space2write · 9 months
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space2write · 10 months
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Picture Credit: Alisha Ansari
चाय कब महज एक चाय  हुई है
जब उबलते पानी में पत्ती घुली है
तब न जाने कितनी ही यादों से मिली है
जो रंग उतरा है इसका गरम पानी में
जैसे खुदा का नूर उतर आया है मासूम जवानी में
जब अदरक कूटकर डाला है तीन चार उबाल के बाद
खुश्क गलों की महफ़िलें बिन पिए ही हो गई हैं आबाद
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
इसीके साथ किसी कि सुबह तो किसी कि शाम हुई है
इलायची की गिरियाँ जो मिली  हैं जाकर
हर आमों ख़ास की  अरदास हुई है
जब शक्कर के दानों को अपने आगोश में लेती है
जमाने भर की कडवाहट को काफूर यह कर देती है
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई  है
चाय पर तो न जाने कितने मसाइल हुए हैं
गिरा है दूध का कतरा जो इसकी स्याह सी रंगत पर
अमावास में यूँ लगा कि  पूनम की रात हुई है
जब आई है यह प्याले में छन्नी से गुजरने के बाद
लगा कि बाबुल की बेटी अब ससुराल की हुई है
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
लबों से जिसने भी लगाया
वो कहीं खो सा गया है
किसी को यार , किसी को दोस्त, किसी को प्यार , किसी अपने से तकरार बहुत याद आया है
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
चाय पर मुलाकातें ,बातें ,समझौते , जीवन भर के नाते
क्या क्या नहीं हुए हैं
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
चलो आज फिर चाय बनाते हैं
किसी अपने को बुलाते हैं
बैठ कर गप्पियातें हैं
और कोई न मिले तो किसी गैर को आवाज लगाते हैं  
और उसे इसी चाय के बहाने अपना बनाते हैं
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
चाय कब महज एक चाय  हुई है
चलो सभी फासले इसी चाय से मिटाते हैं
जो दूध की न पिए तो ब्लैक टी पिलाते हैं
जो ब्लैक टी न पिए तो उसे ग्रीन टी पिलाते हैं
जो ग्रीन टी भी न पिए तो उसे लेमन ग्रास टी पिलाते हैं
चलों सभी बिछड़ों , उखड़ों , रूठों को चाय पर बुलाते हैं
और मैं तो कहता हूँ कि हर सरहद पर एक चाय का टप्पर खुलवाते हैं
और सारी द���श्मनी , उल्फत, शिकायतें दर किनार कर चाय पीते और पिलाते हैं
चाय की चुस्कियों के साथ खुशनुमा माहौल बनाते हैं
चाय कब महज एक चाय हुई है
चाय से हमारी सुबह तो उनकी शाम हुयी है ||
रवि प्रताप सिंह
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space2write · 2 years
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space2write · 3 years
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space2write · 3 years
An open letter to children of this world.
Dear children!
                  I hope all of you are doing well at your respective places. I know this is a tough time for all of you, but I also know that in this complete chaotic situation across the globe you are the single source of positive energy for all of us. I hope most of you are getting your square meal every day. I hope most of you are having your sleep during nighttime without any disturbances by any explosion, cries etc. I hope most of you have your parents with you in this time. I know some of my hopes are false even then I have these hopes. Since last 14-15 months the whole scenario of this world has been changed and we are fighting for the life. And children have been in more vulnerable situation, in fact children had always been in vulnerable condition whether it is fight between two countries, terrorist attack, earthquakes, drought, flood, and you can count it endlessly. Today I want to talk to children especially in this wake of situation, because this situation has compelled them to lock themselves inside their houses.
My beloved children we have never assumed that you will witness these atrocities of life. But this is true, and I am very sorry as we adults have not taken appropriate action to check these. We have made deadliest weapons to abolish the whole world within few minutes just by the click of button. But I am sorry to say that we have not made any such button that will bring smile on your faces. We have made this world as a big battle ground where one or other part is engaged in deadly fight, but it is our failure that we could not make this world as global playground where a child from east can play with child of west without any hesitation. Children I know very well that you have seen various undesirable things in your life and especially within last one year. Many of you have lost your dear ones and compelled to live alone, many of you have lost passed various days without proper food and clothes, many of you have suffered a lot. Apart from all these atrocities I have firm belief on you that you are stronger than any of us. I have fir belief that you are the only hope and intuition that will help us to make this planet a better place for living.
My beloved children since last one year all of you are out of your schools. You have not seen your classmates, your teachers, your library, playground, assembly area, auditorium etc. Many of you have virtually interacted with your teachers. I know you are missing your schools very much and believe me we teachers are missing you too. We are missing your nonstop noise, your naughty behavior, your cute fights, your innocent excuses, your lovely faces, your igniting thoughts. You know children without you these school buildings are like scary places. Every time when we pass through the corridors it seems that you are calling us from one corner. I know many of you are in contact with your schoolteachers virtually. And this is very new experience for you as well as for us too. We teachers have learnt a lot to make you learn through this virtual means of interaction and you too have enjoyed it. I have realized that this is a method to get in touch with you in this unprecedented situation, but it may not be an alternative of your physical presence in front of us. I am very much concerned for those friends who have not access to this virtual connectivity. And it is true that there is big chunk of your friends who do not have privilege to use it. And you know I am very much sad for those who have lost their opportunity of schooling due to this pandemic situation and it was not their choice, but they have to earn their bread because there was no one to support them. Over the period, it has been observed that.
1.5 billion children have been out of school-leading an educational crisis.
370 million children have been missed out on free school meals.
Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/charts-covid19-malnutrition-educaion-mental-health-children-world/
My beloved children, this pandemic has given us an opportunity to learn new norms of behavior. Among this hand wash, cover your face and avoid physical contact as much as possible are very crucial. Hygiene and sanitization have become our most valuable and important weapons to fight with this situation. And I know that most of you have learnt these habits. Now the time has come to use your existing knowledge and make other people aware about these. It is very well said that “Charity begins from home.”  So first you must follow all the norms of hygiene and sanitization then say your family members to follow this and, in this way, you can spread the awareness across the globe. I have firm believe that when you tiny tots will request to anyone then they will follow it for sure.  
My dear children, this is tough time for all of us. The tough time demands tough action from us. This time will pass, and we will return to our normal life. The most important thing that will remain with us after this pandemic will our behavior with others during this. First, we should try to help anyone who is in need. This help may be in any form. Sometimes your innocent smile, encouraging words help others to fight and overcome their burden.
Dear children, please take very much care of yourself, keep smiling, do not invite problems to you, follow hygiene and sanitizations norms, wear your mask, discover your new talents, keep reading, writing, painting, singing, dancing, and whatever you love to do without harming our nature. You are the only source of positive energy for the people around you.
It is time to say goodbye!
Stay home, stay safe.
See you soon in your schools.
Your schoolteacher.
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space2write · 3 years
Let's do something interesting, whosoever will reblog this will get something in their inbox, based on their blog or maybe something else. But will definitely get something🦋💕🥀
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space2write · 4 years
Safe mode
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Picture credit:https://www.mcall.com/opinion/mc-opi-border-walls-mexico-history-berlin-china-20190104-story.html
Both of us are in the alert mode
Having bullets, gun, pistol, dry ration, first aid kit, water bottle
Responsibility of security for my native citizen
And the smiling pic of my three year old daughter
The promise I made to her that I will come soon, the heaviest load.
And I am very much sure
My so called  opponent too have all of these with some change
And both of us were just steps far from each other’s range
Why we are in this mode?
With lots of load
The man on other side of fence too
Wants to go back to his home
Wants to look after his ailing father
Wants to play with his son/daughter
Then why we are following this code
Why we are in this mode?
With lots of load.
Let’s abolish these boundaries and fences
Let’s give tight hug to people across the fence
Let’s see the world with different lens
The lens that see the whole world as a big family
The world where do not exist boundaries
Across the world just one road connecting to other road
In this world we will gaze each other in love mode
This will be more pleasurable load
We will happy to carry and share that
That is love, care and happiness.
I bet this is the most wanted and safe mode for humanity.
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space2write · 4 years
हार या जीत
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हो सकता है तुम जीत जाओ
मुझसे हर बाजी
बस एक जीत के लिए
सब कुछ हारने को मैं नहीं हूँ राजी
तुम जीतने के बाद टटोलना की क्या क्या हारे हो
अपनों का भरोसा ,
आँखों की नींद
दोस्तों के राज
मन की आवाज
चेहरे की मुस्कान
और तो और देखना कहीं हार तो नहीं गए
अपनी पहचान  
ये सब कल तक थे तुम्हारे पास
इस एक जीत के बाद
देखना क्या यह सब
तुम्हारे पास है आज
और अगर नहीं है
तो तुम क्या जीते हो यह तुम जानो
और मैं क्या हारा यह मैं जनता हूँ 
क्योंकि मेरे पास तो ये सब है
अब तुम तय करो
की मैं क्या हारा
तुम क्या जीते
हो सकता है तुम जीत जाओ
मुझसे हर बाजी
बस एक जीत के लिए
सब कुछ हारने को मैं नहीं हूँ राजी
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space2write · 4 years
Broken Heart
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When heart breaks
It does not make sound
I don’t know who said it
I don’t found this sound
The reality is
When it break
Often it break with so many things
It break every single cell of body
Every single vein and nerve get choked
It break your ability to trust anyone
Broken heart compels you to break
The first gift you had
You want to wash
The memories of first date
And not only this
You want to permanently delete
All the files of the day before break up.
I want to see the people
Who says
When heart breaks
It does not make sound
The reality is
It is total chaos inside
And for broken heart everything
Zeroed down outside
Why no one listen all this shout and chaos
Why people don’t feel the quake inside the broken heart
To feel and listen all this
One must have sensitive heart
It’s not true that
When heart breaks
It does not make sound
But the reality is
It makes huge, loud and clear sound.
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space2write · 4 years
Years ago you called me
To say something into my ears
So that no one could listen to it
And those three magical words
Keep ringing in my mind
And always encourage me to sail across the storm
Where are you?
Please come to me
I have to say/whisper something to you
The magic of whisper
It’s very personal
It makes your feeling eternal
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space2write · 4 years
The Sunset
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I was waiting for her She told she will come for whatever Her curly hair was trying to cover her left eye She was continuously keeping that naughty hair behind her ear I was dreaming for her While I was waiting for her I felt the cold breeze On my shoulder It has the fragrance of her I can feel her My retina was not able to make her image I was feeling like sage Sun was moving very fast as going to see his fiancé It was like a race I had a hope that Today we will come face to face And when my this hope was about to vanish She appeared with a sound of the swish Scene was set The day was going to meet the night It was a beautiful sight Our meeting was light But it kept our emotions tight We met In the midst of sunset.
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space2write · 4 years
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One of the most beautiful meeting of two basic elements of nature, light and water, and different angles and the result is super magic known as rainbow. You see, admire, and lost as don't want to be found.
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space2write · 4 years
A million dollar question
Why do people behave the way, they do?
Why do they laugh, when someone cry?
Why do they don’t, when they have to try?
Why do they leave, when they have to hold?
Why do they be timid, when they are expected to be bold?
Why do people behave the way, they do?
Why do they tight their lips, when they have to shout?
Why do they search something within, when they have to look out?
Why do they sink, when it is time rise?
Why do they misunderstand, when they have to understand?
Why do they bear, when they it’s time to tear apart?
Why do people behave the way, they do?
Why do they freeze, when it’s time to act?
Why do they ponder so much, when they know its fact?
Why do they behave as blind, when its time to stand as witness?
Why do they prove as curse, when they have option to be bless?
Why do people behave the way, they do?
Note: I know there are various theories and principles to answer these above mentioned questions, the million dollar question is that why these awkward act of people are still happening in this world to make this place horrible when there is a chance to make it Eden.
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space2write · 4 years
Why do people behave, the way, they do???????
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space2write · 4 years
Why do people behave, the way, they do???????
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space2write · 4 years
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बात निकलेगी तो दूर तक जाएगी
अब मजदूर की बात
हुजूर तक जाएगी
बात निकलेगी तो दूर तक जाएगी
मजबूर की बात
मशहूर तक जाएगी
बात निकलेगी तो दूर तक जाएगी
यह नया दौर है दोस्तों
यहाँ हर बात पे सबका गौर है
अब अत्याचार के पीड़ितों की आवाज दबेगी नहीं
कोयले के खदानों में काम काम करने  वालों की सिसकियाँ  नहीं दबेगी अब
वहां से निकल कर अब ये कोहिनूर तक जाएगी
बात निकलेगी तो अब दूर तक जाएगी
जब भी कुछ असहज लगे
कह दीजिये
मन में न रखिये कह दीजिये
क्योंकि बात का होते रहना बहुत जरूरी है
समझ में आना चाहिए की आपकी क्या मजबूरी है
यह तय नहीं है की कोई रास्ता दिखायेगा
पर यह तय है की कोई तो रास्ता आएगा
यह नया जमाना है आज का
एक बार धीरे से ही सही बात को निकलने दीजिये
क्योंकि बात निकलेगी तो दूर तक जाएगी
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space2write · 4 years
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My book on Amazon. Go for it guys.
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