phynsmutstravaganza · 10 months
@stvksn on ig
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phynsmutstravaganza · 10 months
Housebreaking- Chapters 3 & 4
Fic complete!
Double quotes for a double posting!
Chapter 3:
"I've been thinking about something," Oliver says, not diverting his attention away from Master of the Universe as he pulls a small bag out of his pocket and opens it. "Have you ever thought about clicker training?" Jon just stares at him. He tugs his blanket closer again. "We don't…we don't roleplay here," Jon says hoarsely.
and with that bit of foreshadowing... from chapter 4:
Jon wants to tell Martin that he's not a kitten, because he very much feels like a man wearing a blindfold, but he holds his tongue. Martin wants him to try. Even if this doesn't do what Martin thinks it will, it's at least a chance to repair some of what Jon broke between them. "Do you want to lay down or sit at my feet?" Martin asks.
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phynsmutstravaganza · 10 months
"this too is Yuri" is exactly what It sounds like dw, it's just popping up on a post saying "this post is (about) lesbians"
So like if you see a post about a pair of swings tangled up or smth and someone says 'this too is Yuri' it just means they're saying the swings are in a lesbian relationship lol
YURI IS LESBIANS?????????????
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phynsmutstravaganza · 10 months
Housebreaking- Chapter 2
"You were marked by all the Fears," Oliver says. "I think that gives you a right to be a little hungrier than most, don't you?"
Something turns over in Jon's stomach at those words. He can't tell if it's fear, or anger, or relief, or what. His voice comes out angry, because his body can't parse what's happening to him, what those words make him feel.
"Don't excuse what I've done," he snarls. He's shivering from the cold, and Oliver's lack of reaction to it makes him feel even weaker and more disoriented.
There was a time when he was basically untouched by anything physical, too.
Jon and Oliver have a talk. It doesn't go as planned.
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phynsmutstravaganza · 11 months
Competitive Masking: two autistic people try their hardest to roleplay neurotypical office, service and retail workers at eachother until one of them shows symptoms
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phynsmutstravaganza · 11 months
Something Simple, Something Safe-- A TMA fic
"I'm going to take Oliver up on his cat training lessons," Martin tells him severely, which doesn't at all remove the fondness in his voice. "You're a little brat."
Jon opens his mouth as wide as he can with the hood on and brings Martin's hand suggestively to his mouth. If he could, he'd be staring Martin dead in the eyes.
"Don't you dare, Jonathan Sims."
Eyyyyyyy new work in this ongoing series that was supposed to be a one-shot!
As Jon gets more comfortable in his kitten role, he starts to test limits--including his own. Or, what happens when Jon decides he *does* want sex sometimes, actually. Trans Jon, soft dom Martin, this one is pretty fluffy for me idk what's happening to my brain.
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phynsmutstravaganza · 11 months
procrastinating by posting fic
Welp. I've written a second fic in this series that wasn't meant to exist, let alone be a series. Turns out kitten!Jon is REALLY fun and cathartic to write
Nonsexual kink pet play postcanon au, featuring Jon/Martin. Special guest: Oliver Banks.
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phynsmutstravaganza · 11 months
TMA One-Shot!
While I toil over my TMA longfic, I threw together one of the softest smut pieces I've written. First TMA fic up on ao3 let's gooooo
Takes place post-canon, Jon/Martin, trans Jon, a bit angsty but mostly fluff. (non-sexual kink) Check out ao3 for full tags!
The subway car isn't that full for a Friday night in Glasgow, but Jon still feels the eyes. 
He pulls anxiously at his shirt, feeling the odd rub of the cotton against the layer of latex underneath. It's easier to get dressed at home than at the club, with how long it takes to get into the damn gimp suit, but it means taking the SPT all the way to the club already sweating in the unbreathable layers. The terror that someone will know beats through him: an awkward, thrilling paranoia that feeds his patron as much as it discomfits him.
Jon adjusts his shirt cuff for the umpteenth time, stopping only when Martin's fingers press gently over his.
"No one can see," Martin murmurs. He smiles, soft encouragement and glittering enjoyment all at once. It's alright for him, of course–he's wearing a normal t-shirt and trousers under his leather jacket, and he won't change much even at their destination.
Of course, Jon looks normal on the surface, too– button-down shirt, slacks, collar buttoned to hide the latex that comes up to his neck–but surely people can just tell, by the way he's sitting or the sweat beading down his face or–
Martin picks up his hand and kisses the tips of his fingers. Jon winces at the almost inaudible squeak of the latex, and then again at the subtle glances they receive for their innocent PDA.
"We could–" Martin begins, in a gentle tone of voice Jon knows all too well. We could go back. It's okay if it's too much for you. You're dealing with so much. You're just a sad little wet sack of a man who can't handle being in crowds. Okay, so Martin never says that last bit, but Jon certainly feels it every time he has to cut their dates short, or calls Martin to pick him up from errands that should be simple. He shakes his head.
"No, it's fine," he says, his voice steady and dry and not at all betraying how fast his heart is beating. "I'm just warm."
Martin raises his eyebrows but doesn't speak his disbelief, which Jon is grateful for. He's not trying to be convincing to Martin, anyway. He's convincing the other people on the subway who might be watching, who might be wondering, who seem to care only for their own business but who could be subtly judging him, and–
It's their stop. Jon doesn't stand until the doors are squeaking and other people are standing. He can feel the sweat pooling, awful, under his hair on the back of his neck and soaking through his collar. He ignores Martin's offered hand because he just needs to get out of the station, and away from all of these eyes.
If he takes Martin's hand they'll look, and they'll wonder, and they'll guess because why would the two of them be getting off here if not for the club two streets down? Why would two men who seem to have nothing in common, one in leather, for godssake, be so physically close unless–?
Jon gulps down the cool night air as soon as they emerge from the escalator. It's not exactly fresh, but it seems like there's more of it, at least. The breeze doesn't penetrate the latex, but it at least cools his face.
"Hey," Martin says, taking his elbow. Jon lets him, this time. "Are you alright?"
Jon nods. It's doing something to him–the anxiety, the pressure of being noticed, the relief of escape, all bound up in the tightness of latex against his skin. He takes a few breaths, as deep as he can make them. His head swims. Martin smiles again.
"Already, hm?" he says, and he sounds pleased and amused.
Jon nods, and then says, "yes," because he needs to make sure he can still speak. He can. It's a bit of a relief. Martin's smile doesn't widen, exactly, but there's a change in it nonetheless. Jon suppresses a shiver.
"Come on, then," Martin invites, and Jon catches up to him with another thrill of fear that's a lot closer to excitement.
There's a couple people queuing outside the nondescript door that leads into the club, but Martin flashes a membership card and they're waved in. Jon volunteers, sometimes–it was an easier welcome to the club than play–and Martin has started to, as well. As expected, Martin is already friendlier with the staff than Jon is.
Jon had teased him about it–an avatar of the Lonely, making easy friends–until Martin pointed out that he'd been friendly with the Institute staff, too, and that hadn't stopped him from being marked. Furthermore, Martin said, if Jon was jealous enough to be making comments he could put some effort into actually making friends instead of complaining–and unfortunately that was too close to the truth for Jon to have any properly sniping comebacks.
Now, there's an instant comfort that comes from entering the dim-lit club. A reception desk blocks entrance to the narrow hallway that funnels guests to the lockers and playrooms, but already Jon is feeling more conspicuous for the button-down than the latex underneath. He refused to dress up the first time he agreed to come with Martin, and spent the whole time feeling obvious and painfully vanilla. There's a satisfying anonymity in the black latex, skintight though it is.
They make awkward small talk with the receptionist–another volunteer, like most of the "staff"--before finally being ushered back to the lockers. Jon strips off his street clothes with relief and tucks them away, while Martin simply takes off his shirt under the jacket and changes to shorts instead of trousers. He unzips his duffel and hands Jon a folded, latex hood.
"Are you sure about this?" he asks, his brown eyes warm and solemn. Jon takes the hood. He can feel his heartbeat in his fingertips.
"I'm sure," he says. He wants to put it on right away. He wants to leave.
"Your hands are shaking," Martin observes.
"So they are."
"If you want to wait–"
"Okay, okay! Just checking!" Martin raises his hands in surrender. "Gloves, too?"
Jon nods. His palms are sweating, which will make putting the fingerless gloves on a pain, but just thinking about it makes him feel lightheaded with want.
"Okay," Martin says, and his voice has taken on the breathy, excited quality that tells Jon that yes, that feeling is an altered state of awareness. He's already slipping under, and Martin can tell. "Let's go over things. You won't be able to see with the hood on, but you'll be able to talk."
Jon nods, forces himself to speak.
"Right," he says.
"You'll be able to hear me, but it'll be muffled. If I need to get your attention, I'll tap three times on your arm, like this." Martin demonstrates with two fingers, each tap firm and deliberate. Jon closes his eyes automatically, as if it will feel different if he can't see. The air feels much thicker, all of a sudden.
"Got it," he says. It's the right thing to say, and he feels a small sense of satisfaction that he knows this. He can't make mistakes in this conversation; or at least he has no urge to say any of the wrong things.
"If it's too much, I need you to let me know right away. The hood will take a couple moments to unlace, and it's better to be cautious. You don't want to panic in this. And there will be plenty of time to experiment, okay?" Martin fixes Jon with a firm look, warm brown irises taking on an iced chill like permafrost. "Don't push it, Jon. I know you."
"I won't," Jon says, and winces when Martin doubles down on his glare. "Really! I don't want to push things too far. I promise I won't–not on purpose, at least."
"Okay," Martin says grudgingly. He leans in and presses a kiss to Jon's mouth, startling him. Jon catches himself in time to kiss Martin back, and Martin responds at once, holding his head to kiss him deeper. There's a strange sterility to it, the latex keeping away Martin's body heat, but it still makes Jon feel dizzy. He lets out a shaky exhale when Martin pulls away.
"Anything else you want to go over?" Martin asks, leaning their foreheads together and keeping his hand on the back of Jon's.
It gets a bit more explicit from here-- read the rest on AO3
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Having autism is like
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Having ADHD is like
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Having both Autism and ADHD is like
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Look I'm not saying I've gone completely unhinged BUT I researched the UK's accessibility laws for a one-second bit in my TMA fic and I feel like I'm truly living for the first time since I got my Master's degree
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Short fic completed- Cost of Surrender
Silm fanfic!
I have so much work writing to do, so of course I sat down and slammed out a 2k hurt/no comfort fic of Sauron surrending to Eönwë after the fall of Thangorodrim.
There's no explicit sexual elements, but it's very much an emotional non-con fic.
So glad to write silm again! One day I'll finish my little angband oc fic and post it. For now you have this
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Ongoing fic- Waelite
Chapter 3 up!
"No," Aloth gasped, and then pain flared across his body. By the time he caught his breath it was too late. He could hear his pulse, too loud, and feel the expansion of his lungs, but everything else dimmed. He was vaguely aware of his body stretching and cracking his knuckles.
"Now. Where were we?" Iselmyr said.
This is a pretty graphic chapter!!! Please mind the tags!
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Ongoing fic- Waelite
Chapter two up!!
The shock of such complete darkness sent a thrill of primal energy through Aloth's body, and he had to consciously resist casting a spell once again. He waited, feeling exposed and vulnerable, instinct telling him to flee back to the light while he still could. No matter how many mysterious tunnels and caverns he’d traveled through, nothing softened the first panic of being sightless in an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous place.
cw/for some violence, xaurip killing, and blood
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Ongoing fic: Waelite
Well, that will make it easier to get down. Aloth gave the hidden stairs a rueful look. This is what I get for trying to think like the Watcher.
What was it ye said ‘bout him? Iselmyr piped up. How intelligent and clever he is…
I still hold to that. He also just has a penchant for doing things the most difficult way possible first. Aloth sighed. “Onward it is.”
Ayyyyyy it's a new fic!
Well. It's a fic I've had for literal years, finally making its way to the public eye.
There's a sorta actual plot in this one! Which is why it took me so long to finish it
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@shojoshark was so kind as to make my boys, Kal (left) and Mat (right) and LOOK AT THEM. LOOK AT THEM.
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I am so ridiculously pleased. There's something about being a writer, throwing down thousands of words to try and capture the essence of a character, and then to SEE them...
Anyway, the point is shojo is great and you should check out their page and their ko-fi
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Probably Completed fic-- Unusual Anatomy
"So, I've been thinking," Kal said. "Snakes don't have belly buttons."
Mat looked up from his basket weaving only briefly, unimpressed.
"How nice." Kal's smile widened. "You have a belly button." "I am not a snake," Mat sniffed. "If you had not noticed, I have a great number of traits that are non-bestial." "Hmm," Kal hummed. "Show it to me." This time, Mat stared at him. "My…belly button?" "Yes," Kal rolled onto his front, perching his head on his hands and looking for all the world like the Cheshire cat. Mat stared a little longer, then snorted incredulously. "No." "It wasn't a request," Kal said.
Hurt/limited comfort, non-con fic that's basically just an excuse for me to make up shit about non-human anatomy. Features two of my OCs, can be read along with the greater fic or just as a one-shot.
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Completed fic- Journey's Beginning/Unsatisfied
The Watcher might not know what he was getting himself into; Aloth should tell him no on principle. He swallowed, surprised to realize that the idea of telling Mirad ‘no’ put a bittersweet ache in his chest. Would that be the end of their friendship? It would be so much easier if the Watcher simply realized that this was a terrible idea.
“I move slowly, Watcher,” he warned. He was glad when his voice didn’t tremble. “You are likely to find yourself unsatisfied.”
“Alright,” Mirad said without hesitation. “I’ll follow your lead.”
The very short slow burn part of my Pillars of Eternity series, because by the time I started writing fic I'd just spent over 40 hours slow-burning myself by playing the game and I wanted to get to the smut I knew was there.
This is mostly just Aloth backstory, plus some Aloth x Watcher pining, and I'm way too proud of it.
CW: Chapter two is a flashback to Aloth's awakening, and references (off-screen) child abuse/domestic abuse and physical after affects
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