pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Appreciation letter: You make the fandom a better place! I 💖 and appreciate you. And your fics! Pass this on or tag other writers, artists or just people that support you. Everyone deserves to feel appreciated.
I appreciate you too thank you for making me feel better about this process and showing me I'm not alone!
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pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Harry Potter and The Septwizard Series
So glad to be back! 
A continuation of the story in Harry Potter and The Lost Child. Harry Potter is battling a looming, unknown, shadowy foe with a strange motive. Albus, his son and the black sheep of the Weasley-Potter clan, is struggling through his second year at Hogwarts. Meanwhile, at the centre of this story, another tournament is being hosted at Hogwarts - a modern revamp of the Triwizard Tournament: the Septwizard Series. A slew of fresh, exciting characters from seven different wizarding schools around the world will compete to determine who's best. But will it even matter?
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (just my opinion!).
You can find it here:
And my previous works here:
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
I will be posting a new chapter at least once a month for this (sadly a bi-weekly schedule is no longer possible for me - and I would like to deliver quality work rather than quick work). 
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pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Original horror story set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World Universe - Final Chapter!
Stella Bergman's life has been taking twists and turns ever since she was a little girl. From the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and on to the Aegean coast of Turkey with her new husband Omer, her life had always been one adventure after another. Her next adventure, however, might be far less pleasant.
You can find it here:
or here:
You can check out my other story here:
and here:
And that's it for Stella's story :) It's been so much fun writing this one. Though I didn't intend on it taking that long to write, it was nevertheless a great experience. In this story we gained a little bit of a peek into the wizarding world beyond Britain and I cannot express how inspired I am by the endless imaginative possibilities of more foreign wizarding communities - I would very much love to write some more stories set in other places. Now, the time has come to be fully committed to writing my next full-sized book! Just like the last one I intend on having a few chapters ready before it gets released into the wild (so it might take a little while before I post it). But rest assured 'Molly Weasley and the Septwizard Series’ will come and soon!
With that being said, enjoy.
Hope you all like it,
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pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Original horror story set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World Universe - New Chapter!
Stella Bergman's life has been taking twists and turns ever since she was a little girl. From the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and on to the Aegean coast of Turkey with her new husband Omer, her life had always been one adventure after another. Her next adventure, however, might be far less pleasant.
You might notice (if you've read my previous story) that I've decided to write this one in the American style. That would be because my main/POV character for this story is, in fact, an American. I thought that would make it feel more authentic.
You can find it here:
or here:
You can check out my other story here:
and here:
I plan on releasing new sections of this story every other week or so for the next couple months.
With that being said, enjoy.
Hope you all like it,
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pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Original horror story set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World Universe - Penultimate Release
Stella Bergman's life has been taking twists and turns ever since she was a little girl. From the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and on to the Aegean coast of Turkey with her new husband Omer, her life had always been one adventure after another. Her next adventure, however, might be far less pleasant.
You might notice (if you've read my previous story) that I've decided to write this one in the American style. That would be because my main/POV character for this story is, in fact, an American. I thought that would make it feel more authentic.
You can find it here:
or here:
You can check out my other story here:
and here:
I plan on releasing new sections of this story every other week or so for the next couple months.
With that being said, enjoy.
Hope you all like it,
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pvandermeer409 · 2 years
Original horror story set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World Universe
Stella Bergman's life has been taking twists and turns ever since she was a little girl. From the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and on to the Aegean coast of Turkey with her new husband Omer, her life had always been one adventure after another. Her next adventure, however, might be far less pleasant.
You might notice (if you've read my previous story) that I've decided to write this one in the American style. That would be because my main/POV character for this story is, in fact, an American. I thought that would make it feel more authentic.
You can find it here:
or here:
You can check out my other story here:
and here:
I plan on releasing new sections of this story every other week or so for the next couple months.
With that being said, enjoy.
Hope you all like it,
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Original Horror Story for Hallowe’en - set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World Universe
Stella Bergman's life has been taking twists and turns ever since she was a little girl. From the sleepy town of Ithaca, New York to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and on to the Aegean coast of Turkey with her new husband Omer, her life had always been one adventure after another. Her next adventure, however, might be far less pleasant.
Happy Hallowe'en everyone!
And what a more perfect time of year than this to introduce the first part of my new short horror set in the Harry Potter/Wizarding World universe.
You might notice (if you've read my previous story) that I've decided to write this one in the American style. That would be because my main/POV character for this story is, in fact, an American. I thought that would make it feel more authentic.
You can find it here:
or here: 
You can check out my other story here:
and here:
I plan on releasing new sections of this story every other week or so for the next couple months.
With that being said, enjoy.
Hope you all like it,
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Final Chapter Out!
That's it. It's done. I've had such a great time writing this book these past 8 months or so. Thank you so SO much to everybody that gave it a chance and had a read and anybody in the future who decides to check it out! I love you all! Truly! So what now? I will be taking a little break (around a month or two) before beginning to write my next book (yes there will be more books - at least three more!). I'll be rereading the book series again and maybe fix up a few things in this one. Also, don't fret! You will see more of my writing in the form of short stories within the coming months! Thanks again for all the praise and the love over the past few months!
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
As I said above, I will now be taking a short break from writing before working full on again on a few short stories (also in the wizarding world universe - mostly exploring other wizarding cultures) and afterwards starting on the next book in my fanfic series!!
Hope to see you all there! 
With great love and appreciation,
‘Fine. Just let me know everything he tells you, alright? Oh, and don’t forget to ask him about that thing we talked about.’
          ‘Of course.’
          After a few moments of staring out onto the lake in silence, Albus decided it was time to leave. He bid his friend farewell and marched out of the library – under the watchful gaze of Madam Pince – and onto the first-floor corridor.
          Travelling through the corridors of the castle, Albus ran the year he had had through his mind. It had been so full of twists and turns and unexpected developments…
          ‘WOOOOOOOOOOO!!’ Screamed James as he zoomed outside of a nearby window on his brand-new Nimbus 3003.
          Albus smiled to himself. Despite all the challenges, all the pain and the ridicule he had endured, he couldn’t help but understand now why his father had been so fond of the place. Hogwarts was truly one of a kind. A home away from home in its own magical way. He would miss it over the summer. More than he cared to admit.
          As Albus approached the doors of the Hospital Wing he heard faint sounds of speech coming from within.
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 20 is out!
‘Wow,’ exclaimed Daniel when Scorpius was done. ‘Did he really kill all these Dementors??’
           ‘That’s what it looked like,’ answered Scorpius.
           ‘I didn’t even know that was possible…’ mumbled Janus.
           ‘You and me both… But what was that curse?’
           ‘Haven’t a clue,’ replied Albus. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. Never heard about anything like from my dad either to be honest…’
           ‘It just looked like lightning but in sphere form, you know? Like he gathered a lightning storm inside a crystal ball…’
           ‘Couldn’t have put it better myself,’ said James from the corner of the room, startling everyone.
           ‘James??’ Called Albus in surprise after the initial shock had worn off.
           ‘The one and only,’ answered his brother, taking off his invisibility cloak to reveal himself and –
           ‘ROSE?? What the – How??’
           ‘We followed you in here after we spotted you two hiding behind that suit of armour. Our prefects finished the headcount a while ago,’ explained James. ‘Anyway, little Rosie and I are going to spy on our parents for a bit. You see, I’m such a good brother I figured you’d want in on this.’
           ‘And I figured somebody’s ought to watch over you in case you try anything stupid,’ said Rose. ‘I mean – REALLY – what were you thinking?? Going after Montgomery like that – ’
           ‘Shhhh! There’ll be time for scolding later,’ muttered James. ‘Now, Al, are you coming or not? I told Fred and Ton they can’t come with us cause we needed room for you under the cloak, so you better be down for this.’
           ‘I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…’ muttered Scorpius.
           ‘Nobody asked you Blondie. Thanks for slamming the door on my foot by the way. Al come’on, what’s your answer?’
           Albus hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t likely that his father was going to fill him in anyhow. Even less likely now after the stunt he’d pulled with Scorpius earlier that day. Still, he felt Scorpius and he had a right to know what was going on. If everyone was going to treat him like a stupid child, might as well act like one.
           ‘Sorry Scorp,’ said Albus with an apologetic look at his friend. ‘I’ll let you know what we find out.’
           He walked over to James who smirked at him before throwing his cloak over the three of them.
           ‘Ready?’ He asked while gently pushing the door open and looking around.
           Albus and Rose nodded at him.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 19 is out!
Harry ran as fast as he could. It had been a while since he had run like this; perhaps even since the battle of Hogwarts a little over twenty years prior.
           ‘Get every teacher you can find. Students, guests, Hogsmeade residents. Anybody who can summon a Patronus! Spread them in teams around the castle! ’ He had yelled at Teddy before leading his small squad in a panic-induced dash down to the Hogwarts grounds.
           As they reached the lake’s shore, the enormous figure of Rubeus Hagrid greeted them with a ‘Harry wha’ the hell is goin’ on??!’
           ‘Hagrid get in the castle NOW! Gather any student you find and get them down into the dungeons!’ Ordered Harry.
           The half-giant did not need to be told twice. With a nod, he ran up the hill and into the castle.
           An otherworldly chill enveloped Harry a moment later. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation. A cascade of horror, the army of Dementors approached the castle with a wind of a thousand rattling breaths.
           Not here. Not now. Not with his children in harm’s way. Not with anybody’s children in harm’s way. Not a single soul would be lost today because Harry Potter couldn’t protect them adequately; he would make sure of it.
           Everything had gotten much darker in the past few minutes. The bright mid-May sun had given way to foreboding clouds and suffocating fog. The lake froze over as frost covered the grounds.
           Harry took a deep breath. It had been so long ago – twenty-four years ago in fact – that he had stood on the shore of this very lake, protecting Sirius and his past self from a terrible fate. He was willing to bet all the Galleons in his vault that some of these Dementors were the same ones he had fought in his third year. And just as he drove them all away back then, he would now banish them from Hogwarts once more.
           It wasn’t just Sirius he had to protect now. It was the entire future of the Wizarding World. Innocent children – some of them members of his own family – who would surely be a feast for the Dementors –
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and The Lost Child - update for this week
It is with heavy heart that I have to announce the next chapter will be delayed by about a week (most likely). 
I’m on the road again and I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to writing my book. 
Since (I’d like to think) I’m delivering quality work, I wouldn’t want to rush it and just churn out some garbage to ‘keep on schedule’.
I will definitely keep posting more chapters + another book + short horror story! They are just delayed a little due to life’s little events. 
See you all next week and sorry for all the delays! 
P. van der Meer
PS - if you don’t know what I’m talking about:
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 18 is out!
Something in the air shifted at the seemingly empty entrance to the office. James pulled his invisibility cloak off himself. He was holding the large old-looking piece of parchment Riya had seen with him on the train several months prior. She was recently made aware that this piece of parchment was actually an incredibly detailed map of Hogwarts. A map which showed not only the layout of the castle and grounds themselves, but also the exact location of each and every person within. It was an impressive magical artefact which James had surely nicked from either a member of staff or his own father.
           ‘I was looking at the map and saw you two running towards Montgomery’s office. I saw that he was there with – er – Gregory Goyle, right?’ He turned to the large man.
           ‘You have no idea what you’re up against boy!’ Yelled the large man.
           ‘Oh, shut up already! Stupefy!’ Called Molly.
           A jet of red light shot out of the end of her wand and hit Goyle in his chest. He flew backwards and fell hard on the floor unconscious.
           ‘Anyway,’ kept James as if Molly had just shushed Goyle after his interruption, ‘I ran into Mol and Riya here and I told them what you told me. Figured you were trying to confront him or do something stupid like that so – ’
           ‘We wrote to Rasmi, but he didn’t write back until now,’ replied Albus. ‘We didn’t realise Montgomery was here, so we thought we’d snoop around. Where did you get that map, James??’
           ‘Never mind that now,’ said Molly. ‘Why were you going after Montgomery?’
           ‘Hagrid said he knew Montgomery’s dad wasn’t his real dad. And that he went looking for him in nineteen ninety-seven…’
           Riya and Molly exchanged dark looks. This pretty much confirmed their suspicions. Montgomery surely was the Lost Child of Voldemort. It was too perfect. There was no possible way for that to be a coincidence.
           ‘But then if he is the Child,’ started Riya, ‘who was the man in the hood that night before the holidays? I thought they said the Child wasn’t cooperating. Seems like he’s cooperating to me…’
           ‘Wait, what?’ Called Albus and James in unison.
           ‘I don’t know…’ said Molly, ignoring the boys. ‘Something doesn’t add up. You’re right…’
           ‘Do you know something about this you’re not telling us? Do you know about the Lost Child?’ Inquired Albus.
           ‘Yeah, and also why were you sneaking around here when I met you?’ Asked James.
           ‘Do you wanna tell them?’ Molly turned to Riya.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 17 is out!
‘Now Sharif has the Quaffle. He throws it to Mortimer; Mortimer throws to Johnson who – OOOOF –  nice Bludger work curtsey of McAndrew!’
           The Hufflepuffs made a collective ‘aaaaargh’ sound as their Chaser dropped the Quaffle.
           ‘You could almost say he got McAnd-drilled – ’
           ‘Sorry Professor! And Weasley has the Quaffle again… She throws to Smith who takes it back towards the Hufflepuff goalposts. Nobody’s there to block him – GO GRYFFINDOR! – Smith launches the Quaffle AND – gets saved by Sharif…’
           Now it was the Gryffindors’ turn to make a collective ‘aaaargh’ sound.
           As the match continued Albus’ eyes wandered over to his brother high up in the air above. James was scanning the pitch for any signs of the Golden Snitch. His sickly green face atop scarlet robes gave him the appearance of a slice of watermelon. Albus stifled a giggle at that thought.
           James playing as Seeker for the Gryffindor team made Albus quite ambivalent about the match. On the one hand, he wanted his brother to win the game as that would mean their father would buy him the Nimbus 3003 (which Albus might get to have a go on – he might even get James’ old broom!), on the other hand, he really didn’t want to see Drake and company’s smug faces if their team won the cup.
           Unlike Albus, Scorpius had no qualms about which team he supported.
           ‘Go Hufflepuff!!’ He yelled as the Hufflepuff Chaser Mortimer sped past their seats.
           ‘Mortimer speeds past Smith – he’s rushing through to the Gryffindor goalposts – Nowak’s waiting for him there – for the love of God Nowak get a good night’s sleep next time, you haven’t blocked a single shot yet!’
           ‘Sorry Professor McGonagall! And Mortimer shoots and… SCORES!’
           The Gryffindors booed and chanted loudly.
           ‘Seventy-forty to Hufflepuff. Gryffindor’s got to play better if they want to keep up – reminder, they have to win this match by at least a hundred points if they’re to win the cup!’
           ‘Only three more good shots and we’re in the clear,’ said Scorpius.
           ‘James can still catch the Snitch before then, he’s good at that – ’ retorted Albus.
           ‘Not by the looks of it if you ask me. He barely moved this entire time – I can’t believe you’re still rooting for Gryffindor!’
           ‘I’m not – My brother and cousin are on that team…’
           ‘So what? Your family could use a bit of humbling if you ask me,’ muttered Scorpius. ‘Plus, imagine the look on McLaggen’s stupid face once they lose – HA!’
            ‘Johnson is now with the Quaffle. He approaches the Gryffindor goalposts again with intent and – OOOO – clear Bludger shot right in the face by Gupta! You could say he got Goop-ted!’
           ‘Yeah, I agree Professor that was a weak one, I’ll up my game next time!’
           Madam Taranis’ whistle sounded over the laughing crowd. She called a time out as she checked and tended to Johnson’s wounds.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 16 is out!
           Something was poking him hard in the chest. Albus opened his eyes again to find Rose and James watching him with their fingers pressed to their lips. James lifted his arm to show Albus a silvery grey, fluid-like cloth he had pulled out of his bag.
           ‘We’re going to check on Tom Delamont. Are you coming with us?’ Whispered Rose.
           Albus nodded his head to indicate he was in.
           James got up slowly and threw the strange cloth on himself and on Rose and Albus.
           ‘What the – ’
           ‘It’s an Invisibility Cloak,’ murmured James.
           ‘How in Merlin’s left nipple did you manage to get one of those??’ Asked Albus indignantly.
           ‘Dad gave it to me for Christmas. It’s like a family heirloom or something. He said don’t go sneaking into the girls’ showers at Hogwarts, never said anything about sneaking around in St Mungo’s,’ explained James with a wink.
           ‘How come you get an Invisibility Cloak while I – ’
           ‘Shhhh!’ Whispered Rose. ‘Now’s not the time for that, come on.’
           The trio walked over silently to the doors leading out of the ward. Albus took a quick glance at his father and Teddy. They seemed to be fast asleep.
           ‘We’ve got to do this quickly before our mums come back downstairs,’ said Rose as they slowly opened the door and looked around the hallway.
           ‘Where do you reckon they’re keeping him?’ Asked James.
           ‘Probably on the third floor, “Potion and Plant Poisoning”.’
           ‘How the hell do you know that?’
           ‘There was a floor guide at the reception, do you ever notice anything??’
           ‘Only thing I noticed was how cute that blonde Healer was.’
           Albus could practically hear Rose’s eyes roll.
           They advanced slowly through the corridors of the hospital, keeping as quiet as possible for three people walking as closely together as they had. James, who had a lot more experience with sneaking around than both Rose and Albus, was walking in the middle and steering them around. They walked along the corridor, through a set of double doors and found a rickety staircase lined with portraits of mean-looking Healers. The Healers in the pictures stirred and moved as they passed them going up the stairs.
           They climbed their way through several flights of stairs, passing through CREATURE INDUCED INJURIES and MAGICAL BUGS and finally reaching the third-floor landing where a set of double doors led to a corridor signposted SPELL DAMAGE.
           James pushed one of the doors gently and looked inside.
           ‘I think we’re clear. There’s nobody around,’ he whispered to the other two.
           The trio slipped into the hallway mutely. They walked through the floor at a slow pace, stopping at each ward to look inside and see whether Tom had been put there.
           After what seemed like roughly 10 minutes of searching, Rose looked through the window of the Arsenius Jigger ward and inhaled sharply.
           ‘Oh, I think I see him,’ she exclaimed. ‘He’s young, and I think I see Hogwarts robes folded on a chair by his bed. James, can you look? It’s really dark and you probably know his face better.’
           ‘Hmm yeah that’s him,’ said James as he grabbed the handle of the door to the ward and twisted.
           ‘No, wait!’ Whispered Rose. ‘Don’t you think it looks a bit strange?’
           ‘How so?’
           ‘They said they’re watching over him but there’s nobody in there with him… As a matter of fact, there’s nobody around this entire floor.’
           ‘Well, it looks like the door’s locked anyhow so – ’
           ‘Alohomora,’ muttered Albus, pointing his wand at the door. The lock clicked and the door swung open slowly with a low creak.
           ‘I… I can’t believe that worked…’ said Rose in a surprised tone.
           James smiled at her and pushed the door cautiously. As they walked inside, Albus noticed that Tom was the sole occupant of this ward. They closed the door behind themselves and moved toward Tom’s bed. He was as stiff as a board and his face looked pale and twisted as if he was in quite a lot of pain. Albus tried looking at a clipboard that rested on the bedside table.
           ‘Snooping around, are we?’ Said a deep voice behind them.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 15 is out!
           Harry looked at Teddy now, nodding as if to ask whether he was ready. Teddy nodded back at him in reassurance. They walked over slowly to the front door of the house. Its paint – which may have been a shade of red in its better days, but now was more of a greyish brown –  was peeling to reveal a cheap-looking wooden door. Harry, dreading to touch it with his bare skin, performed a silent Unlocking (Alohomora) Charm. The lock clicked and the door creaked open to reveal a dusty hallway. It was as quiet inside as it had been outside. The house seemed cold and abandoned. Harry paced inside it with his wand out, not daring to light it up just yet.
           He looked back at Teddy and motioned him to cover the door to their left – which had been slightly open – while Harry tried the door on the right – which had been closed shut. Teddy walked over to the left door and pushed it gently; it led to a small kitchen and dining room that was covered in a thick layer of dust. Harry performed another silent Unlocking Charm and pushed the door open with his right foot. He entered a dark, dusty, and cramped sitting room that seemed to have all its furniture pushed to one side and –
           ‘DON’T GET ANY CLOSER!!’ yelled a frightened voice from inside the sitting room.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Child - Chapter 14 is out!
‘Oh, what are they up to now…’ muttered Molly as she grabbed the handle and swung the door open.
           ‘…I nicked it when he wasn’t in the room. He nearly caught me. Pretty cool eh – ’
           ‘What exactly did you nick James?’ asked Molly in a threatening tone.
           The trio jumped and turned around at her remark. James had been holding an old-looking piece of parchment. It was completely blank and unimpressive.
           ‘What the – ’
           ‘It’s just a cool piece of parchment Mol. Nothing special. Here, have a look,’ James handed the parchment to his cousin.
           ‘Right, you’re telling me you bothered stealing some old blank piece of parchment and that it was so impressive, so awe-inspiring, that you all decided to sit down and admire it on the floor right here – James how stupid do you think I am?’ said Molly venomously as she grabbed the paper out of James’ hand.
           James gulped nervously.
           Molly pointed her wand at the parchment and uttered ‘Aparecium.’
           As though an invisible hand was writing upon it, words appeared on the smooth surface of the map.
           ‘Mr Moony extends his greetings to Miss Molly Weasley and congratulates her on becoming a Prefect despite her… interesting… choice of hairstyle.’
           Molly stared, dumbfounded, at the message. James, Fred, and Ton were visibly fighting the urge to laugh out loud. The parchment was not done yet, however. Another writing appeared beneath the original message.
           ‘Mr Prongs is astonished that Molly had not yet been swarmed by a pack of in-heat Cornish pixies. He would also like to compliment the previous holder of this item for his exquisite name.’
           And another…
           ‘Mr Padfoot would like to inquire for the particular motive behind purple being the colour of choice for the impressive streak in Molly’s hair.’
           ‘Mr Wormtail wishes Molly a good term at Hogwarts and would like to kindly ask that she let go of this item as her Prefect-ness might be contagious.’
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
New chapter every other week!
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pvandermeer409 · 3 years
Harry Potter and The Lost Child - Chapter 13 out now!
Rain poured heavily onto the grassy hills near Nether Loxwich. In the distance, some quarter of a mile or so away, the small lights of the Muggle village gleamed and flickered through the darkness. Lightning struck nearby trees with excessive frequency, and the thunders that followed sounded unnaturally strong. The fine people of Nether Loxwich would have been suspicious of the unusual cold and harsh weather were it not for the fact that they had all been struck by the sudden and intense urge to leave the village immediately. Taking their children and pets and leaving all their possessions behind, running off to the other side of the country for the next few days.
Check it out:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a fix of the (in my opinion) less than great Cursed Child. I guess I just wanted to give these characters the sequel they deserve. This is a second/next generation canon-compliant (though not with CC obviously) continuation of the series I love so much.
You can find it here:
and here:
This story is meant to provide an alternative for people who would like to know ‘what happened after the story’ and would rather not bother with the hot mess that is CC (again my opinion).
General summary: no Delphi, VERY canon-compliant (except for CC of course), the plot draws a little from the Cursed Child but improves upon it (at least in my opinion), and NO BLEEDING TIME TRAVEL.
Reviews/kudos/comments/suggestions/insults are always welcome!
Doing a new chapter every other week bc I’m SUPER busy but I will probably start writing one per week once I'm done with my studies.
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