evieri · 1 year
How will you cope with today?
Go missing Under mysterious circumstances
Crawl back into yourself alone
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evieri · 1 year
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evieri · 2 years
plenty of abnormal things aren’t a disorder 
Cmon, antis.
"Having other people in your head isn't normal"
Duh, no one is saying that it's normal.
We're saying it's not pathological.
Plenty of abnormal things aren't a disorder.
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evieri · 2 years
did you know you actually don’t have to have a diagnosable mental illness in order to have vibrant unique quirky interesting valid internal experiences?
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evieri · 2 years
i'm neither an enjoyer nor a hater i interact with things in a third worse way
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evieri · 2 years
my only problem with this is endogenic systems, while real and valid,.. are not perfectly aligned with did/osdd diagnoses. they do not fit the diagnostic criteria. simply put. and if they do, they are probably not endogenic, or not entirely endogenic. entirely consciously created systems (including parotraumagenic systems) are almost entirely *non-disordered* even if they are traumagenic. a system being non-disordered does not make it any less valid nor does it necessarily make it endogenic or non-traumagenic. disorderedness is defined and measured by how intrusive it is in daily life. for instance, while my system is traumagenic, it also formed cognitively and plays to my advantage in daily life to this day because it is designed to regulate and filter emotions by cycling through different emotional capacities.
also, the mechanism behind most endogenic systems and even many traumagenic systems is very very different from classical did. the clinical definition and understanding of systems is extremely limited to a very specific point on a very specific axis on the spectrum of structural dissociation and to try to push endogenic systems into a clinical box is honestly doing them a disservice (no offence op). 
tl;dr: did/osdd diagnoses offer an extremely deceptively flat understanding of system structures and really only recognize one very specific class of disordered systems. the dsm is outdated as shit and please do not rely on it for your validity, holy shit.
Hot take: endogenic systems are not excluded from the DID diagnosis. You are literally excluding people with DID by saying “no endogenic systems”
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evieri · 2 years
the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible
because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 
from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating
it’s fucked up. 
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evieri · 2 years
i’m tired of the misinformation being spread online.
the truth? DID is not performative. it is largely internal. switches usually are not super dramatic, alters do not have to think and act drastically different from each other in order to be separate alters, and not every alter needs to have a 100% consistent pattern of behavior. co-fronting and co-conning is common, lines are blurred, it’s not as black and white as the little people in your phone make it out to be. it is not always obvious when someone has DID & it is not always obvious when a switch has happened. lots of systems are designed to be covert for protective reasons. alters can impersonate the host. alters can have similar voices. lots of systems use i/me pronouns by default. masking is a real thing. DID absolutely is a spectrum and every system is different. a covert expression of symptoms is valid and acceptable and even normal. you don’t need to be aware of every one of your alters, it’s ok to confuse different alters and not always interpret things perfectly, not everyone has a headspace or functional communication with the rest of their system. alters may have varying levels of understanding of their system. it is not all cut and dry. you don’t have to know everything about your system, you don’t need to be super attuned to your inner world. it isn’t always like that.
when you pretend to have DID and create a caricature of it based on the most publicized symptoms, you are harming a very vulnerable group of people with a very highly stigmatized disorder. just stop.
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evieri · 2 years
i’m tired of the misinformation being spread online.
the truth? DID is not performative. it is largely internal. switches usually are not super dramatic, alters do not have to think and act drastically different from each other in order to be separate alters, and not every alter needs to have a 100% consistent pattern of behavior. co-fronting and co-conning is common, lines are blurred, it’s not as black and white as the little people in your phone make it out to be. it is not always obvious when someone has DID & it is not always obvious when a switch has happened. lots of systems are designed to be covert for protective reasons. alters can impersonate the host. alters can have similar voices. lots of systems use i/me pronouns by default. masking is a real thing. DID absolutely is a spectrum and every system is different. a covert expression of symptoms is valid and acceptable and even normal. you don’t need to be aware of every one of your alters, it’s ok to confuse different alters and not always interpret things perfectly, not everyone has a headspace or functional communication with the rest of their system. alters may have varying levels of understanding of their system. it is not all cut and dry. you don’t have to know everything about your system, you don’t need to be super attuned to your inner world. it isn’t always like that.
when you pretend to have DID and create a caricature of it based on the most publicized symptoms, you are harming a very vulnerable group of people with a very highly stigmatized disorder. just stop.
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evieri · 2 years
The host last year -(?)
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evieri · 2 years
you are still a valid system if...
you don’t know all your system members, how many there are, or whether some system members actually are separate or are also you
you don’t know your system members’ roles, or your system doesn’t identify with roles
you can’t clearly differentiate between/see your system members in headspace, or you don’t have a headspace
you can’t clearly differentiate between members in front/tell who’s fronting or when you switch
you don’t have a system name
you use i/me pronouns
you don’t present differently or have distinct ways of talking/typing from each other
switching feels less like your body is being taken over and more like the state of who you “are” is changing into someone else
your system members feel more like different parts or versions of the host than entire people
you can’t tell whether a new system member split or you’re dealing with an unstable sense of identity
you can’t switch at will or communicate with your system members
you are unable to make a list, set up coherent profiles on tumblr or pluralkit for your whole system, or similar.
we’ve seen these expectations placed on systems online, and people dealing with impostor syndrome because their system doesn’t fit the expectations. but none of it is actually required to be a system. 
the main part of dissociative disorders, after all, is dissociation. many systems experience confusion, because the dissociation is part of what makes them a system. and since dissociative disorders develop as a trauma response, it’s actually extremely common that system members aren’t obviously distinct from each other, since splitting in the first place is the brain’s attempt at a survival tactic. it just usually isn’t as clear-cut as the online community makes it out to be.
it’s okay to not know. it’s okay to be unsure. having a disorder doesn’t mean you have to know everything about how it works and what’s going on in your head.
this post is for traumagenic systems only. it’s based specifically around dissociative disorders.
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evieri · 2 years
i reject the concept that you can conflate narcissists with abusers simply because your abuser was a narcissist.
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evieri · 2 years
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It's true though.
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evieri · 2 years
i’m tired of the misinformation being spread online.
the truth? DID is not performative. it is largely internal. switches usually are not super dramatic, alters do not have to think and act drastically different from each other in order to be separate alters, and not every alter needs to have a 100% consistent pattern of behavior. co-fronting and co-conning is common, lines are blurred, it’s not as black and white as the little people in your phone make it out to be. it is not always obvious when someone has DID & it is not always obvious when a switch has happened. lots of systems are designed to be covert for protective reasons. alters can impersonate the host. alters can have similar voices. lots of systems use i/me pronouns by default. masking is a real thing. DID absolutely is a spectrum and every system is different. a covert expression of symptoms is valid and acceptable and even normal. you don’t need to be aware of every one of your alters, it’s ok to confuse different alters and not always interpret things perfectly, not everyone has a headspace or functional communication with the rest of their system. alters may have varying levels of understanding of their system. it is not all cut and dry. you don’t have to know everything about your system, you don’t need to be super attuned to your inner world. it isn’t always like that.
when you pretend to have DID and create a caricature of it based on the most publicized symptoms, you are harming a very vulnerable group of people with a very highly stigmatized disorder. just stop.
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evieri · 2 years
ya know. as someone who has, as far as i am aware, not split any new alters since becoming aware of having a dissociative disorder, and yet have gone from 2 to 9 known parts, i think perhaps understanding that existing parts can be discovered at any time would benefit a lot of people, and counter act a lot of the discourse ive seen around how much or little distress is required to split a new part as well as how distressing the actual process of splitting is. not only that, but a lot of people who get "called out for faking" and the people doing the calling out, may not be aware that discovering new parts is possible and could be misattributing the presence of new parts to splitting.
anyway i just think talking about things like this is important because it will help a lot to curb some of the misinformation ive seen being spread around
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evieri · 2 years
Hot Take
The lives of those with DID/OSDD are actually pretty boring and mundane, all things considered, and it's impossible to make interesting media about us without putting focus on the more demonized and sensationalized aspects and doing more harm than good
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evieri · 2 years
Fun fact about DID:
You don't have to know who's fronting all the time. It's normal to be blurry or just not want to know. It's ok it doesn't make you any less real and it's healthy to not know sometimes.
The culture of alters being distinctly different from one another, be it handwriting, typing style, speech patterns, or anything of that sort. It's unhealthy it causes more boundaries in the system and we should not push the narrative that everyone is going to be distinctly different you can't always tell who's fronting from the outside and that's a good thing.
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