so what if, instead of the stereotypical "possesive dom crazy animal", remus is just very sensitive and subby when the full moon is near??
do with this info what you will, wolfstar preferably
i like this a lot
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hey y’all guess who just got out of the psych ward (hint it’s me)
anyways so fanfic requests might be delayed if we haven’t gone into specifics already but rest assured I am BREEZING through them so hold on tight people
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ships i’ll write for:
anything TVD / twilight
any HP ships except snarry / anything involving voldemort (not including young tom riddle)
any superwholock ships
pretty much any ship not involving real people
fics i’ll write:
multichap angst
multichap angst/smut
oneshot smut
what i WILL write:
standard bdsm
age gap (won’t write characters younger than 15/16)
x reader (only smut oneshots)
masturbation / mutual masturbation
pretty much anything
what i WON’T write:
furry / hybrid au
anything involving animals
anything involving young children in a sexual context (obviously, nothing wrong with a fic where someone has a kid or w/e)
cannibalism (blood’s fine, eating people creeps me out)
grey areas:
threesome / gb (i’ll do it if i think it fits the ship)
rape-rape (i love writing noncon, but i won’t write the aftermath of it)
piss / watersports / whatever you call it (i’ve never written it before, but i’m willing to try)
underage (i’m down to write 14-15 MINIMUM, as i’ve said before, but i won’t go lower UNLESS it’s minorxminor, and i wouldn’t go much lower)
incest (nothing biological, but i will write step-whatever)
you can include a name/nickname if you want me to write x reader, i can incorporate it into the story (optional ofc)
let me know in the request if you want to be tagged in the post (i’ll automatically assume you don’t if you don’t state it specifically)
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drank with the devil and forgot my name - damon x elena - ch. 2
lecturer!damon x student!elena
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it had been four days into damon’s attempt at supervising a history class, and the general consensus was that it was going okay. the students didn’t care much either way. he had a persistently unpleasant demeanor, but didn’t assign work or complain about talking in class. the only things he’d told the class were that he didn’t want to be there and that he wasn’t going to pretend like he wanted to be there.
“alright,” damon said. “stefan’s been giving me shit for not teaching you, even though that’s his fucking job.”
“finally, we’ll learn something in class,” a girl muttered from the back row of seats.
“hey,” damon snapped, pointing a finger at the girl. “i didn’t say i was subservient to my brother’s word.”
“why’s mr. salvatore been gone so long?” she asked, glaring.
“he got sick of you,” he deadpanned.
“you know,” bonnie mentioned. “i could easily report you to the school board.”
damon scoffed. “oh, woe is me.” he approached caroline’s desk, picking up a textbook and holding it at eye level. “there’s a page in this about some kind of war,” he said, addressing the class. “find it, and then read it.”
“asshole,” elena muttered under her breath. she took one last look at damon before she reached for her textbook, and she could’ve sworn that he’d smirked at her comment.
𖤐 𖤐 𖤐 𖤐 𖤐
bonnie and elena waited in the doorway after class as caroline spoke with damon.
she’d been rambling to him about various aspects of her life, and he stared at her point-blank with a patronizing smile. bonnie turned to elena, her eyes still on the others’ conversation, and grimaced. “this is rough.”
“why’s he acting like that?” elena asked.
bonnie turned her attention to elena. “like what?”
“you know, so damon-y,” she said. “like he’s waiting for her to stop talking so he can get what he wants.”
“you’re talking like you’re on a first-name basis with him,” bonnie remarked.
elena said nothing, and the two girls reverted their attention to the others talking.
caroline etched what seemed to be her number on damon’s wrist with a purple sharpie, and damon smiled as she did.
bonnie scoffed. “this is a lawsuit waiting to happen.”
elena felt strangely conflicted with bonnie’s words, and two urges fought for control: to say nothing, or to express her disbelief. the latter won. “it’s so fucked-up that he’s talking to a student like that,” she said.
“exactly,” bonnie agreed. “especially caroline. he shouldn’t do that shit to caroline.”
on cue, caroline waved goodbye to damon over her shoulder and walked towards her friends. damon held his stare in the girls’ direction, and as caroline and bonnie turned the corner, his eyes lingered on elena for what seemed to be a moment too long - not that she noticed.
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drank with the devil and forgot my name - damon x elena - ch. 1
lecturer!damon x student!elena
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mr. salvatore had disappeared roughly two weeks ago, off to somewhere out west, leaving his history class with a rotating lineup of substitute teachers. his class was divided into two groups; the upset (mr. salvatore had a reputation of being the “hot teacher”) and the thankful (namely, the boys who didn’t appreciate their girlfriends’ infatuation with the “hot teacher”). elena fell into the first group. though she acknowledged mr. salvatore’s looks, she instead missed the captivity of his lessons.
exactly two weeks and three days from his departure, a new teacher strolled into the doors. donned in dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt (not to mention his greasy black hair falling to his eyes), he resembled a deadbeat james dean. he sat at his desk, kicked his feet up, and busied himself on his phone. after a few moments had passed, a girl named caroline raised her hand. the teacher didn’t acknowledge it, and she spoke directly to him. “aren’t you supposed to give us instructions?” she asked.
looking up from his phone at last, the teacher glanced towards caroline and sighed. “fuck if i know,” he said. “do work.”
caroline spoke again. “what’s your name?”
“damon,” he said, giving clipped, irritated answers.
a third girl, bonnie, sitting between caroline and elena, scoffed. “are you even a teacher here?”
“no,” he replied. “i owe my brother a favor.”
it was now (again) caroline’s turn to speak. “mr. salvatore’s your brother?”
“yes,” damon said, exasperated. “shut up and work.”
𖤐 𖤐 𖤐 𖤐 𖤐
“isn’t he so hot?” caroline leaned against her locker, staring dreamy-eyed to the ceiling.
bonnie cringed. “i don’t have the daddy issues necessary to be attracted to him,” she joked. “plus, isn’t he, like, thirty?”
caroline shook her head. “no, he’s twenty-six.”
bonnie eyed her friend quizzically. “hm?”
caroline giggled. “i may have looked him up.” she turned to elena. “what about you?” she said. “you’ve got to see the appeal.”
elena shrugged. “i mean, he’s nice-looking, but he seems like a total dick.”
caroline tsked. “he’s probably just having a bad day,” she said. “tomorrow, i’m asking him for his number.”
staring at caroline disapprovingly, bonnie shook her head. “that’s such a bad idea,” she said. “genuinely, care. even if he gives you his number, he’s still ten years your senior.”
“nine,” caroline said. “i just turned seventeen.”
bonnie punched elena’s shoulder playfully. “c’mon, elena, back me up here.”
elena nodded half-heartedly, not fully caring about the situation. caroline had rotated through young, male teacher-crushes for years, and nothing had ever come of it. regardless, she (verbally, at least) agreed with bonnie. “yeah,” she said. “he’s too old for you.”
elena then looked down to her phone. scrolling instagram, bored, she only glanced up at the sound of caroline and bonnie scurrying away, laughing. damon stood a row of lockers away, an amused expression painted on his face. “i think i’m nice-looking too,” he teased.
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