dreamblarrgh · 11 years
dreams are really weird because you don’t question the reality of them at all. like you could be being chased by a giant banana mafia and the only thing on your mind is ‘fuck, we gotta get to a blender pronto’
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Possible curse dispellation
I think I had a dream that involved trying to figure out how to do something - I think it was ridding myself of a curse? It involved chopping something up into lots of pieces, I'm not sure what. I might have been doing some ingredients for a potion or something.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Dreamless in the USA
Don't think I dreamed.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: How to make sandwich???? and Portal dreams
Dream One: I was in a really old and crumbly office building along with a few other people. There were cubicles and moldy papers scattered everywhere and in some places there were pools of dangerous liquid (just like the acid pits in Portal) that you had to jump over. We had bread and we were trying to make sandwiches. I went out exploring in the office building, and after going down several floors, I found a refrigerator with mysterious meat in it (I think it was spiced beef?). I figured it was better than nothing, so I made an epic journey to bring it back to the others (I had to jump over a lot of acid pits on the way back). Then we looked at the bread and looked at the mystery meat and asked each other "???? How to make sandwich????"
Dream Two: I was playing Portal with Lina and I was at the exit, on an island surrounded with acid. I was trying to hand Lina a biscotti (the one I had in my backpack) through a portal so that she could make a bridge out of it and join me on the island with the exit door. But she couldn't reach the biscotti.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Science experiments, secret Chinese societies, and Hummers
I was walking along some sort of huge temple place with my sister - it was all white marble, and there was a kind of altar place, and we ran up the stairs and jumped around for a while on the benches. After we had played around enough to feel really sacrilegious we stopped and headed down the hallway.
We went down to the changing rooms, where we were recruited to do some terrible godawful hybrid/chimera science experiments where we would combine some sort of living organism with a robot. I could see what the results were going to be beforehand, and only one would turn out well - my sister was going to make one that turned out like the cyborg guy from Teen Titans, I forget his name (Is it just Cyborg?) - while the rest were awful, twisted creations. We were separated into different changing rooms and I sat down on a bench and was handed the organism thing (don't remember what it was exactly) and a Buzz Lightyear toy for my first combination. The Buzz Lightyear toy had these green translucent plastic wings and I took them off and stuck them in the organism and it turned out okay, not as bad as I thought. I did a few more and stopped after a while.
I think something may have happened in between here, but my sister and I ended up at a convention/holiday celebration of Chinese parents. There was a performance going on, with people up on stage dancing and singing. My mom asked me if I knew what they were saying, and I thought I understood some of it (but I don't remember any of it). She explained to me that they were singing the procedures for entering a certain secret Chinese society, which would help you out in times of need. It was very complicated and I wasn't sure I really got it at the end.
After the performance was over, we went into the changing rooms to change. Apparently both men and women had gone into both changing rooms, so it didn't matter which one you went into. I went into the men's changing room, since I had been in there before making the science experiments and my stuff was still in there. Everyone got all mixed up though, so my mom and sister and cousin ended up in the other changing room. I got my stuff and headed for the door to go find them in the other changing room, when I noticed two things: 1) there was a HUGE spider over the door, and 2) I had forgotten my towel. I went back and got my towel and gingerly walked through the door, being careful to stay as far away from the spider as I could. There were actually guards inside the women's changing room, which was weird, and there were a few women sitting around wearing towels. My mom + sister + cousin weren't there, though, so I headed outside to the parking lot to look for them.
I found their car - a white Hummer with license plates related to the postal service, I think - and got in. We backed up and drove out of the parking lot. The Hummer had big holes in the floor (one in front of each seat), so if you stuck your foot through it would touch the ground. I wasn't sure if the holes were actual holes so I tried it while we were driving (stupid...) and indeed, my feet were swept along on the ground for a little bit before I got smart enough to pull them back in. We were driving to go get dinner and my mom asked us where we wanted to go - Chipotle or McDonald's? I knew my sister would say Chipotle but I wanted to go to Taco Bell, since that was usually where we went after going swimming (we always got lazy with dinner after swimming).
Separately, my dad observed me playing Portal for two hours.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: A moment of sleep, no dream
Didn't dream, or at least don't remember it. Last night I closed my eyes and opened them again and it was morning. So tired still.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: School supply tetris
We were all in different classes, and I was in class #1. The classes were numbered by how well each class did on their tests, and today the administration decided to mix up the classes to try to get underperforming classes to do better. So we had a kind of field trip to a public bathroom (...worst field trip destination ever) along with the last class (classes were grouped by biggest number-smallest number). While we were in there, I started playing tetris with our school supplies (it was electronic, not in real life). It was hard and getting harder, because the shapes started to get irregular. Andrew came over and made fun of me for being so bad at tetris.
Then the falling school supplies changed into the last class's supplies, and Andrew made a big deal over the fact that they were mint color pencils, markers, etc. Mint as in mint condition, not mint flavored/colored. (While test grades decreased with class number increase, the quality of school-provided supplies increased.)
After a while I was getting desperate with the tetris and just putting things all over (there were circles and triangles too) so I went to check who had bought a yearbook to gauge the class roster. I searched my last name and for some reason Jenny's name showed up twice and mine showed up twice, and Andrew's name showed up. I saw there were two Jennys and two people with my name and got excited, but it turned out it was just her name and her payment information for the yearbook and my name and my payment information for the yearbook.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Night bridge sneaking
I dreamed, woke up, laid in bed for a while, and forgot my dream.
EDIT: Remembered part of it. I was running in the rain over these hills trying not to step in goose poop (it was dark so you really couldn't see much) past a karate/yoga class. I think I was trying to sneak out of the city or something. I was trying to find the river and after a while I got to the riverbank. With some difficulty, I got on the bridge - it was very narrow, just one person across, and was made of a wood similar to bamboo, surprisingly dry and creaky in the rain - and ran all the way to the end. At the end I saw the big hill at Georgetown and I was gonna escape down it but I realized I had forgotten something, so I turned back. This time the riverbank was lined with lots of lanterns that made it easier to see, and getting on the bridge was easier from the actual end instead of jumping over the railing. On the way back I saw there were some people coming in the opposite direction, and I got worried about running into them (remember, it was a really narrow bridge, so I would have had to get off to let them pass).
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: True crime dreams
I was Perry Smith, and I had just taken a Vienna bus all the way up this hill to rendezvous with Dick and this detective friend of his. We met up but it turned out we needed to get out of the city, so we tried to catch any bus we could. We just missed the Red line express bus (the bus driver looked at us but didn't open the door) and had run all the way across the street to see if the Vienna bus was coming, when I saw that the Vivienza bus (not a real bus, seems to be some lame variant on Vienna I had made up), which was also an Orange line bus, was coming, so I ran across the street to catch it (must have forgotten for a moment that I was Perry) and got on (the other two guys followed me).
Suddenly I realized I knew the bus driver, and I said (I quote), "Arrivederci! In my opinion, my chassis's condition is positive!" and he said "Welcome aboard." "These are my friends Cobb and Tom Smith," I told him, and we all got on the bus. I was kinda surprised that Dick didn't try any smooth talking, but I looked back at him while we were getting on the bus, and his lips were really thin and blue, so I guess he decided to let me do the talking for once and just be "Cobb".
The bus driver was real nice to us - he took us home with him and feed us a full dinner, and we stayed the night at his place. If you've read the book you know that Dick was always interested in the women, so it wasn't surprising when, lying in bed, he said, "Hey Perry, this guy's nice and all, but what's so good about him?" I was prepared for this and replied, "Just wait until you meet his war lover. That's the stuff."
EDIT: Maybe the whole "Arrivederci! In my opinion, my chassis's condition is positive!" thing was because I knew Perry Smith liked to use big words without knowing what they meant? SUBCONSCIOUS LITERARY ANALYSIS but probably not, was probably just my brain making up junk.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Boss Monster Apartments, LLC.
I didn't have a dream last night but I had a few yesterday afternoon - I was out sick and I slept all afternoon.
Dream One: There was a huge city apartment building complex, and there was a boss monster at the top floor (it turned out to be hiding in the stairwell near where I eat lunch at school - that was also part of the apartment building complex). After trying to reach the top floor for a long time (the stairs were suuuuuuuper long), I gave up on beating the boss and went back down.
I met Sammy and we walked along this really wide bridge with lots and lots of lights hanging from it. After something happened (I don't remember), we ended up in front of another gigantic apartment complex, painted green and pink, where I lived. The door (along with the garage doors) was on the second floor and you had to jump up really high to reach it, and I could barely grab onto the doorsill with my hands.
Dream Two: A real life dream. I showed a bunch of people (I think it was Lina's lunch group) the self-portrait of Catherine in the front hallway.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: A stomachful of clue
My stomach wasn't feeling very well, and I think I have the stomach flu. Anyways I threw up in the middle of the night so I had two dreams, one before and one after.
Dream One: My stomach (which wasn't feeling so good) was some sort of clue in the case of Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, the two men who murdered the Clutter family - we are reading In Cold Blood by Truman Capote in English. I was trying to persuade my stomach to give up the secret clue by lightly rubbing it (this was probably because I was actually doing that when I fell asleep). I ran from one place to another related to the crime, rubbing my stomach all the while. In the end I never did figure out anything for the detectives. I woke up and went to throw up. Euck.
Dream Two: I was helping some Japanese detective and his assistant find clues for some mission they had been put on. They were trying to figure out who was targeting their client, and they needed my help. I don't think I found anything for them, and they never figured out who the culprit was in my dream.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Cookie stealer? (I was)
We (I forget who the other person was) were trying to determine who had stolen the cookies from the cookie jar (it was me). We had 6 pictures of me, and we were looking to see if I was taking the cookies in any of them (I wasn't). I think I got away with it.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: A man of great character
Someone (don't remember who) was moving into college, I think, and they were trying to figure out what of the leftover stuff in the dorm room to keep for the school year. There was a very nice and cozy leftover need, which we persuaded her to keep, but she wouldn't keep the covers and wanted to throw them out, which caused a huge uproar among us onlookers because it was such a waste. There were other pieces of furniture (chairs, dressers) too. After a while I got bored and went over to the TV.
I was in a video game coded by one of my friends. You started it up via the TV and pressed start, and you were in the game. There was probably more to my dream before this (I think there was something about collecting a bunch of stuff, maybe like Pokemon) but I got to this part of the game that I always hated. You flew out from this platform and landed down in this pit. I had forgotten what happened next but I knew something bad would happen so I partially hid in the a part of the pit that was a little lower than the other parts. I waited for a while, and then hundreds of small colorful plastic balls flew down at me. I remembered that I hated being pelted by the colorful balls and that what I was supposed to do was avoid the low part of the pit, but it was too late, so I held a silver dinner platter in front of me to shield against the colorful ball onslaught. After a while it stopped. You were supposed to put the balls into a puzzle to move on to the next room.
I started working on the puzzle, but after putting only a few balls in, a bell rang. I was a servant for General Petrov (I always had been), who owned and ran the oil factory located under the whole place, and he was calling all servants to aid in the arrangement of foods for tonight's dinner, which was important because an inspector was coming over for dinner. I dropped the balls and, along with another servant, started arranging noodles on a plate. They were the rice noodles that turn transparent when you cook them (Vermicelli? Not sure.), and there were normal brownish ones as well as pink ones. The other servant twisted the noodles into a spiral, sort of like a roll, and I followed suit with the pink rice noodles. There were other foods as well, but the only other one I remember is tofu skin/pork rolls.
Then Inspector Sarka showed up for dinner, and I helped serve the dishes. General Petrov talked for a while, and eventually the conversation turned to the oil factory. He said something along the lines of "Of course, after this I will show you around the factory." and then there was an awkward moment and Inspector Sarka said "Oh, I actually already inspected the factory before I came to dinner..." and then General Petrov said "Excellent! That's great news! Then of course everything is wonderful!" and there was another awkward pause and the inspector said "Uh actually no... there was a leak in your factory and it has been deemed too unsafe to work in and has to be shut down." and the general said "Oh." OOH, SHUT DOWN, GENERAL. (Did not say this out loud though.)
Then the general looked really really gloomy (he hadn't known, he genuinely thought everything was peachy inside his factory) and the inspector rushed to cheer him up by saying, "There is still hope! The government has designated me as a temporary overseer for six months until everything is fixed up, and then the factory will be returned to you." I really wanted to cheer the inspector on, for some reason, and really really wanted to shout out "YOU GO FOR IT, INSPECTOR! TAKE OVER THIS FACTORY LIKE YOU'VE NEVER TAKEN A FACTORY OVER BEFORE! YOU'RE A MAN OF GREAT CHARACTER!" but I didn't, because 1) it would have gotten all the other servants mad at me, 2) I would have gotten fired, and 3) it would have been embarrassing.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: FBLA, ghosts, Hogwarts, and spinning chickens
Dream One: For some reason I had decided to join FBLA. (This may have been influenced by the "Join FBLA!" poster I saw yesterday.) The time for joining wasn't for a while later in the day, so to kill some time I went over to the FBLA fraternity house (in my dream there is one) for a while. I drove there and met Kat there too, and we went in through the garage. Apparently I had gone in with the impression that there was a swimming pool inside, but there was, in fact, no swimming pool, which was disappointing. I met a few people there and I think I was practicing being a businessperson or something. After a while, I got tired of it and went outside.
I walked around the neighborhood for a while, and I was confronted by some random people. They got into an argument, and I escaped from the scene by turning into a ghost (!) and going through a nearby wall.
Dream Two: Something about Hogwarts. I think I might have been a student there. For some sort of qualification test (surprisingly, to get me as a student or something, like a reverse college application process), the Hogwarts faculty had to perform a "spinning". Spinnings consisted of spinning around something on a rope. Very fast.
They usually did their spinnings with something else, but they didn't have it, so they used a chicken (a real live chicken at first, but at certain times later in my dream it briefly turned into a cooked chicken, one sort of like a rotisserie chicken that you might see at the supermarket). I remember being in my old house (except everything was flipped backwards) and going to look at the spinning. As I was getting close to the place where they were doing the spinning (where the laundry room used to be), part of the house turned sideways so that it was at a different angle to the rest of the house. I was somewhat surprised, but it seemed right because originally the angle had seemed a little weird and now it was right.
I made my way to the laundry room, which turned out to be a lot bigger than it was before, and saw a teacher wearing a witch's hat and spinning a chicken around on a rope. The chicken would actually pass through the walls, somewhat, and in the moments when it passed through the walls it turned into the rotisserie chicken-like chicken. There were several chicken candidates lined up; I asked her what would happen to the best performing one. She said it would get mashed.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
K: Concerts
I haven't had a dream in a long time:
We were excited, that much I could see, to begin a new journey into the unknown. It was the first day in a new high school. The building renovation had been completed. We walked in through the doors, inhaling the fresh smell of paint (some of us gagging in disgust), and spread out to find our ceiling-to-floor lockers that would not open. Some people sat perched on water fountains. Some tried climbing on top of the lockers, only to find there was no space there.
It was a strange day. Andrew, Lauren, Jenny, and I set off to explore the neighborhood around the school. We hiked up a steep hill lined with various townhouses (much like in DC) and concert venues. Andrew, Lauren, and I stepped into one of them and found ourselves in what appeared to be a museum. The walls were lavishly decorated in lush red velvet with a glittering grand piano in the center. Suddenly, seats formed beneath us, and we began listening to a concert.
Then, we were late! We were late for a very important date. We dashed out of the concert hall and began sprinting up the street. The city townhouses gave way to a  stage in a forest. A football team was standing on stage doing cheers... And Lauren was replaced with Jenny. 
Then, we were late again! We ran away from the stage to a football stadium. It was half time. I had to explain the game to Andrew, Jenny, and the now-reappeared Lauren (though in real life I know next to nothing about football).
I woke up after color guard.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: The Crime of Decency
We were in the Syslab for class. First we were doing this problem where you had a big moat/lagoon thing and you had a certain number of planks of wood and you had to figure out a way to cover the moat to get across (It sounds straightforward, like you could just put as many planks as you needed lengthwise and you could get across, but we were having a hard time with it. I think that may have been because in the middle of it we started treating it more like Rush Hour.). The number of planks started from 12, then went to 19, then 29, and I don't remember the rest of the numbers after that. With each increase in the number of boards, the most size increased as well. After doing quite a few of those, we moved onto presentations. I did a presentation with two other people on famous criminals and the reasons they had been put into jail (It was specifically jail, not prison.). We talked about two of them and had to do four in all, but we hadn't prepared for the other two. We had a list of names of people we could do though, so we just picked two guys off the list and opened up their Wikipedia pages. We never got around to the second guy, but the first guy had apparently been arrested for being too decent and too nice and making everyone else feel bad about themselves. He was indicted under the Decency and (Something I Forget) Anti-Hate Law, and was put in jail FOREVER.
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dreamblarrgh · 11 years
L: Real life dreams
Dream One: I was reading a book, and someone asked me to go do something. I told them I would come, I just wanted to finish a few more pages. Then just a few seconds after I said that, I flipped two more pages and I was done with the book.
Dream Two: Diana sent me a Tumblr link on Google Chat. She was saying something about "THE VOICESSS THE VOICESSSSS" and she was freaking out a lot, but I didn't see what was the big deal. I opened the link and it was pictures of the kids and trolls from Homestuck, and when you clicked on them they talked (in what I guess was this person's version of each character's voice). I thought it was kind of cool and I clicked on a few of them.
I think I probably had a few other dreams but I don't remember them. These two 100% could have happened in real life, I had to think for a while to make sure they hadn't actually happened yesterday.
EDIT: Remembered another one.
Dream Three: A bunch of other people and I were running around this castle made out of wood. It wasn't really a wooden castle, it was more like planks of wood piled up into different shapes that made up a castle. If you've ever been to a hardwood flooring warehouse/direct buying store, you probably know what I mean (maybe?).
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