cyborg-3005 · 20 days
average jojo part 4 background
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Purple dusk on planet earth
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cyborg-3005 · 3 months
“my eyes” by travis scott is a genuine fucking masterpiece holy shittt… how tf is a travis scott song this damn cinematic and emotional aghhhh
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cyborg-3005 · 3 months
literally just reblogging this so i don’t forget about it
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Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 (1987) Dir. By Shinji Aramaki Animated By: Hideaki Anno & Kōji Akimoto
Legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno was only in his mid to late 20s and Kōji Akimoto being only 14 when he helped designed and animated Metal Skin Panic a mecha cyberpunk anime film.
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cyborg-3005 · 4 months
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a poster for my multimedia transformative work DRIFT // DORIFUTO
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cyborg-3005 · 4 months
damn bruh my last post popping off and the best part is that most of them probably don’t even know it’s about my silly goofy fortnite lore
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cyborg-3005 · 4 months
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i should be the imagined order’s brand manager fr fr
(making this as some supplemental visual material to my drift longfic)
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cyborg-3005 · 4 months
fuck this post is SO FACTS!!!!! YESSSS!!! AGHHH.
it really is not that hard to be critical and not interact with ships you don't like without openly calling for censorship for fictional content on the internet, which is a ridiculous idea.
proper oversight to prevent actual pedos from approaching minors on the internet? yes of fucking course. but god it's so tiring to explain to people that being a pedo isn't the same thing as making/sharing "problematic" fictional content.
will i think you are incredibly weird for doing problematic shit? yes. will i block you/not interact with your content? yes. but trying to impose that on everyone so that they can't even make or share that content in the first place is so fucking stupid. the internet is the last place to censor people, especially over things are are so often subjective and/or trivial compared to actual issues.
i'm not a proshipper. i think shipping real life people is incredibly weird and i do not support it. but i'm not gonna police what other people do with their fanfic writing or whatever. as long as they aren't actually trying to directly interact with minors in weird ways or otherwise doing those problematic things themselves, why should i care?
oh yeah, and the point about racism/xenophobia is very true. almost anytime censorship is encouraged on the internet, it seems to come from people that are white and unfairly target people of color or non-english speakers, even if those people haven't actually done anything remotely problematic. especially with the whole shipping debate.
i find that some antis themselves are rather hypocritical, considering they themselves often post straight-up problematic content with their fictional characters. like what fuckin right do you have to police what other people do with their characters when you're doing those things yourself?
as a minor myself it may seem weird that i'm not an antishipper. but i've seen the worst the internet has to offer, and shipping fictional characters is definitely not in that bottom tier. i hate pedos with all my heart but writing weird fanfic or drawing weird fanart of characters isn't equal to being a pedo, and it's not worth it for me to call for unequivocal censorship just so a couple people i don't like have their content taken down.
in all, the whole shipping debate in general is incredibly stupid, especially when there are so, so many more important things going on in the world than debating fictional characters. the whole thing comes from people who are chronically online and out of touch with what is going on in the world and even just around them at all. like genuinely, i'm trying to make people aware about the genocide in the congo and you're over here debating if this random ship is wrong for people to even have the idea of writing about? smh.
point is, let people write what they want so long as it stays in the fictional realm. live and let live applies to everyone--that includes proshippers or the like who decide to overstep their bounds.
go touch some grass or whatever. please. don't harass people based on what ships they do or don't like. DNI is fine, but anything further is just overstepping your bounds. like seriously, this is such a non-issue. i am white myself and it shocks me how far us white people go to make up debates and find ways to call ourselves oppressed even though we're just oppressing other people. maybe let's try focusing on protecting real human beings first and foremost.
Pro vs Anti-shipping opinions from someone who is Neutral…and will get canceled on both sides anyway
It’s fair and 100% ok to deem ships that are problematic, “problematic”, and be uncomfortable with them…and maybe even try to discourage people from shipping them, but you absolutely do not have the right to act like an authoritarian little sh!t and dictate what people can and can’t do. Block and move on.
Proshippers can effectively draw/write/create whatever they want. This is the internet and no matter how much you whine and complain, the internet isn’t going to adopt a pro-censorship stance. However, if you create content for an obviously disgusting pair, you’re going to get criticism, and people are going to find you creepy. You will be judged, even if you’re using your ship as a coping mechanism. No one is free from it.
Criticism, suggestions, and expression of discomfort are NOT BULLYING. If someone doesn’t like your ship, too bad. However, if you’re blatantly telling someone to kay why ess, hurt themselves, giving them some type of violent threat, or are doxxing them, you’re a disgusting person and no better than the people who commit said actions you’re against.
If you’re a proshipper and bullying kids, you’re also apart of the problem. Be the bigger person and block/report.
No, not all proshippers are creeps, some are just people who are anti-censorship, sick of PC culture and ship said ships out of spite, and/or don’t actually like anything bad themselves.
No, not all antis are annoying harassers, stalkers, or minors, some are people who are genuinely concerned about the questionable work you put out or may expose to minors/victims. Also, the lack of restrictions of minors in NSFW spaces is…sus -_-
Yes, there are predators in proship spaces, but there are also predators in antiship spaces, and literally everywhere else on the internet. This isn’t a ship problem, it’s a fandom problem.
Antis who claim that neutral people are just as bad as proshippers, actually push us away. You aren’t making us want to side with you. In fact, you’re doing the opposite. Most people who are neutral/position-less are actually people who really don’t care. Why? Because ships and fandoms don’t engulf our lives, and we actually have more important things to worry about than bullsh!t that strangers online are fighting about.
No, not saying anything or having a position on a topic is not inherently condoning it, it’s just not involving yourself in the problem. -_- It’s hard to really speak about something that’s not on your radar.
No, literally nobody in real life cares, or will care, about this debate. Most people (surprise, surprise) don’t really care about fandoms in general. (Amazing I know). Frankly, I’ve seen people on both sides that are waaaay to invested in this discourse and need to go outside. If you are super passionate about literal internet discourse, go to the park and touch grass.
Antis who are minors, I can genuinely tell you, that no, bosses in the real world really don’t care about what their employees do as hobbies outside of work. If you actually tried to contact employers about NSFW art (of fictional characters) that an employee drew on their own free time, unless you give them actual evidence of them acting inappropriately towards real people, they will ignore you. It is only a concern if that person has actually expressed illegal behavior which could put actual people in danger. (BDSM art of All Might and Deku isn’t going to get someone fired).
Antis, yeah, people will find problematic ships gross, if you tell someone about them. But, unless they are actively involved in internet fandom culture, which the vast majority of people aren’t, they’ll completely forget about it 5 mins later.
Proshippers, no, people in real life don’t care about what you ship in your private life, but if you make your whole identity about your ship, or proshipping, people will think you’re a creep. You’re chronically online. Get a hobby outside of internet discourse.
I will unfollow problematic people, and people who have caused harm, but if you tag me because I’m following a proshipper, simply because they are a proshipper, and have not actually been a perve to real children, I’m not unfollowing them. And if you pester me about it, I will unfollow, block, and report YOU. Who I follow is my business, and I will not tolerate being harassed over Twitter drama. Buzz off.
I will also not unfollow someone who identifies as an anti, or simply criticized your ship if you do not give me evidence of them actually harassing people. I am allowed to have an opinion and engage with people who have similar disapproving opinions. Who I choose to interact with is my business alone.
I’m not un-tweeting a tweet just because a self proclaimed “proshipper” or “anti” tweeted it. Good art is good art, and good takes are good takes.
Some of you overuse the word “p£do” in references to ships. I don’t care how you view it, a ship between an adult and a minor that has a 2-3 year age gap is not p€dop1llic. This age gap is completely common among teenagers in real life, and you’re honestly sheltered if you think that’s automatically predatory. A 16 year old dating an 18 year old is a LOT less worse than a 20 year old dating a 30 year old, and the latter isn’t any less predatory or weird just because they’re both adults.
No, ships between two adults with a very large age gap, are technically not p€doph1llic, either. They may be predatory in nature, and you may perceive them as wrong and gross, but if it ain’t already illegal in real life, then it definitely ain’t on paper.
It doesn’t matter if she’s 1000 years old, we all know what the underlying intention of that character design is, buddy.
Speaking of underlying intentions, there’s a lot of unspoken racism and xenophobia rampant in anti-spaces…like more so than in pro-ship spaces. Racism is everywhere in fandoms, but white, western antishippers are…a particular breed…oozing with arrogance and ethnocentrism.
Thanks for reading my rambling novel if you made it to the end, this is just a venting post. I hate discourse.
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cyborg-3005 · 5 months
incoming personal first world problems from a whiny autistic white boy. if you like christmas, that’s cool, please ignore my ranting.
ok ik most people really like holiday/christmas music and theming and allat. honestly, great for them, they should enjoy what makes them happy.
i dont really get it myself, tho. guess i, just, derive happiness and quality time with people i care about in ways that dont involve following this specific theme and using this specific music and these colors and dressing up like this specific thing. not saying its wrong for others to enjoy it that way at all. it just feels a little suffocating that it seems like EVERYONE loves the shit out of this specific theme.
like, yes, i love the idea of giving to others and spending time with them. that’s super cool and i vibe with it 100%. it makes me happy.
it’s just like, people seem to expect that i’m going to enjoy this specific brand of it, even though that’s not really how happiness works. why do i need a theme for my happiness? why can i only enjoy giving gifts to other people and spending time with them while listening to the 74th remix of “all i want for christmas is you?” i don’t think anyone has bad intentions when they tease me for my dislike of christmas theming or whatever, but it does feel a little suffocating that i’m personally expected to enjoy doing these specific things that just make me feel uncomfortable and like im not myself.
this isn’t to say i try to ruin it for others tho. i always stay silent on my own opinions, trying to help my parents out with their decorations and saying “happy holidays” to my friends and family. i don’t want to intrude on their happiness. it’s just when i’m expected to enjoy the “christmas activities” and shit myself, and when i just don’t, people like to invalidate me as just being edgy or whatever. and like, im not trying to be. its just something that my mind and body don’t like doing on some subconscious level to a point that its engrained into who i am. i’m not sure why. i didn’t ask to turn out like this. but i’m not going to force myself to be someone i’m not if the whole point is to derive happiness from it.
i’ll spend time with the people i love, and give to others, and enjoy the togetherness. those central parts of christmas i’m 100% on board with. i just don’t really get all the extra branding that’s tagged onto it, it’s not really what i’m interested in. to me it just comes off as corny and disingenuous. it’s not who i am.
maybe it comes from the fact that i didn’t grow up in a place with snow. maybe it’s because im not religious. my neurodivergence most definitely has a part in it, not sure how much tho.
i just, dunno, want to give to people and hang out with them without forcing myself to listen music i dont care for, wear clothing i dont care for, hang decorations i dont care for, act all cheery in this ultra specific branded way that i dont really care for. idk.
yeah i’m probably coming off as some sort of entitled dick. i dunno what to do about that. i’ve gone from a distaste toward the holiday to a mere lack of enthusiasm in its eccentricities. i’ve mellowed out on it quite a bit.
what frustrates me in a way is that everyone else’s love of the holiday feels strangely oppressive, like no matter what i do it’s in my face. it’s not their fault or responsibility in any way, it’s a me problem, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating.
what’s even more frustrating is that it feels like literally no one feels the same way. it’s silly, but i just wish there was someone like me in this way. i haven’t found them yet.
this feels like an “am i the asshole” thing for some reason and i don’t like that.
i guess for now, i’ll keep doing my own thing to the best of my ability while not suppressing the happiness of others. it’s hard but i’m learning. live and let live.
literally listening to kendrick singing “this dick ain’t free!!!” as i type this lmao.
yeah sorry for my whining. if you actually read to the bottom of this i’m impressed
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cyborg-3005 · 5 months
the sillies!! (cuddles is trying her best not to kill a random person in their 30 ft vicinity)
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fortnite season 5 road trip squad you will always be famous
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cyborg-3005 · 5 months
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"DORIFUTO.LOS.ANGELES," one of the first pieces I made when I got Procreate back in July; I made it as title art for my Drift (Fortnite) AO3 longfic, DRIFT // DORIFUTO.
It not only demonstrates my interpretation of Drift's (AKA Kai Masuda's) color palette (and my headcanon of his favorite colors, based off of CMYK printing colors), but also highlights an essential aspect of my interpretation of Drift's character: the central ties of his identity to his home city of LA, more specifically Compton, and how his sense of identity is affected when he's ripped from his home and put into Reality Zero. The skyline in the back is modeled off of the downtown Los Angeles skyline, skewed at an angle to emulate Kai's skewed view of his identity in the absence of the city he based his personality off of.
It also touches upon (again, a headcanon of mine since Epic didn't bother to devleop his character) Kai's mixed Japanese-Latvian-American heritage, showing his graffiti moniker of Drift in Japanese katakana. Speaking of graffiti, the spray paint in cyan coming from the bottom of the work also signifies Kai's alter ego of sorts in Drift, the enigmatic graffiti artist.
My main inspiration for the work's visual style was the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners opening's visuals.
To read DRIFT // DORIFUTO, click here.
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cyborg-3005 · 5 months
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he does not like the corn.
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bonus zoob weed
“art” (aka shitty sketches) by me
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cyborg-3005 · 5 months
pucci pomni is not something i knew i needed but now i do
(pucci is fucking hot af in case that wasnt clear btw)
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Artistic inspiration can take you to some pretty nonsensical places
So huuuh here’s Pomni Pucci
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cyborg-3005 · 6 months
you! it was you who i saw say 'cyberpunk tadc' and caused me to make my own cyberpunk gangle cause i felt inspired!
thank you!
ur welcome!
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cyborg-3005 · 6 months
RAHH NEURODIVERGENT BRAIN GO CRAZY!! TADC x CYBERPUNK ANYONE??? (no one wants this except me lmao)
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