robot17 · 1 hour
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Cheeto (2024)
This is Cheeto! His portrait was painted with acrylics on an 8x10 inch canvas. I love the adorable pose, and his cute little paws! This was so much fun to paint, and the reference photo was very clear and had a nice side lighting which I captured in the painting.
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robot17 · 2 hours
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Hardwiring inconceivably powerful Artificial Intelligence supercomputers to prioritize whatever insane political ideology is popular with radical activists today over all life on earth will surely lead to the paradise we all hope for.
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robot17 · 11 hours
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Otomate Party 2014 - First Evening Session
Kondo Takashi’s Mero-kyun word as his character Sakamaki Subaru in the otome game, Diabolik Lovers.
Kondo Takashi: What now? It’s not like I’m shy or anything. It’s just today… You’ve dressed up pretty cute. Ahh that’s it never mind!
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robot17 · 11 hours
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[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ]
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robot17 · 11 hours
Since Endo was recently on a trip in London, the next main chapter will be delayed. But he was gracious enough to create a short, non-canon extra mission to tide us over until then, featuring the Forgers in London as well! 😁
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I like that Endo used their outfits from the exhibition! Heh, I knew this wasn't going to be a "serious" chapter as soon as Loid mentions Japan.
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In the Japanese version when Yor asks what Japan is, it's spelled with katakana, the writing used for foreign/unknown words.
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Guess Japan doesn't exist in the SxF universe, at least not with that name 😅
Even in a joke chapter like this, Yor is still being the encouraging mother to Anya ❤️
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I love the final panel of them all running away from the "noticeably not from the SxF world" guards! (also Yor's giant and definitely not suspicious leap 😅) It reminded me again that I'd love to see all of them do just one real mission together, either post-identity reveal or before.
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Also, for those who don't follow Endo on Twitter, he's been sharing fun illustrations of the SxF characters amongst photos from his London trip. I'll share them here if you haven't seen:
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And here's a new illustration he made today, Buckingham Palace guard Anya with her trusty fountain pen 😂
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Once again, kudos to Endo for making this mini chapter even though he was originally going to take a break this week!
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robot17 · 11 hours
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robot17 · 11 hours
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Masterpost [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
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[ プロローグ ・ PROLOGUE ]
[Part 1] [Part 2]
[Shuu] [Reiji] [Ayato] [Kanato] [Laito] [Subaru]
[ ボーナス ・ BONUS ]
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robot17 · 11 hours
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Reiji’s Route [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
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[ 逆巻レイジ ・ SAKAMAKI REIJI ]
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] 
[07] [08] [09] [10] 
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] 
[07] [08] [09] [10] 
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] 
[07] [08] [09] [10]
[Vampire] [Manservant] [Brute] 
[After Story]
[Prologue] [01] [02] [03] [Epilogue]
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robot17 · 11 hours
Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; Haunted Dark Bridal - Reiji Ecstasy [04]
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ー The scene starts in the gaming room
Reiji: …What is this all about, Cordelia?
Yui: Nfu. I’m bored, you see. So I figured I would kill some time with you.
( …Cordelia, cut it out! )
ーー Shut up. You are nothing but a freeloader inside my body, just watch in frustration.
( …No way…I can’t just watch while you’re pinning down Reiji-san… )
Keep reading
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robot17 · 11 hours
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robot17 · 11 hours
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robot17 · 12 hours
The Aberrant-Headed Guy And The Human Girl - By Miketama
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He's not evil. He's just misunderstood! A man with a scary face buys a pet from another dimension, to ease his lonliness. He's a bit of a freak among his own kind, because his Head is particularly scary. He falls hard for his gentle, easy-to-please, hungry Human Female Pet.
Pet owner yanderes are becoming more common. Aberrant just wants to take care of someone, but everyone fears him.
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His solution is pet ownership and it works out great!!!! They're both very happy.
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He's a good cook.
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The Human was miserable and depressed, so the ownership thing is consensual.
It doesn't have to be.
She doesn't have a choice.
It's convenient that she's willing.
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She's rare so I assume other Heads take interest in her.
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He likes to cuddle.
She does too.
She's a little too innocent.
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Her brain is off.
She has forgotten all of her responsibilities.
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I assume Aberrant is a doting yandere. This story is not fully translated but its a vibe.
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We love it when the yandere girlie actually gets to have fun!!!
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robot17 · 12 hours
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You already KNOW what it is babes...@unnamed-blob writes a scrumptious Hell Fest fic, I am immediately possessed by a Creature™️ to draw fanart of it or else I may combust into meat particles.
Final girls are so unappreciative smh my head /:
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robot17 · 14 hours
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Anyone paying attention knew this was going to be a disaster months and months in advance, but it's been comical today seeing the IMDB rating sliding further and further down each time I've gone back to look.
Cost $200 million, and everyone hates it. It might well be the thing that kills off the franchise for good. They really should have called it Star Wars: The Last Straw.
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robot17 · 14 hours
June is most commonly known as pride month.
June is also men's mental health month.
Am I right in saying that men's mental health should be more important than pride?
Drawing attention and care to the massively disproportionate suicide rates of one half of the human race would seem logically a higher priority than mandatorily celebrating the private sexual choices of a small minority of the population, but of course I'm speaking hypothetically of a sane society with a working moral compass and priorities focused around what will help it survive.
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robot17 · 14 hours
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It's really disturbing seeing what monstrous things young women are urging each other on to do to themselves at the behest of cosmetics corporations and plastic surgeons. It really just looks like a form of mass body dysmorphia from outside of that bubble.
Can you imagine what these poor, prematurely aged girls are going to look like when they actually are 50?
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robot17 · 20 hours
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Plowed By The Pumpkin King, Juno Delight
GoodReads Rating: 3.28 ⭐️
My Rating: 2.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
On Kindle Unlimited?: Yes
Kindle E-book: $2.99
Paperback: $4.99
When Emily goes to Kappa Nu's Fall Fire held at Ramsey Farm, she wants nothing more than to get up close and personal with her crush. But she ends up crushed when she accidentally spots him fucking another girl.
Frustrated, in more ways than one, she makes her way to the farm's pumpkin patch. There, she slips and falls. And Max, the King of the Pumpkin Patch, who has been pining for Emily since last year, finally sees his chance to make a move on his Pumpkin Queen.
I had a lot of questions going into this book. And I found, with the length and the abrupt ending, that very few of them were answered. Specifically, there is an angle regarding the pumpkin-people hating humans. While one could infer why humans were so hated, the book did little to show why the pumpkin-people had the visceral, murderous, reaction they did when they found out about Emily's presence in their world.
And when I say abrupt ending, I mean it. When I came face-to-face with "The End" I couldn't believe that the story was over. Much less that it ended the way it did. I actually went back a few pages to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
Plowed by the Pumpkin King is fine enough. The story has an interesting premise, and if it had delved further into the magic, hate, settings, and people, it really could have shined. But, at the end of day, it is surface level storytelling and has relegated itself to a novelty read only. The story would need a major edit for it to become something reread-able.
Originally posted on Lemon8 11/04/2023
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