carrotssssssss · 1 year
A cream of mushroom soup and a chicken noodle soup
With a mushroom pizza please?
Can the character be scaramouche?
sincerely, yours
a/n: dont be like me procrastination is not healthy!!
you had never gotten along with scaramouche. that arrogant attitude, as if he was better than everyone! the nerve! the amount of arguments you had gotten into with him shocked even you. but, he still seemed to tolerate you at the very least. you actually kind of liked him when he wasn't up in your face, dropping snarky comments whenever he could. but archons, you just hated everything about him at this very moment. he had somehow started probably one of the largest arguments you had ever had with him, you tried your best to defuse the situation, but his childish remarks were too much to handle. you snapped, yelling in his face about how annoying he was, and how he couldn't just drop the topic and be done. he had scoffed and yelled back in the same tone, but you didn't hear a word he said, already grabbing your coat and storming out into the freezing cold land of snezhnaya. which brought you to this moment, reflecting about everything you had said to him. you kind of wished that you had just stopped talking about it in the first place, but what could you do now? you dragged yourself back in tiredly the next day, hoping to in some way, apologize. but scaramouche had disappeared, his office left in the same state as the argument. you had searched all over, but one of the fatui soldiers had told you that he had stepped out for a break. you eventually left the safe haven of the tsaritsa's castle, finding scaramouche in the city. you sat down next to him, he narrowed his eyes at you, but said nothing.
"i wanted to apologize..i didn't mean to snap at you like that. i guess it was just too much." you didn't say anything further, fearful of his response. he spoke, to your surprise, "i have to go for a mission. a long one. i won't be here to revel in my victory of your apology." he stood up, brushed himself off, and left. you sat there, still taking in what he had said. you eventually just decided you would send him a letter.
he had left about a day ago, and after pacing around your room for a while, you worked up the courage to finally send him a letter.
i wish you safety on your travels. how is inazuma? i've never been before, as i was birthed in the land of snezhnaya. have you accepted my apology yet? i'm not rushing you, albeit the curiosity is gnawing away at me. let's change the topic. where are you right now? perhaps at the dock of liyue, preparing to board? or already in the thunder-filled lands of inazuma? i wonder how the delicacies of inazuma would compare to those of snezhnaya. perhaps i will one day travel to a different region, not for a mission, but simply to see how the culture compares to ours. that's really all i have to say here, but my main point was simply "will you accept my apology?".
sincerely, [name]
there. that should do it. dropping off the letter at one of the many mail station of the castle. it was getting late. you should probably sleep. as you drifted off to sleep, you realized, you kind of missed his snarky comments and personality.
it's been quite a while since you've sent that letter, you wonder whether he got it or not, but quickly shake that thought out of your head, opting to focus on the various papers strewn out on your desk. not long after, you heard word that the balladeer had returned from his mission. you slowly dragged yourself to meet him, dreading the answer to your letter. but when you arrived, he simply inclined his head, and mouthed "we'll talk later.". you didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.
now seemed to be later, as the fact that scaramouche had walked over to your office a couple hours after. "so." he mused, "i saw your letter, if i didn't know better, i'd think your quite desperate to get on my good side. let's go for a walk." you stood up reluctantly, and joined him as he walked briskly. "i guess i just feel bad for lashing out like that, although you sometimes deserve it." you said. and you had to admit, scaramouche was quite attractive if he wasn't all up in your face. "same could be said to you." he stopped abruptly. "what..are your thoughts of me?" he said, to your surprise. "...what are you getting at?" you asked. "just answer my question." "fine. i guess, you are... tolerable, if you aren't acting like a brat." he snorted at the last sentence. you looked at him, bemused. "i guess i missed you a little, even if your presence is that of an annoyance." you said after a while. "well, glad to know that. one more question. do you. return the feelings i have for you?" you stared at him, shocked at his tone, it wasn't usually this..soft. "give me some time to think about it. this.. is a lot." he nodded and walked off.
you tossed and turned in bed. did you..like him like that? yeah. yeah you did. no need to deny it at this point. the next day, you walked yourself to his office, and as you opened the door, he stood up suddenly, and beckoned you in. "so... i thought about it for a while. and yeah, i do return your feelings, but.. what does that make us?" you said slowly. he frowned and said "whatever you want to be."
you were off at a mission, in the lush greens of sumeru. and one of your guards handed you a letter, with a purple electro stamp on it.
dearest [name],
how are you? i miss your presence, as much as it pains me to say. is sumeru treating you well? i hope so. anyways, things here are going well, yet childe still seems to somehow be a bother. that dense idiot somehow seems to be able to annoy me no matter what. i don't say this often but, i love you. i hope that your travels are safe and enjoyable.
scaramouche ♡
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
Cream stew and a crystal shrimp
And can the character be aether
But the character that dying is paimon instead for aether
So two characters dying basically
ok so i got confused like paimon and aether both die and no reader??!? idk so i just did this
the guide shall guide, for that’s all it’s supposed to do. but paimon was different. aether sometimes questioned why paimon would stay with him, but he didn’t mind. she was good company at the very least.
aether sprinted around the battlefield, striking down everything and anyone who got in his way. ‘where is she?!’ he thought frantically. he couldn’t lose her now, they’d been through too much together. he thought he could handle it. he thought he could handle it, he’d been through so much. but the sight of paimon’s bloodied body was too much. it was too much. he slashed and stabbed at everything in a fit of anger and grief. he sped over to paimon’s beaten and bruised body and picked it up. he saw her. her. the one who did this. “how very selfish, are you really going to kill your own sister, for this…child?” lumine mused. aether got up, rage evident in his features. “you aren’t my sister, not the one i knew, not the one i traveled worlds with.” lumine laughed. “too late, dear brother, you have interfered with the abyss, and i fear you must be eliminated.” thump. aether looked down. not at paimon, but at his torso. a sword, the one he had polished with his sister so many times, stuck in his midriff. he gasped, aching for breath, but his lungs were filling with blood, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe, HE COULDN’T BREATHE. what about paimon? what about avenging her? surely he couldn’t go out like this, without putting up a fight? but as his vision dimmed, and his ears rung, he said, “i don’t recognize you. i realize i never will. because my sister never would have done this to me. the abyss has truly tainted you.” her eyes darkened. “you dare utter these words in front of the princess of the abyss? the abyss is majestic, i worked centuries, to craft it with my own hands, and you will not insult it! but goodbye, brother, you will see the right of my ways some day.” and, aether was gone.
my writing deteriorated wtf
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
you still here?
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
btw if u guys want to make like a fluff to angst or smth like that just list the dishes in the order u want it to be
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
hey hey I'd love to see a Tighnari a la cream of mushroom soup (angst) where he's traumatized from being struck by lightning during the Archon quest!
lingering scars
you wished you could have done something. when he pushed you out of the way of that burning purple lightning strike, all you could do was watch, slack-jawed and staring as his face scrunched up in pain from the burns. you blamed yourself, of course you did. going sappy and wishing that you weren’t so reckless. but really, what could you have done? but now, as you tended to his extreme burns, all you could do was wallow in your thoughts.
tighnari seemed to be the same, but thunderstorms were the worst. he would flinch each time there would be a loud sound, but nothing compared to his reaction of the actual thunder. it would have been comical if it weren’t so serious, as he cowered under his blankets, you soothingly caressed his forehead, trying to calm him. he relaxed under your touch, but was still extremely tense. you wished that you could rid him of this...trauma, but there was nothing you could do except try to sooth him with comforting words and touches.
you had gotten cyno to come over, hoping that he could help calm him down, but yet again, nothing worked. you hoped that one day he would get over this fear, but right now, all you could do was try and help him as much as you could. but you believed that one day, he would be the same as he once was, the forest ranger you had always loved.
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
someone make a request im really bored help
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
welcome to the soup pot! we serve all kinds of soup and dishes!
(please use this to put in requests rather than just making a normal one because i want to roleplay lmfao btw requests are always open)
chef reccomendation: cream of mushroom soup (angst)
chicken noodle soup (fluff)
beef and vegetable stew (crack)
tomato soup (isekai reader)
mushroom soup (isekai character)
mushroom pizza (enemies to lovers)
cream stew (reader death)
crystal shrimp (character death)
who would you like to enjoy your meal with?
hu tao
qiqi (platonic)
yaoyao (platonic)
klee (platonic)
diona (platonic)
raiden shogun
kamisato ayato
kamisato ayaka
yae miko
sayu (platonic)
kaedehara kazuha
sangonomiya kokomi
kujou sara
kuki shinobu
shikanoin heizou
collei (platonic)
nahida (platonic)
enjoy your meal!
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carrotssssssss · 1 year
inlaid necklace
pulled this outta my ass at 12
tw blood, wounds
the general mahamatra was known to be a very intimidating man, looking down upon wrongdoers of the akadamiya. but sometimes, you could notice how his eyes slightly soften when they land on you. the lips that are usually pursed into a thin line are molded into a small, almost unnoticeable smile. and you do, you do notice all of these small details that are exclusive to only you. you had made the first move, getting fed up with his “shyness” (although he wasn’t a very shy man, but scared of rejection). you had opted to be straightforward, asking him out right when you saw him. he was surprised at the bluntness but didn’t show it, rather just accepting politely and picking a date. but oh, how did it come to this? only a few weeks of being official and suddenly, you were in his arms, coughing blood with a gaping wound in your chest. he felt sick to his stomach, looking at your blood-splattered face and wishing he had gotten here earlier. he snapped back to attention when you whispered, “my love…i am sorry to have left you like this…” he shook his head, saying that it wasn’t your fault, but was it? you were the one who had traipsed cheerfully into a hilichurl camp, unwatching of your surroundings. but regardless, he still blamed himself. you slumped into his chest, suddenly going pale. he panicked, thinking that you were gone. and gone you were, your hands cold, and the familiar thump of your heart had ceased. all you had left was a box clutched in your hands, containing a beautiful golden necklace, inlaid with rubies that were oh, so similar to his eyes. but that sparkle that the ruby had, was no longer in his eyes. for when you finally disappeared, it left with you. the was a note in the box that held the necklace, and it simply said, “i love you”, but he cherished it, for it was all he had ever had left of you. everyone questioned the necklace he wore every day, but he simply shook his head at their questions, his eyes fogging with pain. from there on then, he swore to himself that he would always protect those who are precious to him, and let the necklace that you had gifted him hold that reminder.
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
mindless thoughts
needed this after the first report card AUGHHHH
oh, how he invaded your thoughts with such ease, you may as well be his biggest “fan”, or more of sorts, assistant. you could say that you were his right hand person. but, you hated looking at him. you hated how if just a simple glance at him were to transpire, he would intrude in your organized mind, jumbling everything that was going on in your brain, and filled every corner with, him, him, him. but, the balladeer was nowhere near kind to his assistants, but he reserved a special spot for you, you would sometimes like to think. you just hoped he thought of you as someone who was a little bit, just a little bit above the other pathetic fatui soldiers. you did everything to get to know him just a little bit better, bringing him drinks, snacks that you knew he sometimes would like to eat during breaks, and sometimes finishing his paperwork for him. needed that stack of documents looked over and signed? done! needed a dango break, but don’t want to get up? done! thirsty? want a drink? done! needless to say, you would have done anything for him, whether it be jump off a cliff, bring him a snack, or anything trivial that needed to be done. you knew he probably didn’t return the feelings, but you could hope, couldn’t you? oh, how he intruded, entered your thoughts without permission, those mindless thoughts about him, how he made you so dazed, a simple glance from him could make your face heat up, and you just had to break eye contact, because goddamn it, why are you so shy. but, little did you know, he returned those feelings, he returned them all right. oh my, he just loved talking with you, even if he didn’t show it. scaramouche, or rather, kunikizushi, doesn’t know how he would act if he lost you from his life, he hates the fact that he has feelings for you, those trivial human feelings that mean nothing to him even though they do. those little glances? yeah, he only saves them for you. and that adorable little smile appears only when you return the gaze, widening just a teeny, tiny bit, when your cheeks burn red, and you look away, clearing your throat. oh, how you invaded his thoughts, that mind of his that was always scheming, full of plans, became messy and disorganized, all because of you, you, you. all because of your beautiful smile, your beautiful face, you. oh, those mindless thoughts about you. oh boy, how is he supposed to work now, when you fill every inch of his head?
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
dont ask about this post i reread the fault in our stars okay????
but anyways ENJOYYYYY
ei looked at you with such loving eyes, a contrast to the piercing cold glares she gave to victims of her executions. she watched you interact the citizens of inazuma with such ease. she wanted to stay with you for all eternity. but she knew, she knew it was a foolish thing to dream for. you were mortal after all, and being mortal is never escaping the invietability of death. she wished to relish this warm feeling for the rest of your short but nonetheless comforting lifespan. as she watched, you felt her gaze on you. you glanced over with such joy in your eyes, such care. a type of love in your eyes that she could only hope to match when she looks at you. she loved you so much and wished that you could feel the beams of happiness that explode in her chest when she sees you. you were truly a beautiful being, capturing her eyes. beautiful, handsome, all of these. but her favorite way to describe you was timeless. you were just beautiful no matter the situation, you were perfect. but perfection has its limits, and in her eyes, you escape those boundaries that confine you, you were just truly timeless.
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
i miss you
reader goes missing!!
i hope you enjoy
its very short
where were you? kazuha had been looking everywhere, even with beidou helping him, no dice. he couldn’t find you anywhere, and you hadn’t shown up on your own either. the alcor was getting worried, wondering where you where and where you had went. kazuha missed you especially, with him being your lover. why were you gone? did you leave? did you realize that you didn’t want to be with him anymore? where did you go? he already had scoured most of teyvat, leaving no stone unturned. they searched desperately for you, and yet, nothing they found was you. he misses you, he misses you so much…
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
a disappearing wind
short fic that i thought of
kind of boring tho
probably some grammar mistakes
oh, that little bard that you loved so much. he would be seen performing on the bustling streets of mondstadt, singing and playing those melodious songs on that lyre of his. despite him being quite famous with the populace of mond, he would always glance at you specifically when staring at the crowd, always giving you the sweetest smile, and then averting his eyes to focus on his tale. yet he seemed distant too, as of late. whenever you had talked to him recently, he seemed distracted, his aqua eyes always flickering back and forth between the streets of mondstadt while talking to you, as if he was scared of something, scared of something happening. if you’d ask what was wrong, he’d simply reply with ‘ah! nothing, just thinking about something…’ yet, you didn’t believe him, not when he kept on avoiding you like the plague, it was worrying to say the least. did you do something wrong? did you make him mad or sad? what did you do? yet, nothing replied, nothing answered the question you were so deperately looking for the answer for. you missed him, his adorable and funny presence, that somehow, always made you laugh no matter what. but now, all that was left was just a empty breeze, a cold, disappearing wind, yearning for his presence.
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
visions and ambitions
this was really random but i just felt like writing a xiao fic haha
enjoy! (i love you lumine i promise)
you couldn’t compete with her. after all, what did you have that she didn’t? you completely understood why he would always do everything with her and not with his own lover. you were nothing like her, lumine was strong, brilliant, beautiful, and so much more. and what did you have? a vision? xiao didn’t care about that at all, and you knew it. but that wasn’t what kept xiao away. it was because you were weak. he knew this, and knew that you couldn’t fend for yourself. after all, your name was always used so fondly but now? it’s used for nothing but disgust and anger. after the last argument you had with xiao, you were angry, despairing and desperate for any sort of affection from him, even if it was fake. when you left, he scoffed and disappeared in a teal and black puff of smoke. you knew that you were too weak to fight anything as you were a new vision holder, but that didn’t stop you from trying to fight anything that got in the way of your path. but when you came across and abyss mage, you had just broken it’s shield and you were already worn out. it cackled and summoned a lawachurl. you knew you had no chance but tried to fight it with the remaining strength that you had. you were on the ground by now, but still tried to stand up. the lawachurl raised it’s arm and brought it down on your body that was small by comparison. you fell flat on the ground, and then realized that the weapon you were holding to fight was lodged in you stomach. blood spewed out of your mouth before you could think, and your vision became blurry. you called out his name even though it tasted like poison, but after all, you couldn’t taste anything except for the metallic taste of blood. your vision went black, and you thought that it was relaxing, having no more strain on your body.
he heard you call out his name but chose to ignore it. you were probably called him for some petty reason like when you always had. plus, he was already spending time with her, the beautiful blonde traveler that was oh, so much stronger than you. but after about 2 hours of him waiting for you at wangshuu inn, he realized that, something might actually be wrong. he immediately rushed out of the room, and teleported to where he had heard your voice. he froze, staring at your bloodied body. he felt like snakes were slithering over his body, biting and constricting, pain in his heart and all over his body. after a few moments of shock and pain, his mind immediately flashed and he ran over to you. he tried to find a pulse on your neck, your wrist, anywhere. but he knew that it was useless. he had already seen your weapon stabbed into your stomach. the vision that  had just recently been giving to you that was grafted on your weapon was a dull misty gray, nowhere near the bright, colorful color that it used to be. you once told him that you had gotten your vision forged onto your weapon because you thought that if you had your weapon, you had your ambition. before he realized it, tears had started cascading down his face. why couldn’t he had just spent more time with you? why didn’t he respond to your call? why did he have to neglect so badly? why was he like this? he missed you already. all of those things that you used to say to him lovingly were now endearing, even though before, he thought that were annoying and meaningless. he clutched your cold and lifeless corpse to his body, as the tears fell down his face, he screamed, he cried, he begged, he promised he would treat you better, just please come back, don’t leave him, please, not yet, not when he couldn’t apologize.
“you are perfect the way you are xiao, you know that. it’s not your fault.”
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
flower crown
hehe xiao fluff!!
again not proofread ehehehe
feedback is appreciated!!
you were sitting in a flower field, happily weaving flowers together for the beautiful man beside you. he sat there next to you, golden eyes mesmerized by your shining eyes, your cheerful smile, and your beauty in general. he snapped out of his trance after you exclaimed that you were finished the with the flower crown. you gently placed the weaving of qingxins on top of his head. you smiled brightly, saying that it looked amazing on him. he glanced down at his own flower crown that he was making for you, it seemed inadequate to your own neat crown. despite this, he still lifted his arms and placed the flower crown of cecilias on your head. he gave a small smile to you, wondering how you always stayed so cheerful, no matter the situation. he wished he could be like that, always looking on the bright side no matter what. but he wasn’t, and he wondered how you loved him so despite this. your happiness dimmed a little, as though you had read his mind. you reassured him, saying that you would never want to love anyone else other than him, and that he was perfect the way he was, no matter how he looked or acted. he could only wish that he thought the same about himself.
when you two first met, it was completely by accident. you were wandering around when you suddenly got attacked by an abyss mage, and xiao happened to be nearby, and killed the abyss mage before it could hurt you. he immediately teleported away in a cloud of green and black, but you found him interesting. the second time you had met was again, a complete accident. you had stopped at wangshu inn for the night and had come across xiao sitting at the balcony watching the stars, while eating a dish of almond tofu. you had sat down next to him, also watching the sky. after a while, you started a conversation. he didn’t talk all that much, but when he did, you realized he was very kind but just anti-social. you ended up talking for hours, and when you finally fell asleep, you ended up on his shoulder. when you woke up, you found yourself in your room that you had booked, on the bed.
you then encountered xiao many times after this, and you had met him in a field of a beautiful flower valley. you two sat down under a tree, and you proposed the idea to make flower crowns for each other. he first found the idea ridiculous, but then gave in to a whole lot of pleading and convincing from you. you said that it would be fun, it would be relaxing, it would be calming. and now here he was. mesmerized by your angelic glow from the sunset behind you. he loved everything about you, and had only just realized. he only hoped that you returned the feelings. but little did he know that you returned the feelings tenfold. you loved everything about him, how he looked, how he acted, and how his golden eyes would shine when you presented a plate of almond tofu in front of him, made specially by yourself.
xiao thought about his feelings while you weaved a new flower crown for him, this one made of silk flowers that you had collected from wangshu inn. he stared at you as he thought, thinking about how you’d react if he told you this all of a sudden. he was snapped out of his trance once again when you looked up from your flower crown. you told him you wanted to talk about something, and he had a momentary panicked expression. you hurried on and said that it was nothing bad, and proposed an idea. your idea was to be something…more than friends. he immediately went red and you looked on nervously, wondering if he’d accept your sudden confession. as you were about to say something, he pulled you in for a sweetest kiss that you may have ever felt. you leaned in and after an amazing and blissful moment of pure ecstasy, you pulled out for breath. you took this as a “i love you too” to your confession, and you laughed happily. he watched you with stars in your eyes, he just found you so beautiful and angelic, and would never prefer anyone else. he made a promise to himself, he would never allow anyone, no matter monster, demon, human, fatui, anyone, would harm you, and if they did they would be surely destroyed by xiao’s full wrath. he just loves you so much no matter what, and always will.
“hmph, what use of this is to the adepti?” “oh don’t be like that xiao, pleaseee?” “fine, but only for a little.” ‘only for you.’ he thought
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carrotssssssss · 2 years
maple melody
i would appreciate feedback as this is my first fanfic!!
not proofread ahaha
angst :)
as he sat under the maple tree, he swiftly grabbed one of the many leaves that were falling from the red and orange tree. holding it up to his lips, he folded it gently and put his lips between the arch. he played a soft melody that resonated with the wind, and even the animals stopped to listen. the music was truly beautiful, and it was apparent that nature agreed. 
when he finally stood up from under the tree, he felt a pair of eyes on him. he immediately turned around, alert. he relaxed when he saw that it was just someone passing by and happened to hear his music. they waved to him exuberantly. he greeted them kindly, and walked over. they struck a conversation and talked for a few minutes. he found that he enjoyed their company very much, and kept on talking with them. eventually, they had to return home, but kazuha thought back on those times with a small smile on his face.
the second time they ran into eachother was when kazuha was in liyue with beidou. as he walked around beside beidou, he saw you wandering the streets with an awestruck look on your face. you caught glimpse of him walking around with beidou and immediately ran over. you greeted him cheerfully with a smile on your face. he greeted you back with a small smile as well, and as your smile became wider, his heart felt like it might just burst from love and happiness.
reader pov (ish)
you were wandering around inazuma near your residence as you caught a glimpse of red and white, then a flash of silver. you wondered if it could be him, and as you ran towards the colors, you saw him. covered in gashes and bruises as he fought off the nobushi surrounding him, you rushed over and immediately grabbed him, disregarding the nobushi. you checked if he had any fatal wounds or gashes, then glared at the nobushi as if daring them to get any closer. you put one arm under his and limped off to your nearby home. as you entered the house, you immediately set him down on a chair and ran to your bathroom to grab a first-aid kit.
as you tended to his wounds, he looked at you, confused. he wondered why you would help him, unknowing that he said this out loud. you chided him, saying that he was a friend of yours, why would you not? you winced each time he flinched when you disinfected his wounds. once you were done tending to his wounds, you told him that he could sleep at your house for the night, he denied but you had already insisted. when you heard his stomach grumble in protest at sleeping, you snickered, his face red with embarrassment. you walked over to the kitchen in your residence, and ladled some soup you made beforehand into a wooden bowl, putting a spoon into it. you came back into the room that kazuha was in, setting the bowl on the table. he picked up the spoon gratefully, and sipped the soup. after eating, you led him to the spare room in your residence and after wishing him sweet dreams, retreated to your own bedroom.
as you climbed into bed, you could hear soft snores from the next room. you thought about your feelings for him. you didn't like him like that…did you? you were too tired to think about this and just instead opted to go to sleep. when you awoke, you flinched to see someone standing above your bed, but relaxed to see it was only him. he started to talk to you about something, but you shook your head and said to talk about this during breakfast. you prepared tea-break pancakes, teyvat fried eggs, and mondstadt hashbrowns. you set the dishes down at the table that he was currently sitting at, and asked him what he wanted to talk about. he talked about leaving soon, which put a sad expression on your face for a second before being covered up with a cheerful expression. you listened attentively as he talked, mesmerized by his soothing and calm voice. right after breakfast, he left as you bid him farewell, him waving back before starting on his journey once again.
kazuha pov (kinda)
it was a rainy day, he wandered around the beaches of inazuma, looking for a few flowers that beidou wanted him to find for her, and reciting poems in his head, he then heard a shriek nearby that sounded suspiciously like your voice. he ran as fast as he could towards the noise. when he arrived his heart stopped, you were slumped on the ground with your weapon arm barely raised enough to ward off the hilichurls that were surrounding you. he could see a bad wound on your stomach that looked pretty deep, there was already blood pooling under you and dripping out of your mouth. he rushed over to you and quickly killed the hilichurls, watching them fade into stardust before turning to you. he tried to pick you up in desperation to bring you to the crux, beidou would know what to do right? but as he watched you wince in pain as his arms encircled your body made him freeze. you moved your arm up to cup his cheek. live on you said, how was he supposed to live on without the comfort of knowing you were alive and well? as your arm drooped down and rested at your side, he realized that your body was no more warm than it was before. he cried out to the cloudy skies, and the skies cried out with him. 
“don’t come by too soon kazuha..”
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