iamappleorchard · 11 years
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
I can't stop laughing.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
I know I haven't posted in months and months but I am still here! I am currently:
Taking an Astronomy class. (My only class this semester.)
Still unemployed, dang it.
Really really nervous about something that I can't tell you yet.
Counting down the days (35!) until I drive to Disney to stay for one night and hang out with Lia! (I have not told my parents yet...)
Re-reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King because it's an amazing book. When I'm finished with it (which will be soon because I've eaten through like 500+ pages in 5 days without even trying) I'm going to start re-reading the Harry Potters AGAIN!!!!!!
SO EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my first Astronomy test last week and I got a 96, and two days later I gave blood again and got another free movie ticket. So I rule, basically.
Love you, bye!
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 30: A message from you to every beautiful people out there.
I'm not sure what this means. This is not proper English.
I'm glad this 30 day challenge is over.
I love you all.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 29: 10 things you want to do before you die.
1. Have children. (Aka give birth) 2. Go to England!!! 3. Re learn to surf. 4. Grow my own food. 5. Learn how to make clothes. 6. Adopt/rescue more cats. 7. Get a certified as a health coach. 8. Go back to Las Vegas. 9. Go hiking in the Grand Canyon. 10. Record another CD but with me singing instead of playing piano!
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 28: A place you want to visit and why.
I want to visit Prince Edward Island so badly. (Actually I want to live there. Or near there.) I have been obsessed with Anne of Green Gables since I was like 7 and I fell in love with Canada when I got a little older. As attached as I am to New Jersey, I could 100% see myself settling down in Canada. I went to Montreal when I was 12 and it was awesome but it was only for a few days. I want to go back!!!!!!!!!!!
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 27: Something that you are proud of.
I am really proud of my piano skillz. I won second place or honorable mention (3rd place) in every competition I participated in for ten years, I played at Carnegie Hall twice, I recorded my own CD, and I had my own solo recital. I started at the very bottom as a beginner and I got almost all the way to the very top. I was my teacher's best student for awhile. Never did get first place though. :(
I don't even remember asking my mom for piano lessons. I think I probably started because my two best friends at the time were both taking lessons. I had no idea I would be good at it, and I had no idea it would change my entire life.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 26: A picture of your smile.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 25: A short, funny story that happened recently.
My cat loves to go into my parents' bedroom (where she's not allowed) so she can go into their bathroom and eat/destroy the spider plant that's in there. So she tries to sneak in there ALL the time. The other day she was yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and I left my room to see what the hell her problem was. She was waiting by the bedroom door so someone would let her in. I told her NO WAY. I picked her up even though she hates it and we started fighting AKA she started attacking my arm viciously. I put her down and she started attacking my legs which I hate because I don't want her to ruin my favorite elephant pajama pants.
So I ran away and she chased me. Then I ran the other way and she chased me. I ran all over the house and she wouldn't leave me alone! If I stopped to rest she would start attacking my legs again. (She usually gets tired of this and lets me go but this time she wouldn't stop.) So I ran and ran and ran until I accidentally stepped on her foot and she yelled and ran away from me and hid in the guest bedroom and was really pissed.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 24: Write down the first thing that came to your mind today when you woke up.
I believe it was something along the lines of "OMG I'M SO HUNGRY I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE MY ENGLISH MUFFIN WITH ALMOND BUTTER." Directly followed by "Why the fuck does my mouth STILL taste like what I had for dinner?!"
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 23: Write 5 special facts about yourself.
"Special facts"? What constitutes a special fact? Facts that people don't know about me? Facts that make me special?
I am addicted to shopping. It is almost unheard of for me to leave a store without buying anything. It's a problem.
If I had to choose one thing to watch for the rest of my life, it would be 90s Nickelodeon/Nick Jr./Nick at Nite programming.
I have a ridiculous earring collection but I never wear any of them because I never leave the house and have nowhere to go.
I miss real seasons so much, it causes me physical pain. (I also believe I am allergic to Florida.)
I look so much like my dad's sister that my whole family jokes that she's my real mother. I look absolutely nothing like my mother.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Who else rushes out of the shower as fast as possible because Little Bear is about to come on?
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 22: A picture of your dream house.
This is very difficult. Here are some examples. (MUST have a porch, and obviously on a farm, and also must have a built-in pool.)
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ACTUALLY, you know what? While I was in the middle of doing this I realized I do kind of have a dream house. I've seen it a few times in passing and later found out that one of my BFF's best friends used to LIVE THERE. It was sold last year for $805,000. It doesn't have a pool but if I could choose any house in the world to live in, it would definitely be one of my top choices.
This is my car picture of it.
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Here's the real estate page with lots of pictures. Here's a virtual tour on youtube.
Here's hoping I win the lottery someday.
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iamappleorchard · 11 years
Day 21: Draw a picture of yourself with your eyes closed.
I can't draw, even with my eyes open. I did this in paint.
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