callacraft · 3 years
🍇A Hymn to Dionysus🍇
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Unknown author
The Greek Anthology (ca. 100 BCE), translation by W. R. Paton
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A Hymn to Dionysus
Let us chant the king who loves the call of Euhoe,
The King Eiraphiotes,
Tender-haired, rustic, much besung, fair of form, Boeotian, Bromius, reveller, with vine-leaves in his hair, Merry, productive, slayer of giants, the laugher, Son of Zeus, twice-born, son of the Dithyramb,
Dionysus, Euius, with lovely locks, rich in vines, awaker of revels.
Jealous, very wrathful, envious, bestower of envy, Gentle, sweet drinker, sweet-voiced, cozener, Thracian, thyrsus-bearing, boon-companion, lion-hearted,
Slayer of Indians, desirable, twiner of violets, hierophant,
Reveller, horned, ivy-crowned, noisy,
Lydian, lord of the wine-press, dispeller of care,
Healer of sorrow, mystic, frenzied, giver of wine, thousand-shaped,
God of the night, shepherd-god, fawn-like, clothed in fawn-skin,
Spear-thrower, common to all, giver of guests, yellow-haired,
Prone to anger, stout of heart, lover of the mountain shade, wanderer on the mountains,
Deep drinker, wanderer, wearer of many garlands, constant reveller,
Mind-breaker, slender, wrinkled, clad in sheep-skin,
Leaper, satyr, son of Semele,
Jovial, bull-faced, slayer of Tyrrhenians, swift to wrath,
Chaser of sleep, liquid, hymeneal, dweller in the woods,
Mad for wild beasts, terrible, laughter-loving, wanderer,
Golden-horned, graceful, relaxer of the mind, golden-filleted,
Disturber of the soul, liar, bent on noise, tearer of the soul,
Seasonable, eater of raw flesh, nurtured on the mountains, making clamour on the mountains.
Let us chant the King who loves the call of Euhoe, the King Eiraphiotes.
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Eiraphiôtês [Ειραφιωτης] - an epithet of Dionysus which could be translated as "Insewn" (from the fact that he was sewn up [erraphthai] in the thigh of Zeus)
Boeotian - an epithet which could be related to the strong cult of Dionysus within the region of Boeotia or the origins of his mother.
Bromius [Βρόμιον] - an epithet of Dionysus meaning "noisy", "roaring", or "boisterous" [from βρέμειν, to roar]. It could also derived from the noise of the Bacchantic processions, whence the verb bromeazesthai [βρομεάζεσθαι], to rage like a Bacchant.
Lydian - from the region of Lydia; Dionysus was rescued and brought by Hermes to the Lydian mountains where he spent some time there during his infancy.
"Slayer of Indians" - reference to a mythical war Dionysus and the maenads were said to have fought against various regions of India.
"Euhoe!" [from εὐοῖ] - an ecstatic cry associated with the worship of Dionysus; the shout of joy which could be heard at the festivals of Bacchus. (The epithet Euius [Έιύϊον] could also be related to this)
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callacraft · 3 years
Offerings and Devotional Acts for Hades
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- Black, Gold or Silver Candles
- Bread and Cakes
- Black Coffee or Tea
- Pomegranates
- Apples
- Cerberus or Dog Imagery
- Mint/Peppermint
- Poppy Seeds
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Coins
- Black Crystals
- Fossils/Bones
- Keys
- Snake Skin
- Dog Fur
- Dark Chocolate
Devotional Acts
- If you own a dog, take care of and pamper it
- Walk through cemeteries/graveyards
- Clean overgrown graves and pick up litter in graveyards
- Read the names of the dead aloud
- Donate to those who can’t afford to hold a funeral
- Donate to suicide prevention organizations
- Donate food and toys to animal shelters
- Volunteer with dogs
- Keep a budget and save and spend your money wisely
- Learn more about your ancestors and practice ancestor worship
- Learn about funerary practices in other religions and cultures
- Practice and learn about death magick and spirit work
- Tend to a garden or grow indoor plants
- Wear silver, gold and metallic jewelry
- Veil your hair
- Wear black and muted colours
- Walk neighborhood dogs to earn extra money
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callacraft · 3 years
I’m starting to adopt the now traditional Wiccan calendar into my hellenic practice. So I thought I’d share my ideas for how I’ll celebrate each holiday:
Moon Cycle Holidays :33
Samhain - Winter/Autumn Cross
Prayer to Persephone/Hades/aesir/ancestors
Halloween! (Eating out for dinner in costume)
Watching Halloween movies
(maybe party?)
First hot cocoa of the season
Apple cider
Decorating for thanksgiving (Nov 1)
Themed candles/scents
Getting next years calendar
Colors: orange, black, purple, green, yellow, brown, red
Pie making
Birch wood
Yule - Winter Solstice
Prayer to Hestia/aesir/ancestors
Decorating for Christmas (d.a. thanksgiving)
Spend evening with family (if applicable)
Christmas movies
Home cooked meal
Yule goat
Baking cookies
Themed candles/scents
Colors: white, red, green, gold, dark blue
Birch wood/pine/holly
Imbolc - Winter/Spring Cross
Prayer to Aphrodite/Demeter
Valentine’s Day decorating
Candles(!!!)/fresh scents
Love themed shit
Colors: white, red, pink
Cake baking
Ostara - Spring Equinox
Prayer to Persephone/Demeter/Artemis/Hera
Easter themed shit
Easter brunch**
Spring flowers
Easter baskets
Egg decorating (before)
Candles/themed scents
Colors: white, pink/pastels, purple, gold/yellow, blue, green
Cookie baking
Seasonal fruits
Beltane - Spring/Summer Cross
Prayer to Demeter/Persephone/Poseidon/Zeus/Dionysus
Spring cleaning
Summer themed decorating
Candles/themed scents
Colors: white, pastels, blue, yellow/gold, green
Seasonal fruits
Litha - Summer Solstice
Prayer to Apollo/Titans
Summer themed shit
Going swimming/water park
Going camping***
Candles/themed scents
Colors: gold/yellow, blue, green, white
Seasonal fruits/melons
Lughnasso - Summer/Autumn Cross
Prayer to Apollo/Demeter/Zeus/Poseidon
Summer flowers (kinda mixed with fall stuff)
Last lemonade of year/cider
Candles/themed scents
Colors: blue, white, yellow, brown, orange, green
Bread making
Mabon - Autumn Equinox
Prayer to Demeter/Persephone/Apollo
Starting to plan Halloween costume
Fall themed flowers/flora
Halloween decorating
Apple cider/pumpkin spice shit
Jack-o-lanterns/fake pumpkin decorating
Candles/themed scents
Donations/charity stuff
Autumn cleaning
Colors: orange, red, yellow, black, brown
Bread making
Apples/berries/seasonal fruits
French toast
Potluck with friends**
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callacraft · 3 years
looking for witchy/hellenistic blogs to follow!
guess whos back again (repost cuz i forgot smth)
i think the last time i posted was??? a year ago??? holy cow
anyway hi! im lor/callie (she/her, 21, art student) and i’m a very casual little witch doing my best to make the gods proud. i’d love to follow some more fellow witches and devotees! :)
pls like/reblog this post or follow and i’ll check ur blog out!!! well wishes to you ✨💖
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callacraft · 3 years
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…I didn’t want to be the one to start this because, as a white person, I’m not qualified to speak on this topic. But I’ve yet to see any serious, ongoing discussions about racism in pagan and witch communities. That can’t slide.
Pagans and witches are not exempt from returning sovereignty to Black, Indigenous, and Witches/Pagans of Color in our communities. It’s time to act and make these changes in our spaces.
Allyship is an ongoing practice that doesn’t end, and this list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” is only meant to get you started. I’m sure this list is far from complete, so if you’re BIPOC and want me to add anything, I’ll gladly do so. Readers, please check back on the OP periodically for these contributions.
Please read all the way through before reblogging.
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Things you can do:
Afford BIPOC communal and cultural influence in ALL pagan/witchy spaces, be they Wiccan, Heathen, Hellenic, etc. Paganism and witchcraft are global and intersectional. BIPOC influence in paganism and witchcraft does not begin and end with BIPOC-specific magic and practices.
Confront your internalized racism. I promise you have it, and ignoring it won’t solve it. Having internalized racism doesn’t make you a bad person, but it DOES mean you’re responsible for working on it. Begin by examining any racist tendencies you may have. Sit with it and educate yourself on what you can do to move past it.
Buy direct from BIPOC! Support BIPOC-created art and spiritual shops! If you can’t support financially, use your social media platforms to boost shop links and other BIPOC-created content. Buying from BIPOC also allows for cultural appreciation rather than appropriation.
Use your privilege as a white person to uplift the voices of BIPOC in witch and pagan communities. This looks like giving platform to their thoughts and feelings without trying to co-opt their message for yourself. Find blog posts written by BIPOC that talk about racism or appropriation in our spaces and give them platform.
Recognize helpful allyship vs. performative allyship. Saying you hate racism or that the gods hate racism is a nice sentiment, but unfortunately it doesn’t actually do anything to solve racism. Make sure you back it up with allyship that actively helps BIPOC in our communities!
Read the following: Closed cultures are cultures that have experienced (or are currently experiencing) aggressive colonization and have decided to close off their cultures to their colonizers. In this case of Black Cultures, Indigenous Cultures, and Cultures of Color, their colonizers are white people. White people have only ever been colonized by other white people so white people can’t close their cultures to BIPOC. There. Now you know how that works.
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Some Don’t’s:
Don’t appropriate. Seriously. This is baseline at this point. We all start at a place of ignorance, but it’s our job as white witches and pagans to learn what’s appropriation and what isn’t. This includes adapting your practice if you discover you’re appropriating. If you know you appropriate and defend it, you admit your magic only works because it’s stolen. Do you think this truly serves you or anyone else?
Don’t compare the subjugation of BIPOC to the burning of witches or being part of a religious minority. No matter your intention is with this, it won’t come off as commiseration or showing sympathy. Racism is a systemic form of oppression that can’t be compared to any other kind of prejudice. Understand that you can’t understand.
Avoid being a “white savior.” Tackling racism isn’t supposed to feel comfortable, rewarding, or heroic for a white person. It should actually feel like shadow-work. Likewise, don’t expect acclaim or reward for proper allyship.
Don’t work with spirits, deities, or concepts from closed cultures unless it’s permitted by that culture, and only within the context permitted. If you think a spirit from a closed culture is trying to interact with you, seek out a community-recognized spiritual leader from that spirit’s culture to talk to about it.
Don’t say “politics should stay out of spiritual spaces” when it comes to human rights issues. There’s many problems with this: First, Human rights issues and politics are very different. Second, if you want to have a truly inclusive environment, that environment needs to be intersectional. This means allowing other identities to overlap into paganism and witchcraft, including their issues. Regardless of your intention, it’s oppressive to deny room for those issues for the sake of “love and light.” Your “love and light” is not about healing, then, but about maintaining the status-quo.
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Remember, true justice isn’t something that happens after a wrong. It’s something that prevents that wrong from ever happening. If we want justice in our pagan and witchcraft communities, we need to do the right work to achieve it.
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callacraft · 4 years
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Find your inner witch tarot spread.
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callacraft · 5 years
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Polyhedral Dice Correspondences
Have infinite amounts of DnD dice sets? Want to incorporate them into your practice? Here’s some correspondences I came up with. I was going to make some for each dice but since they are mostly weapons based I just grouped them all together:
increased opportunity
increasing your magical successes
You could also look at the meanings for each number in dice divination and incorporate that into your practice:
1 - yes
2 - no
3 - take care
4 - be wise
5 - good luck
6 - of course
7 - have faith
8 - be patient
9 - certainly
10 - doubtful
11 - nonsense
12 - slight chance
Dice divination is typically done with two 6 sided dice, but with polyhedral dice can be easily done with one 12 sided dice.
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callacraft · 5 years
🍲Kitchen Witchery🍲
In Lisa Chamberlain’s book called ‘Wicca: Kitchen Witchery’ I found some good informations for kitchen witchery and I would like to share it with you so it may will be useful for someone!
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🌿Basil 🌿
General Magical Uses: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home
🍃Bay Leaf🍃
General Magical Uses: protection, purification, healing, strenght, good fortune, money, success
General Magical Uses: love, luvck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibration
General Magical Uses: divination, interacction with spirit world, wishes
General Magical Uses: money, prosperity, good luck, protection
General Magical Uses: peace, deepening love relationships, releasing old relationships
General Magical Uses: protection, money, luck, lust, strenght, vitality
General Magical Uses: love and lust spells, promotes healthy rest
General Magical Uses: longevity, wishom, protection, dispels negative energy
⭐Star Anise⭐
General Magical Uses: luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power
General Magical Uses: attracts lovalty, affection, psychic abilities
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Magical Attributes: passion, courage, strangth, intense emotions
Used in Magic for: love, physical energy, health, willpower
Example Foods: apple, tomatoe, pepper, cherry, strawberry
Magical Attributes: energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation
Used in Magic for: adaptability to sudden changes, encouragement, power
Example Foods: squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe, carrot
Magical Attributes:  intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge
Used in Magic for: communication, confidence, divination, study
Example Foods: lemon, corn, golden beet, banana
Magical Attributes: abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance
Used in Magic for: prosperity, employment, fertility, health, good luck
Example Foods: avocado, pepper, kale, lettuce, chard, zucchini, broccoli
Magical Attributes: peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience
Used in Magic for: healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding
Example Foods: blueberry, blue corn, purple potatoes (turns blue when cooked)
Magical Attributes:  spirituality, wisdom, devotion, peace, idealism
Used in Magic for: divination, enhancing nurturing qualities, balancing sensitivity
Example Foods: eggplant, purple carrot, purple cabbage, plum
Magical Attributes: peace, innocence, illumination, purity
Used in Magic for: cleansing, clarity, establishing order, spiritual growth and understanding
Example Foods: onion, mushroom, rice, youghurt, all milks
Magical Attributes: dignity, force, stability, protection
Used in Magic for: banishing and releasing negative energies, transformation, enlightenment
Example Foods: black beans blackberry, chia seeds, rice
Magical Attributes: endurance, peace, innocence, illumination, purity
Used in Magic for: balance, concentration, material gain, home, companion animals
Example Foods: lentil, rice, wheat, grains, dark chocolate
Magical Attributes: affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing
Used in Magic for: romance, spiritual awakening, partnerships, children’s magic
Example Foods: beet, rhubarb, ginger (when picked), raspberry
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Magical Goals: Abundance, health, security, kinship 
Magical Goals:  Luck, money, divination, decision-making 
Magical Goals: Spirituality, peace, relationships 
Magical Goals:  Moon magic, joy, health, completion of goals
Magical Goals:  Fertility, mysticism, Goddess magic 
Magical Goals: Health, happiness, love, lust, sex, purification, wisdom, stability 
Magical Goals:  Love, spirituality, sustenance, motherhood 
Magical Goals:  Money, fertility, protection, good luck 
Magical Goals:  Protection, grounding, purification 
Magical Goals:  Love, affection, banishing gossip 
Magical Goals:  Purification, protection, cleansing (white vinegar)
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Magical Energies:  Stability, discipline, prosperity, abundance
Tools:  Plates, spoons, baking pans, cutting board
Example Food: grains, flour, root, vegetables, cheeses, maple syrup, peanuts
Magical Energies:  Intellect, communication, imagination, harmony
Tools: Forks, knives, blender, oven fan
Example Food: honey, bamboo, shoots, rice, bananas, dandelions, corn
Magical Energies:  Passion, illumination, transformation, enthusiasm
Tools: Skillet, oven, oven burners, grill, toaster
Example Food: hot peppers, salsa, basil, radishes, sunflower seeds
Magical Energies:  Emotion, sensitivity, intuition, empathy
Tools: Cups, bowls, pots, sink, dishwater
Example Food: all beverages, lemons, lettuce, cucumbers, plums
Magical Energies: All
Tools: All
Example Food: All
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callacraft · 5 years
hello all!
i’m back! sorry i fell off the face of the earth for a bit, i forgot the email for this account. :^) hope you are all doing well!
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callacraft · 6 years
Free Tarot/Shufflemancy readings are open!!
They pretty much always are, but I like to get the word out in the tags. :) Shuffle readings are from my own personal playlist!
Just send me an ask or message and I’ll get right to it! 🌙🔮🕯☕️✨
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callacraft · 6 years
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Word of Caution: Past life readings can be rather difficult, emotionally to read. When I did mine, I almost started to cry. 
Who was I in my past life? 
Was I married? 
Was I happy in my past life?
What kind of work did I do in my past life?
Was I an honorable person?
What types of problems or challenges did I deal with?
Was I a famous person?
Was I in good health during my past life?
How did I die?
Did I have a soul mate?
Is my present love, someone I knew from my past life?
Am I linked to my parents of today from a past life?
Are any other family members from a past life of mine?
What do I need to learn during this life time?
Will I reincarnate after this present life?
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callacraft · 6 years
Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice
Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.
✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.
✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.
✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.
✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.
✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.
✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.
✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”
✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)
✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!
✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.
✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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callacraft · 6 years
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Here’s a simple card spread I developed the other night when I decided to try to reach out to one of the four gods in my pantheon the other night, with absolute success
– Mod Opal
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callacraft · 6 years
me, a witch: may i offer you a good vibe in this trying time?
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callacraft · 6 years
Contacting Spirit Guides and other entities
If you have questions, message me. Spirit work is no joke!
Before we go over the steps of real contact with spirit, let’s go over some warnings and some advice on technique. This guide will work for calling any spirit, whether it be a fluffy unicorn bunny or something extremely uncomfortable and dangerous. It’s like picking up the phone: anyone can be on the other end.
When you do spirit work, you are interacting with a real world filled with infinitely many, and infinitely varied, beings.
There are some spirits that prey on humans like wolves prey on rabbits.
There are some spirits that are extremely kind and helpful.
In my experience, whatever you call will come.
If you leave your request open-ended, anything may come to you.
The more specific you are, the better.
But you must understand what you are doing when you call spirits to you.
For example:
“Spirits of light, come to me!” Many demons are considered to be “of light”, as well as gods you may be uncomfortable dealing with (Lucifer comes to mind).
“All spirits of darkness, leave me!” Well, spirits of all nocturnal animals could be interpreted as being spirits of darkness. The essence of storms and night-time, or even a spirit of sleepiness, could be considered spirits of darkness. Are you sure these are forces you want to send away?
Do not use poetic language. Speak plainly.
Instead of using flowery language, simply say what you mean.
Begin by writing down your intent.
What kind of spirit do you want to interact with? (Good, evil, nice, kind, mean? Nature, elemental, bunny, unicorn, demon?)
What is your purpose for calling this spirit? (Searching for a guide/guardian/teacher/friend? Have questions to ask? Need help with magic?)
How powerful do you believe this spirit will be? Is it going to be more powerful than your abilities to banish it? Never call up what you cannot put down.
What do you have to give back to this spirit? (Offerings? Time? Energy?)
In my experience, all spirits get something out of an interaction with a human. It could simply be that their curiosity is sated. A spirit could just be curious as to what kind of human is sending out a call in to their world! It could be that helping or aiding you assists their calling in life or a job they currently have. It could also be that they would like some kind of payment in return, such as offerings of incense, food, or drink. If you have the ability and inclination, have some small offerings on hand. Coffee, tobacco, any foods (I find they seems to like processed foods less), and any alcohols are good. Even a glass of fresh water and/or a little incense will be good.
Once you have your intent written down, formulate your call. Here are three example calls that I would use myself.
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any good and helpful spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with [guardianship/teaching/guidance/etc]. Please come to me so we may interact.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any noble and strong warrior spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with guarding my home. In return I can offer brandy and cigars. Please come to me so we may make a deal.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking a spirit of storms and rain that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for rain to be brought to my region. In return I will tell others about my experience so you gain fame in the human world. Please come to me so that we may help each other.”
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callacraft · 7 years
Hellenic Wheel of the Year
Disclaimer - While I do not personally agree with using someone else’s specific holiday to worship  different gods (Lughnasadh is for the gaelic god Lugh and *to me* it would be rude to take a lugh festival verbatim, with actions specifically for him and just replacing the god honored etc) However, there are very similar festivals, with similar actions and aligning them to the wheel might be handy (maybe the only other pagan friend you have irl celebrates the wheel and you want to be able to do things together) Or maybe melding the two different traditions is just how you roll. You do you, I’m not here to judge. This is a question i see brought up frequently but seldom answered, how to adapt the wheel of the year to the worship of hellenic gods. So we’re going to be looking at the time points and the concepts that are imbibed in the wheel of the year and try to match their concepts with the appropriate gods OR, align them with similar fesitvals that were held around the same time. Ok, that said, lets go… Wheel Holiday - Imbolc. Feburary 1-2 This is one of the four quater gaelic holidays, typically the goddess Brigid is revered on imbolc. Associations - rebrith, renewal, The promise of coming spring, divinations Hellenic holiday - Lenaia or Anthesteria Lenaia was a Dionysian festival celebrating the aspect of his rebirth after being torn apart by titans. This was held in the month of gamelion which was roughly January/February so you could certainly celebrate this on Feb 1st if you so choose. Historically it was celebrated with theatrical contests. Movie marathon or improv parties would be a great idea here. Anthesteria was also a Dionysian festival (Seeing the theme here?)  It celebrated the beginning of spring, particularly the maturing of the wine stored at the previous vintage. Social order was cast aside for feasts and revelry as wine casks were opened. Everyone joined in the feasts and libations were given to the dead ancestors. There was a solomn aspect to this festival in that regard where after the reverly, respects would be paid to the dead and to Hermes as the guider of souls. offerings of fruit were popular. Hellenic gods -  Dionysus, Hermes  Wheel Holiday - Ostara/ The spring equinox - March 20th Typically associated with the germanic goddess Eostre. Associations - fertiity, new growth, balance, the first of spring Hellenic holiday - Anthesphoria Anthesphoria is a celebration of spring, a festival of flowers. it marked Persephone returning to the land of the living, being returned to her mother Demeter. Flowers are gathered and woven into crowns. Aphrodite and Hera were also honored. It was a celebration of the beauty of spring.  Hellenic gods - Persephone, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hera Wheel Holiday - Beltane/May day - May 1st Another gaelic quarter day, a celebration of the aos sidhe and the sun god Bel Associations - Fertility, the first of summer, fruitfulness, sexuality Hellenic holiday - Thargelia Thargelia was typically celebrated on may 6th or 7th. It was a celebration of  the birth of Apollo and Artemis, largely an agricultural festival. The first fruits of the season were offered to Artemis and Apollo for a bountiful and mild summer. Offerings were given to Demeter as well as the seeds were sew. olive branches, wrapped in wool were hung over doors for prosperity and to ward off evil. Festivals and singing were held to honor the gods. historically sacrifices were made on thargelia. In modern times I feel this would be a good time to cast the darkest part of you (symboloically) into a fire, pick something about yourself you want to change or cast away, write it out and cast it to the fire to cleanse yourself of it.  Bonfires are a Beltane staple so honoring Hestia and Hephaestus would also be appropriate. A fertility day, dancing and fruit could also be offered to Pan, dionysus and the nymphs of the land.  Considering the fertility aspect of may day along with it being close to the northern american celebration of Mothers day, I would argue that Leto would also be good to honor. Hellenic gods - Artemis, Apollo, Demeter, Hestia, Hephaestus, Pan, Dionysus, Leto nymphs and spirits of the land.
 Wheel Holiday - Midsummer - June 20th (summer solstice) The time when the day is longest, the sun reigns, sometimes called Litha. Night time is also used to celebrate the fae and those of the otherworld Associations - abundance, virility, sun celebration, strength, mystery, the fae Hellenic holiday - Lampteria,  Klidonas (Not usually in june but may due to regional differences in seasons) Klidonas is the greek celebration of summer. Typically bonfires are lit which are jumped over. Maidens also perform divinations to see who they will marry. The olive branch charms and may wreaths that were made before are cast into the fires. From a divination aspect, Apollo could be honored here  From a hellenic pagan standpoint this day can be used to celebrate gods associated with the wild, virilty, sun and sexuality, like eros, aphrodite, helios, pan, dionysus, as well as the nymphs and spirits of the land. I would even say Zeus and Poseidon since this is also rather close to fathers day which is when I give honor to Zeus and the ocean is heavily associated with summer in modern times. Summer vacation is also a time for travel, so Hermes as well, its all down to who you feel closest to Lampteria does not have a fixed date, but pomegranteanddivy said that she places it around this time and has a beautiful post on how she associate and celebrate it. This would be great for midsummer night, honoring the darker aspects of the otherworld. Hellenic gods honored - Apollo, Eros, Aphrodite, Helios, Zeus, Poseidon, pan, Dionysus, Hermes, Nymphs and spirits of the earth. Wheel Holiday - Lammas, Lughnasadh, first harvest - August 1st The festival itself is named after the god Lugh. It involved great gatherings that included religious ceremonies, ritual athletic contests, feasting, matchmaking and trading. Associations - feasts, contest, marriage, trade, the first of the harvest. Hellenic holiday -  Hermaea,  Aphrodisia Hermaea was the festival of Hermes. Traditionally this was a time for athletic competition, much like the celebrations at Lughnasadh. Some areas celebrated it with a upturn of social order. Games that require wit or strategy. Feast and gifts of food or necessities for the homeless would be a wonderful way to celebrate.   Aphrodisia was a celebration of Aphrodite. In Cyprus, participants who were initiated into the Mysteries of Aphrodite were offered salt, a representation of Aphrodite’s connection to the sea, and bread baked in the shape of a phallus. This is similar to the modern wiccan practice of making an offering of men shaped bread for lammas. Considered a fortuitous time for marriage, it would be appropriate to honor Hera, as well as Aphrodite. In the modern times, this usually marks the start of school back and students prepare for the next year. a combination of this, plus the abundance of contest in hermaea would also make Athena appropriate to honor. Hellenic gods honored - Hermes, Aphrodite, Hera, Athena Wheel Holiday - Autumn Equinox, Mabon - September 23rd The name Mabon is derived from the welsh god of the same name Associations -  Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance Hellenic holiday -  Koris Katagogi Koris Katagogi  was a festival specifically to celebrate Persephone’s descent, where other festivals tended to focus on her ascent more than anything else. Demeters daughter departs from the world and descends to the underworld to join her husband Hades and take back up her Iron crown. Some tales say its Hermes that guides her on these journies.  This is also around the time of wine harvest so libations to Dionysus would be appropriate too. Hellenic gods - Demeter, Persephone, Hermes, Dionysus. Wheel Holiday -   Samhain (eve)/Halloween - October 31st - November 1st last Gaelic quater day. considered a liminal time where the spirits of the dead and the fae roam and must be placated.  Associations -  The dead, the underworld, ghosts, fae, offerings Hellenic holiday -  None on that day but in october-  Pyanopsia,  Thesmophoria and stenia. Pyanopsia was a festival for Apollo as a ripener of fruits and protector. Stews were made and branches were wrapped in purple and white wool as tokens to gaurd against evil, along with offerings of honey, pastries and wine. In this regard it shares some tradition with the old traditions of halloween and samhain as far as creating wards against evil and honey was often offered to placate the fae and dead. I dont think it would be too much of a stretch to do these during the day of halloween before night fell. Thesmorphoria and stenia are rather complex and illusive festival, nearly six days in total honoring Demeter and her daughter persephone. When it comes to celebrating Halloween and Samhain though, I like to use that time to honor the dead, Hades, Persphone and their retinue. Usually with a mute meal and offerings as the sun falls. Once the sun sets and night sets, it becomes, for me a festival of Hekate, both as mistress of ghosts, necromancy and witches, but also, as a protector of children as all the young ones go out trick or treating. Hellenic gods - Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Demeter, Hekate and her retinue.  Wheel Holiday - Midwinter, Yule - December 21st The longest night of the year, many similarities with christmas Associations -  darkness, coming light, gift giving, joy, cold, introspection, feast Hellenic holiday -  Rural Dionysia rural Dionysian is a wine fesitval of Dionysus. Processions were made with girls carrying bread, wine, water and other offerings. After that there were contests of dancing and singing, following by performance of choruses (not unlike caroling) also theatrical performances held (christmas movie marathon heyo). Dionsysus also had a miracle birth after his mother died, myth says that Zeus took her womb and stitched it into his own thigh to carry Dionysus until he was born so this can also be used to celebrate his birth.  Offerings can be made during this time to Helios and apollo, for prosperity in the coming year and the quick return of the sun. Artemis may be offered thanks for the game meat you may eat during this time, also since this is in the middle of hunting season. As this is also the longest night of the year, some may want to use this time to pay their respects to Nyx Hellenic gods - Dionysus, Helios, Nyx, Zeus, Apollo, Artemis. There, whew! If anyone has an additions, feel free to reblog and add. I tried my best to stick to things that fell around the same time or has similar connotations. I realize a lot of recon’s hate the idea of incorporating the wheel of the year (a neopagan concept) into hellenismos but since I see so many people asking about it, I thought I’d at least give it a shot. I’m not here to tell anyone else how to worship
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