luminexiaooo · 1 year
Officially opening commissions!
My commissions are officially open for business on my Kofi page!
I offer cheap prices of 3 characters, 1k words for 2$! Prices go up from there but 20$ is the absolute highest I charge :)
I write for all adult characters in Genshin Impact, feel free to check out my masterlist for some of my works if you're interested in checking me out.
Direct link to commissions is here! Regardless of whether or not you plan to donate or purchase a commission, thank you all so much for your continued support of my writing! Of course, my requests will still open as usual and I'll be taking those as well. I appreciate you all <3
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
hello! i’ve been loving your recent works lately and had to request! could we have a scaramouche argument fic as angsty as possible but with comfort? thank you!
But I hate you, I really hate you
so much I think it must be true love <3
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Info: Characters include Scaramouche, GN reader! Hurt/comfort, very angsty. Use of Kunikuzushi. Warnings: Toxic relationship, arguing, jealousy, controlling behavior, swearing, possibly abuse??? A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy this :) Sorry it took a while! I may have taken it a bit far but I hope it's still somewhat similar to what you hoped.
He snorts, a sound both humored and disgusted - all at your expense. You hate it when he treats you this way, as if you were a source of entertainment. A cruel joke. A toy.
"Kuni, I swear it. There is nothing going on between-", you begin desperately, but he cuts you off before you can finish. "I know what you're going to say and I don't care," he growls, violet eyes growing dark.
You have grown to expect this fury from him. You're used to his wrathful words, and the way he forever seems unsatiated if he has not caused you pain in return for his own. Scaramouche swallows his grief long enough for it to turn to poison on his tongue, then spits it back at you tenfold. It's painful to know your day hinges on the mood of your fitful lover, prone to mercurial bursts of rage.
On this day in particular, his problem is less with you and more with Childe. However, this doesn't stop you from being on the receiving end of his cruelty.
Perhaps it had begun from the very start of the day. Childe was friendly by nature - and yes, perhaps even you could admit he was a tad bit sweet on you. Still, he knew to respect your boundaries (and the dark glare of your lover). He must have thought nothing of leaning to whisper in your ear, assuming it was perceived as friendly by all others around him as well. In the end, the mistake may have been yours. You giggled at the joke he'd muttered and the tickle of his breath against your ear, pressing your fingers bashfully to your lips to muffle it. Apparently, to your rather insecure lover, this was evidence of your infidelity.
"Is he what you want? Really?" With these words, he pushed himself into your space until he was flush against your chest. Your back pressed against the cold stone walls behind you, grinding painfully into your spine. "You want that filthy Snezhnayan cunt taking up your time? You think he could possibly be as good as me?" His hand grasped your wrist tightly and pressed it above your head, his nails digging crescents into your skin and leaving white in their wake. "Answer me," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear, "Do you want him?"
His voice was a low growl, threatening you to watch your words. "No," you spat back. Despite his presumptions, it was the truth. His words may lash you and his tone may sting, but it would never convince you to stop fighting back. "I think this is far less about me and far more about you. You're truly that insecure? You can't see me with another man for fear of what?" You wrenched your wrist free and wriggled away from his grip. "That he'll whisk me away? That he'll be better than you? You're afraid, Scaramouche. At least be honest with yourself."
His eyes flash black, and the expression on his face is foreign even to you. The gritting of his teeth together and the animalistic growl that tears from his lips speaks of rage. However, this time, the rage is not directed at you. He deliberately tears himself away from you, burying his head in his hands as if burdened by something heavy. The further he strides away from you, the more you feel your anger lessen.
Sometimes, his words can make you feel the same way a mouse must feel as it is caged beneath the claws of a hawk. Now, you feel as if it is you who has wounded him. You try to tell yourself not to give in to his sorrow. He should feel hurt, you said to yourself, for what he has done to me.
You try to imagine yourself feeling unburdened by him. Your mind runs rampant with images of yourself, perhaps strolling through the beautiful streets near your shared home - alone. You would be independent, solitary, and utterly lonely. The realization of it brings a new grief along with it, and you suddenly feel there is nothing you can do to fight against him. Not in this fight.
Your arms come around him from behind, squeezing him tightly against you. He stiffens at first as if he may have to defend himself, but steadily you feel his tense shoulders relax under your grip.
For a while, it's a stalemate. You hum a gentle tune against his shoulder blade, hands expertly tracing his covered skin as you had a million times prior. You know him too well, and these moments exemplify it. He never means to hurt you, you know this. However, he can't simply let go of his anger like you can. It takes root inside him, and in some ways, it is all he's ever known. He was forced to be angry, hateful, and volatile to survive. For some reason, even with your gentle nature, he feels he must survive. That every day is another battle.
Then, as if opening himself to the light, he releases a breath. "I don't want you to leave me, [Name]," he admits with a breathy, humorless laugh. He shakes his head shamefully, allowing some of his weight to lean on you. You shush him softly, continuing to rub against his sore muscles. "I know," you whisper back, and it is all he needs to hear and more.
To be understood is a beautiful thing. You refused to apologize for calling him out for it; he truly had been cruel. However, you also refused to abandon him. Your Kunikuzushi. You knew he could be so much better than he was, if only given the room and time to do so.
So, even with the heavy silence in the air, you just kept on knowing him. You knew he had so much more he wanted to say, but didn't know how to say it. You also knew he didn't want to be pressured, and it would only make him pull away further. You didn't push him; you refused to be someone who could call themselves a stranger to him. You cringed at the mere thought of it, the agony it would bring.
Perhaps if you simply kept holding him this way, the apologies would flow freely from his lips. The hope kept you going.
One day, you thought, one day.
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
Zhongli x Childe | A Short Story
Zhongli and Childe were strolling across the Liyue waterfront. They went for a nice walk as the sun sank. Childe began to feel hungry and begged Zhongli to find somewhere to eat. Dragging Zhongli down the street until they came to a halt. The incredible aroma emanating from Wanmin Restaurant makes Childe's mouth water. "I'm so hungry I could devour the whole house," Childe exclaims gleefully. "Alright, fine, we'll stop for a quick bite to eat," Zhongli murmurs. Zhongli and Childe take a seat on several rickety wooden stools.
Zhongli gets them two ramen bowls, dumplings on the side. "Uhh, Zhongli… I don't know how to use chopsticks," Childe expressed with concern. Chef Mao arrived with two scorching hot bowls of ramen before Zhongli could even respond. "Enjoy your food, you two, I need to go buy some more supplies. I'll be back soon!" Chef Mao yells as he walks out of the restaurant. The door slams shut behind Mao, leaving them alone.
Childe becomes increasingly flirtatious with Zhongli. Childe clasps Zhongli's hand, intertwining fingers. Zhongli flushes and withdraws. "What are you doing?" Zhongli asks bashfully. Childe laughs it off and then tries eating with chopsticks. "Need some assistance there, darling," Zhongli says as he delicately grips Childes' hand and guides the noodles into his mouth. Childe swallows the noodles while looking into Zhongli's eyes. "You are very gorgeous," Childe says as he leans in for a kiss. Their lips softly touch one another as Zhongli wraps his arms around Childe's waist, drawing him closer.
Childe, being the guy he is, snatches a dumpling and stuffs it into Zhongli's mouth. 'I can always count on you to sabotage the moment," Zhongli laughs as he kisses Childe on the cheek. The two lovers finish their dinners before returning to the streets of Liyue.
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
Telling Genshin Boys "You're Mine" Pt.2
...and how they react (again) <3
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Info: Characters include Xiao, Kaeya, and Itto. GN Reader! Pure fluff and mildly suggestive in Kaeya's part. Estabilished relationship. Warnings: Not proofread A/N: First part here
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As expected, he doesn't fluster or wave you away, nor does he confirm your words. Instead, he playfully narrows his eyes and stares you down as if in challenge - challenging you to push it further.
You know better than to truly assume Kaeya Alberich belongs to anyone, even to you.
"My darling, what have I told you about saying such things?" He drawls teasingly. Biting your tongue to keep from retorting out of embarrassment, you silently await whatever flirtatious concoction will escape his lips to win yet again.
It's become somewhat of a tradition to attempt to rattle the other - of course, you hardly expected to win, but just once would be nice!
"You shouldn't try to kid yourself or anyone else," he begins with a tone that would be patronizing in any other context, then slowly he leans forward on the edge of his chair. You melt into his touch and let him slowly guide you forward until you're seated comfortably on his lap, fitting into the crook of his frame.
"Everyone knows you belong to me," he whispers against the lobe of your ear, and you can feel the slight brush of his lips against your skin. You bury your face into his shoulder in an attempt to soothe the burning that seems to begin beneath your skin until it's emitting off you in waves. "Would it be so bad to be mine, too?"
You mean for it to sound like a composed question, but by the time you say it, it's a lot more similar to a whine. He hums softly, carefully tracing circles on the soft flesh of your back. For a moment, you even believe he's deliberately ignoring you - or hasn't heard you speak at all.
Then, with a quiet chuckle, he replies, "I don't suppose it would be bad at all, sweet thing."
He quickly averts his gaze, desperately looking at anything but you. You would have thought it was a rejection if not for way he gently pulled his lip back and forth with his teeth, chewing at the smooth skin.
You feel some level of pity for him at the sight. You likely should have known better than to push his limits like that; he never was the most acclimated to affection - even after all this time.
Deciding it's better to nurse the wounds from his lack of reciprocation than force him to be uncomfortable, you change the subject. "Would you like some almond tofu?" It comes out a bit strained, so you clear your throat and try again. "I could make some for you, or you could help!"
He takes a deep breath, and when he turns to you, you're shocked to silence at the look in his eyes. Glimmering beneath his amber eyes is a vulnerability and trust that drives the air from your lungs. Perhaps it was brought on by your statement, or how quick you were to respect his boundaries - maybe both. But regardless of the reason, it's undeniable.
"Did you mean the words you said?" he asks, softly and with the slightest, near nonexistent quiver to his voice. Your heart cracks at the hope tinged with uncertainty that he displays, and you rush to assure him. "Of course!"
He steps forward, and fleetingly you believe he's going to kiss you. Instead, he pulls you into a loose embrace, resting his chin on your shoulder. You gape, eyes wide and unblinking as you attempt to comprehend what just happened.
Did he really just-?
"I've been alone for a very long time, [Name]," he whispers, and you feel the movement of his throat as he swallows. "When I met you, I felt it was too good to be true. I made up a million reasons in my head that I shouldn't trust you."
Your hands cautiously come up to hold him closer, wordlessly replying "It's okay, you can tell me now."
"It sounds terrible, but it's the truth. I thought nobody would bother getting close to me, not after..." He trails off, but your mind supplements it for you. Not after what happened to them.
"But then, you did. You kept coming back again and again and you never let me be alone. Nobody has ever cared like that. So then, I told myself that if I let myself love you, then something terrible would happen to you."
Xiao has always been so reserved; he always hangs around the outside of every interaction, lurking but never letting himself into the light. Now, it seems the dam has finally broken, and words are pouring through the cracks.
"But I was merely prolonging it, because how could I not love you? I was born thousands of years ago, [Name], but I have only lived since laying eyes on you."
Your quiet yaksha, finally letting himself loose. He pulls away from your embrace, but remains close enough to brush your body against his own. The heavy devotion in his words does not stun you, nor frighten you, it lures you in. You can think of nothing more but his voice, his words, and the warmth of his skin. You long for him to continue, to never stop talking and whisper these words forevermore.
"To say I am yours is doing you an injustice," he whispers, and finally meets your eyes with his own. They glisten with held-back tears, waiting to fall, and you can feel your own beginning to form. "You could take my thoughts, my wishes, my hopes, and dreams. You are all I long for, anyway. You could betray me and I would forgive you without a moment's hesitation. You could travel worlds away and I would wait and do nothing else for the rest of my life if that's how long you took."
Scratch that, your tears were definitely beginning to fall. You had expected nothing of the sort when you spoke those words aloud. At best, you'd expected him to respond in kind, confirming what you wished for. You knew little of adepti customs, and if someone had told you this was a yaksha's marriage vow, you would have believed it without a doubt.
"There is nothing I would not do for you. I want nothing else but you. Only you." He clasps your hands within his own tightly, and you return the squeeze with your own. You can see the way he fights within himself to say this or to shy away from you in the way he is used to.
"You're mortal," he concludes, and you can see the way it pains him to say, "I could lose you at any point and...I can't spend any longer being afraid to tell you these things. I love you."
You whisper, "I love you too." Though, you doubt it matters. His eyes have overflowed with tears now, and they run freely down his pale skin. "I am yours. Always. In every world. You can call me, and I will come. I will always be there when you call," he vows, pressing his lips to your held hands.
Maybe you should say these things more often.
His eyes light up. "Well, yeah, duh!"
You can't contain a giggle at the way he's so clearly trying to hide his internal joy. "I already knew you felt that way, it was obvious," he lies, placing his hands on his hips in faux confidence.
Suddenly, his eyes flash open and he gasps. "But! Just since other people don't know, we should tell the gang!" He exclaims, grinning widely with anticipation. You frown slightly. This was an unforeseen development, and you find yourself mentally weighing the pros and cons. All in all, it couldn't hurt...right?
"Well, okay then, I suppose we could-" Before you fully finish your sentence, Itto is grabbing your hand and dragging you toward the gang which are not too far off. You rarely let Itto take you too far away looking for onikabuto these days - for everyone's safety.
"Hey, hey! Shinobu, did you know I'm theirrr~ boyfriend?" he calls out before he even fully makes it into the camp. As if she wouldn't know who he was referring to, he aggressively points to you at his side until she finally relents and calls back, "Everyone knows you're dating, Itto."
Without missing a beat, he retorts, "Obviously! But not everyone knows that I'm theirs! Like, really theirs!"
Both you and Shinobu seem equally confused at the difference, but he seems so entirely elated that you don't dare ruin this for him. Besides, somewhere deep within, he must have created a secondary meaning for this. Why unnecessarily take it away?
"That's great, Itto," Shinobu calls back, this time fondly. You see the way she covers a smile with her hand when she turns away, and a smile pulls to your lips as well.
"Now hurry up, there's lots more people to tell!"
It's probably going to be a long afternoon, but you don't mind. Not if it's him.
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
hello! i’ve been loving your recent works lately and had to request! could we have a scaramouche argument fic as angsty as possible but with comfort? thank you!
But I hate you, I really hate you
so much I think it must be true love <3
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Info: Characters include Scaramouche, GN reader! Hurt/comfort, very angsty. Use of Kunikuzushi. Warnings: Toxic relationship, arguing, jealousy, controlling behavior, swearing, possibly abuse??? A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy this :) Sorry it took a while! I may have taken it a bit far but I hope it's still somewhat similar to what you hoped.
He snorts, a sound both humored and disgusted - all at your expense. You hate it when he treats you this way, as if you were a source of entertainment. A cruel joke. A toy.
"Kuni, I swear it. There is nothing going on between-", you begin desperately, but he cuts you off before you can finish. "I know what you're going to say and I don't care," he growls, violet eyes growing dark.
You have grown to expect this fury from him. You're used to his wrathful words, and the way he forever seems unsatiated if he has not caused you pain in return for his own. Scaramouche swallows his grief long enough for it to turn to poison on his tongue, then spits it back at you tenfold. It's painful to know your day hinges on the mood of your fitful lover, prone to mercurial bursts of rage.
On this day in particular, his problem is less with you and more with Childe. However, this doesn't stop you from being on the receiving end of his cruelty.
Perhaps it had begun from the very start of the day. Childe was friendly by nature - and yes, perhaps even you could admit he was a tad bit sweet on you. Still, he knew to respect your boundaries (and the dark glare of your lover). He must have thought nothing of leaning to whisper in your ear, assuming it was perceived as friendly by all others around him as well. In the end, the mistake may have been yours. You giggled at the joke he'd muttered and the tickle of his breath against your ear, pressing your fingers bashfully to your lips to muffle it. Apparently, to your rather insecure lover, this was evidence of your infidelity.
"Is he what you want? Really?" With these words, he pushed himself into your space until he was flush against your chest. Your back pressed against the cold stone walls behind you, grinding painfully into your spine. "You want that filthy Snezhnayan cunt taking up your time? You think he could possibly be as good as me?" His hand grasped your wrist tightly and pressed it above your head, his nails digging crescents into your skin and leaving white in their wake. "Answer me," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear, "Do you want him?"
His voice was a low growl, threatening you to watch your words. "No," you spat back. Despite his presumptions, it was the truth. His words may lash you and his tone may sting, but it would never convince you to stop fighting back. "I think this is far less about me and far more about you. You're truly that insecure? You can't see me with another man for fear of what?" You wrenched your wrist free and wriggled away from his grip. "That he'll whisk me away? That he'll be better than you? You're afraid, Scaramouche. At least be honest with yourself."
His eyes flash black, and the expression on his face is foreign even to you. The gritting of his teeth together and the animalistic growl that tears from his lips speaks of rage. However, this time, the rage is not directed at you. He deliberately tears himself away from you, burying his head in his hands as if burdened by something heavy. The further he strides away from you, the more you feel your anger lessen.
Sometimes, his words can make you feel the same way a mouse must feel as it is caged beneath the claws of a hawk. Now, you feel as if it is you who has wounded him. You try to tell yourself not to give in to his sorrow. He should feel hurt, you said to yourself, for what he has done to me.
You try to imagine yourself feeling unburdened by him. Your mind runs rampant with images of yourself, perhaps strolling through the beautiful streets near your shared home - alone. You would be independent, solitary, and utterly lonely. The realization of it brings a new grief along with it, and you suddenly feel there is nothing you can do to fight against him. Not in this fight.
Your arms come around him from behind, squeezing him tightly against you. He stiffens at first as if he may have to defend himself, but steadily you feel his tense shoulders relax under your grip.
For a while, it's a stalemate. You hum a gentle tune against his shoulder blade, hands expertly tracing his covered skin as you had a million times prior. You know him too well, and these moments exemplify it. He never means to hurt you, you know this. However, he can't simply let go of his anger like you can. It takes root inside him, and in some ways, it is all he's ever known. He was forced to be angry, hateful, and volatile to survive. For some reason, even with your gentle nature, he feels he must survive. That every day is another battle.
Then, as if opening himself to the light, he releases a breath. "I don't want you to leave me, [Name]," he admits with a breathy, humorless laugh. He shakes his head shamefully, allowing some of his weight to lean on you. You shush him softly, continuing to rub against his sore muscles. "I know," you whisper back, and it is all he needs to hear and more.
To be understood is a beautiful thing. You refused to apologize for calling him out for it; he truly had been cruel. However, you also refused to abandon him. Your Kunikuzushi. You knew he could be so much better than he was, if only given the room and time to do so.
So, even with the heavy silence in the air, you just kept on knowing him. You knew he had so much more he wanted to say, but didn't know how to say it. You also knew he didn't want to be pressured, and it would only make him pull away further. You didn't push him; you refused to be someone who could call themselves a stranger to him. You cringed at the mere thought of it, the agony it would bring.
Perhaps if you simply kept holding him this way, the apologies would flow freely from his lips. The hope kept you going.
One day, you thought, one day.
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
5 times someone thought you were more than friends with Xiao
...and 1 time you thought they may be right
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Info: Xiao x Reader, some dialogue or scenes may be more fem-aligned, but GN pronouns used. Allusions to Ganyu's voiceline about Xiao. Childe x Reader if you squint, Zhongli x Reader if you REALLY REALLY squint.
Warnings: Depictions of violence/blood, jealousy
She truly hadn't meant to eavesdrop, much less intrude into anything personal. After all, he had asked her to meet him here. Their training had been ceaseless with him always insisting her form was off or she needed to have better awareness. She knew he was simply looking out for her, just trying to help, but she still couldn't help but be wary of him. Their time together did nothing to ease the mild discomfort she felt, wriggling within her mind. Logically, his presence had nothing to do with the tragic demises of his fellow yakshas - his family - but it did little to settle her anxious brain. So, she was incredibly relieved when you began to show up day after day to training alongside him.
She probably should have questioned it more, but she was just happy to have someone to mitigate the tension. Besides, he even seemed to lighten up a little bit with you around. Before today, she'd never thought too deeply about the depth of your relationship to Xiao, it had just never occurred to her that you were more than a friend, or a fighting partner. Someone to help her train, perhaps, as Xiao had claimed you to be. In truth, you did nothing more than joke around and give an occasional pointer or two, but Ganyu had assumed Xiao kept you around because you made things less awkward.
When she saw the two of you alone at the location of her training, she approached as she would any other day. Your presence was not at all unusual. What was unusual was what she began to hear once she was within earshot.
"Come onn, Xiao! You know you wanna!" You exclaimed, clasping your hands together pleadingly. From her position on the hill behind, Ganyu paused, entirely unused to the casual tone you held. She couldn't see Xiao's expression, but she imagined it must have been a mix of exasperation and fondness. "I have no time for mortal amusements," he responded, tilting his head away so he was no longer making eye contact with you. With faux offense, you gasped, "Theatre is not just mortal amusements, it's art. Even you should be able to find some enjoyment out of it!"
To Ganyu's utter disbelief, your response had warranted...laughter from the yaksha. It had not been a bellowing laugh, nor had it been a chortle by any means; it had merely been a soft chuckle under his breath, but regardless, it was something Ganyu could never have imagined prior. You, on the other hand, seemed completely unphased. This must be normal to you, she realized with a start.
"Would it truly please you that much for me to accompany you?" he asked, holding a note of fondness in his tone. Grinning ear to ear, you nodded hurriedly. With a forced heavy sigh, Xiao slowly began to nod. "Alright...for you...and just this once. One show."
With a yell of victory, you took his hands in your own. "Yes!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll make sure it's the best outing you've ever had."
Forcing herself to move, Ganyu made her presence known by clearing her throat. As if burned, you dropped Xiao's hands and dropped your arms to your sides. Ganyu was only just beginning to understand social gestures like this, but you seemed almost...guilty. Xiao, on the other hand, appeared to be fighting to keep his expression still. "Uh...welcome. Let's get right to it then," Xiao changed the subject abruptly, summoning his spear at his side.
Ganyu nodded out of instinct alone; her thoughts were elsewhere, wondering just what exactly she'd witnessed. How had she missed something so obvious? Surely, this must mean you two were...together? The longer the notion remained in her mind, the more she began to question it. Maybe the warmth in his voice had been a figment of her imagination. Maybe the way you held his hands so tightly in your own was just a sign of comradery from years of knowing one another. After a bit, she realized wondering about it would only confuse her more.
However, she examined each interaction between the two of you with a tad more attentiveness than before from then on.
2. Yanfei
Yanfei knew quite a great deal about the Conqueror of Demons - at least, she thought she did. But she was beginning to believe researching his part in battles and the history of the yakshas was not the same as actually knowing him. She knew he was strong enough to singlehandedly purge Liyue of demonic presences for hundreds of years. She knew he had lost his fellow yakshas, all those years ago, in various different ways. She knew that, ever since, he'd been quite hard to speak to.
What she didn't know, though, was that maybe he wasn't quite as much of a loner as she believed. Being stuck in the Chasm was definitely not her idea of a great way to spend an evening, but she couldn't complain when faced with the sight before her. The Conqueror of Demons, Adeptus Xiao, the almighty yaksha, the one she'd admired from afar since her childhood, was sitting right there. Not only that, but he had someone settled at his side, doting over his wounds.
He had brushed off her and Yelan, even the Traveler, but yet there you were. You were definitely pestering him about taking better care of himself, fussing over each little cut, but he didn't even seem slightly perturbed. In fact, his gaze met yours with a tender devotion that Yanfei couldn't begin to describe. He gladly accepted each brush of your hand over his skin, even leaning into the touch of your hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever from infection.
"Thank you, [Name]," he whispered. Yanfei was almost certain he hadn't mean to be listened to, but she couldn't help but be curious. "I never meant to burden you with this." Faced with his words, you shushed him gently. "Stop with that. You're never burdening me. I always care about you and it isn't an issue; I just want to know you're going to be safe. You can't be worrying me too much now, my poor heart won't be able to handle it," you teased lightheartedly, resting your hand over his as a silent comfort. Xiao smiled back at you before tilting his head back against the stone to rest.
You stayed at his side as if holding vigil. You sent almost wary glances to anyone that got too close, behaving like a protective mother hen. Yanfei may have thought it was silly in any other circumstance, but in the moment, it was endearing. She wasn't quite sure what she'd seen between the both of you, but at least in her opinion, that adoration in his eyes was far more than friendly.
3. Childe
He honestly wasn't sure what to make of it.
His friendship with you had begun solely out of professionalism - in other words, he had been using you - in order to form a working relationship with Zhongli. He was more than eager to take advantage of your friendship with the once-archon; but in the end, he was far more eager to accept a friendship with you out of nothing more than trust. You were a good person; you were strong, capable, funny, effortlessly beautiful - perhaps, that last part had little to do with friendship.
He enjoyed sparring with you most of all. You were a worthy opponent, although not nearly strong enough to ever actually win. Just the way he liked it. You didn't only spar of course. You would go out to eat, chat for a while, and do all the things a pair of friends should do. That's why it was nothing out of the ordinary for him to visit you.
He knew prior to this that you spent a large majority of your time at Wangshu Inn; he just didn't know why you decided to do so. Regardless, when seeking you out, he figured this was the most reasonable location for you to be. What he did not expect was the realization that you had a snack-sized guard dog that watched you like a hawk.
Xiao - as he found out he was called - had a presence that would have been intimidating to the average citizen, despite his small stature. Childe was not, in fact, an average citizen. He knew right away that this man was an adeptus, but it did little to deter him from conversing with you. He had a dark aura, and may have made for a good fight if the time ever came. But, he knew just from the glances Xiao cast your way that he wouldn't even attempt to harm him without your permission.
"So, what is he, your pet?" Childe teased. He made an effort to keep his tone light to keep up appearances, but he knew Xiao could sense his genuine hostility. With a light blush, you frowned, "No! No, of course not. Xiao is-"
"Right, right, I know. I'm just messing with the both of you, girly," Childe drawled smoothly. If looks could kill, Childe would certainly be dead. His tone had put a further dusting of pink upon your cheeks, but it had seemingly infuriated Xiao. The adeptus had crossed his arms, withdrawing further in an attempt to contain himself. "What have I told you about that nickname?" You laughed breathily, playing with your fingers.
"To stop," Childe stated matter-of-factly - but, if there was one thing he was good at, it was causing chaos. "However..." He leaned down to your level, meeting your eyes. He utilized every technique in the book to fluster you in front of...whoever Xiao was to you. He forced his eyes to look dark by gazing through half-lidded eyes, curving his lips up just a tad. "You are simply too adorable, darling. I like that it throws you off balance a bit, because then..."
He leaned further until he was mere inches away from your lips, knowing full well you could feel his breath dancing across your skin. "I can be the one to catch you if you fall," he whispered, quiet but purposefully just loud enough for Xiao to hear.
Before he could push his plan any further, Xiao had shoved him away hard enough for Childe to hit his back hard against the wood beam behind him. With a huff, he staggered to catch his breath. "Xiao!" You cried, latching yourself to his arm in an attempt to placate. When Childe lifted his head, he witnessed something he hadn't quite expected from his little game.
Xiao had summoned his spear at his side, gripping it hard enough to splinter the wood if he wasn't careful. His chest was heaving with badly veiled fury, and his jaw was clenched tightly. "It's not a big deal. He likes to mess with me. He wouldn't really..." you trailed off uncertainly, still keeping your hands clasped around his arm. Xiao's only response to your words was to tilt his head slightly in your direction, making it known that he'd heard. Childe realized with a start; he was giving him time to speak as well.
With a mouthful of carefully worded excuses on the tip of his tongue, he realized he may have actually just overstepped. In all honesty, he really wasn't quite used to the foreign feeling of guilt.
4. Aether
It wasn't everyday Aether got the opportunity to complete a commission with both you and Xiao. Honestly, it was rare he got any assistance at all.
However, something that could have been a gathering worthy of celebration had quickly turned south. Aether had calculated prior that this commission would be rather...strenuous in comparison to his usuals. None of the other adventurers had even questioned taking the guild up on it, fearing for their lives and wellbeings.
But, for someone who has fought a God, how hard could it be? ...Right?
Even so, Paimon had urged him to at least take some reinforcements. With some encouragement from you, Xiao had agreed to assist both Aether and you (mainly you) with the task. It had begun slowly -only a few mitachurls and their lackeys. Following them had been some abyss mages, still small fries compared to the three of you.
But then, a writhing concoction of enemies had sprung themselves upon you. Xiao, at least to a degree, had to hold himself back in order to avoid casualties. It had been easy for the trio of you to hold them back at first, working in tandem and watching out for one another. In time, though, even adepti grow tired.
Aether's muscles were aching with the effort of parrying strike after strike, seemingly from every possible angle. The war cries and agonized screams of his enemies fell into background noise as he focused all of his energy on merely survival. His adrenaline alone was keeping him on his feet, and with a sidelong glance toward you, you didn't seem to be faring much better.
Sweat was dripping from your forehead and your cheeks were flushed a dark pink. Your breaths came in puffs, and Aether caught a small glimpse of your knuckles, porcelain white from gripping your weapon tightly. Xiao, at least, was handling himself alright. Even with an adeptus on their side, it was beginning to feel like a winless fight.
Aether ducked his head, narrowly avoiding a mitachurl's thick axe. He sliced clean through a hilichurl, trying his best not to let his gaze linger on their crumpled body. Behind him, he heard you cry out in pain.
He may have missed it if not for the shrill sound you made, following the scream of a mage. "[Name]!" Xiao cried. Though he was still in the midst of several enemies, Aether swiftly whipped his head around. The thought of you being severely injured in the throes of a fight like this - or even killed - drove him to put his safety second to your own.
A stray arrow had pierced you in the shoulder from behind, now sticking sickeningly out of your skin. Aether knew at first glance that pulling it out may have made the damage worse, but seeing you in such a state made his stomach flip. Thin rivulets of blood trickled from the wound, seeping through your clothing as they trailed down your back.
The last thing he saw before he was forced to turn his head back to the enemy was Xiao pulling you away. Aether was certain that, with you gone, he was surely going to take his last breath here.
Is this really how I want to go? In a foreign land, with my sister never at my side again?
A loud battle cry startled him out of his thoughts. He turned to see a sizable group of Millelith rushing into the fight from his left, striking several with their pointed spears as they went. At the head, he caught sight of Keqing and Ganyu, seeming to be taking this battle quite personally.
He felt dizzy with relief, his knees wobbling under his own weight. Soldiers flew past him on all sides, appearing to form a human barrier between him and the cruel creatures that had come to take his life. It was only when Ganyu rushed to his side - frantically surveying him - that he realized how injured he was. He was littered in thin cuts and bruises, all far less worrisome than they appeared from the outside.
Ganyu spoke words that he couldn't hear over the clashing of metal. He couldn't bring himself to try and make out the voices until he knew what had become of you and Xiao. Aether lifted himself up on his toes, trying to make out your face through the crowd. One by one, the enemies fell. The commotion slowly quieted, fizzing out into a few stray yells.
Aether pushed through the crowd, following the noise to where it was at it's worst. His breath caught in his lungs as he caught sight of you. Your back had been pressed against a large boulder, and Xiao was standing before you like a shield. A lawachurl stood before the both of you, towering quite far above your heads.
You looked as if you could hardly keep your head up, your neck failing to keep you up as your head bobbed up and down again and again. You were fighting frantically to keep yourself awake. Xiao refused to back down in the face of the creature before him, gritting his teeth and glaring almost accusingly.
Even as the lawachurl raised his mighty fist to strike, Xiao only turned to face you and curled you protectively into his chest.
Aether hardly registered Keqing moving to the front, moving so swiftly and with such certainty. His eyes remained trained on Xiao. In a blink, the lawachurl's head had been removed from his shoulders and fell to the ground.
There was silence. A heartbeat passed, then two, then three. Keqing stood over her kill, heaving in breaths. Blood had splattered across her dress, coating it in viscous liquid. Millelith soldiers began to flood towards her. They surrounded her and spit words of praise, desperately talking over each other. Aether simply wanted to see more of you.
Peering past his allies, he finally saw what he'd been looking for. Xiao had knelt beside you, ignoring the clawed hand of the lawachurl mere feet away. He whispered soft words to you that Aether couldn't hear over the commotion, gently tracing the skin of your face.
Perhaps he was trying to reassure you that everything was okay, or console you through the pain. Regardless, the concern was evident in his gaze. It seemed that Aether had faded entirely from Xiao's mind, but he couldn't find it in himself to feel betrayed.
How could he have missed this? You and Xiao were some of his closest companions in Teyvat, and all this time, he'd been blind to the way Xiao always looked at you. The way he always made sure you were safe before anyone else. Without fail, Xiao could be found wherever you were. Now, he had refused to abandon you even if it spelled out his own demise.
Aether knew with certainty that the amount of people he would die for was rather small. There was his sister, of course, and Paimon. After that, who else could take him away from his goals?
Xiao lifted you onto his back, allowing you to loosely wrap your arms around his neck. He secured his hands under the weight of your thighs before briefly speaking to a Millelith soldier. The soldier nodded, then saluted, and Xiao - with you in tow - disappeared.
What else could be more obvious than that?
5. Zhongli
Tea with the ones you care about is always a pleasant thing.
Xiao had been an apprentice of sorts for many years - too many to count, truly. He'd saved Xiao from the hands of an unworthy God, and granted him freedom for a price. No decision had ever been more worthwhile. He had never met an individual with a greater loyalty to his land and to his lord; he had never met anyone like Xiao.
Then, there was you. You were a lovely distraction from his now monotonous daily life, providing him with hours of gratifying companionship. You often brought interesting things for him to try: movies, books, new flavors of tea, incense, he could never guess what little gifts you'd carry at your side.
The two of you were both beings he cherished greatly.
Why, then, was this so painfully boring?
Well, he could physically see why, but the logic of it was lost on him. It was so entirely obvious that the both of you were lovesick for one another, why not simply get it over with?
Xiao's eyes kept drifting back to you, then darting away when yours did the same to him. Your cup of tea had been left to go cold as you - quite awkwardly - tried to keep up pleasantries with Zhongli. Discussing such trivial things as the weather was far below you, and Zhongli yearned to remind you of this fact, but he didn't dare.
The conversation was excruciatingly dull, and not only due to your failure at making small talk. Xiao had never been talkative - at least not often - but he was rarely this quiet around Zhongli of all people. His eyes always seemed drawn to the way your hair blew gently in the evening breeze, or your lips moving as you spoke. You tried desperately to carry the conversation along for all three members of the table, so much so that you were oblivious to the longing stares Xiao cast your way.
It seemed to Zhongli that your feelings for each other must be at their peak. One way or another, something must tip. He simply needed to give one of you a nudge.
As you excused yourself for the restroom, he was given the perfect opportunity for some insight. Xiao followed you with his eyes as you left, even lingering on the space you left behind. Zhongli cleared his throat, and Xiao snapped his gaze back respectfully.
"Enlighten me as to what exactly has made you both so terribly awkward around one another," Zhongli said plainly, taking a silent sip of his tea. Xiao stared back at him with wide eyes. His mouth hung open like a fish, opening and closing as if gaping for air.
"You didn't truly think me so unobservant, did you?" Zhongli hummed amusedly. A smirk graced his lips, but it was not in poor taste. Xiao took a deep breath and released it in a heavy sigh. "They were hurt recently...nothing that couldn't be resolved," Xiao began to explain, glancing away into the distance, "I stood in front of them. I was going to take the hit...I promised to always be there to keep them safe, you know."
If Zhongli felt displeased at the knowledge, he didn't allow it to show. He merely nodded his head, urging Xiao to continue. Xiao swallowed hard, "I don't think they were happy to hear about it when they woke up. I can't begin to understand why, and we haven't talked about it since."
Zhongli traced the edge of his tea cup with a gloved finger. He nodded along to the words, evidently thinking of what to say. "Would you have liked to hear that they were thinking of dying in your place, if the roles had been reversed?"
Horror stretched across Xiao's face. "Of course not," he exclaimed, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Zhongli remained silent for a moment, and then realization hit Xiao. "Oh," he whispered softly.
"And why do you think that is?"
Xiao thought to himself briefly. "Because..." He trailed off. "Because I care about them. I wouldn't want them to get hurt, especially not if it was because of me." His cheeks up to the tips of his ears were flushed pink, and he refused to look up from his lap.
Zhongli was not familiar with such reluctance to admit affection. However, he knew it was something Xiao had always struggled with. To say he was unsurprised would be a lie. He hadn't thought it would be so easy to pull the words from Xiao.
"Don't you think they must feel the same way?" Zhongli prompted, although not unkindly. With a guilty sigh, Xiao nodded. Before he could fall too far into self loathing, Zhongli felt he must pick up the pace before you returned.
"It would be far easier to just tell them that you love them," he proclaimed. Xiao opened his mouth to refute it, but you were already approaching the table again with newfound confidence.
Zhongli raised an eyebrow, daring Xiao to continue speaking. The adeptus surrendered the conversation, but he didn't look up from his lap again. If Xiao's cheeks were pink before, now they were aflame with red.
His friends reduced to fools in love. Zhongli sighed internally, but in reality, he couldn't be more pleased with how this turned out.
It was unlike Xiao to ever leave his solitude for the company of mortals, let alone go to anything celebratory. Then again, Xiao was often out of character when it came to you.
Somehow, despite promising to him that you'd remain by his side, you'd lost him in the sea of people. Lantern Rite was, after all, a bustling event after dark. You dipped in and out of the mass of faces, all twirling with their dancing partners and grinning ear to ear. Muttering apologies, you gently pushed through the crowd.
You could only imagine the sour mood Xiao would be in when you finally located him. Your presence was often the only thing keeping him grounded at places like this as it is; now, with the music blaring and people singing along, he'd be even more antsy. Just as you were beginning to believe he'd teleported himself safely away from all this, you saw him.
He was leaning casually against an unoccupied wall, crossing his arms almost protectively over his chest. Just as quickly as you'd spotted him, he'd spotted you. You watched his eyes light up with recognition, just barely softening - such a small reaction that if you didn't find yourself studying him, you may have missed it. Despite the vulnerability that accompanied it, you realized you must have appeared the same.
People danced around you, nimble feet sliding just around your figure, yet you didn't dare move. No matter how many times your view was momentarily blocked, your gaze held his own. With a small, inconspicuous smile, he only seemed to stare more intensely. Any awkward tension that may accompany such a gesture with anyone else was suspiciously absent in this case. Silently, you moved toward him, weaving through the crowd absentmindedly.
As you approached, he lifted himself toward you as if he were a moth to a light. Mere inches away from each other, you could smell him - honeyed and sweet, something you simply wanted to bury yourself into. "You've finally arrived," he commented, albeit fondly.
With a breathless chuckle, you agreed, "It seems I have."
The words hung between you for a moment, a familiar quiet amid the hustle and bustle around you. You have always adored Xiao for his ability to say so much to you without speaking a single word aloud. His amber eyes, glinting in the silver light of the moon, would speak in his stead.
You settled at his side, silently urging him to do the same. You always knew Xiao enjoyed staying on the sidelines of events like this, and that was enough for you; you wouldn't long to push him too far out of his comfort zone for your sake alone.
Despite your eyes being focused on the crowd, your mind wandered elsewhere. The unsteady thumping of your heart within the confines of your chest alerted you to feelings that may have been pushed under the surface. Your thoughts lingered on Xiao; you had always known him far better than others' misconstrued perceptions of him. A violent and cruel adeptus with the power to kill as he pleased, some may say, and they would be wrong. Xiao had always protected you fiercely, never once complaining about what many would deem rotten work. His hands were always gentle, and his smile was always soft and graceful on his lips.
You spent most of your days at Wangshu Inn nowadays, even beginning to store some of your things in the room he'd reserved for you. At the times you were without him, you felt he was rarely far behind - watching from a distance, always watching out for you.
Of course you'd entertained the thought of becoming more to him than a friend. You thought of it more and more often recently; when he'd place a gentle hand on the small of your back, or brush your hair from your eyes while you were talking. But, you'd always assumed it mustn't be possible. He was an adeptus, and you were nothing more than an average mortal. There must be a thousand things he'd want that you could never possibly provide. Right?
Why, then, did you turn to see him staring right at you? For the brief moment before he averted his gaze, you'd seen it all. The warmth in his stare, aimed directly for you and no one else. How could you have been so blind?
This was the man who would die for you, who would kill for you, live for you. The realization washed over you in waves, driving the breath from your lungs and making you weak in the knees. Had you loved him all this time? A thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through your head - could he truly love you? What would become of you when you grew old and frail? How would he cope in your absence? Was it worth the risk?
In the midst of your internal battle, you hadn't realized your hand was subconsciously reaching for his own. Perhaps, even now, your mind knew there was only man who could ever console you. Only one man who could protect you from your own self-doubt.
Your fingers laced with his own, and despite the quiet gasp you heard from his lips, he only reciprocated the gesture. His hand squeezed tightly around your own, and you didn't dare meet his eyes. You were frightened of the intensity of it all, the vulnerability of the adoration you'd be met with.
If you merely kept holding him like this, maybe everything would be okay after all.
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
it was so perfect
Telling Genshin Boys "You're Mine"
...and how they react <3
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Info: Characters include Tighnari, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Zhongli. GN Reader! Fluff and maybe mildly mildly MILDLY suggestive. Established relationship. Scara in his redemption arc. Warnings: Not proofread so may be typos A/N: I'll probably do a genshin girl version as well sometime soon, but I have a few requests to finish up first. My personal favorite in this piece is Zhongli's. Hope you enjoy!
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His mind genuinely goes blank. In fact, his twitching ears and wagging tail betray his internal emotions before his brain can catch up to them.
Sure, he's considered you his own for quite some time now - at least he hoped you were - but to be yours is something new. It's something exciting, something that lights him aflame from the inside out.
How could you say such words and just keep looking at him with those expectant puppy-dog eyes?
(more below the cut)
"I can't say I'm-" He clears his throat, probably overexaggerating it to give himself some time to formulate actual words. "Entirely opposed to that idea."
This had gone a whole lot better than you'd imagined. To see your oh-so-composed Tighnari reduced to stumbling over his words gave you more satisfaction than a thousand imaginary dreams.
Further pushing your limits, you leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head, nestling your lips between his two flicking ears. You let the kiss linger just a moment longer than necessary before pulling back slowly, teasingly.
"I'll see you later, my Tighnari," you teased cheerfully. He responded with a bout of nervous laughter, but even he couldn't force back the genuine goofy smile that rose to his lips.
Archons, how he loved you. He must look like a lovesick fool, but he couldn't be bothered caring. Besides, there were no other rangers around to see, what's the harm? As you turned with a wave, strolling off to complete your daily duties, his eyes followed the sway of your hips and the gentle thuds of your feet.
Feasibly, he'd gotten a bit too attached to you. Even the new flora discoveries he'd been studying seemed banal and colorless in comparison to your company. Maybe he'd just have to wait for your return to tell you all about his findings later; that thought would have to carry him through his day.
His first instinct is to refute it immediately and to spit out some well-thought-out retort. He even goes so far as to open his mouth to do so, but he snaps it shut just as quickly.
To belong to you... It's something he hadn't considered before. Was he capable of belonging to another? Giving up a sense of his freedom to call himself "yours"?
But what perplexed him more than that, was how it could be possible that you could love him enough to desire such a thing. He doesn't deserve your love; he's already come to terms with the grievous truth that he's a bad person. He's never tried to deny it. Can he truly be loved despite that?
You loving him regardless of the hatred he feels for himself, and regardless of the fact he's hardly able to return it. He speaks with knives, always having to fight against his own nature to keep himself from hurting you as a casualty of his self-inflicted fury.
Scaramouche - Kunikuzushi - was never given the opportunity to learn the subtleties of love, the ups and downs combined with the underlying devotion of it all. You could give him that, the thing he's secretly longed for his whole life. Yet, here he was, about to push you away.
How could he have taken you for granted? Was it because he was afraid of the fallout of your departure?
He meets your waiting gaze, and his heart nearly shatters at the possibility of being abandoned once more. It was a near incomprehensible thought to place his trust and love in the hands of anyone ever again. Be that as it may, he couldn't deny how much he wanted you. He wanted to be yours, and he wanted to be able to call you his and have it really be true this time. To have somebody stay.
Please stay, he wants to beg. Instead, he swallows hard and whispers, "I am yours."
Without a moment of thought, he smiles softly and replies, "Of course, my dear."
Through your open window, you can see that inky midnight blue has overtaken the sky. The moon is full, casting enough light that - with the aid of a few dripping candles - you can see your lover's face just barely through the shroud of night.
He inches closer, pressing his gloved palm to your cheek and caressing you gently. With a quiet hum, you nuzzle your face further into his warmth. He chuckles deeply and you know that you've never heard a sweeter sound. Your body slots against his perfectly as if the two of you were made to never be apart, to be pressed together for eternity.
As for him, there's a good reason he didn't have to ponder your words for even a breath. He would give his life to see the sun and stars from your eyes, or the whistling of the wind against your hair. Within your body, he could feel the beating of your heart against his own chest; it is the only way he could ever begin to be close enough. He has chosen you in every reality, and he would do it forevermore. Zhongli has always felt your souls were one and the same, never differing or straying. Every thought, every feeling he has returns to you in time.
His salvation was little more than waking up at your side each morning, knowing he will get to do it over and over until the both of you are lost to time and your souls can reincarnate no more. That is peace. His peace.
How could he belong to you any more than that?
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luminexiaooo · 1 year
ʜᴄ: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏғ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴѕʜɪᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏѕ
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× ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ғʟᴜғғ ᴛᴏ ѕᴍᴜᴛ
× ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɴѕғᴡ, ѕᴛᴀʙʟɪѕʜᴇᴅ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴѕʜɪᴘ.
× ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢѕ: ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴠᴇɴᴛɪ, 𝗑ɪᴀᴏ, ᴡᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇʀ, ʜᴇɪᴢᴏᴜ, ᴋᴀᴢᴜʜᴀ (ѕᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ)
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× Venti - honestly he's probably the guy who will sing you songs or hum while playing his lyre for you to sleep or when you wake up. he also thought you how to play the lyre when you asked him to. venti takes you to where he goes by that means he takes you to ride dvalin with him. he loves seeing your lips smile while he plays his lyre so he wants your time with him to be cherished well. his soft, cuddly and wants to make love with you gently. though when he gets drunk he just goes harder. he loves kissing every part of your body caressing it. he loves the way you softly cry when he goes harder. after a long night he goes to bath with you and take care every sored part of your body, and he tells you how much he loves you.
× Xiao - he's an overprotective boyfriend, he protects you from any guy flirting with you. he may be overprotective but his careful with you. he likes holding hands with you while you go around with him on liyue. after saving people from demons he comes home hugging you from behind and he stay and smell your scent, while you cook for him. sometimes he comes home and wants his head on your lap while you gently comb his hair with your fingers or he wants to lay his head on your chest which end up on a hot intimacy. he's rough but he also doesn't wants you to be too overstimulated, so he cares for your body. its the way of saying i love you.
× Wanderer - scara is a huge teaser. he likes to tease you anytime and everywhere. he hates the way he just fell inlove with you easily, he hates the way he gets jealous easily. so when he gets jealous he wraps his arms around your waist and glares at them. when your friends ask who's the big spoon is, scara will say its him but he isn't when you two slept together. he will also say he's dom but he's a switch. he loves to rail you sometimes but wants you to ride him. he wants to get praised even though he degrades you when he's the top.
× Heizou - he's a detective boyfriend, when you get sneaky he'll investigate right away. he loves solving crimes with you. sometimes he's too good at solving crimes. that when he ends up with you on the suspect for taking his favorite food he's taking revenge. or maybe when you steal his jackets, but well your reasoning was he doesn't often use it so you use it but he ends up warming you up when your still cold. sometimes his warming you up on the other way. heizou's a soft dom. when he eats you out he's going hard but slow. he also finds a way to lie or a crime you did to get you two make out because he just dont know how to say he's hard.
× Kazuha - probably has you on the bed until afternoon, sometimes the reason kazuha haven't got out of bed is you. you also loved traveling with kazuha. beidou loves you too, she will thought you how things work in the ship, which kazuha finds so cute when you get too curious or got something wrong. kazuha is also there at your first day at a ship, he holds you close while walking on the floor of the ship afraid that you will fall over. beidou teases you about kazuha too. kazuha is a romantic person, he's not that horny though he loves making out with you. he loves praising you and wants you to be relaxed and he will do all the work.
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