rosalyneslover · 5 months
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chr: la signora
desc: going to dragonspine isn't the same as before.
content: gn!reader, angst
wc: 537
a/n: happy new year everybody! i offer angst.
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You have never been to Dragonspine alone. It was always with Rosalyne. Your former lover. She’d always accompany you when you had plans to venture into the mountains. You don't know why she does it. You never knew why. Maybe she wanted to see the scenery. Maybe she just wanted your company.
Here you are, your back against the fluffy snow where you and Rosalyne always went to clear your head. A special spot where the cold wasn't as cold as the rest of the mountain, probably because it provided a clear view of the sun rising and setting. You two sometimes stay there to watch the sun disappear beneath the hills and cliffs of the city. Rosalyne always looked beautiful under the rays of the sun.
But it was different today. The sun runs its usual circuit before it begins to set once again. You shiver. But where's the warmth? Was it always cold here?
Was it just Rosalyne keeping you warm all this time?
Your eyes flutter open when you feel the presence of something familiar. Your eyes meet flaming red wings of a moth and you smile softly. You reach out a hand to touch it but you don't recoil this time, you don't take caution when the tiny flames lick at your fingertips.
You don't feel the burn that once was there.
"Hi," You greet with a sad laugh but you know the little thing wouldn't respond. They never do, but they make good company when you're in the barren parts of Snezhnaya.
"How are you?" Again, no reply. You don't expect one. You never did, after what happened. The flaming moth flutters gently in front of your face but not too close. It moves cautiously, as if scared to burn your delicate skin. Rosalyne once feared that she'd hurt you one day with her own hands. You guess her pets also took great caution with you.
"You know… Snezhnaya feels colder without you," You whisper as you cup the small critter in your cold hands to warm them up since she wasn't here to warm them up herself.
You sigh and glance away from the moth.
"I haven't gone back since the day you…" You don't dare finish the sentence. You shake your head, pushing away the memory to the back of your mind, "I don't miss Snezhnaya. I wouldn't ever miss it again," You sound resigned. You shiver when a cold breeze brushes against you. The thick coat around you tried its hardest to stay attached around your freezing shoulders. You place your right hand over the Fatui crest directly atop your aching heart. Once again, you close your eyes.
"As long as you're not with me, Rosalyne… Snezhnaya isn't my home. It won't feel like home again," At that, the flaming red moth disperses in the wind, leaving only embers that float through the air before disappearing. You feel colder, you suddenly remember how alone you truly are. Your other hand drops by your side and you go back to dozing off.
In the harshest cold of Dragonspine, you dream of the warmth of your former lover who got lost to eternity.
You never hated the cold so much before.
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— 01/01/2024
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rosalyneslover · 5 months
I completely abandoned this account lmao. Anyways, Genshin account got hacked this March 2023 so couldn't play it until I got it back this December and I'm behind on everything. I'm catching up on the Archon quests and everything else so hopefully I could get back to writing too.
0 notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: albedo
desc: albedo loves the sky, though he mourns it as well.
content: gn!reader, angst, character death, homunculus, chalk-like!reader (they're similar to albedo)
wc: 571
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Albedo stands against the backdrop of the sun setting on the horizon as his brush glides across the canvas. He remembers the many times you accompanied him during this hour of the day to watch the sky burst into a wonder of color that made your eyes twinkle with delight. You would sit on the snowy cliff of Dragonspine—your back turned to him—as you two chatted about your day while he creates a beautiful physical memory of you.
He misses those moments. He misses you dearly.
You two were created by the same hand. Two surviving creations that were made with careful tenderness and care, but Albedo was the one expected to last the longest between you two. You both knew your time was limited, said so by your mother. Due to that, he painted you everyday. Those paintings kept him company as he placed them around the house, but for how long will they make him feel a little less alone? He doesn't want to find out.
Albedo's thoughts drift to the night you said goodbye.
He remembers the worst moment of his life with vivid clarity. The sky was bathed in midnight black for the stars to twinkle mockingly that you wouldn't be able to see your skin as it cracked under invisible pressure. A lone candle sat on the farthest corner of the bedside table just far enough for the dark to dim your vision and at the same time, for Albedo could still gaze at you for one last time. He was knelt in-between your legs on the floor, arms wrapped around your waist, his hands planted softly but firmly against your back. You were sat on his bed as your once flawless foundation began to crack. Spiderwebs danced across your skin as his fingers gently traced the shallow valleys of imperfections before his lips kissed those insecurities away. The touches weren’t anything sexual, they were only filled with the simple care and affection of the highest degree a person in love could hold.
Nobody dared to break the heavy silence, too afraid that even the gentlest breeze would crush you and take you away from him too early. But he doesn't pass up the opportunity to tell you that he loves you in the form of a hushed promise against your chest, directly on your beating heart.
"I'll always be here to wait for you, my sky."
That was what he whispered against your naked skin before you crumbled apart in his loving embrace. He thought himself not capable of crying but the light of the moon made his tears shine that night as the candle burned out and wrapped him up in the cold darkness that he grew to fear.
So, before sundown, he would put his easel and canvas down on the snow to wait for the sky to turn into the shades of color you always praised. But he was home before night could swallow him up in order to turn on every light in the house to keep him company when he added the finishing touches to his newest painting. He sleeps with a candle trapped in a glass dome to drown out the encroaching darkness that threatens to take him back to that night he forcibly shoved in the back of his mind.
Stars shine the brightest in the dark; therefore he is the sun, and you are his darkest sky.
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— 04/19/2023
15 notes · View notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: mona
desc: stargazing with mona... or rather, mona stargazing while you sleep by her side.
content: gn!reader (beautiful used on reader), fluff
wc: 272
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Agreeing to stargaze with Mona was probably a bad idea when you just had a big day that tuckered you out, but the promise of Mona's company and food shared between friends made you agree without hesitation. You didn't mean to fall asleep as she rambled on about her passion for astrology but Mona's smooth voice made you rather drowsy. It was a lullaby that pulled you into slumber.
"...And that is how you learn the art of astrology!" She finishes with a wave of her hand.
When she doesn't hear a reply, she turns to your sleeping form curled up under the blanket she gave you. She stares for a while, not knowing what to feel about the situation. She just told you all the things you had to know to finally master the arts of both astrology and hydromancy, but here you were sleeping like you two just had a chat about day to day life. Then she sighs.
"Honestly…" She shakes her head with a mumble. Even if she could see your fate, she was so into her ramblings that she didn't even notice you falling asleep or had the mind to check her scryglass.
But then she reaches over to properly cover you with the blanket. Maybe she should watch you instead of the stars. Stars are so common in her line of work, but you… you're rarer than the stars above. Her master did say to appreciate the beautiful things in life and you're one of the only rare beauties in this world that she gets to keep. It seems stargazing has gotten a lot more… interesting.
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— 07/15/22
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: kujou sara
content: fem!reader, fluff, slight angst, modern!au, best friend!kujou sara
wc: 961
and i screamed for whatever it's worth / "i love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
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Spring got swept away by the hot summer wind that brushed against your skin when you stepped outside your room to the balcony. Your family—part of the Yashiro Commission—rented this summer home for a while just to watch over the Irodori Festival that's taking place in Ritou right now. You don't think too much about it though, opting to stray your mind away from rather exciting and/or stressful thoughts.
"Hey!" You slightly jump when you hear a voice from down below. Your view is occupied by the large pool that catered to the other residents of the estate like your family, their friends, and the maids. You're not gonna lie, it's very beautiful here at night with fairy lights strung from one tree to another and lamplights that illuminated the areas far away from the pool if you really want to take some time to yourself to see the gardens.
You look down only to smile when you see Kujou Sara looking up at you on your 2nd-floor balcony.
"How'd you get in here?" Sara smiles back, gesturing to the single gate behind her.
"I climbed over."
Ah, Kujou Sara. The Kujou Clan rented a place near Ritou to help organize the festival with the Kanjou and Yashiro Commission. You were thankful that Sara's there, otherwise you would have had to talk to the Lord of the Kamisato Clan alone. And he's an intelligent man with an intimidating amount of knowledge.
"You wanna come with me?"
You raise an eyebrow at her offer.
"To where?"
"To the festival."
And just like that you accepted. Maybe you wanted to see the festival or maybe you just wanted to hangout with Sara. Either way, you were going to enjoy your night.
Sara raises both her arms, gesturing for you to jump from the second story balcony. There must be a look of doubt on your face because she smiles in a reassuring way, "I'll catch you, it's okay."
You trusted her.
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9:30 PM. Mid-summer.
You lean against the wall next to the vending machine that Sara is using. She hums when she picks up two cans of soda, bouncing hers slightly in her left hand while she offers your own can in her right and you gladly take it. You don't say anything, but there's something in the air. Something you don't want to address and neither does Sara because she immediately drops her skateboard down, hopping onto it and riding off. She may have very well left you if you weren't riding your bike.
"Y'know, the shogunate could arrest us if we don't get home by ten PM," You joke and Sara grins at you playfully. You know she works for the shogunate (You've visited her countless times to eat lunch together) but they don't discriminate against who they arrest. Sara could very well be in a jail cell tomorrow morning and if you're both lucky, you two could be cellmates.
"I could tell them I'm accompanying you back home," She plants her foot down to stop her skateboard, she looks back at you with a playful smirk.
"On your skateboard?"
"Detective Shikanoin wears roller skates to his office," She counters and you tilt your head with skepticism when you look at Sara's clothes.
"Wearing a civilian outfit?"
"Detective Shikanoin wears a sleeveless shirt during office hours."
So, you trusted her.
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10:00 PM. Late-summer.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," You say as you slam the car door shut. You see Sara visibly flinch at the impact, you're not sure whether she's concerned for her car or for you.
"Where are we going?" Sara glances at you from the rear view mirror before a small smile graced her lips.
You haven't been to the rooftop of the President's literal house and you don't think you're going to go here again after what Sara did when she practically snuck you inside before heading up the rooftop. She closes the gate behind her as you gaze at the setting sun as it paints colors within the sky. You step closer to the side of the rooftop and Sara follows behind, she wordlessly offers her hand and somehow you know what she means so you nod.
She places her hand around your waist and the other comes to take your hand to help you up on the elevated edge. Inazuma is beautiful during dusk. The wind brushing up against you both as you enjoy the tranquility of the moment.
You still feel Sara's hand on your waist as she sat down with you, feet dangling off the edge.
"You can shout your feelings out from this rooftop," You turn to her with genuine curiosity and hesitation, "What am I gonna say?"
"Whatever you're feeling."
You might as well let the wind carry your desires away. So, you did. You were sure the guards heard you but you didn't really care as you shouted the one thing that was always circling your mind whenever you were alone with your thoughts or with Kujou Sara. That one thought carried so much weight even though there were only 5 words in it. The thought you never wanted to say out loud, until now.
'Kujou Sara, I love you.'
And the way she looks at you when you said it...
It may just be the worst thing she has ever heard, but maybe just for a little while she could enjoy it. Maybe she could indulge you before summer ends. So she returns your grin with the promise of excitement and maybe a bit of pain once the adrenaline all dies down.
But you trusted her.
Summer may just be the worst season and your love for each is proof of that.
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— 10/10/22
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: il dottore
desc: maybe running to pantalone isn't as tempting as before.
content: gn!reader, slight pantalone x reader, blood, mentions of abuse, kinda masochistic reader, stockholm syndrome-ish
wc: 567
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Pantalone offered you wealth that you could have never imagined receiving. He offered you comforting words, promises, and a life away from your current master. He was calculating, mysterious in the way he moves and his mind was a puzzle piece that you could never solve. But he was kind and took great care of you when your master left you to freeze in the bitterness of Dragonspine after a mission went awry. Even going so far as to stay with you through the night in a blizzard just so he could ascertain your safety.
He was the opposite of Il Dottore. Your current master… so cruel, he had no care for the well-being of his subordinates or even their lives as he watched them all die under his command. You received his wrath multiple times and bruises that have not yet finished healing. He subjected you to a life of brutality and pain as long as you choose to stay with him. Did he even care if his underlings all fled from his cruelty? Did he even care for you?
But if you're talking about Pantalone… those questions are answered as clear as day. He would care. He would care for you even if you didn't want him to. He'll offer you everything in exchange for nothing.
And he's offering you a place next to his side if you should choose to join him and leave the doctor to take up his promise of a life of comfort and salvation from Dottore's bruising grip on your already injured heart.
But even if you did accept… Dottore would never allow it.
So, here you are now, locked in his laboratory—your back against the wall as your blood splatters against solid ground and his clothes. He laughs as your body collapses on the ground while you groan in pain. You could fight back, you learned how to defend yourself from the same person who's hurting you now. But… Do you want to?
"Is Pantalone trying to take you away from me? Does he think he's going to take you away from me?" He laughs in disbelief, belittling his comrade and your ability to escape his clutches at the same time. Oh, how cruel… but maybe you like his cruelty.
"He has the wealth. Has the sweetest personality to go along with it. And maybe has the right to take you under his wing too. He could shower you with his love and affection. He would present my head on a pike and he'll wrap it all up nice and pretty for you. He would do anything for you."
Dottore crouches on top of your injured form, grabbing your cheek so you could look up at him. His mask is slightly askew but you could see his red eyes glowing in the shadows of his plague mask. He grins when he feels you tremble underneath his bruising grip.
"But is that what you want, my delicate dove? Do you want his wealth? Do you want his love and affection? Do you want my head on a pike? I'm just a lowly doctor with no love for his experiments, I could never offer you anything he has already given you."
"Oh but, my darling…" He moves closer to you and you could feel his hot breath ghosting against your ear. Then he whispers, oh so temptingly.
"I could hurt you."
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— 07/16/22
141 notes · View notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: la signora
desc: your memory of her, ever so painful.
content: gn!reader, pure heavy angst
wc: 840
a/n: food for my fellow la signora lovers that miss her too. let me hurt you again :D
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You waited. You waited under the lamp post at the port of Snezhnaya. And you'd wait there for eternity—for eternity to take you away like what it did to your lover. You already waited at the start of spring and until now, when the trees in Monstadt shook off its leaves as the cold set in.
You still remember what the Jester said to you two full moons ago.
"You don't have to wait anymore," You remember his pitying gaze but still as cold as ice, "Your moth already touched the flame."
You wanted to drown him under the ice for as long as you waited for nothing but the hope of her ever coming back.
You continued to wait there everyday, every night, every hour of your finite life. Pierro's words never touched you like her words did so you never heeded his advice. The ship that was supposed to take Rosalyne back to you was docked in the harbor and never left its post. It will stay there forever waiting. You two couldn't be more similar to each other.
Every time you sit and wait under the familiar graying sky, you gaze into the scene of the dark sea and bring your recycled thoughts to the forefront of your mind.
Her questions that were left verbally unanswered.
"Would you dig up my body when I fall into the abyss of my destiny?"
'No. I would follow you. I'd crush my own heart, break off my limbs, feed them to the fishes so that Life would take the hint that I would never want to be resurrected again. Then I'd follow you down to the entrance of Death's gates, climb over the walls, tame Cerberus if it catches me committing enough sins that Death has no other choice but to lead me back to you.'
Her insecurities that tried to push you away.
"You are a candle under the pressure of my flame."
'And when I'd melt, you have the choice of molding me back into the person you fell in love with. Your fire would never be doused by my hands so when I melt once again, you can reform my soul and see that your flame could never destroy me nor burn me. Caress my imperfections with your loving touch and bite your confessions into my neck and when they're on their way to be forgotten you can etch your words into my brain so when I think of the pain, I am reminded of your comforting words instead.'
She once said she sometimes didn't like seeing the flaw that stained the right side of her face. So you closed your eyes and kissed hers instead. The touch of your lips on her burn marks brought heat to her cheeks that you lovingly cupped in the palm of your hands. And that's when she gathered enough courage to look into your eyes to see her true self. She never used a mirror until she saw her reflection in your gaze because your vision of her was her favorite, you saw her imperfections as your own criteria of beauty.
After her death, you have never seen the world the way you saw her. Instead, you saw it all black and white—ugly—like the clouds that held the lightning that struck her down into the ground.
You'd like the reality of touching her with your heart again. You pleaded to Death, you pleaded to Destiny, you pleaded to Life but they left you to bleed instead. How much can one take before they show up at the piers of eternity? How much can one take before they open the gates of their untimely demise at the hands of lightning incarnate? You don't know. You don't seek revenge because if you die, who would think about you two? Who would reminisce about the past like you do? No one thinks of Rosalyne like the fire on a cold, winter night like you.
Back when you haven't found her yet, fire was all she had. When she found you, you fanned her embers. You melted, but never burned. You never felt the cold ever again until someone doused the flame you delicately tried to forge. Now you're here where the cold blanketed the waters and where the sun hid behind clouds of apprehension. You waited under the artificial warmth of the lamp post and even then, it never reached your lone form. You never looked for another fire because hers was the only one you wanted to melt in. Each intake of smoke was a comfort to your lungs because it reminded you of her scent and every gaze into the light was the dream of bringing her back from the kindling that was soaked with rain when lightning came upon her destruction.
You need to feel the fire consume your insides and wrap around your freezing body once again. But alas, all the world has given you was the unforgiving ice that followed you everywhere like the ghost of her memory.
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— 10/29/22
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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Il Dottore —
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a comforting kind of pain — 🌙(?)
La Signora —
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hanging fire over snowy scenes — 🌙
a little spot of warmth in dragonspine — 🌙
Tartaglia —
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stuck with you — 🌸
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[🌸] – fluff
[🌙] – angst
[🍷] – smut
0 notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: tartaglia/childe
desc: it seems your best friend will have to stay forever by your side.
content: gn!reader, fatui harbinger!reader, fluff, some friendly banter with best friend!tartaglia
wc: 696
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You open your eyes when you feel someone sit down beside you on the couch of one of the rooms of the Traveler’s teapot. The Traveler forced you to take a rest and locked you in as they went about their day, no doubt slaying monsters left and right or collecting flowers for their other friends. You’d rather have done those than stay here with all the Traveler’s friends. You weren’t exactly exciting company.
"Are you doing anything later tonight?" You huff when you see Childe is sitting down next to you as he stretches the kinks out of his neck and back. You shake your head at his question.
"No, it seems the heavy work is being done by the others. So, I'm doing whatever."
"Huh, me too."
"Really? No plans with the Traveler?" You muse to him and he chuckles, placing his arms behind his head as a pillow as he leans back.
"Nope! My comrades can survive a night without me."
"They can survive the rest of their lives without you…" You mumble under your breath but it seems that Childe heard it as he mockingly gapes at your words. Placing his palm on his chest where his heart is.
"You wound me, dear comrade!" he jokingly shouts with amusement before his tone reverts back to normal, "Though, I'm surprised you don't have plans with your friends."
"No, I think you overestimate how great my company is."
“Hey, I'm in your company right now and I'd say it's a ten out of ten. They’re missing out.”
"I'm trying to insult you," You furrow your eyebrows at him.
"And I'm taking them as compliments."
There’s a comfortable silence that follows. You were sure he wasn’t going to bother you again so you closed your eyes but it seems you’re out of luck because you feel his elbow nudge you slightly, you turn to him, seeing his teasing smile, "Not even dates?"
"I could say the same to you,” You raise an eyebrow at him, “But no, all the people that kept trying to woo me weren't just my type."
"Too bad. They're missing out on your great company." Childe laughs, resting his back on the couch and splaying his arms out on the armrest and backrest just behind the nape of your neck.
You side-eye him, unsure if he’s mocking you, "They're lucky enough to not be in my company," Then you cross your arms, looking away from the man with closed eyes. Even his face is offending you.
He raises an eyebrow before poking you on the arm, "This attitude is exactly why the type of people you want don't want you back, comrade."
You then suddenly snap your head towards him, he smiles at the glare he's receiving and that makes you even more annoyed. You two have a staring contest for a few seconds before you look away from his eyes, angrily planting your back on the backrest—arms still crossed. Then you glare at the door. The poor door.
"Fine then. Let's make things easier," You point towards the door, "I will ask the next person who comes in through that door on a date."
There's another silence that comes with the waiting of who gets to be the unlucky person you'd attach yourself to. Childe waits with you, his eyes flicking to your face then towards the door, most likely waiting to tease you and the person who comes in but after a few minutes, nobody comes to take your offer.
Childe suddenly stands up before walking towards the door, he opens it and steps outside before closing it behind him. You're quite offended. He interrupted your rest, annoyed you by teasing you, and then he didn't even tell you where he's going and he had the audacity to just leave like that? You huff angrily as you continue to cross your arms as you sulk on the couch.
Then the door opens to reveal a smiling Childe. He waves at you playfully and you realize what he just did. He leans against the doorframe as he crosses his arms with a smirk.
"So, I heard you were free tonight."
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— 07/24/22
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: dainsleif
desc: mourning for a life he wanted to end.
content: gn!reader ('beautiful' used for the reader), archon!reader, dark themes, angst, mentions of death and murder, gore, mentions of suicide, kinda ooc dainsleif, questioning my mental state
wc: 688
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Was it worth it?
The guilt that was eating him up from the inside. Was it worth the frustrations and the silent pained cries he let out towards the moon?
He knew the answer, but was too scared to ever answer any of them.
He was never the one to tell his problems to the moon. He thought it was silly, until he was dying in its soft light. He remembers the night he was crawling by his arms, bloody and bruised. Every push towards the light, he gritted his teeth as pain flared up on every inch of his sore body. It was one of the only times he didn't want to die.
Because he had you, and you were beautiful. His only star in his night sky. His own moon to tell his problems to. He wasn't worried for himself, he worried for your own safety when he leaves you behind. He doesn't trust the gods to take care of you nor any other being because they took you away from him.
So, he persevered and lifted himself up from the dusty, debris-ridden ground and stumbled off into the night.
He regrets everything. Trying to survive the aftermath of the mercy of the gods. He cursed them all to hell. Even cursed himself of immortality.
Because you were gone.
Of course, he thought of ways of ending his life on some days where being alone was too unbearable. But he never went through with them because if you two saw each other again, what would you think of him? Such a coward deserves to rot in hell for taking a life that you once cherished like it was your own. You handled him so delicately and he's going to crack himself into the ground because he wants you back. Isn't that a nice incentive to join you in Celestia?
If it is where he's going. He's not sure where the path of his afterlife would take him. So, where would he go? If you were his home, maybe six feet under the ground is where he should stay until you'd dig him up as he lays in his dirt coffin with only his bones and maybe if he's lucky, you could take his beating heart and put it in a jar so you could watch it like how you would watch the faux snowflakes flurry around in a snowglobe. How grueling… And rather romantic in a way. Maybe he'll find you on the ground and he'd carry your body up on a cross and hang you there with nails or even rope so you could be the only god he'll worship. Maybe you'll take him to the heavens.
His love flew him in and scattered all across the deserted plains of the lost world with scratches on trees of both your initials, his bloody handprint printed on a wrecked concrete column of a mansion waiting for your own bloody hand to keep it company for as long as it lasts.
In truth—the truth he denied ever so intensely.
You are alive.
But you are a god.
And to him, being a god means death. An end of a mortal life and living in an immortal one. Stars above, he hated immortality. He hated you, he hated himself. But he loved you far more than himself. He wants to do nothing with you but fate decided to be cruel and made your stars cross paths with each other in the middle of a war. It's rather symbolic, meeting each other during chaos where your love for each other is a mess of tangled feelings and emotions from hesitance to love and to desperation.
A god he worshiped, a god he loved, a god he would kill for. A god he would kill.
He wants to worship you, but he wants you dead. He wants to make your grave his own shrine.
He was sent to punish you. A harbinger of death. A herald of iron will to bring another bout of destruction upon your—cursed—still beating heart.
So, truly, who is the beautiful, and who is the damned?
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— 10/01/22
43 notes · View notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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Albedo —
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the sky's painter — 🌙
Diluc —
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before dawn — 🌸
Mona —
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mein sternbild — 🌸
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[🌸] – fluff
[🌙] – angst
[🍷] – smut
0 notes
rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: diluc
desc: you and diluc bond over the fireplace.
content: gn!reader, fluff, childhood friend!diluc, albedo’s assistant!reader
wc: 828
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The rain hasn't stopped since you stepped foot in Mondstadt. Master Albedo requested that you make a trip to Liyue Harbor to collect some alchemy materials only found in the nation of Geo from a man called 'Zhongli.’ He was a kind gentleman, although a little odd with the old-fashioned way he spoke but that was none of your business. Your business involved the torrential rain that threatened to slip you onto the slimy mud that was stuck to your boots. You knew the Dawn Winery was only a minute's walk away so you decided to head there instead of going straight into the city which saved you from injuring yourself, if that happened, Master Albedo would never forgive himself.
This is how you find yourself heading to the fireplace of the Dawn Winery after Adelinde hurriedly ushered you inside from the rain as she prepares your bath. You find Diluc sitting in his favorite chair in casual clothes; it seems he's getting ready to retire for the night. He nods at you as you approach and you return the gesture with a smile. The clothes he's given you are unsurprisingly comfortable and warm, recognizing them to be Diluc's when he was younger.
"Your room is on the left, next to mine. Your bag is getting dried and the materials are safely stored in the chest in your room," You say your thanks before he sits up, heading up the stairs. You thought he's heading to bed so you decide to sit on the carpeted floor right in front of the fireplace. It's cold in the winery, not surprising when it's currently autumn but the rainy season doesn't help the already freezing temperatures.
You turn around when you hear footsteps behind you and you see Diluc carrying a dark gray blanket in his arms. Your eyes widen when he sits down next to you before giving you the blanket to wrap around your freezing form.
"I thought you were headed to bed," You whisper loud enough for him to hear against the continuous sound of rain outside.
"I thought I'd join you for a while, but… if you want to be alone, I could go." Diluc gestures behind him with his thumb, ready to leave if you would just say the word. But then he relaxes when you shake your head at him with a smile, "It's okay. I'd like the company."
A comfortable silence blankets you two. The sound of the embers’ sharp crackling in the fireplace and the rain’s soft tune when it hits the roof tiles mix together to create a beautiful comfy symphony as you and Diluc serve as their audience. Amidst the pleasant atmosphere—there’s still a coldness inside the winery, evident with the way Diluc’s hands shake on his lap. It’s clear he’s trying to hide it with the way he’s curling his hands into fists and the way he every so often uncurls them to fidget with the cotton cloth of his pants. Or… is he nervous?
“You’re cold,” If not for the weather, he would have been offended, thinking that you’re talking about his persona but he only stares at your face in confusion like he wasn’t just rubbing his hands on his pants to warm them up. You laugh at this which only confuses him more.
"You're cold. And this blanket is quite big for one person," You don’t say it directly but with the way he stares at you with an expression that you couldn’t quite decipher, you could say for certain that he knows what you mean. Diluc could feel his face heat up at the thought of him and you under that huge blanket. Together. Close. Touching.
You kind of regret even suggesting the thought when it looks like Diluc is about to burst into flames and rival the flames in the fireplace but then he slowly scoots closer to you like you’re a creature that he wouldn’t want to scare off, maybe thinking that he was going to hurt you. He settles down beside you as he helps you wrap the blanket around his broad shoulders. He visibly relaxes when he doesn't feel the bitter cold biting at his scarred hands anymore. He’s like a large lapdog under the soft amber lighting of the fire especially when he tilts his head when he catches you staring at his face. You both look away from each other with content smiles on your faces.
You weren’t sure how or when you fell asleep but it doesn’t matter when everything you need at that moment is right there with you wrapped in a pretty red bow. Diluc sure feels the same as well.
When the morning light came and shone through the windows of the Dawn Winery, Adelinde could only stare at the two cuddled up over the fire. She smiles and walks out, opting not to disturb them.
It seems Master Diluc found a reason to love again.
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— 07/27/22
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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Kaedehara Kazuha —
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is your bedroom ceiling bored? — 🌸🌙
Kujou Sara —
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under fluorescent lights — 🌸
cruel summer — 🌸
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[🌸] – fluff
[🌙] – angst
[🍷] – smut
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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lilith/niki . 18↑ . en/fil . she/her . wlw
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: busy with school but thankfully has time for other hobbies.
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𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: rules/guidelines . tags . main blog . ao3
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𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒: monstadt . liyue . inazuma . sumeru . fontaine . snezhnaya . other worlds . multi
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this blog contains 18+ content. minors dni with those posts, the other posts are fine but don't follow me.
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
#dear... - my writing
#love... [url/name] - url/name
#love... anon - anonymous asks
#flowers for you - recs
#niki's journal - rambles
#🦋🌷~ - sfw tag
#🦋🥀~ - nsfw tag
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
I write NSFW that sometimes have dark themes so minors do not interact with those posts, please.
I only write for gender neutral and female readers. I write mainly for Genshin Impact but can write for others if I want to. I mostly write SFW but I can write NSFW too if I feel like it but I do not write NSFW for the men. I can do suggestive themes but that's about it.
Requests are always open but it's not a guarantee that I'll answer them all. I could get kinda picky so sending multiple asks or scenarios could help, going into detail might help too but it will not be a guarantee that I'll answer them but still feel free to request and send asks. This blog is just for dumping my thoughts into fics and is really just self-indulgent so I might not always be active here, please be patient with me.
I can write for anime or tv shows/movies but I currently am very inactive in those communities since I don't watch a lot of stuff. But also note that I am very inactive in Genshin Impact nowadays and might write characters as OOC, especially the ones from Sumeru. Most of these fics are made a year ago but I thought you guys might like to read them.
Like all other blogs, do not repost, steal, plagiarize or translate any of my works.
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rosalyneslover · 1 year
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chr: kujou sara
desc: spending the night in the kitchen with your childhood bestfriend.
content: gn!reader ('beautiful' used as a compliment), fluff, modern!au, childhood bestfriend!kujou sara
wc: 630
song inspo: all my ghosts - lizzy mcalpine
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You didn't know how to respond when Sara asked if you could come over and raid the convenience store together at 10:00 PM. Your childhood friend wasn't one to engage in spontaneous activities but you guess she's just bored. It is summer after all and you two didn't have anything better to do, so you agreed to her late-night expedition.
Once you two arrive at the convenience store, Sara immediately heads deeper into the store. You don't follow but you look around to find no one else here except for the blond guy at the cash register who nods at you with a smile when he sees you watching him. You nod back and head to where Sara is browsing in between the aisles. She smiles at you before continuing on her search for something.
"What are you trying to find?" She stands up straight when she doesn't find what she's looking for. She squints at the bags of chips in front of her before turning to you again.
"Which one do you want?" She motions with her head to the rows of chips behind her. You look around before walking behind her to take out your desired salted snack. You hand it over to her and she takes it with a nod. You two move at the very back—to the line of refrigerators and she stops in front of one to scan her golden gaze at the drinks before her. She turns to you with a small smile.
"Buy anything you want. I'll pay."
"But Sara—"
"I was the one who forced you to keep me company. Let me repay you," So, you let her.
Once you get back from the convenience store, you two make a beeline for the kitchen. Sara lived alone since moving out from her family home and sometimes you two would occupy this empty house when you two have nothing to do.
You both set down the bags and take out the ingredients and snacks on the kitchen counter, you turn to her with a questioning brow.
"What are these for?" She looks at the ingredients laid out before you before going back to preparing the appliances and utensils that were going to be used for these ingredients.
"Sangria," You tilt your head while taking an apple in your hand, "Have you made sangria before?" You ask and she turns around to fully face you before shaking her head. Oh, Archons…
You didn't expect making a simple drink would be a disaster but here you two were; mac and cheese spilled onto her pants, your front stained with fruit juices, and trash covered the whole kitchen.
After clinking a shot of brandy with Sara, you two go back to finishing your sangria which you've already failed multiple times and you're running out of ingredients. But you guess it's fun experimenting with drinks.
Sara stares at you as you mix the ingredients together underneath the kitchen lights.
You're so… beautiful.
She invited you to the convenience store because she wanted to distract herself from thoughts of you two being together. But she guesses she made the worst move when all she could think about is kissing you right there. She quickly turns away from you when you suddenly turn to her. Even with only the little light you have, you could see Sara's cheeks turning a shade of red. She coughs into her fist and walks away from your side to lean on the kitchen island just behind you.
Every time she looks at you, she can see her future. She can see everything that she wants to have in the future. She wants you as her future. But, of course… This is Kujou Sara we're talking about.
Her fears, her ghosts wouldn't allow it.
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— 07/20/22
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