politicalmoll · 8 years
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politicalmoll · 8 years
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politicalmoll · 8 years
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politicalmoll · 8 years
House Democrats stage sit-in over gun legislation (Video)
House Democrats stage sit-in over gun legislation (Video)
In the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, dozens of House Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor on Wednesday to protest the majority ruling on gun measure controls. Over the past week, Democrats have made numerous attempts to pass through a bill to ban those on the no fly list from purchasing guns. In this bill, any suspected terrorist would be barred from purchasing a gun. The sit in…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
The Flawed Morality of Republican Bathroom Bills
The Flawed Morality of Republican Bathroom Bills
Every four years, like clockwork, the Right-wing manufactures an anti-LGBT wedge issue with the intent to draw their conservative base to the polls in the general election.  In 1996, a Republican majority passed the Defense of Marriage Act, pre-emptively attacking marriage equality before gay people could even legally marry in a single state.  George W. Bush made anti-gay rhetoric a feature of…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
That guy at the Trump rally
That guy at the Trump rally
In light of what occurred in Indiana, I am compelled to write once again about Donald Trump, but it has nothing to do with the state. Rather, I am hearkening back to a campaign stop Trump made on April 25th in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. I happened to catch a bit of his stump speech while I was eating dinner. That’s not entirely true. Trump’s speech was not what caught my eye. It was one young…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
"Never Trump." But why?
“Never Trump.” But why?
It was, by all accounts, an unusual week for “The Donald.” Political pundits and news media in general noticed that Donald Trump has been lying low in the past week. If it weren’t for his typically ubiquitous presence on news programs, it might almost be understandable. Trump’s campaign suffered a PR black eye when his former campaign manager was charged with simple battery and then a second…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
Election Flip-Flopping: Where Do They Really Stand?
Election Flip-Flopping: Where Do They Really Stand?
Throughout this election season we have seen candidate after candidate adapt and adjust their political viewpoints to fit the rising tide. The fluidity that is displayed by both sides proves to hamper the ideals of voters, who by majority have been issue voters on both sides. Not necessarily single issue voters, but they act on specific issues. Education. Abortion. Healthcare. Reforming of big…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
America's Voting Crisis and What We Need To Do About It
America’s Voting Crisis and What We Need To Do About It
“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”  ~ Abraham Lincoln America has a long history of hard-fought battles for suffrage equality. The progression of voting equality in this country has evolved over its 240-year history from the 13th amendment,  through the…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
The Republican Party Won't Recognize Their Own Bigotry and Racism
The Republican Party Won’t Recognize Their Own Bigotry and Racism
Yes, the Republican Party was the political party that eventually freed the slaves, while the first Ku Klux Klan group was born from the Democrats in the 1860s. Since then, the two parties have basically swapped ideologies and the Republicans have been harboring a foundation of racism, sexism and homophobia that has been building for decades. And it looks like the lid finally blew open once…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
How anti-intellectualism is killing America
How anti-intellectualism is killing America
“Relax. There’s no way Trump is going to be elected.” That was a popular refrain within my social circles last summer shortly after Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president. Fast forward to March, 2016. Even after making all manner of startling assertions about Hispanics and women, Trump holds 82 of the delegates in the GOP primary. This total puts him far out front of anyone else in…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
Election 2016: Who is the Better Angry Man? Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump?
Election 2016: Who is the Better Angry Man? Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump?
One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government. Donald Trump A nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have so much while so many have so little. Bernie Sanders The 2016 New Hampshire primary in which Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won their respective primaries is said to have fundamentally changed both political…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
Having to Explain Rape and Consent In 2016
Having to Explain Rape and Consent In 2016
Pop singer Kesha wanted out of her recording contract with Sony. The contract states that she is obligated to make six more albums with producer Dr. Luke, the man who she accused of sexual assault. She says he has sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally abused her for several years. A New York Supreme Court judge denied her request to be freed from the contract, with the judge claiming…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
One Million Moms Afraid of Ideas
One Million Moms Afraid of Ideas
Sound the alarm. There is a new television series on Fox called Lucifer starring Tom Ellis (above) that portrays the Prince of Darkness as just one of us, albeit one of us who can easily finagle his way out of speeding tickets and is irresistible to women. Lucifer is based on a comic book published by the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics. The comic itself was spun out of another series, The Sandman…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
14 Year Old Native American Girl Told 'Get Off The Stage, Squaw'
14 Year Old Native American Girl Told ‘Get Off The Stage, Squaw’
Bella Aiukli Cornell, a 14 year old Native American girl and a citizen of Choctaw Nation, gave a testimony against the name and mascot of the McLoud High School Redskins in December, at a school board meeting. A male peer, and a racist, yelled “get off the stage, squaw!” Sarah Adams-Cornell, Bella’s mother, was of course terribly upset by the disgusting remark. “It takes so much for one of our…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
"Why are you so political?"
“Why are you so political?”
“Why are you so political?” This is a question I am often asked by friends, family, and others. Why, for the life of me, I don’t keep up with the Kardashians. Why I don’t engage in celebrity or sports gossip, or stand in line for hours on end for the new Iphone.  Why I don’t care who wore it best, or whether or not I can “Whip and Nae Nae.” You must not see what I see. I see decent and honest…
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politicalmoll · 8 years
Stacey Dash Remains Clueless About Race In America
Stacey Dash Remains Clueless About Race In America
Stacey Dash is another Fox contributor who talks way too much and freely gives her opinion when no one asks for it. She’s still continuing her campaign to erase blackness. She doesn’t understand that that’s what she’s doing, but that’s what Stacey is doing. What was it she said this time? Appearing on Fox News’ Fox & Friends with host Steve Doocy on Wednesday morning, Stacey Dash gave her opinion…
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