ellizyy 2 years
i have been beinging every day in the last week... and i wanna stop this...but idk how. help. help. help.
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ellizyy 2 years
100 kcals of apple is higher in volume and nutrition than 100 kcals of pizza which is a refined carb that will make u feel less hungry but in a few minutes you will want something to eat again. apples, because of the fiber, keep u full longer and helps u avoid overeating.
reminders !!
you can't lose weight overnight, the same way you can't gain weight overnight. if you see a difference on the scale it's just water and other substances. you didn't actually gain 2 pounds of fat. so stop stressing over those 2 pounds. they are just water weight.
NO ONE NOTICES THE SAME THINGS YOU NOTICE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BODY. the first person that sees changes (both in weightloss and weightgain) IS U, and then your family.
one "bad day" won't ruin your progress. literally enjoy the freaking food cause you won't gain fat. IT'S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
if you feel like binging tell yourself "i can eat all of this food anytime i want and whenever i want, just not all at once" (saw this on tt and it really helped me)
chew slowly and take at least 20 min to finish your meal. this way your brain will register that you are eating and it will get full faster.
calories in foods are NOT THE SAME. 100 kcals of apples are not the same as 100 kcals of pizza. make sure which one you would prefer
drink. your. water.
restriction leads to binging. if you wanna stop binging you MUST stop restricting. just eat less (but not A LOT less) that you would normally eat.
be mindful of what you are eating and don't use electronics while eating
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ellizyy 2 years
last year i w3ight the same as now. i will get oast my lowest w3ight. i will. i will. i will
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ellizyy 2 years
we know what metabolism is, right? that annoying thing that makes skinny girls skinny even though they eat a lot. but how does it actually work? and why do some people have a higher metabolism than others? and how can you boost your metabolism?
metabolism is compounded of 4 things.
1. BMR - basal metabolic rate (70% of your total betabolism)
this is how many calories you burn at rest. if you were to not move at all, not eat, not do anything, just sit and stay alive, this is how many calories you would burn. you can't boost this part, because it depends on age, hight and weight. you can calculate it on different sites. just look up "how to calculate your BMR".
2. NEAT - non-exercise activity thermogenesis (15% of your metabolism)
this is the most important part. these are how many calories you burn by just doing basic activities. ex: brushing your teeth, walking (that is why walking is better than HIITs), sleaning up, washing dishes, talking, moving around etc. (these don't include the exercises you do). by doing as many activities everyday you burn more.
3. TEF - thermic effect of food (10% of your metabolism)
these are how many calories you burn while digesting food. some foods need more energy in order to be burned (ex: protein), some don't. it doesn't make such a huge difference, but usually protein keeps you fuller.
4. EAT - exercise activity thermogenesis (5% of your metabolism)
look at how low the procentage is for exercise. and usually people think that if they exercise they will lose a ton of weight in a short time. ofc, exercising is amazing for health in general and for feeling happier yada yada yada. but it's not the most important when you want to burn more calories. expanding your NEAT activities can burn more than 20 min of intense exercise.
now that we understood how metabolism works, let's see how we can burn more calories and boost our metablism. and no, it's not by drinking some kind of green tea or doing weird rituals.
scientifically, muscle burns a lot more calories than not having it. muscle needs calories to just stay there, on your bones. and this can increase your BMR by a ton.
how do we build muscle? (and no, you won't get bulky by just having a few muscles)
there are two ways. either you do body wight exercises (exercises where you use your body as weight. you can look up exercises) or lifting weights.
for weightloss and metabolism boosting it is recommended to build muscles. doing countless of cardio is not completely useless, but it's not as sustainable. cardio burns more calories ONE time. but afterwards you feel hungrier and with kess energy. strength training doesn't burn as many calories AT ONCE as cardio, but burns more on the long run. and helps you stay skinny longer.
i hope this helped at least one person. stay safe luvs!!
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ellizyy 2 years
reminders !!
you can't lose weight overnight, the same way you can't gain weight overnight. if you see a difference on the scale it's just water and other substances. you didn't actually gain 2 pounds of fat. so stop stressing over those 2 pounds. they are just water weight.
NO ONE NOTICES THE SAME THINGS YOU NOTICE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BODY. the first person that sees changes (both in weightloss and weightgain) IS U, and then your family.
one "bad day" won't ruin your progress. literally enjoy the freaking food cause you won't gain fat. IT'S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
if you feel like binging tell yourself "i can eat all of this food anytime i want and whenever i want, just not all at once" (saw this on tt and it really helped me)
chew slowly and take at least 20 min to finish your meal. this way your brain will register that you are eating and it will get full faster.
calories in foods are NOT THE SAME. 100 kcals of apples are not the same as 100 kcals of pizza. make sure which one you would prefer
drink. your. water.
restriction leads to binging. if you wanna stop binging you MUST stop restricting. just eat less (but not A LOT less) that you would normally eat.
be mindful of what you are eating and don't use electronics while eating
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ellizyy 2 years
i think i look like: How i actually look like:
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ellizyy 2 years
when you are in that stage when you have no appetite and any food disgusts you >>>>>>
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ellizyy 2 years
It's wild how the smallest things make me never want to consume another calorie ever again
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ellizyy 2 years
i wanna st4rve for months
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ellizyy 2 years
i literally did a 22hr fast and then i binged, but i still ate around my calorie limit (14k) but i feel very gross and i wanna die and i wanna fast for more and i don't wanna binge anymore, why can't i just have no appetite???
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ellizyy 2 years
you don't have to be thin to be cute, but I definitely do
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