heroparade · 4 years
R u sourglass? 👀 👁️👄👁️
i am😳
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heroparade · 5 years
Not a request, just dropping by to say hi!
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heroparade · 5 years
hey, I’m on vacation rn. I’ll be back next week though, hopefully with the rest of the asks finished, and then the ask box will open~
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heroparade · 5 years
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Only $200 from our goal! Let’s keep this up!! :D
You can help our progress bar to grow by preordering a copy of We Are the Cure here!
For more info on the funding goal, what it is and why we have one: check this post here!
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heroparade · 5 years
Staring contest scenario with Shinsou? Turns out the readers head was so up in the clouds they didn't notice him in front of them
He swung his homemade lunch back and forth, leaned up against the wall a slight ways away from the cafeteria’s entrance. All of his attention was placed on the clothed Bento box as it rocked. Shinsou’s focus disrupted as soon as the box hit his knee. Shooting his head up, he looked around, still no sign of her. The grasp he held on the cloth tightened, and his attention dropped back down to the floor.
He let his back slide further down the wall, sighing he felt his lips curl into a frown. Mentally, the boy wanted to smack himself. Shinsou should’ve known better, he let his guard down for only a split second, and look where that got him. 
Grunting, he pushed off of the wall. His hands now fully clenched by his sides, he stomped down the vacant hallway. Who did he think he was? He barely knew this chick, but he just wanted to be better, be something he’s not. Do something out of his comfort zone. At least that’s what he had been told, those were the requirements if he wanted to become a hero. No one would like a hero who doesn’t even know how to make a friend. 
Shinsou turned on his heel, continuing his upset stomping up the stairs to the roof. Resting his hand on the door’s knob, he took in a deep breath, holding it there for seven seconds, before letting it out for eight. Beating himself up about it wouldn't solve his issue. At least he had tried… But that still didn’t change the fact that he was upset about it. He twisted the knob, pushing the door open. A cool breeze hit him, the air let him breathe better. The second he opened the door, his eyes latched onto the figure that sat on the concrete bench. 
His eyes narrowed, watching the girl as she starred off into the distance. Shinsou’s chest filled with anger, heating up to the point where he thought it would explode. Stepping through the doorway, he let the door fall shut behind him. The girl had no reaction to the slam that echoed amongst the rooftop. 
“Strange seeing you here,” he snarled, making his way towards the girl. She still sat silently. His hands began to shake, with both anger and anxiety. He set his bento box on the bench next to hers. He barely sat on the edge of the bench. “Do you have something against me?” He raised a brow, watching as her facial expression only stayed the same. 
Another gust of wind went by, ruffling their clothes slightly before dying down again. Shinsou became slightly, concerned? Maybe she was paralyzed or something, and here he was being something of an ass to her. He crouched in front of her, looking her up and down. She was definitely still present, sort of. Maybe he should stop giving her the benefit of the doubt. He stared back into her eyes, his brow furrowed into a stern look. He could play her game too. Her pupils stared blankly back at him. 
If Shinsou were any normal person, his eyes would be burning by now. Too bad for her though, he’d walk around the market with his mom staring at people for as long as he could to try and erase their quirks. At the same time, he was also growing bored. 
“I could keep this up all day,” he threatened, leaning back to fall on his butt. Suddenly, the girl blinked, shaking her head before looking back at Shinsou.
“Oh, hey Shinsou!” She smiled. Looking back at the door, then back to him, she scratched her neck. “When’d you get here?” He bit his lip, his face heated up with frustration.
“What were you trying to do just now?” He crossed his arms. “What kind of mind games are you trying to play with me?”
“Sorry about that,” she nervously laughed. “I guess I just got lost in my thoughts.” She held her hands together placing them on her thighs. “I’ve just been waiting up here for a while is all,” she muttered. “I can see why you like this place though! The view from up here is really nice!”
The boy suddenly felt some sort of guilt form inside of his chest. Grabbing his bento he plopped down next to her. He unwrapped the box. 
“What the hell,” he sighed. “At least you’re good at staring contests.”
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heroparade · 5 years
Can I request Shinsou or Bakugou in headcanon seeing their crush out of school spending the day with their baby niece and nephew and they're so enetgetic and upbeat when normally they're kind of a downer in a dead inside joke kind of way and was always introverted
He had decided to facetime his (s/o) after summer boredom had hit him like a brick. He came to the conclusion that talking to his (s/o) usually made the time go by faster. His phone rang for quite a good time, leaving him to believe that they were busy. He was happy to the surprise that after a few more rings, they picked up.
Immediately, he was caught off guard as the phone on the other end dropped. Screams and laughter erupted through his phone's speaker. Fumbling with his phone, he turned down his volume. 
“You okay over there?”
Laughing, his (s/o) picked up the camera, adjusting it to rest against the wall. Bakugou’s mouth dropped, there is a child in his (s/o)’s arms and he is beyond confused. They bounced them up and down, lifting them up in the air pretending as though they’re an airplane. 
“Bakugou,” his (s/o) smiles. “Meet my nephew,” they turn to the boy, pointing at the camera. “Can you say hi?”
He’s astounded to see his (s/o) being so friendly with children when they’re totally the opposite with the people in their class. Bakugou can’t help but put on a wide smile. Slightly teasing his (s/o) about it. They turn slightly red, trying to keep focused while keeping the kids in check. 
When their nephew wants to play, it’s more so running up and down the stairs, instead of collectively next to the playbox. His (s/o) will give the phone to their nephew, giving Bakugou quality time with them.
“You’re really good with kids,” he compliments, as his (s/o) flips the lights off after putting their nephew to bed.
“You aren’t so bad yourself,” they tiptoe away from the room. “I’m sure we would both be good at raising kids of our own.” Bakugou’s face began to heat up.
“What are you implying?”
Like any Saturday afternoon, Shinsou had decided to stop by his (s/o)’s house. He waited at the door for a couple of minutes, every second becoming more worried. Eventually, though, the door opened, and to his surprise, kids were abound.
“Hey, Shinsou! Come on in,” she opened the door for him. “Oh, I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I’m taking care of my cousins for the time being.”
Shinsou was taken back by his (s/o)’s overly friendly behavior. He assumed it was because of the two little ones they had surrounding them. The whole situation was out of Shinsou’s comfort zone, not only seeing his (s/o) act like a completely different person but also because Shinsou wasn’t the best with kids.
“Come on,” she massaged his shoulders. “Kids aren’t that difficult.”
“I feel like you’ve betrayed me.”
Shinsou eventually started softening up to the kids, although sort of blunt with them at the same time. However, seeing his (s/o) expressive and energetic also severely helped him. Most of the time, he would get infatuated with what his (s/o) would be doing rather than trying to entertain the kids.
“You’re cute when you’re like this.” His (s/o)’s breathing stutters. They shake their head as they continue to watch the kids play with each other.
“You’re ruining it,” they say, a deadly expression forming on their face. He hums as they cross their arms before leaning their head on his shoulder. “You are too though, I guess children bring out the best in both of us.”
“Nope, now you’re pushing it.”
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heroparade · 5 years
Yes hi. Can I get uhh one baby fic? (Its like guess who sent this! ;))
Sorry ma'am but it's 2019 and Gravity Falls is over, do we need to sent u back to 2016 adjamldh luv u
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heroparade · 5 years
Hey, I'd like to ask for some first relationship headcanons for Shinsou and Bakugou with a female s/o? Like first kiss, first date and how did the boys actually notice they fell in love with their s/o? :3 Thank you♡
Thx for the request, I made these way too long for headcanons, but I got a little passionate. I hope mobile tumblr doesn’t screw up the formatting like it always does :^)
First encounter - Shinsou never cared for making friends, and never really had the chance. Working his way up to the hero course, and training with Aizawa on the side, he never had the time to. It wasn’t until he stayed after school for longer than he’d initially hoped.
His footsteps echoed against the walls of the empty hallway. His gaze focused down on his feet, and hands stuffed into his pockets. At the rate he was at, he knew the way to the 1-a classroom like it was the back of his hand. Something he’d rather die than admit.
“Thanks, Aizawa-sensei!” A feminine voice suddenly caught Shinsou’s attention. He lifted up his head, coming closer to the door. Another student began walking out of the classroom just as he walked in. The girl waved to her teacher as she left, her other hand clutching the bag that rested on her shoulder. The two walked at each other. Shinsou came to an abrupt stop, but the girl kept walking on. Her head slowly turned, realizing she was inches from bumping into the boy. She whimpered, halting her movement, stopping just in front of him.
“Woah,” she looked up at the boy. “That was close.” Shinsou looked away once her eyes met his.
“Uh, yeah,” he began to walk around the girl. “Sorry about that.” She waved her hands frantically, brushing off his apology.
“Totally not your fault, don’t worry about it.” She turned to face him even after he’d circled around her. “Hey,” she paused, thumbing her lip. “I know you, you’re the guy Midoriya fought in the sports festival!” Shinsou bit his inner cheek, he did not want to do this right now. “Shinsou, right?” He trailed away from the girl, slowly nodding his head. “Well, it’s nice to meet you,” she held out her hand. “I’m (S/o).”
First friend - Shinsou sat alone at lunch, that’s just how it went. He’d bring his lunch from home, and sit at his desk in homeroom. As of recently, he’d been accompanied by his (s/o). She had found him getting a drink in the lunchroom, and decided to invite herself to eat lunch with him
“You know you don’t have to sit with me every day,” he poked at his salad. “Shouldn’t you be hanging out with your friends?”
(S/o) shrugged her shoulders, leaning back in her chair. “What, you have a problem with me sitting with you?” Her brow raised, rocking back and forth in her seat. “Just because I have other friends to hang out with doesn’t mean you aren’t my friend.” The chair slammed back down with all four legs stable on the floor. “And I wanna eat lunch with you.”
First date - What the hell was he getting himself into? Shinsou hadn’t thought of it as a date, but he certainly realized that after he asked her, it sure sounded like one. He just wanted to go out to the market, maybe get something to eat. That’s what friends did right? He was so tired of seeing her at lunch in the same outfit every day. He wanted something new, and he wanted to hang out with her more, what was so bad about that?
He chuckled before taking a drink of his water, watching her as she lost her cool as well. “Anyway,” she normalized her breathing, picking up the menu. “What do you think you’re gonna get?” Shinsou set down his glass, picking up his menu as well.
“No idea,” he looked over his options. “I think th-”
“Hey, (S/o)!” She shot her head up, looking over the menu. Shinsou slightly turned his head. The girl’s face lit up.
“Oh, hey Mina!” The pink girl hopped over to (S/o)’s side. As the two of them went on, Shinsou sighed, resting his head on his hand. Any second now she’d be gone, all Shinsou would have to do was fixate on what he’d be ordering.
“I knew you two had gotten close, but I had no idea you were dating!” Shisnou’s eyes widened, (S/o) sat there in awkward silence. She struggled to find the right words, playing with her hands, focusing on them like there was nothing else in the room.
“We aren’t dating,” Shinsou put down his menu and looked up at Mina. “This is just what… friends do,” he muttered, avoiding eye contact with (S/o) at all costs.
First hug/kiss - After that night he’d been seeing (S/o) less and less every day. His mind had been racing, he had finally found something… someone that liked him. He had second guesses about asking her to go out in the first place, and it seems like his gut was right.
“(S/o),” he stood by the entrance of class 1-a. She stopped at the entryway to the classroom, looking to her left to meet with Shinsou. Her breath stiffened as she turned to face the boy. Looking at her made Shinsou’s stomach churn and ache. “I’m sorry.” 
“You’re-” (S/o)’s head popped up in surprise. Before she could speak, Shinsou cut her off.
“I made you uncomfortable, that wasn’t very cool of me, was it?” His hands fidgeted in his pockets. “So,” he bowed. “I’m sorry.” The girl let out a heavy breath, reaching out to place a hand on Shinsou’s shoulder.
“No,” she pushed the boy up. “I should be the one apologizing. I-I guess Mina’s comment made me think and…” She let her arm fall off of his shoulder, her head fell with it. “I recognized that I do have really strong feelings for you.” She clenched her fists at her side. “And I didn’t know if you would feel the same way or not, so,” she looked back up at him. “I got scared.” Her eyes began to burn. “So, I’m sorry.” Shinsou hands fell to his sides, he felt motionless. He had forgotten how to move. He fell forward, arms reaching out to envelop her in a hug. He pulled her closer, his cheek resting on her shoulder. She responded, completing his hug by wrapping her own arms around him.
“You have no idea how worried I was,” he mumbled, turning his head. (S/o)’s face began to heat up as the boy’s breath tickled her neck. She nervously laughed, pulling away, but only slightly letting her grip around him dwindle. Smiling, she pulled him down by the collar leaving a small peck on his lips.
First partner project - Aizawa wasn’t the kind teacher that let you pick your partners, no, he would pick for you. Bakugou wasn't thrilled about having a partner in general, but hey he was glad it wasn’t Midoriya. (S/o) on the other hand had trouble coming to terms that she was paired with Bakugou, who was notorious for not being the greatest at teamwork.
“Hey Bakugou,” the girl opened the front door. She stepped back, allowing him to come in. The boy held his usual stoic expression, stepping inside her house. He looked around, taking in his surroundings as she shut the door behind him. “I’ll take you to my room, I have most of the supplies laid out already,” she sauntered in front of him. He nodded, his hands somewhat tensed at each of his sides. As the girl lead him to her room, she took a quick glance to look at him from behind. It might’ve just been her, but he seemed quieter than usual. “All right, here we are.” His nature set the girl off a tad bit. She sat down around the pieces to the project she had set up, their topic was ‘villain behavior.’ Bakugou followed, plopping down on the opposite side of her. “Oh,” she lightly smacked her hand on her forehead. “Do you want anything to drink? If you’re hungry I have some snacks for us too.” He shook his head.
“Let’s just start this damn project,” he finally spoke. (S/o) crossed her arms, before leaning forwards towards the supplies to get them started.
First shared laugh - From the start of the afternoon to the near end of it, things only went up. Turns out Bakugou provided a lot of good ideas, and to his (s/o)’s surprise he was fairly good at working with a partner. Surely this hadn’t been the same boy...
Bakugou pressed his hand on the paper attached to the board, so it wouldn’t fall as it dried. “Do you think it’d be too much to put fake blood on our project?” The girl asked, scrolling through forums upon forums of villain psychology. Bakugou let a snort out through his nose.
“I think that’s a great idea,” he carefully let go of the picture, making sure it stayed in place as he did so. He made his way over to her side, watching the screen as she scrolled further down into the reddit abyss. “Do you have fake blood we could use?” She paused, flipping onto her stomach.
“No,” she rubbed her chin. “But I do have ketchup…”
“Would that stick?” (S/o) shrugged her shoulders.
“It would leave some sort of stain, I think?”
The girl fell back, the ketchup bottle falling out of her grip, her hands clutched her stomach as she gasped for air. Bakugou dived down, retrieving the bottle from the floor. He chuckled as he watched her struggle to regain her composure.
“It’s supposed to go on the project, idiot,” he wiped the ‘blood’ from his face, smearing it on the girls cheek.
“Hey,” she giggled, slapping his hand away.
First realization - From that project on, the two got closer and closer. Not shy of the close friendship they quickly formed during their little experience. That’s to say, they became practically inseparable, if Bakugou was busy, it usually meant he’d be hanging out with his (s/o) and vice versa.
(S/o) skipped in the sand, leaving indents behind her, she traveled over to the shoreline. “Where the hell does she think she’s going?” Bakugou grunted, slightly lifting up his head from his comfortable resting position on top of his towel.
“The sun is setting, maybe someone should go with her before it gets completely dark out,” Mina suggested. Bakugou nodded in agreement, getting up to follow behind the girl. She stopped at the bridge of the coastline, letting the water slightly brush against her toes. Joining her side, he slightly shoved her forward. 
“Oi,” she giggled, lightheartedly pushing him back. She smiled, setting her elbow on his shoulder, leaning on him for support. “The sunset is really pretty tonight,” she suddenly commented. Bakugou hummed, watching the sunset with her. His lips curled into a warm smile. He looked over at her, watching the colors of the sunset hit her face. He shook his head, looking back over to the sunset. His expression dwindled, how cliché could this get?
“Come on,” he grabbed her wrist, walking her back over to their spot on the beach. “We’re about to eat, Denki ordered UberEats, and I’m pretty sure that’s what he went to go get a couple of minutes ago.”
“Hope he ordered hot sauce with that.”
“He better have.”
First kiss - Yep, as strongly as he resented the weird gut feeling he got around his (s/o), he still knew that he really liked her. More than just friends and it made him furious. He definitely tried to push aside his emotions, but his (s/o) truly didn’t help, always around him. He started to despise the situation as a whole. Sero suggested that he should just tell her if it was such a problem. So, that’s what he did.
“Hey, (S/o).” The two walked down the street, on their way to meet up with the others. The girl hummed, looking over at him.
“What’s up?” He scratched the back of his neck, a lump started to develop in his throat.
“I don’t want to ruin this,” he looked down at the girl, slightly frowning. “But, I really like you, more than a friend.”
The girl next to him flushed red, her eyes averted from his. She stopped in her tracks, fumbling with her hands. “It’s fine,” he commented. “Sero told me to just tell you,” he looked away from her. “So, I did, to get it off my chest I guess.” A smaller hand grabbed his wrist, pulling him to the nearest vacant alley.
“Oh,” she let his wrist go. “Sorry, guess I got a little flustered,” she smiled. “I’m glad you finally told me though,” she smiled
“You knew?”
“Well,” she laughed a bit. “Mina kind of let it slip.” He groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Of course she did..” He crossed his arms. “So-” he trailed off before being pulled down. (S/o) left a small kiss on his cheek before undoing her grip on his shirt.
“I like you too.”
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heroparade · 5 years
Ask box will close at 9pm MST, so get your requests in by then! I’ve gotten a lot of good ones so far~
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heroparade · 5 years
Ask box is open fools! Finally, for fucks sake... Make sure to read the new rules before you send in your requests!
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heroparade · 5 years
Updated rules:
I’m making some changes to this blog! They aren’t too drastic so no need to worry!
I do:
- Headcanons
Headcanon/Scenario rules:
- Any character will be accepted
- I accept canon x canon
- I accept canon x (s/o)
- However, I am only going to allow 10 canon x reader asks in my box at one time. It’s more difficult for me to write these, and I want to update at a decent rate, instead of sitting and trying to write for these asks. I will make a post specifying that I will not be accepting any more of those requests, so please look before you send it in, or else I’ll have to delete it :( 
- If it is a canon x (s/o) ask, Head-canons will use they/them pronouns (unless specified otherwise)
- If it is a canon x (s/o) ask,Scenarios will use she/her pronouns (unless specified otherwise)
- I will write nsfw but only for the teachers/pro-hero’s/villains(excluding Toga)
- I will not write about depression, suicide, self-harm, yandere, alpha/omega, rape, abusive relationships, or student/teacher, kid/adult romantic or sexual relationships
Series I’ll write for:
- Boku no her Academia
- Fire Emblem
- Naruto
- One Punch Man
- Persona 
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heroparade · 5 years
Hey! Can I request a reader ( for all of 1- A ) who's friend hit them with a quirk that makes her cry because they figured she need to let some frustration out like that, but she keeps sporadically crying through the week? Like, they could be in the middle of writing something and then suddenly tears.
This really sucks, but I still hope you can enjoy it!
“It’s just not fair!” The girl slammed her hands down on the desk in front of her, the table shaking under her wrath. “I work so damn hard, and I have nothing to show for it.” Taking her hands through her unkempt hair she stood up to turn to her friend.
“Mhm,” they hummed, scrolling through their phone with little to no interest in the girl’s struggles. (Y/n) scoffed, sinking back down into her chair with a scowl plastered on her face. She crossed her arms, her gaze fixated on the books and notes placed in front of her.
Everything had been piling up on her all at once. Seeing her classmates improve themselves in every aspect; from grades to using their quirks more effectively, while she sat back and watched them. She wasn’t developing any new techniques for battles, or battering her grades in any sense. She was completely unable to figure out what the hell has been happening to her.
The young girl inhaled, relaxing her thoughts, until exhaling. Jokes aside, she’s been out of the loop for, god, who knows how long.
“You’re pent up.”
Her brow raised turning back to (F/n). Still entranced by the small screen, they didn’t even share a glance with her.
“No shit, Sherlock.”
They rolled their eyes, placing their phone down on the bed. Sitting up until comfortable, they gave their full attention to her.
“You’re going to need something to relieve that stress you’ve been feeling.”
“Yeah?” She raised her brow. “How so?”
Her friend hummed, rubbing their chin with the touch of their finger. (Y/n) sighed, lips curling into a frown.
“I told you,” her fists clenched. “There’s no getting out of this,” she whimpered.
“I know,” the finger fixated on (F/n)’s chin, let go, holding their finger in the air as the idea sparked in their head. (Y/n) perked up, gripping at her chair in suspense. “You need to cry and get over all this.” The girl slumped back down, her eyes narrowing.
“Wow, thanks a lot,” she said, a stoic expression covering her face.
“No, I’m serious,” (F/n) stood up walking over to their friend. Placing a hand on the girls shoulder they continued. “Sometimes letting it out in a cry can help, you just need to let out your frustration is all I’m saying.” (F/n) released their grip, letting their arm fall to their side. “On that note… I’m going to be heading out for the night, both of us have school tomorrow.” (Y/n) nodded, turning away from her friend that stood just before the door. “That means you need some rest too.”
“Yeah I know,” she nodded. Before leaving (F/n) barely raised a hand to wave goodbye.
“See ya,” they mumbled, making their way out.
“Hey, you all right?” A sudden tap on her shoulder made (Y/n) rapidly lift her head from the pillow that were her arms. Jolting up, she turned to look at whoever had stood behind her. Jirou gave her an awkward smile, slightly lifting her hand from her shoulder.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, just,” (Y/n)’s heart quaked. Her brow furrowed as her mood began to swiftly drop. “Tired…” She mumbled. Jirou hummed, hopping onto the desk next to the girl. “But, I’m fine really,” (Y/n) gave her a big flashy smile. Jirou raised her brow, swaying her legs back and forth.
“If you say so,” she lifted her hand to twirl the earphone jack that hung from her ear. “On that note, want to come to the coffee house with me after school? So far, Momo, Sero, and Denki are coming, I’m not really sure if I want anyone else to come along.”
“It’ll be loads of fun,” Denki came by Jirou’s side. “Apparently, there’s also karaoke as the café too!”
“Plus, Momo said she’d be willing to tutor us there, so we’ll also be pretty productive while also having fine,” Sero added. 
(Y/n) nodded her head,” I’d love to come along. What’s the special occasion?”
“Oh, nothing in particular, I just thought…” The girl stopped in the middle of her sentence. “A-Are you sure everything is fine,” Jirou scrambled off of the desk, getting closer to (Y/n)’s side.
“You really don’t have to come if you don’t want to!” Denki frantically added, waving his hands as to apologize.
“What? Everything is fine, I want to go… Why?” (Y/n) tilted her head.
“You’re crying,” Sero mumbled.
Brushing her fingertips over her cheeks, (Y/n) confirmed that she was indeed crying. Nervously, she laughed, completely wiping off the tears that fell from her eyes. “Sorry, I just got something in my eye is all.” Jirou slowly nodded, biting her lip in her concern. “But, yeah, I’d love to go with!”
“Sweet, we’ll meet out front after school then!” The girl exclaimed. Jirou made her way to her desk, Sero follwoing behind her. (Y/n) sunk her face into the palm of her hand. Her eyebrows furrowed, why did she start crying? She did feel maybe a little upset, but other than that there was nothing that initially made her feel that way.
“Hey, I know something that’ll cheer you up,” the brightly lit boy took out his phone.
“Denki,” the girl sighed. “I don’t need cheering up, everything’s alright.”
The boy shrugged his shoulders. “Either way, are you really going to pass up the opportunity to see Bakugou kicking a ball into Kirishima’s face?”
“No way,” the girl’s jaw dropped.
“It was an accident!” 
As Aizawa’s lecture went on, (Y/n)’s stomach kept dropping. She found her mood to exponentially lower. Thinking nothing of it, she continued on, trying to keep her attention on the board while simultaneously taking notes. Her pen drifted at the movement of her hand, the ink, slowly dying. The girl scowled, running her pen in circles, hoping the ink would come back. With no luck, she let the pen fall out of her hand. She sighed, that was her only pen. She looked over to her right.
“Hey, Todoroki,” she whispered. He continued on with his work. “Todoroki,” she continued, slightly raising her voice. Still nothing. She grabbed her pen, swaying it between her fingers. Facing forwards, she kept her eyes on Aizawa. As soon as he turned away, the girl flicked the pen onto Todoroki’s desk. The boy slightly jumped before looking over to his left. (Y/n) shot him a smile.
“Sorry, but do you have an extra pen I could borrow?” Todoroki looked somewhat in shock, he hummed, grabbing a pen from his bag before tossing it onto her desk.
“I-Is everything okay?” He was hesitant to ask. “I can give you my notes later if-”
Rapidly, (Y/n) once more brought her hand to her cheeks, low and behold she was crying. Again? The girl wanted to slam her head against her desk. She quickly grabbed her phone, stuffing it into her pocket. She stood up, her chair shifting backwards. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she made sure to keep her head down as she ran out of the room.
Shouto sighed, a frown forming on his face. “The Curse, it’s returned.”
“Asshole,” she muttered. Her speed only quickened as she ran down the hallway. Stopping in front of the bathroom, she took her phone out of her pocket. Dialing her friend’s number. As the phone rang, she pushed open the bathroom door. She took a quick glance at herself in the mirror, before taking refuge in a bathroom stall. The door slammed behind her. Her fingers shook with rage as she tried to lock the door, holding her phone between her ear and her shoulder.
“Hey, (Y/n), what’s up?” The voice on the other line finally came through.
“What’s your problem?” She ignored their question. “The hell did you do to me?” Her voice growled in anger.
“I told you, all you needed to do was let all your stress out. Crying, would be a good way to do so. So, before I left, I put my quirk to good use.”
“What the hell?” She ran her hand down her face, rubbing her eyes as she did so. “You didn’t think to ask me before you decided to do that?”
“Well,” they trailed off. “I didn’t think you’d let me, but trust me, this is for the greater good.”
“Is it really though?” She groaned, slamming her head against the stall door. “How long is this going to last?” The line on the other end took a long pause.
“A week,” their voice was low, almost going unheard by the girl.
“Are you-”
“(Y/n), are you in here?”
The girl quickly slammed her hand over her mouth. Footsteps echoed throughout the room.
“Aizawa-sensei was worried, so he sent Iida and I to come and find you.” It was Momo. Slowly, as to not make a sound, the girl took the phone away from her ear. She hung up on her friend, now determined to get her phone in her pocket without a sound. “Guess she’s not here.” (Y/n) waited until the cost was clear. Once the bathroom door slammed shut, she stuffed her phone into her pocket and exited the stall. All she had to do was get back to the classroom before the two of them did. That way, it’d be easy for her to write it off as if she needed to use the bathroom. She stopped to look at herself in the mirror. Wiping her tears once more she headed out of the room.
“Ha, gotcha!” The girl jumped, looking behind her she saw not only Momo and Iida, but Midoriya stood there too.
“(L/n)(Y/n), running out of class is against protocol, and is for certain not welcome in a school environment!”
“Sorry Iida,” she sighed. Sweat beading down her forehead. 
“Is everything alright? What happened, why are you crying?” Midoriya panicked, reaching for (Y/n)’s wrist. Without getting a chance to as Momo took the girl by the shoulders before embracing her into a hug.
“We’re more than classmates (Y/n), we’re a family, you can tell us anything,” Momo sobbed into her shoulder. Probably more than she had cried throughout the day. 
“I’m fine, really,” she returned Momo’s hug. The girl pulled away, cleaning away her tears with the swipe of her jacket.
“We didn’t mean to scare you or anything,” Momo began.
“Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you were okay!” Izuku vouged.
“I know, I know, trust me though, I’m okay, nothing bad is happening.”
“(Y/n), if there’s something bothering you, you can tell us,” Iida added.
The girl chucked. “Why don’t I just tell you on the way to class.”
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heroparade · 5 years
Op why closed
I’ve been busy this weekend, it’ll be open tmrrw tho, don’t worry about it
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heroparade · 5 years
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Curious about the project? You can find more info about the zine here!
Reblogs are appreciated so we can get the word out to as many people as possible! Thank you so much! 💖
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heroparade · 5 years
Hey, uhhhhh, I’m back! I know I disappeared out of nowhere, without any warning but here I am, back again. I apologize for abandoning this blog for a couple of months, but school got really hard and I wasn’t doing well with not only school but myself. So, I just kind of stopped, and at that point I was really upset with my writing. Anyhow, enough about that. I’ve posted the last of the requests (I still have one more to finish, it’s really long...) But I will be opening requests soon! In the meantime I’d like to thank everyone who has stayed here, and while I was gone we reached 1,000 followers?! Hello, why, like I don’t deserve that what so ever, but seriously, thank you <33 I will work hard and fix this blog up! Thanks for your patience and sticking with me~
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heroparade · 5 years
Can you make a headcanon for ShigaDabi? Either NSFW or SFW, doesn't matter, but maybe for what they do after work? Domestic life? Could be fluffy or just complete smut, up to you!
Tomura is a night owl, he will stay up all night for whatever he may deem important. Even if he has no reason to stay up, he has a difficult time trying to sleep at night. The consequences come during the day, Tomura gets exhausted, his eyes like dead weight as he pushes himself to stay awake. Dabi isn’t too fond at the thought of his boyfriend being exceptionally tired throughout the day. He has a habit of taking Shigaraki to his room and letting him take a nap in his arms, or having Tomura rest his head on Dabi’s lap for a bit before they continue their day. Dabi wishes he could help out more, but Shigaraki insists on staying awake throughout the day.
Because it’s difficult for Tomura to sleep, Dabi doesn’t mind cuddling with the boy in hopes to put him to sleep. As much as he hates to admit it, Dabi being there with him helps calm his nerves, making it a lot easier to sleep.
“Hey, would you mind coming over tonight?”
“Aw, need me to read you a bed time story?”
Dabi has fine taste and when it comes to a relaxing pass time, he enjoys to take a nice steaming bubble bath. This includes being extra, buying scented candles, bath bombs and sometimes, even flower petals. He’s come to the liking of involving Tomura in his extra time. Dabi takes it upon himself to wash the other, cleaning the boys back with a loofah. Occasionally, sneaking in small pecks on Tomura’s neck.
After a long day, Dabi enjoys getting a little tipsy,and enjoys Tomura’s company while doing so. Every so often Dabi will bring newly discovered alcohol he may stumble on, sometimes taking borrowing a few wine bottles from Kirigiri. He likes to try new drinks,and it gives him time to spend time with Shigiraki.
Tomura is very… jumpy, or maybe more so, reactive to even the smallest things. This makes Dabi’s limitless teasing even more exciting. Dabi can keep it in his pants, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s ever going to stop profusely making perverse comments or jokes. Tomura is the brunt of his behavior though. At least it spices things up in the bedroom.
Dabi’s had a bit more experience than his boyfriend in the bed. So, when things first began, Dabi took his time with Tomura, and took extra care of him before and after. However, as their relationship progressed, so did their sex… Things got rougher and a lot more intimate than before. Dabi is a bit of a sadist, and Tomura is squirmy to say the least eventually the did roles reversed
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heroparade · 5 years
Headcanons for Mirio in a relationship with a very shy, small, and introverted s/o
Mirio Togata
Mirio is a big cuddler, his (s/o) better be ready to nearly suffocate when he goes in for a harmless hug. He means it in a good nature, out of his love for them, but it gets to a point where his (s/o) has to tap his arm, as if in a wrestling match, consistently to get him to undo his hold. You can bet he’s an apologetic mess afterwards.
He can be a bit aloof to his (s/o)’s timid nature, he’s always just trying to be supportive though. He wants others to recognize them, so, he won’t hesitate to let others know about their heroic actions. Being shy, his (s/o) will always turn as red as a strawberry, Mirio teases on how adorable thy look, giggling as he brings them closer. 
Togata is more so the opposite of his (s/o) in the sense that he’s definitely more extroverted. He actually quite enjoys spending downtime with them. Although, he’ll plead his partner to join him in some over the top activities, the two of them make time to just relax with each other on lots of occasions, on his (s/o)’s request.
Mirio’s loud personality may frighten his (s/o) or put them on edge. After spending so much time with him though, they’ve adapted to his ways, even impersonating him in an over dramatic way at least as over-dramatic as they can get with the way he already is.
Their quiet nature is just a cover up for the way they tease him, or at least that’s what Mirio thinks. He may be good at getting his (s/o) flustered in social situations, but when the two of them are alone they manage to catch him off guard with some of the things they say. At the end of the day, he’ll be the one with the red face, hiding under the sheets out of embarrassment
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