soybloodandstakes · 2 years
i found no piers content after scrolling through the young dracula tag for like 20 minutes and honestly im disappointed. this scottish nerd really looked at ingrid and thought “wow she could kill me and is constantly being Evil i think i want to hold her hand and kiss her tenderly” best boy fr
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
Okay but if the count was drunk I feel like he’d literally throw himself down on something Disney princess style and be somehow even more dramatic than usual just moaning and whining about his life and that’s all I can’t imagine him being anything but a whiny dramatic drunk but imagine Vlad sitting there, his dad laying across his lap crying about the most ridiculous thing drunk off his ass, and Vlad just awkwardly patting his head or shoulder going “there there I’m sure the present mob thought you had amazing hair” in the most uncomfortable confused voice while Ingrid is laughing in the background
HAHAHAHA this is fucking brilliant and I want to make a comic strip of this because ohmygod that's hilarious and so accurate I can definitely see that. the Count is ridiculously dramatic on his own but hahaah would he be even more so when drunk dsklfjsdlkj
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
@theoppositeof-loneliness replied:
I literally just found this show in freaking 2021 and I'm into it hard thanks for keeping the fandom going 😅👍🏻👍🏻
ONLY JUST!!? it’s never too late to appreciate the genius that was Young Dracula though I guess, glad you’re here now :’))
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
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ty s5!vlad for ur time
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
There may be a strong possibility that there’s an actual reason for the many depictions across media of Dracula battling his son, but my first introduction to this trope was of course in Series 2 Episode 7 of Young Dracula where Vlad is made to fight the Count, who is his Grand High Vampire, in the dream-world.
Young Dracula uses this - let’s just call it a trope for sake of ease, though I haven’t consumed quite enough vampire/Dracula-inspired media to know if it actually is one or not - a few other times across the show as well, and whilst watching Castlevania I realised that this trope isn’t exclusive to YD and began to wonder why this was in at least two Dracula-inspired texts. Certainly, it makes for a very interesting dynamic, and although the reasons for it (”it” being the fighting) are different in each case, both across YD and in comparison to Castlevania, I thought that it was interesting to see across more than one text. I think what the two have in common is the son being a pacifist and the father being the Ultimate Vampire™ - and of course, with being the heir of the Ultimate Vampire™, the two are fairly evenly matched despite their opposing views. This then creates a wonderful dynamic between the two which can easily be seen in other forms across all stories as the trope of the protagonist sacrificing family/loved ones for the greater good. It’s understandable why this could be a trope (and if it isn’t it should be because I think it’s wonderful) because the dynamics and the character/relationships development as a result of it is brilliant.
Now, the difference between Castlevania and Young Dracula’s use of this trope is that Castlevania seems to do it in more of the aforementioned “sacrificing family for the greater good” type way. I think that is definitely where Dracula vs Alucard comes from and why we have that opposition rather than just Sypha/Trevor against Dracula. I believe that Alucard does love his father, the only reason that he is fighting him is because he knows that it’s the only way to stop him from committing the genocide of the human race. Alucard chooses to go up against Dracula, unlike Vlad, who, in all of his battles against the Count in which he is still that pacifist son (although Alucard isn’t really a pacifist but it’s close enough for this speculation), is forced into them. Alucard fighting Dracula seems to fulfil a trope outside of the idea of just Dracula vs his son; it’s incredibly cliché, not that it’s a bad thing, to have the only person who is able to defeat the Big Bad be the one person alive who loves them^. I don’t think that it takes anything away from the possibility of having this Dracula battling his son be a trope though, in fact I think maybe it’s just another element to it. This perhaps then is just a Dracula-specific interpretation of that previously mentioned trope? It could also be said that Alucard didn’t really have a choice in battling his father, because, what, he was just going to let him kill the entire human populace because a few of them killed his mother?? To be fair, yeah. He could’ve. ANYWAY, whether he had the choice or not, Vlad is always forced into his battles. The only time he isn’t is in Series 3 when he’s Bad Vlad and uses his powers against the Count purely for malicious, sadistic fun - hot. Both the other times however, in the dream-world in Series 2 and when the Vampire High Council try to make him and the Count fight till the death in Series 5, Vlad does not want to and refuses both times to fight his father. Of course, their characters are entirely different to Alucard and Dracula, but it is very revealing of those characters when they’re put in these situations, and I think this is why it’s seen across these stories. Vlad’s innocent, pacifistic nature is truly tested in the dream-world, and although we see this change slightly throughout the series as he gets tougher on his family when taking up his responsibilities as Chosen One, when him and the Count are forced up against each other again in the final series he still refuses to fight, truly showing how the core values of his character are unchanged. 
Having considered both texts now, I realise that aside from them both being inspired by Dracula, they don’t really have that much in common. I think that Castlevania definitely had Alucard and Dracula fight because of that^ cliché, rather than it purely be an opportunity for character and relationships development like in Young Dracula - although that’s not to say that it didn’t also provide that. However, I still do like this trope, and I think that it’s really interesting to see it across texts and their interpretations of it. 
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
Your latest post both cursed and blessed my eyes 😂 The video is living rent-free in my head now. Your local YD enthusiast
hahah I'm glad! (i think??) honestly that video has been ingrained into my memory since the first time i saw it at like 9 years old and I'm pretty sure it scarred me for life hahahah
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
he’s not necessarily evil per say, but Renfield in this bit in Series 3 is CERTAINLY committing many, many atrocities with this outfit. but obviously Britney is a fucking banger. 
Yes this character is evil but have you considered that the song that plays while they commit atrocities is a fucking banger
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
Thank you so much for your replies! You’re such an inspiration, and I love your content 🥰 Keep doing what you’re doing, but keep your mental health in mind too. Your local YD enthusiast 🖤
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
@sparklingdustxo replied: 
Stop it that would be amazing, I’m just imagining Robin and vlad getting drunk at 12 on WKD’s 🤣
THEY FUCKING WOULD DUDE HAHAHAH okay that’s it, I’m writing this fic asap, everyone reblog or leave their replies of suggestions for what Vlad and Robin should drink/do whilst drunk n I’ll try and include it skfkdsskdfls god this is going to be chaotic and I am Here For It
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
(Also, I would LOVE too see a Robin and Vlad fic - or really any fic from you in general ☺️ - but please make sure you’re feeling better before you do so. Don’t overwork yourself - your local YD enthusiast)
I would like you to know that I am crying about these messages on my close friends story on instagram YOU'RE TOO SWEET AGH THANK YOU !! I definitely will be putting out some fic this year at some point, I'm making it a goal for this summer to get back into writing :')
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
Hey, J! In response to your most recent post, I agree 100%. I’ve also always wondered what vampires would be like drunk 😂 I think it’d be pretty hilarious. Anyways, have a nice rest of your evening, and look after yourself - your local YD enthusiast
it would be SO HILARIOUS, I really want to see the Count drunk - I feel like he would be fucking ridiculous. I think Vlad would either be a SUPER emotional drunk, OR be an angry drunk and have his Chosen One powers just fucking going off all the time dfjshkfjks. Again with Ingrid I feel like she also could be either way, like either super emotional like this is the only time she actually shows any emotion OR be like far more angry and irritable. also she'd be a flirty drunk I feel
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
the Vlad and Robin thing? because maaaybe once I’ve got my shit sorted that could be my first foray back into writing YD fanfic..... 👀
here’s a thought - what are the Dracula’s like drunk? also, like i kinda queried in my essay-ish about vampire food in YD, do they even drink wine or whatever OR is like maybe a certain type of blood an equivalent for them ? because of the way it’s portrayed (wine bottles/cellars etc.)? like??? idk honestly i just want to imagine what types of drunk they would be. also Vlad and Robin DEFINITELY tried alcohol for the first time together (whether this is in a scenario non-canon or canon, whatever dude us brits fucking start drinking age 12 so it’s not too unrealistic apart from the fact Vlad’s a teeny nerd)
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
here’s a thought - what are the Dracula’s like drunk? also, like i kinda queried in my essay-ish about vampire food in YD, do they even drink wine or whatever OR is like maybe a certain type of blood an equivalent for them ? because of the way it’s portrayed (wine bottles/cellars etc.)? like??? idk honestly i just want to imagine what types of drunk they would be. also Vlad and Robin DEFINITELY tried alcohol for the first time together (whether this is in a scenario non-canon or canon, whatever dude us brits fucking start drinking age 12 so it’s not too unrealistic apart from the fact Vlad’s a teeny nerd)
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
Hi, J, I hope you’re doing OK. I just wanted to let you know that, (as you’ve mentioned life has been a lot recently and YD content isn’t at the front of your mind right now) you don’t have to worry about posting. Your mental health is always more important than the blog ☺️ Have a good day / night, from your local YD enthusiast.
Heya lovely! Thanks so much for this message, and your one in response to the thing about a YD discord server! It genuinely means a lot that you've taken the time to let me know this, so bless you sweetie
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
i want to make a discord server for the yd fandom (those of us that actually exist lol)..... is it partly bc i just enjoy the control of like being able to create all the different channels n shit and like organise everything in my own way? yes. but also like, wouldn’t that be fun?? i’ve started using discord a lot more and idk it’s just fun 
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
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soybloodandstakes · 3 years
breather (derogatory)
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