O the whole time!!!! chani looked like a cute lil pumpkin and zuho... is spicy... after that was cosmic girls and I LOVE!!!! THOSE SPACE ANGELS!!!! SOO MUCH!!!!! they performed happy, i wish, and secret (though i really wanted them to perform miracle...) i’m not a big fan of girl’s day but they’re sooo beautiful and they performed i’ll be yours, something. and ring my bell.. i knew nothing about suju d&e but they did 3 songs! the only song i can recall the name of is oppa oppa, which is really catchy... vixx’s act was really good!! they performed shangri-la, black out, and fantasy, but i was thinking about haknyeon and ravi’s lil head twirl part the whole time ghjdfkl.... vixx had a thing called ‘pinata time’ and got photo session, and they made cute poses around the stage so fans could take pictures of them. seventeen was the last act and ................ it was life changing, truly... they performed don’t wanna cry and I STARTED CRYING BC I LOVE THOSE BOYS SO MUCH AND WORDS CAN’T DESCRIBE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO ME AND HOW MUCH THEY’VE DONE FOR ME.... they had a pinata time and got everyone in the venue to dance to mansae which made me tear up again... they shot signed tshirts into the crowd in reserved seating!! mingyu + jun + woozi had to share a gun and after they shot one shirt, mingyu was trying to put the other shirt in and almost broke the gun HJFKLHJSDK... jun was interacting w/ the crowd all while woozi n mingyu were trying to figure it out.. like he was just shrugging and being his cute bubbly self.. eventually a staffer had to come up and help them lmao.. they also performed boom boom and aju nice which put me in the happiest mood!! i wanted them to perform pretty u which is like.. my fav song.. but i would have started UGLY CRYING so i’m glad they didn’t... somewhere in between cosmic girls invented the song i need u and sf9 covered sorry sorry... both groups danced together for the last chorus or so for sorry sorry..... also all of svt’s units performed a song! performance team did swimming fool, vocal did habit, and hip hop did check in. but saturday’s concert was amazing and seventeen.. really did change my life..... i also hope hoshi is feeling better !!!
sunday convention: got lost on the freeway and we all started freaking out bc we thought we’d miss wanna one at the innisfree booth. fortunately we made it in time, but the booth was already packed and there were people pushing and shoving. the security was really rude and told people near the back “if you cant see anything you’re wasting your time, what are you doing with your lives??” though i get he was doing his jobs.. there’s better ways to just tell us to back up lmao... i also i stood next to a baejin fansite (cheese bae) and they gave me a banner! my friend and i got claustrophobic and left, but i’m glad i did bc the people in front of me were a good 7 inches taller than me and when wanna one showed, the pushing got so bad that kcon threatened to end the session. the rest of the party stayed and said that they were only there for 5 minutes and that they looked visibly upset (understandable bc of the whole airport incident. i don’t blame them if they hate la lmao). they did get a blurry video of baejin and daniel tho so.. they airdropped that to me. we did pretty much everything the convention hall had to offer and no workshops/panels really interested us so we just hung around the toyota booth for astro... there i got a sanha fan from a fansite, but their name isn’t on the fan so i can’t find them :(... kard was said to make an appearance at the state farm booth right next to the toyota one, so it got crowded and my friend and i left. we just sat in the entrance hall near an outlet until astro came out, and we stood near the elevator so we could see them walk out... sanha is unbelievably tall. like.... what’s he so tall for. why. also while waiting i got a taeyong banner from leetaeyongbar! we then decided to go back inside to hopefully see wanna one at star square, so we went to the area where we stood for oh my girl. luckily not a lot of people cared to stand in the back so we got right up by the barrier. i also talked to a wannable and she was rlly sweet!! i mentioned getting anxious abt crowds of people against me and she also made sure i was okay, which is nice.. also a fansite stood behind me and i told her that if i was in the way, she could just let me know.. i dont know which fansite she is but she was nice n was thankful!!! wanna one came out and i only got a good look at guanlin (who is tall, but not sanha tall) before staff stood in front of me.. after they walked by a bunch of people left so i got closer and waited for them to come out... i’m glad i stayed bc i actually saw them walk out... and jisung!!!!!!!! waved!!!!!! in our direction!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart almost burst out of my chest bc he’s so handsome irl and he’s so cute and he looked really happy... after that we left to line up for the concert
sunday concert: sunday’s crowd was a lot bigger than saturday’s, and i’m pretty sure everyone there was a got7 stan... while in line i saw papa tuan (mainly bc he was dressed as their lightstick, which was cute)!!! inside the venue, the girl sitting next to me as also an aroha so we talked abt astro while we waited for the concert to start!! the preshow was a band called iamnot (correct me if i’m wrong, i couldn’t read their logo ghjfdk) and they were really good.. i liked their act a lot!!! the night’s hosts were mark and jackson, and they did a good job hyping up the crowd (tho everyone in there was a got7 stan so.. who wouldn’t be hyped lol). when they were calling up all the artists, heize brought the olaf backpack on with her and my heart!!!!! exploded w love for my mother!!!!!! once again i don’t remember the exact order, but i do know that the first act was kard, who performed don’t recall, hola hola, and oh nana. we also sang happy birthday to somin who teared up :’)). also j.seph is super cute n shy........ heize performed don’t know you. after a small ment, a sign asked us to turn on our phone flashlights... the music for star started and heize started to cry bc of all of the lights hjgfdklhg :( she only performed two songs... oh my girl performed coloring book and closer, and yooa is sosososo pretty!!! arin is super cute too!!! also binnie doesn’t have bangs anymore and my heart almost stopped!!! my robong DIED during coloring book bc me, being the fool i am, reused batteries from my carat bong... the aroha next to me gave me her spare batteries which was so nice of her... but then her robong died during closer so i gave back the batteries bc i knew astro as her ult, n she needed those batteries more than me LOL.. when wanna one performed, the girl saw me with my banner and she asked to record for me and i’m so grateful!!! they performed energetic and burn it up, and i think me and my friend got on the screen for like 2 seconds HJKDLSHJGKL... astro did a collab with kim taewoo and they did so well!! the dance was super energetic but their voices still sounded so good!!! kim taewoo then performed and his voice was really nice.. i can’t recall the song names but i believe his last song was love rain? astro performed should’ve held on, breathless (with a transition into polaris), and baby!! sanha was soo cute during the ment :(( they also had a pinata time and made tshirts to throw to those in the pit. they also had tshirt guns and shot those to the reserved seats... also i recorded the performance for the aroha next to me in exchange for the w1 videos... nct’s stage was.. so hype.... they performed firetruck, limitless, and cherry bomb!! some of the mics weren’t working during the ment so mark leaned over to let taeil use his in-ear mic and everyone in the venue went wild... also sicheng’s self intro was “my name is winwin!!! today.. we winwin!!!!!!!!” HJFKSLHJSF HE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I’LL FOREVER BE SICHENGSGIRL NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I CHANGE MY URL.... once again, the aroha next to me recorded nct for me and i later recorded got7 for her.. jj project performed, and they did never ever, hard carry, and?? correct me if i’m wrong but confession song?? idk.. they had a pinata time as well and a lucky fan got proposed to by three members, who i think were bambam, jaebum, and jackson. somewhere in between, wanna one came out again in navy colored school uniforms and perfomed never and nayana.. and i teared up during the latter... after the concert was over, me n the aroha airdropped each other the videos... i never got her name but she was super sweet and im glad i got to sit next to someone who didn’t consider my screaming obnoxious (she apologized for screaming during astro and got7 but.. we get each other LOL)
overall i’m so happy that i saw 6/6 of the groups i stan at my very first kcon!!! it’s rlly a memory i want to keep forever.. but i probably won’t go again in a long time (unless ofc.... wanna one or seventeen decide to come again :’))) )
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