evieisstudious · 5 years
Well-being vs Education
Well-being VS. Education
Does Education overrule health concerns?
Are dropping grades (that I can fix in about a week) because I missed a week of school because I was sick over rule heath concerns?
My health and grades/education are important but my grades/education should NOT over rule my health. My health should be put first.
If I’m worried that I have something contagious because I have the symptoms for it then I will not go to school. If you try and force me to go to school while I’m possibly sick with something contagious I will be upset. Me being upset and you making me stressed makes me get sick even more.
So, in conclusion, I will NOT put my grades and education ABOVE my well-being.
You might be confused as to why I am posting this... I’m sick currently and all my parents are worrying about are my grades... yes, I have missed a lot of school and yes I CAN make that all up if I GET BETTER and work towards it.
But I won’t get better if you’re consistently making me stressed out about my schoolwork and education.
I am NOT trying to avoid school and I am NOT trying to show attitude towards you.
My grades and education are BELOW my well-being.
I will always put my education/well-being first no matter what.
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evieisstudious · 5 years
Could probably use the productive day and stop procrasination tips since I’ve missed about 2 weeks of school (I have a weak immune system im pretty sure) in the past 3-4 weeks...
Ok so I have some trouble and the thing is that I've got 5 long chapters of chemistry remaining due to some health issues I had and now Idk where to begin and I need help
start with chapter 1
just a lil bit at a time 
you’ve got this!
here are some tips that might help
how to have a productive day
how to stop procrastinating
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evieisstudious · 5 years
Holy crap, I’m a 2000s kid but and still in middle school but... I’m about start crying because I recognize almost ALL of this from my elementary school. I recognize over 20 of these things! I’m realizing how much I miss Elementary because of the amount of fun I had.
Time for Childhood for you 90s/Early 2000s kids
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evieisstudious · 6 years
Praying for Hannah.
my friend Hannah is critical. They are giving her medication to dissolve the clot in her lungs which is causing her heart problems. Please pray for her!!!
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evieisstudious · 6 years
If I had money I would 10/10 do this but if you have money to spare then DO THIS!!!
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🎁 I’m a grad student doing my psychology practice at a non-profit organization called Dorado Dreams Village in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. There I give therapy to teenage boys who have been removed from their home 🏡.
🤶🏽 I would love your help to make their Christmas a special one ✨. With your donation 💵 of 1$, 2$, 3$ or any amount your heart ♥️ desires I can buy 🛍 them gifts for Christmas. If enough is raised I will be able to throw them a small Christmas party 🎉 as well.
🎅🏾 To donate and for more information on the campaign click on the link: https://www.gofundme.com/dorado-dream-village-christmas
☃️ PS. Help me spread the word by sharing.
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evieisstudious · 6 years
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some test-taking tips that might help all of you~
1. purchase at least one practice book and review everything. don’t assume that you know it until you read through and are able to understand everything you read. do practice problems and the supplemental test questions they provide. highlight anything you didn’t know so that you can review it multiple times. a review that really sticks the information into your head is the best type of review, and you can only achieve that when you read it many times! many books will focus on different things, so if money permits, buy another one!  
2. make flash cards.  even math has definitions you need to know. you have to be able to understand every question in order to score well, and to understand the questions, you need to know the vocabulary. flashcards with history dates, information on chemistry, and biology terms are examples of helpful ways flash cards are easy study tools! quizlet and some other great websites really help with studying vocabulary!
3. take practice tests. practice tests will provide you advantages like: -knowing the test format -an idea of timing -comfortability on answering questions
seriously take tests and time yourself. you’ll know where you stand and how much time you have to spend on certain topics. you can also get a lot of anxiety out of the actual test because you will be very familiar with the testing format!
4. collab with your teachers.
if you ask them questions pertaining to the subject test/topic, chances are your teacher’s going to give you more than you need, which will ease the stress when you’re answering questions. the more you know, the less stress you’ll have, which will really help you do well.
5. don’t be scared. being scared will lower your confidence and increase your anxiety. if you start to panic, you will not be able to think properly. you want to have a clear mind before you start, while you test, and afterwards. therefore, practicing and having confidence will really help!
6. study with friends.  studying with others will really help you because others will provide you with lots of resources that sometimes cannot be found online! they will be able to teach you the concepts and quiz you with vocabulary and stats.  
7. record your progress! write down what you’ve studied and your level of comfortability with it. this will allow you to observe yourself and slowly build your confidence. you will also be able to gauge how much you do not know. this will force you to study and focus on everything you need to accomplish.
8. plan a reward for after the test.  you will seriously want to do well if you promise yourself a gift or a break after acing the exam! i promised to buy myself plants if i did well, and it really motivated me to so well! it really works, especially if you bribe yourself with things you really, really want.
9. have confidence. this is kind of similar to step 5, but it needs to be said! after all this practice and collab work, you’re going to do great! review last minute equations, terms, and concepts the day before going into the test. you will absolutely be fine if you get good sleep, good practice, and confidence.
some things you should bring with you on the standardized testing day:
10. a snack. there will be breaks in between tests/sections. you want to bring a fruit or light snack that will be easy to eat and clean up. fruits are the best option because they will also keep you active!
water. water seems to wake me up when i need a kicker. water will keep your brain-juices flowing! all the concentration you need will flow right back in when you take a sip, trust me!
a sweatshirt. You do not want to be cold and nervous at the same time! if you’re hot, you can take it off, but shivering while trying to solve a math problem or comprehending a shakespeare sonnet will hurt you, not help you!
back up calculator. just do it if you’ve got one! i remember someone bringing an “illegal for testing” calculator and they had to take the test without one. you don’t want it dying in the middle of the test, either.
lots and lots of HB #2 pencils, a large eraser, a silent hand sharpener, and a pen (if it’s the ap exams etc.)
confidence, your brain, all the practice you’ve done!
i really hope all these tips help you guys!!i know i’ve needed these tips to help me, so i’m sharing what’s helped me in the past! any juniors or sophomores worrying about the past, sat, or act, use these wisely! i wish all of you good luck!
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evieisstudious · 6 years
This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!!!
Does she fancy me?
Or is she just being friendly?
My favourite game
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evieisstudious · 6 years
I’ve been thinking a lot more of self-care. It’s always been something I struggled with for a long time. When I begin to get on the right track, I always seem to lose my hard work. That’s why I’m trying something new.
Today My dad and I went to the store. While we were there we got granola and dried fruits for my breakfast. Melatonin and bedtime tea to help me sleep and about 2 weeks ago I got women's vitamins.
I’ve also deleted a lot of social media apps on my phone and turned off a lot of my notification so I don’t get as distracted. 
I’m also going to get into a habit I kinda struggle with. Taking showers washing my face, and brushing my teeth twice a day, every day. Obviously, these are habits everyone should have but I for some reason struggle with them. 
So in conclusion, every day in the morning I need to Wash my face, brush my teeth, eat my breakfast, drink half a bottle of room temperature water, drink half a bottle of cold water, and take my vitamins.
At night I need to drink water, take a shower, do my homework, brush my teeth, take my melatonin, drink my tea, and wash my face.
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evieisstudious · 6 years
Women in STEM exist and are valid
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evieisstudious · 6 years
I like this post!!!!
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Google Calendar + Google Tasks = what has saved my butt since traditional planning in a planner methods have started to overwhelm me
Why I made the switch:
Ok honestly i’ve been using google calendar for almost 2 years now i think ??? and its never really totally failed me and let me color code my stuff in just a few simple clicks without switching pens every two seconds. That being said, I personally have an incredibly busy lifestyle with blues and greens (school and cheer) taking over my planner space with little to no space left for tasks and stuff i need to do and having google calendar and tasks gives me the freedom of putting whatever i need where i need it and as much things in a day as i need. And with the student athlete life, tasks are constantly getting moved around so migrating tasks to the next day’s space at the end of the day was something i couldnt bother doing with the little energy i had left which ended up with me forgetting deadlines and projects completely so having an up to date, digital planning system was something ive been grateful for especially this year with one thing happening after another and schedules that keep changing so yeah. And aside from that, I don’t really need to carry my planner around everywhere since i can access it from my phone, ipad, and laptop so its good for when i’m out and about. In short, suited my lifestyle way better.
- i kinda miss handwriting stuff and doodling with my special events
- takes up device storage
- still bring my planner to school bc my assessments tracker is still there and i havent found a way to integrate that into my new digital system
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evieisstudious · 6 years
So I’m always trying to make goals (most of them fail me) but of course I don’t make S.M.A.R.T goals... S.M.A.R.T goals stand for....
Now, I always just made a goal and was like okay... lets try this but... nope... nada... no....
They all fail me if I don’t make them SMART goals
Sooo let’s begin on the process of making SMART Goals...
I’m going to choose a specific goal such as...
Learn to take more organized and informative notes.
What I mean by this is to take notes that are organized and not writing down information that may not be revelant...
Use notes that I take to measure how successful I am being with the goal.
Attainable -
Is this goal attainable??? Yes, I believe it is. It is challenging and acheivable.
Relevant -
This goal is related to my schooling and will help my ability to study effectively for school
Time-Bound -
I will work on this goal everyday for the rest of the quarter/semester.
In conclusion -
My goal is to take effective and organized notes everyday after school for the rest of the quarter/semester to help me effectively study for exams/finals/tests in school!
So I hoped this helps you understand how to create SMART goals!!!
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evieisstudious · 6 years
it’s not healthy if you are skipping your meals to study it’s not healthy if you are not sleeping to study it’s not healthy if you are drinking tons of coffee to stay awake and study
your mental health is as important as your success. you can’t have one without the another 
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evieisstudious · 6 years
What I did Today
I think I’m going to start telling y’all how my day went, what I did, etc
I’m currently on the bus listening to Morning Murmur on Coffitivity so I don’t have to listen to all the extra chatter on the bus.
Today was an early release BTW
1. Woke up @ 6:20
I did wake up earlier but I had a hard time sleeping last night so I slept in a little.
2. Get ready for school
So I made sure all my stuff was ready for school, got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and ate some breakfast
3. Go to school
Period 1 - (Honors Reading) We did a review on Connotation and Denotation
Period 2 - (Honors Writing) We then did a Lit Analysis on the poem ‘Burning Book’
Period 3 - (Honors Social Studies) On early release days we do Anti-Bullying segments so I talked about cyber-bullying, the effects of bullying, and why you should take initiative when you see bullying. (Barely anyone was raising their hand to speak)
Period 4 - (Honors Science) We started out Benchmark which should be finished by tomorrow
Period 5 - (Lunch) FOOOOODDDDD
Period 6 - (AVID) We did a grade-check and reflection
Period 7 - (Honors Algebra I) I, myself, had to continue my Unit Test (which I’m still not done with 😂)
Period 8 - (Choir) I already missed 2 days worth of learning our song Silent Night and Ballad of The Winter Trees but I picked up really quickly and somehow know if better than most of the Alto section!
•Debate Packet (SS)
•Notebook for INB Check (Science)
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evieisstudious · 6 years
I’m going to ge using some of these tips because this is absolutely wondeful and gorgeous and AHHH it’s so amazing!
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Hey guys, so I’m nearing the end of my senior year, and it’s been great so far! I accomplished my academic tasks efficiently and didn’t burn myself out, and I think the main contributor to my success as a student is my organization system. This system has been refined throughout my high school years, but I think now I’ve finally found the most effective methods.
Please remember that this isn’t the only organization system you can adopt; this is just the one that works the best for me, and I hope that by sharing it with you, you’ll gain a new perspective on how to stay organized as a high school student.
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The first thing I wanna talk about is my notebook system, which I briefly mentioned in my Guide to Note-Taking.
My notebook system comprises three types of notebooks: the Everything Notebook, the subject notebook, and the revision notebook.
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The Everything Notebook
The first stage is in-class notes. I only bring one notebook to school every day. I call it my Everything Notebook, and this is where I write down all of the notes I take in class. This way, I don’t have to lug around six notebooks where I’m only going to use a few pages in each of them that day.
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Subject Notebooks
At the end of the day, I would revise my notes and compare them to the syllabus so I know where we are in the learning process. I would then transfer my class notes from my Everything Notebook to my different subject notebooks. This is stage two. I also start to jazz up my notes because I use the notes in my subject notebooks to study for tests.
In addition to my class notes, I include material from my teachers’ notes that they might not have elaborated on, as well as points in the syllabus (I’m currently taking A2) that were only glazed over briefly, or not at all, in some cases. (Note: this does not mean they completely skip a chapter or topic; it’s more like they missed a few bullet points that should be in my notes but aren’t. An example would be if we’re learning about phenol reactions and the teacher forgot to mention the use of FeCl3 as a test for phenol.)
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Revision Notebooks
Stage three comes a little later, when exam week is just around the corner. Essentially, I rewrite and improve my notes from my five different subject notebooks into a single revision notebook or binder. (Recently, I’ve opted for a revision notebook because they’re lighter and easier to carry around.)
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Because my teachers don’t always teach in the order of the syllabus, the first thing I do is organize my notes according to the syllabus. I would then fill in any other missing gaps in the material that hadn’t been filled in stage two.
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When compiling material for my revision notebook, I use as many sources as possible: my own notes, my teachers’ notes, youtube videos, online sites, and my favorite, the mark scheme! I add in some answers from past papers (explanations only, so no calculations) mainly to secure marks. It’s safer to memorize definitions straight from the mark scheme than from the textbook or from handouts. I also do this to ease my memorization, especially for topics that require lengthy explanations. It’s a lot easier to remember the 6 points I need to explain the principles of NMRI than to remember everything in the four-page handout my teacher gave me.
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Folders and binders are essential to organizing your papers. Some people keep a single accordion folder for all their papers, but for me it’s just too heavy to carry around all the time. The same goes for subject folders that are brought to school every day.
Instead, my binder/folder system comprises my Everything Folder and my subject binders.
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The Everything Folder
The folder I carry with me to school every day is this A4 folder I got from Tokyu Hands. It has 5 pockets, one for each day of the week, so all the papers I receive on Monday will go behind the first divider, and so on.
Some people also keep blank papers in their folders; I don’t because my school has its own lined paper and graphing pads that I keep under my desk that I use if a teacher asks us to do an assignment on those papers. If I do work at home, I prefer to just use a plain A4 paper or a legal pad.
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Subject Binders
At the end of the week, I’ll sort my papers into my subject binders. Sometimes I’ll keep some papers in the folder if I think I’ll be needing it the next week. This usually only applies to worksheets because all my teachers’ notes are available on Google Classroom, so I can access them even if I don’t physically have them.
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Each of these binders have sections inside them:
Physics: 1 for handouts, notes, and tests, 1 for Paper 4 (Theory), 1 for Paper 5 (Practical Planning). I included extra tabs to mark the different topics in the handouts section.
Chemistry: same as Physics.
Economics: 1 for Paper 3 (MCQ), 1 for Paper 4 (Case Study and Essay). A lot of my Economics material is online, though.
English: 1 for Paper 3 (Text and Discourse analysis), and 2 for Paper 4 (Language Topics, which includes 1 for Child Language Acquisition, 1 for World Englishes). Past papers, handouts, and notes all go under their respective topics.
Mathematics: I just keep everything together because I never revise math and just constantly do past papers.
This makes it easier for me to revise each subject because I can just take one binder with me instead of a messy folder with everything just shoved in there.
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I keep a magazine file for each of my A-Level subjects (English and Mathematics are combined). All my textbooks, revision guides, and subject notebooks are kept here, so if I need to revise one subject, that’s the magazine file I’ll take out.
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These magazine files prevent any small things (like my book of flashcards) from being shoved to the back of my bookshelf, or materials from different subjects from getting mixed up.
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In my senior year, I mostly plan using this app called Edo Agenda. It syncs across all my devices for free and has all the features I need: a to do list to organize tasks, monthly and weekly calendars to organize events, a journal to organize notes and memos.
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I used to bullet journal regularly, but it takes too much time during weekdays, so now I just bullet journal for the therapeutic effects it gives me, and I use an app for organizing tasks and events. Sometimes at the end of each week, I’ll transfer my tasks to my bullet journal and then decorate the page, but again, this is just for its therapy.
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Organizing your school supplies is just as important as organizing your papers and notes. With a more organized backpack and pencil case, you won’t waste time looking for your things at the bottom of an abyss.
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Pencil Case
I don’t find it necessary to bring so much stationery to school unless I plan on making notes at school (usually during revision week).
Because we’re already in the revision term, I don’t really carry a lot of things in my everyday backpack, just the following:
Pencil case
Everything Notebook
Everything Folder
Revision notebook
Drinking bottle
A pouch with things like a hairbrush, pads, and lip balm
And that’s all for now! I hope this post will help you organize your school life (if you haven’t already) or at least provide some useful insights on some ways to stay organized as a high school student.
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evieisstudious · 6 years
This is relatable
What being an ambitious student is like
Me, burned out, barely alive: It‘s alright if you don‘t get an A+ on every exam, paper etc.! Remember to have a life. You don‘t need those grades to be hap- *falls asleep*
My instantly scared and insecure ass 5 minutes later:
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evieisstudious · 6 years
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My Vectors and Scales notes! I’m actually really proud of how this turned out! It’s one of my best sets of notes!!!
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evieisstudious · 6 years
Working on Physics (Displacement, Velocity, And Time) using KhanAcademy.com
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