bellatrixnightshade · 13 hours
Also, I am open now to receiving asks/discussing the Belladonna series, especially with the release of Wisteria in a few weeks!
And I may not have mentioned this, but other book series I enjoy are Caraval, Once Upon a Broken Heart, and The Lunar Chronicles, and you are free to send asks for those too.
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bellatrixnightshade · 13 hours
Swans! Or bird motif maybe?
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Black Swan Appreciation Post
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bellatrixnightshade · 14 hours
Oof so here are my love interests with my ocs so far (a useless 9 pm post but oh well) Basically you can ask me about any of them, as many questions as you'd like, because I need the writing juices to get flowing, especially when it comes to non platonic relationships! I have been at a writer's slump, not even a block, lately. I can write during work breaks no problem.
Sophos with Victoria (unfinished, ongoing)- ATOTE
Iris with Mira (unfinished, ongoing)- Blood, Guts and Heart
Professor Maya and Rhea (love interests only, no conclusion together)- Blood, Guts, and Heart
Marigold and Kieran (undecided/sorta unfinished)- Heart of Gold's additional oneshot
Lian and Nathaniel (unfinished, ongoing, NEW)- my upcoming fic, In the City of the Swans
Angelina and Rhian 2 (latter NOT my oc, ongoing, unfinished)- my upcoming fic, In the City of the Swans
Josephine and R2- (latter NOT my oc, ongoing, unfinished)- my upcoming fic, In the City of the Swans
Charles and Lian-(latter NOT my oc, ongoing, unfinished)- my upcoming fic, In the City of the Swans
Rafal not my oc) and Becca, if this could really be considered anything- (latter NOT my oc, ongoing, unfinished)
(I kept out the most spoilery ones of this story.)
Columba and Hazel (gray area, no conclusion together)- Everything and Nothing (secret project reveal!!)
Columba and Julius (gray area, unfinished)- Everything and Nothing
Celeste and Kyma (unfinished)- To the Ends of the Earth
Blue means WIP and unpublished, purple means published!
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think I told @liketwoswansinbalance and @harmonyverendez
about the haunted AU?
Well, I guess I want something with haunted undertones, but it isn't just a "ghost story."
Basically, I will mess around with the timelines and then add Nathaniel and his siblings around a time and setting where Midas and co. will be. Rather than focusing on the School Masters dying bit, it deals with complicated family histories Nathan didn't even notice until then.
It involves a daughter of Rafal who is Midas' ward and heiress to his fortune, as well as her father's. Rafal is dead here, as well as her mom. (She never met her mom anyway.) Basically the daughter used to live in the city but with her delicate health she lives more in the country. Lady Lesso serves a governess, and Sophie as a meddling aunt.
Nathaniel, after having met Midas once because of a visit prompted by Sophie, for her nephew, gets arranged into a marriage with the daughter. Sophie is really pissed because her sister's undeserving ward ("undeserving," she's a bit classist here) What Midas really wants though is a guy great at business and money, which Nathan checks out.
What really tips the scale is the arrival of the daughter's cousins (if ykyk) and then one of them being a prospect for Angelina, which really sets Sophie and Princess Josephine off!
I guess the ghost part will be a haunted area or something, and there are a bunch of speculations why it's happening.
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im sorry for not being consistent but I REALLY REALLY want to work on the creepyish SGE Au because IDEAS
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Just an experimental bit...
Nathan hardly saw things in as sinister a light as his younger sister did. Yet, the whisperings of others around this place unsettled him in ways he could not describe. A gnawing feeling in his stomach. Perhaps it was just the quieter country air around him? The loneliness of this lord? The history of deaths trailing after his name?
He couldn't exactly be called eccentric but he wasn't a normal one, that was for sure. But she seemed to think nothing of it. All she cared for was having someone to take her in when both of her parents were tragically gone.
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Ayy remember that one haunted SGE AU I had?
Okay, so AGAIN I feel like changing the plot because this one idea has been brewing in my head and it fits the setting.
Midas as lord of a manor or some park, right? Especially if it's in the country rather than a city house.
Midas is a solemn, dignified, and reserved lord and people don't know THAT much about him.
Perfect idea for a setting!
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If there is a magical Fala, can we have a magical Rhian design to match him 🥺? Or is he a normie in this Magical Fala AU... Or, more accurately to canon, is he a magical villain to our Fala >:)? You can draw any of this if you like. It's up to you if you want to (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠). Just know I will be thankful because we need more pretty Rhian art.
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i fear that in the chaos of magical fala, we have forgotten about rhian
he deserves to be a magical boy too!!! (and he would actually like it unlike someone else)
lmk if you guys would rather see an evil villain rhian to rafal’s magical boy
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Ceux qui Revent is Rhian's anthem.
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I associate Midas with bears.
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im srry if im bothering u (i was the on who asked abt james x kyma)
but what do u think of james x rafal?
You aren't bothering me at all! Send me all the asks you want.
I am not hardcore for them or crazy over them, but I would have been fine if they became canon, albeit ending tragically. It makes sense and I thought the scenes of them together were somewhat cute and romantic. But again, I'm not passionate about the ship either.
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Some SGE prequel emotional posting
So I get that people are like "Rafal this and Rafal that" and even sometimes with Rhian, but here are two characters I just want to discuss:
Rufius. I know he's unimportant mostly to the plot, but he is for those people who really try to find friends but every time they get an opportunity it all goes to rot. They get ditched for the next best thing. Rufius helped Aladdin with Hephaestus and I'm sure Aladdin didn't care much. Rufius was an ego boost for Rafal, most likely, to feel good and saintly more than he really was. Midas obviously left him for some guy who wasn't even a true friend. (Though admittedly, Midas ditched Rafal and regretted the way he treated friends.) And I guess I can relate to tending to be in a group with beautiful, talented, etc people-- just anyone that one can perceive as superior to them. I'm sure Rufius has potential to do many great things but he has low self esteem and he cares too much for worthless fake ass friends.
Midas. He admittedly was not on his best behavior for many parts of the book, but the guilt he feels and the fact he thinks he deserves punishment really hurts. Basically, he didn't deserve to get killed, just something proportionate to his childish dishonesty and selfishness. Maybe Rufius and others confronting him about it? Bad marks? Anything but death and the horrible way Rafal treated him. Midas even tried to save Rafal and go back to him even though he knew what he did. So he tried to change his attitude there. Plus, he was taken from his home to a strange new place with people he didn't like, one clingy dude, one creepy school master, and one other one he admired. He was treated like a toy and a pet by all three contenders. And what Rafal did to Midas made me feel so sick because he was supposed to be "good" here shortly afterwards. Tf? With the others, he didn't really pretend to be greater than he was, but this is just plain density or arrogance on his part. How the hell can you be pure good after doing... that? And one part I do NOT defend Rhian is crushing on his own student and trying to make him teacher's pet. That's just icky even if both of you are physically the same age. Ahem, power imbalance? Lack of professional behavior? Again, Midas isn't even a native of the Woods! I relate to him mostly in having a hard time connecting with new people, making friends and valuing them without automatically becoming annoyed every time they try to get close to me, and admiring people who are probably not worth it or who will be cold to me in the end. Midas may be the type to be aloof to warm people and those who seek him but so open hearted to the cold, distant people. (Which I can relate.) The way he spoke about Rafal even when he died was so painful to read and I think I cried because Midas deserved better than that. To admire and look up to someone who really cared for him and his safety.
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is it just me, or are a majority of your ocs autobiographical in some way? Especially a particular one?
I feel like even my fanfic ones have some elements of my life in them, and they are so blended in the story I assume people just think it's all just stuff I made up.
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i rlly want to hear your thoughts on james x kyma
I am not for or against it per se, but I felt it was rushed and with the way they were? I would have liked it better if it had remained as a male-female platonic relationship. Somewhat like a brother-sister thing. While I'm not the biggest Jafal shipper, at least that would have made sense and would have been cute. But Kyma and James? I just feel she should have stayed independent romantically for the time being and maybe James too, with Rafal's death and whatnot. (Or, Kyma could have found that maybe boys weren't the answer but girls exist and girls loving girls, amirite?)
In summary, I am indifferent to Kyma x James and it's bland to me.
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bellatrixnightshade · 10 days
sometimes I still feel like I'm in love with my best friend. Like you know you are better off platonic and you aren't going further but like also that occasional longing ykyk
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bellatrixnightshade · 10 days
i REALLY should work on that Kyma upgrade story by the end of this month lol
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bellatrixnightshade · 11 days
Magical Fala
@wisteriaum @luannie @starryskiesahead and anyone else:
I recall having some Midas protection squad on wattpad ages ago but now, how about a Magical Fala cult? (all in good fun. No actual creepy stuff.)
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